Java tutorial
/* * RapidContext <> * Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Per Cederberg. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the BSD license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the RapidContext LICENSE for more details. */ package; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.rapidcontext.core.js.JsException; import org.rapidcontext.core.js.JsSerializer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.rapidcontext.core.type.WebService; import org.rapidcontext.core.web.Mime; import org.rapidcontext.core.web.Request; /** * A storage API web service. This service is used for accessing the * raw data storage through HTTP or WebDAV and provides a view of the * storage hierarchy similar to a file system. Note that WebDAV makes * use of extended HTTP methods. * * @author Per Cederberg * @version 1.0 */ public class StorageWebService extends WebService { /** * The class logger. */ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(StorageWebService.class.getName()); /** * The HTTP methods supported by this web service. */ public static final String[] METHODS = { METHOD.GET, METHOD.POST, METHOD.PATCH, METHOD.PUT, METHOD.DELETE, METHOD.PROPFIND, METHOD.MKCOL, METHOD.MOVE, METHOD.LOCK, METHOD.UNLOCK }; /** * The HTML file extension. */ public static final String EXT_HTML = ".html"; /** * The JSON file extension. */ public static final String EXT_JSON = ".json"; /** * The properties file extension. */ public static final String EXT_PROPERTIES = ".properties"; /** * The XML file extension. */ public static final String EXT_XML = ".xml"; /** * Creates a new storage web service from a serialized representation. * * @param id the object identifier * @param type the object type name * @param dict the serialized representation */ public StorageWebService(String id, String type, Dict dict) { super(id, type, dict); } /** * Returns the HTTP methods implemented for the specified * request. The OPTIONS or HEAD methods doesn't have to be added * to the result (added automatically later). * * @param request the request to check * * @return the array of HTTP method names supported * * @see #methods(Request) */ protected String[] methodsImpl(Request request) { return METHODS; } /** * Processes a request for this handler. This method assumes * local request paths (removal of the mapped URL base). * * @param request the request to process */ public void process(Request request) { request.setResponseHeader(HEADER.DAV, "2"); request.setResponseHeader("MS-Author-Via", "DAV"); if (request.hasMethod(METHOD.PROPFIND)) { doPropFind(request); } else if (request.hasMethod(METHOD.MKCOL)) { doMkCol(request); } else if (request.hasMethod(METHOD.MOVE)) { doMove(request); } else if (request.hasMethod(METHOD.LOCK)) { doLock(request); } else if (request.hasMethod(METHOD.UNLOCK)) { doUnlock(request); } else { super.process(request); } } /** * Processes an HTTP OPTIONS request. * * @param request the request to process */ protected void doOptions(Request request) { request.setResponseHeader(HEADER.ACCEPT_PATCH, Mime.JSON[0]); super.doOptions(request); } /** * Processes an HTTP GET request. * * @param request the request to process */ protected void doGet(Request request) { ApplicationContext ctx = ApplicationContext.getInstance(); Path orig = new Path(request.getPath()); Metadata meta = null; Object res = null; boolean isHtml = false; boolean isJson = false; boolean isProps = false; boolean isXml = false; boolean isDefault = true; Dict dict; // TODO: Change to read-access here once a solution has been devised // to disable search queries for certain paths and/or users. if (!SecurityContext.hasWriteAccess(request.getPath())) { errorUnauthorized(request); return; } try { // TODO: Extend data lookup via query language Path path = normalizePath(orig); if (path != null && !path.equals(orig)) { isHtml = StringUtils.endsWith(, EXT_HTML); isJson = StringUtils.endsWith(, EXT_JSON); isXml = StringUtils.endsWith(, EXT_XML); } isProps = StringUtils.endsWith(, EXT_PROPERTIES); isDefault = (!isHtml && !isJson && !isProps && !isXml); if (path != null) { res = ctx.getStorage().load(path); meta = ctx.getStorage().lookup(path); } if (res instanceof Index) { res = serializeIndex((Index) res, isDefault || isHtml); } else if (res instanceof Binary && !isDefault) { res = serializeBinary((Binary) res, request, path); } // Render result as raw