List of usage examples for javax.xml.xpath XPathConstants NODE
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The XPath 1.0 NodeSet data type.
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private void preLoad() throws MalformedURLException, ParserConfigurationException { items = new ArrayList<>(); String getTitle = "//title"; this.title = (String) XML.xpath(this.mainDoc, getTitle, XPathConstants.STRING, this.nscontext); String getSubtitle = "//subtitle"; this.subTitle = (String) XML.xpath(this.mainDoc, getSubtitle, XPathConstants.STRING, this.nscontext); String getID = "//id"; this.serviceID = (String) XML.xpath(this.mainDoc, getID, XPathConstants.STRING, this.nscontext); String getEntriesQuery = "//entry"; NodeList entries = (NodeList) XML.xpath(this.mainDoc, getEntriesQuery, XPathConstants.NODESET, this.nscontext); for (int i = 0; i < entries.getLength(); i++) { Node entry = entries.item(i); String getEntryTitle = "title"; Node titleN = (Node) XML.xpath(entry, getEntryTitle, XPathConstants.NODE, this.nscontext); String getEntryid = "*[local-name()" + "='spatial_dataset_identifier_code']"; Node id = (Node) XML.xpath(entry, getEntryid, XPathConstants.NODE, this.nscontext); if (id == null) { getEntryid = "id"; id = (Node) XML.xpath(entry, getEntryid, XPathConstants.NODE, this.nscontext); }//from ww w .j av a 2s. c om String summaryExpr = "summary"; Node description = (Node) XML.xpath(entry, summaryExpr, XPathConstants.NODE, this.nscontext); String describedByExpr = "link[@rel='alternate']/@href"; Node describedBy = (Node) XML.xpath(entry, describedByExpr, XPathConstants.NODE, this.nscontext); if (describedBy == null) { describedByExpr = "link/@href"; describedBy = (Node) XML.xpath(entry, describedByExpr, XPathConstants.NODE, this.nscontext); } String borderPolygonExpr = "*[local-name()" + "='polygon']"; Node borderPolyGonN = (Node) XML.xpath(entry, borderPolygonExpr, XPathConstants.NODE, this.nscontext); if (borderPolyGonN == null) { borderPolygonExpr = "*[local-name()" + "='box']"; borderPolyGonN = (Node) XML.xpath(entry, borderPolygonExpr, XPathConstants.NODE, this.nscontext); } Item it = new Item(new URL(this.serviceURL)); if (id != null) { = id.getTextContent(); } else { throw new ParserConfigurationException("Could not Parse " + "Service. ID not found"); } if (title != null) { it.title = titleN.getTextContent(); } else { throw new ParserConfigurationException("Could not Parse " + "Service. Title not found"); } if (description != null) { it.description = description.getTextContent(); } else { it.description = it.title; } if (describedBy != null) { it.describedBy = describedBy.getTextContent(); } else { throw new ParserConfigurationException("Could not Parse " + "Service. DescribedBy not found"); } if (entry != null) { it.otherCRSs = getCRS(entry); } else { throw new ParserConfigurationException("Could not Parse " + "Service. Entry not found"); } if (it.otherCRSs != null) { it.defaultCRS = it.otherCRSs.get(0); } else { throw new ParserConfigurationException("Could not Parse " + "Service. CRSs not found"); } it.username = this.username; it.password = this.password; // XXX: GML, anyone? if (borderPolyGonN != null) { WKTReader reader = new WKTReader(new GeometryFactory()); String bboxStr = convertPolygonToWKT(borderPolyGonN.getTextContent()); Geometry polygon = null; try { polygon =; } catch (ParseException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); continue; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } Envelope env = polygon.getEnvelopeInternal(); if (env == null || !(polygon instanceof Polygon)) { continue; } it.polygon = (Polygon) polygon; } else { throw new ParserConfigurationException("Could not Parse " + "Service. Bounding Box not Found"); } items.add(it); } }
