Java tutorial
/*********************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2015 by Regents of the University of Minnesota. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which * accompanies this distribution and is available at * * *************************************************************************/ package edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop; import java.awt.Color; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; import org.apache.hadoop.util.GenericOptionsParser; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.CSVOGC; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.OGCESRIShape; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.OGCJTSShape; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.Point; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.Polygon; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.Rectangle; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.ResultCollector; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.Shape; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.SpatialSite; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.indexing.Partition; import; import; import; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.mapreduce.SpatialInputFormat3; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.nasa.NASAPoint; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.nasa.NASARectangle; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.operations.Head; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.operations.LocalSampler; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.osm.OSMEdge; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.osm.OSMPoint; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.osm.OSMPolygon; /** * A class that encapsulates all parameters sent for an operations implemented * in SpatialHadoop. Internally, it stores everything in {@link Configuration} * which makes it easier to pass around to mappers and reducers. It can be * initialized from a configuration and/or a list of command line arguments. * * @author Ahmed Eldawy * */ public class OperationsParams extends Configuration { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(OperationsParams.class); /** Separator between shape type and value */ public static final String ShapeValueSeparator = "//"; /** Maximum number of splits to handle by a local algorithm */ private static final int MaxSplitsForLocalProcessing = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); private static final long MaxSizeForLocalProcessing = 200 * 1024 * 1024; /** All detected input paths */ private Path[] allPaths; static { // Load configuration from files Configuration.addDefaultResource("spatial-default.xml"); Configuration.addDefaultResource("spatial-site.xml"); } public OperationsParams() { this(new Configuration()); } public OperationsParams(GenericOptionsParser parser) { this(parser, true); } public OperationsParams(GenericOptionsParser parser, boolean autodetectShape) { super(parser.getConfiguration()); initialize(parser.getRemainingArgs()); if (autodetectShape) { TextSerializable shape = getShape("shape"); if (shape != null) { // In case this class is in a third part jar file, add it to // path SpatialSite.addClassToPath(this, shape.getClass()); } } } /** * Initialize the command line arguments from an existing configuration and * a list of additional arguments. * * @param conf A set of configuration parameters to initialize to * @param additionalArgs Any additional command line arguments given by the user. */ public OperationsParams(Configuration conf, String... additionalArgs) { super(conf); initialize(additionalArgs); } public OperationsParams(OperationsParams params) { super(params); if (params.allPaths != null) this.allPaths = params.allPaths.clone(); } public void initialize(String... args) { // TODO if the argument shape is set to a class in a third party jar // file add that jar file to the archives Vector<Path> paths = new Vector<Path>(); for (String arg : args) { String argl = arg.toLowerCase(); if (arg.startsWith("-no-")) { this.setBoolean(argl.substring(4), false); } else if (argl.startsWith("-")) { this.setBoolean(argl.substring(1), true); } else if (argl.contains(":") && !argl.contains(":/")) { String[] parts = arg.split(":", 2); String key = parts[0].toLowerCase(); String value = parts[1]; String previousValue = this.get(key); if (previousValue == null) this.set(key, value); else this.set(key, previousValue + "\n" + value); } else { paths.add(new Path(arg)); } } this.allPaths = paths.toArray(new Path[paths.size()]); } public Path[] getPaths() { return allPaths; } public Path getPath() { return allPaths.length > 0 ? allPaths[0] : null; } public Path getOutputPath() { return allPaths.length > 1 ? allPaths[allPaths.length - 1] : null; } public void setOutputPath(String newPath) { if (allPaths.length > 1) { allPaths[allPaths.length - 1] = new Path(newPath); } } public Path getInputPath() { return getPath(); } public Path[] getInputPaths() { if (allPaths.length < 2) { return allPaths; } Path[] inputPaths = new Path[allPaths.