List of usage examples for javax.xml.xpath XPathConstants NODE
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The XPath 1.0 NodeSet data type.
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static boolean isNodePresent(Node node, String expr, XPath xpath) throws XPathExpressionException { return xpath.evaluate(expr, node, XPathConstants.NODE) != null; }
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static Node getNode(Node node, String expr, XPath xpath) throws XPathExpressionException { return (Node) xpath.evaluate(expr, node, XPathConstants.NODE); }
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public static void addPathway2Rdf(String wpIdentifier, String wpRevision, String gpml) throws DOMException, XPathExpressionException, ServiceException, ConverterException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, ParseException, NullPointerException { Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); // Declare the Prefixes // Model wikipathways level into RDF Resource wikipathwaysResource = model.createResource(WpNamespaces.nsWikipathways); Property xCoordinate = model.createProperty(WpNamespaces.nsWikipathways + "GPML/xCoordinate"); Property yCoordinate = model.createProperty(WpNamespaces.nsWikipathways + "GPML/yCoordinate"); Property color = model.createProperty(WpNamespaces.nsWikipathways + "GPML/color"); Property width = model.createProperty(WpNamespaces.nsWikipathways + "GPML/width"); Property height = model.createProperty(WpNamespaces.nsWikipathways + "GPML/height"); Resource wikiPathwaysPaperResource = model.createResource(""); wikipathwaysResource.addProperty(DCTerms.bibliographicCitation, wikiPathwaysPaperResource); Resource wikiPathwaysSparqlEndpointResource = model .createResource(""); wikipathwaysResource.addProperty(Void.sparqlEndpoint, wikiPathwaysSparqlEndpointResource); wikipathwaysResource.addProperty(RDF.type, Void.Dataset); String DefinitionURI = WpNamespaces.nsWikipathways + "Definition/"; Resource wikipathwaysGroupDefinitionResource = model.createResource(DefinitionURI + "Group/"); // State that GeneProduct can either be a Protein or DNA RDFNode[] geneProductelems = new RDFNode[] { Biopax_level3.Dna, Biopax_level3.Protein }; RDFList geneProductRDFNode = model.createList(geneProductelems); String pathwayURI = WpNamespaces.nsWikipathways + "Pathway/" + wpIdentifier + "/"; //System.out.println(); //System.out.print(wpIdentifier); Resource abstractPathwayResource = model.createResource(pathwayURI); //System.out.print(wpRevision); String pathwayResourceURI = pathwayURI + wpRevision + "/"; Resource centralPathwayResource = model.createResource(pathwayResourceURI); abstractPathwayResource.addProperty(DCTerms.hasVersion, centralPathwayResource); Resource pathwayResource = model.createResource(pathwayResourceURI); // A Pathway in Wikipathways is identified by its WP identifier and // its revision number; Resource pathwayIdentifierResource = model.createResource( WpNamespaces.nsIdentifiers + "/WikiPathways/" + wpIdentifier + "/" + wpRevision + "/"); pathwayIdentifierResource.addProperty(RDFS.label, wpIdentifier); pathwayResource.addProperty(DC.identifier, pathwayIdentifierResource); pathwayResource.addProperty(RDFS.label, wpIdentifier); // PARSE GPML if (!gpml.startsWith("{{deleted|") && isValidXML(gpml, wpIdentifier, wpRevision)) { DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); StringReader reader = new StringReader(gpml); InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(reader); Document doc = docBuilder.parse(inputSource); reader.close();//w w w .j a v a2 s. c om doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); try { // Get the Pathway Nodes XPath xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); Node pathwayLicense = ((Node) xPath.evaluate("/Pathway/@License", doc, XPathConstants.NODE)); Node pathwayName = ((Node) xPath.evaluate("/Pathway/@Name", doc, XPathConstants.NODE)); Node pathwayOrganism = ((Node) xPath.evaluate("/Pathway/@Organism", doc, XPathConstants.NODE)); // Map the organism to DbPedia if (pathwayOrganism != null) { Resource dbPediaSpeciesResource = model.createResource( "" + pathwayOrganism.getNodeValue().replace(" ", "_")); wikipathwaysResource.addProperty(DC.coverage, dbPediaSpeciesResource); } // Add pathway level details to the RDF model if (pathwayName != null) pathwayResource.addProperty(RDFS.label, pathwayName.getNodeValue()); if (pathwayIdentifierResource != null) pathwayResource.addProperty(DC.identifier, pathwayIdentifierResource); if (pathwayLicense != null) pathwayResource.addProperty(DCTerms.license, pathwayLicense.getNodeValue()); pathwayResource.addProperty(RDF.type, Biopax_level3.Pathway); pathwayResource.addProperty(DCTerms.isPartOf, wikipathwaysResource); // Get the Group References by calling the getGroupIds from // the // wikipathways webservices NodeList groupIdsNL = doc.getElementsByTagName("Group"); Set<String> groupIdsSet = new TreeSet<String>(); for (int t = 0; t < groupIdsNL.getLength(); t++) { groupIdsSet.add(groupIdsNL.item(t).getAttributes().getNamedItem("GroupId").getTextContent()); // System.out.println(groupIdsNL.item(t).getAttributes() // .getNamedItem("GroupId").getTextContent()); } for (String groupRef : groupIdsSet) { Resource groupResource = model.createResource(pathwayResourceURI + "Group/" + groupRef); groupResource.addProperty(RDF.type, wikipathwaysGroupDefinitionResource); } // Add pathwayElements to the RDF model NodeList dataNodeNL = doc.getElementsByTagName("DataNode"); // for (PathwayElement pwElm : pathway.getDataObjects()) { for (int dnlint = 0; dnlint < dataNodeNL.getLength(); dnlint++) { // Only take elements with type DATANODE (genes, // proteins, // metabolites) String datanodeType = null; if (dataNodeNL.item(dnlint).getAttributes().getNamedItem("Type") != null) { datanodeType = dataNodeNL.item(dnlint).getAttributes().getNamedItem("Type") .getTextContent(); } String datanodeTextLabel = dataNodeNL.item(dnlint).getAttributes().getNamedItem("TextLabel") .getTextContent(); String datanodeGraphId = dataNodeNL.item(dnlint).getAttributes().getNamedItem("GraphId") .getTextContent(); String datanodeGroupRef = null; if (dataNodeNL.item(dnlint).getAttributes().getNamedItem("GroupRef") != null) { datanodeGroupRef = dataNodeNL.item(dnlint).getAttributes().getNamedItem("GroupRef") .getTextContent(); } NodeList datanodeChilds = dataNodeNL.item(dnlint).getChildNodes(); // Get ChildNodes Xref, Graphics String datanodeXrefId = null; String datanodeXrefDatabase = null; String dataNodeGraphicsColor = null; Float dataNodeGraphicsCenterX = null; Float dataNodeGraphicsCenterY = null; Float dataNodeGraphicsWidth = null; Float dataNodeGraphicsHeight = null; for (int dnchildint = 0; dnchildint < datanodeChilds.getLength(); dnchildint++) { // Xref if (datanodeChilds.item(dnchildint).getNodeName().equals("Xref")) { datanodeXrefId = datanodeChilds.item(dnchildint).getAttributes().getNamedItem("ID") .getTextContent(); datanodeXrefDatabase = datanodeChilds.item(dnchildint).getAttributes() .getNamedItem("Database").getTextContent(); } //Graphics if (datanodeChilds.item(dnchildint).getNodeName().equals("Graphics")) { if (datanodeChilds.item(dnchildint).getAttributes().getNamedItem("Color") != null) { dataNodeGraphicsColor = datanodeChilds.item(dnchildint).getAttributes() .getNamedItem("Color").getTextContent(); } dataNodeGraphicsCenterX = Float.valueOf(datanodeChilds.item(dnchildint).getAttributes() .getNamedItem("CenterX").getTextContent()); dataNodeGraphicsCenterY = Float.valueOf(datanodeChilds.item(dnchildint).getAttributes() .getNamedItem("CenterY").getTextContent()); dataNodeGraphicsWidth = Float.valueOf(datanodeChilds.item(dnchildint).getAttributes() .getNamedItem("Width").getTextContent()); dataNodeGraphicsHeight = Float.valueOf(datanodeChilds.item(dnchildint).getAttributes() .getNamedItem("Height").getTextContent()); } } // if (pwElm.getObjectType() == ObjectType.DATANODE) { Resource pathwayEntity = model .createResource(pathwayResourceURI + "Datanode/" + datanodeGraphId); pathwayEntity.addProperty(DCTerms.isPartOf, pathwayResource); pathwayEntity.addProperty(RDF.type, Spatial.Feature); pathwayEntity.addLiteral(xCoordinate, dataNodeGraphicsCenterX); pathwayEntity.addLiteral(yCoordinate, dataNodeGraphicsCenterX); if (dataNodeGraphicsColor != null) { pathwayEntity.addLiteral(color, dataNodeGraphicsColor); } pathwayEntity.addLiteral(width, dataNodeGraphicsWidth); pathwayEntity.addLiteral(height, dataNodeGraphicsHeight); pathwayEntity.addProperty(RDFS.label, datanodeTextLabel); // System.out.println(pwElm.getDataNodeType().toString()); if (datanodeType != null) { if (datanodeType.equals("Metabolite")) { pathwayEntity.addProperty(RDF.type, Biopax_level3.SmallMolecule); } else if (datanodeType.equals("Gene")) { pathwayEntity.addProperty(RDF.type, Biopax_level3.Dna); } else if (datanodeType.equals("Protein")) { pathwayEntity.addProperty(RDF.type, Biopax_level3.Protein); } else if (datanodeType.equals("GeneProduct")) { pathwayEntity.addProperty(RDF.type, OWL.equivalentClass); // See // for // details: // pathwayEntity.addProperty(OWL.unionOf, geneProductRDFNode); } else if (datanodeType.equals("Pathway")) { Resource interactingPathwayResource = model .createResource(pathwayResourceURI + "Interaction/" + datanodeGraphId); interactingPathwayResource.addProperty(RDF.type, Biopax_level3.Interaction); interactingPathwayResource.addProperty(RDF.subject, pathwayResource); interactingPathwayResource.addProperty(RDF.object, model .createResource(WpNamespaces.nsWikipathways + "Pathway/" + datanodeXrefId)); } else if (datanodeType.equals("Pathway")) { pathwayEntity.addProperty(RDF.type, Biopax_level3.Pathway); } else if (datanodeType.equals("Complex")) { pathwayEntity.addProperty(RDF.type, Biopax_level3.Complex); } else { pathwayEntity.addProperty(RDF.type, Biopax_level3.Entity); } } if (datanodeXrefDatabase != null) { String xRefDataSource = datanodeXrefDatabase.toString().replace(" ", "_"); Resource pwElmIdentifierResource = model.createResource(WpNamespaces.nsIdentifiers + "WikiPathways/" + xRefDataSource + "/" + datanodeXrefId); pwElmIdentifierResource.addProperty(RDFS.label, datanodeXrefId); Resource pwElmSourceResource = model .createResource(WpNamespaces.nsIdentifiers + "WikiPathways/" + xRefDataSource); pwElmSourceResource.addProperty(RDFS.label, xRefDataSource); pathwayEntity.addProperty(DC.identifier, pwElmIdentifierResource); pathwayEntity.addProperty(DC.source, pwElmSourceResource); } if (datanodeGroupRef != null) { // Element is part of a // group pathwayEntity.addProperty(DCTerms.isPartOf, model.getResource(pathwayResourceURI + "Group/" + datanodeGroupRef)); } } NodeList lineNL = doc.getElementsByTagName("Line"); for (int llint = 0; llint < lineNL.getLength(); llint++) { // Only take elements with type DATANODE (genes, // proteins, // metabolites) if (lineNL.item(llint).getAttributes().getNamedItem("GraphId") != null) { String lineGraphId = lineNL.item(llint).getAttributes().getNamedItem("GraphId") .getTextContent(); // Xref Element LineGraphElement = (Element) lineNL.item(llint); NodeList pointGraphrefs = ((NodeList) xPath.evaluate("//Point/@GraphRef", LineGraphElement, XPathConstants.NODESET)); String leftLineGraphRefs = null; String rightLineGraphRefs = null; if ((pointGraphrefs.item(0) != null) && ((pointGraphrefs.item(1) != null))) { leftLineGraphRefs = pointGraphrefs.item(0).getTextContent(); rightLineGraphRefs = pointGraphrefs.item(1).getTextContent(); } if ((leftLineGraphRefs != null) && (rightLineGraphRefs != null)) { String startGroupOrDatanode; String endGroupOrDatanode; // if // (pwElm.getObjectType().equals(ObjectType.LINE)) { Resource pathwayLine = model .createResource(pathwayResourceURI + "Interaction/" + lineGraphId); pathwayLine.addProperty(RDF.type, Biopax_level3.Interaction); if (groupIdsSet.contains(leftLineGraphRefs)) { startGroupOrDatanode = "Group/"; } else { startGroupOrDatanode = "Datanode/"; } if (groupIdsSet.contains(rightLineGraphRefs)) { endGroupOrDatanode = "Group/"; } else { endGroupOrDatanode = "Datanode/"; } pathwayLine.addProperty(RDF.predicate, model .getResource(pathwayResourceURI + startGroupOrDatanode + leftLineGraphRefs)); pathwayLine.addProperty(RDF.predicate, model .getResource(pathwayResourceURI + endGroupOrDatanode + rightLineGraphRefs)); } } } // TODO Seek a pathway with a state /* * if (pwElm.getObjectType() == ObjectType.STATE) { Resource * pathwayEntity = model .createResource(pathwayResourceURI + * "State/" + pwElm.getGraphId()); pathwayEntity * .addProperty(DCTerms.isPartOf, pathwayResource); * pathwayEntity.addProperty(RDFS.label, pwElm.getTextLabel()); * } } */ // Get the Biopax References NodeList bpRef = doc.getElementsByTagName("BiopaxRef"); HashMap<String, String> bpRefmap = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (bpRef != null && bpRef.getLength() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < bpRef.getLength(); j++) { if (bpRef.item(j).getParentNode().getNodeName().equals("DataNode")) { bpRefmap.put(bpRef.item(j).getTextContent(), pathwayResourceURI + "Datanode/" + bpRef.item(j).getParentNode().getAttributes() .getNamedItem("GraphId").getNodeValue()); } if (bpRef.item(j).getParentNode().getNodeName().equals("Pathway")) { bpRefmap.put(bpRef.item(j).getTextContent(), pathwayResourceURI); } if (bpRef.item(j).getParentNode().getNodeName().equals("Line")) { // TODO make sure every entity has a graphId if (bpRef.item(j).getParentNode().getAttributes().getNamedItem("GraphId") != null) bpRefmap.put(bpRef.item(j).getTextContent(), pathwayResourceURI + "Line/" + bpRef.item(j).getParentNode().getAttributes() .getNamedItem("GraphId").getNodeValue()); } if (bpRef.item(j).getParentNode().getNodeName().equals("State")) { bpRefmap.put(bpRef.item(j).getTextContent(), pathwayResourceURI + "State/" + bpRef.item(j).getParentNode().getAttributes() .getNamedItem("GraphId").getNodeValue()); } if (bpRef.item(j).getParentNode().getNodeName().equals("Group")) { bpRefmap.put(bpRef.item(j).getTextContent(), pathwayResourceURI + "Group/" + bpRef.item(j).getParentNode().getAttributes() .getNamedItem("GroupId").getNodeValue()); } } } NodeList cv = doc.getElementsByTagName("bp:openControlledVocabulary"); if (cv != null && cv.getLength() > 0) { for (int a = 0; a < cv.getLength(); a++) { NodeList cvList = cv.item(a).getChildNodes(); String OntologyName = cvList.item(2).getTextContent(); String OntologyId = cvList.item(1).getTextContent(); if (OntologyName.equals("Pathway Ontology")) { Resource ontologyResource = model .createResource("" + OntologyId.replace(":", "_")); pathwayResource.addProperty(RDF.type, ontologyResource); } System.out.println(OntologyName + ": " + OntologyId); } } NodeList nl = doc.getElementsByTagName("bp:PublicationXRef"); System.out.println("test" + nl.getLength()); if (nl != null && nl.getLength() > 0) { System.out.println("test"); for (int k = 0; k < nl.getLength(); k++) { NodeList refId = nl.item(k).getChildNodes(); if (refId.getLength() > 3) { if (refId.item(3).getTextContent().equals("PubMed") && (refId.item(1).getTextContent() != null)) { Resource pubmedEntity = model.createResource( "" + refId.item(1).getTextContent()); pubmedEntity.addProperty(RDF.type, Biopax_level3.Evidence); pubmedEntity.addProperty(DCTerms.identifier, refId.item(1).getTextContent()); if (bpRefmap.get(nl.item(k).getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue()) != null) { Resource tempItem = model.getResource(bpRefmap .get(nl.item(k).getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue()).toString()); tempItem.addProperty(DCTerms.bibliographicCitation, pubmedEntity); } } } else { System.out.println("PROBLEM with: " + wpIdentifier); } } } nl = doc.getElementsByTagName("bp:PublicationXref"); System.out.println("test" + nl.getLength()); if (nl != null && nl.getLength() > 0) { System.out.println("test"); for (int k = 0; k < nl.getLength(); k++) { NodeList refId = nl.item(k).getChildNodes(); if (refId.getLength() > 3) { if (refId.item(3).getTextContent().equals("PubMed") && (refId.item(1).getTextContent() != null)) { Resource pubmedEntity = model.createResource( "" + refId.item(1).getTextContent()); pubmedEntity.addProperty(RDF.type, Biopax_level3.Evidence); pubmedEntity.addProperty(DCTerms.identifier, refId.item(1).getTextContent()); if (bpRefmap.get(nl.item(k).getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue()) != null) { Resource tempItem = model.getResource(bpRefmap .get(nl.item(k).getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue()).toString()); tempItem.addProperty(DCTerms.bibliographicCitation, pubmedEntity); } } } else { System.out.println("PROBLEM with: " + wpIdentifier); } } } nl = doc.getElementsByTagName("bp:publicationXref"); System.out.println("test" + nl.getLength()); if (nl != null && nl.getLength() > 0) { System.out.println("test"); for (int k = 0; k < nl.getLength(); k++) { NodeList refId = nl.item(k).getChildNodes(); if (refId.getLength() > 3) { if (refId.item(3).getTextContent().equals("PubMed") && (refId.item(1).getTextContent() != null)) { Resource pubmedEntity = model.createResource( "" + refId.item(1).getTextContent()); pubmedEntity.addProperty(RDF.type, Biopax_level3.Evidence); pubmedEntity.addProperty(DCTerms.identifier, refId.item(1).getTextContent()); if (bpRefmap.get(nl.item(k).getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue()) != null) { Resource tempItem = model.getResource(bpRefmap .get(nl.item(k).getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue()).toString()); tempItem.addProperty(DCTerms.bibliographicCitation, pubmedEntity); } } } else { System.out.println("PROBLEM with: " + wpIdentifier); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } FileOutputStream fout; fout = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/WpRDF/" + wpIdentifier + "_" + wpRevision + ".nt"); model.write(fout, "N-TRIPLE"); }
From source
