Java tutorial
/** * * Sifter - Search Indexes for Text Evidence Relevantly * * Copyright (C) 2013, University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) * * Sifter is a digital forensics and e-discovery tool for conducting * text based string searches. It clusters and ranks search hits * to improve investigative efficiency. Hit-level ranking uses a * patent-pending ranking algorithm invented by Dr. Nicole Beebe at UTSA. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * @author Jon Stewart, Lightbox Technologies **/ package edu.utsa.sifter.som; import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseMatrix; import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector; import org.apache.mahout.math.function.TimesFunction; import org.apache.mahout.math.jet.random.AbstractDistribution; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Random; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import java.util.HashMap; public class SelfOrganizingMap { public static class CellStats { private int Num; private int Region; private double SumSquaredDistance; private java.util.Vector<String> TopTerms; public CellStats() { Num = 0; SumSquaredDistance = 0; } public int getNum() { return Num; } public double stdDev() { return Math.sqrt(Num > 2 ? SumSquaredDistance / (Num - 1) : SumSquaredDistance); } public double sumSqrDistance() { return SumSquaredDistance; } public void accumulate(final double dist) { ++Num; SumSquaredDistance += dist * dist; } public void setRegion(final int r) { Region = r; } public int getRegion() { return Region; } public java.util.Vector<String> getTopTerms() { return TopTerms; } public void setTopTerms(final java.util.Vector<String> t) { TopTerms = t; } } private final DenseMatrix Cells; private final double CellFactors[]; private final double S2[]; private final int Height, Width, Dims, NumCells; private final CellStats Stats[]; private int NumRegions; private int[] RegionColors; private ArrayList<Set<Integer>> RegionMap; private ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, Integer>> CellTermDifferences; private final int NUM_POSSIBLE_REGION_COLORS = 9; public SelfOrganizingMap(int height, int width, int dimensions) { Height = height; Width = width; NumCells = Height * Width; Dims = dimensions; Cells = new DenseMatrix(NumCells, Dims); CellFactors = new double[NumCells]; S2 = new double[NumCells]; Stats = new CellStats[NumCells]; NumRegions = 0; } public void init(final AbstractDistribution prng) { Cells.assign(prng); for (int i = 0; i < NumCells; ++i) { CellFactors[i] = 1.0; Stats[i] = new CellStats(); } recalculateS2(); } public void rescale() { // call this after the SOM has converged final TimesFunction multiplier = new TimesFunction(); for (int i = 0; i < NumCells; ++i) { Cells.viewRow(i).assign(multiplier, CellFactors[i]); CellFactors[i] = 1.0; } } public void assignCell(final int id, final double dist) { Stats[id].accumulate(dist); } public CellStats getStats(final int id) { return Stats[id]; } public void recalculateS2() { double s2; Vector cellWeights; double f; for (int id = 0; id < NumCells; ++id) { cellWeights = getCell(id); s2 = 0; f = CellFactors[id]; for (Vector.Element w : cellWeights) { s2 += (f * w.get()) * (f * w.get()); } S2[id] = s2; } } public final int getX(final int id) { return id % Width; } public final int getY(final int id) { return id / Width; } public final int getID(final int x, final int y) { return y * Width + x; } public final Vector getCell(final int x, final int y) { return Cells.viewRow(getID(x, y)); } public final Vector getCell(final int id) { return Cells.viewRow(id); } public final double getFactor(final int id) { return CellFactors[id]; } public final double getS2(final int id) { return S2[id]; } public final int width() { return Width; } public final int height() { return Height; } public final int numCells() { return NumCells; } public final int dimensions() { return Dims; } public int