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(allPaths, 0, inputPaths, 0, inputPaths.length); return inputPaths; } /* * public CellInfo[] getCells() { String cell_of = (String) get("cells-of"); * if (cell_of == null) return null; Path path = new Path(cell_of); * FileSystem fs; try { fs = path.getFileSystem(new Configuration()); return * SpatialSite.cellsOf(fs, path); } catch (IOException e) { * e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } */ /** * Checks that there is at least one input path and that all input paths * exist. It treats all user-provided paths as input. This is useful for * input-only operations which do not take any output path (e.g., MBR and * Aggregate). * * @return <code>true</code> if there is at least one input path and all input * paths exist. * @throws IOException */ public boolean checkInput() throws IOException { Path[] inputPaths = getPaths(); if (inputPaths.length == 0) { LOG.error("No input files"); return false; } for (Path path : inputPaths) { // Skip existence checks for wild card input if (isWildcard(path)) continue; FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(this); if (!fs.exists(path)) { LOG.error("Input file '" + path + "' does not exist"); return false; } } return true; } public boolean checkInputOutput() throws IOException { return checkInputOutput(false); } /** * Makes standard checks for input and output files. It is assumes that all * files are input files while the last one is the output file. First, it * checks that there is at least one input file. Then, it checks that every * input file exists. After that, it checks for output file, if it exists * and the overwrite flag is not present, it fails. * * @return <code>true</code> if all checks pass. <code>false</code> * otherwise. * @throws IOException If the method could not get the information of the input */ public boolean checkInputOutput(boolean outputRequired) throws IOException { Path[] inputPaths = getInputPaths(); if (inputPaths.length == 0) { LOG.error("No input files"); return false; } for (Path path : inputPaths) { if (isWildcard(path)) continue; FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(this); if (!fs.exists(path)) { LOG.error("Input file '" + path + "' does not exist"); return false; } } Path outputPath = getOutputPath(); if (outputPath == null && outputRequired) { LOG.error("Output path is missing"); return false; } if (outputPath != null) { FileSystem fs = outputPath.getFileSystem(this); if (fs.exists(outputPath)) { if (this.getBoolean("overwrite", false)) { fs.delete(outputPath, true); } else { LOG.error("Output file '" + outputPath + "' exists and overwrite flag is not set"); return false; } } } return true; } public boolean checkOutput() throws IOException { Path[] inputPaths = getInputPaths(); Path outputPath = inputPaths[inputPaths.length - 1]; if (outputPath != null) { FileSystem fs = outputPath.getFileSystem(this); if (fs.exists(outputPath)) { if (this.getBoolean("overwrite", false)) { fs.delete(outputPath, true); } else { LOG.error("Output file '" + outputPath + "' exists and overwrite flag is not set"); return false; } } } return true; } public static boolean isWildcard(Path path) { return path.toString().indexOf('*') != -1 || path.toString().indexOf('?') != -1; } public Color getColor(String key, Color defaultValue) { return getColor(this, key, defaultValue); } public static Color getColor(Configuration conf, String key, Color defaultValue) { String colorName = conf.get(key); if (colorName == null) return defaultValue; colorName = colorName.toLowerCase(); Color color = defaultValue; if (colorName.equals("red")) { color = Color.RED; } else if (colorName.equals("pink")) { color = Color.PINK; } else if (colorName.equals("blue")) { color = Color.BLUE; } else if (colorName.equals("cyan")) { color = Color.CYAN; } else if (colorName.equals("green")) { color = Color.GREEN; } else if (colorName.equals("black")) { color = Color.BLACK; } else if (colorName.equals("white")) { color = Color.WHITE; } else if (colorName.equals("gray")) { color = Color.GRAY; } else if (colorName.equals("yellow")) { color = Color.YELLOW; } else if (colorName.equals("orange")) { color = Color.ORANGE; } else if (colorName.equals("none")) { color = new Color(0, 0, 255, 0); } else if (colorName.matches("#[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}")) { String redHex = colorName.substring(1, 2); String greenHex = colorName.substring(3, 4); String blueHex = colorName.substring(5, 6); String opacityHex = colorName.substring(7, 8); int red = Integer.parseInt(redHex, 16); int green = Integer.parseInt(greenHex, 16); int blue = Integer.parseInt(blueHex, 16); int opacity = Integer.parseInt(opacityHex, 16); color = new Color(red, green, blue, opacity); } else { LOG.warn("Does not understand the color '" + conf.get(key) + "'"); } return color; } public Shape getShape(String key, Shape defaultValue) { if (defaultValue == null) autoDetectShape(); return getShape(this, key, defaultValue); } public Shape getShape(String key) { return getShape(key, null); } public static Shape getShape(Configuration job, String key) { return getShape(job, key, null); } public static Shape getShape(Configuration conf, String key, Shape defaultValue) { TextSerializable t = getTextSerializable(conf, key, defaultValue); return t instanceof Shape ? (Shape) t : null; } public static TextSerializable getTextSerializable(Configuration conf, String key, TextSerializable defaultValue) { String shapeType = conf.get(key); if (shapeType == null) return defaultValue; int separatorIndex = shapeType.indexOf(ShapeValueSeparator); Text shapeValue = null; if (separatorIndex != -1) { shapeValue = new Text(shapeType.substring(separatorIndex + ShapeValueSeparator.length())); shapeType = shapeType.substring(0, separatorIndex); } TextSerializable shape; try { Class<? extends TextSerializable> shapeClass = conf.getClassByName(shapeType) .asSubclass(TextSerializable.class); shape = shapeClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { // shapeClass is not an explicit class name String shapeTypeI = shapeType.toLowerCase(); if (shapeTypeI.startsWith("rect")) { shape = new Rectangle(); } else if (shapeTypeI.startsWith("point")) { shape = new Point(); } else if (shapeTypeI.startsWith("tiger")) { shape = new TigerShape(); } else if (shapeTypeI.startsWith("osm")) { shape = new OSMPolygon(); } else if (shapeTypeI.startsWith("poly")) { shape = new Polygon(); } else if (shapeTypeI.startsWith("ogc")) { shape = new OGCESRIShape(); } else if (shapeTypeI.startsWith("wkt")) { shape = new OGCJTSShape(); } else if (shapeTypeI.startsWith("nasapoint")) { shape = new NASAPoint(); } else if (shapeTypeI.startsWith("nasarect")) { shape = new NASARectangle(); } else if (shapeTypeI.startsWith("text")) { shape = new Text2(); } else { // Couldn't detect shape from short name or full class name // May be it's an actual value that we can parse if (shapeType.split(",").length == 2) { // A point shape = new Point(); shape.fromText(new Text((String) conf.get(key))); } else if (shapeType.split(",").length == 4) { // A rectangle shape = new Rectangle(); shape.fromText(new Text((String) conf.get(key))); } else { LOG.warn("unknown shape type: '" + conf.get(key) + "'"); return null; } } } if (shapeValue != null) shape.fromText(shapeValue); // Special case for CSVOGC shape, specify the column if possible if (shape instanceof CSVOGC) { CSVOGC csvShape = (CSVOGC) shape; String strColumnIndex = conf.get("column"); if (strColumnIndex != null) csvShape.setColumn(Integer.parseInt(strColumnIndex)); String strSeparator = conf.get("separator"); if (strSeparator != null) csvShape.setSeparator(strSeparator.charAt(0)); } return shape; } public <S extends Shape> S[] getShapes(String key, S stock) { String[] values = getArray(key); if (values == null) return null; S[] shapes = (S[]) Array.newInstance(stock.getClass(), values.length); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { shapes[i] = (S) stock.clone(); shapes[i].fromText(new Text(values[i])); } return shapes; } private String[] getArray(String key) { String val = get(key); return val == null ? null : val.split("\n"); } public long getSize(String key) { return getSize(this, key); } /** * Sets the specified configuration parameter to the current value of the * shape. Both class name and shape values are encoded in one string and set * as the value of the configuration parameter. The shape can be retrieved * later using {@link SpatialSite#getShape(Configuration, String)}. * * @param conf The configuration to update * @param param The name of the configuration line to set * @param shape An object to set in the configuration */ public static void setShape(Configuration conf, String param, Shape shape) { String str = shape.getClass().getName() + ShapeValueSeparator; str += shape.toText(new Text()).toString(); conf.set(param, str); } public static long getSize(Configuration conf, String key) { String size_str = conf.get(key); if (size_str == null) return 0; if (size_str.indexOf('.') == -1) return Long.parseLong(size_str); String[] size_parts = size_str.split("\\.", 2); long size = Long.parseLong(size_parts[0]); size_parts[1] = size_parts[1].toLowerCase(); if (size_parts[1].startsWith("k")) size *= 1024; else if (size_parts[1].startsWith("m")) size *= 1024 * 1024; else if (size_parts[1].startsWith("g")) size *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024; else if (size_parts[1].startsWith("t")) size *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; return size; } public static int getJoiningThresholdPerOnce(Configuration conf, String key) { String joiningThresholdPerOnce_str = conf.get(key); if (joiningThresholdPerOnce_str == null) LOG.error("Your joiningThresholdPerOnce is not set"); return Integer.parseInt(joiningThresholdPerOnce_str); } public static void setJoiningThresholdPerOnce(Configuration conf, String param, int joiningThresholdPerOnce) { String str; if (joiningThresholdPerOnce < 0) { str = "50000"; } else { str = joiningThresholdPerOnce + ""; } conf.set(param, str); } public static void setFilterOnlyModeFlag(Configuration conf, String param, boolean filterOnlyMode) { String str; if (filterOnlyMode) { str = "true"; } else { str = "false"; } conf.set(param, str); } public static boolean getFilterOnlyModeFlag(Configuration conf, String key) { String filterOnlyModeFlag = conf.get(key); if (filterOnlyModeFlag == null) LOG.error("Your filterOnlyMode is not set"); return Boolean.parseBoolean(filterOnlyModeFlag); } public static boolean getInactiveModeFlag(Configuration conf, String key) { String inactiveModeFlag_str = conf.get(key); if (inactiveModeFlag_str == null) LOG.error("Your inactiveModeFlag is not set"); return Boolean.parseBoolean(inactiveModeFlag_str); } public static void setInactiveModeFlag(Configuration conf, String param, boolean inactiveModeFlag) { String str; if (inactiveModeFlag) { str = "true"; } else { str = "false"; } conf.set(param, str); } public static Path getRepartitionJoinIndexPath(Configuration conf, String key) { String repartitionJoinIndexPath_str = conf.get(key); if (repartitionJoinIndexPath_str == null) LOG.error("Your index file is not set"); return new Path(repartitionJoinIndexPath_str); } public static void setRepartitionJoinIndexPath(Configuration conf, String param, Path indexPath) { String str = indexPath.toString(); conf.set(param, str); } /** Data type for the direction of skyline to compute */ public enum Direction { MaxMax, MaxMin, MinMax, MinMin }; public Direction getDirection(String key, Direction defaultDirection) { return getDirection(this, key, defaultDirection); } public static Direction getDirection(Configuration conf, String key, Direction defaultDirection) { String strdir = conf.get("dir"); if (strdir == null) return defaultDirection; Direction dir; if (strdir.equalsIgnoreCase("maxmax") || strdir.equalsIgnoreCase("max-max")) { dir = Direction.MaxMax; } else if (strdir.equalsIgnoreCase("maxmin") || strdir.equalsIgnoreCase("max-min")) { dir = Direction.MaxMin; } else if (strdir.equalsIgnoreCase("minmax") || strdir.equalsIgnoreCase("min-max")) { dir = Direction.MinMax; } else if (strdir.equalsIgnoreCase("minmin") || strdir.equalsIgnoreCase("min-min")) { dir = Direction.MinMin; } else { System.err.println("Invalid direction: " + strdir); System.err.println("Valid directions are: max-max, max-min, min-max, and min-min"); return null; } return dir; } /** * Auto detect shape type based on input format * * @return <code>true</code> if a shape is already present in the * configuration or it is auto detected from input files. * <code>false</code> if it was not set and could not be detected. */ public boolean autoDetectShape() { String autoDetectedShape = null; final Vector<String> sampleLines = new Vector<String>(); if (this.get("shape") != null) return true; // A shape is already configured if (this.getInputPaths().length == 0) return false; // No shape is configured and no input to detected try { // Read a random sample from the input // We read a sample instead of one line to make sure // the auto detected shape is consistent in many lines final int sampleCount = 10; OperationsParams sampleParams = new OperationsParams(this); try { LocalSampler.sampleLocal(this.getInputPaths(), sampleCount, new ResultCollector<Text>() { @Override public void collect(Text line) { sampleLines.add(line.toString()); } }, sampleParams); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } if (sampleLines.