Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils countMatches

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils countMatches


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils countMatches.


public static int countMatches(String str, String sub) 

Source Link


Counts how many times the substring appears in the larger String.


From source file:org.esa.cci.lc.conversion.RemapGraphCreatorTest.java

public void testCreateGraph() throws Exception {
    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    RemapGraphCreator.GraphWriter graphWriter = new RemapGraphCreator.GraphWriter(writer, "any_lut.csv");

    graphWriter.init(new String[] { "source_band", "chl", "sst", "tsm" });
    graphWriter.writeHeader();//w  w w .j a va  2 s  .c  om

    graphWriter.extendExpression("source_band", new String[] { "5", "3", "9", "2" });
    graphWriter.extendExpression("source_band", new String[] { "15", "0", "", "37" });



    String result = removeSpaces(writer.toString());
            result.endsWith(removeSpaces(String.format(RemapGraphCreator.GraphWriter.GRAPH_FOOT, "schlumpf"))));
    assertTrue(result.contains(removeSpaces("<name>chl</name>\n" + "    <expression>\n"
            + "    source_band == 5 ? 3 : source_band == 15 ? 0 : 0\n" + "    </expression>\n"
            + "    <description>chl as defined in any_lut.csv</description>")));
            removeSpaces("<name>sst</name>\n" + "    <expression>\n" + "    source_band == 5 ? 9 : 0\n"
                    + "    </expression>\n" + "    <description>sst as defined in any_lut.csv</description>")));
    assertTrue(result.contains(removeSpaces("<name>tsm</name>\n" + "    <expression>\n"
            + "    source_band == 5 ? 2 : source_band == 15 ? 37 : 0\n" + "    </expression>\n"
            + "    <description>tsm as defined in any_lut.csv</description>")));
    assertEquals(3, StringUtils.countMatches(result, "<scalingFactor>0.01</scalingFactor>"));

From source file:org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.spot.dimap.SpotTake5Metadata.java

public int getNumBands() {
    int numBands = -1;
    MetadataElement currentElement;/* www  .  j  a v  a2  s.c o m*/
    if (((currentElement = rootElement.getElement(SpotConstants.SPOT4_TAKE5_TAG_RADIOMETRY)) != null)) {
        String descBands = currentElement.getAttributeString(SpotConstants.SPOT4_TAKE5_TAG_BANDS);
        numBands = StringUtils.countMatches(descBands, SpotConstants.SPOT4_TAKE5_VALUES_SEPARATOR) + 1;
    return numBands;

From source file:org.exoplatform.services.cms.impl.CmsServiceImpl.java

 * Process to update or add property for current node and all its property
 * Properties of node is given in current NodeType
 * To add/update property of all node, need check that property is created automatically or protected
 * When property is not created automatically and not protected then update for all child of node
 * @param create          create = true: process adding, create = false, process updating
 * @param itemPath        used with property name as key to get value of one property
 * @param currentNode     Node is updated
 * @param currentNodeType Node type//from   w w w  .  java2  s .co  m
 * @param jcrVariables    Mapping key = property name and value
 * @throws Exception
private void processNodeRecursively(boolean create, String itemPath, Node currentNode, NodeType currentNodeType,
        Map jcrVariables) throws Exception {
    if (create) {
        processAddEditProperty(true, currentNode, itemPath, currentNodeType, jcrVariables);
    } else {
        List<String> keyList = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Object key : jcrVariables.keySet()) {
            keyList.add(key.toString().substring(key.toString().lastIndexOf("/") + 1));
        List<String> currentListPropertyName = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (PropertyIterator pi = currentNode.getProperties(); pi.hasNext();) {
            Property property = pi.nextProperty();
        Set keys = jcrVariables.keySet();
        String nodePath = extractNodeName(keys);
        JcrInputProperty relRootProp = (JcrInputProperty) jcrVariables.get(nodePath);
        String[] mixinTypes = {};
        String mixintypeName = relRootProp.getMixintype();
        if (mixintypeName != null && mixintypeName.trim().length() > 0) {
            if (mixintypeName.indexOf(",") > -1) {
                mixinTypes = mixintypeName.split(",");
            } else {
                mixinTypes = new String[] { mixintypeName };
        for (String mixinType : mixinTypes) {
            if (!currentNode.isNodeType(mixinType)) {
                if (currentNode.canAddMixin(mixinType)) {