getNumRegions() { return NumRegions; } public void setNumRegions(final int n) { NumRegions = n; } public int getRegionColor(final int region) { return RegionColors[region]; } public ArrayList<Set<Integer>> getRegionMap() { return RegionMap; } public void getNeighborhood(final int x, final int y, final int radius, final IntArrayWritable neighbors) { final int minX = Math.max(x - radius, 0); final int minY = Math.max(y - radius, 0); final int maxX = Math.min(x + radius, Width - 1); final int maxY = Math.min(y + radius, Height - 1); neighbors.clear(); for (int curY = minY; curY <= maxY; ++curY) { for (int curX = minX; curX <= maxX; ++curX) { neighbors.add(getID(curX, curY)); } } } public double computeDistance(final int id, final IntArrayWritable doc) { final Vector cellWeights = getCell(id); final int cardinality = doc.getLength(); final double s1 = cardinality; final double s2 = getS2(id); double s3 = 0.0; double c = 0.0, // Kahan summation algorithm to account for error, c.f. w, t; final double f = getFactor(id); final int[] terms = doc.getInts(); for (int i = 0; i < cardinality; ++i) { w = (f * cellWeights.getQuick(terms[i])) - c; t = s3 + w; c = (t - s3) - w; s3 = t; // s3 += f * cellWeights.getQuick(; } s3 *= -2; final double d = s1 + s2 + s3; if (d < 0) { System.out.println("Negative distance on " + id + " - d = " + d + ", s1 = " + s1 + ", s2 = " + s2 + ", s3 = " + s3 + ", f = " + f); } return d; } public void updateCell(final int id, final double alpha, final IntArrayWritable doc) { // Scalable SOM updating, per Roussinov final double rate = 1 - alpha; final double f = CellFactors[id]; final double nextF = rate * f; // Rule 5 final double adjustment = alpha / (rate * CellFactors[id]); // Rule 6 double sumSqrOld = 0.0; double sumSqrNew = 0.0; double c1 = 0.0, // Kahan summation algorithm to account for error, c.f. c2 = 0.0, y, t; final Vector weights = getCell(id); double weight; double trueWeight; int idx; final int[] terms = doc.getInts(); final int numTerms = doc.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < numTerms; ++i) { idx = terms[i]; weight = weights.getQuick(idx); trueWeight = weight * f; y = (trueWeight * trueWeight) - c1; t = sumSqrOld + y; // S'(t+1) component c1 = (t - sumSqrOld) - y; sumSqrOld = t; // sumSqrOld += trueWeight * trueWeight; weight += adjustment; // adjust weight trueWeight = weight * nextF; y = (trueWeight * trueWeight) - c2; t = sumSqrNew + y; c2 = (t - sumSqrNew) - y; sumSqrNew = t; // sumSqrNew += trueWeight * trueWeight; // S_2'(t+1) component weights.setQuick(idx, weight); } CellFactors[id] = nextF; S2[id] = sumSqrNew + (rate * rate) * (S2[id] - sumSqrOld); // new S2 component } void assignTopTerms(final int numTopTerms, final java.util.Vector<String> terms) { final PriorityQueue<TermPair> topWeights = new PriorityQueue<TermPair>(numTopTerms, new TermPair.TermPairComparator()); for (int i = 0; i < numCells(); ++i) { final java.util.Vector<String> topTerms = new java.util.Vector<String>(numTopTerms); topTerms.setSize(numTopTerms); final Vector cell = getCell(i); final double f = getFactor(i); topWeights.clear(); for (Vector.Element w : cell) { int val = (int) (1000 * f * w.get()); if (topWeights.size() < numTopTerms) { topWeights.add(new TermPair(terms.get(w.index()), val)); } else if (topWeights.peek().DocCount < val) { topWeights.remove(); topWeights.add(new TermPair(terms.get(w.index()), val)); } } final int numTopWeights = topWeights.size(); for (int j = numTopWeights - 1; j > -1; --j) { topTerms.set(j, topWeights.remove().Term); } getStats(i).setTopTerms(topTerms); } } void initColorMap(final Set<Integer> colors) { colors.