List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils countMatches
public static int countMatches(String str, String sub)
Counts how many times the substring appears in the larger String.
From source
/** * @see {@link AtomFeedDownloadServlet#doGet(HttpServletRequest,HttpServletResponse)} *///from w ww . j a v a 2s . c o m @Test @Verifies(value = "should include all entries if no valid asOfDate is specified", method = "doGet(HttpServletRequest,HttpServletResponse)") public void doGet_shouldIncludeAllEntriesIfNoValidAsOfDateIsSpecified() throws Exception { //ensures that at least we have an entry to exclude for testing purposes AtomFeedUtil.objectCreated(new Encounter()); AtomFeedDownloadServlet atomFeedDownloadServlet = new AtomFeedDownloadServlet(); MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest("GET", "/atomfeed"); Thread.sleep(1000); request.setParameter("asOfDate", ""); MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse(); AtomFeedUtil.objectCreated(new Encounter()); AtomFeedUtil.objectCreated(new Concept()); Thread.sleep(2000);//wait for 2 seconds for the feed to get updated atomFeedDownloadServlet.service(request, response); //should have returned all entries Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.countMatches(response.getContentAsString(), "<entry>") > 2); }
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@Test public void encounterTypeTag_shouldIncludeOnlyTheSpecifiedEncounterTypesOptions() throws Exception { String htmlform = "<htmlform><encounterType types=\"1\" /></htmlform>"; FormEntrySession session = new FormEntrySession(null, htmlform, null); Assert.assertTrue(session.getHtmlToDisplay() .indexOf("<option value=\"\">htmlformentry.chooseEncounterType</option>") > -1); Assert.assertEquals(2, StringUtils.countMatches(session.getHtmlToDisplay(), "<option value=\"")); }
From source
@Test public void encounterTypeTag_shouldIncludeAllEncounterTypesIfNoneAreSpecified() throws Exception { String htmlform = "<htmlform><encounterType/></htmlform>"; FormEntrySession session = new FormEntrySession(null, htmlform, null); Assert.assertTrue(session.getHtmlToDisplay() .indexOf("<option value=\"\">htmlformentry.chooseEncounterType</option>") > -1); Assert.assertEquals(1 + Context.getEncounterService().getAllEncounterTypes().size(), StringUtils.countMatches(session.getHtmlToDisplay(), "<option value=\"")); }
From source
/** * Tests if voided names are not shown in full representation. Adds a name and shows full * representation. Then voids the name and sees decrease in number of names in full * representation./* www. j ava 2 s . c o m*/ * * @see PersonController#getProperty(Person,String) * @verifies do not show voided names in full representation * @throws Exception */ @Test public void shouldNotShowVoidedNamesInFullRepresentation() throws Exception { Person p = new PersonResource().getByUniqueId("5946f880-b197-400b-9caa-a3c661d23041"); PersonName pn = new PersonName("SUNNY", "TEST", "PURKAYASTHA"); p.addName(pn); Context.getPersonService().savePerson(p); MockHttpServletRequest req = new MockHttpServletRequest(); req.addParameter(RestConstants.REQUEST_PROPERTY_FOR_REPRESENTATION, RestConstants.REPRESENTATION_FULL); Object result = new PersonController().retrieve("5946f880-b197-400b-9caa-a3c661d23041", req); Assert.assertEquals(2, StringUtils.countMatches(PropertyUtils.getProperty(result, "names").toString(), "givenName")); pn.setVoided(true); Context.getPersonService().savePerson(p); result = new PersonController().retrieve("5946f880-b197-400b-9caa-a3c661d23041", req); Assert.assertEquals(1, StringUtils.countMatches(PropertyUtils.getProperty(result, "names").toString(), "givenName")); }
From source
/** * Tests if voided attributes are not shown in representation. Voids all the person attributes * and checks if they are not shown/*www .ja v a2 s . c o m*/ * * @see PersonController#getProperty(Person,String) * @verifies do not show voided attributes * @throws Exception */ @Test public void shouldNotShowVoidedAttributesInRepresentation() throws Exception { Person p = new PersonResource().getByUniqueId("5946f880-b197-400b-9caa-a3c661d23041"); MockHttpServletRequest req = new MockHttpServletRequest(); req.addParameter(RestConstants.REQUEST_PROPERTY_FOR_REPRESENTATION, RestConstants.REPRESENTATION_FULL); Object result = new PersonController().retrieve("5946f880-b197-400b-9caa-a3c661d23041", req); Assert.assertEquals(3, ((Collection<?>) PropertyUtils.getProperty(result, "attributes")).size()); Set<PersonAttribute> attributes = p.getAttributes(); for (PersonAttribute pa : attributes) { pa.setVoided(true); } p.setAttributes(attributes); Context.getPersonService().savePerson(p); result = new PersonController().retrieve("5946f880-b197-400b-9caa-a3c661d23041", req); Assert.assertEquals(0, StringUtils.countMatches(PropertyUtils.getProperty(result, "attributes").toString(), "value")); }
From source
