Example usage for javax.json JsonReader readObject

List of usage examples for javax.json JsonReader readObject


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.json JsonReader readObject.


JsonObject readObject();

Source Link


Returns a JSON object that is represented in the input source.


From source file:de.tu_dortmund.ub.hb_ng.SolRDF.java

public String getAccessRights(String graph, String uri) throws LinkedDataStorageException {

    this.logger.info("getAccessRights: graph=" + graph);
    this.logger.info("getAccessRights: uri=" + uri);

    String accessRights = "";

    if (uri.endsWith("/about")) {

        accessRights = "public";
    } else {/*  w ww .  ja  v  a  2s. co  m*/

        // TODO config.properties
        String sparql = "SELECT ?o WHERE { GRAPH <http://data.ub.tu-dortmund.de/graph/"
                + this.config.getProperty("storage.graph.main") + "-public> { <" + uri
                + "/about> <http://purl.org/dc/terms#accessRights> ?o } }";

        try {

            JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(
                    IOUtils.toInputStream(this.sparqlQuery(graph, URLEncoder.encode(sparql, "UTF-8"),
                            "application/sparql-results+json;charset=UTF-8"), "UTF-8"));

            JsonObject jsonObject = jsonReader.readObject();

            JsonArray bindings = jsonObject.getJsonObject("results").getJsonArray("bindings");

            if (bindings.size() == 0) {

                accessRights = "internal";
            } else {

                for (JsonObject binding : bindings.getValuesAs(JsonObject.class)) {

                    accessRights = binding.getJsonObject("o").getJsonString("value").getString();

            this.logger.info("accessRights: " + accessRights);
        } catch (IOException e) {

            this.logger.error("something went wrong", e);
            throw new LinkedDataStorageException(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());

    return accessRights;

From source file:io.bibleget.BibleGetDB.java

public boolean initialize() {

    try {/*from   w  w  w  .  j a  va 2  s.  c om*/
        instance.conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby:BIBLEGET;create=true", "bibleget", "bibleget");
        if (instance.conn == null) {
            System.out.println("Careful there! Connection not established! BibleGetDB.java line 81");
        } else {
            System.out.println("conn is not null, which means a connection was correctly established.");
        DatabaseMetaData dbMeta;
        dbMeta = instance.conn.getMetaData();
        try (ResultSet rs1 = dbMeta.getTables(null, null, "OPTIONS", null)) {
            if (rs1.next()) {
                //System.out.println("Table "+rs1.getString("TABLE_NAME")+" already exists !!");
                listColNamesTypes(dbMeta, rs1);
            } else {
                //System.out.println("Table OPTIONS does not yet exist, now attempting to create...");
                try (Statement stmt = instance.conn.createStatement()) {

                    String defaultFont = "";
                    if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
                        defaultFont = "Times New Roman";
                    } else if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX) {
                        defaultFont = "Helvetica";
                    } else if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_LINUX) {
                        defaultFont = "Arial";

                    String tableCreate = "CREATE TABLE OPTIONS (" + "PARAGRAPHALIGNMENT VARCHAR(15), "
                            + "BGCOLORBOOKCHAPTER VARCHAR(15), " + "BOLDBOOKCHAPTER BOOLEAN, "
                            + "FONTSIZEBOOKCHAPTER INT, " + "VALIGNBOOKCHAPTER VARCHAR(15), "
                            + "VALIGNVERSENUMBER VARCHAR(15), " + "TEXTCOLORVERSETEXT VARCHAR(15), "
                            + "BGCOLORVERSETEXT VARCHAR(15), " + "BOLDVERSETEXT BOOLEAN, "
                            + "FONTSIZEVERSETEXT INT, " + "VALIGNVERSETEXT VARCHAR(15), "
                            + "PREFERREDVERSIONS VARCHAR(50), " + "NOVERSIONFORMATTING BOOLEAN" + ")";