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/** * Get references for a given article/* www . j a v a2 s . co m*/ * @param doc article xml * @return references */ public ArrayList<CitationReference> getReferences(Document doc) { ArrayList<CitationReference> list = new ArrayList<CitationReference>(); if (doc == null) { return list; } try { XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile("//back/ref-list[title='References']/ref"); Object result = expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET); NodeList refList = (NodeList) result; if (refList.getLength() == 0) { expr = xpath.compile("//back/ref-list/ref"); result = expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET); refList = (NodeList) result; } XPathExpression typeExpr = xpath.compile("//citation | //nlm-citation"); XPathExpression titleExpr = xpath.compile("//article-title"); XPathExpression authorsExpr = xpath.compile("//person-group[@person-group-type='author']/name"); XPathExpression journalExpr = xpath.compile("//source"); XPathExpression volumeExpr = xpath.compile("//volume"); XPathExpression numberExpr = xpath.compile("//label"); XPathExpression fPageExpr = xpath.compile("//fpage"); XPathExpression lPageExpr = xpath.compile("//lpage"); XPathExpression yearExpr = xpath.compile("//year"); XPathExpression publisherExpr = xpath.compile("//publisher-name"); for (int i = 0; i < refList.getLength(); i++) { Node refNode = refList.item(i); CitationReference citation = new CitationReference(); DocumentFragment df = doc.createDocumentFragment(); df.appendChild(refNode); // citation type Object resultObj = typeExpr.evaluate(df, XPathConstants.NODE); Node resultNode = (Node) resultObj; if (resultNode != null) { NamedNodeMap nnm = resultNode.getAttributes(); Node nnmNode = nnm.getNamedItem("citation-type"); // some old articles do not have this attribute if (nnmNode != null) { citation.setCitationType(nnmNode.getTextContent()); } } // title resultObj = titleExpr.evaluate(df, XPathConstants.NODE); resultNode = (Node) resultObj; if (resultNode != null) { citation.setTitle(resultNode.getTextContent()); } // authors resultObj = authorsExpr.evaluate(df, XPathConstants.NODESET); NodeList resultNodeList = (NodeList) resultObj; ArrayList<String> authors = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int j = 0; j < resultNodeList.getLength(); j++) { Node nameNode = resultNodeList.item(j); NodeList namePartList = nameNode.getChildNodes(); String surName = ""; String givenName = ""; for (int k = 0; k < namePartList.getLength(); k++) { Node namePartNode = namePartList.item(k); if (namePartNode.getNodeName().equals("surname")) { surName = namePartNode.getTextContent(); } else if (namePartNode.getNodeName().equals("given-names")) { givenName = namePartNode.getTextContent(); } } authors.add(givenName + " " + surName); } citation.setAuthors(authors); // journal title resultObj = journalExpr.evaluate(df, XPathConstants.NODE); resultNode = (Node) resultObj; if (resultNode != null) { citation.setJournalTitle(resultNode.getTextContent()); } // volume resultObj = volumeExpr.evaluate(df, XPathConstants.NODE); resultNode = (Node) resultObj; if (resultNode != null) { citation.setVolume(resultNode.getTextContent()); } // citation number resultObj = numberExpr.evaluate(df, XPathConstants.NODE); resultNode = (Node) resultObj; if (resultNode != null) { citation.setNumber(resultNode.getTextContent()); } // citation pages String firstPage = null; String lastPage = null; resultObj = fPageExpr.evaluate(df, XPathConstants.NODE); resultNode = (Node) resultObj; if (resultNode != null) { firstPage = resultNode.getTextContent(); } resultObj = lPageExpr.evaluate(df, XPathConstants.NODE); resultNode = (Node) resultObj; if (resultNode != null) { lastPage = resultNode.getTextContent(); } if (firstPage != null) { if (lastPage != null) { citation.setPages(firstPage + "-" + lastPage); } else { citation.setPages(firstPage); } } // citation year resultObj = yearExpr.evaluate(df, XPathConstants.NODE); resultNode = (Node) resultObj; if (resultNode != null) { citation.setYear(resultNode.getTextContent()); } // citation publisher resultObj = publisherExpr.evaluate(df, XPathConstants.NODE); resultNode = (Node) resultObj; if (resultNode != null) { citation.setPublisher(resultNode.getTextContent()); } list.add(citation); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error occurred while gathering the citation references.", e); } return list; }