private void parse(Document doc) throws AdapterException { XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); try {/* w w w .j a v a 2s . c om*/ Element e = (Element) xpath.evaluate(AdapterConstants.XPATH_CONN_ENDPOINTS, doc, XPathConstants.NODE); if (e != null) { NodeList nlList = e.getElementsByTagName(AdapterConstants.CONNECTOR_SH_ENDPOINT); if (nlList != null && nlList.item(0) != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nlList.getLength(); i++) { Element elem = (Element) nlList.item(i); connEndpoints.put(elem.getAttribute(AdapterConstants.CONNECTOR_SE_NAME), elem.getTextContent()); log.debug(elem.getAttribute(AdapterConstants.CONNECTOR_SE_NAME) + ": " + elem.getTextContent()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Configuration File Error! One or more mandatory configuration options are missing"); throw new AdapterException(403, "Configuration File Error! One or more mandatory configuration options are missing.", e); } try { parseCallbacks((Element) xpath.evaluate(AdapterConstants.XPATH_CALLBACKS, doc, XPathConstants.NODE)); } catch (AdapterException ae) { throw ae; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Configuration File Error! One or more mandatory configuration options are missing"); throw new AdapterException(404, "Configuration File Error! One or more mandatory configuration options are missing.", e); } }
From source
public ExtensionUpdateInfo checkForUpdates(String extensionId, String shareId, Map<String, String> shareHashes, String shareVersion, String repoId, Map<String, String> repoHashes, String repoVersion, String licenseId) throws Exception { // search for extension DocumentBuilderFactory xmlFact = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); xmlFact.setNamespaceAware(true);/* ww w. ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ xmlBuilder = xmlFact.newDocumentBuilder(); // build query Document queryXML = xmlBuilder.newDocument(); Element rootElement = queryXML.createElement("extension"); queryXML.appendChild(rootElement); Element el = queryXML.createElement("license-id"); el.appendChild(queryXML.createTextNode(licenseId)); rootElement.appendChild(el); el = queryXML.createElement("id"); el.appendChild(queryXML.createTextNode(extensionId)); rootElement.appendChild(el); el = queryXML.createElement("share-version"); el.appendChild(queryXML.createTextNode(shareVersion)); rootElement.appendChild(el); el = queryXML.createElement("repo-version"); el.appendChild(queryXML.createTextNode(repoVersion)); rootElement.appendChild(el); el = queryXML.createElement("share-id"); el.appendChild(queryXML.createTextNode(shareId)); rootElement.appendChild(el); el = queryXML.createElement("repo-id"); el.appendChild(queryXML.createTextNode(repoId)); rootElement.appendChild(el); el = queryXML.createElement("share-files"); rootElement.appendChild(el); for (String fileName : shareHashes.keySet()) { Element fileElem = queryXML.createElement("file"); fileElem.setAttribute("md5hash", shareHashes.get(fileName)); fileElem.appendChild(queryXML.createTextNode(fileName)); el.appendChild(fileElem); } el = queryXML.createElement("repo-files"); rootElement.appendChild(el); for (String fileName : repoHashes.keySet()) { Element fileElem = queryXML.createElement("file"); fileElem.setAttribute("md5hash", repoHashes.get(fileName)); fileElem.appendChild(queryXML.createTextNode(fileName)); el.appendChild(fileElem); } // query server try { URL url = new URL( "" + extensionId + "/update"); HttpsURLConnection conn = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection(); // disable host verification conn.setHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() { @Override public boolean verify(String arg0, SSLSession arg1) { return true; } }); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setDoInput(true); conn.connect(); OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream()); TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer().transform(new DOMSource(queryXML), new StreamResult(wr)); wr.close(); // get response Document responseXML = xmlBuilder.parse(conn.getInputStream()); XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); // get version String repoLatestVersion = ((Node) xpath.evaluate("/extension/repo-version/text()", responseXML, XPathConstants.NODE)).getNodeValue(); String shareLatestVersion = ((Node) xpath.evaluate("/extension/share-version/text()", responseXML, XPathConstants.NODE)).getNodeValue(); NodeList nl = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("/extension/repo-files/file", responseXML, XPathConstants.NODESET); Map<String, Boolean> repoFiles = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(nl.getLength()); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) repoFiles.put(nl.item(i).getTextContent(), "ok".equals(nl.item(i).getAttributes().getNamedItem("status").getNodeValue())); nl = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("/extension/share-files/file", responseXML, XPathConstants.NODESET); Map<String, Boolean> shareFiles = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(nl.getLength()); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) shareFiles.put(nl.item(i).getTextContent(), "ok".equals(nl.item(i).getAttributes().getNamedItem("status").getNodeValue())); String motd = ((Node) xpath.evaluate("/extension/motd/text()", responseXML, XPathConstants.NODE)) .getNodeValue(); return new ExtensionUpdateInfo(extensionId, repoVersion, shareVersion, repoLatestVersion, shareLatestVersion, repoFiles, shareFiles, motd); } catch (Exception e) { return new ExtensionUpdateInfo(extensionId, repoVersion, shareVersion, "", "", new HashMap<String, Boolean>(), new HashMap<String, Boolean>(), ""); } }
From source
private Node getNode(String xpath) throws XPathExpressionException { XPathExpression xPathExpression = getXPath().compile(xpath); return (Node) xPathExpression.evaluate(reader.getDocument(), XPathConstants.NODE); }
From source
private void setCountryCode(float lat, float lon) { Document doc = null;//from www . jav a 2 s. com HttpMethod method = null; InputStream responseBodyStream = null; String responseBodyString = null; try { DocumentBuilderFactory domFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); domFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); // never forget this! DocumentBuilder builder = domFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); String uri = "" + lat + "&long=" + lon + "&format=xml"; log.debug("Retrieving country from " + uri); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); method = new GetMethod(uri); client.executeMethod(method); byte[] responseBodyBytes = method.getResponseBody(); responseBodyString = new String(responseBodyBytes); log.debug("Content retrieved: " + responseBodyString); // the content is declared as UTF-8 but it seems to be iso-8859-1 responseBodyString = new String(responseBodyBytes, "iso-8859-1"); responseBodyStream = new StringBufferInputStream(responseBodyString); doc = builder.parse(responseBodyStream); XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); this.countryCode = ((Node) xpath.evaluate("/geoPlugin/geoplugin_countryCode/text()", doc, XPathConstants.NODE)).getNodeValue(); log.debug("countryCode=" + this.countryCode); } catch (Exception e) { if (responseBodyString != null) { log.error("unparsed xml=" + responseBodyString); } if (doc != null) { log.error("parsed xml=" + getDocumentAsString(doc)); } log.error("Error getting country code.", e); } finally { try { if (responseBodyStream != null) { responseBodyStream.close(); } if (method != null) { method.releaseConnection(); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error releasing resources: ", e); } } }
From source
@Override public final ScribeCommandObject getObjects(final ScribeCommandObject cADCommandObject) throws Exception { logger.debug("----Inside getObjects"); /* Get user from session manager */ final ScribeCacheObject user = (ScribeCacheObject) cRMSessionManager .getSessionInfo(cADCommandObject.getCrmUserId()); PostMethod postMethod = null;/* www . ja v a2s . c om*/ try { /* Get CRM information from user */ final String serviceURL = user.getScribeMetaObject().getCrmServiceURL(); final String serviceProtocol = user.getScribeMetaObject().getCrmServiceProtocol(); final String sessionId = user.getScribeMetaObject().getCrmSessionId(); /* Create Zoho URL */ final String zohoURL = serviceProtocol + "://" + serviceURL + "/crm/private/xml/" + cADCommandObject.getObjectType() + "s/getRecords"; logger.debug("----Inside getObjects zohoURL: " + zohoURL + " & sessionId: " + sessionId); /* Instantiate post method */ postMethod = new PostMethod(zohoURL); /* Set request parameters */ postMethod.setParameter("authtoken", sessionId.trim()); postMethod.setParameter("scope", "crmapi"); final HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient(); /* Execute method */ int result = httpclient.executeMethod(postMethod); logger.debug("----Inside getObjects response code: " + result + " & body: " + postMethod.getResponseBodyAsString()); /* Check