Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.conf Configuration getBoolean

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.conf Configuration getBoolean


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.conf Configuration getBoolean.


public boolean getBoolean(String name, boolean defaultValue) 

Source Link


Get the value of the name property as a boolean.


From source file:org.apache.hama.ipc.AsyncServer.java

License:Apache License

protected AsyncServer(String bindAddress, int port, Class<? extends Writable> paramClass, int handlerCount,
        Configuration conf, String serverName, SecretManager<? extends TokenIdentifier> secretManager)
        throws IOException {
    this.conf = conf;
    this.port = port;
    this.address = new InetSocketAddress(bindAddress, port);
    this.paramClass = paramClass;
    this.maxRespSize = conf.getInt(IPC_SERVER_RPC_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE_KEY,

    this.tcpNoDelay = conf.getBoolean("ipc.server.tcpnodelay", true);
    this.backlogLength = conf.getInt("ipc.server.listen.queue.size", 100);

From source file:org.apache.hama.ipc.Server.java

License:Apache License

 * Constructs a server listening on the named port and address. Parameters
 * passed must be of the named class. The
 * <code>handlerCount</handlerCount> determines
 * the number of handler threads that will be used to process calls.
 * /*from w ww  .j  a v  a  2 s . c o m*/
protected Server(String bindAddress, int port, Class<? extends Writable> paramClass, int handlerCount,
        Configuration conf, String serverName, SecretManager<? extends TokenIdentifier> secretManager)
        throws IOException {
    this.bindAddress = bindAddress;
    this.conf = conf;
    this.port = port;
    this.paramClass = paramClass;
    this.handlerCount = handlerCount;
    this.socketSendBufferSize = 0;
    this.maxQueueSize = handlerCount
    this.maxRespSize = conf.getInt(IPC_SERVER_RPC_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE_KEY,
    this.callQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Call>(maxQueueSize);
    this.maxIdleTime = 2 * conf.getInt("ipc.client.connection.maxidletime", 1000);
    this.maxConnectionsToNuke = conf.getInt("ipc.client.kill.max", 10);
    this.thresholdIdleConnections = conf.getInt("ipc.client.idlethreshold", 4000);
    this.authorize = conf.getBoolean(HADOOP_SECURITY_AUTHORIZATION, false);
    this.isSecurityEnabled = UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled();

    // Start the listener here and let it bind to the port
    listener = new Listener();
    this.port = listener.getAddress().getPort();
    this.tcpNoDelay = conf.getBoolean("ipc.server.tcpnodelay", false);

    // Create the responder here
    responder = new Responder();

From source file:org.apache.hama.pipes.PipesApplication.java

License:Apache License

public Map<String, String> setupEnvironment(Configuration conf) throws IOException {

    Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<String, String>();

    this.streamingEnabled = conf.getBoolean("hama.streaming.enabled", false);

    if (!this.streamingEnabled) {
        serverSocket = new ServerSocket(0);
        env.put("hama.pipes.command.port", Integer.toString(serverSocket.getLocalPort()));
    }// w ww . j a  v  a 2s .  co  m

    // add TMPDIR environment variable with the value of java.io.tmpdir
    env.put("TMPDIR", System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"));

    // Set Logging Environment from Configuration
    env.put("hama.pipes.logging", conf.getBoolean("hama.pipes.logging", false) ? "1" : "0");

    return env;

From source file:org.apache.hama.pipes.PipesApplication.java

License:Apache License

private List<String> setupCommand(Configuration conf) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    List<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>();
    String interpretor = conf.get("hama.pipes.executable.interpretor");
    if (interpretor != null) {
        cmd.add(interpretor);//from ww  w .j a  v a  2  s .  com

    String executable = null;
    try {
        if (DistributedCache.getLocalCacheFiles(conf) != null) {
            LOG.debug("DEBUG LocalCacheFilesCount: " + DistributedCache.getLocalCacheFiles(conf).length);
            for (Path u : DistributedCache.getLocalCacheFiles(conf))
                LOG.debug("DEBUG LocalCacheFiles: " + u);

            executable = DistributedCache.getLocalCacheFiles(conf)[0].toString();

