Example usage for org.apache.mahout.math Vector getQuick

List of usage examples for org.apache.mahout.math Vector getQuick


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.mahout.math Vector getQuick.


double getQuick(int index);

Source Link


Return the value at the given index, without checking bounds


From source file:edu.utsa.sifter.som.SelfOrganizingMap.java

License:Apache License

public void updateCell(final int id, final double alpha, final IntArrayWritable doc) {
    // Scalable SOM updating, per Roussinov

    final double rate = 1 - alpha;
    final double f = CellFactors[id];
    final double nextF = rate * f; // Rule 5

    final double adjustment = alpha / (rate * CellFactors[id]); // Rule 6
    double sumSqrOld = 0.0;
    double sumSqrNew = 0.0;
    double c1 = 0.0, // Kahan summation algorithm to account for error, c.f. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahan_summation_algorithm
            c2 = 0.0, y, t;//from  w  w  w.j a  v  a  2 s  . c  om

    final Vector weights = getCell(id);

    double weight;
    double trueWeight;
    int idx;
    final int[] terms = doc.getInts();
    final int numTerms = doc.getLength();
    for (int i = 0; i < numTerms; ++i) {
        idx = terms[i];
        weight = weights.getQuick(idx);

        trueWeight = weight * f;
        y = (trueWeight * trueWeight) - c1;
        t = sumSqrOld + y; // S'(t+1) component
        c1 = (t - sumSqrOld) - y;
        sumSqrOld = t;
        // sumSqrOld += trueWeight * trueWeight;

        weight += adjustment; // adjust weight

        trueWeight = weight * nextF;

        y = (trueWeight * trueWeight) - c2;
        t = sumSqrNew + y;
        c2 = (t - sumSqrNew) - y;
        sumSqrNew = t;
        // sumSqrNew += trueWeight * trueWeight; // S_2'(t+1) component

        weights.setQuick(idx, weight);
    CellFactors[id] = nextF;
    S2[id] = sumSqrNew + (rate * rate) * (S2[id] - sumSqrOld); // new S2 component

From source file:hadoop.api.AggregateAndRecommendReducer.java

License:Apache License

private void reduceNonBooleanData(VarLongWritable userID, Iterable<PrefAndSimilarityColumnWritable> values,
        Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    /* each entry here is the sum in the numerator of the prediction formula */
    Vector numerators = null;/*from  ww w.  jav  a  2 s  .c  o  m*/
    /* each entry here is the sum in the denominator of the prediction formula */
    Vector denominators = null;
    /* each entry here is the number of similar items used in the prediction formula */
    Vector numberOfSimilarItemsUsed = new RandomAccessSparseVector(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 100);

    for (PrefAndSimilarityColumnWritable prefAndSimilarityColumn : values) {
        Vector simColumn = prefAndSimilarityColumn.getSimilarityColumn();
        float prefValue = prefAndSimilarityColumn.getPrefValue();
        /* count the number of items used for each prediction */
        for (Element e : simColumn.nonZeroes()) {
            int itemIDIndex = e.index();
            numberOfSimilarItemsUsed.setQuick(itemIDIndex, numberOfSimilarItemsUsed.getQuick(itemIDIndex) + 1);

        if (denominators == null) {
            denominators = simColumn.clone();
        } else {
            denominators.assign(simColumn, Functions.PLUS_ABS);

        if (numerators == null) {
            numerators = simColumn.clone();
            if (prefValue != BOOLEAN_PREF_VALUE) {
                numerators.assign(Functions.MULT, prefValue);
        } else {
            if (prefValue != BOOLEAN_PREF_VALUE) {
                simColumn.assign(Functions.MULT, prefValue);
            numerators.assign(simColumn, Functions.PLUS);


    if (numerators == null) {

    Vector recommendationVector = new RandomAccessSparseVector(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 100);
    for (Element element : numerators.nonZeroes()) {
        int itemIDIndex = element.index();
        /* preference estimations must be based on at least 2 datapoints */
        if (numberOfSimilarItemsUsed.getQuick(itemIDIndex) > 1) {
            /* compute normalized prediction */
            double prediction = element.get() / denominators.getQuick(itemIDIndex);
            recommendationVector.setQuick(itemIDIndex, prediction);
    writeRecommendedItems(userID, recommendationVector, context);

