List of usage examples for javax.xml.xpath XPathConstants NODE
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The XPath 1.0 NodeSet data type.
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/** * Cast XQuery sequence into an opaque list * * @param type type //from w ww. ja v a 2 s . c o m * @param result result * * @return value * * @throws XQException XQException */ private Object getResultValue(QName type, XQResultSequence result) throws XQException { Document document = DOMUtils.newDocument(); Object resultValue = null; if (XPathConstants.NODESET.equals(type)) { List list = new ArrayList(); while ( { Object itemValue = getItemValue(result.getItem()); if (itemValue instanceof Node) { itemValue = DOMUtils.cloneNode(document, (Node) itemValue); } if (itemValue != null) { list.add(itemValue); } } resultValue = list; } else if (XPathConstants.NODE.equals(type)) { XQItem item = null; if (result.count() > 0) { result.first(); if (result.isOnItem()) { item = result.getItem(); } } if (item != null) { resultValue = getItemValue(item); if (resultValue instanceof Node) { resultValue = DOMUtils.cloneNode(document, (Node) resultValue); } } } else if (XPathConstants.STRING.equals(type)) { resultValue = result.getSequenceAsString(new Properties()); } else if (XPathConstants.NUMBER.equals(type)) { resultValue = result.getSequenceAsString(new Properties()); resultValue = Integer.parseInt((String) resultValue); } else if (XPathConstants.BOOLEAN.equals(type)) { resultValue = result.getSequenceAsString(new Properties()); resultValue = Boolean.parseBoolean((String) resultValue); } return resultValue; }
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protected ModelGraph findGraph(List<FileBasedElement> rootElements, String modelIdRef, Metadata staticMetadata, ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConfigGroup> globalConfGroups, Set<String> supportedProcessorIds) throws XPathExpressionException, WorkflowException { XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile("//*[@id = '" + modelIdRef + "']"); for (FileBasedElement rootElement : rootElements) { Node node = (Node) expr.evaluate(rootElement.getElement(), XPathConstants.NODE); if (node != null) { return this.loadGraph(rootElements, new FileBasedElement(rootElement.getFile(), (Element) node), staticMetadata, globalConfGroups, supportedProcessorIds); }//from ww w.j a v a 2 s. co m } return null; }
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@Override public Node getContentNodeByXpathExpression(XPathExpression xpathExpression) { if (xpathExpression == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null XPathExpression"); }/* w ww . j a v a2s .c o m*/ Node nodeRootThis = this.getContentRoot(); if (nodeRootThis == null) { return null; } Node matchingNode = null; try { matchingNode = (Node) xpathExpression.evaluate(nodeRootThis, XPathConstants.NODE); } catch (XPathExpressionException ex) { this.logger.warn("Failed to retrieve node for \"" + xpathExpression.toString() + "\"", ex); } return matchingNode; }
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private static Attr getConnectionProperties(Document doc) throws Exception { XPath xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); XPathExpression expr = xPath// w ww . j ava 2 s. co m .compile("/persistence/persistence-unit/properties/property[@name='openjpa.ConnectionProperties']"); Element element = (Element) expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODE); return element.getAttributeNode("value"); }