        PropertyDefinition[] propertyDefs = currentNodeType.getPropertyDefinitions();
        List<PropertyDefinition> lstPropertyDefinition = Arrays.asList(propertyDefs);
        List<PropertyDefinition> lstPropertyDefinitionAll = new ArrayList<PropertyDefinition>();
        NodeType[] mixinNodeTypes = currentNode.getMixinNodeTypes();
        for (NodeType mixinNodeType : mixinNodeTypes) {
            Collections.addAll(lstPropertyDefinitionAll, mixinNodeType.getPropertyDefinitions());
        // process property
        for (PropertyDefinition propertyDef : lstPropertyDefinitionAll) {
            String propertyName = propertyDef.getName();
            Object value = null;
            String currentPath = itemPath + "/" + propertyName;
            JcrInputProperty inputVariable = (JcrInputProperty) jcrVariables.get(currentPath);
            if (inputVariable != null) {
                value = inputVariable.getValue();
            if (currentListPropertyName.contains(propertyName) && currentNode.hasProperty(propertyName)) {
                Property property = currentNode.getProperty(propertyName);
                int requiredtype = property.getType();
                if (keyList.contains(propertyName)) {
                    if (!propertyDef.isProtected()) {
                        processProperty(property, currentNode, requiredtype, value, propertyDef.isMultiple());
            } else {
                if (!propertyDef.isProtected()) {
                    int requiredtype = propertyDef.getRequiredType();
                    if (value != null || propertyDef.isMandatory()) {
                        processProperty(propertyName, currentNode, requiredtype, value,

        //process multiple binary data
        for (Object key : jcrVariables.keySet()) {
            Object value = jcrVariables.get(key);
            if (((JcrInputProperty) value).getValue() instanceof Map) {
                processProperty(key.toString().substring(itemPath.length() + 1), currentNode,
                        PropertyType.BINARY, ((JcrInputProperty) value).getValue(), true);

    //process child nodes
    int itemLevel = StringUtils.countMatches(itemPath, "/");
    List<JcrInputProperty> childNodeInputs = extractNodeInputs(jcrVariables, itemLevel + 1);
    NodeTypeManager nodeTypeManger = currentNode.getSession().getWorkspace().getNodeTypeManager();
    List<Object> childs = new ArrayList<Object>();

    if (currentNodeType.isMixin()) {
        if (create) {
            for (NodeDefinition childNodeDef : currentNodeType.getChildNodeDefinitions()) {
        } else {
            for (NodeIterator iterator = currentNode.getNodes(); iterator.hasNext();) {
    } else {
        Set<String> childNames = new HashSet<String>();

        for (NodeDefinition childNodeDef : currentNodeType.getChildNodeDefinitions()) {
            NodeType declaringNodeType = childNodeDef.getDeclaringNodeType();
            NodeType defaultPrimaryType = childNodeDef.getDefaultPrimaryType();
                    childNodeDef.getName() + (declaringNodeType == null ? null : declaringNodeType.getName())
                            + (defaultPrimaryType == null ? null : defaultPrimaryType.getName()));
        if (currentNode != null) {
            for (NodeIterator iterator = currentNode.getNodes(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                NodeDefinition childNodeDef = iterator.nextNode().getDefinition();
                NodeType declaringNodeType = childNodeDef.getDeclaringNodeType();
                NodeType defaultPrimaryType = childNodeDef.getDefaultPrimaryType();