From source file:nl.gridline.zieook.inx.movielens.AggregateAndRecommendReducer.java

License:Apache License

private void reduceNonBooleanData(VarLongWritable userID, Iterable<PrefAndSimilarityColumnWritable> values,
        Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    /* each entry here is the sum in the numerator of the prediction formula */
    Vector numerators = null;/*  w w w  .ja va 2  s  .c  om*/
    /* each entry here is the sum in the denominator of the prediction formula */
    Vector denominators = null;
    /* each entry here is the number of similar items used in the prediction formula */
    Vector numberOfSimilarItemsUsed = new RandomAccessSparseVector(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 100);

    for (PrefAndSimilarityColumnWritable prefAndSimilarityColumn : values) {
        Vector simColumn = prefAndSimilarityColumn.getSimilarityColumn();
        float prefValue = prefAndSimilarityColumn.getPrefValue();
        /* count the number of items used for each prediction */
        Iterator<Vector.Element> usedItemsIterator = simColumn.iterateNonZero();
        while (usedItemsIterator.hasNext()) {
            int itemIDIndex = usedItemsIterator.next().index();
            numberOfSimilarItemsUsed.setQuick(itemIDIndex, numberOfSimilarItemsUsed.getQuick(itemIDIndex) + 1);

        numerators = numerators == null
                ? prefValue == BOOLEAN_PREF_VALUE ? simColumn.clone() : simColumn.times(prefValue)
                : numerators.plus(prefValue == BOOLEAN_PREF_VALUE ? simColumn : simColumn.times(prefValue));

        denominators = denominators == null ? simColumn : denominators.plus(simColumn);

    if (numerators == null) {

    Vector recommendationVector = new RandomAccessSparseVector(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 100);
    Iterator<Vector.Element> iterator = numerators.iterateNonZero();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Vector.Element element = iterator.next();
        int itemIDIndex = element.index();
        /* preference estimations must be based on at least 2 datapoints */
        if (numberOfSimilarItemsUsed.getQuick(itemIDIndex) > 1) {
            /* compute normalized prediction */
            double prediction = element.get() / denominators.getQuick(itemIDIndex);
            recommendationVector.setQuick(itemIDIndex, prediction);
    writeRecommendedItems(userID, recommendationVector, context);

From source file:org.qcri.pca.MahoutCompatibilityTest.java

License:Apache License

public void testMAHOUT_1221() {
    // create a matrix with an unassigned row 0
    Matrix matrix = new SparseMatrix(1, 1);
    Vector view = matrix.viewRow(0);
    final double value = 1.23;
    view.assign(value);//from  ww  w  .  ja v a  2s . c o  m
    // test whether the update in the view is reflected in the matrix
    assertEquals("Matrix valye", view.getQuick(0), matrix.getQuick(0, 0), EPSILON);

From source file:org.qcri.pca.MeanAndSpanJob.java

 * This method overrides the Vector.assign method to allow optimization for
 * ZeroIndifferent functions/*from ww  w  .ja  va 2s.co  m*/
 * @param vector
 *          the vector to be updated
 * @param other
 *          the other vector
 * @param function
 *          the function that operates on elements of the two vectors
 * @return the modified vector
static public Vector vectorAssign(Vector vector, Vector other, ZeroIndifferentFunc function) {
    if (vector.size() != other.size()) {
        throw new CardinalityException(vector.size(), other.size());
    // special case: iterate only over the non-zero elements of the vector to
    // add
    Iterator<Element> it = other.nonZeroes().iterator();
    Element e;
    while (it.hasNext() && (e = it.next()) != null) {
        double val = vector.getQuick(e.index());
        double newVal = function.apply(val, e.get());
        vector.setQuick(e.index(), newVal);
    return vector;

