Example usage for org.dom4j Element getTextTrim

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Element getTextTrim


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Element getTextTrim.


String getTextTrim();

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From source file:org.hudsonci.plugins.team.cli.CopyTeamCommand.java

License:Open Source License

private void fixTeamName(Element element, String oldPrefix, String newPrefix) {
    String jobName = element.getTextTrim();
    if (jobName.startsWith(oldPrefix)) {
        element.setText(newPrefix + jobName.substring(oldPrefix.length()));
    }//from   w w w .  j a  v a 2  s . co  m

From source file:org.hudsonci.plugins.team.cli.CopyTeamCommand.java

License:Open Source License

private void fixTriggerProperty(Element origValue, String oldPrefix, String newPrefix) {
    Element cp = origValue.element("childProjects");
    String childProjects = cp.getTextTrim();
    List<String> children = new ArrayList<String>();
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(childProjects, ", ");
    boolean changed = false;
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String child = st.nextToken();
        if (child.startsWith(oldPrefix)) {
            changed = true;//from   w w  w .  j  av a 2  s.  c o m
            child = newPrefix + child.substring(oldPrefix.length());
    if (changed) {
        childProjects = StringUtils.join(children, ", ");

From source file:org.hudsonci.utils.team.Team.java

License:Open Source License

public void read(Element parent, Find find, Map<String, Team> teamMap) {
    List<Element> elements = (List<Element>) parent.elements();
    if (elements.isEmpty()) {
        find.warn("<team> with no name, members or jobs");
        return;//from   ww  w  .  j  a  v  a2  s.c  om
    String nameString = "";
    for (Element child : elements) {
        String name = child.getName();
        if ("name".equals(name)) {
            teamName = child.getTextTrim();
            if (teamName.isEmpty()) {
                find.warn("Team with empty name");
            if (teamMap.containsKey(teamName)) {
                find.warn("Duplicate team " + teamName);
            teamMap.put(teamName, this);
            nameString = " in team " + teamName + " ";
            if ("public".equals(teamName)) {
                isPublic = true;
        } else if ("description".equals(name)) {
            description = child.getTextTrim();
            if (description.isEmpty()) {
                find.fine("Empty description" + nameString);
        } else if ("customFolderName".equals(name)) {
            customFolderName = child.getTextTrim();
            if (customFolderName.isEmpty()) {
                find.fine("Empty customFolderName " + nameString);
        } else if ("job".equals(name)) {
            TeamJob job = new TeamJob();
            job.read(child, find, jobMap, nameString);
        } else if ("member".equals(name)) {
            TeamMember member = new TeamMember();
            member.read(child, find, memberMap, nameString);
    if (teamName == null) {
        find.warn("Team with no name");
    if (description == null) {
        description = teamName;

From source file:org.hudsonci.utils.team.TeamJob.java

License:Open Source License

public void read(Element parent, Find find, Map<String, TeamJob> jobMap, String suffix) {
    List<Element> elements = (List<Element>) parent.elements();
    if (elements.isEmpty()) {
        find.warn("Job with no id or visibility" + suffix);
        return;//ww w  .  ja  v a 2 s  . c om
    boolean checkId = true;
    String nameString = "";
    for (Element child : elements) {
        String name = child.getName();
        if ("id".equals(name)) {
            String jobId = child.getTextTrim();
            if (jobMap.containsKey(jobId)) {
                find.warn("Duplicate job " + jobId + suffix);
                checkId = false;
            } else {
                id = jobId;
                nameString = "in job " + id + " ";
                jobMap.put(id, this);
        } else if ("visibility".equals(name)) {
            String rawVisibility = child.getTextTrim();
            String[] teams = rawVisibility.split(",");
            for (String team : teams) {
                if (!visibilitySet.add(team.trim())) {
                    find.warn("Duplicate visibility " + team + " " + nameString + suffix);
    if (checkId && id == null) {
        find.warn("Job with no id" + suffix);

From source file:org.hudsonci.utils.team.TeamManager.java

License:Open Source License

public boolean read(File file, Find find) {

    SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
    try {//from  w  w  w.ja va  2 s. co m
        Document inDoc = reader.read(file);
        Element root = inDoc.getRootElement();
        if (!"teamManager".equals(root.getName())) {
            find.error(file.getAbsolutePath() + " skipped; format error");
            find.error("Root element must be teamManager");
            return false;
        find.verbose("Scanning " + file.getAbsolutePath());

        for (Element child : (List<Element>) root.elements()) {
            String name = child.getName();
            if ("sysAdmin".equals(name)) {
                String admin = child.getTextTrim();
                if (!sysAdmins.add(admin)) {
                    find.warn("Duplicate sysAdmin " + admin);
            } else if ("team".equals(name)) {
                Team team = new Team();
                team.read(child, find, teamMap);
        return true;
    } catch (DocumentException e) {
        find.exception(file, e, "Error reading teams.xml");
    return false;

