Example usage for org.dom4j Element getTextTrim

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element getTextTrim


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Element getTextTrim.


String getTextTrim();

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From source file:org.jivesoftware.openfire.net.SASLAuthentication.java

License:Open Source License

 * Handles the SASL authentication packet. The entity may be sending an initial
 * authentication request or a response to a challenge made by the server. The returned
 * value indicates whether the authentication has finished either successfully or not or
 * if the entity is expected to send a response to a challenge.
 * @param session the session that is authenticating with the server.
 * @param doc the stanza sent by the authenticating entity.
 * @return value that indicates whether the authentication has finished either successfully
 *         or not or if the entity is expected to send a response to a challenge.
 * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If UTF-8 charset is not supported.
 *///  w  w  w. ja v  a 2s  .c  o  m
public static Status handle(LocalSession session, Element doc) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    Status status;
    String mechanism;
    if (doc.getNamespace().asXML().equals(SASL_NAMESPACE)) {
        ElementType type = ElementType.valueof(doc.getName());
        switch (type) {
        case ABORT:
            authenticationFailed(session, Failure.ABORTED);
            status = Status.failed;
        case AUTH:
            mechanism = doc.attributeValue("mechanism");
            // http://xmpp.org/rfcs/rfc6120.html#sasl-errors-invalid-mechanism
            // The initiating entity did not specify a mechanism
            if (mechanism == null) {
                authenticationFailed(session, Failure.INVALID_MECHANISM);
                status = Status.failed;
            // Store the requested SASL mechanism by the client
            session.setSessionData("SaslMechanism", mechanism);
            //Log.debug("SASLAuthentication.doHandshake() AUTH entered: "+mechanism);
            if (mechanism.equalsIgnoreCase("ANONYMOUS") && mechanisms.contains("ANONYMOUS")) {
                status = doAnonymousAuthentication(session);
            } else if (mechanism.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL")) {
                status = doExternalAuthentication(session, doc);
            } else if (mechanisms.contains(mechanism)) {
                // The selected SASL mechanism requires the server to send a challenge
                // to the client
                try {
                    Map<String, String> props = new TreeMap<String, String>();
                    props.put(Sasl.QOP, "auth");
                    if (mechanism.equals("GSSAPI")) {
                        props.put(Sasl.SERVER_AUTH, "TRUE");
                    SaslServer ss = Sasl.createSaslServer(mechanism, "xmpp",
                            JiveGlobals.getProperty("xmpp.fqdn", session.getServerName()), props,
                            new XMPPCallbackHandler());

                    if (ss == null) {
                        authenticationFailed(session, Failure.INVALID_MECHANISM);
                        return Status.failed;