                    String tableInsert;
                            + "NOVERSIONFORMATTING" + ") VALUES (" + "'justify',100,'" + defaultFont + "',0,"
                            + "'#0000FF','#FFFFFF',true,false,false,14,'initial',"
                            + "'#AA0000','#FFFFFF',false,false,false,10,'super',"
                            + "'#696969','#FFFFFF',false,false,false,12,'initial'," + "'NVBSE'," + "false"
                            + ")";
                    boolean tableCreated = stmt.execute(tableCreate);
                    boolean rowsInserted;
                    int count;
                    if (tableCreated == false) {
                        //is false when it's an update count!
                        count = stmt.getUpdateCount();
                        if (count == -1) {
                            //System.out.println("The result is a ResultSet object or there are no more results.");
                        } else {
                            //this is our expected behaviour: 0 rows affected
                            //System.out.println("The Table Creation statement produced results: "+count+" rows affected.");
                            try (Statement stmt2 = instance.conn.createStatement()) {
                                rowsInserted = stmt2.execute(tableInsert);
                                if (rowsInserted == false) {
                                    count = stmt2.getUpdateCount();
                                    if (count == -1) {
                                        //System.out.println("The result is a ResultSet object or there are no more results.");
                                    } else {
                                        //this is our expected behaviour: n rows affected
                                        //System.out.println("The Row Insertion statement produced results: "+count+" rows affected.");
                                        dbMeta = instance.conn.getMetaData();
                                        try (ResultSet rs2 = dbMeta.getTables(null, null, "OPTIONS", null)) {
                                            if (rs2.next()) {
                                                listColNamesTypes(dbMeta, rs2);
                                } else {
                                    //is true when it returns a resultset, which shouldn't be the case here
                                    try (ResultSet rx = stmt2.getResultSet()) {
                                        while (rx.next()) {
                                            //System.out.println("This isn't going to happen anyways, so...");

                    } else {
                        //is true when it returns a resultset, which shouldn't be the case here
                        try (ResultSet rx = stmt.getResultSet()) {
                            while (rx.next()) {
                                //System.out.println("This isn't going to happen anyways, so...");
        //System.out.println("Finished with first ResultSet resource, now going on to next...");
        try (ResultSet rs3 = dbMeta.getTables(null, null, "METADATA", null)) {
            if (rs3.next()) {
                //System.out.println("Table "+rs3.getString("TABLE_NAME")+" already exists !!");
            } else {
                //System.out.println("Table METADATA does not exist, now attempting to create...");
                try (Statement stmt = instance.conn.createStatement()) {
                    String tableCreate = "CREATE TABLE METADATA (";
                    tableCreate += "ID INT, ";
                    for (int i = 0; i < 73; i++) {
                        tableCreate += "BIBLEBOOKS" + Integer.toString(i) + " VARCHAR(2000), ";
                    tableCreate += "LANGUAGES VARCHAR(500), ";
                    tableCreate += "VERSIONS VARCHAR(2000)";
                    tableCreate += ")";
                    boolean tableCreated = stmt.execute(tableCreate);
                    boolean rowsInserted;
                    int count;
                    if (tableCreated == false) {
                        //this is the expected result, is false when it's an update count!
                        count = stmt.getUpdateCount();
                        if (count == -1) {
                            //System.out.println("The result is a ResultSet object or there are no more results.");
                        } else {
                            //this is our expected behaviour: 0 rows affected
                            //System.out.println("The Table Creation statement produced results: "+count+" rows affected.");
                            //Insert a dummy row, because you cannot update what has not been inserted!                                
                            try (Statement stmtX = instance.conn.createStatement()) {
                                stmtX.execute("INSERT INTO METADATA (ID) VALUES (0)");

                            HTTPCaller myHTTPCaller = new HTTPCaller();
                            String myResponse;
                            myResponse = myHTTPCaller.getMetaData("biblebooks");
                            if (myResponse != null) {
                                JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(myResponse));
                                JsonObject json = jsonReader.readObject();
                                JsonArray arrayJson = json.getJsonArray("results");
                                if (arrayJson != null) {