From source file:org.hudsonci.utils.team.TeamMember.java

License:Open Source License

public void read(Element parent, Find find, Map<String, TeamMember> memberMap, String suffix) {
    List<Element> elements = (List<Element>) parent.elements();
    if (elements.isEmpty()) {
        find.warn("Team member with no name or permissions");
        return;/*from   w  ww.  j av a 2 s.  c om*/
    String nameString = "";
    for (Element child : elements) {
        String name = child.getName();
        if ("name".equals(name)) {
            memberName = child.getTextTrim();
            if (memberName.isEmpty()) {
                find.warn("Team member with empty name" + suffix);
            } else if (memberMap.containsKey(memberName)) {
                find.warn("Team member " + memberName + " is duplicate" + suffix);
            } else {
                memberMap.put(memberName, this);
                nameString = memberName + " ";
        } else if ("permissions".equals(name)) {
            String permissions = child.getTextTrim();
            if (permissions.isEmpty()) {
                find.info("Team member " + nameString + "has empty permissions" + suffix);
            for (String permission : permissions.split(",")) {
                permission = permission.trim();
                if (this.permissions.contains(permission)) {
                    find.warn("Team member " + nameString + "has duplicate permission " + permission + suffix);
    if (permissions.isEmpty()) {
        find.info("Team member " + nameString + "has no permissions" + suffix);

From source file:org.intalio.tempo.workflow.fds.core.UserProcessMessageConvertor.java

License:Open Source License

 * Converts a SOAP message from a user process to the WorkflowProcesses
 * format. <br>//  ww w.j a  v a  2s.  c om
 * The conversion is done in-place. The passed <code>Document</code>
 * instance gets converted to the Workflow Processes format and its previous
 * format is lost.
 * @param message
 *            The SOAP message from a user process to convert to the
 *            Workflow Processes format.
 * @throws MessageFormatException
 *             If the specified message has an invalid format. Note that if
 *             this exception is thrown, <code>message</code> may have
 *             already been partly processed and therefore should be assumed
 *             to be corrupted.
public void convertMessage(Document message) throws MessageFormatException, AxisFault {
    FormDispatcherConfiguration config = FormDispatcherConfiguration.getInstance();

    XPath xpath = null;
    xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath("/soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Body/soapenv:Fault");
    List<Node> fault = xpath.selectNodes(message);
    if (fault.size() != 0)
        throw new RuntimeException(fault.toString());

    // Check SOAP action
    xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath("/soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Body");
    List<Node> bodyQueryResult = xpath.selectNodes(message);
    if (bodyQueryResult.size() != 0) {
        Element root = (Element) bodyQueryResult.get(0);
        if (root.asXML().indexOf("createTaskRequest") != -1) {
            _soapAction = "createTask";
            xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath("/soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Header/addr:Action");
            List<Node> wsaActionQueryResult = xpath.selectNodes(message);
            if (wsaActionQueryResult.size() != 0) {
                Element wsaToElement = (Element) wsaActionQueryResult.get(0);
            } else
                _log.warn("Did not find addr:Action in SOAP header");
    _log.debug("Converted SOAP Action: " + _soapAction);

     * Change the wsa:To endpoint to Workflow Processes, if a wsa:To header
     * is present.
    xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath("/soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Header/addr:To");
    List<Node> wsaToQueryResult = xpath.selectNodes(message);
    if (wsaToQueryResult.size() != 0) {
        Element wsaToElement = (Element) wsaToQueryResult.get(0);
        String workflowProcessesUrl = config.getPxeBaseUrl() + config.getWorkflowProcessesRelativeUrl();
    } else
        _log.debug("Did not find addr:To in SOAP header");

     * Change the session address to be FDS endpoint and retrieve sender
     * endpoint
    xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath("/soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Header/intalio:callback/addr:Address");
    List<Node> callbackToQueryResult = xpath.selectNodes(message);
    if (callbackToQueryResult.size() != 0) {
        Element wsaToElement = (Element) callbackToQueryResult.get(0);
        _userProcessEndpoint = wsaToElement.getText();
    } else
        _log.debug("Did not find intalio:callback/addr:Address in SOAP header");

    /* Next, fetch the user process namespace URI from the task metadata */
     * 1. fetch the first element of SOAP envelope body.
    List<Node> allSoapBodyElements = DocumentHelper.createXPath("/soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Body//*")
    if (allSoapBodyElements.size() == 0) {
        throw new MessageFormatException("No elements found inside soapenv:Body.");
    Element firstPayloadElement = (Element) allSoapBodyElements.get(0);

