Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * sPCA is a scalable implementation of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on of Spark and MapReduce
 * Copyright (c) 2015, Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (on
 * behalf of Qatar Computing Research Institute) having its principle place of business in Doha,
 * Qatar with the registered address P.O box 5825 Doha, Qatar (hereinafter referred to as "QCRI")

package org.qcri.pca;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.SequenceFileInputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.SequenceFileOutputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner;
import org.apache.mahout.common.AbstractJob;
import org.apache.mahout.common.Pair;
import org.apache.mahout.common.iterator.sequencefile.SequenceFileIterator;
import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseMatrix;
import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseVector;
import org.apache.mahout.math.Matrix;
import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector;
import org.apache.mahout.math.VectorWritable;
import org.apache.mahout.math.function.DoubleDoubleFunction;
import org.apache.mahout.math.function.Functions;
import org.apache.mahout.math.hadoop.DistributedRowMatrix;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


 * Xc = Yc * Y2X
 * ReconY = Xc * C'
 * Err = ReconY - Yc
 * Norm2(Err) = abs(Err).zSum().max()
 * To take the sparse matrixes into account we receive the mean separately:
 * X = (Y - Ym) * Y2X = X - Xm, where X=Y*Y2X and Xm=Ym*Y2X
 * ReconY = (X - Xm) * C' = X*C' - Xm*C'
 * Err = X*C' - Xm*C' - (Y - Ym) = X*C' - Y - Zm, where where Zm=Xm*C'-Ym
 * @author maysam yabandeh
public class ReconstructionErrJob extends AbstractJob {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReconstructionErrJob.class);

    public static final String MATRIXY2X = "matrixY2X";
    public static final String RECONSTRUCTIONMATRIX = "matrixRecon";
    public static final String YCOLS = "yDimension";
    public static final String XCOLS = "xDimension";
    public static final String ZMPATH = "zmPath";
    public static final String YMPATH = "ymPath";
    public static final String ERRSAMPLERATE = "errSampleRate";

     * The norm of the reconstruction error matrix
    public double reconstructionError = -1;

     * The norm of the input matrix
    public double yNorm = -1;

     * The norm of the input matrix after centralization
    public double centralizedYNorm = -1;

     * Refer to {@link ReconstructionErrJob} for explanation of the job. In short:
     * X = Y * Y2X
     * Err = (X - Xm) * C' - (Y - Ym)
     * @param matrixY
     *          the input matrix Y
     * @param matrixY2X
     *          the in-memory matrix to generate X
     * @param matrixC
     *          the in-memory matrix to reconstruct Y
     * @param C_central
     *          the central version of matrixC
     * @param Ym
     *          the mean vector of Y
     * @param Xm
     *          = Ym * matrixY2X
     * @param conf
     *          the configuration
     * @param tmpPath
     *          the temporary path
     * @param id
     *          the unique id to name the files in HDFS
     * @return the norm-2 of the the Err matrix 
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws InterruptedException
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    public double reconstructionErr(DistributedRowMatrix matrixY, DistributedRowMatrix matrixY2X,
            DistributedRowMatrix matrixC, Matrix C_central, Vector Ym, DenseVector Xm, final float ERR_SAMPLE_RATE,
            Configuration conf, Path tmpPath, String id)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {
        DenseVector Zm = new DenseVector(C_central.numRows());
        PCACommon.vectorTimesMatrixTranspose(Xm, (DenseMatrix) C_central, Zm);
        Zm = (DenseVector) Zm.minus(Ym);

        Path resPath = new Path(tmpPath, "reconstructionErr" + id);
        FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(resPath.toUri(), conf);
        if (!fs.exists(resPath)) {
            Path ZmPath = PCACommon.toDistributedVector(Zm, tmpPath, "Zm" + id, conf);
            Path YmPath = PCACommon.toDistributedVector(Ym, tmpPath, "Ymforerr" + id, conf);
            run(conf, matrixY.getRowPath(), matrixY2X.getRowPath(), matrixY2X.numRows(), matrixY2X.numCols(),
                    matrixC.getRowPath(), ZmPath.toString(), YmPath.toString(), resPath, ERR_SAMPLE_RATE);
        } else {
            log.warn("---------- Skip ReconstructionErrJob - already exists: " + resPath);
        loadResults(resPath, conf);"0 is reconstruction err, 1 is Y norm (err/norm), " + "2 is Y-Ym norm (err/norm)");"The error of 0 is " + reconstructionError);"The error of 1 is " + yNorm + " (" + reconstructionError / yNorm + ")");"The error of 2 is " + centralizedYNorm + " (" + reconstructionError / centralizedYNorm + ")");
        double error = reconstructionError / centralizedYNorm;
        return error;

