List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils endsWith
public static boolean endsWith(String str, String suffix)
Check if a String ends with a specified suffix.
From source
/** * Attempts to correct or normalize the specified path if no data * can be found at the specified location. This is necessary in * order to provide "*.properties" file access to data objects * and to adjust for some WebDAV client bugs. * * @param path the path to normalize * * @return the normalized path/* w w w . j av a 2 s.c o m*/ */ private Path normalizePath(Path path) { Storage storage = ApplicationContext.getInstance().getStorage(); String pathName =; Path lookupPath = path; Metadata meta = storage.lookup(lookupPath); if (meta == null) { String str = pathName; if (StringUtils.endsWith(str, EXT_HTML)) { str = StringUtils.removeEnd(str, EXT_HTML); } else if (StringUtils.endsWith(str, EXT_JSON)) { str = StringUtils.removeEnd(str, EXT_JSON); } else if (StringUtils.endsWith(str, EXT_PROPERTIES)) { str = StringUtils.removeEnd(str, EXT_PROPERTIES); } else if (StringUtils.endsWith(str, EXT_XML)) { str = StringUtils.removeEnd(str, EXT_XML); } if (!StringUtils.equals(pathName, str)) { lookupPath = path.parent().child(str, false); meta = storage.lookup(lookupPath); if (meta == null && "index".equals(str)) { lookupPath = path.parent(); meta = storage.lookup(lookupPath); } } } // Fix for Windows WebDAV (omitting trailing /) if (meta == null && !path.isIndex()) { lookupPath = path.parent().child(pathName, true); meta = storage.lookup(lookupPath); } return (meta == null) ? null : lookupPath; }
From source
@Test public void testAddDomainLast() throws Exception { String sequenceToTest = "APRILCLARSCSTEFANC"; String newSequence = "STEFANC"; Peptide pep = TestSuite.getTestPeptide(); Domain dom = ds.addAsLastDomain(newSequence, pep); assertTrue(StringUtils.endsWith(dom.getPeptide().getSequence(), newSequence)); assertEquals("Wrong Sequence in Peptide", sequenceToTest, pep.getSequence()); assertEquals("Wrong startPosition in Domain", 12, dom.getStartPosition()); assertEquals("Wrong endPosition in Domain", 7, dom.getEndPosition()); assertEquals("Wrong Peptide", pep, dom.getPeptide()); assertEquals("Two domains expected!", 2, pep.getDomains().size()); assertEquals("Domain is not on last position", dom, pep.getDomains().get(pep.getDomains().size() - 1)); assertEquals("DomainName should be " + "NN (7AAs)", "NN (7AAs)", dom.getName()); // we check the index offset of the second domain assertEquals(1, pep.getDomains().get(FIRST).getStartPosition()); assertEquals(11, pep.getDomains().get(FIRST).getEndPosition()); // we check the connection if indexes were updated assertEquals(6, pep.getConnections().get(FIRST).getSourcePosition()); assertEquals(11, pep.getConnections().get(FIRST).getTargetPosition()); }
From source
/******************************************************************************* * Init and Destroy/*from w w w . j a va2 s . c o m*/ *******************************************************************************/ public void init() { m_storagePath = m_serverConfigurationService.getString("", m_storagePath); if (!StringUtils.endsWith(m_storagePath, "/")) { m_storagePath = m_storagePath + "/"; } m_unzipPath = m_serverConfigurationService.getString("archive.unzip.path", m_unzipPath); if (!StringUtils.endsWith(m_unzipPath, "/")) { m_unzipPath = m_unzipPath + "/"; } m_filterSakaiServices = m_serverConfigurationService.getBoolean("", m_filterSakaiServices); m_filterSakaiRoles = m_serverConfigurationService.getBoolean("archive.merge.filter.roles", m_filterSakaiRoles); String[] filteredServices = m_serverConfigurationService.getStrings(""); if (filteredServices != null) { m_filteredSakaiServices = filteredServices; } String[] filteredRoles = m_serverConfigurationService.getStrings("archive.merge.filtered.roles"); if (filteredRoles != null) { m_filteredSakaiRoles = filteredRoles; }"init(): storage path: " + m_storagePath + ", unzip path: " + m_unzipPath + ", merge filter{services=" + m_filterSakaiServices + ", roles=" + m_filterSakaiRoles + "}"); }
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/** * Helper to create the name of the ICS file we are to write * @param filename// w w w. j a v a 2 s .c o m * @return */ private String generateFilePath(String filename) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String base = sakaiProxy.getCalendarFilePath(); sb.append(base); //add slash if reqd if (!StringUtils.endsWith(base, File.separator)) { sb.append(File.separator); } sb.append(filename); sb.append(".ics"); return sb.toString(); }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}/* ww w .j a v a 2 s. c om*/ */ public String getCalendarFilePath() { String path = serverConfigurationService.getString("calendar.ics.generation.path", System.getProperty("")); //ensure trailing slash if (!StringUtils.endsWith(path, File.separator)) { path = path + File.separator; } return path; }
