List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils endsWith
public static boolean endsWith(String str, String suffix)
Check if a String ends with a specified suffix.
From source
public GeneralInfoPanel init(RepoAwareActionableItem repoItem) { final boolean itemIsRepo = repoItem instanceof LocalRepoActionableItem; LocalRepoDescriptor repoDescriptor = repoItem.getRepo(); final boolean isCache = repoDescriptor.isCache(); RemoteRepoDescriptor remoteRepo = null; if (isCache) { remoteRepo = ((LocalCacheRepoDescriptor) repoDescriptor).getRemoteRepo(); }/* www. ja v a2 s .c om*/ FieldSetBorder infoBorder = new FieldSetBorder("infoBorder"); add(infoBorder); LabeledValue nameLabel = new LabeledValue("name", "Name: "); infoBorder.add(nameLabel); String itemDisplayName = repoItem.getDisplayName(); String pathUrl = BrowseRepoPage.getWicketDependableRepoPathUrl(repoItem); if (StringUtils.isBlank(pathUrl)) { pathUrl = ""; } ExternalLink treeUrl = new ExternalLink("nameLink", pathUrl, itemDisplayName); infoBorder.add(treeUrl); infoBorder.add(new HelpBubble("", "Copy this link to navigate directly to this item in the tree browser.")); LabeledValue descriptionLabel = new LabeledValue("description", "Description: "); descriptionLabel.setEscapeValue(false); String description = null; if (itemIsRepo) { if (isCache) { description = remoteRepo.getDescription(); } else { description = repoDescriptor.getDescription(); } if (description != null) { descriptionLabel.setValue(description.replace("\n", "<br/>")); } } descriptionLabel.setVisible(!StringUtils.isEmpty(description)); infoBorder.add(descriptionLabel); ItemInfo itemInfo = repoItem.getItemInfo(); LabeledValue deployedByLabel = new LabeledValue("deployed-by", "Deployed by: ", itemInfo.getModifiedBy()) { @Override public boolean isVisible() { return !itemIsRepo; } }; infoBorder.add(deployedByLabel); //Add markup container in case we need to set the remote repo url WebMarkupContainer urlLabelContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("urlLabel"); WebMarkupContainer urlContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("url"); infoBorder.add(urlLabelContainer); infoBorder.add(urlContainer); if (isCache) { urlLabelContainer.replaceWith(new Label("urlLabel", "Remote URL: ")); String remoteRepoUrl = remoteRepo.getUrl(); if ((remoteRepoUrl != null) && (!StringUtils.endsWith(remoteRepoUrl, "/"))) { remoteRepoUrl += "/"; if (repoItem instanceof FolderActionableItem) { remoteRepoUrl += ((FolderActionableItem) repoItem).getCanonicalPath().getPath(); } else { remoteRepoUrl += repoItem.getRepoPath().getPath(); } } ExternalLink externalLink = new ExternalLink("url", remoteRepoUrl, remoteRepoUrl); urlContainer.replaceWith(externalLink); } addOnlineStatusPanel(itemIsRepo, isCache, remoteRepo, infoBorder); final boolean repoIsBlackedOut = repoDescriptor.isBlackedOut(); LabeledValue blackListedLabel = new LabeledValue("blackListed", "This repository is black-listed!") { @Override public boolean isVisible() { return repoIsBlackedOut; } }; infoBorder.add(blackListedLabel); addArtifactCount(repoItem, infoBorder); addWatcherInfo(repoItem, infoBorder); final RepoPath path; if (repoItem instanceof FolderActionableItem) { path = ((FolderActionableItem) repoItem).getCanonicalPath(); } else { path = repoItem.getRepoPath(); } LabeledValue repoPath = new LabeledValue("repoPath", "Repository Path: "); infoBorder.add(repoPath); String pathLink = RequestUtils.getWicketServletContextUrl(); if (!pathLink.endsWith("/")) { pathLink += "/"; } pathLink += ArtifactoryRequest.SIMPLE_BROWSING_PATH + "/" + repoItem.getRepoPath().getRepoKey() + "/"; if (repoItem instanceof CannonicalEnabledActionableFolder) { pathLink += ((CannonicalEnabledActionableFolder) repoItem).getCanonicalPath().getPath(); } else { pathLink += PathUtils.getParent(repoItem.getRepoPath().getPath()); } ExternalLink repoPathUrl = new ExternalLink("repoPathLink", pathLink, path + ""); infoBorder.add(repoPathUrl); infoBorder.add(new HelpBubble("", "Copy this link to navigate directly to this item in the simple browser.")); addItemInfoLabels(infoBorder, itemInfo); infoBorder.add(getLicenseInfo(repoItem)); addLocalLayoutInfo(infoBorder, repoDescriptor, itemIsRepo); addRemoteLayoutInfo(infoBorder, remoteRepo, itemIsRepo); addLastReplicationInfo(infoBorder, path, isCache); addFilteredResourceCheckbox(infoBorder, itemInfo); infoBorder.add(new StatsTabPanel("statistics", itemInfo)); addBintrayInfoPanel(infoBorder, itemInfo); return this; }
From source
/** * Gets links from the specified HTML./*from www. j a va 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param baseURL the specified base URL * @param html the specified HTML * @return a list of links, each of them like this: <pre> * { * "linkAddr": "", * "linkTitle": "", * "linkKeywords": "", * "linkHTML": "page HTML", * "linkText": "page text", * "linkBaiduRefCnt": int * } * </pre> */ public static List<JSONObject> getLinks(final String baseURL, final String html) { final Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html, baseURL); final Elements urlElements ="a"); final Set<String> urls = new HashSet<>(); final List<Spider> spiders = new ArrayList<>(); String url = null; for (final Element urlEle : urlElements) { try { url = urlEle.absUrl("href"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(url) || !StringUtils.contains(url, "://")) { url = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(baseURL, "/") + url; } final URL formedURL = new URL(url); final String protocol = formedURL.getProtocol(); final String host = formedURL.getHost(); final int port = formedURL.getPort(); final String path = formedURL.getPath(); url = protocol + "://" + host; if (-1 != port && 80 != port && 443 != port) { url += ":" + port; } url += path; if (StringUtils.endsWith(url, "/")) { url = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(url, "/"); } urls.add(url); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Can't parse [" + url + "]"); } } final List<JSONObject> ret = new ArrayList<>(); try { for (final String u : urls) { spiders.add(new Spider(u)); } final List<Future<JSONObject>> results = Symphonys.EXECUTOR_SERVICE.invokeAll(spiders); for (final Future<JSONObject> result : results) { final JSONObject link = result.get(); if (null == link) { continue; } ret.add(link); } } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Parses URLs failed", e); } Collections.sort(ret, new Comparator<JSONObject>() { @Override public int compare(final JSONObject link1, final JSONObject link2) { return link1.optInt(Link.LINK_BAIDU_REF_CNT) - link2.optInt(Link.LINK_BAIDU_REF_CNT); } }); return ret; }
From source
@GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML)//from w w w . j a v a2 s.c om @Path("/{propertyPath: " + CmsConstants.PROPERTY_PATH_REG_EXP_FOR_RESTEASY + "}") public Response getDefinitionAsXml(@PathParam("propertyPath") String propertyPath, @QueryParam("output") String output, @QueryParam("callback") String callback, @QueryParam("prettyPrint") String prettyPrint, @Context UriInfo uriInfo) { boolean prettyPrintEnabled = ContentApiUtils.isPrettyPrintEnabled(prettyPrint); // URL-based negotiation overrides any Accept header sent by the client //i.e. if the url specifies the desired response type in the "output" parameter this method // will return the media type specified in "output" request parameter. Output outputEnum = Output.XML; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(output)) { outputEnum = Output.valueOf(output.toUpperCase()); if (outputEnum != Output.XSD && asrtoboaBuiltInModelIsRequested(propertyPath)) { //User has requested astroboa-model or astroboa-api