     * 2. fetch its namespace and use it to fetch the userProcessEndpoint
     * and userProcessNamespaceURI element (which should be in the same
     * namespace). If those elements are not found, nothing is reported.
     * This is necessary for converting responses, where this information is
     * not present.
    String messageNamespace = firstPayloadElement.getNamespaceURI();
    _userProcessNamespaceUri = messageNamespace;

    Map<String, String> namespaceURIs = new HashMap<String, String>(MessageConstants.get_nsMap());
    namespaceURIs.put(REQUEST_PREFIX, _userProcessNamespaceUri);

     * Add session in task meta data so that it can be retrieved when
     * workflow process needs to send a message to the user process
    xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath("/soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Header/intalio:callback/intalio:session");
    xpath.setNamespaceURIs(namespaceURIs/* MessageConstants.get_nsMap() */);
    List<Node> sessionQueryResult = xpath.selectNodes(message);
    if (sessionQueryResult.size() != 0) {
        Element wsaToElement = (Element) sessionQueryResult.get(0);
        String session = wsaToElement.getText();
        xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath("//" + REQUEST_PREFIX + ":taskMetaData");
        xpath.setNamespaceURIs(namespaceURIs/* MessageConstants.get_nsMap() */);
        List<Node> tmdQueryResult = xpath.selectNodes(message);
        Element tmdElement = (Element) tmdQueryResult.get(0);
        Element sessionElement = tmdElement.addElement("session", MessageConstants.IB4P_NS);

    // retrieve userProcessEndpoint from task meta data
    // or put sender endpoint in task meta data if not defined
    xpath = DocumentHelper
            .createXPath("//" + REQUEST_PREFIX + ":taskMetaData/" + REQUEST_PREFIX + ":userProcessEndpoint");
    xpath.setNamespaceURIs(namespaceURIs/* MessageConstants.get_nsMap() */);
    List<Node> endpointQueryResult = xpath.selectNodes(message);
    if (endpointQueryResult.size() != 0) {
        Element userProcessEndpointElement = (Element) endpointQueryResult.get(0);
        String value = userProcessEndpointElement.getText();
        if (value != null && value.length() > 0)
            _userProcessEndpoint = value;
        else if (_userProcessEndpoint != null) {
            _log.info("User process endpoint is empty in task metadata, adding " + _userProcessEndpoint);
    } else if (_userProcessEndpoint != null) {
        _log.info("User process endpoint is not defined in task metadata, adding " + _userProcessEndpoint);
        xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath("//" + REQUEST_PREFIX + ":taskMetaData");
        xpath.setNamespaceURIs(namespaceURIs/* MessageConstants.get_nsMap() */);
        List<Node> tmdQueryResult = xpath.selectNodes(message);
        if (tmdQueryResult.size() > 0) {
            Element wsaToElement = (Element) tmdQueryResult.get(0);
            Element nsElement = wsaToElement.addElement("userProcessEndpoint", MessageConstants.IB4P_NS);

    // Add user process namespace to taskmetadata if not already defined
    xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath(
            "//" + REQUEST_PREFIX + ":taskMetaData/" + REQUEST_PREFIX + ":userProcessNamespaceURI");
    xpath.setNamespaceURIs(namespaceURIs/* MessageConstants.get_nsMap() */);
    List<Node> nsQueryResult = xpath.selectNodes(message);
    if (nsQueryResult.size() == 0 && _userProcessNamespaceUri != null) {
        xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath("//" + REQUEST_PREFIX + ":taskMetaData");
        xpath.setNamespaceURIs(namespaceURIs/* MessageConstants.get_nsMap() */);
        List<Node> tmdQueryResult = xpath.selectNodes(message);
        if (tmdQueryResult.size() > 0) {
            _log.info("User process namespace is not defined in task metadata, adding "
                    + _userProcessNamespaceUri);
            Element wsaToElement = (Element) tmdQueryResult.get(0);
            Element nsElement = wsaToElement.addElement("userProcessNamespaceURI", MessageConstants.IB4P_NS);
    } else {
        Element wsaToElement = (Element) nsQueryResult.get(0);
        if (wsaToElement.getTextTrim().length() == 0) {
            _log.info("User process namespace is empty in task metadata, adding " + _userProcessNamespaceUri);

     * Now, change the namespace of all soapenv:Body elements, except the
     * task input and the attachments, to ib4p.
    xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath("//" + REQUEST_PREFIX + ":taskInput//*");
    xpath.setNamespaceURIs(namespaceURIs/* MessageConstants.get_nsMap() */);
    List<Node> allTaskInputElements = xpath.selectNodes(message);
    xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath("//" + REQUEST_PREFIX + ":attachments//*");
    xpath.setNamespaceURIs(namespaceURIs/* MessageConstants.get_nsMap() */);
    List<Node> allAttachmentsElements = xpath.selectNodes(message);
    for (int i = 0; i < allSoapBodyElements.size(); ++i) {
        Node node = (Node) allSoapBodyElements.get(i);
        if (!allTaskInputElements.contains(node) && !allAttachmentsElements.contains(node)) {