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/** * Constructor./*from w w w . jav a 2 s .c om*/ * * @param element An XFDF element. * * @throws IOException If there is an error extracting data from the element. */ public FDFAnnotation(Element element) throws IOException { this(); String page = element.getAttribute("page"); if (page == null || page.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("Error: missing required attribute 'page'"); } setPage(Integer.parseInt(page)); String color = element.getAttribute("color"); if (color != null && color.length() == 7 && color.charAt(0) == '#') { int colorValue = Integer.parseInt(color.substring(1, 7), 16); setColor(new Color(colorValue)); } setDate(element.getAttribute("date")); String flags = element.getAttribute("flags"); if (flags != null) { String[] flagTokens = flags.split(","); for (String flagToken : flagTokens) { if (flagToken.equals("invisible")) { setInvisible(true); } else if (flagToken.equals("hidden")) { setHidden(true); } else if (flagToken.equals("print")) { setPrinted(true); } else if (flagToken.equals("nozoom")) { setNoZoom(true); } else if (flagToken.equals("norotate")) { setNoRotate(true); } else if (flagToken.equals("noview")) { setNoView(true); } else if (flagToken.equals("readonly")) { setReadOnly(true); } else if (flagToken.equals("locked")) { setLocked(true); } else if (flagToken.equals("togglenoview")) { setToggleNoView(true); } } } setName(element.getAttribute("name")); String rect = element.getAttribute("rect"); if (rect == null) { throw new IOException("Error: missing attribute 'rect'"); } String[] rectValues = rect.split(","); if (rectValues.length != 4) { throw new IOException("Error: wrong amount of numbers in attribute 'rect'"); } float[] values = new float[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { values[i] = Float.parseFloat(rectValues[i]); } COSArray array = new COSArray(); array.setFloatArray(values); setRectangle(new PDRectangle(array)); setTitle(element.getAttribute("title")); /* * Set the markup annotation attributes */ setCreationDate(DateConverter.toCalendar(element.getAttribute("creationdate"))); String opac = element.getAttribute("opacity"); if (opac != null && !opac.isEmpty()) { setOpacity(Float.parseFloat(opac)); } setSubject(element.getAttribute("subject")); setIntent(element.getAttribute("intent")); XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); try { setContents(xpath.evaluate("contents[1]", element)); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { LOG.debug("Error while evaluating XPath expression for richtext contents"); } try { Node richContents = (Node) xpath.evaluate("contents-richtext[1]", element, XPathConstants.NODE); if (richContents != null) { setRichContents(richContentsToString(richContents, true)); setContents(richContents.getTextContent().trim()); } } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { LOG.debug("Error while evaluating XPath expression for richtext contents"); } PDBorderStyleDictionary borderStyle = new PDBorderStyleDictionary(); String width = element.getAttribute("width"); if (width != null && !width.isEmpty()) { borderStyle.setWidth(Float.parseFloat(width)); } if (borderStyle.getWidth() > 0) { String style = element.getAttribute("style"); if (style != null && !style.isEmpty()) { if (style.equals("dash")) { borderStyle.setStyle("D"); } else if (style.equals("bevelled")) { borderStyle.setStyle("B"); } else if (style.equals("inset")) { borderStyle.setStyle("I"); } else if (style.equals("underline")) { borderStyle.setStyle("U"); } else if (style.equals("cloudy")) { borderStyle.setStyle("S"); PDBorderEffectDictionary borderEffect = new PDBorderEffectDictionary(); borderEffect.setStyle("C"); String intensity = element.getAttribute("intensity"); if (intensity != null && !intensity.isEmpty()) { borderEffect.setIntensity(Float.parseFloat(element.getAttribute("intensity"))); } setBorderEffect(borderEffect); } else { borderStyle.setStyle("S"); } } String dashes = element.getAttribute("dashes"); if (dashes != null && !dashes.isEmpty()) { String[] dashesValues = dashes.split(","); COSArray dashPattern = new COSArray(); for (String dashesValue : dashesValues) { dashPattern.add(COSNumber.get(dashesValue)); } borderStyle.setDashStyle(dashPattern); } setBorderStyle(borderStyle); } }
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private static Node queryNode(Document metadata, String xpathQuery) { try {//from w w w . j ava2 s .com XPath xpath = XPATH_FACTORY.newXPath(); xpath.setNamespaceContext(NAMESPACE_CONTEXT); return (Node) xpath.evaluate(xpathQuery, metadata, XPathConstants.NODE); } catch (XPathExpressionException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Error evaluating XPath: " + xpathQuery, ex); } }
