Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * ', in plugin ummisco.gama.ui.modeling, is part of the source code of the
 * GAMA modeling and simulation platform.
 * (c) 2007-2016 UMI 209 UMMISCO IRD/UPMC & Partners
 * Visit for license information and developers contact.
package msi.gama.lang.gaml.ui.templates;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.Template;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.persistence.TemplatePersistenceData;


import msi.gama.common.interfaces.INamed;
import msi.gama.precompiler.GamlAnnotations.example;
import msi.gama.precompiler.GamlAnnotations.usage;
import msi.gama.precompiler.ISymbolKind;
import msi.gaml.compilation.AbstractGamlAdditions;
import msi.gaml.compilation.kernel.GamaSkillRegistry;
import msi.gaml.descriptions.AbstractProto;
import msi.gaml.descriptions.IDescription;
import msi.gaml.descriptions.OperatorProto;
import msi.gaml.descriptions.StatementDescription;
import msi.gaml.descriptions.TypeDescription;
import msi.gaml.operators.Strings;
import msi.gaml.operators.fastmaths.CmnFastMath;
import msi.gaml.types.Types;

 * The class GamlTemplateFactory.
 * @author drogoul
 * @since 12 dc. 2014
public class GamlTemplateFactory {

    public static String getContextName() {
        return "Model";

    public static String getContextId() {
        return "msi.gama.lang.gaml.Gaml.Model";

    // public static TemplatePersistenceData from(final template t, final
    // SymbolProto sp) {
    // String name =;
    // String menuPath = "";
    // for ( String p : path ) {
    // menuPath += p + ".";
    // }
    // String pattern = t.pattern();
    // String menu =;
    // if ( menu.equals(template.NULL) ) {
    // menu = ISymbolKind.TEMPLATE_MENU[sp.getKind()];
    // }
    // String desc = t.description();
    // if ( desc.equals(template.NULL) ) {
    // // Trying to build something that makes sense..
    // desc = menu + " " + name;
    // desc += Strings.LN;
    // String doc = sp.getDocumentation();
    // int index = doc.indexOf(". ");
    // if ( index == -1 ) {
    // index = doc.length();
    // }
    // desc += doc.substring(0, FastMath.min(index, 150)) + " [...]";
    // }
    // menuPath = menu + "." + menuPath.substring(0, menuPath.length() - 1);
    // Template template = new Template(name, desc, getContextId(), pattern,
    // true);
    // TemplatePersistenceData data = new TemplatePersistenceData(template,
    // true, menuPath);
    // return data;
    // }

    public static TemplatePersistenceData from(final usage u, final AbstractProto sp) {
        boolean isExample = false;
        String name =;
        boolean emptyName = name.isEmpty();
        String pattern = u.pattern();
        if (pattern.isEmpty()) {
            for (final example e : u.examples()) {
                if (emptyName) {
                    name = e.value();
                    emptyName = false;
                if (!e.isPattern()) {
                    isExample = true;
                // if ( e.isPattern() ) {
                pattern += Strings.LN + e.value();
                // }
        if (pattern.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        pattern += Strings.LN;
        String[] path = u.path();
        if (path.length == 0) {
            path = new String[] { StringUtils.capitalize(sp.getName()) };
        String menuPath = "";
        for (final String p : path) {
            menuPath += p + ".";
        String menu =;
        if (menu.equals(usage.NULL)) {
            menu = ISymbolKind.TEMPLATE_MENU[sp.getKind()];
        String desc = u.value();
        if (desc.equals(usage.NULL)) {
            // Trying to build something that makes sense..
            desc = menu + " " + name;
            desc += Strings.LN;
            final String doc = sp.getDocumentation();
            int index = doc.indexOf(". ");
            if (index == -1) {
                index = doc.length();
            desc += doc.substring(0, CmnFastMath.min(index, 150)) + " [...]";
        menuPath = menu + "." + menuPath.substring(0, menuPath.length() - 1);
        if (isExample) {
            menuPath = "Examples." + menuPath;
        final Template template = new Template(name, desc, getContextId(), pattern, true);
        final TemplatePersistenceData data = new TemplatePersistenceData(template, true, menuPath);
        return data;


    static String beginComment = "/**" + Strings.LN;
    static String endComment = "*/" + Strings.LN;
    static String commentLine = Strings.LN + "* " + Strings.TAB + Strings.TAB;
    static String inheritedAttributes = "* Inherited attributes:";
    static String inheritedActions = "* Inherited actions:";
    static String availableBehaviors = "* Available behaviors:";

    private static String body(final String body) {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
        sb.append(" {").append(Strings.LN);
        return sb.toString();

    private static void dump(final String title, final Iterable<? extends INamed> descs, final StringBuilder sb) {
        if (!Iterables.isEmpty(descs)) {
            final List<INamed> named = Lists.newArrayList(descs);
            Collections.sort(named, INamed.COMPARATOR);
            for (final INamed sd : named) {

    public static Template speciesWithSkill(final String skill) {
        final StringBuilder comment = new StringBuilder(200);
        dump(inheritedAttributes, GamaSkillRegistry.INSTANCE.getVariablesForSkill(skill), comment);
        dump(inheritedActions, GamaSkillRegistry.INSTANCE.getActionsForSkill(skill), comment);
        return new Template("A species with the skill " + skill,
                "Defines a species that implements the skill named " + skill, getContextId(),
                "species ${species_name} skills: [" + skill + "]" + body(comment.toString()), true);

    public static Template attributeWithType(final String type) {
        return new Template("An attribute of type " + type, "Defines an attribute of type " + type, getContextId(),
                type + " " + Types.get(type).asPattern() + " <- ${initial_value};", true);

    public static Template speciesWithControl(final String skill) {
        // Collection<SymbolProto> controls =
        // AbstractGamlAdditions.getStatementsForSkill(skill);
        final StringBuilder comment = new StringBuilder(200);
        dump(inheritedAttributes, GamaSkillRegistry.INSTANCE.getVariablesForSkill(skill), comment);
        dump(inheritedActions, GamaSkillRegistry.INSTANCE.getActionsForSkill(skill), comment);
        dump(availableBehaviors, AbstractGamlAdditions.getStatementsForSkill(skill), comment);
        return new Template("A species with the control " + skill,
                "Defines a species that implements the control named " + skill, getContextId(),
                "species ${species_name} control: " + skill + body(comment.toString()), true);

    public static Template speciesWithParent(final TypeDescription species) {
        final String name = species.getName();
        final StringBuilder comment = new StringBuilder(200);
        dump(inheritedAttributes, species.getAttributes(), comment);
        dump(inheritedActions, species.getActions(), comment);
        return new Template("A species with the parent " + name,
                "Defines a species that implements the control named " + name, getContextId(),
                "species ${species_name} parent: " + name + body(comment.toString()), true);

    public static Template callToAction(final StatementDescription sd) {
        final String name = sd.getName();
        final Iterable<IDescription> args = sd.getFormalArgs();
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);
        for (final IDescription arg : args) {
            sb.append(arg.getName()).append(": ").append("${the_").append(arg.getName()).append("}, ");
        final int length = sb.length();
        if (length > 0) {
            sb.setLength(length - 2);
        final Template t = new Template("A call to action " + name,
                "A call to action " + name + " will all its arguments", getContextId(),
                "do " + name + sb.toString() + ";" + Strings.LN, true);
        return t;

     * @param proto
     * @return
    public static Template from(final OperatorProto proto) {
        String description = proto.getMainDoc();
        if (description == null) {
            description = "Template for using operator " + proto.getName();
        return new Template("Operator " + proto.getName(), description, getContextId(), proto.getPattern(true),