            Element element = (Element) node;
            element.setQName(QName.get(element.getName(), "ib4p", MessageConstants.IB4P_NS));

From source file:org.jahia.utils.maven.plugin.osgi.ConvertToOSGiMojo.java

License:Open Source License

private void parsePom() throws DocumentException, IOException {
    SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
    File pom = new File(baseDir, "pom.xml");
    Document pomDocument = reader.read(pom);

    Document bundleModuleDocument = reader

    Element root = pomDocument.getRootElement();

    // Set packaging
    Element packaging = root.element("packaging");
    if (packaging == null) {
    } else {//from w  w w.j  a  v a 2s  .  com
        if (packaging.getTextTrim().toLowerCase().equals("war")) {
        } else {
            getLog().info("Non WAR packaging found : " + packaging.getTextTrim()
                    + ", not modifying it to bundle, but you might want to double-check this.");

    // Copy template dependencies
    Element dependencies = root.element("dependencies");
    if (dependencies == null) {
        dependencies = root.addElement("dependencies");
    List dependenciesTemplate = bundleModuleDocument.selectNodes("/project/*[local-name()='dependencies']/*");
    for (Element dep : (Iterable<? extends Element>) dependenciesTemplate) {

    // Generate plugin instructions
    Element plugins = (Element) pomDocument
    if (plugins != null) {
        Element mavenWarPluginArtifactId = (Element) plugins
        if (mavenWarPluginArtifactId != null) {
            Element previousPluginConfig = (Element) mavenWarPluginArtifactId.getParent().detach();
            Element manifestEntries = previousPluginConfig.element("configuration").element("archive")

            Element pluginTemplate = (Element) bundleModuleDocument.selectSingleNode(
            if (pluginTemplate != null) {
                Element instructionsTemplate = (Element) pluginTemplate.element("configuration")
                Element instructions = pluginTemplate.element("configuration").addElement("instructions");

                generateBundlePlugin(manifestEntries, instructions, instructionsTemplate);
                if (!instructions.elements().isEmpty()) {

    // Export pom
    XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(new FileOutputStream(pom), OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint());

From source file:org.jboss.as.quickstart.xml.DOM4JXMLParser.java

License:Apache License

private Book parseBook(Element n) {
    Book b = new Book();
    Iterator children = n.elementIterator();
    /*//from w  ww  .jav a 2 s .c  o m
     * parse book element, we have to once more iterate over children.
    while (children.hasNext()) {
        Node child = (Node) children.next();
        String childName = child.getName();
        // empty/text nodes dont have name
        if (childName == null)

        if (childName.equals("author")) {
            Element childElement = (Element) child;

            String textVal = childElement.getTextTrim();
        } else if (childName.equals("title")) {
            Element childElement = (Element) child;

            String textVal = childElement.getTextTrim();
        } else if (childName.equals("genre")) {
            Element childElement = (Element) child;

            String textVal = childElement.getTextTrim();
        } else if (childName.equals("price")) {
            Element childElement = (Element) child;

            String textVal = childElement.getTextTrim();
        } else if (childName.equals("publish_date")) {
            Element childElement = (Element) child;

            String textVal = childElement.getTextTrim();
            Date d;
            try {

                d = DATE_FORMATTER.parse(textVal);
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);

        } else if (childName.equals("description")) {
            Element childElement = (Element) child;
            String textVal = childElement.getTextTrim();


    return b;

From source file:org.jboss.mx.metadata.JBossXMBean10.java

License:Open Source License

protected ModelMBeanNotificationInfo[] buildNotificationInfo(List notifications)
        throws NotCompliantMBeanException {

    List infos = new ArrayList();

    for (Iterator it = notifications.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        Element notif = (Element) it.next();
        String name = notif.elementTextTrim("name");
        String description = notif.elementTextTrim("description");
        List notifTypes = notif.elements("notification-type");
        Descriptor descr = getDescriptor(notif, name, NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTOR);

        List types = new ArrayList();

        for (Iterator iterator = notifTypes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            Element type = (Element) iterator.next();
        }/*from   w  ww  .j a  va 2s.  c  o  m*/

        ModelMBeanNotificationInfo info = new ModelMBeanNotificationInfo(
                (String[]) types.toArray(new String[types.size()]), name, description, descr);


    return (ModelMBeanNotificationInfo[]) infos.toArray(new ModelMBeanNotificationInfo[infos.size()]);