Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hama.pipes; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.apache.commons.cli.BasicParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.Parser; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.filecache.DistributedCache; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.util.GenericOptionsParser; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool; import org.apache.hama.Constants; import org.apache.hama.HamaConfiguration; import org.apache.hama.bsp.BSPJob; import org.apache.hama.bsp.BSPJobClient; import org.apache.hama.bsp.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hama.bsp.FileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hama.bsp.HashPartitioner; import org.apache.hama.bsp.InputFormat; import org.apache.hama.bsp.OutputFormat; import org.apache.hama.bsp.Partitioner; import org.apache.hama.pipes.util.DistributedCacheUtil; import; /** * The main entry point and job submitter. It may either be used as a command * line-based or API-based method to launch Pipes jobs. * * Adapted from Hadoop Pipes. * */ public class Submitter implements Tool { protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Submitter.class); private HamaConfiguration conf; public Submitter() { this.conf = new HamaConfiguration(); } public Submitter(HamaConfiguration conf) { setConf(conf); } @Override public HamaConfiguration getConf() { return this.conf; } @Override public void setConf(Configuration conf) { this.conf = (HamaConfiguration) conf; } /** * Get the URI of the CPU application's executable. * * @param conf * @return the URI where the application's executable is located */ public static String getExecutable(Configuration conf) { return conf.get("hama.pipes.executable"); } /** * Set the URI for the CPU application's executable. Normally this is a hdfs: * location. * * @param conf * @param executable The URI of the application's executable. */ public static void setExecutable(Configuration conf, String executable) { conf.set("hama.pipes.executable", executable); } /** * Set the configuration, if it doesn't already have a value for the given * key. * * @param conf the configuration to modify * @param key the key to set * @param value the new "default" value to set */ private static void setIfUnset(Configuration conf, String key, String value) { if (conf.get(key) == null) { conf.set(key, value); } } /** * Save away the user's original partitioner before we override it. * * @param conf the configuration to modify * @param cls the user's partitioner class */ static void setJavaPartitioner(Configuration conf, Class<?> cls) { conf.set("hama.pipes.partitioner", cls.getName()); } /** * Get the user's original partitioner. * * @param conf the configuration to look in * @return the class that the user submitted */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") static Class<? extends Partitioner> getJavaPartitioner(Configuration conf) { return conf.getClass("hama.pipes.partitioner", HashPartitioner.class, Partitioner.class); } /** * Does the user want to keep the command file for debugging? If this is true, * pipes will write a copy of the command data to a file in the task directory * named "", which may be used to run the C++ program under the * debugger. You probably also want to set * JobConf.setKeepFailedTaskFiles(true) to keep the entire directory from * being deleted. To run using the data file, set the environment variable * "hadoop.pipes.command.file" to point to the file. * * @param conf the configuration to check * @return will the framework save the command file? */ public static boolean getKeepCommandFile(Configuration conf) { return conf.getBoolean("hama.pipes.command-file.keep", false); } /** * Set whether to keep the command file for debugging * * @param conf the configuration to modify * @param keep the new value */ public static void setKeepCommandFile(Configuration conf, boolean keep) { conf.setBoolean("hama.pipes.command-file.keep", keep); } /** * Submit a job to the cluster. All of the necessary modifications to the job * to run under pipes are made to the configuration. * * @param job to submit to the cluster * @throws IOException */ public static void runJob(BSPJob job) throws IOException { setupPipesJob(job); BSPJobClient.runJob(job); } private static void setupPipesJob(BSPJob job) throws IOException { job.setBspClass(PipesBSP.class); job.setJarByClass(PipesBSP.class); String textClassname = Text.class.getName(); setIfUnset(job.getConfiguration(), "bsp.input.key.class", textClassname); setIfUnset(job.getConfiguration(), "bsp.input.value.class", textClassname); setIfUnset(job.getConfiguration(), "bsp.output.key.class", textClassname); setIfUnset(job.getConfiguration(), "bsp.output.value.class", textClassname); setIfUnset(job.getConfiguration(), Constants.MESSAGE_CLASS, BytesWritable.class.getName()); setIfUnset(job.getConfiguration(), "", "Hama