Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.conf Configuration getBoolean

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.conf Configuration getBoolean


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.conf Configuration getBoolean.


public boolean getBoolean(String name, boolean defaultValue) 

Source Link


Get the value of the name property as a boolean.


From source file:edu.umd.cloud9.webgraph.TrecExtractLinks.java

License:Apache License

public int runTool() throws Exception {

    Configuration conf = getConf();
    conf.set("mapred.child.java.opts", "-Xmx3072m");
    conf.setInt("mapred.task.timeout", 60000000);
    Job job = new Job(conf);

    int numReducers = conf.getInt("Cloud9.Reducers", 200);

    String inputPath = conf.get("Cloud9.InputPath");
    String outputPath = conf.get("Cloud9.OutputPath");

    String mappingFile = conf.get("Cloud9.DocnoMappingFile");

    FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
    if (!fs.exists(new Path(mappingFile))) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Error: Docno mapping data file " + mappingFile + " doesn't exist!");
    }/*from  w ww .  j  a va 2s  .  c o m*/

    DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new Path(mappingFile).toUri(), job.getConfiguration());





    SequenceFileOutputFormat.setCompressOutput(job, true);
    SequenceFileOutputFormat.setOutputCompressionType(job, SequenceFile.CompressionType.BLOCK);

    recursivelyAddInputPaths(job, inputPath);

    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(outputPath));

    LOG.info(" - input path: " + inputPath);
    LOG.info(" - output path: " + outputPath);
    LOG.info(" - mapping file: " + mappingFile);
    LOG.info(" - include internal links? " + conf.getBoolean("Cloud9.IncludeInternalLinks", false));

    return 0;

From source file:edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.indexing.Indexer.java

License:Open Source License

private static Job indexMapReduce(Path inPath, Path outPath, OperationsParams paramss)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {
    Job job = new Job(paramss, "Indexer");
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

    // Set input file MBR if not already set
    Rectangle inputMBR = (Rectangle) OperationsParams.getShape(conf, "mbr");
    if (inputMBR == null) {
        inputMBR = FileMBR.fileMBR(inPath, new OperationsParams(conf));
        OperationsParams.setShape(conf, "mbr", inputMBR);
    }//  w  w w . j  ava  2  s  .c o  m

    // Set the correct partitioner according to index type
    String index = conf.get("sindex");
    if (index == null)
        throw new RuntimeException("Index type is not set");
    long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    setLocalIndexer(conf, index);
    Partitioner partitioner = createPartitioner(inPath, outPath, conf, index);
    Partitioner.setPartitioner(conf, partitioner);

    long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println("Total time for space subdivision in millis: " + (t2 - t1));

    // Set mapper and reducer
    Shape shape = OperationsParams.getShape(conf, "shape");
    // Set input and output
    SpatialInputFormat3.setInputPaths(job, inPath);
    IndexOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outPath);
    // Set number of reduce tasks according to cluster status
    ClusterStatus clusterStatus = new JobClient(new JobConf()).getClusterStatus();
            Math.min(partitioner.getPartitionCount(), (clusterStatus.getMaxReduceTasks() * 9) / 10)));

    // Use multithreading in case the job is running locally
    conf.setInt(LocalJobRunner.LOCAL_MAX_MAPS, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());

    // Start the job
    if (conf.getBoolean("background", false)) {
        // Run in background
    } else {
        job.waitForCompletion(conf.getBoolean("verbose", false));
    return job;

From source file:edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.nasa.HDFRecordReader.java

License:Open Source License

public void initialize(InputSplit split, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    this.conf = conf;
    String datasetName = conf.get("dataset");
    if (datasetName == null)
        throw new RuntimeException("Dataset name should be provided");
    if (split instanceof CombineFileSplit) {
        CombineFileSplit csplits = (CombineFileSplit) split;
        splits = new Vector<FileSplit>(csplits.getNumPaths());
        for (int i = 0; i < csplits.getNumPaths(); i++) {
            FileSplit fsplit = new FileSplit(csplits.getPath(i), csplits.getOffset(i), csplits.getLength(i),
            splits.add(fsplit);/*from   w  w w .j  a v a  2s.  com*/
        this.initialize(splits.remove(splits.size() - 1), conf);
    inFile = ((FileSplit) split).getPath();
    fs = inFile.getFileSystem(conf);
    if (fs instanceof HTTPFileSystem) {
        // For performance reasons, we don't open HDF files from HTTP
        inFile = new Path(FileUtil.copyFile(conf, inFile));
        fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
        this.deleteOnEnd = true;
    hdfFile = new HDFFile(fs.open(inFile));