                    // evaluateResponse doesn't like null parameter
                    byte[] token = new byte[0];
                    String value = doc.getTextTrim();
                    if (value.length() > 0) {
                        if (!BASE64_ENCODED.matcher(value).matches()) {
                            authenticationFailed(session, Failure.INCORRECT_ENCODING);
                            return Status.failed;
                        // If auth request includes a value then validate it
                        token = StringUtils.decodeBase64(value);
                        if (token == null) {
                            token = new byte[0];
                    if (mechanism.equals("DIGEST-MD5")) {
                        // RFC2831 (DIGEST-MD5) says the client MAY provide an initial response on subsequent
                        // authentication. Java SASL does not (currently) support this and thows an exception
                        // if we try.  This violates the RFC, so we just strip any initial token.
                        token = new byte[0];
                    byte[] challenge = ss.evaluateResponse(token);
                    if (ss.isComplete()) {
                        authenticationSuccessful(session, ss.getAuthorizationID(), challenge);
                        status = Status.authenticated;
                    } else {
                        // Send the challenge
                        sendChallenge(session, challenge);
                        status = Status.needResponse;
                    session.setSessionData("SaslServer", ss);
                } catch (SaslException e) {
                    Log.info("User Login Failed. " + e.getMessage());
                    authenticationFailed(session, Failure.NOT_AUTHORIZED);
                    status = Status.failed;
            } else {
                Log.warn("Client wants to do a MECH we don't support: '" + mechanism + "'");
                authenticationFailed(session, Failure.INVALID_MECHANISM);
                status = Status.failed;
        case RESPONSE:
            // Store the requested SASL mechanism by the client
            mechanism = (String) session.getSessionData("SaslMechanism");
            if (mechanism.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL")) {
                status = doExternalAuthentication(session, doc);
            } else if (mechanism.equalsIgnoreCase("JIVE-SHAREDSECRET")) {
                status = doSharedSecretAuthentication(session, doc);
            } else if (mechanisms.contains(mechanism)) {
                SaslServer ss = (SaslServer) session.getSessionData("SaslServer");
                if (ss != null) {
                    boolean ssComplete = ss.isComplete();
                    String response = doc.getTextTrim();
                    if (!BASE64_ENCODED.matcher(response).matches()) {
                        authenticationFailed(session, Failure.INCORRECT_ENCODING);
                        return Status.failed;
                    try {
                        if (ssComplete) {
                            authenticationSuccessful(session, ss.getAuthorizationID(), null);
                            status = Status.authenticated;
                        } else {
                            byte[] data = StringUtils.decodeBase64(response);
                            if (data == null) {
                                data = new byte[0];
                            byte[] challenge = ss.evaluateResponse(data);
                            if (ss.isComplete()) {
                                authenticationSuccessful(session, ss.getAuthorizationID(), challenge);
                                status = Status.authenticated;
                            } else {
                                // Send the challenge
                                sendChallenge(session, challenge);
                                status = Status.needResponse;
                    } catch (SaslException e) {
                        Log.debug("SASLAuthentication: SaslException", e);
                        authenticationFailed(session, Failure.NOT_AUTHORIZED);
                        status = Status.failed;
                } else {
                    Log.error("SaslServer is null, should be valid object instead.");
                    authenticationFailed(session, Failure.NOT_AUTHORIZED);
                    status = Status.failed;
            } else {
                Log.warn("Client responded to a MECH we don't support: '" + mechanism + "'");
                authenticationFailed(session, Failure.INVALID_MECHANISM);
                status = Status.failed;
            authenticationFailed(session, Failure.NOT_AUTHORIZED);
            status = Status.failed;
            // Ignore
    } else {
        Log.debug("SASLAuthentication: Unknown namespace sent in auth element: " + doc.asXML());
        authenticationFailed(session, Failure.MALFORMED_REQUEST);
        status = Status.failed;
    // Check if SASL authentication has finished so we can clean up temp information
    if (status == Status.failed || status == Status.authenticated) {
        // Remove the SaslServer from the Session
        // Remove the requested SASL mechanism by the client
    return status;

From source file:org.jivesoftware.openfire.net.SASLAuthentication.java

License:Open Source License

private static Status doExternalAuthentication(LocalSession session, Element doc)
        throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    // At this point the connection has already been secured using TLS

    if (session instanceof IncomingServerSession) {

        String hostname = doc.getTextTrim();
        if (hostname == null || hostname.length() == 0) {
            // No hostname was provided so send a challenge to get it
            sendChallenge(session, new byte[0]);
            return Status.needResponse;
        }/*  w ww.  j  av  a  2s .  c o m*/

