Example usage for javax.servlet ServletContextListener interface-usage

List of usage examples for javax.servlet ServletContextListener interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet ServletContextListener interface-usage.


From source file org.shaigor.rest.retro.config.PersistenceConfiguration.java

 * Persistence aspects of configuration
 * @author Irena Shaigorodsky

From source file eionet.gdem.web.listeners.JobScheduler.java

 * ContextListener for initialising scheduled jobs with quartz.
 * @author Enriko Ksper, TripleDev
 * @author George Sofianos

From source file org.apereo.portal.utils.PortalApplicationContextLocator.java

 * Provides standard access to the portal's {@link ApplicationContext}. If running in a web application a
 * {@link WebApplicationContext} is available.
 * {@link #getApplicationContext()} should be used by most uPortal code that needs access to the portal's
 * {@link ApplicationContext}. It ensures that a single {@link ApplicationContext} is used portal-wide both

From source file org.openo.sdnhub.osdriverservice.dm.DriverRegistration.java

 * The driver registrar listener class.<br>
 * @author
 * @version SDNHUB 0.5 2016-9-27

From source file it.infn.ct.futuregateway.apiserver.APIContextListener.java

 * Web application lifecycle listener.
 * @author Marco Fargetta <marco.fargetta@ct.infn.it>

From source file ca.unx.template.config.WebAppInitializer.java

public class WebAppInitializer extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer
        implements ServletContextListener {

    final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());


From source file com.alfaariss.oa.OAContextListener.java

 * Starts the Engine with the start of the context.
 * Initializes from a file "asimba.properties", or accepts a system property 
 * "asimba.properties.file" that specifies the full qualified path to a file that is processed
 * as asimba.properties file. This overrules the search for an asimba.properties file.

From source file org.openo.sdnhub.servicechaindriverservice.registration.DriverRegistrationListener.java

 * The driver registrar listener class.<br>
 * @author
 * @version SDNO 0.5 2016-9-27

From source file net.tirasa.connid.bundles.soap.wssample.DefaultContentLoader.java

public class DefaultContentLoader implements ServletContextListener {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultContentLoader.class);

    private final String DBSCHEMA = "/schema.sql";

From source file org.openo.sdnhub.common.services.DriverRegistrationListener.java

 * The driver registrar listener class.<br>
 * @author
 * @version SDNHUB Driver 0.5 2017-01-07