Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils capitalize

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils capitalize


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils capitalize.


public static String capitalize(String str) 

Source Link


Capitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as per Character#toTitleCase(char) .


From source file:com.abiquo.server.core.common.GenericEntityTestBase.java

// We have a typecast to a generic class...
private <V> Set<ConstraintViolation<?>> executeGetXXXValidationInformationMethod(Class<?> entityClass,
        String property, Class<V> valueClass, V value) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
        InvocationTargetException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
    assert entityClass != null;
    assert !StringUtils.isEmpty(property);
    assert valueClass != null;

    Class<?>[] noGroups = new Class[] {};
    Method validationInformationMethod = entityClass.getMethod(
            "get" + StringUtils.capitalize(property) + "ValidationInformation", valueClass, Class[].class);
    return (Set<ConstraintViolation<?>>) validationInformationMethod.invoke(null, value, noGroups);

From source file:com.abiquo.model.util.ModelTransformer.java

private static Method getter(final String prefix, final String fieldName, final Class clazz) throws Exception {
    String name = prefix + StringUtils.capitalize(fieldName);
    return clazz.getMethod(name, new Class[0]);

From source file:com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.actions.RelatedAction.java

protected void setMessageTools(MessageTools messageTools) {
    if (messageTools != null) {
        setCaption(StringUtils.capitalize(messageTools.getPropertyCaption(metaClass, metaProperty.getName())));
    }/*w w w .  j a va 2  s  .c  o  m*/

From source file:msi.gama.lang.gaml.ui.templates.GamlTemplateFactory.java

public static TemplatePersistenceData from(final usage u, final AbstractProto sp) {
    boolean isExample = false;
    String name = u.name();//  w ww  . j a  v a  2  s . c om
    boolean emptyName = name.isEmpty();
    String pattern = u.pattern();
    if (pattern.isEmpty()) {
        for (final example e : u.examples()) {
            if (emptyName) {
                name = e.value();
                emptyName = false;
            if (!e.isPattern()) {
                isExample = true;
            // if ( e.isPattern() ) {
            pattern += Strings.LN + e.value();
            // }
    if (pattern.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    pattern += Strings.LN;
    String[] path = u.path();
    if (path.length == 0) {
        path = new String[] { StringUtils.capitalize(sp.getName()) };
    String menuPath = "";
    for (final String p : path) {
        menuPath += p + ".";
    String menu = u.menu();
    if (menu.equals(usage.NULL)) {
        menu = ISymbolKind.TEMPLATE_MENU[sp.getKind()];
    String desc = u.value();
    if (desc.equals(usage.NULL)) {
        // Trying to build something that makes sense..
        desc = menu + " " + name;
        desc += Strings.LN;
        final String doc = sp.getDocumentation();
        int index = doc.indexOf(". ");
        if (index == -1) {
            index = doc.length();
        desc += doc.substring(0, CmnFastMath.min(index, 150)) + " [...]";
    menuPath = menu + "." + menuPath.substring(0, menuPath.length() - 1);
    if (isExample) {
        menuPath = "Examples." + menuPath;
    final Template template = new Template(name, desc, getContextId(), pattern, true);
    final TemplatePersistenceData data = new TemplatePersistenceData(template, true, menuPath);
    return data;


From source file:info.magnolia.content2bean.impl.TypeMappingImpl.java

 * Get a adder method. Transforms name to singular.
 *///w  w w .  j  a va 2s. com
public Method getAddMethod(Class<?> type, String name, int numberOfParameters) {
    name = StringUtils.capitalize(name);
    Method method = getExactMethod(type, "add" + name, numberOfParameters);
    if (method == null) {
        method = getExactMethod(type, "add" + StringUtils.removeEnd(name, "s"), numberOfParameters);

    if (method == null) {
        method = getExactMethod(type, "add" + StringUtils.removeEnd(name, "es"), numberOfParameters);

    if (method == null) {
        method = getExactMethod(type, "add" + StringUtils.removeEnd(name, "ren"), numberOfParameters);

    if (method == null) {
        method = getExactMethod(type, "add" + StringUtils.removeEnd(name, "ies") + "y", numberOfParameters);
    return method;

From source file:de.forsthaus.webui.calendar.model.CalendarDateFormatter.java

 * This is for the day/week view, means mold="default" .<br>
 * EN: Mo 09/12 | Dayshort month/day<br>
 * DE: Mo 12.09 | Tageskuerzel Tag.Monat<br>
 *///  w ww .j a  v a 2 s. c  om
public String getCaptionByDate(Date date, Locale locale, TimeZone timezone) {

    String sDate = ZksampleDateFormat.getDayMonthFormater().format(date);
    String day = null;

    if (date.getDay() == 0) {
        day = Labels.getLabel("common.dayname.sunday.2");
    } else if (date.getDay() == 1) {
        day = Labels.getLabel("common.dayname.monday.2");
    } else if (date.getDay() == 2) {
        day = Labels.getLabel("common.dayname.tuesday.2");
    } else if (date.getDay() == 3) {
        day = Labels.getLabel("common.dayname.wednesday.2");
    } else if (date.getDay() == 4) {
        day = Labels.getLabel("common.dayname.thursday.2");
    } else if (date.getDay() == 5) {
        day = Labels.getLabel("common.dayname.friday.2");
    } else if (date.getDay() == 6) {
        day = Labels.getLabel("common.dayname.saturday.2");

    day = StringUtils.capitalize(day.toLowerCase());
    String result = day + " " + sDate;

    return result;