    // Retrieve meta data
    String archiveMetadata = (String) hdfFile.findHeaderByName("ArchiveMetadata.0").getEntryAt(0);
    String coreMetadata = (String) hdfFile.findHeaderByName("CoreMetadata.0").getEntryAt(0);
    nasaDataset = new NASADataset(coreMetadata, archiveMetadata);

    // Retrieve the data array
    DDVGroup dataGroup = hdfFile.findGroupByName(datasetName);
    boolean fillValueFound = false;
    int resolution = 0;
    // Retrieve metadata
    int fillValuee = 0;
    for (DataDescriptor dd : dataGroup.getContents()) {
        if (dd instanceof DDVDataHeader) {
            DDVDataHeader vheader = (DDVDataHeader) dd;
            if (vheader.getName().equals("_FillValue")) {
                Object fillValue = vheader.getEntryAt(0);
                if (fillValue instanceof Integer)
                    fillValuee = (Integer) fillValue;
                else if (fillValue instanceof Short)
                    fillValuee = (Short) fillValue;
                else if (fillValue instanceof Byte)
                    fillValuee = (Byte) fillValue;
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported type: " + fillValue.getClass());
                fillValueFound = true;
            } else if (vheader.getName().equals("valid_range")) {
                Object minValue = vheader.getEntryAt(0);
                if (minValue instanceof Integer)
                    nasaDataset.minValue = (Integer) minValue;
                else if (minValue instanceof Byte)
                    nasaDataset.minValue = (Byte) minValue;
                Object maxValue = vheader.getEntryAt(1);
                if (maxValue instanceof Integer)
                    nasaDataset.maxValue = (Integer) maxValue;
                else if (maxValue instanceof Byte)
                    nasaDataset.maxValue = (Byte) maxValue;
    // Retrieve data
    for (DataDescriptor dd : dataGroup.getContents()) {
        if (dd instanceof DDNumericDataGroup) {
            DDNumericDataGroup numericDataGroup = (DDNumericDataGroup) dd;
            valueSize = numericDataGroup.getDataSize();
            resolution = numericDataGroup.getDimensions()[0];
            unparsedDataArray = new byte[valueSize * resolution * resolution];
            if (fillValueFound) {
                fillValueBytes = new byte[valueSize];
                HDFConstants.writeAt(fillValueBytes, 0, fillValuee, valueSize);
                for (int i = 0; i < unparsedDataArray.length; i++)
                    unparsedDataArray[i] = fillValueBytes[i % valueSize];
            numericDataGroup.getAsByteArray(unparsedDataArray, 0, unparsedDataArray.length);

    nasaDataset.resolution = resolution;
    if (!fillValueFound) {
        skipFillValue = false;
    } else {
        skipFillValue = conf.getBoolean("skipfill", true);
        // Whether we need to recover fill values or not
        boolean recoverFillValues = conf.getBoolean("recoverholes", true);
        if (recoverFillValues)
    this.nasaShape = (S) OperationsParams.getShape(conf, "shape", new NASARectangle());
    this.value = new NASAIterator();

From source file:edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.nasa.HDFRecordReader3.java

License:Open Source License

public void initialize(InputSplit split, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    String datasetName = conf.get("dataset");
    if (datasetName == null)
        throw new RuntimeException("Dataset name should be provided");
    FileSplit fsplit = (FileSplit) split;
    FileSystem fs = fsplit.getPath().getFileSystem(conf);
    FSDataInputStream input = fs.open(fsplit.getPath());
    HDFFile hdfFile = new HDFFile(input);

    // Retrieve meta data
    nasaDataset = new NASADataset((String) hdfFile.findHeaderByName("CoreMetadata.0").getEntryAt(0));

