Example usage for javax.media.j3d Behavior subclass-usage

List of usage examples for javax.media.j3d Behavior subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.media.j3d Behavior subclass-usage.


From source file AWTInteraction.java

class AWTInteractionBehavior extends Behavior implements ActionListener {

    private TransformGroup transformGroup;

    private Transform3D trans = new Transform3D();

From source file Text2DTest.java

class MoverBehavior extends Behavior {
    WakeupOnAWTEvent w1 = new WakeupOnAWTEvent(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED);

    WakeupCriterion[] w2 = { w1 };

    WakeupCondition w = new WakeupOr(w2);

From source file TickTockCollision.java

class CollisionDetector extends Behavior {
    private static final Color3f highlightColor = new Color3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

    private static final ColoringAttributes highlight = new ColoringAttributes(highlightColor,

From source file PickCollisionTest.java

 * This behavior detects collisions between the branch of a scene, and a
 * collision object. The Java 3D 1.2 picking utilities are used to implement
 * collision detection. The objects in the scene that are collidable should have
 * their user data set. The collision object's user data is used to ignore
 * collisions between the object and itself.

From source file NodesTest.java

 * This behavior detects collisions between the branch of a scene, and a
 * collision object. The Java 3D 1.2 picking utilities are used to implement
 * collision detection. The objects in the scene that are collidable should have
 * their user data set. The collision object's user data is used to ignore
 * collisions between the object and itself.

From source file FPSCounterDemo.java

     * This behavior calculates the frame rate and average frame rate of a Java3D
     * application. The behavior sets itself up to wakeup every time a new frame is
     * rendered.
     * <p>

From source file SimpleMorph2.java

 * This class uses an alpha generator to change the weights of a Morph node. It
 * morphs a shape between two key shapes repeatedly once a key has been pressed.
 * Subsequent key presses toggle the running state of the animation.
 * @author I.J.Palmer

From source file SimpleCollision2.java

 * A simple collision detector class. This responds to a collision event by
 * printing a message with information about the type of collision event and the
 * object involved. This is a variation of the CollisionDetector class that
 * prints information about the object that is associated with this behaviour
 * rather than the object that has been collided with. An example of its use is

From source file SimpleCollision.java

 * A simple collision detector class. This responds to a collision event by
 * printing a message with information about the type of collision event and the
 * object that has been collided with.
 * @author I.J.Palmer

From source file BehaviorTest.java

class FpsBehavior extends Behavior {
    // the wake up condition for the behavior
    protected WakeupCondition m_WakeupCondition = null;

    protected long m_StartTime = 0;