From source file:jp.codic.plugins.netbeans.utils.CodicUtils.java

 * Convert from default case to pascal case.
 * @param text//  w  w w .j  av a  2 s .  c  om
 * @return pascal case text
public static String toPascalCase(String text) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(text)) {
        return text;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    String[] words = toWords(text);
    for (String word : words) {
    return sb.toString();

From source file:com.ecyrd.management.SimpleMBean.java

 *  Create a new SimpleMBean/*ww  w.j  ava  2s . c  om*/
 *  @throws NotCompliantMBeanException {@inheritDoc}
protected SimpleMBean() throws NotCompliantMBeanException {
    //  Create attributes
    String[] attlist = getAttributeNames();
    MBeanAttributeInfo[] attributes = null;

    if (attlist != null) {
        attributes = new MBeanAttributeInfo[attlist.length];

        for (int i = 0; i < attlist.length; i++) {
            String name = attlist[i];
            name = StringUtils.capitalize(name);
            Method getter = findGetterSetter(getClass(), "get" + name, null);

            if (getter == null)
                getter = findGetterSetter(getClass(), "is" + name, null);

            Method setter = null;

            if (getter != null) {
                setter = findGetterSetter(getClass(), "set" + name, getter.getReturnType());

            //  Check, if there's a description available
            Method descriptor = findGetterSetter(getClass(), "get" + name + "Description", null);
            String description = "";

            if (descriptor != null) {
                try {
                    description = (String) descriptor.invoke(this, (Object[]) null);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    description = "Exception: " + e.getMessage();

            MBeanAttributeInfo info;
            try {
                info = new MBeanAttributeInfo(attlist[i], description, getter, setter);
            } catch (IntrospectionException e) {
                throw new NotCompliantMBeanException(e.getMessage());

            attributes[i] = info;

    //  Create operations.
    String[] oplist = getMethodNames();
    MBeanOperationInfo[] operations = new MBeanOperationInfo[oplist.length];

    Method[] methods = getClass().getMethods();

    for (int i = 0; i < oplist.length; i++) {
        Method method = null;

        for (int m = 0; m < methods.length; m++) {
            if (methods[m].getName().equals(oplist[i])) {
                method = methods[m];

        if (method == null) {
            throw new NotCompliantMBeanException(
                    "Class declares method " + oplist[i] + ", yet does not implement it!");

        MBeanOperationInfo info = new MBeanOperationInfo(method.getName(), method);

        operations[i] = info;

    //  Create the actual BeanInfo instance.
    MBeanConstructorInfo[] constructors = null;
    MBeanNotificationInfo[] notifications = null;

    m_beanInfo = new MBeanInfo(getClass().getName(), getDescription(), attributes, constructors, operations,

From source file:com.manydesigns.elements.fields.search.TextSearchField.java

public void toXhtml(@NotNull XhtmlBuffer xb) {
    xb.addAttribute("class", "control-group");
    xb.writeLabel(StringUtils.capitalize(label), id, ATTR_NAME_HTML_CLASS);
    xb.addAttribute("class", "controls");
    if (showMatchMode) {
        xb.writeLabel(MATCH_MODE_LABEL, matchModeId, "match_mode");
        xb.addAttribute("id", matchModeId);
        xb.addAttribute("name", matchModeParam);
        xb.addAttribute("class", "match_mode");
        for (TextMatchMode m : TextMatchMode.values()) {
            boolean checked = matchMode == m;
            String option = m.getStringValue();
            xb.writeOption(option, checked, getText(m.getI18nKey()));
        }/*from   w  w w. ja  va2s  .  c  om*/
        xb.write(" ");
    xb.writeInputText(id, inputName, value, "text", 18, maxLength);

From source file:net.sf.firemox.ui.wizard.Wizard.java

 * Create a new instance of this class./*from   w w  w  .j  ava 2s  .  c  om*/
 * @param ability
 *          ability to associate to this ability. If this ability has an
 *          associated picture, it will be used instead of given picture.
 *          Ability's name is also used to fill the title. This ability will
 *          be used to restart this wizard in case of Background button is
 *          used.
 * @param title
 *          the title of this wizard.
 * @param description
 *          the description appended to the title of this wizard. This content
 *          will be displayed as Html.
 * @param iconName
 *          the icon's name to display on the top right place.
 * @param width
 *          the preferred width.
 * @param height
 *          the preferred height.
public Wizard(Ability ability, String title, String description, String iconName, int width, int height) {
    super(MagicUIComponents.magicForm, StringUtils.capitalize(title), true);
    getRootPane().setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, 300));
    getRootPane().setMinimumSize(new Dimension(width, height));
    setSize(new Dimension(width, height));

    // center
    gameParamPanel = new JPanel(null);
    gameParamPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(gameParamPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
    if (ability == null)
        getContentPane().add(new WizardTitle(new WizardImageIcon((Image) null, iconName), description),
        getContentPane().add(new WizardTitle(new WizardImageIcon(ability.getCard(), iconName), description),
    getContentPane().add(gameParamPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    getContentPane().add(new JPanel(), BorderLayout.EAST);

    // bottom
    final JPanel abstractButtonPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    this.buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
    this.ability = ability;
    abstractButtonPanel.add(new JSeparator(), BorderLayout.NORTH);
    abstractButtonPanel.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    abstractButtonPanel.add(wizardInfo, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    getContentPane().add(abstractButtonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);