    // Retrieve the data array
    DDVGroup dataGroup = hdfFile.findGroupByName(datasetName);
    boolean fillValueFound = false;
    int resolution = 0;
    for (DataDescriptor dd : dataGroup.getContents()) {
        if (dd instanceof DDNumericDataGroup) {
            DDNumericDataGroup numericDataGroup = (DDNumericDataGroup) dd;
            dataArray = (short[]) numericDataGroup.getAsAnArray();
            resolution = numericDataGroup.getDimensions()[0];
        } else if (dd instanceof DDVDataHeader) {
            DDVDataHeader vheader = (DDVDataHeader) dd;
            if (vheader.getName().equals("_FillValue")) {
                this.fillValue = (Integer) vheader.getEntryAt(0);
                fillValueFound = true;/*from www.  j  ava  2  s  .  com*/
            } else if (vheader.getName().equals("valid_range")) {
                nasaDataset.minValue = (Integer) vheader.getEntryAt(0);
                nasaDataset.maxValue = (Integer) vheader.getEntryAt(1);
    nasaDataset.resolution = resolution;
    if (!fillValueFound) {
        skipFillValue = false;
    } else {
        // Whether we need to recover fill values or not
        boolean recoverFillValues = conf.getBoolean("recoverholes", true);
        if (recoverFillValues)
    this.nasaShape = (S) OperationsParams.getShape(conf, "shape", new NASARectangle());
    this.value = new NASAIterator();

From source file:edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.nasa.HDFToText.java

License:Open Source License

 * Performs an HDF to text operation as a MapReduce job and returns total
 * number of points generated./*from   w w  w .  ja  v  a2s.c om*/
 * @param inPath
 * @param outPath
 * @param datasetName
 * @param skipFillValue
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws ClassNotFoundException 
 * @throws InterruptedException 
public static long HDFToTextMapReduce(Path inPath, Path outPath, String datasetName, boolean skipFillValue,
        OperationsParams params) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {
    Job job = new Job(params, "HDFToText");
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();

    // Set Map function details

    // Set input information
    SpatialInputFormat3.setInputPaths(job, inPath);
    if (conf.get("shape") == null)
        conf.setClass("shape", NASAPoint.class, Shape.class);
    conf.set("dataset", datasetName);
    conf.setBoolean("skipfillvalue", skipFillValue);

    // Set output information
    TextOutputFormat3.setOutputPath(job, outPath);

    // Run the job
    boolean verbose = conf.getBoolean("verbose", false);
    Counters counters = job.getCounters();
    Counter outputRecordCounter = counters.findCounter(Task.Counter.MAP_OUTPUT_RECORDS);
    final long resultCount = outputRecordCounter.getValue();

    return resultCount;

From source file:edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.OperationsParams.java

License:Open Source License

 * Checks whether the operation should work in local or MapReduce mode. If
 * the job explicitly specifies whether to run in local or MapReduce mode,
 * the specified option is returned. Otherwise, it automatically detects
 * whether to use local or MapReduce based on the input size.
 * //from w w  w  .  ja v  a  2 s . co  m
 * @return <code>true</code> to run in local mode, <code>false</code> to run
 *         in MapReduce mode.
 * @throws IOException If the underlying job fails with an IOException 
 * @throws InterruptedException If the underlying job was interrupted
public static boolean isLocal(Configuration jobConf, Path... input) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    final boolean LocalProcessing = true;
    final boolean MapReduceProcessing = false;

    // Whatever is explicitly set has the highest priority
    if (jobConf.get("local") != null)
        return jobConf.getBoolean("local", false);

    // If any of the input files are hidden, use local processing
    for (Path inputFile : input) {
        if (!SpatialSite.NonHiddenFileFilter.accept(inputFile))
            return LocalProcessing;

    if (input.length > MaxSplitsForLocalProcessing) {
        LOG.info("Too many files. Using MapReduce");
        return MapReduceProcessing;

    Job job = new Job(jobConf); // To ensure we don't change the original
    SpatialInputFormat3.setInputPaths(job, input);
    SpatialInputFormat3<Partition, Shape> inputFormat = new SpatialInputFormat3<Partition, Shape>();

    try {
        List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
        if (splits.size() > MaxSplitsForLocalProcessing)
            return MapReduceProcessing;

        long totalSize = 0;
        for (InputSplit split : splits)
            totalSize += split.getLength();
        if (totalSize > MaxSizeForLocalProcessing) {
            LOG.info("Input size is too large. Using MapReduce");
            return MapReduceProcessing;
        LOG.info("Input size is small enough to use local machine");
        return LocalProcessing;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.warn("Cannot get splits for input");
        return MapReduceProcessing;

From source file:edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.visualization.CanvasOutputFormat.java