                                    ListIterator pIterator = arrayJson.listIterator();
                                    while (pIterator.hasNext()) {
                                        try (Statement stmt2 = instance.conn.createStatement()) {
                                            int index = pIterator.nextIndex();
                                            JsonArray currentJson = (JsonArray) pIterator.next();
                                            String biblebooks_str = currentJson.toString(); //.replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\"");
                                            //System.out.println("BibleGetDB line 267: BIBLEBOOKS"+Integer.toString(index)+"='"+biblebooks_str+"'");
                                            String stmt_str = "UPDATE METADATA SET BIBLEBOOKS"
                                                    + Integer.toString(index) + "='" + biblebooks_str
                                                    + "' WHERE ID=0";
                                            try {
                                                //System.out.println("executing update: "+stmt_str);
                                                int update = stmt2.executeUpdate(stmt_str);
                                                //System.out.println("executeUpdate resulted in: "+Integer.toString(update));
                                            } catch (SQLException ex) {
                                                        null, ex);

                                arrayJson = json.getJsonArray("languages");
                                if (arrayJson != null) {
                                    try (Statement stmt2 = instance.conn.createStatement()) {

                                        String languages_str = arrayJson.toString(); //.replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\"");
                                        String stmt_str = "UPDATE METADATA SET LANGUAGES='" + languages_str
                                                + "' WHERE ID=0";
                                        try {
                                            int update = stmt2.executeUpdate(stmt_str);
                                        } catch (SQLException ex) {
                                            Logger.getLogger(BibleGetDB.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null,

                            myResponse = myHTTPCaller.getMetaData("bibleversions");
                            if (myResponse != null) {
                                JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(myResponse));
                                JsonObject json = jsonReader.readObject();
                                JsonObject objJson = json.getJsonObject("validversions_fullname");
                                if (objJson != null) {
                                    String bibleversions_str = objJson.toString(); //.replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\"");
                                    try (Statement stmt2 = instance.conn.createStatement()) {
                                        String stmt_str = "UPDATE METADATA SET VERSIONS='" + bibleversions_str
                                                + "' WHERE ID=0";
                                        try {
                                            int update = stmt2.executeUpdate(stmt_str);
                                        } catch (SQLException ex) {
                                            Logger.getLogger(BibleGetDB.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null,

                                    Set<String> versionsabbrev = objJson.keySet();
                                    if (!versionsabbrev.isEmpty()) {
                                        String versionsabbrev_str = "";
                                        for (String s : versionsabbrev) {
                                            versionsabbrev_str += ("".equals(versionsabbrev_str) ? "" : ",")
                                                    + s;

                                        myResponse = myHTTPCaller
                                                .getMetaData("versionindex&versions=" + versionsabbrev_str);
                                        if (myResponse != null) {
                                            jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(myResponse));
                                            json = jsonReader.readObject();
                                            objJson = json.getJsonObject("indexes");
                                            if (objJson != null) {

                                                for (String name : objJson.keySet()) {
                                                    JsonObjectBuilder tempBld = Json.createObjectBuilder();
                                                    JsonObject book_num = objJson.getJsonObject(name);
                                                    tempBld.add("book_num", book_num.getJsonArray("book_num"));
                                                    JsonObject temp = tempBld.build();
                                                    String versionindex_str = temp.toString(); //.replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\"");
                                                    //add new column to METADATA table name+"IDX" VARCHAR(5000)
                                                    //update METADATA table SET name+"IDX" = versionindex_str
                                                    try (Statement stmt3 = instance.conn.createStatement()) {
                                                        String sql = "ALTER TABLE METADATA ADD COLUMN " + name
                                                                + "IDX VARCHAR(5000)";
                                                        boolean colAdded = stmt3.execute(sql);
                                                        if (colAdded == false) {
                                                            count = stmt3.getUpdateCount();
                                                            if (count == -1) {
                                                                //System.out.println("The result is a ResultSet object or there are no more results.");
                                                            } else if (count == 0) {
                                                                //0 rows affected

                                                                try (Statement stmt4 = instance.conn
                                                                        .createStatement()) {
                                                                    String sql1 = "UPDATE METADATA SET " + name
                                                                            + "IDX='" + versionindex_str
                                                                            + "' WHERE ID=0";
                                                                    boolean rowsUpdated = stmt4.execute(sql1);
                                                                    if (rowsUpdated == false) {
                                                                        count = stmt4.getUpdateCount();
                                                                        if (count == -1) {
                                                                            //System.out.println("The result is a ResultSet object or there are no more results.");
                                                                        } else {
                                                                            //should have affected only one row
                                                                            if (count == 1) {
                                                                                //System.out.println(sql1+" seems to have returned true");
                                                                    } else {
                                                                        //returns true only when returning a resultset; should not be the case here