        hostname = new String(StringUtils.decodeBase64(hostname), CHARSET);
        if (hostname.length() == 0) {
            hostname = null;
        try {
            LocalIncomingServerSession svr = (LocalIncomingServerSession) session;
            String defHostname = svr.getDefaultIdentity();
            if (hostname == null) {
                hostname = defHostname;
            } else if (!hostname.equals(defHostname)) {
                // Mismatch; really odd.
                Log.info("SASLAuthentication rejected from='{}' and authzid='{}'", hostname, defHostname);
                authenticationFailed(session, Failure.NOT_AUTHORIZED);
                return Status.failed;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Erm. Nothing?
        if (hostname == null) {
            Log.info("No authzid supplied for anonymous session.");
            authenticationFailed(session, Failure.NOT_AUTHORIZED);
            return Status.failed;
        // Check if certificate validation is disabled for s2s
        // Flag that indicates if certificates of the remote server should be validated.
        // Disabling certificate validation is not recommended for production environments.
        boolean verify = JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty(ConnectionSettings.Server.TLS_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY, true);
        if (!verify) {
            authenticationSuccessful(session, hostname, null);
            return Status.authenticated;
        } else if (verifyCertificates(session.getConnection().getPeerCertificates(), hostname)) {
            authenticationSuccessful(session, hostname, null);
            LocalIncomingServerSession s = (LocalIncomingServerSession) session;
            if (s != null) {
            return Status.authenticated;
    } else if (session instanceof LocalClientSession) {
        // Client EXTERNALL login
        Log.debug("SASLAuthentication: EXTERNAL authentication via SSL certs for c2s connection");

        // This may be null, we will deal with that later
        String username = new String(StringUtils.decodeBase64(doc.getTextTrim()), CHARSET);
        String principal = "";
        ArrayList<String> principals = new ArrayList<String>();
        Connection connection = session.getConnection();
        if (connection.getPeerCertificates().length < 1) {
            Log.debug("SASLAuthentication: EXTERNAL authentication requested, but no certificates found.");
            authenticationFailed(session, Failure.NOT_AUTHORIZED);
            return Status.failed;

        X509Certificate trusted;
        try {
            trusted = CertificateManager.getEndEntityCertificate(connection.getPeerCertificates(),
                    SSLConfig.getKeyStore(), SSLConfig.gets2sTrustStore());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            trusted = null;
        if (trusted == null) {
            Log.debug("SASLAuthentication: EXTERNAL authentication requested, but EE cert untrusted.");
            authenticationFailed(session, Failure.NOT_AUTHORIZED);
            return Status.failed;
        principals.addAll(CertificateManager.getPeerIdentities((X509Certificate) trusted));

        if (principals.size() == 1) {
            principal = principals.get(0);
        } else if (principals.size() > 1) {
                    "SASLAuthentication: EXTERNAL authentication: more than one principal found, using first.");
            principal = principals.get(0);
        } else {
            Log.debug("SASLAuthentication: EXTERNAL authentication: No principals found.");

        if (username == null || username.length() == 0) {
            // No username was provided, according to XEP-0178 we need to:
            //    * attempt to get it from the cert first
            //    * have the server assign one

            // There shouldn't be more than a few principals in here. One ideally
            // We set principal to the first one in the list to have a sane default
            // If this list is empty, then the cert had no identity at all, which
            // will cause an authorization failure
            for (String princ : principals) {
                String u = AuthorizationManager.map(princ);
                if (!u.equals(princ)) {
                    username = u;
                    principal = princ;
            if (username == null || username.length() == 0) {
                // Still no username.  Punt.
                username = principal;
            Log.debug("SASLAuthentication: no username requested, using " + username);

        //Its possible that either/both username and principal are null here
        //The providers should not allow a null authorization
        if (AuthorizationManager.authorize(username, principal)) {
            Log.debug("SASLAuthentication: " + principal + " authorized to " + username);
            authenticationSuccessful(session, username, null);
            return Status.authenticated;
    } else {
        Log.debug("SASLAuthentication: unknown session type. Cannot perform EXTERNAL authentication");
    authenticationFailed(session, Failure.NOT_AUTHORIZED);
    return Status.failed;

From source file:org.jivesoftware.openfire.net.SASLAuthentication.java

License:Open Source License

private static Status doSharedSecretAuthentication(LocalSession session, Element doc)
        throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    String secretDigest;/*  w ww  .  j a  v  a2 s  . co m*/
    String response = doc.getTextTrim();
    if (response == null || response.length() == 0) {
        // No info was provided so send a challenge to get it
        sendChallenge(session, new byte[0]);
        return Status.needResponse;

