Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.ngrinder.model; import; import net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ReflectionToStringBuilder; import org.hibernate.annotations.Index; import org.hibernate.annotations.Sort; import org.hibernate.annotations.SortType; import org.hibernate.annotations.Type; import org.ngrinder.common.util.DateUtils; import org.ngrinder.common.util.PathUtils; import javax.persistence.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedSet; import static org.ngrinder.common.util.AccessUtils.getSafe; /** * Performance Test Entity. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "JpaDataSourceORMInspection", "UnusedDeclaration", "JpaAttributeTypeInspection" }) @Entity @Table(name = "PERF_TEST") public class PerfTest extends BaseModel<PerfTest> { private static final int MARGIN_FOR_ABBREVIATION = 8; private static final int MAX_LONG_STRING_SIZE = 2048; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1369809450686098944L; private static final int MAX_STRING_SIZE = 2048; public PerfTest() { } /** * Constructor. * * @param createdUser crested user. */ public PerfTest(User createdUser) { this.setCreatedUser(createdUser); } @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "name") private String testName; @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "tag_string") private String tagString; @Expose @Cloneable @Column(length = MAX_LONG_STRING_SIZE) private String description; @Expose @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) @Column(name = "status") private Status status; @Expose @Cloneable /** ignoreSampleCount value, default to 0. */ @Column(name = "ignore_sample_count") private Integer ignoreSampleCount; @Expose /** the scheduled time of this test. */ @Column(name = "scheduled_time") @Index(name = "scheduled_time_index") private Date scheduledTime; @Expose /** the start time of this test. */ @Column(name = "start_time") private Date startTime; @Expose /** the finish time of this test. */ @Column(name = "finish_time") private Date finishTime; /** * the target host to test. */ @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "target_hosts") private String targetHosts; /** * The send mail code. */ @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "send_mail", columnDefinition = "char(1)") @Type(type = "true_false") private Boolean sendMail; /** * Use rampUp or not. */ @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "use_rampup", columnDefinition = "char(1)") @Type(type = "true_false") private Boolean useRampUp; public RampUp getRampUpType() { return rampUpType; } public void setRampUpType(RampUp rampUpType) { this.rampUpType = rampUpType; } /** * Use rampUp or not. */ @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "ramp_up_type") @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) private RampUp rampUpType; /** * The threshold code, R for run count; D for duration. */ @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "threshold") private String threshold; @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "script_name") private String scriptName; @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "duration") private Long duration; @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "run_count") private Integer runCount; @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "agent_count") private Integer agentCount; @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "vuser_per_agent") private Integer vuserPerAgent; @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "processes") private Integer processes; @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "ramp_up_init_count") private Integer rampUpInitCount; @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "ramp_up_init_sleep_time") private Integer rampUpInitSleepTime; @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "ramp_up_step") private Integer rampUpStep; @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "ramp_up_increment_interval") private Integer rampUpIncrementInterval; @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "threads") private Integer threads; // followings are test result members @Expose @Column(name = "tests") private Long tests; @Expose @Column(name = "errors") private Long errors; @Expose @Column(name = "mean_test_time") private Double meanTestTime; @Expose @Column(name = "test_time_standard_deviation") private Double testTimeStandardDeviation; @Expose @Column(name = "tps") private Double tps; @Expose @Column(name = "peak_tps") private Double peakTps; /** * Console port for this test. This is the identifier for console */ @Column(name = "port") private Integer port; @Expose @Column(name = "test_error_cause") @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) private Status testErrorCause; @Column(name = "distribution_path") /** The path used for file distribution */ private String distributionPath; @Expose @Column(name = "progress_message", length = MAX_STRING_SIZE) private String progressMessage; @Column(name = "last_progress_message", length = MAX_STRING_SIZE) private String lastProgressMessage; @Expose @Column(name = "test_comment", length = MAX_STRING_SIZE) private String testComment; @Expose @Column(name = "script_revision") private Long scriptRevision; @Expose @Column(name = "stop_request") @Type(type = "true_false") private Boolean stopRequest; @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "region") private String region; @Column(name = "safe_distribution") @Cloneable @Type(type = "true_false") private Boolean safeDistribution; @Transient private String dateString; @Transient private GrinderProperties grinderProperties; @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = { CascadeType.ALL }) @JoinTable(name = "PERF_TEST_TAG", /** join column */ joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "perf_test_id"), /** inverse