built in schemata //but at the same time, the "output" request parameter was not XSD //In this case an HTTP NOT FOUND error should be returned. throw new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } } else { //User did not provide value for the "output" parameter therefore //the output at this point is XML. However there is one case where the //user may have provide the suffix ".xsd" in the URL, requesting this //way the output to be an XML Schema. This case can only be traced by //examining the path of the request and whether it ends in ".xsd" or not String path = uriInfo.getPath(); if (StringUtils.endsWith(path, ".xsd")) { //User has provided the suffix ".xsd". //Therefore an XML Schema sholud be returned //We have to attach the suffix to the propertyPath variable //since the user may have specified a filename instead of //a property path. outputEnum = Output.XSD; if (propertyPath != null) { propertyPath += ".xsd"; } } } return getDefinitionInternal(propertyPath, outputEnum, callback, prettyPrintEnabled); }
From source
public static byte[] getFile(String path) { path = convertKey(path);//from w w w . j a v a2 s . co m for (Entry<String, byte[]> entry : CONFS.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (StringUtils.endsWith(key, path)) { return entry.getValue(); } } return null; }
From source
public ConfigurationStatus disableManagedServiceFactoryConfiguration(String servicePid, Configuration originalConfig) throws IOException { Dictionary<String, Object> properties = originalConfig.getProperties(); String originalFactoryPid = (String) properties .get(; if (originalFactoryPid == null) { throw new IOException("Configuration does not belong to a managed service factory."); }//from www . j av a2 s . co m if (StringUtils.endsWith(originalFactoryPid, ConfigurationStatus.DISABLED_EXTENSION)) { throw new IOException("Configuration is already disabled."); } // Copy configuration from the original configuration and change its factory PID to end with // "disabled" Dictionary<String, Object> disabledProperties = copyConfigProperties(properties, originalFactoryPid); String disabledServiceFactoryPid = originalFactoryPid + ConfigurationStatus.DISABLED_EXTENSION; disabledProperties.put(, disabledServiceFactoryPid); Configuration disabledConfig = configurationAdmin.createFactoryConfiguration(disabledServiceFactoryPid, null); disabledConfig.update(disabledProperties); // remove original configuration originalConfig.delete(); return new ConfigurationStatusImpl(disabledServiceFactoryPid, disabledConfig.getPid(), originalFactoryPid, servicePid); }
From source
public ConfigurationStatus enableManagedServiceFactoryConfiguration(String servicePid, Configuration disabledConfig) throws IOException { Dictionary<String, Object> properties = disabledConfig.getProperties(); String disabledFactoryPid = (String) properties .get(; if (disabledFactoryPid == null) { throw new IOException("Configuration does not belong to a managed service factory."); }//from w ww. ja v a2 s . c om if (!StringUtils.endsWith(disabledFactoryPid, ConfigurationStatus.DISABLED_EXTENSION)) { throw new IOException("Configuration is already enabled."); } String enabledFactoryPid = StringUtils.removeEnd(disabledFactoryPid, ConfigurationStatus.DISABLED_EXTENSION); Dictionary<String, Object> enabledProperties = copyConfigProperties(properties, enabledFactoryPid); enabledProperties.put(, enabledFactoryPid); Configuration enabledConfiguration = configurationAdmin.createFactoryConfiguration(enabledFactoryPid, null); enabledConfiguration.update(enabledProperties); disabledConfig.delete(); return new ConfigurationStatusImpl(enabledFactoryPid, enabledConfiguration.getPid(), disabledFactoryPid, servicePid); }
From source