License:Open Source License

protected static void mergeImages(final Configuration conf, final Path outPath)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    final int width = conf.getInt("width", 1000);
    final int height = conf.getInt("height", 1000);
    final Rectangle inputMBR = (Rectangle) OperationsParams.getShape(conf, InputMBR);

    final boolean vflip = conf.getBoolean("vflip", true);

    // List all output files resulting from reducers
    final FileSystem outFs = outPath.getFileSystem(conf);
    final FileStatus[] resultFiles = outFs.listStatus(outPath, new PathFilter() {
        @Override//www.  j a v a  2s .c  o  m
        public boolean accept(Path path) {
            return path.toUri().getPath().contains("part-");

    if (resultFiles.length == 0) {
        System.err.println("Error! Couldn't find any partial output. Exiting!");
    System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + ": Merging " + resultFiles.length + " layers into one");
    List<Canvas> intermediateLayers = Parallel.forEach(resultFiles.length,
            new Parallel.RunnableRange<Canvas>() {
                public Canvas run(int i1, int i2) {
                    Plotter plotter = Plotter.getPlotter(conf);
                    // The canvas that contains the merge of all assigned layers
                    Canvas finalLayer = null;
                    Canvas tempLayer = plotter.createCanvas(1, 1, new Rectangle());
                    for (int i = i1; i < i2; i++) {
                        FileStatus resultFile = resultFiles[i];
                        try {
                            FSDataInputStream inputStream = outFs.open(resultFile.getPath());
                            while (inputStream.getPos() < resultFile.getLen()) {
                                if (tempLayer == finalLayer) {
                                    // More than one layer. Create a separate final layer to merge
                                    finalLayer = plotter.createCanvas(width, height, inputMBR);
                                    plotter.merge(finalLayer, tempLayer);

                                if (finalLayer == null) {
                                    // First layer. Treat it as a final layer to avoid merging
                                    // if it is the only layer
                                    finalLayer = tempLayer;
                                } else {
                                    // More than only layer. Merge into the final layer
                                    plotter.merge(finalLayer, tempLayer);
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            System.err.println("Error reading " + resultFile);
                    return finalLayer;
            }, conf.getInt("parallel", Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()));

    // Merge all intermediate layers into one final layer
    Plotter plotter = Plotter.getPlotter(conf);
    Canvas finalLayer;
    if (intermediateLayers.size() == 1) {
        finalLayer = intermediateLayers.get(0);
    } else {
        finalLayer = plotter.createCanvas(width, height, inputMBR);
        for (Canvas intermediateLayer : intermediateLayers) {
            plotter.merge(finalLayer, intermediateLayer);

    // Finally, write the resulting image to the given output path
    System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + ": Writing final image");
    outFs.delete(outPath, true); // Delete old (non-combined) images
    FSDataOutputStream outputFile = outFs.create(outPath);
    plotter.writeImage(finalLayer, outputFile, vflip);

From source file:edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.visualization.MultilevelPlot.java

License:Open Source License

private static Job plotMapReduce(Path[] inFiles, Path outFile, Class<? extends Plotter> plotterClass,
        OperationsParams params) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {
    Plotter plotter;// ww  w . j  a v  a2s  .c  om
    try {
        plotter = plotterClass.newInstance();
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Error creating rastierizer", e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Error creating rastierizer", e);

    Job job = new Job(params, "MultilevelPlot");
    // Set plotter
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
    Plotter.setPlotter(conf, plotterClass);
    // Set input file MBR
    Rectangle inputMBR = (Rectangle) params.getShape("mbr");
    if (inputMBR == null)
        inputMBR = FileMBR.fileMBR(inFiles, params);

    // Adjust width and height if aspect ratio is to be kept
    if (params.getBoolean("keepratio", true)) {
        // Expand input file to a rectangle for compatibility with the pyramid
        // structure
        if (inputMBR.getWidth() > inputMBR.getHeight()) {
            inputMBR.y1 -= (inputMBR.getWidth() - inputMBR.getHeight()) / 2;
            inputMBR.y2 = inputMBR.y1 + inputMBR.getWidth();
        } else {
            inputMBR.x1 -= (inputMBR.getHeight() - inputMBR.getWidth()) / 2;
            inputMBR.x2 = inputMBR.x1 + inputMBR.getHeight();
    OperationsParams.setShape(conf, InputMBR, inputMBR);