                                                        } else {
                                                            //returns true only when returning a resultset; should not be the case here





                    } else {
                        //is true when it returns a resultset, which shouldn't be the case here
                        ResultSet rx = stmt.getResultSet();
                        while (rx.next()) {
                            //System.out.println("This isn't going to happen anyways, so...");
        return true;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        if (ex.getSQLState().equals("X0Y32")) {
            Logger.getLogger(BibleGetDB.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, null,
                    "Table OPTIONS or Table METADATA already exists.  No need to recreate");
            return true;
        } else if (ex.getNextException().getErrorCode() == 45000) {
            //this means we already have a connection, so this is good too
            return true;
        } else {
            //Logger.getLogger(BibleGetDB.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex.getMessage() + " : " + Arrays.toString(ex.getStackTrace()));
            Logger.getLogger(BibleGetDB.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            return false;

From source file:wsserver.EKF1TimerSessionBean.java

private boolean postMultipartPrDel(List<CbEkfroupDelFromBxView> dpwps) {
    String charset = "UTF-8";
    String requestURL = systemURL + "bitrix/ekflibraries/corpbus/manipulate_data.php";
    boolean reply = true;
    String sreply = "";

    if (dpwps.isEmpty())
        return reply;

    String logStr = "Del prod cnt=" + dpwps.size() + ". ";

    try {//  w ww .jav a 2s .co  m
        MultipartUtility multipart = new MultipartUtility(requestURL, charset);

        multipart.addHeaderField("User-Agent", "CodeJava");
        multipart.addHeaderField("Test-Header", "Header-Value");
        int index = 0;
        multipart.addFormField("OTYPE", "DELETE");
        multipart.addFormField("ENTITY", "1CPROD");
        int ocnt = dpwps.size();
        multipart.addFormField("OCNT", "" + ocnt);
        //String logStr="";
        for (CbEkfroupDelFromBxView npwp : dpwps) {
            multipart.addFormField("PID" + index, npwp.getId());

            logStr += "[" + index + "] PID " + npwp.getId();
        try {
            if (logStr.length() > 0)
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "DEL PROD TO SEND ", logStr);
        } catch (Exception lgen) {

        List<String> response = multipart.finish();

        for (String line : response) {
            sreply = sreply + line;

        try {
            JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(sreply));
            JsonObject jobject = jsonReader.readObject();
            try {
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY",
                        "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY=" + jobject.toString());
            } catch (Exception lge) {

            try {
                if (jobject.getString("critical_info", "").length() > 0)
                    cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_INFO", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL",
                            jobject.getString("critical_info", ""));
            } catch (Exception lge) {

            try {
                if (jobject.getString("critical_errs", "").length() > 0)
                    cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_ERRS", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL",
                            jobject.getString("critical_errs", ""));
            } catch (Exception lge) {

        } catch (Exception pe) {
            try {
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY",
                        "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY" + sreply);
            } catch (Exception lge) {


    } catch (Exception ex) {
        try {
            cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR of postMultipartPrDel",
                    logStr + " ERROR of postMultipartPrDel" + ex);
        } catch (Exception lge) {


    return reply;

From source file:wsserver.EKF1TimerSessionBean.java

private boolean postMultipartSectDel(List<CbEkfgroupDel1csectFromBx> dswps) {
    String charset = "UTF-8";
    String requestURL = systemURL + "bitrix/ekflibraries/corpbus/manipulate_data.php";
    boolean reply = true;
    String sreply = "";

    if (dswps.isEmpty())
        return reply;