From source file:org.qcri.pca.NormalizeJob.java

static void sparseVectorAssign(Vector mainV, final Vector otherV, DoubleDoubleFunction function) {
    java.util.Vector<IndexValue> newZeroElements = new java.util.Vector<IndexValue>();
    Iterator<Vector.Element> nonZeroElements = mainV.nonZeroes().iterator();
    while (nonZeroElements.hasNext()) {
        Vector.Element e = nonZeroElements.next();
        double res = function.apply(e.get(), otherV.getQuick(e.index()));
        if (res != 0)
            mainV.setQuick(e.index(), res);
        else //Don't affect the iterator
            newZeroElements.add(new IndexValue(e.index(), res));
    }//from  w w  w.j a  va2s  .co m
    for (IndexValue iv : newZeroElements)
        mainV.setQuick(iv.index, iv.value);

From source file:org.qcri.pca.PCACommon.java

static Vector vectorTimesMatrixTranspose(Vector vector, Matrix matrix, DenseVector resVector) {
    int nRows = matrix.numRows();
    int nCols = matrix.numCols();
    for (int r = 0; r < nRows; r++) {
        double dotres = 0;
        for (int c = 0; c < nCols; c++)
            dotres += vector.getQuick(c) * matrix.getQuick(r, c);
        resVector.set(r, dotres);/*from   ww w. jav  a  2  s .co  m*/
    return resVector;

From source file:org.qcri.pca.ReconstructionErrJob.java

static void denseVectorPlusAbsDenseDiff(DenseVector denseVector, Vector sparseVector, DenseVector meanVector) {
    for (int i = 0; i < denseVector.size(); i++) {
        double denseV = denseVector.getQuick(i);
        double v = sparseVector.getQuick(i);
        double mean = meanVector.getQuick(i);
        denseVector.setQuick(i, denseV + Math.abs(v - mean));
    }/* w  ww .  j  a v a 2  s.c o m*/

From source file:org.qcri.pca.ReconstructionErrJob.java

static void denseVectorSubtractSparseSubtractDense(DenseVector mainVector, Vector subtractor1,
        DenseVector subtractor2) {//from   w  ww.ja va2  s . co m
    int nCols = mainVector.size();
    for (int c = 0; c < nCols; c++) {
        double v = mainVector.getQuick(c);
        v -= subtractor1.getQuick(c);
        v -= subtractor2.getQuick(c);
        mainVector.setQuick(c, v);

From source file:org.qcri.pca.SPCADriver.java

 * Run PPCA sequentially given the small input Y which fit into memory This
 * could be used also on sampled data from a distributed matrix
 * /*from   w  w w  . j  a v  a 2 s. com*/
 * Note: this implementation ignore NaN values by replacing them with 0
 * @param conf
 *          the configuration
 * @param centralY
 *          the input matrix
 * @param initVal
 *          the initial values for C and ss
 * @param MAX_ROUNDS
 *          maximum number of iterations
 * @return the error
 * @throws Exception
double runSequential(Configuration conf, Matrix centralY, InitialValues initVal, final int MAX_ROUNDS)
        throws Exception {
    Matrix centralC = initVal.C;
    double ss = initVal.ss;
    final int nRows = centralY.numRows();
    final int nCols = centralY.numCols();
    final int nPCs = centralC.numCols();
    final float threshold = 0.00001f;

    log.info("tracec= " + PCACommon.trace(centralC));
    //ignore NaN elements by replacing them with 0
    for (int r = 0; r < nRows; r++)
        for (int c = 0; c < nCols; c++)
            if (new Double(centralY.getQuick(r, c)).isNaN()) {
                centralY.setQuick(r, c, 0);

