List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils abbreviate
public static String abbreviate(String str, int maxWidth)
Abbreviates a String using ellipses.
From source
private List<NowPlayingInfo> convert(List<TransferStatus> statuses) throws Exception { HttpServletRequest request = WebContextFactory.get().getHttpServletRequest(); String url = request.getRequestURL().toString(); List<NowPlayingInfo> result = new ArrayList<NowPlayingInfo>(); for (TransferStatus status : statuses) { Player player = status.getPlayer(); File file = status.getFile(); if (player != null && player.getUsername() != null && file != null) { String username = player.getUsername(); UserSettings userSettings = settingsService.getUserSettings(username); if (!userSettings.isNowPlayingAllowed()) { continue; }//from w ww . jav a2s . c om MediaFile mediaFile = mediaFileService.getMediaFile(file); File coverArt = mediaFileService.getCoverArt(mediaFile); String artist = mediaFile.getArtist(); String title = mediaFile.getTitle(); String streamUrl = url.replaceFirst("/dwr/.*", "/stream?player=" + player.getId() + "&id=" + mediaFile.getId()); String albumUrl = url.replaceFirst("/dwr/.*", "/main.view?id=" + mediaFile.getId()); MetaDataParser parser = metaDataParserFactory.getParser(mediaFile.getFile()); MetaData metaData = parser.getMetaData(mediaFile.getFile()); String lyricsUrl; if (metaData.hasLyrics()) { lyricsUrl = "lyrics.view?id=" + mediaFile.getId(); } else { lyricsUrl = url.replaceFirst("/dwr/.*", "/lyrics.view?artistUtf8Hex=" + StringUtil.utf8HexEncode(artist) + "&songUtf8Hex=" + StringUtil.utf8HexEncode(title)); } // String coverArtUrl = coverArt == null ? null : url.replaceFirst("/dwr/.*", "/coverArt.view?size=48&id=" + mediaFile.getId()); // String coverArtZoomUrl = coverArt == null ? null : url.replaceFirst("/dwr/.*", "/coverArt.view?id=" + mediaFile.getId()); String coverArtUrl = url.replaceFirst("/dwr/.*", "/coverArt.view?size=48&id=" + mediaFile.getId()); String coverArtZoomUrl = url.replaceFirst("/dwr/.*", "/coverArt.view?id=" + mediaFile.getId()); String avatarUrl = null; if (userSettings.getAvatarScheme() == AvatarScheme.SYSTEM) { avatarUrl = url.replaceFirst("/dwr/.*", "/avatar.view?id=" + userSettings.getSystemAvatarId()); } else if (userSettings.getAvatarScheme() == AvatarScheme.CUSTOM && settingsService.getCustomAvatar(username) != null) { avatarUrl = url.replaceFirst("/dwr/.*", "/avatar.view?username=" + username); } // Rewrite URLs in case we're behind a proxy. if (settingsService.isRewriteUrlEnabled()) { String referer = request.getHeader("referer"); streamUrl = StringUtil.rewriteUrl(streamUrl, referer); albumUrl = StringUtil.rewriteUrl(albumUrl, referer); lyricsUrl = StringUtil.rewriteUrl(lyricsUrl, referer); coverArtUrl = StringUtil.rewriteUrl(coverArtUrl, referer); coverArtZoomUrl = StringUtil.rewriteUrl(coverArtZoomUrl, referer); avatarUrl = StringUtil.rewriteUrl(avatarUrl, referer); } String tooltip = StringUtil.toHtml(artist) + " – " + StringUtil.toHtml(title); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(player.getName())) { username += "@" + player.getName(); } artist = StringUtil.toHtml(StringUtils.abbreviate(artist, 25)); title = StringUtil.toHtml(StringUtils.abbreviate(title, 25)); username = StringUtil.toHtml(StringUtils.abbreviate(username, 25)); long minutesAgo = status.getMillisSinceLastUpdate() / 1000L / 60L; if (minutesAgo < 60) { result.add(new NowPlayingInfo(username, artist, title, tooltip, streamUrl, albumUrl, lyricsUrl, coverArtUrl, coverArtZoomUrl, avatarUrl, (int) minutesAgo)); } } } return result; }
From source
public String getDescription() { return StringUtils.abbreviate(description, MAX_LONG_STRING_SIZE - MARGIN_FOR_ABBREVIATION); }
From source
public String getTableOrViewName() { final boolean virtual = !StringUtils.isBlank(virtualentity); if (strTableName != null) { if (!virtual && strTableName.startsWith("V_")) { strTableName = "T_" + strTableName.substring(2); } else if (virtual && strTableName.startsWith("T_")) { strTableName = "V_" + strTableName.substring(2); }//from w w w . ja v a2 s . c om if (strTableName.length() > 30) { return StringUtils.abbreviate(StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(strTableName).toUpperCase(), 30); } else if (strTableName.length() < 1) { final String sTable = (virtual ? "V_EO" : "T_EO_") + StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(entityName).toUpperCase(); return sTable; } else { return strTableName; } } else { final String sTable = StringUtils.abbreviate( (virtual ? "V_EO" : "T_EO_") + StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(entityName).toUpperCase(), 30); return sTable; } }
From source