Pipes Job"); // DEBUG Output LOG.debug("BspClass: " + job.getBspClass().getName()); // conf.setInputFormat(NLineInputFormat.class); LOG.debug("InputFormat: " + job.getInputFormat()); LOG.debug("InputKeyClass: " + job.getInputKeyClass().getName()); LOG.debug("InputValueClass: " + job.getInputValueClass().getName()); LOG.debug("InputFormat: " + job.getOutputFormat()); LOG.debug("OutputKeyClass: " + job.getOutputKeyClass().getName()); LOG.debug("OutputValueClass: " + job.getOutputValueClass().getName()); LOG.debug("MessageClass: " + job.get(Constants.MESSAGE_CLASS)); LOG.debug("bsp.master.address: " + job.getConfiguration().get("bsp.master.address")); LOG.debug("bsp.local.tasks.maximum: " + job.getConfiguration().get("bsp.local.tasks.maximum")); LOG.debug("NumBspTask: " + job.getNumBspTask()); LOG.debug(" " + job.getConfiguration().get("")); String exec = getExecutable(job.getConfiguration()); if (exec == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No application defined. (Set property hama.pipes.executable)"); } URI[] fileCache = DistributedCache.getCacheFiles(job.getConfiguration()); if (fileCache == null) { fileCache = new URI[1]; } else { URI[] tmp = new URI[fileCache.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(fileCache, 0, tmp, 1, fileCache.length); fileCache = tmp; } try { fileCache[0] = new URI(exec); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { IOException ie = new IOException("Problem parsing executable URI " + exec); ie.initCause(e); throw ie; } DistributedCache.setCacheFiles(fileCache, job.getConfiguration()); // Add libjars to HDFS String tmpjars = job.getConfiguration().get("tmpjars"); LOG.debug("conf.get(tmpjars): " + tmpjars); if (tmpjars != null) { String hdfsFileUrls = DistributedCacheUtil.addFilesToHDFS(job.getConfiguration(), job.getConfiguration().get("tmpjars")); job.getConfiguration().set("tmpjars", hdfsFileUrls);"conf.get(tmpjars): " + job.getConfiguration().get("tmpjars")); } } /** * A command line parser for the CLI-based Pipes job submitter. */ static class CommandLineParser { private Options options = new Options(); void addOption(String longName, boolean required, String description, String paramName) { OptionBuilder.withArgName(paramName); OptionBuilder.hasArgs(1); OptionBuilder.withDescription(description); OptionBuilder.isRequired(required); Option option = OptionBuilder.create(longName); options.addOption(option); } void addArgument(String name, boolean required, String description) { OptionBuilder.withArgName(name); OptionBuilder.hasArgs(1); OptionBuilder.withDescription(description); OptionBuilder.isRequired(required); Option option = OptionBuilder.create(); options.addOption(option); } Parser createParser() { Parser result = new BasicParser(); return result; } void printUsage() { // The CLI package should do this for us, but I can't figure out how // to make it print something reasonable. System.out.println("bin/hama pipes [genericOptions] [pipesOptions]"); System.out.println(); // Generic options // GenericOptionsParser.printGenericCommandUsage(System.out); System.out.println("Generic options supported are"); System.out.println(" -conf <configuration file>\tSpecify an application configuration file"); System.out.println(" -D <property=value>\tUse value for given property"); System.out.println(); // Pipes options System.out.println("Pipes options supported are"); System.out.println(" -input <path>\tInput directory"); System.out.println(" -output <path>\tOutput directory"); System.out.println(" -jar <jar file>\tJar filename"); System.out.println(" -inputformat <class>\tInputFormat class"); System.out.println(" -bspTasks <number>\tNumber of bsp tasks to launch"); System.out.println(" -partitioner <class>\tJava Partitioner"); System.out.println(" -combiner <class>\tJava Combiner class"); System.out.println(" -outputformat <class>\tJava RecordWriter"); System.out.println( " -cachefiles <space separated paths>\tAdditional cache files like libs, can be globbed with wildcards"); System.out.println(" -program <executable>\tExecutable URI"); System.out.println(" -programArgs <argument>\tArguments for the program"); System.out.println(" -interpreter <executable>\tInterpreter, like python or bash"); System.out.println(" -streaming <true|false>\tIf supplied, streaming is used instead of pipes"); System.out.println(" -jobname <name>\tSets the name of this job"); } } private static <InterfaceType> Class<? extends InterfaceType> getClass(CommandLine cl, String key, HamaConfiguration conf, Class<InterfaceType> cls) throws ClassNotFoundException { return conf.getClassByName(cl.getOptionValue(key)).asSubclass(cls); } @Override public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { CommandLineParser cli = new CommandLineParser(); if (args.length == 0) { cli.printUsage(); return 1; } LOG.debug("Hama pipes Submitter started!"); cli.addOption("input", false, "input