    // Parse data and obtain username & password
    String data = new String(StringUtils.decodeBase64(response), CHARSET);
    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(data, "\0");
    secretDigest = tokens.nextToken();
    if (authenticateSharedSecret(secretDigest)) {
        authenticationSuccessful(session, null, null);
        return Status.authenticated;
    // Otherwise, authentication failed.
    authenticationFailed(session, Failure.NOT_AUTHORIZED);
    return Status.failed;

From source file:org.jivesoftware.openfire.plugin.SearchPlugin.java

License:Open Source License

 * Processes an IQ stanza of type 'set', which in the context of 'Jabber Search' is a search request.
 * // w  w  w  . j a va2  s . c o  m
 * @param packet
 *            An IQ stanza of type 'get'
 * @return A result IQ stanza that contains the possbile search fields.
private IQ processSetPacket(IQ packet) {
    if (!packet.getType().equals(IQ.Type.set)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method only accepts 'set' typed IQ stanzas as an argument.");

    JID fromJID = packet.getFrom();

    final IQ resultIQ;

    // check if the request complies to the XEP-0055 standards
    if (!isValidSearchRequest(packet)) {
        resultIQ = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
        return resultIQ;

    final Element incomingForm = packet.getChildElement();
    final boolean isDataFormQuery = (incomingForm.element(QName.get("x", "jabber:x:data")) != null);

    final Element rsmElement = incomingForm
            .element(QName.get("set", ResultSet.NAMESPACE_RESULT_SET_MANAGEMENT));

    if (rsmElement != null) {
        final Element maxElement = rsmElement.element("max");
        final Element startIndexElement = rsmElement.element("index");

        int startIndex = 0;
        if (startIndexElement != null) {
            startIndex = Integer.parseInt(startIndexElement.getTextTrim());

        int max = -1;
        if (maxElement != null) {
            max = Integer.parseInt(maxElement.getTextTrim());

        final Set<User> searchResults = performSearch(incomingForm, startIndex, max);

        if (groupOnly) {
            Collection<Group> groups = GroupManager.getInstance().getGroups(fromJID);
            Set<User> allSearchResults = new HashSet<User>(searchResults);
            for (User user : allSearchResults) {
                for (Group group : groups) {
                    if (group.isUser(user.getUID())) {

        // apply RSM
        final List<User> rsmResults;
        final ResultSet<User> rs = new ResultSetImpl<User>(searchResults);
        try {
            rsmResults = rs.applyRSMDirectives(rsmElement);
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
            final IQ itemNotFound = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
            return itemNotFound;
        if (isDataFormQuery) {
            resultIQ = replyDataFormResult(rsmResults, packet);
        } else {
            resultIQ = replyNonDataFormResult(rsmResults, packet);

        // add the additional 'set' element.
        final Element set = rs.generateSetElementFromResults(rsmResults);

    } else {
        final Set<User> searchResults = performSearch(incomingForm);

        if (groupOnly) {
            Collection<Group> groups = GroupManager.getInstance().getGroups(fromJID);
            Set<User> allSearchResults = new HashSet<User>(searchResults);
            for (User user : allSearchResults) {
                for (Group group : groups) {
                    if (group.isUser(user.getUID())) {

        // don't apply RSM
        if (isDataFormQuery) {
            resultIQ = replyDataFormResult(searchResults, packet);
        } else {
            resultIQ = replyNonDataFormResult(searchResults, packet);

    return resultIQ;

