Java tutorial
//Copyright (C) 2010 Novabit Informationssysteme GmbH // //This file is part of Nuclos. // //Nuclos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by //the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //(at your option) any later version. // //Nuclos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License //along with Nuclos. If not, see <>. package org.nuclos.client.wizard; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.swing.JComponent; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.nuclos.client.main.mainframe.MainFrameTab; import org.nuclos.client.wizard.model.Attribute; import org.nuclos.client.wizard.model.EntityAttributeTableModel; import org.nuclos.client.wizard.steps.NuclosEntityAttributeInputStep; import org.nuclos.client.wizard.steps.NuclosEntityFinalStep; import org.nuclos.client.wizard.steps.NuclosEntityMenuStep; import org.nuclos.client.wizard.steps.NuclosEntityOptionStep; import org.nuclos.client.wizard.steps.NuclosEntityProcessStep; import org.nuclos.client.wizard.util.ModifierMap; import org.nuclos.common.EntityTreeViewVO; import org.nuclos.common.NuclosScript; import org.nuclos.common.TranslationVO; import org.nuclos.common.dal.vo.EntityObjectVO; import org.nuclos.server.masterdata.valueobject.MasterDataVO; import org.nuclos.server.resource.valueobject.ResourceVO; import org.pietschy.wizard.InvalidStateException; import org.pietschy.wizard.WizardStep; import org.pietschy.wizard.models.StaticModel; /** * <br> * Created by Novabit Informationssysteme GmbH <br> * Please visit <a href=""></a> * * @author <a href="">Marc Finke</a> * @version 01.00.00 */ public class NuclosEntityWizardStaticModel extends StaticModel { private String entityName; private String modifiedEntityName; private String labelSingular; private String nodeLabel; private String nodeTooltip; private String menuPath; private String strTableName; private String strMultiEditEquation; private String systemIdPrefix; private EntityAttributeTableModel attributeModel; private List<MasterDataVO> lstUserRights; private List<TranslationVO> lstTranslation; private List<EntityTreeViewVO> lstTreeView; private boolean blnLogbook; private boolean blnSearchable; private boolean blnEditable; private boolean blnImExport; private boolean blnShowRelation; private boolean blnShowGroups; private boolean blnStateModel; private boolean blnCachable; private ResourceVO icon; private Integer iResourceId; private String sResourceName; private String sNuclosResourceName; private boolean blnCreateSql; private boolean blnExecuteSql; private boolean blnCreateLayout; private Integer iModifier; private String sAccelerator; private String labelSingularRes; private String menuPathRes; private String nodeLabelRes; private String nodeTooltipRes; private String documentPath; private String reportFilename; private String virtualentity; private String idFactory; private NuclosScript rowColorScript; private Collection<EntityObjectVO> processes; private Collection<EntityObjectVO> entityMenus; private boolean blnImportTable; private String jdbcUrl; private String externalUser; private String externalPassword; private String externalTable; private boolean blnEditMode; private boolean blnAdvancedMode; private boolean blnHasRows; //DatabaseStructureChangeResultVO resultVO; private String resultText; private MainFrameTab ifrm; private NuclosEntityWizard wizard; public NuclosEntityWizardStaticModel() { lstUserRights = new ArrayList<MasterDataVO>(); lstTranslation = new ArrayList<TranslationVO>(); lstTreeView = new ArrayList<EntityTreeViewVO>(); resultText = new String(); } public void setWizard(NuclosEntityWizard wizard) { this.wizard = wizard; } public void cancelWizard() { this.wizard.getCancelAction().actionPerformed(null); } public void setParentFrame(MainFrameTab frame) { ifrm = frame; } public MainFrameTab getParentFrame() { return ifrm; } public void setEditMode(boolean editMode) { this.blnEditMode = editMode; } public boolean isEditMode() { return blnEditMode; } public void setHasRows(boolean hasRows) { this.blnHasRows = hasRows; } public boolean hasRows() { return this.blnHasRows; } public String getTableOrViewName() { final boolean virtual = !StringUtils.isBlank(virtualentity); if (strTableName != null) { if (!virtual && strTableName.startsWith("V_")) { strTableName = "T_" + strTableName.substring(2); } else if (virtual && strTableName.startsWith("T_")) { strTableName = "V_" + strTableName.substring(2); } if (strTableName.length() > 30) { return StringUtils.abbreviate(StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(strTableName).toUpperCase(), 30); } else if (strTableName.length() < 1) { final String sTable = (virtual ? "V_EO" : "T_EO_") + StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(entityName).toUpperCase(); return sTable; } else { return strTableName; } } else { final String sTable = StringUtils.abbreviate( (virtual ? "V_EO" : "T_EO_") + StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(entityName).toUpperCase(), 30); return sTable; } } public void setTableOrViewName(String sTableName) { strTableName = sTableName; } public String getEntityName() { return entityName; } public void setEntityName(String entityName) { this.entityName = entityName; } public String getModifiedEntityName() { return modifiedEntityName; } public void setModifiedEntityName(String entityName) { this.modifiedEntityName = entityName; } public String getLabelSingular() { return labelSingular; } public void setLabelSingular(String labelSingular) { this.labelSingular = labelSingular; } public EntityAttributeTableModel getAttributeModel() { if (attributeModel == null) { attributeModel = new EntityAttributeTableModel(); } return attributeModel; } public void setAttributeModel(EntityAttributeTableModel attributeModel) { this.attributeModel = attributeModel; } public boolean isLogbook() { return blnLogbook; } public void setLogbook(boolean blnLogbook) { this.blnLogbook = blnLogbook; } public boolean isSearchable() { return blnSearchable; } public void setSearchable(boolean blnSearchable) { this.blnSearchable = blnSearchable; } public boolean isEditable() { return blnEditable; } public void setEditable(boolean blnEditable) { this.blnEditable = blnEditable; } public boolean isImExportable() { return blnImExport; } public void setImExport(boolean blnImExport) { this.blnImExport = blnImExport; } public boolean isShowRelation() { return blnShowRelation; } public void setShowRelation(boolean blnShowRelation) { this.blnShowRelation = blnShowRelation; } public boolean isShowGroups() { return blnShowGroups; } public void setShowGroups(boolean blnShowGroups) { this.blnShowGroups = blnShowGroups; } public boolean isStateModel() { return blnStateModel; } public void setStateModel(boolean blnStateModel) { this.blnStateModel = blnStateModel; if (overview != null) { overview.setEnabled(NuclosEntityProcessStep.class, blnStateModel); } } public boolean isCachable() { return blnCachable; } public void setCachable(boolean blnCachable) { this.blnCachable = blnCachable; } public String getNodeLabel() { return nodeLabel; } public String getNodeLabelForMasterDataTable() { String str = null; if (this.nodeLabel != null) { str = new String(this.nodeLabel); } return str; } public void setNodeLabel(String nodeLabel) { this.nodeLabel = nodeLabel; } public List<String> getFieldsInNodeLabel() { List<String> lstFields = new ArrayList<String>(); String sField = getNodeLabel(); Pattern referencedEntityPattern = Pattern.compile("[$][{][\\w\\[\\]]+[}]"); Matcher referencedEntityMatcher = referencedEntityPattern.matcher(sField); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (referencedEntityMatcher.find()) { Object value =, - 1); String sName = value.toString(); referencedEntityMatcher.appendReplacement(sb, sName); } // complete the transfer to the StringBuffer referencedEntityMatcher.appendTail(sb); sField = sb.toString(); String s = StringUtils.replace(StringUtils.replace(getNodeLabel(), "]", " "), "[", " "); if (s != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, " "); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { lstFields.add(st.nextToken()); } } return lstFields; } public List<String> getFieldsInNodeDirectory() { List<String> lstFields = new ArrayList<String>(); String s = StringUtils.replace(StringUtils.replace(getDocumentPath(), "]", " "), "[", " "); if (s != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, " "); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { lstFields.add(st.nextToken()); } } return lstFields; } public List<String> getFieldsInNodeReportName() { List<String> lstFields = new ArrayList<String>(); String s = StringUtils.replace(StringUtils.replace(getReportFilename(), "]", " "), "[", " "); if (s != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, " "); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { lstFields.add(st.nextToken()); } } return lstFields; } public List<String> getFieldsInNodeTooltip() { List<String> lstFields = new ArrayList<String>(); String s = StringUtils.replace(StringUtils.replace(getNodeTooltip(), "]", " "), "[", " "); if (s != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, " "); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { lstFields.add(st.nextToken()); } } return lstFields; } public List<String> getFieldsInMultiEditEquation() { List<String> lstFields = new ArrayList<String>(); String s = getMultiEditEquation(); if (s != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, " "); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { lstFields.add(st.nextToken()); } } return lstFields; } public String getNodeTooltip() { return nodeTooltip; } public String getNodeTooltipForMasterDataTable() { String str = null; if (this.nodeTooltip != null) { str = new String(this.nodeTooltip); } return str; } public void setNodeTooltip(String nodeTooltip) { this.nodeTooltip = nodeTooltip; } public boolean isCreateSql() { return blnCreateSql; } public void setCreateSql(boolean blnCreateSql) { this.blnCreateSql = blnCreateSql; } public boolean isExecuteSql() { return blnExecuteSql; } public void setExecuteSql(boolean blnExecuteSql) { this.blnExecuteSql = blnExecuteSql; } public boolean isCreateLayout() { return blnCreateLayout; } public void setCreateLayout(boolean blnCreateLayout) { this.blnCreateLayout = blnCreateLayout; } public ResourceVO getIcon() { return icon; } public void setIcon(ResourceVO icon) { this.icon = icon; } public Integer getResourceId() { return iResourceId; } public void setResourceId(Integer iId) { this.iResourceId = iId; } public String getResourceName() { return sResourceName; } public void setResourceName(String name) { this.sResourceName = name; } public String getNuclosResourceName() { return sNuclosResourceName; } public void setNuclosResourceName(String sNuclosResourceName) { this.sNuclosResourceName = sNuclosResourceName; } public String getMenuPath() { return menuPath; } public void setMenuPath(String menuPath) { this.menuPath = menuPath; } public String getMultiEditEquation() { return strMultiEditEquation; } public void setMultiEditEquation(String multiEditEquation) { this.strMultiEditEquation = multiEditEquation; } public void setMultiEditEquation(Set<String> multiEditEquation) { if (multiEditEquation.size() < 1) return; String str = ""; for (String s : multiEditEquation) { str += (" " + s); } this.strMultiEditEquation = str; } public Integer getModifier() { return iModifier; } public String getModifierAsString() { String sModifier = null; if (iModifier == null) return sModifier; for (String s : ModifierMap.getModifierMap().keySet()) { Integer modifier = ModifierMap.getModifierMap().get(s); if (iModifier.equals(modifier)) { sModifier = s; break; } } return sModifier; } public void setModifier(Integer iModifier) { this.iModifier = iModifier; } public String getAccelerator() { return sAccelerator; } public void setAccelerator(String sAccelerator) { this.sAccelerator = sAccelerator; } public void setUserRights(List<MasterDataVO> userRights) { this.lstUserRights = userRights; } public List<MasterDataVO> getUserRights() { return lstUserRights; } public void setTranslation(List<TranslationVO> translation) { this.lstTranslation = translation; } public List<TranslationVO> getTranslation() { return lstTranslation; } public boolean isImportTable() { return blnImportTable; } public void setImportTable(boolean blnImportTable) { this.blnImportTable = blnImportTable; } public String getJdbcUrl() { return jdbcUrl; } public void setJdbcUrl(String jdbcUrl) { this.jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl; } public String getExternalUser() { return externalUser; } public void setExternalUser(String externalUser) { this.externalUser = externalUser; } public String getExternalPassword() { return externalPassword; } public void setExternalPassword(String externalPassword) { this.externalPassword = externalPassword; } public String getExternalTable() { return externalTable; } public void setExternalTable(String externalTable) { this.externalTable = externalTable; } public String getResultText() { return resultText; } public void setResultText(String resultText) { this.resultText = resultText; } public String getSystemIdPrefix() { return systemIdPrefix; } public void setSystemIdPrefix(String systemIdPrefix) { this.systemIdPrefix = systemIdPrefix; } public void resetModel() { setEntityName(null); setLabelSingular(null); setEditable(true); setSearchable(true); setAttributeModel(null); setTableOrViewName(null); setMenuPath(null); setStateModel(false); setSystemIdPrefix(null); setCachable(false); setDocumentPath(null); setImExport(true); setIcon(null); setModifier(null); setAccelerator(null); setShowRelation(false); setShowGroups(false); setLogbook(true); setLabelSingular(null); setNodeLabel(null); setNodeTooltip(null); setReportFilename(null); setLabelSingularResource(null); setMenuPathResource(null); setNodeLabelResource(null); setNodeTooltipResource(null); lstUserRights = new ArrayList<MasterDataVO>(); lstTranslation = new ArrayList<TranslationVO>(); lstTreeView = new ArrayList<EntityTreeViewVO>(); Iterator<?