List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils capitalize
public static String capitalize(String str)
Capitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as per Character#toTitleCase(char) .
From source
public MutableHistogram(String name, String description) { = StringUtils.capitalize(name); this.desc = StringUtils.uncapitalize(description); sample = new ExponentiallyDecayingSample(DEFAULT_SAMPLE_SIZE, DEFAULT_ALPHA); count = new AtomicLong(); min = new AtomicLong(Long.MAX_VALUE); max = new AtomicLong(Long.MIN_VALUE); sum = new AtomicLong(); }
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protected String getName(Field field) { return StringUtils.capitalize(field.getName()); }
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protected String getName(Method method) { String methodName = method.getName(); if (methodName.startsWith("get")) { return StringUtils.capitalize(methodName.substring(3)); }/*from w w w.j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ return StringUtils.capitalize(methodName); }
From source
/** * Instantiates a new {@link MutableQuantiles} for a metric that rolls itself * over on the specified time interval./*ww w . j a va*/ * * @param name * of the metric * @param description * long-form textual description of the metric * @param sampleName * type of items in the stream (e.g., "Ops") * @param valueName * type of the values * @param interval * rollover interval (in seconds) of the estimator */ public MutableQuantiles(String name, String description, String sampleName, String valueName, int interval) { String ucName = StringUtils.capitalize(name); String usName = StringUtils.capitalize(sampleName); String uvName = StringUtils.capitalize(valueName); String desc = StringUtils.uncapitalize(description); String lsName = StringUtils.uncapitalize(sampleName); String lvName = StringUtils.uncapitalize(valueName); numInfo = info(ucName + "Num" + usName, String.format("Number of %s for %s with %ds interval", lsName, desc, interval)); // Construct the MetricsInfos for the quantiles, converting to percentiles quantileInfos = new MetricsInfo[quantiles.length]; String nameTemplate = ucName + "%dthPercentile" + uvName; String descTemplate = "%d percentile " + lvName + " with " + interval + " second interval for " + desc; for (int i = 0; i < quantiles.length; i++) { int percentile = (int) (100 * quantiles[i].quantile); quantileInfos[i] = info(String.format(nameTemplate, percentile), String.format(descTemplate, percentile)); } estimator = new SampleQuantiles(quantiles); this.interval = interval; scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(new RolloverSample(this), interval, interval, TimeUnit.SECONDS); }
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/** * Construct a sample statistics metric//from w ww. j a v a 2 s . c o m * @param name of the metric * @param description of the metric * @param sampleName of the metric (e.g. "Ops") * @param valueName of the metric (e.g. "Time", "Latency") * @param extended create extended stats (stdev, min/max etc.) by default. */ public MutableStat(String name, String description, String sampleName, String valueName, boolean extended) { String ucName = StringUtils.capitalize(name); String usName = StringUtils.capitalize(sampleName); String uvName = StringUtils.capitalize(valueName); String desc = StringUtils.uncapitalize(description); String lsName = StringUtils.uncapitalize(sampleName); String lvName = StringUtils.uncapitalize(valueName); numInfo = info(ucName + "Num" + usName, "Number of " + lsName + " for " + desc); avgInfo = info(ucName + "Avg" + uvName, "Average " + lvName + " for " + desc); stdevInfo = info(ucName + "Stdev" + uvName, "Standard deviation of " + lvName + " for " + desc); iMinInfo = info(ucName + "IMin" + uvName, "Interval min " + lvName + " for " + desc); iMaxInfo = info(ucName + "IMax" + uvName, "Interval max " + lvName + " for " + desc); minInfo = info(ucName + "Min" + uvName, "Min " + lvName + " for " + desc); maxInfo = info(ucName + "Max" + uvName, "Max " + lvName + " for " + desc); this.extended = extended; }
From source
/** * Construct a sample statistics metric//from www . j ava 2 m * @param name of the metric * @param description of the metric * @param sampleName of the metric (e.g. "Ops") * @param valueName of the metric (e.g. "Time", "Latency") * @param extended create extended stats (stdev, min/max etc.) by default. */ public MutableStatShare(String name, String description, String sampleName, String valueName, boolean extended, MutableCounterLong bytes) { String ucName = StringUtils.capitalize(name); String usName = StringUtils.capitalize(sampleName); String uvName = StringUtils.capitalize(valueName); String desc = StringUtils.uncapitalize(description); String lsName = StringUtils.uncapitalize(sampleName); String lvName = StringUtils.uncapitalize(valueName); numInfo = info(ucName + "Num" + usName, "Number of " + lsName + " for " + desc); avgInfo = info(ucName + "Avg" + uvName, "Average " + lvName + " for " + desc); stdevInfo = info(ucName + "Stdev" + uvName, "Standard deviation of " + lvName + " for " + desc); iMinInfo = info(ucName + "IMin" + uvName, "Interval min " + lvName + " for " + desc); iMaxInfo = info(ucName + "IMax" + uvName, "Interval max " + lvName + " for " + desc); minInfo = info(ucName + "Min" + uvName, "Min " + lvName + " for " + desc); maxInfo = info(ucName + "Max" + uvName, "Max " + lvName + " for " + desc); initInfo = info(ucName + "Init" + uvName, "Init bytes " + lvName + " for " + desc); endInfo = info(ucName + "End" + uvName, "Total bytes " + lvName + " for " + desc); intervalInfo = info(ucName + "Interval" + uvName, "Total bytes " + lvName + " for " + desc); bytesInfo = info(ucName + "Class" + uvName, "Total bytes " + lvName + " for " + desc); sharedInfo = info(ucName + "Shared" + uvName, "Total bytes " + lvName + " for " + desc); weightInfo = info(ucName + "Weight" + uvName, "Valor" + lvName + " for " + desc); queuedInfo = info(ucName + "Queued" + "Requests", "num requests" + lvName + " for " + desc); this.queuedRequests = 0; this.totalBytesProcessed = bytes; this.initTotalBytesProcessed = bytes.value(); this.extended = extended; }
From source
private <T> Class<? extends T> find(Class<T> cls, String pkg, String cname) { String name = StringUtils.capitalize(cname); Class<? extends T> found = load(cls, djoin(pkg, name)); if (found == null) { found = load(cls, djoin(pkg, "webapp", name)); }//from w w w . ja v a 2s .co m if (found == null) { found = load(cls, join(hostClass.getName(), '$', name)); } return found; }
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/** * Convert SOME_STUFF to SomeStuff/* ww w. ja v a 2 s. co m*/ * * @param s input string * @return camelized string */ public static String camelize(String s) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String[] words = split(s.toLowerCase(Locale.US), ESCAPE_CHAR, '_'); for (String word : words) { sb.append(StringUtils.capitalize(word)); } return sb.toString(); }
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@Override protected void render(Block html) { // TODO Probably better to just get a copy of this list for us to avoid the repeated synchronization? // does this change if we have 50 node, 100node, 500 node hoya clusters? final Map<String, RoleInstance> containerInstances = getContainerInstances( hoya.getAppState().cloneActiveContainerList()); for (Entry<String, RoleStatus> entry : hoya.getRoleStatusByName().entrySet()) { final String name = entry.getKey(); final RoleStatus roleStatus = entry.getValue(); DIV<Hamlet> div = html.div("role-info ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"); List<ClusterNode> nodesInRole; try {//from www . j av a 2 s . c o m nodesInRole = clusterOps.listClusterNodesInRole(name); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not fetch containers for role: " + name, e); nodesInRole = Collections.emptyList(); } div.h2(BOLD, StringUtils.capitalize(name)); // Generate the details on this role Iterable<Entry<String, Integer>> stats = roleStatus.buildStatistics().entrySet(); generateRoleDetails(div, "role-stats-wrap", "Specifications", Iterables.transform(stats, stringIntPairFunc)); // Sort the ClusterNodes by their name (containerid) Collections.sort(nodesInRole, new ClusterNodeNameComparator()); // Generate the containers running this role generateRoleDetails(div, "role-stats-containers", "Containers", Iterables.transform(nodesInRole, new Function<ClusterNode, Entry<TableContent, String>>() { @Override public Entry<TableContent, String> apply(ClusterNode input) { final String containerId =; if (containerInstances.containsKey(containerId)) { RoleInstance roleInst = containerInstances.get(containerId); if (roleInst.container.getNodeHttpAddress() != null) { return Maps.<TableContent, String>immutableEntry( new TableAnchorContent(containerId, buildNodeUrlForContainer( roleInst.container.getNodeHttpAddress(), containerId)), null); } } return Maps.immutableEntry(new TableContent(, null); } })); ClusterDescription desc = hoya.getAppState().getClusterStatus(); Map<String, String> options = desc.getRole(name); Iterable<Entry<TableContent, String>> tableContent; // Generate the pairs of data in the expected form if (null != options) { tableContent = Iterables.transform(options.entrySet(), stringStringPairFunc); } else { // Or catch that we have no options and provide "empty" tableContent = Collections.<Entry<TableContent, String>>emptySet(); } // Generate the options used by this role generateRoleDetails(div, "role-options-wrap", "Role Options", tableContent); // Close the div for this role div._(); } }
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private String getProviderName() { String providerServiceName = providerService.getName().toLowerCase(); // Get HBase properly capitalized if (providerServiceName.contains("hbase")) { return HBASE; }/*from w w w . j a va 2 s.c o m*/ return StringUtils.capitalize(providerServiceName); }