From source file:org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.ServerDialback.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns true if the domain requested by the remote server was validated by the Authoritative
 * Server. To validate the domain a new TCP connection will be established to the
 * Authoritative Server. The Authoritative Server may be the same Originating Server or
 * some other machine in the Originating Server's network.<p>
 * If the domain was not valid or some error occurred while validating the domain then the
 * underlying TCP connection may be closed.
 * @param doc the request for validating the new domain.
 * @param streamID the stream id generated by this server for the Originating Server.
 * @return true if the requested domain is valid.
 *///from  w w w . j  ava  2  s.c o  m
public boolean validateRemoteDomain(Element doc, StreamID streamID) {
    StringBuilder sb;
    String recipient = doc.attributeValue("to");
    String hostname = doc.attributeValue("from");
    Log.debug("ServerDialback: RS - Received dialback key from host: " + hostname + " to: " + recipient);
    if (!RemoteServerManager.canAccess(hostname)) {
        // Remote server is not allowed to establish a connection to this server
        connection.deliverRawText(new StreamError(StreamError.Condition.policy_violation).toXML());
        // Close the underlying connection
        Log.debug("ServerDialback: RS - Error, hostname is not allowed to establish a connection to "
                + "this server: " + recipient);
        return false;
    } else if (isHostUnknown(recipient)) {
        dialbackError(recipient, hostname, new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.item_not_found,
                PacketError.Type.cancel, "Service not hosted here"));
        Log.debug("ServerDialback: RS - Error, hostname not recognized: " + recipient);
        return false;
    } else {
        // Check if the remote server already has a connection to the target domain/subdomain
        boolean alreadyExists = false;
        for (IncomingServerSession session : sessionManager.getIncomingServerSessions(hostname)) {
            if (recipient.equals(session.getLocalDomain())) {
                alreadyExists = true;
        if (alreadyExists && !sessionManager.isMultipleServerConnectionsAllowed()) {
            dialbackError(recipient, hostname, new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.resource_constraint,
                    PacketError.Type.cancel, "Incoming session already exists"));
            Log.debug("ServerDialback: RS - Error, incoming connection already exists from: " + hostname);
            return false;
        } else {
            if (SASLAuthentication.verifyCertificates(connection.getPeerCertificates(), hostname)) {
                // If the remote host passes strong auth, just skip the dialback.
                Log.debug("ServerDialback: RS - Sending key verification result to OS: " + hostname);
                sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.append(" from=\"").append(recipient).append("\"");
                sb.append(" to=\"").append(hostname).append("\"");
                sb.append(" type=\"valid\"");
                return true;
            String key = doc.getTextTrim();

            // Get a list of real hostnames and try to connect using DNS lookup of the specified domain
            List<DNSUtil.HostAddress> hosts = DNSUtil.resolveXMPPDomain(hostname,
            Socket socket = new Socket();
            String realHostname = null;
            int realPort;
            for (Iterator<DNSUtil.HostAddress> it = hosts.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                try {
                    DNSUtil.HostAddress address = it.next();
                    realHostname = address.getHost();
                    realPort = address.getPort();
                    Log.debug("ServerDialback: RS - Trying to connect to Authoritative Server: " + hostname
                            + "(DNS lookup: " + realHostname + ":" + realPort + ")");
                    // Establish a TCP connection to the Receiving Server
                    socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(realHostname, realPort),
                    Log.debug("ServerDialback: RS - Connection to AS: " + hostname + " successful");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Log.warn("Error trying to connect to remote server: " + hostname + "(DNS lookup: "
                            + realHostname + ")", e);
            if (!socket.isConnected()) {
                dialbackError(recipient, hostname,
                        new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.remote_server_not_found, PacketError.Type.cancel,
                                "Unable to connect to authoritative server"));
                Log.warn("No server available for verifying key of remote server: " + hostname);
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    Log.warn("Socket error on close", e);
                return false;

            try {
                VerifyResult result = verifyKey(key, streamID.toString(), recipient, hostname, socket);

                switch (result) {
                case valid:
                case invalid:
                    boolean valid = (result == VerifyResult.valid);
                    Log.debug("ServerDialback: RS - Sending key verification result to OS: " + hostname);
                    sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.append(" from=\"").append(recipient).append("\"");
                    sb.append(" to=\"").append(hostname).append("\"");
                    sb.append(" type=\"");
                    sb.append(valid ? "valid" : "invalid");

                    if (!valid) {
                        // Close the underlying connection
                    return valid;
                dialbackError(recipient, hostname, new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.remote_server_timeout,
                        PacketError.Type.cancel, "Authoritative server returned error"));
                return false;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                dialbackError(recipient, hostname, new PacketError(PacketError.Condition.remote_server_timeout,
                        PacketError.Type.cancel, "Authoritative server failed"));
                Log.warn("Error verifying key of remote server: " + hostname, e);
                return false;