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public Node getNode(String path, boolean errIfMissing) { XPath xpath = xpathFactory.newXPath(); Node nd = null;/*from ww w . j a v a 2s. co m*/ String xstr = normalize(path); try { nd = (Node) xpath.evaluate(xstr, doc, XPathConstants.NODE); if (nd == null) { if (errIfMissing) { throw new RuntimeException(name + " missing " + path); } else { log.debug(name + " missing optional " + path); return null; } } log.trace(name + ":" + path + "=" + nd); return nd; } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { SolrException.log(log, "Error in xpath", e); throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Error in xpath:" + xstr + " for " + name, e, false); } catch (SolrException e) { throw (e); } catch (Throwable e) { SolrException.log(log, "Error in xpath", e); throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Error in xpath:" + xstr + " for " + name, e, false); } }
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private void readSchema(InputSource is) {"Reading Solr Schema from " + resourceName); try {// w w w . j a va2s . c o m // pass the config resource loader to avoid building an empty one for no reason: // in the current case though, the stream is valid so we wont load the resource by name Config schemaConf = new Config(loader, SCHEMA, is, SLASH + SCHEMA + SLASH); Document document = schemaConf.getDocument(); final XPath xpath = schemaConf.getXPath(); final List<SchemaAware> schemaAware = new ArrayList<SchemaAware>(); String expression = stepsToPath(SCHEMA, AT + NAME); Node nd = (Node) xpath.evaluate(expression, document, XPathConstants.NODE); if (nd == null) { log.warn("schema has no name!"); } else { name = nd.getNodeValue();"Schema " + NAME + "=" + name); } // /schema/@version expression = stepsToPath(SCHEMA, AT + VERSION); version = schemaConf.getFloat(expression, 1.0f); // load the Field Types final FieldTypePluginLoader typeLoader = new FieldTypePluginLoader(this, fieldTypes, schemaAware); // /schema/types/fieldtype | /schema/types/fieldType expression = stepsToPath(SCHEMA, TYPES, FIELD_TYPE.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)) // backcompat(?) + XPATH_OR + stepsToPath(SCHEMA, TYPES, FIELD_TYPE); NodeList nodes = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate(expression, document, XPathConstants.NODESET); typeLoader.load(loader, nodes); // load the Fields // Hang on to the fields that say if they are required -- this lets us set a reasonable default for the unique key Map<String, Boolean> explicitRequiredProp = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); ArrayList<DynamicField> dFields = new ArrayList<DynamicField>(); // /schema/fields/field | /schema/fields/dynamicField expression = stepsToPath(SCHEMA, FIELDS, FIELD) + XPATH_OR + stepsToPath(SCHEMA, FIELDS, DYNAMIC_FIELD); nodes = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate(expression, document, XPathConstants.NODESET); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); NamedNodeMap attrs = node.getAttributes(); String name = DOMUtil.getAttr(attrs, NAME, "field definition"); log.trace("reading field def " + name); String type = DOMUtil.getAttr(attrs, TYPE, "field " + name); FieldType ft = fieldTypes.get(type); if (ft == null) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Unknown " + FIELD_TYPE + " '" + type + "' specified on field " + name); } Map<String, String> args = DOMUtil.toMapExcept(attrs, NAME, TYPE); if (null != args.get(REQUIRED)) { explicitRequiredProp.put(name, Boolean.valueOf(args.get(REQUIRED))); } SchemaField f = SchemaField.create(name, ft, args); if (node.getNodeName().equals(FIELD)) { SchemaField old = fields.put(f.getName(), f); if (old != null) { String msg = "[schema.xml] Duplicate field definition for '" + f.getName() + "' [[[" + old.toString() + "]]] and [[[" + f.toString() + "]]]"; throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, msg); } log.debug("field defined: " + f); if (f.getDefaultValue() != null) { log.debug(name + " contains default value: " + f.getDefaultValue()); fieldsWithDefaultValue.add(f); } if (f.isRequired()) { log.debug(name + " is required in this schema"); requiredFields.add(f); } } else if (node.getNodeName().equals(DYNAMIC_FIELD)) { if (isValidFieldGlob(name)) { // make sure nothing else has the same path addDynamicField(dFields, f); } else { String msg = "Dynamic field name '" + name + "' should have either a leading or a trailing asterisk, and no others."; throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, msg); } } else { // we should never get here throw new RuntimeException("Unknown field type"); } } //fields with default values are by definition required //add them to required fields, and we only have to loop once // in DocumentBuilder.getDoc() requiredFields.addAll(getFieldsWithDefaultValue()); // OK, now sort the dynamic fields largest to smallest size so we don't get // any false matches. We want to act like a compiler tool and try and match // the largest string possible. Collections.sort(dFields); log.trace("Dynamic Field Ordering:" + dFields); // stuff it in a normal array for faster access dynamicFields = dFields.toArray(new DynamicField[dFields.size()]); expression = stepsToPath(SCHEMA, SIMILARITY); // /schema/similarity Node node = (Node) xpath.evaluate(expression, document, XPathConstants.NODE); similarityFactory = readSimilarity(loader, node); if (similarityFactory == null) { similarityFactory = new DefaultSimilarityFactory(); } else { isExplicitSimilarity = true; } if (similarityFactory instanceof SchemaAware) { ((SchemaAware) similarityFactory).inform(this); } else { // if the sim factory isn't schema aware, then we are responsible for // erroring if a field type is trying to specify a sim. for (FieldType ft : fieldTypes.values()) { if (null != ft.getSimilarity()) { String msg = "FieldType '" + ft.getTypeName() + "' is configured with a similarity, but the global similarity does not support it: " + similarityFactory.getClass(); log.error(msg); throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, msg); } } } similarity = similarityFactory.getSimilarity(); // /schema/defaultSearchField/@text() expression = stepsToPath(SCHEMA, DEFAULT_SEARCH_FIELD, TEXT_FUNCTION); node = (Node) xpath.evaluate(expression, document, XPathConstants.NODE); if (node == null) { log.debug("no default search field specified in schema."); } else { defaultSearchFieldName = node.getNodeValue().trim(); // throw exception if specified, but not found or not indexed if (defaultSearchFieldName != null) { SchemaField defaultSearchField = getFields().get(defaultSearchFieldName); if ((defaultSearchField == null) || !defaultSearchField.indexed()) { String msg = "default search field '" + defaultSearchFieldName + "' not defined or not indexed"; throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, msg); } }"default search field in schema is " + defaultSearchFieldName); } // /schema/solrQueryParser/@defaultOperator expression = stepsToPath(SCHEMA, SOLR_QUERY_PARSER, AT + DEFAULT_OPERATOR); node = (Node) xpath.evaluate(expression, document, XPathConstants.NODE); if (node == null) { log.debug("using default query parser operator (OR)"); } else { isExplicitQueryParserDefaultOperator = true; queryParserDefaultOperator = node.getNodeValue().trim();"query parser default operator is " + queryParserDefaultOperator); } // /schema/uniqueKey/text() expression = stepsToPath(SCHEMA, UNIQUE_KEY, TEXT_FUNCTION); node = (Node) xpath.evaluate(expression, document, XPathConstants.NODE); if (node == null) { log.warn("no " + UNIQUE_KEY + " specified in schema."); } else { uniqueKeyField = getIndexedField(node.getNodeValue().trim()); if (null != uniqueKeyField.getDefaultValue()) { String msg = UNIQUE_KEY + " field (" + uniqueKeyFieldName + ") can not be configured with a default value (" + uniqueKeyField.getDefaultValue() + ")"; log.error(msg); throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, msg); } if (!uniqueKeyField.stored()) { log.warn(UNIQUE_KEY + " is not stored - distributed search and MoreLikeThis will not work"); } if (uniqueKeyField.multiValued()) { String msg = UNIQUE_KEY + " field (" + uniqueKeyFieldName + ") can not be configured to be multivalued"; log.error(msg); throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, msg); } uniqueKeyFieldName = uniqueKeyField.getName(); uniqueKeyFieldType = uniqueKeyField.getType();"unique key field: " + uniqueKeyFieldName); // Unless the uniqueKeyField is marked 'required=false' then make sure it exists if (Boolean.FALSE != explicitRequiredProp.get(uniqueKeyFieldName)) { uniqueKeyField.required = true; requiredFields.add(uniqueKeyField); } } /////////////// parse out copyField commands /////////////// // Map<String,ArrayList<SchemaField>> cfields = new HashMap<String,ArrayList<SchemaField>>(); // expression = "/schema/copyField"; dynamicCopyFields = new DynamicCopy[] {}; expression = "//" + COPY_FIELD; nodes = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate(expression, document, XPathConstants.NODESET); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { node = nodes.item(i); NamedNodeMap attrs = node.getAttributes(); String source = DOMUtil.getAttr(attrs, SOURCE, COPY_FIELD + " definition"); String dest = DOMUtil.getAttr(attrs, DESTINATION, COPY_FIELD + " definition"); String maxChars = DOMUtil.getAttr(attrs, MAX_CHARS); int maxCharsInt = CopyField.UNLIMITED; if (maxChars != null) { try { maxCharsInt = Integer.parseInt(maxChars); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Couldn't parse " + MAX_CHARS + " attribute for " + COPY_FIELD + " from " + source + " to " + dest + " as integer. The whole field will be copied."); } } if (dest.equals(uniqueKeyFieldName)) { String msg = UNIQUE_KEY + " field (" + uniqueKeyFieldName + ") can not be the " + DESTINATION + " of a " + COPY_FIELD + "(" + SOURCE + "=" + source + ")"; log.error(msg); throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, msg); } registerCopyField(source, dest, maxCharsInt); } for (Map.Entry<SchemaField, Integer> entry : copyFieldTargetCounts.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() > 1 && !entry.getKey().multiValued()) { log.warn("Field " + entry.getKey().name + " is not multivalued " + "and destination for multiple " + COPY_FIELDS + " (" + entry.getValue() + ")"); } } //Run the callbacks on SchemaAware now that everything else is done for (SchemaAware aware : schemaAware) { aware.inform(this); } } catch (SolrException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { // unexpected exception... throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Schema Parsing Failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); } // create the field analyzers refreshAnalyzers(); }
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public String getSubscribeId(String parentFolderId, String fname) { final Map<String, String> variables = new HashMap<String, String>(); variables.put("parentFolderId", parentFolderId); variables.put("fname", fname); final Document userLayout = this.getUserLayoutDOM(); final Element fnameNode = this.xpathOperations.evaluate( "//folder[@ID=$parentFolderId]/descendant::channel[@fname=$fname]", variables, userLayout, XPathConstants.NODE); if (fnameNode != null) { return fnameNode.getAttribute("ID"); }/*www . j a va2 s .c o m*/ return null; }
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public String getRootFolderId() { if (rootNodeId == null) { Document layout = getUserLayoutDOM(); Element rootNode = this.xpathOperations.evaluate("//layout/folder", layout, XPathConstants.NODE); if (rootNode == null || !rootNode.getAttribute(Constants.ATT_TYPE).equals(Constants.ROOT_FOLDER_ID)) { LOG.error("Unable to locate root node in layout of " + owner.getAttribute(IPerson.USERNAME) + ". Resetting corrupted layout."); resetLayout((String) null); rootNode = this.xpathOperations.evaluate("//layout/folder", layout, XPathConstants.NODE); if (rootNode == null || !rootNode.getAttribute(Constants.ATT_TYPE).equals(Constants.ROOT_FOLDER_ID)) { throw new PortalException("Corrupted layout detected for " + owner.getAttribute(IPerson.USERNAME) + " and resetting layout failed."); }//from w w w .j a v a 2 s . c o m } rootNodeId = rootNode.getAttribute("ID"); } return rootNodeId; }