    String logStr = "Del sect cnt=" + dswps.size() + ". ";

    try {// ww w.j  av a  2 s . c  o  m
        MultipartUtility multipart = new MultipartUtility(requestURL, charset);

        multipart.addHeaderField("User-Agent", "CodeJava");
        multipart.addHeaderField("Test-Header", "Header-Value");
        int index = 0;
        multipart.addFormField("OTYPE", "DELETE");
        multipart.addFormField("ENTITY", "1CSECT");
        int ocnt = dswps.size();
        multipart.addFormField("OCNT", "" + ocnt);
        //String logStr="";
        for (CbEkfgroupDel1csectFromBx npwp : dswps) {
            multipart.addFormField("SID" + index, npwp.getId());
            multipart.addFormField("SNAME" + index, npwp.getName());
            multipart.addFormField("SBXID" + index, "" + npwp.getBxId());
            logStr += "[" + index + "] id=" + npwp.getId() + "," + npwp.getName() + ",BXID=" + npwp.getBxId();

        try {
            if (logStr.length() > 0)
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "DEL SECT TO SEND ", logStr);
        } catch (Exception lgen) {

        List<String> response = multipart.finish();

        for (String line : response) {
            sreply = sreply + line;

        try {
            JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(sreply));
            JsonObject jobject = jsonReader.readObject();
            try {
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY",
                        "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY=" + jobject.toString());
            } catch (Exception lge) {

            try {
                if (jobject.getString("critical_info", "").length() > 0)
                    cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_INFO", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL",
                            jobject.getString("critical_info", ""));
            } catch (Exception lge) {

            try {
                if (jobject.getString("critical_errs", "").length() > 0)
                    cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_ERRS", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL",
                            jobject.getString("critical_errs", ""));
            } catch (Exception lge) {


        } catch (Exception pe) {
            try {
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY",
                        "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY" + sreply);
            } catch (Exception lge) {


    } catch (Exception ex) {
        try {
            cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR of postMultipartSectDel",
                    logStr + " ERROR of postMultipartSectDel" + ex);
        } catch (Exception lge) {


    return reply;

From source file:wsserver.EKF1TimerSessionBean.java

private boolean postMultipartSectAdd(List<CbEkfgroupAdd1csectToBx> nswps) {
    String charset = "UTF-8";
    String requestURL = systemURL + "bitrix/ekflibraries/corpbus/manipulate_data.php";
    boolean reply = true;
    String sreply = "";

    if (nswps.isEmpty())
        return reply;

    String logStr = "New sect cnt=" + nswps.size() + ". ";

    try {//  w  w  w.  j a  v a  2  s .c  o  m
        MultipartUtility multipart = new MultipartUtility(requestURL, charset);

        multipart.addHeaderField("User-Agent", "CodeJava");
        multipart.addHeaderField("Test-Header", "Header-Value");
        int index = 0;
        multipart.addFormField("OTYPE", "ADD");
        multipart.addFormField("ENTITY", "1CSECT");
        int ocnt = nswps.size();
        multipart.addFormField("OCNT", "" + ocnt);
        //String logStr="";
        for (CbEkfgroupAdd1csectToBx npwp : nswps) {
            multipart.addFormField("SID" + index, npwp.getId());
            multipart.addFormField("SNAME" + index, npwp.getName());
            multipart.addFormField("SGRXMLID" + index, npwp.getParentId());

            logStr += "[" + index + "] NAME " + npwp.getName() + "," + npwp.getId() + "," + npwp.getParentId();

        try {
            if (logStr.length() > 0)
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "NEW SECT TO SEND ", logStr);
        } catch (Exception lgen) {

        List<String> response = multipart.finish();

        for (String line : response) {
            sreply = sreply + line;

        try {
            JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(sreply));
            JsonObject jobject = jsonReader.readObject();
            try {
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY",
                        "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY=" + jobject.toString());
            } catch (Exception lge) {

            try {
                if (jobject.getString("critical_info", "").length() > 0)
                    cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_INFO", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL",
                            jobject.getString("critical_info", ""));
            } catch (Exception lge) {

            try {
                if (jobject.getString("critical_errs", "").length() > 0)
                    cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_ERRS", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL",
                            jobject.getString("critical_errs", ""));
            } catch (Exception lge) {

            try {
                if (Tools.parseInt(jobject.getString("errcnt", "0"), 1) > 0) {
                    reply = false;
                    try {
                        cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "EXCHANGE STOPPED",
                                "UNSUCCESS EXECUTE SECT ADD SCRIPT");
                    } catch (Exception lge) {