From source file:org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.ServerDialback.java

License:Open Source License

 * Verifies the key sent by a Receiving Server. This server will be acting as the
 * Authoritative Server when executing this method. The remote server may have established
 * a new connection to the Authoritative Server (i.e. this server) for verifying the key
 * or it may be reusing an existing incoming connection.
 * @param doc the Element that contains the key to verify.
 * @param connection the connection to use for sending the verification result
 * @return true if the key was verified.
 *//*w  ww  .jav a2s  . co  m*/
public static boolean verifyReceivedKey(Element doc, Connection connection) {
    String verifyFROM = doc.attributeValue("from");
    String verifyTO = doc.attributeValue("to");
    String key = doc.getTextTrim();
    String id = doc.attributeValue("id");
    Log.debug("ServerDialback: AS - Verifying key for host: " + verifyFROM + " id: " + id);

    // TODO If the value of the 'to' address does not match a recognized hostname,
    // then generate a <host-unknown/> stream error condition
    // TODO If the value of the 'from' address does not match the hostname
    // represented by the Receiving Server when opening the TCP connection, then
    // generate an <invalid-from/> stream error condition

    // Verify the received key
    // Created the expected key based on the received ID value and the shared secret
    String expectedKey = AuthFactory.createDigest(id, getSecretkey());
    boolean verified = expectedKey.equals(key);

    // Send the result of the key verification
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append(" from=\"").append(verifyTO).append("\"");
    sb.append(" to=\"").append(verifyFROM).append("\"");
    sb.append(" type=\"");
    sb.append(verified ? "valid" : "invalid");
    sb.append("\" id=\"").append(id).append("\"/>");
    Log.debug("ServerDialback: AS - Key was: " + (verified ? "VALID" : "INVALID") + " for host: " + verifyFROM
            + " id: " + id);
    return verified;

From source file:org.jivesoftware.openfire.session.LocalOutgoingServerSession.java

License:Open Source License

private static LocalOutgoingServerSession secureAndAuthenticate(String hostname, SocketConnection connection,
        XMPPPacketReader reader, StringBuilder openingStream, String domain) throws Exception {
    final Logger log = LoggerFactory
            .getLogger(LocalOutgoingServerSession.class.getName() + "['" + hostname + "']");
    Element features;//  ww  w  .  j  a v a 2 s . c o m
    log.debug("Indicating we want TLS to " + hostname);
    connection.deliverRawText("<starttls xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>");

    MXParser xpp = reader.getXPPParser();
    // Wait for the <proceed> response
    Element proceed = reader.parseDocument().getRootElement();
    if (proceed != null && proceed.getName().equals("proceed")) {
        log.debug("Negotiating TLS...");
        try {
            boolean needed = JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty(ConnectionSettings.Server.TLS_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY,
                    && JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty(ConnectionSettings.Server.TLS_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_VERIFY,
                    && !JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty(ConnectionSettings.Server.TLS_ACCEPT_SELFSIGNED_CERTS,
            connection.startTLS(true, hostname,
                    needed ? Connection.ClientAuth.needed : Connection.ClientAuth.wanted);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.debug("Got an exception whilst negotiating TLS: " + e.getMessage());
            throw e;
        log.debug("TLS negotiation was successful.");
        if (!SASLAuthentication.verifyCertificates(connection.getPeerCertificates(), hostname)) {
            log.debug("X.509/PKIX failure on outbound session");
            if (ServerDialback.isEnabled() || ServerDialback.isEnabledForSelfSigned()) {
                log.debug("Will continue with dialback.");
            } else {
                log.warn("No TLS auth, but TLS auth required.");
                return null;