data, Properties, HTML, JSON or XML if (res == null) { errorNotFound(request); } else if (isDefault && res instanceof Binary) { request.sendBinary((Binary) res, true); } else if (isDefault || isHtml) { sendHtml(request, path, meta, res); } else if (isJson) { dict = new Dict(); dict.set("metadata", serializeMetadata(meta, request)); dict.set("data", res); request.sendText(Mime.JSON[0], JsSerializer.serialize(dict, true)); } else if (isProps) { request.sendText(Mime.TEXT[0], PropertiesSerializer.serialize(res)); } else if (isXml) { dict = new Dict(); dict.set("metadata", serializeMetadata(meta, request)); dict.set("data", res); request.sendText(Mime.XML[0], XmlSerializer.serialize("results", dict)); } else { request.sendError(STATUS.NOT_ACCEPTABLE); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "failed to process storage request", e); // TODO: How do users want their error messages? dict = new Dict(); dict.set("error", e.getMessage()); res = dict; if (isJson) { request.sendText(Mime.JSON[0], JsSerializer.serialize(res, true)); } else if (isXml) { request.sendText(Mime.XML[0], XmlSerializer.serialize("error", res)); } else { errorInternal(request, e.getMessage()); } } } /** * Creates and sends the HTML response for a storage request. * * @param request the request to modify * @param path the storage path requested * @param meta the meta-data to render * @param res the actual data to render */ private void sendHtml(Request request, Path path, Metadata meta, Object res) { StringBuffer html = new StringBuffer(); html.append("<html>\n<head>\n<link rel='stylesheet' href='"); html.append(relativeBackPath(request.getPath())); html.append("files/css/style.css' type='text/css' />\n"); html.append("<title>RapidContext Storage API</title>\n"); html.append("</head>\n<body>\n<div class='query'>\n"); html.append("<h1>RapidContext Storage API</h1>\n"); html.append("<table class='navigation'>\n<tr>\n"); if (path.isRoot()) { html.append("<td class='active'>Start</td>\n"); } else { html.append("<td class='prev'><a href='"); html.append(StringUtils.repeat("../", path.depth())); html.append(".'>Start</a></td>\n"); } for (int i = 0; i < path.length(); i++) { if (i + 1 < path.length()) { html.append("<td class='prev-prev'> </td>\n"); html.append("<td class='prev'><a href='"); html.append(StringUtils.repeat("../", path.depth() - i - 1)); html.append(".'>"); html.append(; html.append("</a>"); } else { html.append("<td class='prev-active'> </td>\n"); html.append("<td class='active'>"); html.append(; } html.append("</td>\n"); } html.append("<td class='active-end'> </td>\n"); html.append("</tr>\n</table>\n<hr/>\n"); html.append("<div class='metadata'>\n"); html.append("<h2>Query Metadata</h2>\n"); html.append(HtmlSerializer.serialize(serializeMetadata(meta, request))); html.append("</div>\n"); html.append("<h2>Query Results</h2>"); html.append(HtmlSerializer.serialize(res)); html.append("<hr/><p><strong>Data Formats:</strong>"); if (meta.isIndex()) { html.append(" <a href='index.json'>JSON</a>"); html.append(" <a href='index.xml'>XML</a>"); } else { html.append(" <a href='" + + ".json'>JSON</a>"); html.append(" <a href='" + + ".xml'>XML</a>"); if (meta.isBinary()) { html.append(" <a href='" + + "'>RAW</a>"); } else { html.append(" <a href='" + + ".properties'>PROPERTIES</a>"); } } html.append("</p></div>\n</body>\n</html>\n"); request.sendText(Mime.HTML[0], html.toString()); } /** * Serializes an index to a suitable external representation. If * the HTML link flag is set, all the references in the index * will be prefixed by "$href$" (being serialized into HTML links). * * @param idx the index to serialize * @param linkify the HTML link flag * * @return the serialized representation of the index */ private Dict serializeIndex(Index idx, boolean linkify) { Dict dict = new Dict(); Array arr; dict.set("type", "index"); arr = idx.indices().copy(); arr.sort(); for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { String name = arr.getString(i, null); if (name.startsWith(".")) { arr.remove(i--); } else if (linkify) { arr.set(i, "$href$" + name + "/"); } else { arr.set(i, name + "/"); } } dict.set("directories", arr); arr = idx.objects().copy(); arr.sort(); for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { String name = arr.getString(i, null); if (name.startsWith(".")) { arr.remove(i--); } else if (linkify) { arr.set(i, "$href$" + name + ".html$" + name); } } dict.set("objects", arr); return dict; } /** * Serializes a binary data object to an external representation. * * @param data the binary data object * @param request the web request * @param path the storage path * * @return serialized representation of the file */ private Dict serializeBinary(Binary data, Request request, Path path) { Dict dict = new Dict(); dict.set("type", "file"); dict.set("name",; dict.set("mimeType", data.mimeType()); dict.set("size", new Long(data.size())); return dict; } /** * Serializes a metadata object to an external representation. * * @param meta the metadata object * @param request the web request * * @return serialized representation of the metadata */ private Dict serializeMetadata(Metadata meta, Request request) { Dict dict = new Dict(); dict = meta.serialize().copy(); dict.remove(Metadata.KEY_TYPE); dict.set("processTime", new Long(request.getProcessTime())); return dict; } /** * Returns the relative path to reverse the specified path. This * method will add an "../" part for each directory in the * current path so that site-relative links can be created * easily. * * @param path the path to reverse * * @return the relative reversed path */ private String relativeBackPath(String path) { int count = StringUtils.countMatches(path, "/"); return StringUtils.repeat("../", count); } /** * Processes an HTTP PATCH request. * * @param request the request to process */ protected void doPatch(Request request) { if (!SecurityContext.hasWriteAccess(request.getPath())) { errorUnauthorized(request); return; } else if (request.getPath().endsWith("/")) { errorBadRequest(request, "cannot write data to folder"); return; } else if (!Mime.isInputMatch(request, Mime.JSON)) { String msg = "application/json content type required"; request.sendError(STATUS.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, null, msg); return; } try { Object data = JsSerializer.unserialize(request.getInputString()); Path path = new Path(request.getPath()); Storage storage = ApplicationContext.getInstance().getStorage(); Object prev = storage.load(path); Dict dict = (prev instanceof Dict) ? (Dict) prev : null; if (prev instanceof StorableObject) { dict = ((StorableObject) prev).serialize(); } if (prev == null) { errorNotFound(request); } else if (dict == null) { String msg = "resource is not object"; request.sendError(STATUS.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, null, msg); } else if (!(data instanceof Dict)) { String msg = "patch data should be JSON object"; request.sendError(STATUS.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, null, msg); } else { dict.setAll((Dict) data);, dict); request.sendText(Mime.JSON[0], JsSerializer.serialize(dict, true)); } } catch (JsException e) { String msg = "invalid input JSON: " + e.getMessage(); LOG.log(Level.WARNING, msg); errorBadRequest(request, msg); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "failed to write " + request.getPath(), e); errorInternal(request, e.getMessage()); } } /** * Processes an HTTP POST request. * * @param request the request to process */ protected void doPost(Request request) { if (!SecurityContext.hasWriteAccess(request.getPath())) { errorUnauthorized(request); return; } else if (request.getPath().endsWith("/")) { errorBadRequest(request, "cannot write data to folder"); return; } else if (!Mime.isInputMatch(request, Mime.JSON)) { String msg = "application/json content type required"; request.sendError(STATUS.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, null, msg); return; } try { Path path = new Path(request.getPath()); Path normalizedPath = normalizePath(path); Object data = JsSerializer.unserialize(request.getInputString()); if (, data)) { if (normalizedPath == null) { request.sendText(STATUS.CREATED, null, null); } else { request.sendText(STATUS.OK, null, null); } } else { String msg = "failed to write " + request.getPath(); LOG.log(Level.WARNING, msg); errorInternal(request, msg); } } catch (JsException e) { String msg = "invalid input JSON: " + e.getMessage(); LOG.log(Level.WARNING, msg); errorBadRequest(request, msg); } } /** * Processes an HTTP PUT request. * * @param request the request to process */ protected void doPut(Request request) { if (!SecurityContext.hasWriteAccess(request.getPath())) { errorUnauthorized(request); return; } else if (request.getHeader(HEADER.CONTENT_RANGE) != null) { request.sendError(STATUS.NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return; } if (request.getPath().endsWith("/")) { errorBadRequest(request, "cannot store data in a directory"); return; } try { Path path = new Path(request.getPath()); Path normalizedPath = normalizePath(path); Binary data = new Binary.BinaryStream(request.getInputStream(), -1); if (, data)) { if (normalizedPath == null) { request.sendText(STATUS.CREATED, null, null); } else { request.sendText(STATUS.OK, null, null); } } else { String msg = "failed to write " + request.getPath(); LOG.log(Level.WARNING, msg); errorInternal(request, msg); } } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "failed to write " + request.getPath() + ": " + e.getMessage(); LOG.log(Level.WARNING, msg, e); errorInternal(request, msg); } } /** * Processes an HTTP DELETE request. * * @param request the request to process */ protected void doDelete(Request request) { if (!SecurityContext.hasWriteAccess(request.getPath())) { errorUnauthorized(request); return; } Path path = normalizePath(new Path(request.getPath())); if (path == null) { errorNotFound(request); return; } if (StorageDeleteProcedure.delete(path)) { request.sendText(STATUS.NO_CONTENT, null, null); } else { String msg = "failed to delete " + request.getPath(); errorInternal(request, msg); } } /** * Processes a WebDAV PROPFIND request. * * @param request the request to process */ protected void doPropFind(Request request) { ApplicationContext ctx = ApplicationContext.getInstance(); Path path = new Path(request.getPath()); String href; WebDavRequest davRequest; Metadata meta = null; Object data = null; Index idx; Array arr; String str; if (!SecurityContext.hasWriteAccess(request.getPath())) { errorUnauthorized(request); return; } try { davRequest = new WebDavRequest(request); if (davRequest.depth() < 0 || davRequest.depth() > 1) { davRequest.sendErrorFiniteDepth(); return; } path = normalizePath(path); if (path != null) { data = ctx.getStorage().load(path); meta = ctx.getStorage().lookup(path); } if (data == null || meta == null) { errorNotFound(request); return; } href = request.getAbsolutePath(); if (path.isIndex() && !href.endsWith("/")) { href += "/"; } addResource(davRequest, href, meta, data); if (davRequest.depth() > 0 && data instanceof Index) { idx = (Index) data; arr = idx.paths(); LOG.fine("Paths: " + arr); for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { path = (Path) arr.get(i); data = ctx.getStorage().load(path); meta = ctx.getStorage().lookup(path); if (data != null && meta != null) { str = href +; if (path.isIndex()) { str += "/"; } else if (meta.isObject()) { str += DirStorage.SUFFIX_PROPS; } addResource(davRequest, str, meta, data); } } } davRequest.sendMultiResponse(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "failed to process WebDAV propfind request", e); errorInternal(request, e.getMessage()); } } /** * Adds a resource to the WebDAV response. * * @param request the WebDAV request container * @param href the root-relative resource link * @param meta the resource meta-data * @param data the resource object * * @throws Exception if the resource couldn't be added */ private void addResource(WebDavRequest request, String href, Metadata meta, Object data) throws Exception { Date modified = meta.lastModified(); if (data instanceof Index) { request.addResource(href, modified, modified, 0); } else if (data instanceof File) { // TODO: storage file File file = (File) data; request.addResource(href, modified, modified, file.length()); } else { String str = PropertiesSerializer.serialize(data); byte[] bytes = str.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"); request.addResource(href, modified, modified, bytes.length); } } /** * Processes a WebDAV MKCOL request. * * @param request the request to process */ protected void doMkCol(Request request) { ApplicationContext ctx = ApplicationContext.getInstance(); Path path; Metadata meta; if (!SecurityContext.hasWriteAccess(request.getPath())) { errorUnauthorized(request); return; } try { path = new Path(request.getPath()); if (!path.isIndex()) { path = path.parent().child(, true); } meta = ctx.getStorage().lookup(path); if (meta != null) { request.sendError(STATUS.FORBIDDEN); } else { ctx.getStorage().store(path.child("dummy", false), new Dict()); ctx.getStorage().remove(path.child("dummy", false)); request.sendText(STATUS.CREATED, null, null); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "failed