if response if SUCCESS */ if (result == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { /* Create XML document from response */ final DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); final DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); final Document document = builder.parse(postMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream()); /* Create new XPath object to query XML document */ final XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); /* XPath Query for showing all nodes value */ final XPathExpression expr = xpath .compile("/response/result/" + cADCommandObject.getObjectType() + "s/row"); /* Get node list from response document */ final NodeList nodeList = (NodeList) expr.evaluate(document, XPathConstants.NODESET); /* Check if records founds */ if (nodeList != null && nodeList.getLength() == 0) { /* XPath Query for showing error message */ XPathExpression errorExpression = xpath.compile("/response/error/message"); /* Get erroe message from response document */ Node errorMessage = (Node) errorExpression.evaluate(document, XPathConstants.NODE); /* Check if error message is found */ if (errorMessage != null) { /* Send user error */ throw new ScribeException(ScribeResponseCodes._1004 + "No records found at Zoho CRM : " + errorMessage.getTextContent()); } else { /* XPath Query for showing error message */ errorExpression = xpath.compile("/response/nodata/message"); /* Get erroe message from response document */ errorMessage = (Node) errorExpression.evaluate(document, XPathConstants.NODE); /* Send user error */ throw new ScribeException(ScribeResponseCodes._1004 + "No records found at Zoho CRM : " + errorMessage.getTextContent()); } } else { /* Create new Scribe object list */ final List<ScribeObject> cADbjectList = new ArrayList<ScribeObject>(); /* Iterate over node list */ for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { /* Create list of elements */ final List<Element> elementList = new ArrayList<Element>(); /* Get node from node list */ final Node node = nodeList.item(i); /* Create new Scribe object */ final ScribeObject cADbject = new ScribeObject(); /* Check if node has child nodes */ if (node.hasChildNodes()) { final NodeList subNodeList = node.getChildNodes(); /* Create new map for attributes */ final Map<String, String> attributeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); /* Iterate over sub node list and create elements */ for (int j = 0; j < subNodeList.getLength(); j++) { final Node subNode = subNodeList.item(j); /* This trick is to avoid empty nodes */ if (!subNode.getNodeName().contains("#text")) { /* Create element from response */ final Element element = (Element) subNode; /* Populate label map */ attributeMap.put("label", element.getAttribute("val")); /* Get node name */ final String nodeName = element.getAttribute("val").replace(" ", spaceCharReplacement); /* Validate the node name */ if (XMLChar.isValidName(nodeName)) { /* Add element in list */ elementList.add(ZHCRMMessageFormatUtils.createMessageElement(nodeName, element.getTextContent(), attributeMap)); } else { logger.debug( "----Inside getObjects, found invalid XML node; ignoring field: " + element.getAttribute("val")); } } } } /* Add all CRM fields */ cADbject.setXmlContent(elementList); /* Set type information in object */ cADbject.setObjectType(cADCommandObject.getObjectType()); /* Add Scribe object in list */ cADbjectList.add(cADbject); } /* Check if no record found */ if (cADbjectList.size() == 0) { throw new ScribeException(ScribeResponseCodes._1004 + "No records found at Zoho CRM"); } /* Set the final object in command object */ cADCommandObject.setObject(cADbjectList.toArray(new ScribeObject[cADbjectList.size()])); } } else if (result == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN) { throw new ScribeException(ScribeResponseCodes._1022 + "Query is forbidden by Zoho CRM"); } else if (result == HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST) { throw new ScribeException(ScribeResponseCodes._1003 + "Invalid request content"); } else if (result == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) { throw new ScribeException(ScribeResponseCodes._1012 + "Anauthorized by Zoho CRM"); } else if (result == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) { throw new ScribeException(ScribeResponseCodes._1004 + "Requested data not found at Zoho CRM"); } else if (result == HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) { /* Create