public Map<String, Object> disableConfiguration(String servicePid) throws IOException { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(servicePid)) { throw new IOException( "Service PID of Source to be disabled must be specified. Service PID provided: " + servicePid); }/* w ww. j a v a 2s . c o m*/ Configuration originalConfig = configurationAdminExt.getConfiguration(servicePid); if (originalConfig == null) { throw new IOException("No Source exists with the service PID: " + servicePid); } Dictionary<String, Object> properties = originalConfig.getProperties(); String originalFactoryPid = (String) properties .get(; if (StringUtils.endsWith(originalFactoryPid, DISABLED)) { throw new IOException("Source is already disabled."); } // Copy configuration from the original configuration and change its factory PID to end with // "disabled" String disabledServiceFactoryPid = originalFactoryPid + DISABLED; properties.put(, disabledServiceFactoryPid); Configuration disabledConfig = configurationAdmin.createFactoryConfiguration(disabledServiceFactoryPid, null); disabledConfig.update(properties); // remove original configuration originalConfig.delete(); Map<String, Object> rval = new HashMap<>(); rval.put(ORIGINAL_PID, servicePid); rval.put(ORIGINAL_FACTORY_PID, originalFactoryPid); rval.put(NEW_PID, disabledConfig.getPid()); rval.put(NEW_FACTORY_PID, disabledServiceFactoryPid); return rval; }
From source
public Map<String, Object> enableConfiguration(String servicePid) throws IOException { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(servicePid)) { throw new IOException( "Service PID of Source to be disabled must be specified. Service PID provided: " + servicePid); }// ww w .j a va2s . co m Configuration disabledConfig = configurationAdminExt.getConfiguration(servicePid); if (disabledConfig == null) { throw new IOException("No Source exists with the service PID: " + servicePid); } Dictionary<String, Object> properties = disabledConfig.getProperties(); String disabledFactoryPid = (String) properties .get(; if (!StringUtils.endsWith(disabledFactoryPid, DISABLED)) { throw new IOException("Source is already enabled."); } String enabledFactoryPid = StringUtils.removeEnd(disabledFactoryPid, DISABLED); properties.put(, enabledFactoryPid); Configuration enabledConfiguration = configurationAdmin.createFactoryConfiguration(enabledFactoryPid, null); enabledConfiguration.update(properties); disabledConfig.delete(); Map<String, Object> rval = new HashMap<>(); rval.put(ORIGINAL_PID, servicePid); rval.put(ORIGINAL_FACTORY_PID, disabledFactoryPid); rval.put(NEW_PID, enabledConfiguration.getPid()); rval.put(NEW_FACTORY_PID, enabledFactoryPid); return rval; }
From source
@Override public String getQueryString() { String queryString = super.getQueryString(); // If query string ends with an ampersand, take it off if (StringUtils.endsWith(queryString, "&")) { queryString = StringUtils.chop(queryString); }/*w ww .j av a 2 s .c om*/ return queryString; }
From source
private boolean shouldDelete(String rootPath, DateFormat df, Date lastPushedTime, File logDir) { String absDirPath = logDir.getAbsolutePath(); String relDirPath = StringUtils.remove(absDirPath, rootPath); // TODO hard code "/" here, maybe the windows can't be supported if (StringUtils.startsWith(relDirPath, "/")) { relDirPath = relDirPath.substring(1); }//from ww w . ja v a 2s. c om if (StringUtils.endsWith(relDirPath, "/")) { relDirPath = relDirPath.substring(0, relDirPath.length() - 1); } Date loggingTime = parseDate(relDirPath, df); if (loggingTime == null) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("LogPushThread: Parsing the log directory [" + logDir.getPath() + "] failed, and it's skipped."); } return false; } else { return TimeUtil.isBeforeNow(loggingTime, agentConfiguration.getInt(LOG_CLEAR_BEFORE, DEFAULT_BEFORE_DAYS), Calendar.DATE) && TimeUtil.isBefore(loggingTime, lastPushedTime); } }