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/** * Test the entity resolution service./*from w ww. j a v a 2 s . com*/ * * @throws Exception */ @Test @DirtiesContext public void testEntityResolution() throws Exception { // Read the er search request file from the file system File inputFile = new File("src/test/resources/xml/EntityMergeRequestMessageWithAttributeParameters.xml"); DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbf.setNamespaceAware(true); Document inputDocument = dbf.newDocumentBuilder().parse(inputFile); // Set it as the message message body senderExchange.getIn().setBody(inputDocument); // Send the one-way exchange. Using template.send will send an one way message Exchange returnExchange = template.send("direct:entityResolutionRequestServiceEndpoint", senderExchange); // Use getException to see if we received an exception if (returnExchange.getException() != null) { throw new Exception(returnExchange.getException()); } // Sleep while a response is generated Thread.sleep(3000); // Assert that the mock endpoint is satisfied entityResolutionResponseMock.assertIsSatisfied(); // We should get one message entityResolutionResponseMock.expectedMessageCount(1); // Get the first exchange (the only one) Exchange ex = entityResolutionResponseMock.getExchanges().get(0); // Get the actual response Document actualResponse = ex.getIn().getBody(Document.class);"Input document: " + new XmlConverter().toString(inputDocument, null));"Body recieved by Mock: " + new XmlConverter().toString(actualResponse, ex)); XPath xp = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); xp.setNamespaceContext(testNamespaceContext); // note: slash-slash xpaths are ok here because in tests we don't really care about performance... int inputEntityNodeCount = ((NodeList) xp.evaluate("//er-ext:Entity", inputDocument, XPathConstants.NODESET)).getLength(); int outputEntityNodeCount = ((NodeList) xp.evaluate("//merge-result-ext:Entity", actualResponse, XPathConstants.NODESET)).getLength(); NodeList outputOriginalRecordReferenceNodeList = (NodeList) xp .evaluate("//merge-result-ext:OriginalRecordReference", actualResponse, XPathConstants.NODESET); int outputOriginalRecordReferenceNodeCount = outputOriginalRecordReferenceNodeList.getLength(); assertEquals(inputEntityNodeCount, outputEntityNodeCount); assertEquals(inputEntityNodeCount, outputOriginalRecordReferenceNodeCount); NodeList inputPersonNodes = (NodeList) xp.evaluate("//ext:Person", inputDocument, XPathConstants.NODESET); for (int i = 0; i < inputPersonNodes.getLength(); i++) { String inputLastName = xp.evaluate("nc:PersonName/nc:PersonSurName/text()", inputPersonNodes.item(i)); if (inputLastName != null) { String xpathExpression = "//ext:Person[nc:PersonName/nc:PersonSurName/text()='" + inputLastName + "']"; assertNotNull(xp.evaluate(xpathExpression, actualResponse, XPathConstants.NODE)); } String inputFirstName = xp.evaluate("nc:PersonName/nc:PersonGivenName/text()", inputPersonNodes.item(i)); if (inputFirstName != null) { String xpathExpression = "//ext:Person[nc:PersonName/nc:PersonGivenName/text()='" + inputFirstName + "']";"xpathExpression=" + xpathExpression); assertNotNull(xp.evaluate(xpathExpression, actualResponse, XPathConstants.NODE)); } String inputId = xp.evaluate( "jxdm:PersonAugmentation/jxdm:PersonStateFingerprintIdentification/nc:IdentificationID", inputPersonNodes.item(i)); if (inputId != null) { String xpathExpression = "//ext:Person[jxdm:PersonAugmentation/jxdm:PersonStateFingerprintIdentification/nc:IdentificationID/text()='" + inputId + "']"; assertNotNull(xp.evaluate(xpathExpression, actualResponse, XPathConstants.NODE)); } } for (int i = 0; i < outputOriginalRecordReferenceNodeCount; i++) { String nodeRef = ((Element) outputOriginalRecordReferenceNodeList.item(i)) .getAttributeNS("", "ref"); assertNotNull(xp.evaluate("//merge-result-ext:Entity[@s:id='" + nodeRef + "']", actualResponse, XPathConstants.NODE)); } }