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("No input to detect in '" + this.getInputPath() + "-"); return false; } // Collect some stats about the sample to help detecting shape type final String Separators[] = { ",", "\t" }; int[] numOfSplits = { 0, 0 }; // Number of splits with each separator boolean allNumericAllLines = true; // Whether or not all values are numbers int ogcIndex = -1; // The index of the column with OGC data for (String sampleLine : sampleLines) { // This flag is raised if all splits are numbers with one separator boolean allNumericCurrentLine = false; // Try to parse with commas and tabs for (int iSeparator = 0; iSeparator < Separators.length; iSeparator++) { String separator = Separators[iSeparator]; String[] parts = sampleLine.split(separator); if (numOfSplits[iSeparator] == 0) numOfSplits[iSeparator] = parts.length; else if (numOfSplits[iSeparator] != parts.length) numOfSplits[iSeparator] = -1; boolean allNumericCurrentLineCurrentSeparator = true; for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { String part = parts[i]; if (allNumericCurrentLineCurrentSeparator) { try { Double.parseDouble(part); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { allNumericCurrentLineCurrentSeparator = false; } } try { TextSerializerHelper.consumeGeometryJTS(new Text(part), '\0'); // Reaching this point means the geometry was parsed successfully if (ogcIndex == -1) ogcIndex = i; else if (ogcIndex != i) ogcIndex = -2; } catch (Exception e) { // Couldn't parse OGC for this column } } if (allNumericCurrentLineCurrentSeparator) allNumericCurrentLine = true; } // One line does not have all numeric fields if (!allNumericCurrentLine) allNumericAllLines = false; } if (numOfSplits[0] != -1 && allNumericAllLines) { // Each line is comma separated and all values are numbers if (numOfSplits[0] == 2) { // Point autoDetectedShape = "point"; } else if (numOfSplits[0] == 4) { // Rectangle autoDetectedShape = "rect"; } } else if (ogcIndex >= 0) { // There is a column with geometry stored in it this.setInt("column", ogcIndex); int numOfColumns = 0; for (int iSeparator = 0; iSeparator < Separators.length; iSeparator++) { if (numOfSplits[iSeparator] != -1) { this.set("separator", Separators[iSeparator]); numOfColumns = numOfSplits[iSeparator]; } } if (numOfColumns == 1 && ogcIndex == 0) autoDetectedShape = OGCJTSShape.class.getName(); else autoDetectedShape = CSVOGC.class.getName(); } } catch (IOException e) { } if (autoDetectedShape == null) { LOG.warn("Cannot detect shape for input '" + sampleLines.get(0) + "'"); return false; } else {"Autodetected shape '" + autoDetectedShape + "' for input '" + sampleLines.get(0) + "'"); this.set("shape", autoDetectedShape); return true; } } /** * Detects the shape of the given set of files assuming all of them hold * data of the same shape. It reads a random set of lines and uses the * {@link #detectShape(String[])} method to detect the shape of this * sample set of lines. * * @param path Input path to read data from * @param conf The configuration parameters of the environment * @return The detected type of the shape or <code>null</code> if failed. * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public static String detectShape(Path path, Configuration conf) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String[] lines = Head.head(path.getFileSystem(conf), path, 10); return detectShape(lines); } /** * Detects the shape from a sample set of lines * @param lines * @return */ public static String detectShape(String[] lines) { // Possible separators used in auto detect final char Separators[] = { ',', '\t' }; // Number of columns with each separator, -1 means an incompatible number int[] numOfFields = new int[Separators.length]; for (String line : lines) { for (int iSep = 0; iSep < Separators.length; iSep++) { if (numOfFields[iSep] == -1) continue; // Separator is already invalid, no need to check int count = 1; int i = 0; while (i != -1 && i < line.length() && (i = line.indexOf(Separators[iSep], i)) != -1) { count++; i++; } if (numOfFields[iSep] == 0) // First line numOfFields[iSep] = count; else if (numOfFields[iSep] != count) numOfFields[iSep] = -1; // Invalidate forever } } // Regular expressions for expected columns. // Notice that the regular expressions do not have to be very accurate // as we are just guessing anyway final Pattern[] TypesRegex = { null, // Not yet detected Pattern.compile("(-|\\+)?\\d+"), // Integer Pattern.compile("(-|\\+)?(\\d*\\.\\d*|\\d+)(E(-|\\+)\\d+)?"), // Float Pattern.compile("(POINT|MULTIPOINT|POLYGON|MULTIPOLYGON|LINESTRING|" + "MULTILINESTRING|GEOMETRYCOLLECTION|EMPTY|GEOMETRY)" + "[\\(\\),\\d\\-\\+E\\.\\s]*"), // Well-Known Text Pattern.compile("(\\{\"[^\"]+\"=\"[^\"]+\"\\})*"), // JSON map Pattern.compile("\\[(\\w+\\#\\w+,)*(\\w+\\#\\w+)?