     * Refer to {@link ReconstructionErrJob} for explanation of the job
     * @param conf
     *          the configuration
     * @param yPath
     *          the path to input matrix Y
     * @param y2xPath
     *          the path to in-memory matrix Y2X, where X = Y * Y2X
     * @param yCols
     *          the number of columns in Y
     * @param xCols
     *          the number of columns in X
     * @param cPath
     *          the path to in-memory matrix C, where ReconY = Xc * C'
     * @param zmPath
     *          the path to vector Zm, where Zm = Ym * Y2X * C' - Ym
     * @param ymPath
     *          the path the the mean vector Ym
     * @param outPath
     *          the output path
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws InterruptedException
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    public void run(Configuration conf, Path yPath, Path y2xPath, int yCols, int xCols, Path cPath, String zmPath,
            String ymPath, Path outPath, final float ERR_SAMPLE_RATE)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {
        conf.set(MATRIXY2X, y2xPath.toString());
        conf.set(RECONSTRUCTIONMATRIX, cPath.toString());
        conf.set(ZMPATH, zmPath);
        conf.set(YMPATH, ymPath);
        conf.setInt(YCOLS, yCols);
        conf.setInt(XCOLS, xCols);
        conf.set(ERRSAMPLERATE, "" + ERR_SAMPLE_RATE);
        FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(yPath.toUri(), conf);
        yPath = fs.makeQualified(yPath);
        outPath = fs.makeQualified(outPath);
        Job job = new Job(conf);
        FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, yPath);
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outPath);
        job.setJobName("ReconErrJob-" + yPath.getName());

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ReconstructionErrJob(), args);

    public int run(String[] strings) throws Exception {
        addOption("yCols", "yCols", "Number of cols of the first input matrix", true);
        addOption("xCols", "xCols", "Number of cols of the reconstruction matrix", true);
        addOption("y", "y", "Path to Y, the input matrix", true);
        addOption("d", "d", "Path to D, where Y * D = X", true);
        addOption("c", "c", "Path to C, where X * C' = reconY", true);
        addOption(YMPATH, "ym", "The name of the file that contains Ym, the Y mean", true);
        addOption(ZMPATH, "zm", "The name of the file that contains Zm mean", true);

        Map<String, List<String>> argMap = parseArguments(strings);
        if (argMap == null) {
            return -1;

        String zmFileName = getOption(ZMPATH);
        String meanFileName = getOption(YMPATH);
        int yCols = Integer.parseInt(getOption("yCols"));
        int xCols = Integer.parseInt(getOption("xCols")); Configuration(), new Path(getOption("y")), new Path(getOption("d")), yCols, xCols,
                new Path(getOption("c")), zmFileName, meanFileName, getOutputPath(), 1);
        return 0;

    public void loadResults(Path outDirPath, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
        Path finalNumberFile = new Path(outDirPath, "part-r-00000");
        SequenceFileIterator<IntWritable, DoubleWritable> iterator = new SequenceFileIterator<IntWritable, DoubleWritable>(
                finalNumberFile, true, conf);
        try {
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                Pair<IntWritable, DoubleWritable> next =;
                readIndividualResult(next.getFirst().get(), next.getSecond().get());
        } finally {
            Closeables.close(iterator, false);

    private void readIndividualResult(int key, double value) throws IOException {
        switch (key) {
        case 0:
            reconstructionError = value;
        case 1:
            yNorm = value;
        case 2:
            centralizedYNorm = value;
            throw new IOException("Unknown key in reading the results: " + key);

    public static class MyMapper extends Mapper<IntWritable, VectorWritable, IntWritable, VectorWritable> {
        //input variables
        private DenseMatrix matrixC;
        private DenseMatrix matrixY2X;
        private DenseVector zm;
        private DenseVector ym;
        private float ERR_SAMPLE_RATE; //the sampling rate
        //variables that will be filled by the map method
        private DenseVector xi;
        private DenseVector xiCt;
        private DenseVector sumOfErr;
        private DenseVector sumOfyi;
        private DenseVector sumOfyc;
        DoubleWritable doubleWritable = new DoubleWritable();