        // TLS negotiation was successful so initiate a new stream

        // Reset the parser to use the new secured reader
        xpp.setInput(new InputStreamReader(connection.getTLSStreamHandler().getInputStream(), CHARSET));
        // Skip new stream element
        for (int eventType = xpp.getEventType(); eventType != XmlPullParser.START_TAG;) {
            eventType = xpp.next();
        // Get the stream ID 
        String id = xpp.getAttributeValue("", "id");
        // Get new stream features
        features = reader.parseDocument().getRootElement();
        if (features != null) {
            // Check if we can use stream compression
            String policyName = JiveGlobals.getProperty(ConnectionSettings.Server.COMPRESSION_SETTINGS,
            Connection.CompressionPolicy compressionPolicy = Connection.CompressionPolicy.valueOf(policyName);
            if (Connection.CompressionPolicy.optional == compressionPolicy) {
                // Verify if the remote server supports stream compression
                Element compression = features.element("compression");
                if (compression != null) {
                    boolean zlibSupported = false;
                    Iterator it = compression.elementIterator("method");
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        Element method = (Element) it.next();
                        if ("zlib".equals(method.getTextTrim())) {
                            zlibSupported = true;
                    if (zlibSupported) {
                        log.debug("Suppressing request to perform compression; unsupported in this version.");
                        zlibSupported = false;
                    if (zlibSupported) {
                        log.debug("Requesting stream compression (zlib).");
                                "<compress xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/compress'><method>zlib</method></compress>");
                        // Check if we are good to start compression
                        Element answer = reader.parseDocument().getRootElement();
                        if ("compressed".equals(answer.getName())) {
                            // Server confirmed that we can use zlib compression
                            log.debug("Stream compression was successful.");
                            // Stream compression was successful so initiate a new stream
                            // Reset the parser to use stream compression over TLS
                            ZInputStream in = new ZInputStream(
                            xpp.setInput(new InputStreamReader(in, CHARSET));
                            // Skip the opening stream sent by the server
                            for (int eventType = xpp.getEventType(); eventType != XmlPullParser.START_TAG;) {
                                eventType = xpp.next();
                            // Get new stream features
                            features = reader.parseDocument().getRootElement();
                            if (features == null) {
                                log.debug("Error, EXTERNAL SASL was not offered.");
                                return null;
                        } else {
                            log.debug("Stream compression was rejected by " + hostname);
                    } else {
                        log.debug("Stream compression found but zlib method is not supported by " + hostname);
                } else {
                    log.debug("Stream compression not supported by " + hostname);

            // Bookkeeping: determine what functionality the remote server offers.
            boolean saslEXTERNALoffered = false;
            if (features != null) {
                if (features.element("mechanisms") != null) {
                    Iterator<Element> it = features.element("mechanisms").elementIterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        Element mechanism = it.next();
                        if ("EXTERNAL".equals(mechanism.getTextTrim())) {
                            saslEXTERNALoffered = true;
            final boolean dialbackOffered = features.element("dialback") != null;

            log.debug("Offering dialback functionality: {}", dialbackOffered);
            log.debug("Offering EXTERNAL SASL: {}", saslEXTERNALoffered);

            LocalOutgoingServerSession result = null;
            // first, try SASL
            if (saslEXTERNALoffered) {
                result = attemptSASLexternal(connection, xpp, reader, domain, hostname, id, openingStream);
            if (result == null) {
                // SASL unavailable or failed, try dialback.
                result = attemptDialbackOverTLS(connection, reader, domain, hostname, id);

            return result;
        } else {
                    "Cannot create outgoing server session, as neither SASL mechanisms nor SERVER DIALBACK were offered by "
                            + hostname);
            return null;
    } else {
        log.debug("Error, <proceed> was not received!");
        return null;