            } catch (Exception lge) {
                reply = false;
        } catch (Exception pe) {
            try {
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY",
                        "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY" + sreply);
            } catch (Exception lge) {


    } catch (Exception ex) {
        try {
            cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR of postMultipartSectAdd",
                    logStr + " ERROR of postMultipartSectAdd" + ex);
        } catch (Exception lge) {


    return reply;

From source file:wsserver.EKF1TimerSessionBean.java

private boolean postMultipartPrAdd(List<CbNewPrFrom1cWprops> npwps) {
    String charset = "UTF-8";
    String requestURL = systemURL + "bitrix/ekflibraries/corpbus/manipulate_data.php";
    boolean reply = true;
    String sreply = "";

    if (npwps.isEmpty())
        return reply;

    String logStr = "New prod cnt=" + npwps_.size() + ". ";

    try {//from w w w  .j  a va 2 s.  c  om
        MultipartUtility multipart = new MultipartUtility(requestURL, charset);

        multipart.addHeaderField("User-Agent", "CodeJava");
        multipart.addHeaderField("Test-Header", "Header-Value");
        int index = 0;
        multipart.addFormField("OTYPE", "ADD");
        multipart.addFormField("ENTITY", "1CPROD");
        int ocnt = npwps.size();

        //String logStr = "";
        long allFileSize = 0;
        boolean uploadFiles = true;
        multipart.addFormField("OCNT", "50");
        for (CbNewPrFrom1cWprops npwp : npwps) {

            long productFilesSize = 0;
            boolean error_file_operation = false;
            try {
                if (npwp.getFp0().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                    File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp0().replace("\\", "/"));
                    if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                            && ((allFileSize + productFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                        productFilesSize += f.length();
                if (npwp.getFp1().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                    File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp1().replace("\\", "/"));
                    if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                            && ((allFileSize + productFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                        productFilesSize += f.length();
                if (npwp.getFp2().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                    File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp2().replace("\\", "/"));
                    if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                            && ((allFileSize + productFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                        productFilesSize += f.length();
                if (npwp.getFp3().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                    File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp3().replace("\\", "/"));
                    if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                            && ((allFileSize + productFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                        productFilesSize += f.length();
                if (npwp.getFp4().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                    File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp4().replace("\\", "/"));
                    if (f.length() <= 2000000
                            && ((allFileSize + productFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                        productFilesSize += f.length();

            } catch (Exception fle) {
                productFilesSize = 0;
                error_file_operation = true;
                logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getName() + " - Error prev file operation!!! " + fle);

            if ((allFileSize + productFilesSize) > maxPostFilePartSize) {
                logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getName() + " - too big product files sizes summ!!!");
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("PIDPREV1" + index, npwp.getId());
                multipart.addFormField("PIDPREV2" + index, npwp.getId());
                multipart.addFormField("PID" + index, npwp.getId());
                multipart.addFormField("PART" + index, npwp.getVendorCode());
                multipart.addFormField("PNAME" + index, npwp.getName());

                logStr += ("[" + index + "] NAME " + npwp.getId() + npwp.getName() + "," + npwp.getBasePrice()
                        + "," + npwp.getIshopPrice() + "," + npwp.getQuant() + ","
                        + npwp.getBxGroupExternalCode() + "," + npwp.getVendorCode());//+",[["+npwp.getJsonData()+"]]"

                multipart.addFormField("PSHNAME" + index, npwp.getShortName());
                multipart.addFormField("PPROPS" + index, npwp.getJsonData());
                multipart.addFormField("PGRPID" + index, npwp.getProductGroupId());
                multipart.addFormField("PBPRICE" + index, "" + npwp.getBasePrice());
                multipart.addFormField("PISPRICE" + index, "" + npwp.getIshopPrice());
                multipart.addFormField("PQUANT" + index, "" + npwp.getQuant());
                multipart.addFormField("PGRXMLID" + index, npwp.getBxGroupExternalCode());