join column */ inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "tag_id")) @Sort(comparator = Tag.class, type = SortType.COMPARATOR) private SortedSet<Tag> tags; @Column(name = "running_sample", length = 9990) private String runningSample; @Column(name = "agent_stat", length = 9990) private String agentState; @Column(name = "monitor_stat", length = 2000) private String monitorState; @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "sampling_interval") private Integer samplingInterval; @Expose @Cloneable @Column(name = "param") private String param; @PrePersist @PreUpdate public void init() { this.status = getSafe(this.status, Status.SAVED); this.agentCount = getSafe(this.agentCount); this.port = getSafe(this.port); this.processes = getSafe(this.processes, 1); this.threads = getSafe(this.threads, 1); this.scriptName = getSafe(this.scriptName, ""); this.testName = getSafe(this.testName, ""); this.progressMessage = getSafe(this.progressMessage, ""); this.lastProgressMessage = getSafe(this.lastProgressMessage, ""); this.testComment = getSafe(this.testComment, ""); this.threshold = getSafe(this.threshold, "D"); if (isThresholdRunCount()) { this.setIgnoreSampleCount(0); } else { this.ignoreSampleCount = getSafe(this.ignoreSampleCount); } this.runCount = getSafe(this.runCount); this.duration = getSafe(this.duration, 60000L); this.samplingInterval = getSafe(this.samplingInterval, 2); this.scriptRevision = getSafe(this.scriptRevision, -1L); this.param = getSafe(this.param, ""); this.region = getSafe(this.region, "NONE"); this.targetHosts = getSafe(this.targetHosts, ""); this.description = getSafe(this.description, ""); this.tagString = getSafe(this.tagString, ""); this.vuserPerAgent = getSafe(this.vuserPerAgent, 1); this.safeDistribution = getSafe(this.safeDistribution, false); this.useRampUp = getSafe(this.useRampUp, false); this.rampUpInitCount = getSafe(this.rampUpInitCount, 0); this.rampUpStep = getSafe(this.rampUpStep, 1); this.rampUpInitSleepTime = getSafe(this.rampUpInitSleepTime, 0); this.rampUpIncrementInterval = getSafe(this.rampUpIncrementInterval, 1000); this.rampUpType = getSafe(this.rampUpType, RampUp.PROCESS); } public String getTestIdentifier() { return "perftest_" + getId() + "_" + getLastModifiedUser().getUserId(); } /** * Get total required run count. This is calculated by multiplying agent count, threads, * processes, run count. * * @return run count */ public long getTotalRunCount() { return getAgentCount() * getThreads() * getProcesses() * (long) getRunCount(); } public String getTestName() { return testName; } public void setTestName(String testName) { this.testName = testName; } public Date getScheduledTime() { return scheduledTime; } public void setScheduledTime(Date scheduledTime) { this.scheduledTime = scheduledTime; } public Date getStartTime() { return startTime; } public void setStartTime(Date startTime) { this.startTime = startTime; } public Date getFinishTime() { return finishTime; } public void setFinishTime(Date finishTime) { this.finishTime = finishTime; } public Integer getRunCount() { return runCount; } public void setRunCount(Integer runCount) { this.runCount = runCount; } public Long getDuration() { return duration; } public void setDuration(Long duration) { this.duration = duration; } public String getScriptName() { return scriptName; } public void setScriptName(String scriptName) { this.scriptName = scriptName; } public Integer getIgnoreSampleCount() { return ignoreSampleCount; } public void setIgnoreSampleCount(Integer ignoreSampleCount) { this.ignoreSampleCount = ignoreSampleCount; } public String getScriptNameInShort() { return PathUtils.getShortPath(scriptName); } public String getDescription() { return StringUtils.abbreviate(description, MAX_LONG_STRING_SIZE - MARGIN_FOR_ABBREVIATION); } public String getLastModifiedDateToStr() { return DateUtils.dateToString(getLastModifiedDate()); } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public String getTargetHosts() { return targetHosts; } /** * Get ip address of target hosts. if target hosts '' add ip: '' if target * hosts ':' add ip: '' if target hosts '' add ip: '' * if add ip: '0:0:0:0:0:ffff:3d87:a969' * * @return host ip list */ public List<String> getTargetHostIP() { List<String> targetIPList = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] hostsList = StringUtils.split(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(targetHosts), ","); for (String hosts : hostsList) { String[] addresses = StringUtils.split(hosts, ":"); if (addresses.length <= 2) { targetIPList.add(addresses[addresses.length - 1]); } else { targetIPList.add(hosts.substring(hosts.indexOf(":") + 1, hosts.length())); } } return targetIPList; } public void setTargetHosts(String theTarget) { this.targetHosts = theTarget; } public String getThreshold() { return threshold; } public Boolean isThresholdDuration() { return "D".equals(getThreshold()); } public Boolean isThresholdRunCount() { return "R".equals(getThreshold()); } public void setThreshold(String threshold) { this.threshold = threshold; } public void setGrinderProperties(GrinderProperties properties) { this.grinderProperties = properties; } public GrinderProperties getGrinderProperties() { return grinderProperties; } public Status getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(Status status) { this.status = status; } public Integer getAgentCount() { return agentCount; } public void setAgentCount(Integer agentCount) { this.agentCount = agentCount; } public Integer getVuserPerAgent() { return vuserPerAgent; } public void setVuserPerAgent(Integer vuserPerAgent) { this.vuserPerAgent = vuserPerAgent; } public Integer getProcesses() { return processes; } public void setProcesses(Integer processes) { this.processes = processes; } public Integer