Example usage for javax.servlet ServletContextListener interface-usage

List of usage examples for javax.servlet ServletContextListener interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet ServletContextListener interface-usage.


From source file org.jasig.ssp.config.logging.ExternalConfigLoader.java

 * Simple utility listener to load certain properties before Spring Starts up.
 * Add this entry to your web.xml:
 * <pre>

From source file org.accesointeligente.server.RobotContext.java

public class RobotContext implements ServletContextListener {
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RobotContext.class);
    private static ApplicationContext context;

    public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent event) {

From source file org.acoustid.server.ApplicationContextListener.java

public class ApplicationContextListener implements ServletContextListener {

    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ApplicationContextListener.class);

    public static final String INJECTOR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = ApplicationContextListener.class.getName();

From source file org.fosstrak.epcis.repository.RepositoryContextListener.java

 * This RepositoryContextListener performs the initialization and termination
 * (shut-down) work required by the Fosstrak EPCIS repository application, such as
 * initializing the logging framework. This class receives notifications about
 * changes to the servlet context of the web application, e.g., when the servlet
 * context is loaded, or is about to be shut down.

From source file v7cr.InitDB.java

 * Manages the connection to MongoDB

public class InitDB implements ServletContextListener {

From source file org.guzz.web.context.spring.GuzzWithSpringContextLoaderListener.java

 * @author liukaixuan(liukaixuan@gmail.com)

From source file com.ryantenney.metrics.spring.servlets.MetricsServletsContextListener.java

public class MetricsServletsContextListener implements ServletContextListener {

    private MetricRegistry metricRegistry;


From source file com.medvision360.medrecord.server.LoggingConfigurationListener.java

 * The medvision360 serverlib loads its logging configuration during restlet startup. That's too late for the 
 * middleware app, since <i>it</i> will load spring (which does logging) before restlet is initialized.
 * Because listeners are set up before servlets, using this listener ensures we get to the log configuration
 * early on in the webapp startup cycle.

From source file org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.ui.web.application.config.JSFConfigureListener.java

 * Handles JSF configuration at startup.
 * <p>
 * Delays configuration until runtime is initialized to handle correctly dev mode.
 * @since 6.0

From source file lt.bsprendimai.ddesk.servlets.LocaleContextListener.java

 * Configure all lemenets on web application startup.
 * @author Aleksandr Panzin (JAlexoid) alex@activelogic.eu
 * @version
 *           Web application lifecycle listener.