From source
public String getReport(ProcessorState state) { StringBuilder reportTxt = new StringBuilder(); reportTxt.append("\n").append(getProcessorTitle()).append("\n"); if (state == null) { reportTxt.append(//from w ww . j a v a 2 s. c o m "\n\nProcessor state appears not to have created successfully. No reporting data is available.\n"); return reportTxt.toString(); } Map<String, Object> config = state.getConfiguration(); reportTxt.append("\nConfiguration:\n"); for (String key : config.keySet()) { // filter out the large temporary maps if (StringUtils.equals(key, "path.base") || StringUtils.endsWith(key, ".filename")) { reportTxt.append(String.format("%1$-105s => %2$s%n", key, config.get(key).toString())); } } reportTxt.append("\nResults:\n"); reportTxt.append(String.format("%1$-20s%2$d%n", "Records", state.getRecordCnt())); reportTxt.append(String.format("%1$-20s%2$d%n", "Processed", state.getProcessedCnt())); reportTxt.append(String.format("%1$-20s%2$d%n", "Errors", state.getErrorCnt())); reportTxt.append(String.format("%1$-20s%2$d%n", "Inserts", state.getInsertCnt())); reportTxt.append(String.format("%1$-20s%2$d%n", "Updates", state.getUpdateCnt())); reportTxt.append(String.format("%1$-20s%2$d%n", "Unchanged", state.getIgnoreCnt())); reportTxt.append(String.format("%1$-20s%2$d%n", "Deletes", state.getDeleteCnt())); reportTxt.append(String.format("%1$-20s%2$tc%n", "Start", state.getStartDate())); reportTxt.append(String.format("%1$-20s%2$tc%n", "End", state.getEndDate())); reportTxt.append("\nMessages:\n"); for (String error : state.getErrorList()) { reportTxt.append("\n* " + error); } return reportTxt.toString(); }
From source
/** * Add a trailing slash to the end of the path, if none exists * // ww w .j ava 2 s . com * @param path the path string * @return the path with a trailing slash */ public static String addTrailingSlash(String path) { if (!StringUtils.endsWith(path, System.getProperty("file.separator"))) { path += System.getProperty("file.separator"); } return path; }
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private String addTrailingSlash(String path) { if (!StringUtils.endsWith(path, "/")) { path += "/"; }//from ww w . j a v a 2s. c o m return path; }
From source
/** * Handles uploading an archive file as part of the site creation workflow * @param data// www . j a v a2s .c om */ public void doUploadArchive(RunData data) { ParameterParser params = data.getParameters(); SessionState state = ((JetspeedRunData) data).getPortletSessionState(((JetspeedRunData) data).getJs_peid()); //get params FileItem fi = data.getParameters().getFileItem("importFile"); //get uploaded file into a location we can process String archiveUnzipBase = ServerConfigurationService.getString("", FileUtils.getTempDirectoryPath()); //convert inputstream into actual file so we can unzip it String zipFilePath = archiveUnzipBase + File.separator + fi.getFileName(); //rudimentary check that the file is a zip file if (!StringUtils.endsWith(fi.getFileName(), ".zip")) { addAlert(state, rb.getString("archive.createsite.failedupload")); return; } File tempZipFile = new File(zipFilePath); if (tempZipFile.exists()) { tempZipFile.delete(); } FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = null; try { fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(tempZipFile); //copy contents into this file IOUtils.copyLarge(fi.getInputStream(), fileOutputStream); //set path into state so we can process it later state.setAttribute(STATE_UPLOADED_ARCHIVE_PATH, tempZipFile.getAbsolutePath()); state.setAttribute(STATE_UPLOADED_ARCHIVE_NAME, tempZipFile.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { M_log.error(e.getMessage(), e); //general catch all for the various exceptions that occur above. all are failures. addAlert(state, rb.getString("archive.createsite.failedupload")); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileOutputStream); } //go to confirm screen state.setAttribute(STATE_TEMPLATE_INDEX, "10"); }
From source
/** * Finds the scope in a string that corresponds to a role with {wildcard}.<br> * For example, if wildcardAuth is toto.{SCOPE} and auth is then * scope is foo./*from w ww . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ * * @param wildcard the wildcard to search for * @param wildcardAuth auth with {wildcard} * @param auth auth that corresponds * @return the scope. */ private String findScope(String wildcard, String wildcardAuth, String auth) { String scope; String before = StringUtils.substringBefore(wildcardAuth, wildcard); String after = StringUtils.substringAfter(wildcardAuth, wildcard); if (StringUtils.startsWith(wildcardAuth, wildcard)) { scope = StringUtils.substringBefore(auth, after); } else if (StringUtils.endsWith(wildcardAuth, wildcard)) { scope = StringUtils.substringAfter(auth, before); } else { scope = StringUtils.substringBetween(auth, before, after); } return scope; }