getRampUpInitCount() { return rampUpInitCount; } public void setRampUpInitCount(Integer initProcesses) { this.rampUpInitCount = initProcesses; } public Integer getRampUpInitSleepTime() { return rampUpInitSleepTime; } public void setRampUpInitSleepTime(Integer initSleepTime) { this.rampUpInitSleepTime = initSleepTime; } public Integer getRampUpStep() { return rampUpStep; } public void setRampUpStep(Integer processIncrement) { this.rampUpStep = processIncrement; } public Integer getRampUpIncrementInterval() { return rampUpIncrementInterval; } public void setRampUpIncrementInterval(Integer processIncrementInterval) { this.rampUpIncrementInterval = processIncrementInterval; } public Integer getThreads() { return threads; } public void setThreads(Integer threads) { this.threads = threads; } public Long getTests() { return tests; } public void setTests(Long tests) { this.tests = tests; } public Long getErrors() { return errors; } public void setErrors(Long errors) { this.errors = errors; } public Double getMeanTestTime() { return meanTestTime; } public void setMeanTestTime(Double meanTestTime) { this.meanTestTime = meanTestTime; } public Double getTestTimeStandardDeviation() { return testTimeStandardDeviation; } public void setTestTimeStandardDeviation(Double testTimeStandardDeviation) { this.testTimeStandardDeviation = testTimeStandardDeviation; } public Double getTps() { return tps; } public void setTps(Double tps) { this.tps = tps; } public Double getPeakTps() { return peakTps; } public void setPeakTps(Double peakTps) { this.peakTps = peakTps; } public Integer getPort() { return port; } public void setPort(Integer port) { this.port = port; } public Status getTestErrorCause() { return testErrorCause; } public void setTestErrorCause(Status errorCause) { this.testErrorCause = errorCause; } public String getDistributionPath() { return distributionPath; } public void setDistributionPath(String distributionPath) { this.distributionPath = distributionPath; } /** * Get Duration time in HH:MM:SS style. * * @return formatted duration string */ public String getDurationStr() { return DateUtils.ms2Time(this.duration); } /** * Get Running time in HH:MM:SS style. * * @return formatted runtime string */ public String getRuntimeStr() { long ms = (this.finishTime == null || this.startTime == null) ? 0 : this.finishTime.getTime() - this.startTime.getTime(); return DateUtils.ms2Time(ms); } @Override public String toString() { return ReflectionToStringBuilder.toStringExclude(this, "tags"); } public String getProgressMessage() { return progressMessage; } public void setProgressMessage(String progressMessage) { this.progressMessage = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.right(progressMessage, MAX_STRING_SIZE), ""); } public Boolean getStopRequest() { return stopRequest; } public void setStopRequest(Boolean stopRequest) { this.stopRequest = stopRequest; } public String getLastProgressMessage() { return lastProgressMessage; } /** * Clear the last progress message. */ public void clearLastProgressMessage() { this.lastProgressMessage = ""; } /** * Set the last progress message. * * @param lastProgressMessage message */ public void setLastProgressMessage(String lastProgressMessage) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(lastProgressMessage)) { return; } if (!StringUtils.equals(this.lastProgressMessage, lastProgressMessage)) { setProgressMessage(getProgressMessage() + this.lastProgressMessage + "\n"); } this.lastProgressMessage = lastProgressMessage; } public String getTestComment() { return testComment; } public void setTestComment(String testComment) { this.testComment = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(StringUtils.right(testComment, MAX_STRING_SIZE)); } public Long getScriptRevision() { return scriptRevision; } public void setScriptRevision(Long scriptRevision) { this.scriptRevision = scriptRevision; } public String getDateString() { return dateString; } public void setDateString(String dateString) { this.dateString = dateString; } /** * Clear all messages. */ public void clearMessages() { clearLastProgressMessage(); setProgressMessage(""); } public Boolean getUseRampUp() { return useRampUp; } public void setUseRampUp(Boolean useRampUp) { this.useRampUp = useRampUp; } public Boolean getSendMail() { return sendMail; } public void setSendMail(Boolean sendMail) { this.sendMail = sendMail; } public String getTagString() { return tagString; } public void setTagString(String tagString) { this.tagString = tagString; } public SortedSet<Tag> getTags() { return tags; } public void setTags(SortedSet<Tag> tags) { this.tags = tags; } public String getRegion() { return region; } public void setRegion(String region) { this.region = region; } public Boolean getSafeDistribution() { return safeDistribution == null ? Boolean.FALSE : safeDistribution; } public void setSafeDistribution(Boolean safeDistribution) { this.safeDistribution = safeDistribution; } public String getRunningSample() { return runningSample; } public void setRunningSample(String runningSample) { this.runningSample = runningSample; } public String getAgentState() { return agentState; } public void setAgentState(String agentStatus) { this.agentState = agentStatus; } public String getMonitorState() { return monitorState; } public void setMonitorState(String monitorStatus) { this.monitorState = monitorStatus; } public Integer getSamplingInterval() { return samplingInterval; } public void setSamplingInterval(Integer samplingInterval) { this.samplingInterval = samplingInterval; } public String getParam() { return param; } public void setParam(String param) { this.param = param; } public void prepare(boolean isClone) { if (isClone) { this.setId(null); this.setTestComment(""); } this.useRampUp = getSafe(this.useRampUp); this.safeDistribution = getSafe(this.safeDistribution); } }