@Test public void testCriminalHistoryQuery() throws Exception { //create and populate a criminal history POJO DetailsRequest chr = new DetailsRequest(); chr.setIdentificationID("12345"); chr.setIdentificationSourceText(/*from w w w .j a va2s . c o m*/ "{}Person-Query-Service---Criminal-History"); //Add SAML token to request call Element samlToken = SAMLTokenUtils.createStaticAssertionAsElement( "", SignatureConstants.ALGO_ID_C14N_EXCL_OMIT_COMMENTS, SignatureConstants.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA1, true, true, null); String federatedQueryID = returnFederatedQueryGUID(); //Invoke the service String response = detailQueryDispatcher.invokeRequest(chr, federatedQueryID, samlToken);"Body recieved by Service (truncated): " + StringUtils.abbreviate(response, 503)); Assert.assertNotNull(response); }
From source
@Test public void testWarrantsQuery() throws Exception { //create and populate a warrants POJO DetailsRequest warrantsRequest = new DetailsRequest(); warrantsRequest.setIdentificationID("12345"); warrantsRequest.setIdentificationSourceText( "{}Person-Query-Service---Warrants"); //Add SAML token to request call Element samlToken = SAMLTokenUtils.createStaticAssertionAsElement( "", SignatureConstants.ALGO_ID_C14N_EXCL_OMIT_COMMENTS, SignatureConstants.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA1, true, true, null);// w w w . j av a 2 s. c o m String federatedQueryID = returnFederatedQueryGUID(); String response = detailQueryDispatcher.invokeRequest(warrantsRequest, federatedQueryID, samlToken);"Body recieved by Service (truncated): " + StringUtils.abbreviate(response, 503)); Assert.assertNotNull(response); }
From source
@Test @Ignore/*from ww w . j a v a2s . c om*/ public void testPersonSearchRequest() throws Exception { //create and populate a person search request POJO PersonSearchRequest personSearchRequest = PersonSearchRequestTestUtils.createPersonSearchRequestModel(); //Add SAML token to request call Element samlToken = SAMLTokenUtils.createStaticAssertionAsElement( "", SignatureConstants.ALGO_ID_C14N_EXCL_OMIT_COMMENTS, SignatureConstants.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA1, true, true, null); String federatedQueryID = returnFederatedQueryGUID(); //Invoke the service String response = personSearchRequestProcessor.invokePersonSearchRequest(personSearchRequest, federatedQueryID, samlToken);"Body recieved by Service (truncated): " + StringUtils.abbreviate(response, 503)); Assert.assertNotNull(response); }
From source
@Test public void testIncidentReportRequest() throws Exception { //create and populate a person search request POJO DetailsRequest incidentReportRequest = new DetailsRequest(); incidentReportRequest.setIdentificationID("{Citation}"); incidentReportRequest.setIdentificationSourceText( "{}SubmitIncidentIdentiferIncidentReportRequest-DPS"); String federatedQueryID = returnFederatedQueryGUID(); //Invoke the service String response = detailQueryDispatcher.invokeRequest(incidentReportRequest, federatedQueryID, null);"Body recieved by Service (truncated): " + StringUtils.abbreviate(response, 503)); Assert.assertNotNull(response);/*from w w w . j a va 2 s .c om*/ }
From source
@Test public void testIncidentSearchRequest() throws Exception { //create and populate a person search request POJO DetailsRequest incidentReportRequest = new DetailsRequest(); incidentReportRequest.setIdentificationID("12345"); incidentReportRequest.setIdentificationSourceText( "{}SubmitIncidentPersonSearchRequest-DPS"); String federatedQueryID = returnFederatedQueryGUID(); //Invoke the service String response = detailQueryDispatcher.invokeRequest(incidentReportRequest, federatedQueryID, null);"Body recieved by Service (truncated): " + StringUtils.abbreviate(response, 503)); Assert.assertNotNull(response);//w ww .j a va 2 m }
From source
@Test public void testSubscriptionSearchRequest() throws Exception { //Add SAML token to request call Element samlToken = SAMLTokenUtils.createStaticAssertionAsElement( "", SignatureConstants.ALGO_ID_C14N_EXCL_OMIT_COMMENTS, SignatureConstants.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA1, true, true, null);/*from ww w .j ava2s . c o m*/ String federatedQueryID = returnFederatedQueryGUID(); //Invoke the service String response = subscriptionSearchRequestProcessor.invokeSubscriptionSearchRequest(federatedQueryID, samlToken);"Body recieved by Service (truncated): " + StringUtils.abbreviate(response, 503)); Assert.assertNotNull(response); }
From source
@Test public void testSubscriptionQueryRequest() throws Exception { //Add SAML token to request call Element samlToken = SAMLTokenUtils.createStaticAssertionAsElement( "", SignatureConstants.ALGO_ID_C14N_EXCL_OMIT_COMMENTS, SignatureConstants.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA1, true, true, null);//from w ww .j a va 2s . com String federatedQueryID = returnFederatedQueryGUID(); //create and populate a person search request POJO DetailsRequest subscriptionQueryRequest = new DetailsRequest(); subscriptionQueryRequest.setIdentificationID("62720"); subscriptionQueryRequest.setIdentificationSourceText("subscriptions"); //Invoke the service String response = subscriptionQueryRequestProcessor.invokeRequest(subscriptionQueryRequest, federatedQueryID, samlToken);"Body recieved by Service (truncated): " + StringUtils.abbreviate(response, 503)); Assert.assertNotNull(response); }