    // Set input and output
    SpatialInputFormat3.setInputPaths(job, inFiles);
    if (conf.getBoolean("output", true)) {
        PyramidOutputFormat2.setOutputPath(job, outFile);
    } else {

    // Set mapper, reducer and committer
    String partitionTechnique = params.get("partition", "flat");
    if (partitionTechnique.equalsIgnoreCase("flat")) {
        // Use flat partitioning
    } else if (partitionTechnique.equalsIgnoreCase("pyramid")) {
        // Use pyramid partitioning
        Shape shape = params.getShape("shape");
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unknown partitioning technique '" + partitionTechnique + "'");
    // Set number of reducers
            Math.max(1, new JobClient(new JobConf()).getClusterStatus().getMaxReduceTasks() * 7 / 8));
    // Use multithreading in case the job is running locally
    conf.setInt(LocalJobRunner.LOCAL_MAX_MAPS, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());

    // Start the job
    if (params.getBoolean("background", false)) {
    } else {
    return job;

From source file:edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.visualization.RasterOutputFormat.java

License:Open Source License

protected static void mergeImages(final Configuration conf, final Path outPath)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    final int width = conf.getInt("width", 1000);
    final int height = conf.getInt("height", 1000);
    final Rectangle inputMBR = (Rectangle) OperationsParams.getShape(conf, InputMBR);

    final boolean vflip = conf.getBoolean("vflip", true);

    // List all output files resulting from reducers
    final FileSystem outFs = outPath.getFileSystem(conf);
    final FileStatus[] resultFiles = outFs.listStatus(outPath, new PathFilter() {
        @Override//from  w  w w  .ja  va  2  s.co m
        public boolean accept(Path path) {
            return path.toUri().getPath().contains("part-");

    if (resultFiles.length == 0) {
        System.err.println("Error! Couldn't find any partial output. Exiting!");
    System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + ": Merging " + resultFiles.length + " layers into one");
    Vector<RasterLayer> intermediateLayers = Parallel.forEach(resultFiles.length,
            new Parallel.RunnableRange<RasterLayer>() {
                public RasterLayer run(int i1, int i2) {
                    Rasterizer rasterizer = Rasterizer.getRasterizer(conf);
                    // The raster layer that contains the merge of all assigned layers
                    RasterLayer finalLayer = null;
                    RasterLayer tempLayer = rasterizer.createRaster(1, 1, new Rectangle());
                    for (int i = i1; i < i2; i++) {
                        FileStatus resultFile = resultFiles[i];
                        try {
                            FSDataInputStream inputStream = outFs.open(resultFile.getPath());
                            while (inputStream.getPos() < resultFile.getLen()) {
                                if (tempLayer == finalLayer) {
                                    // More than one layer. Create a separate final layer to merge
                                    finalLayer = rasterizer.createRaster(width, height, inputMBR);
                                    rasterizer.merge(finalLayer, tempLayer);

                                if (finalLayer == null) {
                                    // First layer. Treat it as a final layer to avoid merging
                                    // if it is the only layer
                                    finalLayer = tempLayer;
                                } else {
                                    // More than only layer. Merge into the final layer
                                    rasterizer.merge(finalLayer, tempLayer);
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            System.err.println("Error reading " + resultFile);
                    return finalLayer;

    // Merge all intermediate layers into one final layer
    Rasterizer rasterizer = Rasterizer.getRasterizer(conf);
    RasterLayer finalLayer;
    if (intermediateLayers.size() == 1) {
        finalLayer = intermediateLayers.elementAt(0);
    } else {
        finalLayer = rasterizer.createRaster(width, height, inputMBR);
        for (RasterLayer intermediateLayer : intermediateLayers) {
            rasterizer.merge(finalLayer, intermediateLayer);

    // Finally, write the resulting image to the given output path
    System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + ": Writing final image");
    outFs.delete(outPath, true); // Delete old (non-combined) images
    FSDataOutputStream outputFile = outFs.create(outPath);
    rasterizer.writeImage(finalLayer, outputFile, vflip);

From source file:edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.visualization.SingleLevelPlot.java