                if (!childNames.contains(childNodeDef.getName()
                        + (declaringNodeType == null ? null : declaringNodeType.getName())
                        + (defaultPrimaryType == null ? null : defaultPrimaryType.getName()))) {
    Set<String> childItemPaths = new HashSet<String>();
    for (Object obj : childs) {
        NodeDefinition nodeDef;
        if (obj instanceof Node) {
            nodeDef = ((Node) obj).getDefinition();
        } else {
            nodeDef = (NodeDefinition) obj;
        if (nodeDef.isAutoCreated() || nodeDef.isProtected()) {
        if (((ItemDefinitionImpl) nodeDef).isResidualSet()) {
            for (JcrInputProperty input : childNodeInputs) {
                String childItemPath = itemPath + "/" + input.getValue();
                //Only child node input has dependent path of current node is added as child node
                if (!childItemPath.equals(input.getJcrPath()))
                String primaryNodeType = input.getNodetype();
                NodeType nodeType = nodeTypeManger.getNodeType(primaryNodeType);
                if (!canAddNode(nodeDef, nodeType)) {
                String[] mixinTypes = null;
                if (input.getMixintype() != null) {
                    mixinTypes = input.getMixintype().split(",");
                Node childNode = doAddNode(currentNode, (String) input.getValue(), nodeType.getName(),
                if (childNode != null && !childItemPaths.contains(childItemPath))
                    processNodeRecursively(create, childItemPath, childNode, childNode.getPrimaryNodeType(),
        } else {
            String childNodeName = null;
            if (obj instanceof Node) {
                childNodeName = ((Node) obj).getName();
            } else {
                childNodeName = ((NodeDefinition) obj).getName();
            String newItemPath = itemPath + "/" + childNodeName;
            JcrInputProperty jcrInputVariable = (JcrInputProperty) jcrVariables.get(newItemPath);
            if (jcrInputVariable == null) {
            String nodeTypeName = jcrInputVariable.getNodetype();
            String[] mixinTypes = null;
            if (jcrInputVariable.getMixintype() != null) {
                mixinTypes = jcrInputVariable.getMixintype().split(",");
            NodeType nodeType = null;
            if (obj instanceof Node) {
                nodeType = ((Node) obj).getPrimaryNodeType();
            } else if (nodeTypeName == null || nodeTypeName.length() == 0) {
                nodeType = nodeDef.getRequiredPrimaryTypes()[0];
            } else {
                nodeType = nodeTypeManger.getNodeType(nodeTypeName);
            Node childNode = doAddNode(currentNode, childNodeName, nodeType.getName(), mixinTypes);
            if (!childItemPaths.contains(newItemPath))
                processNodeRecursively(create, newItemPath, childNode, childNode.getPrimaryNodeType(),

From source file:org.exoplatform.services.cms.impl.CmsServiceImpl.java

 * Get all value in Map.//from  w  ww.ja  va  2 s .  c  om
 * Base on key, iterate each key to get value in map
 * @param map       Map of key and value of property
 * @param itemLevel level of child of specific node
 * @return
 * @see {@link #processNodeRecursively(boolean, String, Node, NodeType, Map)}
private List<JcrInputProperty> extractNodeInputs(Map<String, JcrInputProperty> map, int itemLevel) {
    List<JcrInputProperty> list = new ArrayList<JcrInputProperty>();
    for (Iterator<String> iterator = map.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
        String jcrPath = iterator.next();
        if (itemLevel == StringUtils.countMatches(jcrPath, "/")) {
            JcrInputProperty input = map.get(jcrPath);
            if (input.getType() == JcrInputProperty.NODE) {
    return list;