path for bsp", "path"); cli.addOption("output", false, "output path from bsp", "path"); cli.addOption("jar", false, "job jar file", "path"); cli.addOption("inputformat", false, "java classname of InputFormat", "class"); // cli.addArgument("javareader", false, "is the RecordReader in Java"); cli.addOption("partitioner", false, "java classname of Partitioner", "class"); cli.addOption("outputformat", false, "java classname of OutputFormat", "class"); cli.addOption("cachefiles", false, "additional cache files to add", "space delimited paths"); cli.addOption("interpreter", false, "interpreter, like python or bash", "executable"); cli.addOption("jobname", false, "the jobname", "name"); cli.addOption("programArgs", false, "program arguments", "arguments"); cli.addOption("bspTasks", false, "how many bsp tasks to launch", "number"); cli.addOption("streaming", false, "if supplied, streaming is used instead of pipes", ""); cli.addOption("jobconf", false, "\"n1=v1,n2=v2,..\" (Deprecated) Optional. Add or override a JobConf property.", "key=val"); cli.addOption("program", false, "URI to application executable", "class"); Parser parser = cli.createParser(); try { // check generic arguments -conf GenericOptionsParser genericParser = new GenericOptionsParser(getConf(), args); // get other arguments CommandLine results = parser.parse(cli.options, genericParser.getRemainingArgs()); BSPJob job = new BSPJob(getConf()); if (results.hasOption("input")) { FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, results.getOptionValue("input")); } if (results.hasOption("output")) { FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(results.getOptionValue("output"))); } if (results.hasOption("jar")) { job.setJar(results.getOptionValue("jar")); } if (results.hasOption("jobname")) { job.setJobName(results.getOptionValue("jobname")); } if (results.hasOption("inputformat")) { job.setInputFormat(getClass(results, "inputformat", conf, InputFormat.class)); } if (results.hasOption("partitioner")) { job.setPartitioner(getClass(results, "partitioner", conf, Partitioner.class)); } if (results.hasOption("outputformat")) { job.setOutputFormat(getClass(results, "outputformat", conf, OutputFormat.class)); } if (results.hasOption("streaming")) {"Streaming enabled!"); job.set("hama.streaming.enabled", "true"); } if (results.hasOption("jobconf")) { LOG.warn("-jobconf option is deprecated, please use -D instead."); String options = results.getOptionValue("jobconf"); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(options, ","); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String keyVal = tokenizer.nextToken().trim(); String[] keyValSplit = keyVal.split("=", 2); job.set(keyValSplit[0], keyValSplit[1]); } } if (results.hasOption("bspTasks")) { int optionValue = Integer.parseInt(results.getOptionValue("bspTasks")); conf.setInt("bsp.local.tasks.maximum", optionValue); conf.setInt("bsp.peers.num", optionValue); } if (results.hasOption("program")) { String executablePath = results.getOptionValue("program"); setExecutable(job.getConfiguration(), executablePath); DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new Path(executablePath).toUri(), conf); } if (results.hasOption("interpreter")) { job.getConfiguration().set("hama.pipes.executable.interpretor", results.getOptionValue("interpreter")); } if (results.hasOption("programArgs")) { job.getConfiguration().set("hama.pipes.executable.args", Joiner.on(" ").join(results.getOptionValues("programArgs"))); // job.getConfiguration().set("hama.pipes.resolve.executable.args", // "true"); } if (results.hasOption("cachefiles")) { FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(getConf()); String[] optionValues = results.getOptionValues("cachefiles"); for (String s : optionValues) { Path path = new Path(s); FileStatus[] globStatus = fs.globStatus(path); for (FileStatus f : globStatus) { if (!f.isDir()) { DistributedCache.addCacheFile(f.getPath().toUri(), job.getConfiguration()); } else {"Ignoring directory " + f.getPath() + " while globbing."); } } } } // if they gave us a jar file, include it into the class path String jarFile = job.getJar(); if (jarFile != null) { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") final URL[] urls = new URL[] { FileSystem.getLocal(conf).pathToFile(new Path(jarFile)).toURL() }; // FindBugs complains that creating a URLClassLoader should be // in a doPrivileged() block. ClassLoader loader = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<ClassLoader>() { @Override public ClassLoader run() { return new URLClassLoader(urls); } }); conf.setClassLoader(loader); } runJob(job); return 0; } catch (ParseException pe) {"Error : " + pe); cli.printUsage(); return 1; } } /** * Submit a pipes job based on the command line arguments. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int exitCode = new Submitter().run(args); System.exit(exitCode); } }