        public void setup(Context context) throws IOException {
            Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration();
            Path cMemMatrixPath = new Path(conf.get(RECONSTRUCTIONMATRIX));
            Path dMemMatrixPath = new Path(conf.get(MATRIXY2X));
            Path zmPath = new Path(conf.get(ZMPATH));
            Path meanPath = new Path(conf.get(YMPATH));
            int inMemMatrixNumRows = conf.getInt(YCOLS, 0);
            int inMemMatrixNumCols = conf.getInt(XCOLS, 0);
            ERR_SAMPLE_RATE = conf.getFloat(ERRSAMPLERATE, 1);
            Path tmpPath = cMemMatrixPath.getParent();
            DistributedRowMatrix distMatrix = new DistributedRowMatrix(cMemMatrixPath, tmpPath, inMemMatrixNumRows,
            matrixC = PCACommon.toDenseMatrix(distMatrix);
            distMatrix = new DistributedRowMatrix(dMemMatrixPath, tmpPath, inMemMatrixNumRows, inMemMatrixNumCols);
            matrixY2X = PCACommon.toDenseMatrix(distMatrix);
            try {
                zm = PCACommon.toDenseVector(zmPath, conf);
                ym = PCACommon.toDenseVector(meanPath, conf);
            } catch (IOException e) {
            xiCt = new DenseVector(matrixC.numRows());
            sumOfErr = new DenseVector(matrixC.numRows());
            sumOfyi = new DenseVector(matrixC.numRows());
            sumOfyc = new DenseVector(matrixC.numRows());

        public void map(IntWritable iw, VectorWritable vw, Context context) throws IOException {
            if (PCACommon.pass(ERR_SAMPLE_RATE))

            Vector yi = vw.get();
            if (xi == null)
                xi = new DenseVector(matrixY2X.numCols());
            PCACommon.sparseVectorTimesMatrix(yi, matrixY2X, xi);

            PCACommon.vectorTimesMatrixTranspose(xi, matrixC, xiCt);
            denseVectorSubtractSparseSubtractDense(xiCt, yi, zm);
            sumOfErr.assign(xiCt, new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
                public double apply(double arg1, double arg2) {
                    return arg1 + Math.abs(arg2);
            denseVectorPlusAbsSparseVector(sumOfyi, yi);
            denseVectorPlusAbsDenseDiff(sumOfyc, yi, ym);

        public void cleanup(Context context) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
            context.write(new IntWritable(0), new VectorWritable(sumOfErr));
            context.write(new IntWritable(1), new VectorWritable(sumOfyi));
            context.write(new IntWritable(2), new VectorWritable(sumOfyc));

    public static class MyReducer extends Reducer<IntWritable, VectorWritable, IntWritable, DoubleWritable> {
        public void reduce(IntWritable id, Iterable<VectorWritable> sums, Context context)
                throws IOException, InterruptedException {
            Iterator<VectorWritable> it = sums.iterator();
            if (!it.hasNext()) {
            DenseVector sumVector = null;
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Vector vec =;
                if (sumVector == null) {
                    sumVector = new DenseVector(vec.size());
                sumVector.assign(vec, Functions.PLUS);
            double max = sumVector.maxValue();
            context.write(id, new DoubleWritable(max));

    //utility functions
    static void denseVectorPlusAbsDenseDiff(DenseVector denseVector, Vector sparseVector, DenseVector meanVector) {
        for (int i = 0; i < denseVector.size(); i++) {
            double denseV = denseVector.getQuick(i);
            double v = sparseVector.getQuick(i);
            double mean = meanVector.getQuick(i);
            denseVector.setQuick(i, denseV + Math.abs(v - mean));

    static void denseVectorPlusAbsSparseVector(DenseVector denseVector, Vector sparseVector) {
        Iterator<Vector.Element> nonZeroElements = sparseVector.nonZeroes().iterator();
        while (nonZeroElements.hasNext()) {
            Vector.Element e =;
            int index = e.index();
            double v = e.get();
            double prevV = denseVector.getQuick(index);
            denseVector.setQuick(index, prevV + Math.abs(v));

    static void denseVectorSubtractSparseSubtractDense(DenseVector mainVector, Vector subtractor1,
            DenseVector subtractor2) {
        int nCols = mainVector.size();
        for (int c = 0; c < nCols; c++) {
            double v = mainVector.getQuick(c);
            v -= subtractor1.getQuick(c);
            v -= subtractor2.getQuick(c);
            mainVector.setQuick(c, v);
