List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element getTextTrim
String getTextTrim();
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private static void copyStringElement(Element element, AnnotationDescriptor ad, String annotationAttribute) { String discr = element.getTextTrim(); ad.setValue(annotationAttribute, discr); }
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License:Open Source License
private void getOrderBy(List<Annotation> annotationList, Element element) { Element subelement = element != null ? element.element("order-by") : null; if (subelement != null) { String orderByString = subelement.getTextTrim(); AnnotationDescriptor ad = new AnnotationDescriptor(OrderBy.class); if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(orderByString)) ad.setValue("value", orderByString); annotationList.add(AnnotationFactory.create(ad)); }/*from w w w . ja v a 2s . c o m*/ }
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License:Open Source License
public static List buildNamedQueries(Element element, boolean isNative, XMLContext.Default defaults) { if (element == null) return new ArrayList(); List namedQueryElementList = isNative ? element.elements("named-native-query") : element.elements("named-query"); List namedQueries = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = namedQueryElementList.listIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element subelement = (Element); AnnotationDescriptor ann = new AnnotationDescriptor( isNative ? NamedNativeQuery.class : NamedQuery.class); copyStringAttribute(ann, subelement, "name", false); Element queryElt = subelement.element("query"); if (queryElt == null) throw new AnnotationException("No <query> element found." + SCHEMA_VALIDATION); ann.setValue("query", queryElt.getTextTrim()); List<Element> elements = subelement.elements("hint"); List<QueryHint> queryHints = new ArrayList<QueryHint>(elements.size()); for (Element hint : elements) { AnnotationDescriptor hintDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor(QueryHint.class); String value = hint.attributeValue("name"); if (value == null) throw new AnnotationException("<hint> without name. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION); hintDescriptor.setValue("name", value); value = hint.attributeValue("value"); if (value == null) throw new AnnotationException("<hint> without value. " + SCHEMA_VALIDATION); hintDescriptor.setValue("value", value); queryHints.add((QueryHint) AnnotationFactory.create(hintDescriptor)); }/* www . ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ ann.setValue("hints", queryHints.toArray(new QueryHint[queryHints.size()])); String clazzName = subelement.attributeValue("result-class"); if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(clazzName)) { Class clazz; try { clazz = ReflectHelper.classForName(XMLContext.buildSafeClassName(clazzName, defaults), JPAOverridenAnnotationReader.class); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new AnnotationException("Unable to find entity-class: " + clazzName, e); } ann.setValue("resultClass", clazz); } copyStringAttribute(ann, subelement, "result-set-mapping", false); namedQueries.add(AnnotationFactory.create(ann)); } return namedQueries; }
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License:Open Source License
private static void buildUniqueConstraints(AnnotationDescriptor annotation, Element element) { List uniqueConstraintElementList = element.elements("unique-constraint"); UniqueConstraint[] uniqueConstraints = new UniqueConstraint[uniqueConstraintElementList.size()]; int ucIndex = 0; Iterator ucIt = uniqueConstraintElementList.listIterator(); while (ucIt.hasNext()) { Element subelement = (Element); List<Element> columnNamesElements = subelement.elements("column-name"); String[] columnNames = new String[columnNamesElements.size()]; int columnNameIndex = 0; Iterator it = columnNamesElements.listIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element columnNameElt = (Element); columnNames[columnNameIndex++] = columnNameElt.getTextTrim(); }//w w w. j av a 2s.c o m AnnotationDescriptor ucAnn = new AnnotationDescriptor(UniqueConstraint.class); ucAnn.setValue("columnNames", columnNames); uniqueConstraints[ucIndex++] = AnnotationFactory.create(ucAnn); } annotation.setValue("uniqueConstraints", uniqueConstraints); }
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/** * @param doc The xml document to add/*from w w w .ja va2s . com*/ * @return Add a xml document to this context and return the list of added class names. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<String> addDocument(Document doc) { hasContext = true; List<String> addedClasses = new ArrayList<String>(); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); //global defaults Element metadata = root.element("persistence-unit-metadata"); if (metadata != null) { if (globalDefaults == null) { globalDefaults = new Default(); globalDefaults.setMetadataComplete( metadata.element("xml-mapping-metadata-complete") != null ? Boolean.TRUE : null); Element defaultElement = metadata.element("persistence-unit-defaults"); if (defaultElement != null) { Element unitElement = defaultElement.element("schema"); globalDefaults.setSchema(unitElement != null ? unitElement.getTextTrim() : null); unitElement = defaultElement.element("catalog"); globalDefaults.setCatalog(unitElement != null ? unitElement.getTextTrim() : null); unitElement = defaultElement.element("access"); setAccess(unitElement, globalDefaults); unitElement = defaultElement.element("cascade-persist"); globalDefaults.setCascadePersist(unitElement != null ? Boolean.TRUE : null); unitElement = defaultElement.element("delimited-identifiers"); globalDefaults.setDelimitedIdentifiers(unitElement != null ? Boolean.TRUE : null); defaultEntityListeners.addAll(addEntityListenerClasses(defaultElement, null, addedClasses)); } } else { LOG.duplicateMetadata(); } } //entity mapping default Default entityMappingDefault = new Default(); Element unitElement = root.element("package"); String packageName = unitElement != null ? unitElement.getTextTrim() : null; entityMappingDefault.setPackageName(packageName); unitElement = root.element("schema"); entityMappingDefault.setSchema(unitElement != null ? unitElement.getTextTrim() : null); unitElement = root.element("catalog"); entityMappingDefault.setCatalog(unitElement != null ? unitElement.getTextTrim() : null); unitElement = root.element("access"); setAccess(unitElement, entityMappingDefault); defaultElements.add(root); setLocalAttributeConverterDefinitions(root.elements("converter")); List<Element> entities = root.elements("entity"); addClass(entities, packageName, entityMappingDefault, addedClasses); entities = root.elements("mapped-superclass"); addClass(entities, packageName, entityMappingDefault, addedClasses); entities = root.elements("embeddable"); addClass(entities, packageName, entityMappingDefault, addedClasses); return addedClasses; }
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private void setAccess(Element unitElement, Default defaultType) { if (unitElement != null) { String access = unitElement.getTextTrim(); setAccess(access, defaultType);// ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m } }
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License:Open Source License
private void addXMLEntities(List<String> xmlFiles, PersistenceUnitInfo info, List<String> entities) { //TODO handle inputstream related hbm files ClassLoader newTempClassLoader = info.getNewTempClassLoader(); if (newTempClassLoader == null) { log.warn(//from w w w . j a va 2s .com "Persistence provider caller does not implement the EJB3 spec correctly. PersistenceUnitInfo.getNewTempClassLoader() is null."); return; } XMLHelper xmlHelper = new XMLHelper(); List errors = new ArrayList(); SAXReader saxReader = xmlHelper.createSAXReader("XML InputStream", errors, cfg.getEntityResolver()); try { saxReader.setFeature("", true); //saxReader.setFeature( "", true ); //set the default schema locators saxReader.setProperty("", " orm_1_0.xsd"); } catch (SAXException e) { saxReader.setValidation(false); } for (String xmlFile : xmlFiles) { InputStream resourceAsStream = newTempClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(xmlFile); if (resourceAsStream == null) continue; BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(resourceAsStream); try { errors.clear(); org.dom4j.Document doc =; if (errors.size() != 0) { throw new MappingException("invalid mapping: " + xmlFile, (Throwable) errors.get(0)); } Element rootElement = doc.getRootElement(); if (rootElement != null && "entity-mappings".equals(rootElement.getName())) { Element element = rootElement.element("package"); String defaultPackage = element != null ? element.getTextTrim() : null; List<Element> elements = rootElement.elements("entity"); for (Element subelement : elements) { String classname = XMLContext.buildSafeClassName(subelement.attributeValue("class"), defaultPackage); if (!entities.contains(classname)) { entities.add(classname); } } elements = rootElement.elements("mapped-superclass"); for (Element subelement : elements) { String classname = XMLContext.buildSafeClassName(subelement.attributeValue("class"), defaultPackage); if (!entities.contains(classname)) { entities.add(classname); } } elements = rootElement.elements("embeddable"); for (Element subelement : elements) { String classname = XMLContext.buildSafeClassName(subelement.attributeValue("class"), defaultPackage); if (!entities.contains(classname)) { entities.add(classname); } } } else if (rootElement != null && "hibernate-mappings".equals(rootElement.getName())) { //FIXME include hbm xml entities to enhance them but entities is also used to collect annotated entities } } catch (DocumentException e) { throw new MappingException("Could not parse mapping document in input stream", e); } finally { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.warn("Could not close input stream", ioe); } } } }