    //centralize and normalize the input matrix
    Vector mean = centralY.aggregateColumns(new VectorFunction() {
        public double apply(Vector v) {
            return v.zSum() / nRows;
    //also normalize the matrix by dividing each element by its columns range
    Vector spanVector = new DenseVector(nCols);
    for (int c = 0; c < nCols; c++) {
        Vector col = centralY.viewColumn(c);
        double max = col.maxValue();
        double min = col.minValue();
        double span = max - min;
        spanVector.setQuick(c, span);
    for (int r = 0; r < nRows; r++)
        for (int c = 0; c < nCols; c++)
            centralY.set(r, c, (centralY.get(r, c) - mean.get(c))
                    / (spanVector.getQuick(c) != 0 ? spanVector.getQuick(c) : 1));

    Matrix centralCtC = centralC.transpose().times(centralC);
    log.info("tracectc= " + PCACommon.trace(centralCtC));
    log.info("traceinvctc= " + PCACommon.trace(inv(centralCtC)));
    log.info("traceye= " + PCACommon.trace(centralY));

    int count = 1;
    // old = Inf;
    double old = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    // -------------------------- EM Iterations
    // while count
    Matrix centralX = null;
    int round = 0;
    while (round < MAX_ROUNDS && count > 0) {
        // Sx = inv( eye(d) + CtC/ss );
        Matrix Sx = eye(nPCs).times(ss).plus(centralCtC);
        Sx = inv(Sx);
        // X = Ye*C*(Sx/ss);
        centralX = centralY.times(centralC).times(Sx.transpose());
        // XtX = X'*X + ss * Sx;
        Matrix centralXtX = centralX.transpose().times(centralX).plus(Sx.times(ss));
        // C = (Ye'*X) / XtX;
        Matrix tmpInv = inv(centralXtX);
        centralC = centralY.transpose().times(centralX).times(tmpInv);
        // CtC = C'*C;
        centralCtC = centralC.transpose().times(centralC);
        // ss = ( sum(sum( (X*C'-Ye).^2 )) + trace(XtX*CtC) - 2*xcty ) /(N*D);
        double norm2 = centralY.clone().assign(new DoubleFunction() {
            public double apply(double arg1) {
                return arg1 * arg1;
        ss = norm2 + PCACommon.trace(centralXtX.times(centralCtC));
        //ss3 = sum (X(i:0) * C' * Y(i,:)')
        DenseVector resVector = new DenseVector(nCols);
        double xctyt = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) {
            PCACommon.vectorTimesMatrixTranspose(centralX.viewRow(i), centralC, resVector);
            double res = resVector.dot(centralY.viewRow(i));
            xctyt += res;
        ss -= 2 * xctyt;
        ss /= (nRows * nCols);

        double traceSx = PCACommon.trace(Sx);
        double traceX = PCACommon.trace(centralX);
        double traceSumXtX = PCACommon.trace(centralXtX);
        double traceC = PCACommon.trace(centralC);
        double traceCtC = PCACommon.trace(centralCtC);
        log.info("TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT " + traceSx + " " + traceX + " " + traceSumXtX + " " + traceC + " "
                + traceCtC + " " + 0);

        double objective = ss;
        double rel_ch = Math.abs(1 - objective / old);
        old = objective;
        if (rel_ch < threshold && count > 5)
            count = 0;
        log.info("Objective:  %.6f    relative change: %.6f \n", objective, rel_ch);

    double norm1Y = centralY.aggregateColumns(new VectorNorm1()).maxValue();
    log.info("Norm1 of Ye is: " + norm1Y);
    Matrix newYerror = centralY.minus(centralX.times(centralC.transpose()));
    double norm1Err = newYerror.aggregateColumns(new VectorNorm1()).maxValue();
    log.info("Norm1 of the reconstruction error is: " + norm1Err);

    initVal.C = centralC;
    initVal.ss = ss;
    return norm1Err / norm1Y;