\\]"), // Pig Map }; for (int iSep = 0; iSep < Separators.length; iSep++) { if (numOfFields[iSep] == -1) continue; // For each matched separator // Try to detect the type of each column int[] fieldTypes = new int[numOfFields[iSep]]; for (String line : lines) { // For each line, try to detect the type of each field String[] fieldValues = line.split("" + Separators[iSep]); for (int iField = 0; iField < fieldValues.length; iField++) { if (fieldTypes[iField] == -1) continue; // A conflicting field, no need to check // Try to detect the type of this field using possible regular expressions boolean matched = false; for (int iType = 1; iType < TypesRegex.length && !matched; iType++) { if (matched = TypesRegex[iType].matcher(fieldValues[iField]).matches()) { // Matches a regular expression if (fieldTypes[iField] == 0) fieldTypes[iField] = iType; else if (fieldTypes[iField] != iType) { if (fieldTypes[iField] == 1 && iType == 2) fieldTypes[iField] = 2; else if (fieldTypes[iField] <= 2 && iType > 2 || fieldTypes[iField] > 2 && iType <= 2) fieldTypes[iField] = -1; // Mark field as conflicted } } } } } // Now, time to make a decision if (iSep == 0 && // Comma separated numOfFields[iSep] == 2 && // Two fields (fieldTypes[0] == 1 || fieldTypes[0] == 2) && (fieldTypes[1] == 2 || fieldTypes[1] == 2)) { // Two fields, separated by comma, and both are numeric return "point"; } else if (iSep == 0 && // Comma separated numOfFields[iSep] == 4 && // Four fields (fieldTypes[0] == 1 || fieldTypes[0] == 2) && (fieldTypes[1] == 1 || fieldTypes[1] == 2) && (fieldTypes[2] == 1 || fieldTypes[2] == 2) && (fieldTypes[3] == 1 || fieldTypes[3] == 2)) { // Four fields, separated by commas, and all are numeric return "rectangle"; } else if (iSep == 0 && // Comma numOfFields[iSep] == 9 && fieldTypes[0] == 1 && // Integer EdgeID fieldTypes[1] == 1 && // Integer StartNodeID (fieldTypes[2] == 1 || fieldTypes[2] == 2) && // Longitude (fieldTypes[3] == 1 || fieldTypes[3] == 2) && // Latitude fieldTypes[4] == 1 && // Integer EndNodeID (fieldTypes[5] == 1 || fieldTypes[5] == 2) && // Longitude (fieldTypes[6] == 1 || fieldTypes[6] == 2) && // Latitude fieldTypes[7] == 1 && // IntegerWayID fieldTypes[8] == 4) { // JSON Map return OSMEdge.class.getName(); } else if (iSep == 1 && // Tab separated numOfFields[iSep] == 3 && // Three fields fieldTypes[0] == 1 && // Integer OSM Polygon ID fieldTypes[1] == 3 && // WKT fieldTypes[2] == 5) { // Pig Map return "osm"; } else if (iSep == 1 && // Tab separated numOfFields[iSep] == 4 && // Four fields fieldTypes[0] == 1 && // Integer OSM Node ID (fieldTypes[1] == 1 || fieldTypes[1] == 2) && // Numeric longitude (fieldTypes[2] == 1 || fieldTypes[2] == 2) && // Numeric latitude fieldTypes[3] == 5) { // Pig Map return OSMPoint.class.getName(); } } // Could not detect shape type. Return null. return null; } /** * Checks whether the operation should work in local or MapReduce mode. If * the job explicitly specifies whether to run in local or MapReduce mode, * the specified option is returned. Otherwise, it automatically detects * whether to use local or MapReduce based on the input size. * * @return <code>true</code> to run in local mode, <code>false</code> to run * in MapReduce mode. * @throws IOException If the underlying job fails with an IOException * @throws InterruptedException If the underlying job was interrupted */ public static boolean isLocal(Configuration jobConf, Path... input) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final boolean LocalProcessing = true; final boolean MapReduceProcessing = false; // Whatever is explicitly set has the highest priority if (jobConf.get("local") != null) return jobConf.getBoolean("local", false); // If any of the input files are hidden, use local processing for (Path inputFile : input) { if (!SpatialSite.NonHiddenFileFilter.accept(inputFile)) return LocalProcessing; } if (input.length > MaxSplitsForLocalProcessing) {"Too many files. Using MapReduce"); return MapReduceProcessing; } Job job = new Job(jobConf); // To ensure we don't change the original SpatialInputFormat3.setInputPaths(job, input); SpatialInputFormat3<Partition, Shape> inputFormat = new SpatialInputFormat3<Partition, Shape>(); try { List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job); if (splits.size() > MaxSplitsForLocalProcessing) return MapReduceProcessing; long totalSize = 0; for (InputSplit split : splits) totalSize += split.getLength(); if (totalSize > MaxSizeForLocalProcessing) {"Input size is too large. Using MapReduce"); return MapReduceProcessing; }"Input size is small enough to use local machine"); return LocalProcessing; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Cannot get splits for input"); return MapReduceProcessing; } } public void clearAllPaths() { this.allPaths = null; } }