> it = this.stepIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object step =; if (step instanceof NuclosEntityAttributeInputStep) { NuclosEntityAttributeInputStep stepToReset = (NuclosEntityAttributeInputStep) step; stepToReset.resetStep(); } } } private NuclosEntityWizardStaticModelOverview overview; @Override public JComponent getOverviewComponent() { if (overview == null) { overview = new NuclosEntityWizardStaticModelOverview(this); overview.setEnabled(NuclosEntityProcessStep.class, blnStateModel); overview.setEnabled(NuclosEntityOptionStep.class, isVirtual()); } return overview; } public boolean hasReferenzTyp() { for (Attribute attr : this.attributeModel.getAttributes()) { if (attr.getDatatyp().isRefenceTyp()) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public void refreshModelState() { super.refreshModelState(); if (this.getActiveStep() instanceof NuclosEntityFinalStep) { this.setPreviousAvailable(false); this.wizard.enableCancelAction(false); } } public String getLabelSingularResource() { return labelSingularRes; } public void setLabelSingularResource(String labelSingularRes) { this.labelSingularRes = labelSingularRes; } public String getMenuPathResource() { return menuPathRes; } public void setMenuPathResource(String menuPathRes) { this.menuPathRes = menuPathRes; } public String getNodeLabelResource() { return nodeLabelRes; } public void setNodeLabelResource(String nodeLabelRes) { this.nodeLabelRes = nodeLabelRes; } public String getNodeTooltipResource() { return nodeTooltipRes; } public void setNodeTooltipResource(String nodeTooltipRes) { this.nodeTooltipRes = nodeTooltipRes; } public String getDocumentPath() { return documentPath; } public void setDocumentPath(String documentPath) { this.documentPath = documentPath; } public String getReportFilename() { return reportFilename; } public void setReportFilename(String reportFilename) { this.reportFilename = reportFilename; } public List<EntityTreeViewVO> getTreeView() { return lstTreeView; } public void setTreeView(List<EntityTreeViewVO> lstTreeView) { this.lstTreeView = lstTreeView; } public boolean isVirtual() { return !StringUtils.isBlank(virtualentity); } public String getVirtualentity() { return virtualentity; } public void setVirtualentity(String virtualentity) { this.virtualentity = virtualentity; if (overview != null) { overview.setEnabled(NuclosEntityOptionStep.class, org.nuclos.common2.StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(virtualentity)); } } public String getIdFactory() { return idFactory; } public void setIdFactory(String idFactory) { this.idFactory = idFactory; } public NuclosScript getRowColorScript() { return rowColorScript; } public void setRowColorScript(NuclosScript rowColorScript) { this.rowColorScript = rowColorScript; } public Collection<EntityObjectVO> getProcesses() { return processes; } public void setProcesses(Collection<EntityObjectVO> processes) { this.processes = processes; } public Collection<EntityObjectVO> getEntityMenus() { return entityMenus; } public void setEntityMenus(Collection<EntityObjectVO> entityMenus) { this.entityMenus = entityMenus; } @Override public void nextStep() { super.nextStep(); WizardStep step = this.getActiveStep(); if (step instanceof NuclosEntityProcessStep && !this.isStateModel()) { super.nextStep(); } } @Override public void previousStep() { WizardStep step = this.getActiveStep(); if (step instanceof NuclosEntityProcessStep || step instanceof NuclosEntityMenuStep) { try { step.applyState(); } catch (InvalidStateException e) { } } if (step instanceof NuclosEntityAttributeInputStep && this.isVirtual()) { super.previousStep(); super.previousStep(); } else if (step instanceof NuclosEntityMenuStep && !this.isStateModel()) { super.previousStep(); super.previousStep(); } else { super.previousStep(); } } }