            LOG.debug("DEBUG: executable: " + executable);
        } else {
            LOG.debug("DEBUG: DistributedCache.getLocalCacheFiles(conf) returns null.");
            throw new IOException("Executable is missing!");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Executable: " + executable + " fs.default.name: " + conf.get("fs.default.name"));

        throw new IOException("Executable is missing!");

    if (!new File(executable).canExecute()) {
        // LinuxTaskController sets +x permissions on all distcache files already.
        // In case of DefaultTaskController, set permissions here.
        FileUtil.chmod(executable, "u+x");


    String additionalArgs = conf.get("hama.pipes.executable.args");
    // if true, we are resolving filenames with the linked paths in
    // DistributedCache
    boolean resolveArguments = conf.getBoolean("hama.pipes.resolve.executable.args", false);
    if (additionalArgs != null && !additionalArgs.isEmpty()) {
        String[] split = additionalArgs.split(" ");
        for (String s : split) {
            if (resolveArguments) {
                for (Path u : DistributedCache.getLocalCacheFiles(conf)) {
                    if (u.getName().equals(s)) {
                        LOG.info("Resolved argument \"" + s + "\" with fully qualified path \"" + u.toString()
                                + "\"!");
            } else {

    return cmd;

From source file:org.apache.hama.pipes.Submitter.java

License:Apache License

 * Does the user want to keep the command file for debugging? If this is true,
 * pipes will write a copy of the command data to a file in the task directory
 * named "downlink.data", which may be used to run the C++ program under the
 * debugger. You probably also want to set
 * JobConf.setKeepFailedTaskFiles(true) to keep the entire directory from
 * being deleted. To run using the data file, set the environment variable
 * "hadoop.pipes.command.file" to point to the file.
 * /*from www  .  j av  a  2  s.c o m*/
 * @param conf the configuration to check
 * @return will the framework save the command file?
public static boolean getKeepCommandFile(Configuration conf) {
    return conf.getBoolean("hama.pipes.command-file.keep", false);

From source file:org.apache.hcatalog.data.HCatRecordSerDe.java

License:Apache License

private static Object serializePrimitiveField(Object field, ObjectInspector fieldObjectInspector) {

    Object f = ((PrimitiveObjectInspector) fieldObjectInspector).getPrimitiveJavaObject(field);
    if (f != null && HCatContext.INSTANCE.getConf().isPresent()) {
        Configuration conf = HCatContext.INSTANCE.getConf().get();

        if (f instanceof Boolean && conf.getBoolean(HCatConstants.HCAT_DATA_CONVERT_BOOLEAN_TO_INTEGER,
            return ((Boolean) f) ? 1 : 0;
        } else if (f instanceof Short && conf.getBoolean(HCatConstants.HCAT_DATA_TINY_SMALL_INT_PROMOTION,
            return new Integer((Short) f);
        } else if (f instanceof Byte && conf.getBoolean(HCatConstants.HCAT_DATA_TINY_SMALL_INT_PROMOTION,
            return new Integer((Byte) f);
        }/*from ww  w .  ja v a2s .c om*/

    return f;

From source file:org.apache.hcatalog.hbase.ImportSequenceFile.java

License:Apache License

 * Method to run the Importer MapReduce Job. Normally will be called by another MR job
 * during OutputCommitter.commitJob()./*from   w  ww  .  java2s  .  com*/
 * @param parentContext JobContext of the parent job
 * @param tableName name of table to bulk load data into
 * @param InputDir path of SequenceFile formatted data to read
 * @param scratchDir temporary path for the Importer MR job to build the HFiles which will be imported
 * @return
static boolean runJob(JobContext parentContext, String tableName, Path InputDir, Path scratchDir) {
    Configuration parentConf = parentContext.getConfiguration();
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> el : parentConf) {
        if (el.getKey().startsWith("hbase."))
            conf.set(el.getKey(), el.getValue());
        if (el.getKey().startsWith("mapred.cache.archives"))
            conf.set(el.getKey(), el.getValue());

    //Inherit jar dependencies added to distributed cache loaded by parent job
    conf.set("mapred.job.classpath.archives", parentConf.get("mapred.job.classpath.archives", ""));
            parentConf.get("mapreduce.job.cache.archives.visibilities", ""));