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/** * This method extracts the IDP from the SAML assertion * /*ww w.j ava 2s .c o m*/ * @param samlSession * @param authnState * @return true, if successful */ private boolean getIDP(SAMLSession samlSession, DelegatedSAMLAuthenticationState authnState) { this.logger.debug("Step 1 of 5: get IDP from SAML Assertion"); InputStream is = null; try { if (samlSession.getSamlAssertionDom() == null) { is = new ByteArrayInputStream(samlSession.getSamlAssertion().getBytes()); InputSource source = new InputSource(is); DOMParser parser = new DOMParser(); parser.setFeature("", true); parser.parse(source); Document doc = parser.getDocument(); samlSession.setSamlAssertionDom(doc); } String expression = "/saml2:Assertion/saml2:Issuer"; Node node = EXPRESSION_POOL.evaluate(expression, samlSession.getSamlAssertionDom(), XPathConstants.NODE); if (node != null) { String idp = node.getTextContent(); logger.debug("Found IDP {} using expression {}", idp, expression); authnState.setIdp(idp); if (samlSession.getIdpResolver() == null) { samlSession.setIdpResolver(new AssertionIdpResolverImpl(EXPRESSION_POOL)); } samlSession.getIdpResolver().resolve(samlSession, authnState); return true; } logger.debug("No IDP found using expression {}", expression); } catch (XPathExpressionException ex) { logger.error("Programming error. Invalid XPath expression.", ex); throw new DelegatedAuthenticationRuntimeException("Programming error. Invalid XPath expression.", ex); } catch (SAXException ex) { logger.error("XML error.", ex); logger.trace("XML parsing error when parsing the SAML assertion. The assertion was: [" + samlSession.getSamlAssertion() + "]."); throw new DelegatedAuthenticationRuntimeException("XML error.", ex); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("Unexpected error. This method performs no I/O!", ex); throw new DelegatedAuthenticationRuntimeException("Unexpected error. This method performs no I/O!", ex); } finally { if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { //safe to ignore during cleanup } } } return false; }
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@Test public void serviceProviderElementsHaveServicesChildElement() throws XPathException { //Get all entry elements NodeList entries = (NodeList) OSLCUtils.getXPath().evaluate("//oslc_disc:entry", doc, XPathConstants.NODESET); for (int i = 0; i < entries.getLength(); i++) { Node sp = (Node) OSLCUtils.getXPath().evaluate( "//oslc_disc:entry[" + (i + 1) + "]/oslc_disc:ServiceProvider", doc, XPathConstants.NODE); //This entry has a ServiceProvider and not a catalog if (sp != null) { //Verify the ServiceProvider has a child element services Node services = (Node) OSLCUtils.getXPath().evaluate( "//oslc_disc:entry[" + (i + 1) + "]/oslc_disc:ServiceProvider/oslc_disc:services", doc, XPathConstants.NODE); assertNotNull(services);//w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m } } }
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/** * Parses a stagingRepositories element to obtain the list of open stages. * * @param doc the stagingRepositories to parse. * @return a List of open stages./*from w w w. j a va 2s. c o m*/ * @throws XPathException if the XPath expression is invalid. */ protected List<Stage> getClosedStageIds(Document doc) throws StageException { List<Stage> stages = new ArrayList<Stage>(); NodeList stageRepositories = (NodeList) evaluateXPath("//stagingProfileRepository", doc, XPathConstants.NODESET); for (int i = 0; i < stageRepositories.getLength(); i++) { Node stageRepo = stageRepositories.item(i); Node type = (Node) evaluateXPath("./type", stageRepo, XPathConstants.NODE); // type