XML document from response */ final DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); final DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); final Document document = builder.parse(postMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream()); /* Create new XPath object to query XML document */ final XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); /* XPath Query for showing error message */ final XPathExpression errorExpression = xpath.compile("/response/error/message"); /* Get erroe message from response document */ final Node errorMessage = (Node) errorExpression.evaluate(document, XPathConstants.NODE); if (errorMessage != null) { /* Send user error */ throw new ScribeException(ScribeResponseCodes._1004 + "Requested data not found at Zoho CRM : " + errorMessage.getTextContent()); } else { /* Send user error */ throw new ScribeException(ScribeResponseCodes._1004 + "Requested data not found at Zoho CRM"); } } } catch (final ScribeException exception) { throw exception; } catch (final ParserConfigurationException exception) { throw new ScribeException(ScribeResponseCodes._1022 + "Recieved an invalid XML from Zoho CRM"); } catch (final SAXException exception) { throw new ScribeException(ScribeResponseCodes._1022 + "Recieved an invalid XML from Zoho CRM"); } catch (final IOException exception) { throw new ScribeException( ScribeResponseCodes._1022 + "Communication error while communicating with Zoho CRM"); } finally { /* Release connection socket */ if (postMethod != null) { postMethod.releaseConnection(); } } return cADCommandObject; }
From source
@Test public void getValidResourceUsingCOMPACT() throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, XPathExpressionException { String body = getValidResourceUsingContentType(OSLCConstants.CT_COMPACT); Document doc = OSLCUtils.createXMLDocFromResponseBody(body); Node compactNode = (Node) OSLCUtils.getXPath().evaluate("/*/oslc_v2:Compact", doc, XPathConstants.NODE); assertNotNull(compactNode);//from w ww . jav a2s . c o m // Everything is optional in the oslc:Compact representation. NodeList nodeList = (NodeList) OSLCUtils.getXPath().evaluate("./dc:title", compactNode, XPathConstants.NODESET); int numNodes = nodeList.getLength(); assertTrue("Expected number of dcterms:titles to be <=1 but was: " + numNodes, numNodes <= 1); nodeList = (NodeList) OSLCUtils.getXPath().evaluate("./oslc_v2:shortTitle", compactNode, XPathConstants.NODESET); numNodes = nodeList.getLength(); assertTrue("Expected number of oslc:shortTitles to be <=1 but was: " + numNodes, numNodes <= 1); nodeList = (NodeList) OSLCUtils.getXPath().evaluate("./oslc_v2:icon", compactNode, XPathConstants.NODESET); numNodes = nodeList.getLength(); assertTrue("Expected number of oslc:icon to be <=1 but was: " + numNodes, numNodes <= 1); String iconUrl = null; if (numNodes == 1) { Node rdfAbout = nodeList.item(0).getAttributes().getNamedItemNS(OSLCConstants.RDF, "resource"); assertNotNull("oslc:icon in oslc:Compact missing rdf:about attribute", rdfAbout); iconUrl = rdfAbout.getTextContent(); HttpResponse response = OSLCUtils.getResponseFromUrl(iconUrl, iconUrl, creds, "*/*", headers); int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); EntityUtils.consume(response.getEntity()); assertTrue( "Fetching icon from " + iconUrl + " did not respond with expected code, received " + statusCode, 200 <= statusCode && statusCode < 400); } nodeList = (NodeList) OSLCUtils.getXPath().evaluate("./oslc_v2:smallPreview", compactNode, XPathConstants.NODESET); numNodes = nodeList.getLength(); assertTrue("Expected number of oslc:smallPreview is 0 or 1 but was: " + numNodes, numNodes <= 1); if (numNodes == 1) validateCompactPreview(nodeList); nodeList = (NodeList) OSLCUtils.getXPath().evaluate("./oslc_v2:largePreview", compactNode, XPathConstants.NODESET); numNodes = nodeList.getLength(); assertTrue("Expected number of oslc:largePreview is 0 or 1 but was: " + numNodes, numNodes <= 1); if (numNodes == 1) validateCompactPreview(nodeList); }
From source
private String getJobStatus(String jobXML) throws Exception { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setNamespaceAware(true);/* www. j av a 2 s .c o m*/ DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.parse(IOUtils.toInputStream(jobXML, "UTF-8")); return ((Element) XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath().compile("/*").evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODE)) .getAttribute("status"); }