/** * @see {@link FormEntryQueueProcessor#transformFormEntryQueue(FormEntryQueue,null)} *//*from ww w . j av a 2s . co m*/ @Test @Verifies(value = "should transform xml data with a serialized complex obs", method = "transformFormEntryQueue(FormEntryQueue,null)") public void transformFormEntryQueue_shouldTransformXmlDataWithASerializedComplexObs() throws Exception { String handlerName = "NeighborHandler"; Context.getObsService().registerHandler(handlerName, new NeighborObsHandler()); try { String xml = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(TEST_XFORM_FILE)); FormEntryQueue formEntryQueue = new FormEntryQueue(); formEntryQueue.setCreator(Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); formEntryQueue.setDateCreated(new Date()); formEntryQueue.setFormData(xml); formEntryQueue.setFileSystemUrl("/path"); HL7InQueue hl7inQueue = new FormEntryQueueProcessor().transformFormEntryQueue(formEntryQueue, true); Assert.assertEquals(2, StringUtils.countMatches(hl7inQueue.getHL7Data(), "OBX")); Assert.assertTrue(hl7inQueue.getHL7Data() .indexOf("{\"firstname\":\"Horatio\", \"lastname\":\"Hornblower\"}") > 0); Assert.assertTrue( hl7inQueue.getHL7Data().indexOf("{\"firstname\":\"John\", \"lastname\":\"Doe\"}") > 0); } finally { Context.getObsService().removeHandler(handlerName); } }
From source
/** * Sets the namespace and path of the form field that was used to capture the obs details in the * form.<br>/*from w w w . j a va 2 s.c om*/ * <b>Note:</b> Namespace and formFieldPath together must not exceed 254 characters in length, * form applications can subtract the length of their namespace from 254 to determine the * maximum length they can use for a form field path. * * @param namespace the namespace of the form field * @param formFieldPath the path of the form field * @since 1.11 * @should set the underlying formNamespaceAndPath in the correct pattern * @should reject a namepace containing the separator * @should reject a path containing the separator * @should reject a namepace and path combination longer than the max length */ public void setFormField(String namespace, String formFieldPath) { if (namespace == null && formFieldPath == null) { return; } String nsAndPathTemp = ""; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(namespace) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(formFieldPath)) { nsAndPathTemp = namespace + FORM_NAMESPACE_PATH_SEPARATOR + formFieldPath; } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(namespace)) { nsAndPathTemp = namespace + FORM_NAMESPACE_PATH_SEPARATOR; } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(formFieldPath)) { nsAndPathTemp = FORM_NAMESPACE_PATH_SEPARATOR + formFieldPath; } if (nsAndPathTemp.length() > FORM_NAMESPACE_PATH_MAX_LENGTH) { throw new APIException("Obs.namespaceAndPathTooLong", (Object[]) null); } if (StringUtils.countMatches(nsAndPathTemp, FORM_NAMESPACE_PATH_SEPARATOR) > 1) { throw new APIException("Obs.namespaceAndPathNotContainSeparator", (Object[]) null); } formNamespaceAndPath = nsAndPathTemp; }
From source
/** * Validate if the query string has any chance of being an IPLIKE query. * /*from w ww . j a v a 2 s. co m*/ * FIXME: validates iplike strings that have an octet ending in '-' such as: * 10.7-.*.* * * @param queryString * @return true if the string contains a '*' or '-' or ',' ". */ private boolean isIpLikeQuery(String queryString) { // Matcher iplikeMatcher = m_iplikePattern.matcher(queryString); // return iplikeMatcher.matches(); boolean validity = false; int ipv4delimCnt = StringUtils.countMatches(queryString, "."); int ipv6delimCnt = StringUtils.countMatches(queryString, ":"); if ((ipv4delimCnt == 3 || ipv6delimCnt == 7) && !StringUtils.endsWith(queryString, "-")) { validity = true; } else { validity = false; } return validity; }
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/** * Validate the format is://w ww. ja v a 2 s. c o m * dns://<host>/<zone>/?expression=<regex> * * there should be only one arguement in the path * there should only be one query parameter * * @param url a {@link} object. * @throws if any. */ protected static void validateDnsUrl(URL url) throws MalformedURLException { String path = url.getPath(); path = StringUtils.removeStart(path, "/"); path = StringUtils.removeEnd(path, "/"); if (path == null || StringUtils.countMatches(path, "/") > 1) { throw new MalformedURLException("The specified DNS URL contains invalid path: " + url); } String query = url.getQuery(); if ((query != null) && (determineExpressionFromUrl(url) == null) && (getArgs().get(SERVICES_ARG) == null) && (getArgs().get(FID_HASH_SRC_ARG) == null)) { throw new MalformedURLException("The specified DNS URL contains an invalid query string: " + url); } }
From source
/** * Zone should be the first path entity/*from w ww. j av a 2 s .c o m*/ * * dns://<host>/<zone>[/<foreign source>][/<?expression=<regex>> * * @param url a {@link} object. * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ protected static String parseZone(URL url) { String path = url.getPath(); path = StringUtils.removeStart(path, "/"); path = StringUtils.removeEnd(path, "/"); String zone = path; if (path != null && StringUtils.countMatches(path, "/") == 1) { String[] paths = path.split("/"); zone = paths[0]; } return zone; }