will be "open" or "closed" if ("closed".equals(type.getTextContent())) { Node profileId = (Node) evaluateXPath("./profileId", stageRepo, XPathConstants.NODE); Node repoId = (Node) evaluateXPath("./repositoryId", stageRepo, XPathConstants.NODE); Node releaseRepositoryId = (Node) evaluateXPath("./releaseRepositoryId", stageRepo, XPathConstants.NODE); Node repositoryURI = (Node) evaluateXPath("./repositoryURI", stageRepo, XPathConstants.NODE); Node description = (Node) evaluateXPath("./description", stageRepo, XPathConstants.NODE); GAV gav = new GAV(description.getTextContent()); stages.add(new Stage(profileId.getTextContent(), repoId.getTextContent(), releaseRepositoryId.getTextContent(), gav.getGroupId(), gav.getArtifactId(), gav.getVersion(), repositoryURI.getTextContent())); } } return stages; }
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@Test public void homeElementHasTitleAndUrlChildElements() throws XPathException { //Make sure each home element has a title and url NodeList hElements = (NodeList) OSLCUtils.getXPath().evaluate("//oslc_cm:home", doc, XPathConstants.NODESET); for (int i = 0; i < hElements.getLength(); i++) { Node hUrl = (Node) OSLCUtils.getXPath().evaluate("./oslc_cm:url", hElements.item(i), XPathConstants.NODE); assertNotNull(hUrl);/*from ww w .j ava 2 s. co m*/ Node hTitle = (Node) OSLCUtils.getXPath().evaluate("./dc:title", hElements.item(i), XPathConstants.NODE); assertNotNull(hTitle); assertFalse(hTitle.getTextContent().isEmpty()); } }
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private Object getObjByRefId(String refId) { Object obj = objects.get(refId); if (obj != null) { return obj; }/*w ww . j av a2s . co m*/ try { //TODO precompile XPath xpathFindByRefId = xpathFactory.newXPath(); Node propNode = (Node) xpathFindByRefId.evaluate(String.format("//Obj[@RefId=\"%s\"]", refId), doc.getDocumentElement(), XPathConstants.NODE); obj = read(propNode); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to resolve object with id " + refId); } return obj; }
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private Module getModule(File ofr) throws IOException, XPathExpressionException { XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); InputStream file = ArchiveUtils.getFile(ofr, PackageFileType.PACKAGE_XML.getOfrFileName()); Object evaluate = xpath.evaluate("/package", new InputSource(file), XPathConstants.NODE); String path = (String) xpath.evaluate("@path", evaluate, XPathConstants.STRING); String name = (String) xpath.evaluate("@name", evaluate, XPathConstants.STRING); String version = (String) xpath.evaluate("@version", evaluate, XPathConstants.STRING); String dependencies = (String) xpath.evaluate("@dependencies", evaluate, XPathConstants.STRING); IOUtils.closeQuietly(file);// www .j a va2 s .c o m String lookup = path + "." + name; Integer ver = VersionUtils.convertToNumber(version); return new Module(ofr, lookup, ver, dependencies); }
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protected void fillModuleEntries(Document doc, Element dependencies, Collection<String> modules) throws XPathExpressionException { for (String module : modules) { XPathExpression xp = xpf.newXPath().compile("module [@name=\"" + module + "\"]"); // getLog().debug(xp.toString()); Object result = xp.evaluate(dependencies, XPathConstants.NODE); if (result == null) { getLog().debug("insert module-dependency for " + module); Element moduleEl = doc.createElement("module"); moduleEl.setAttribute("name", module); if (defaultSlot != null && !defaultSlot.isEmpty()) { moduleEl.setAttribute("slot", defaultSlot); }/*from www .j a v a 2s. c om*/ if (exportModules) { moduleEl.setAttribute("export", "true"); } dependencies.appendChild(moduleEl); // if (verbose) { // getLog().debug("Module <" + moduleEl.getAttribute("name") + ">:" + moduleEl); // } } else { if (verbose) { getLog().debug("unresolved dependency with module-name " + module); } printXpathResult(result); } } }