From source file:org.exoplatform.wiki.rendering.impl.TestMacroRendering.java

public void testIncludePageMacro() throws Exception {
    Model model = mowService.getModel();
    WikiStoreImpl wStore = (WikiStoreImpl) model.getWikiStore();
    WikiContainer<PortalWiki> portalWikiContainer = wStore.getWikiContainer(WikiType.PORTAL);
    PortalWiki wiki = portalWikiContainer.addWiki("classic");
    WikiHome home = wiki.getWikiHome();//  ww  w  . jav  a 2  s.  c  om
    String content = "Test include contents of a page";
    String expectedHtml = "<div class=\"IncludePage \" ><p>" + content + "</p></div>";
    assertEquals(expectedHtml, renderingService.render("{{includepage page=\"Wiki Home\"/}}",
            Syntax.XWIKI_2_0.toIdString(), Syntax.XHTML_1_0.toIdString(), false));
    // Test recursive inclusion
    String content2 = "{includepage:page=\"Wiki Home\"}";
    String renderedHTML = renderingService.render("{includepage:page=\"Wiki Home\"}",
            Syntax.CONFLUENCE_1_0.toIdString(), Syntax.XHTML_1_0.toIdString(), false);
    assertEquals(1, (StringUtils.countMatches(renderedHTML, "<div class=\"IncludePage \" >")));

From source file:org.genemania.util.GeneManiaStringUtils.java

public static String extractSeparator(String text) {
    String ret = " ";
    Hashtable<String, Integer> separatorsMap = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
    separatorsMap.put(SPACE, Integer.valueOf(StringUtils.countMatches(text, " ")));
    separatorsMap.put(TAB, Integer.valueOf(StringUtils.countMatches(text, "\t")));
    separatorsMap.put(CR, Integer.valueOf(StringUtils.countMatches(text, "\n")));
    separatorsMap.put(COMMA, Integer.valueOf(StringUtils.countMatches(text, ",")));
    separatorsMap.put(SEMICOLON, Integer.valueOf(StringUtils.countMatches(text, ";")));
    Enumeration<String> separators = separatorsMap.keys();
    int maxCount = 0;
    while (separators.hasMoreElements()) {
        String nextSeparator = separators.nextElement();
        int nextSeparatorCount = ((Integer) separatorsMap.get(nextSeparator)).intValue();
        if (nextSeparatorCount > maxCount) {
            maxCount = nextSeparatorCount;
            ret = nextSeparator;//w  w w  . j  a  v  a2 s .co m
    return ret;

From source file:org.glite.authz.pap.common.utils.PathNamingScheme.java

public static String getParentGroupName(String groupName) {

    checkSyntax(groupName);// www. ja  v  a2  s.  c  o m

    if (StringUtils.countMatches(groupName, "/") == 1)
        return groupName;
        return StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(groupName, "/");

From source file:org.gradle.api.changedetection.state.DirectoryStateBuilder.java

public DirectoryState getDirectoryState() {
    if (directory == null)
        throw new IllegalStateException("directory is null!");

    final String relativePath = stateFileUtil.getRelativePathToDirectoryToProcess(directory);
    final String relativePathDigest = stateFileUtil.getStringDigest(relativePath);
    final int level = StringUtils.countMatches(relativePath, System.getProperty("file.separator"));

    final DirectoryState directoryState = new DirectoryState(directory, relativePath, relativePathDigest,
            level);// w w w .  j ava2 s . com

    directory = null;

    return directoryState;

From source file:org.gradle.api.changedetection.state.DirectoryStateDigestCalculator.java

public List<DirectoryState> getNewSubDirectoryStates(String relativeDirectoryPath) {
    final List<DirectoryState> subDirectoryStates = new ArrayList<DirectoryState>();

    for (final String currentStateItemKey : previousLevelDirectoryStates.keySet()) {

        if (currentStateItemKey.startsWith(relativeDirectoryPath)) {
            String belowPath = currentStateItemKey.replaceAll(relativeDirectoryPath, "");
            if ("".equals(belowPath)
                    || StringUtils.countMatches(belowPath, System.getProperty("file.separator")) == 1)
        }/*from  w w w  .  j a v a  2s .c o  m*/

    return subDirectoryStates;

From source file:org.gradle.api.internal.plugins.AbstractTemplateBasedStartScriptGenerator.java

String createJoinedAppHomeRelativePath(String scriptRelPath) {
    int depth = StringUtils.countMatches(scriptRelPath, "/");
    if (depth == 0) {
        return "";
    }//from  w w  w  . j  a va2  s.  c o  m

    List<String> appHomeRelativePath = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {

    Joiner slashJoiner = Joiner.on("/");
    return slashJoiner.join(appHomeRelativePath);