Example usage for javax.servlet ServletContextListener interface-usage

List of usage examples for javax.servlet ServletContextListener interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet ServletContextListener interface-usage.


From source file com.excilys.ebi.utils.spring.log.logback.web.LogbackConfigListener.java

 * Bootstrap listener for custom Logback initialization in a web environment.
 * Delegates to LogbackWebConfigurer (see its javadoc for configuration
 * details), inspired by {@see org.springframework.web.util.Log4jConfigListener}
 * .
 * <p/>

From source file edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.auth.permissions.PermissionSetsSmokeTest.java

 * Load the initial configuration of PermissionSets and Permissions.
 * The UserAccounts model must be created before this runs.
 * The PermissionRegistry must be created before this runs.

From source file com.amazonaws.services.cognito.streams.connector.AmazonCognitoStreamsServletInitiator.java

 * Wrapper class to make tomcat run our worker even though we're not running real servlets.
public class AmazonCognitoStreamsServletInitiator implements ServletContextListener {
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AmazonCognitoStreamsServletInitiator.class);

From source file com.legstar.host.servlet.ContextListener.java

 * We need to listen on the application shutdown in order to stop our engine properly.
 * The web.xml must declare this as a listener.
public class ContextListener implements ServletContextListener {

From source file com.anhao.market.web.listener.ServletListener.java

 * @author Administrator
public class ServletListener implements ServletContextListener, HttpSessionListener {

From source file org.carrot2.webapp.LogInitContextListener.java

 * Initializes file appenders to save logs to files named after the context path. Works
 * only if the container supports Servlet API 2.5.
public class LogInitContextListener implements ServletContextListener {

From source file com.revolsys.ui.web.servlet.WebUIServletContextListener.java

 * @author paustin
 * @version 1.0
public class WebUIServletContextListener implements ServletContextListener {

From source file com.github.gagu.web.util.Log4jConfigListener.java

 * Bootstrap listener for custom log4j initialization in a web environment.
 * Delegates to {@link Log4jWebConfigurer} (see its javadoc for configuration details).
 * <b>WARNING: Assumes an expanded WAR file</b>, both for loading the configuration
 * file and for writing the log files. If you want to keep your WAR unexpanded or

From source file sample.jetty.SampleServletContextListener.java

 * Simple {@link ServletContextListener} to test gh-2058.
public class SampleServletContextListener implements ServletContextListener {

From source file edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.config.ConfigurationPropertiesSetup.java

 * Locates the runtime configuration properties and stores them in the servlet
 * context.
 * This must be invoked before any listener that requires configuration
 * properties.