to create dir " + request.getPath(), e); errorInternal(request, e.getMessage()); } } /** * Processes a WebDAV MOVE request. * * @param request the request to process */ protected void doMove(Request request) { String path = request.getPath(); String prefix = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(request.getUrl(), path); prefix = StringUtils.removeEnd(prefix, "/"); String href = request.getHeader(HEADER.DESTINATION); if (!SecurityContext.hasWriteAccess(path)) { errorUnauthorized(request); return; } else if (href == null) { errorBadRequest(request, "missing Destination header"); return; } href = Helper.decodeUrl(href); if (!href.startsWith(prefix)) { request.sendError(STATUS.BAD_GATEWAY); return; } Path dst = new Path(href.substring(prefix.length())); Path src = normalizePath(new Path(path)); if (!SecurityContext.hasWriteAccess(dst.toString())) { errorUnauthorized(request); return; } else if (src == null) { errorNotFound(request); } else if (src.isIndex()) { // TODO: add support for collection moves errorForbidden(request); } else { boolean success = StorageCopyProcedure.copy(src, dst, false) && StorageDeleteProcedure.delete(src); if (success) { href = Helper.encodeUrl(prefix + dst.toString()); request.setResponseHeader(HEADER.LOCATION, href); request.sendText(STATUS.CREATED, null, null); } else { String msg = "failed to move " + request.getPath(); errorInternal(request, msg); } } } /** * Processes a WebDAV LOCK request. * * @param request the request to process */ protected void doLock(Request request) { ApplicationContext ctx = ApplicationContext.getInstance(); Path path = new Path(request.getPath()); String href; WebDavRequest davRequest; Dict lockInfo; Metadata meta = null; if (!SecurityContext.hasWriteAccess(request.getPath())) { errorUnauthorized(request); return; } try { davRequest = new WebDavRequest(request); if (davRequest.depth() > 0) { errorBadRequest(request, "invalid lock depth header"); return; } lockInfo = davRequest.lockInfo(); if (lockInfo == null) { // TODO: allow lock refresh with missing body! errorBadRequest(request, "missing DAV:lockinfo request body"); return; } path = normalizePath(path); if (path != null) { meta = ctx.getStorage().lookup(path); } if (meta == null) { errorNotFound(request); return; } href = request.getAbsolutePath(); if (path.isIndex() && !href.endsWith("/")) { href += "/"; } lockInfo.set("href", href); lockInfo.set("token", "locktoken:" + System.currentTimeMillis()); // TODO: on lock fail, return multi-status response // TODO: lock refresh... davRequest.sendLockResponse(lockInfo, 60); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "failed to process WebDAV lock request", e); errorInternal(request, e.getMessage()); } } /** * Processes a WebDAV UNLOCK request. * * @param request the request to process */ protected void doUnlock(Request request) { if (!SecurityContext.hasWriteAccess(request.getPath())) { errorUnauthorized(request); return; } // TODO: remove lock request.sendText(STATUS.NO_CONTENT, null, null); } /** * Attempts to correct or normalize the specified path if no data * can be found at the specified location. This is necessary in * order to provide "*.properties" file access to data objects * and to adjust for some WebDAV client bugs. * * @param path the path to normalize * * @return the normalized path */ private Path normalizePath(Path path) { Storage storage = ApplicationContext.getInstance().getStorage(); String pathName =; Path lookupPath = path; Metadata meta = storage.lookup(lookupPath); if (meta == null) { String str = pathName; if (StringUtils.endsWith(str, EXT_HTML)) { str = StringUtils.removeEnd(str, EXT_HTML); } else if (StringUtils.endsWith(str, EXT_JSON)) { str = StringUtils.removeEnd(str, EXT_JSON); } else if (StringUtils.endsWith(str, EXT_PROPERTIES)) { str = StringUtils.removeEnd(str, EXT_PROPERTIES); } else if (StringUtils.endsWith(str, EXT_XML)) { str = StringUtils.removeEnd(str, EXT_XML); } if (!StringUtils.equals(pathName, str)) { lookupPath = path.parent().child(str, false); meta = storage.lookup(lookupPath); if (meta == null && "index".equals(str)) { lookupPath = path.parent(); meta = storage.lookup(lookupPath); } } } // Fix for Windows WebDAV (omitting trailing /) if (meta == null && !path.isIndex()) { lookupPath = path.parent().child(pathName, true); meta = storage.lookup(lookupPath); } return (meta == null) ? null : lookupPath; } }