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_POSSIBLE_REGION_COLORS; ++i) { colors.add(i); } } int pickColor(final int region, final Set<Integer> colors, final Integer[] choices, final Random chooser) { if (colors.size() > 0) { final int choice = chooser.nextInt(colors.size()); return colors.toArray(choices)[choice]; } else { System.err.println("The set of possible colors for region " + region + " is zero!"); return chooser.nextInt(NUM_POSSIBLE_REGION_COLORS); } } void colorRegions() { RegionColors = new int[NumRegions]; RegionMap = new ArrayList<Set<Integer>>(NumRegions); for (int i = 0; i < NumRegions; ++i) { RegionMap.add(new HashSet<Integer>()); RegionColors[i] = -1; } final IntArrayWritable neighbors = new IntArrayWritable(9); for (int y = 0; y < height(); ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < width(); ++x) { final int id = getID(x, y); final int region = getStats(id).getRegion(); getNeighborhood(x, y, 1, neighbors); for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.getLength(); ++i) { final int neighbor = neighbors.getInts()[i]; final int otherRegion = getStats(neighbor).getRegion(); if (otherRegion != region) { RegionMap.get(region).add(otherRegion); RegionMap.get(otherRegion).add(region); } } } } final Random chooser = new Random(29); final Set<Integer> colors = new HashSet<Integer>(NUM_POSSIBLE_REGION_COLORS); final Integer[] choices = new Integer[NUM_POSSIBLE_REGION_COLORS]; for (int i = 0; i < NumRegions; ++i) { initColorMap(colors); for (Integer adj : RegionMap.get(i)) { if (RegionColors[adj] != -1) { colors.remove(RegionColors[adj]); } } RegionColors[i] = pickColor(i, colors, choices, chooser); } } int maxTermDifference(final int tID, final int uID) { final Vector t = getCell(tID); final Vector u = getCell(uID); final Vector diff = t.minus(u); final double maxValue = diff.maxValue(); final double minValue = diff.minValue(); if (minValue < 0 && Math.abs(minValue) > maxValue) { // even if maxValue is negative, this will hold return -diff.minValueIndex(); } else { return diff.maxValueIndex(); } } public HashMap<Integer, Integer> getCellTermDiffs(final int cellID) { return CellTermDifferences.get(cellID); } public int getCellTermDiff(final int lhsID, final int rhsID) { if (lhsID == rhsID) { return 0; } else if (lhsID < rhsID) { return CellTermDifferences.get(lhsID).get(rhsID); } else { // rhsID < lhsID return -1 * CellTermDifferences.get(rhsID).get(lhsID); } } void setCellTermDiff(final int diff, final int lhsID, final int rhsID) { if (lhsID == rhsID) { return; } else if (lhsID < rhsID) { CellTermDifferences.get(lhsID).put(rhsID, diff); } else { // rhsID < lhsID CellTermDifferences.get(rhsID).put(lhsID, -1 * diff); } } void assignTermDiffs() { // diffs will be stored as ctd[id1][id2], where id1 < id2 CellTermDifferences = new ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, Integer>>(NumCells); for (int i = 0; i < NumCells; ++i) { CellTermDifferences.add(new HashMap<Integer, Integer>()); } int id = -1; int otherID = -1; for (int y = 0; y < Height - 1; ++y) { /* 3 adjacencies involving at least one cell neither in the last row nor nor last column. -------------- | | | | x,y * 1 | | | | ----*--*------ | | | | 2 | | | | | -------------- */ for (int x = 0; x < Width - 1; ++x) { id = getID(x, y); otherID = getID(x + 1, y); setCellTermDiff(maxTermDifference(id, otherID), id, otherID); otherID = getID(x, y + 1); setCellTermDiff(maxTermDifference(id, otherID), id, otherID); otherID = getID(x + 1, y + 1); setCellTermDiff(maxTermDifference(id, otherID), id, otherID); // cross cells, 1-2 id = getID(x + 1, y); otherID = getID(x, y + 1); setCellTermDiff(maxTermDifference(id, otherID), id, otherID); } /* Vertical adjacencies for last column. -------------- | | | | | x,y | | | | ----------*--- OUT OF BOUNDS | | | | | | | | | -------------- */ id = getID(Width - 1, y); otherID = getID(Width - 1, y + 1); setCellTermDiff(maxTermDifference(id, otherID), id, otherID); } /* Horizontal adjacencies for last row. -------------- | | | | | | | | | -------------- | | | | x,y * | | | | -------------- OUT OF BOUNDS */ for (int x = 0; x < Width - 1; ++x) { id = getID(x, Height - 1); otherID = getID(x + 1, Height - 1); setCellTermDiff(maxTermDifference(id, otherID), id, otherID); } } }