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private void basicTableBinding(Element entityElement, EntityBinding entityBinding) { final Schema schema = getHibernateXmlBinder().getMetadata().getDatabase().getSchema(getSchemaName()); final String subSelect = HbmHelper.getSubselect(entityElement); if (subSelect != null) { final String logicalName = entityBinding.getEntity().getName(); InLineView inLineView = schema.getInLineView(logicalName); if (inLineView == null) { inLineView = schema.createInLineView(logicalName, subSelect); }/* w ww. j av a 2 s. co m*/ entityBinding.setBaseTable(inLineView); } else { final Identifier tableName = Identifier .toIdentifier(getClassTableName(entityElement, entityBinding, null)); org.hibernate.metamodel.relational.Table table = schema.getTable(tableName); if (table == null) { table = schema.createTable(tableName); } entityBinding.setBaseTable(table); Element comment = entityElement.element("comment"); if (comment != null) { table.addComment(comment.getTextTrim()); } Attribute checkAttribute = entityElement.attribute("check"); if (checkAttribute != null) { table.addCheckConstraint(checkAttribute.getValue()); } } }
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License:Open Source License
public String getComment() { Element comment = getElement().element("comment"); return comment == null ? null : comment.getTextTrim(); }
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License:Open Source License
private InputStream fixConfigFile(XmlFile file, String oldTeam, String newTeam, String email) { InputStream in = null;/*from ww w.ja v a2 s .co m*/ String oldPrefix = oldTeam + TeamManager.TEAM_SEPARATOR; String newPrefix = newTeam + TeamManager.TEAM_SEPARATOR; try { in = new FileInputStream(file.getFile()); SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); Document doc =; Element root = doc.getRootElement(); // The root element name varies by project type, e.g., // project, matrix-project, etc. Code assumes that // following elements are common to all project types. // Cascading Element cascadingParent = root.element("cascadingProjectName"); if (cascadingParent != null) { fixTeamName(cascadingParent, oldPrefix, newPrefix); } Element cascadingChildren = root.element("cascadingChildrenNames"); if (cascadingChildren != null) { for (Object elem : cascadingChildren.elements("string")) { fixTeamName((Element) elem, oldPrefix, newPrefix); } } // Properties (open-ended problem) Element properties = root.element("project-properties"); if (properties == null) { throw new Failure("Project has no <project-properties>"); } List<Element> removeEntries = new ArrayList<Element>(); for (Object ent : properties.elements("entry")) { Element entry = (Element) ent; Element extProp = entry.element("external-property"); Element origValue = extProp != null ? extProp.element("originalValue") : null; Element str = entry.element("string"); if (str != null) { String propName = str.getTextTrim(); if ("hudson-tasks-Mailer".equals(propName)) { // email if (extProp != null) { if (email == null) { // A recent fix removes entries that are not specified removeEntries.add(entry); /* // Replace entire entry entry.remove(extProp); extProp = entry.addElement("external-property"); Element propOver = extProp.addElement("propertyOverridden"); propOver.setText("false"); Element modified = extProp.addElement("modified"); modified.setText("false"); */ } else if (origValue != null) { fixEmailProperty(origValue, email); } } } else if ("hudson-tasks-BuildTrigger".equals(propName)) { // trigger if (origValue != null) { fixTriggerProperty(origValue, oldPrefix, newPrefix); } } else if ("builders".equals(propName)) { // can be many of these Element describableList = entry.element("describable-list-property"); origValue = describableList != null ? describableList.element("originalValue") : null; // copyartifact List artifacts = origValue != null ? origValue.elements("hudson.plugins.copyartifact.CopyArtifact") : null; if (artifacts != null) { for (Object obj : artifacts) { Element copyArtifact = (Element) obj; Element projectName = copyArtifact.element("projectName"); fixTeamName(projectName, oldPrefix, newPrefix); } } // multijob List multiJob = origValue != null ? origValue.elements("com.tikal.jenkins.plugins.multijob.MultiJobBuilder") : null; for (Object obj : multiJob) { Element builder = (Element) obj; List jobs = builder.elements("phaseJobs"); if (jobs != null) { for (Object j : jobs) { Element job = (Element) j; List configs = job .elements("com.tikal.jenkins.plugins.multijob.PhaseJobsConfig"); if (configs != null) { for (Object c : configs) { Element config = (Element) c; Element jobName = config.element("jobName"); fixTeamName(jobName, oldPrefix, newPrefix); } } } } } } else if ("hudson-plugins-redmine-RedmineProjectProperty".equals(propName)) { Element baseProp = entry.element("base-property"); Element projectName = baseProp != null ? baseProp.element("projectName") : null; if (projectName != null) { fixTeamName(projectName, oldPrefix, newPrefix); } } } } for (Element entry : removeEntries) { properties.remove(entry); } StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); doc.write(writer); return new ByteArrayInputStream(writer.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { throw new Failure("File not found"); } catch (DocumentException ex) { throw new Failure("Unable to parse document"); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new Failure("Document write failed"); } finally { try { in.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ; } } }