    //Temporary fix until hbase security is ready
    //We need the written HFile to be world readable so
    //hbase regionserver user has the privileges to perform a hdfs move
    if (parentConf.getBoolean("hadoop.security.authorization", false)) {
        FsPermission.setUMask(conf, FsPermission.valueOf("----------"));

    conf.set(HBaseConstants.PROPERTY_OUTPUT_TABLE_NAME_KEY, tableName);
    conf.setBoolean(JobContext.JOB_CANCEL_DELEGATION_TOKEN, false);

    boolean localMode = "local".equals(conf.get("mapred.job.tracker"));

    boolean success = false;
    try {
        FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(parentConf);
        Path workDir = new Path(new Job(parentConf).getWorkingDirectory(), IMPORTER_WORK_DIR);
        if (!fs.mkdirs(workDir))
            throw new IOException("Importer work directory already exists: " + workDir);
        Job job = createSubmittableJob(conf, tableName, InputDir, scratchDir, localMode);
        success = job.waitForCompletion(true);
        fs.delete(workDir, true);
        //We only cleanup on success because failure might've been caused by existence of target directory
        if (localMode && success) {
            new ImporterOutputFormat().getOutputCommitter(
                    org.apache.hadoop.mapred.HCatMapRedUtil.createTaskAttemptContext(conf, new TaskAttemptID()))
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        LOG.error("ImportSequenceFile Failed", e);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        LOG.error("ImportSequenceFile Failed", e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("ImportSequenceFile Failed", e);
    return success;

From source file:org.apache.hcatalog.mapreduce.FileOutputCommitterContainer.java

License:Apache License

private static boolean getOutputDirMarking(Configuration conf) {
    return conf.getBoolean(SUCCESSFUL_JOB_OUTPUT_DIR_MARKER, false);

From source file:org.apache.hive.hcatalog.data.HCatRecordSerDe.java

License:Apache License

private static Object serializePrimitiveField(Object field, ObjectInspector fieldObjectInspector) {
    if (field == null) {
        return null;
    }/*from   ww w. j av  a  2s. c om*/
    Object f = ((PrimitiveObjectInspector) fieldObjectInspector).getPrimitiveJavaObject(field);
    if (f != null && HCatContext.INSTANCE.getConf().isPresent()) {
        Configuration conf = HCatContext.INSTANCE.getConf().get();

        if (f instanceof Boolean && conf.getBoolean(HCatConstants.HCAT_DATA_CONVERT_BOOLEAN_TO_INTEGER,
            return ((Boolean) f) ? 1 : 0;
        } else if (f instanceof Short && conf.getBoolean(HCatConstants.HCAT_DATA_TINY_SMALL_INT_PROMOTION,
            return new Integer((Short) f);
        } else if (f instanceof Byte && conf.getBoolean(HCatConstants.HCAT_DATA_TINY_SMALL_INT_PROMOTION,
            return new Integer((Byte) f);

    return f;

From source file:org.apache.hive.http.HttpServer.java

License:Apache License

 * Checks the user has privileges to access to instrumentation servlets.
 * <p/>//from   ww w .  j a  v  a  2s .c  o  m
 * If <code>hadoop.security.instrumentation.requires.admin</code> is set to FALSE
 * (default value) it always returns TRUE.
 * <p/>
 * If <code>hadoop.security.instrumentation.requires.admin</code> is set to TRUE
 * it will check if the current user is in the admin ACLS. If the user is
 * in the admin ACLs it returns TRUE, otherwise it returns FALSE.
 * @param servletContext the servlet context.
 * @param request the servlet request.
 * @param response the servlet response.
 * @return TRUE/FALSE based on the logic described above.
public static boolean isInstrumentationAccessAllowed(ServletContext servletContext, HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
    Configuration conf = (Configuration) servletContext.getAttribute(CONF_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE);

    boolean access = true;
    boolean adminAccess = conf
            .getBoolean(CommonConfigurationKeys.HADOOP_SECURITY_INSTRUMENTATION_REQUIRES_ADMIN, false);
    if (adminAccess) {
        access = hasAdministratorAccess(servletContext, request, response);
    return access;