License:Open Source License

 * Generates a single level using a MapReduce job and returns the created job.
 * @param inFiles//from   w ww  .  j av a 2  s.  co m
 * @param outFile
 * @param plotterClass
 * @param params
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws InterruptedException 
 * @throws ClassNotFoundException 
public static Job plotMapReduce(Path[] inFiles, Path outFile, Class<? extends Plotter> plotterClass,
        OperationsParams params) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {
    Plotter plotter;
    try {
        plotter = plotterClass.newInstance();
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Error creating rastierizer", e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Error creating rastierizer", e);

    Job job = new Job(params, "SingleLevelPlot");
    // Set plotter
    Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration();
    Plotter.setPlotter(conf, plotterClass);
    // Set input file MBR
    Rectangle inputMBR = (Rectangle) params.getShape("mbr");
    Rectangle drawRect = (Rectangle) params.getShape("rect");
    if (inputMBR == null)
        inputMBR = drawRect != null ? drawRect : FileMBR.fileMBR(inFiles, params);
    OperationsParams.setShape(conf, InputMBR, inputMBR);
    if (drawRect != null)
        OperationsParams.setShape(conf, SpatialInputFormat3.InputQueryRange, drawRect);

    // Adjust width and height if aspect ratio is to be kept
    int imageWidth = conf.getInt("width", 1000);
    int imageHeight = conf.getInt("height", 1000);
    if (params.getBoolean("keepratio", true)) {
        // Adjust width and height to maintain aspect ratio
        if (inputMBR.getWidth() / inputMBR.getHeight() > (double) imageWidth / imageHeight) {
            // Fix width and change height
            imageHeight = (int) (inputMBR.getHeight() * imageWidth / inputMBR.getWidth());
            // Make divisible by two for compatibility with ffmpeg
            if (imageHeight % 2 == 1)
            conf.setInt("height", imageHeight);
        } else {
            imageWidth = (int) (inputMBR.getWidth() * imageHeight / inputMBR.getHeight());
            conf.setInt("width", imageWidth);

    boolean merge = conf.getBoolean("merge", true);
    // Set input and output
    SpatialInputFormat3.setInputPaths(job, inFiles);
    if (conf.getBoolean("output", true)) {
        if (merge) {
            conf.setClass("mapred.output.committer.class", CanvasOutputFormat.ImageWriterOld.class,
        } else {
        CanvasOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outFile);
    } else {

    // Set mapper and reducer based on the partitioning scheme
    String partition = conf.get("partition", "none");
    ClusterStatus clusterStatus = new JobClient(new JobConf()).getClusterStatus();
    if (partition.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) {
        LOG.info("Using no-partition plot");
        if (merge) {
            int numSplits = new SpatialInputFormat3().getSplits(job).size();
            // Set number of reduce tasks according to cluster status
            int maxReduce = Math.max(1, clusterStatus.getMaxReduceTasks() * 7 / 8);
            job.setNumReduceTasks(Math.max(1, Math.min(maxReduce, numSplits / maxReduce)));
        } else {
    } else {
        LOG.info("Using repartition plot");
        Partitioner partitioner;
        if (partition.equals("pixel")) {
            // Special case for pixel level partitioning as it depends on the
            // visualization parameters
            partitioner = new GridPartitioner(inputMBR, imageWidth, imageHeight);
        } else if (partition.equals("grid")) {
            int numBlocks = 0;
            for (Path in : inFiles) {
                FileSystem fs = in.getFileSystem(params);
                long size = FileUtil.getPathSize(fs, in);
                long blockSize = fs.getDefaultBlockSize(in);
                numBlocks += Math.ceil(size / (double) blockSize);
            int numPartitions = numBlocks * 1000;
            int gridSize = (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(numPartitions));
            partitioner = new GridPartitioner(inputMBR, gridSize, gridSize);
        } else {
            // Use a standard partitioner as created by the indexer
            partitioner = Indexer.createPartitioner(inFiles, outFile, conf, partition);
        Shape shape = params.getShape("shape");
        // Set number of reducers according to cluster size
        job.setNumReduceTasks(Math.max(1, clusterStatus.getMaxReduceTasks() * 9 / 10));
        Partitioner.setPartitioner(conf, partitioner);

    // Use multithreading in case the job is running locally
    conf.setInt(LocalJobRunner.LOCAL_MAX_MAPS, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());

    // Start the job
    if (params.getBoolean("background", false)) {
        // Run in background
    } else {
        job.waitForCompletion(params.getBoolean("verbose", false));
    return job;