From source file:org.jivesoftware.openfire.sip.log.LogListenerImpl.java

License:Open Source License

public IQ logReceived(IQ iq) {

    String username = iq.getTo().toBareJID().split("@")[0];

    if (username != null) {

        CallLog callLog = new CallLog(username);
        Element pe = iq.getChildElement().element("callLog");

        if (pe != null) {

            Element numA = pe.element("numA");
            Element numB = pe.element("numB");
            Element duration = pe.element("duration");
            Element type = pe.element("type");

            callLog.setNumA((numA != null) ? numA.getTextTrim() : "");
            callLog.setNumB((numB != null) ? numB.getTextTrim() : "");
            callLog.setDateTime(new Date().getTime());
            callLog.setDuration((duration != null) ? Integer.parseInt(duration.getText()) : 0);
            if (type != null && "loss".equals(type.getTextTrim())) {
                // Backwards compatibility change
            }/*ww w. j a  v  a 2s  . co m*/
            callLog.setType((type != null) ? CallLog.Type.valueOf(type.getTextTrim()) : CallLog.Type.dialed);

            try {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                Log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

    iq.deleteExtension(CallLogExtension.ELEMENT_NAME, CallLogExtension.NAMESPACE);

    Element childElement = iq.getChildElement();
    if (childElement != null) {
        Element childElementCopy = childElement.createCopy();
    return iq;

From source file:org.jivesoftware.openfire.sip.sipaccount.SipComponent.java

License:Open Source License

private void processIQ(IQ iq) {
    IQ reply = IQ.createResultIQ(iq);/*  www.  java 2s.co m*/
    String namespace = iq.getChildElement().getNamespaceURI();
    Element childElement = iq.getChildElement().createCopy();

    if ("http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info".equals(namespace)) {
        if (iq.getTo().getNode() == null) {
            // Return service identity and features
            Element identity = childElement.addElement("identity");
            identity.addAttribute("category", "component");
            identity.addAttribute("type", "generic");
            identity.addAttribute("name", "SIP Controller");
            childElement.addElement("feature").addAttribute("var", "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info");

    } else if (NAMESPACE.equals(namespace)) {
        if (iq.getTo().getNode() == null && iq.getFrom() != null) {

            SipAccount sipAccount = SipAccountDAO.getAccountByUser(iq.getFrom().toBareJID().split("@")[0]);

            if (iq.getChildElement().element("status") == null) {
                if (sipAccount != null && sipAccount.isEnabled()) {
                    // There is a SIP mapping for this user so return mapping information
                    Element registration = childElement.addElement("registration");
                            .setText(sipAccount.getUsername() + "@" + componentManager.getServerName());
                } else {
                    // No SIP mapping was found
                    reply.getChildElement().addAttribute("type", "unregistered");
            } else {
                if (sipAccount != null) {
                    Element status = iq.getChildElement().element("status");
                    if (!status.getTextTrim().equals("")) {
                        try {
                        } catch (SQLException e) {
                            Log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    } else {
        // Answer an error since the server can't handle the requested
        // namespace
    try {
        componentManager.sendPacket(this, reply);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    Log.debug("PACKET SENT: " + reply.toXML());

From source file:org.jivesoftware.openfire.vcard.VCardManager.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns the user's vCard information for a given vcard property name. If the property
 * has no defined text then an empty string will be returned. However, if the property
 * does not exist then a <tt>null</tt> value will be answered. Advanced user systems can
 * use vCard information to link to user directory information or store other relevant
 * user information.//from ww  w .  j  a  va  2 s.co m
 * <p>
 * Note that many elements in the vCard may have the same path so the returned value in that
 * case will be the first found element. For instance, "ADR:STREET" may be present in
 * many addresses of the user. Use {@link #getVCard(String)} to get the whole vCard of
 * the user.</p>
 * @param username The username of the user to return his vCard property.
 * @param name     The name of the vcard property to retrieve encoded with ':' to denote
 *                 the path.
 * @return The vCard value found
public String getVCardProperty(String username, String name) {
    String answer = null;
    Element vCardElement = getOrLoadVCard(username);
    if (vCardElement != null) {
        // A vCard was found for this user so now look for the correct element
        Element subElement = null;
        StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(name, ":");
        while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String tok = tokenizer.nextToken();
            if (subElement == null) {
                subElement = vCardElement.element(tok);
            } else {
                subElement = subElement.element(tok);
            if (subElement == null) {
        if (subElement != null) {
            answer = subElement.getTextTrim();
    return answer;