                if (!error_file_operation) {
                    try {
                        if (npwp.getFp0().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                            File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp0().replace("\\", "/"));
                            if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                                    && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                multipart.addFilePart("DETAIL_PICTURE" + index, (f));
                                logStr += ",fp0" + npwp.getFp0();
                                allFileSize += f.length();
                            } else {
                                logStr += ",fp0 " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000
                                        + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                        if (npwp.getFp1().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                            File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp1().replace("\\", "/"));
                            if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                                    && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                multipart.addFilePart("PHOTO" + index + "_01", (f));
                                logStr += ",fp1=" + npwp.getFp1();
                                allFileSize += f.length();
                            } else {
                                logStr += ",fp1 " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000
                                        + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                        if (npwp.getFp2().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                            File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp2().replace("\\", "/"));
                            if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                                    && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                multipart.addFilePart("PHOTO" + index + "_02", (f));
                                logStr += ",fp2=" + npwp.getFp2();
                                allFileSize += f.length();
                            } else {
                                logStr += ",fp2 " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000
                                        + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                        if (npwp.getFp3().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                            File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp3().replace("\\", "/"));
                            if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                                    && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                multipart.addFilePart("PHOTO" + index + "_03", (f));
                                logStr += ",fp3=" + npwp.getFp3();
                                allFileSize += f.length();
                            } else {
                                logStr += ",fp3 " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000
                                        + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                        if (npwp.getFp4().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                            File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp4().replace("\\", "/"));
                            if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                                    && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                multipart.addFilePart("PHOTO" + index + "_04", (f));
                                logStr += ",fp4=" + npwp.getFp4();
                                allFileSize += f.length();
                            } else {
                                logStr += ",fp4 " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000
                                        + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                    } catch (Exception fle) {
                        logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getName() + " - Error file operation!!! " + fle);

            if (allFileSize > maxPostFilePartSize) {
                logStr += ("End of request construction - too big prev products files sizes summ!!!");

        try {
            if (logStr.length() > 0)
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "NEW PROD TO SEND ", "<p style=\"font-size:10px !important;\">"
                        + index + "cnt," + logStr + "</p>" + ", allFilesSizes(bytes)=" + allFileSize);
        } catch (Exception lgen) {

        multipart.addFormField("OCNT", "50");//+50);
        List<String> response = multipart.finish();

        for (String line : response) {
            sreply = sreply + line;

        try {
            JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(sreply));
            JsonObject jobject = jsonReader.readObject();
            try {
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY",
                        "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY=" + jobject.toString());
            } catch (Exception lge) {

            try {
                if (jobject.getString("critical_info", "").length() > 0)
                    cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_INFO", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL",
                            jobject.getString("critical_info", ""));
            } catch (Exception lge) {

            try {
                if (jobject.getString("critical_errs", "").length() > 0)
                    cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_ERRS", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL",
                            jobject.getString("critical_errs", ""));
            } catch (Exception lge) {

        } catch (Exception pe) {
            try {
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY",
                        "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY" + sreply);
            } catch (Exception lge) {


    } catch (Exception ex) {
        try {
            cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR of postMultipartPrAdd",
                    logStr + " ERROR of postMultipartPrAdd" + ex);
        } catch (Exception lge) {


    return reply;

From source file:wsserver.EKF1TimerSessionBean.java

private boolean postMultipartPrUpd(List<CbEkfgroupToUpdatedBx1c> upwps) {
    String charset = "UTF-8";
    String requestURL = systemURL + "bitrix/ekflibraries/corpbus/manipulate_data.php";
    boolean reply = true;
    String sreply = "";

    if (upwps.isEmpty())
        return reply;

    String logStr = "Upd prod cnt=" + upwps.size() + ". ";

    try {//from   w  w w. ja v  a  2s.c o  m
        MultipartUtility multipart = new MultipartUtility(requestURL, charset);

        multipart.addHeaderField("User-Agent", "CodeJava");
        multipart.addHeaderField("Test-Header", "Header-Value");
        int index = 0;
        multipart.addFormField("OTYPE", "UPDATE");
        multipart.addFormField("ENTITY", "1CPROD");
        int ocnt = upwps.size();
        multipart.addFormField("OCNT", "" + ocnt);
        //String logStr="";
        long allFileSize = 0;
        boolean uploadFiles = true;
        for (CbEkfgroupToUpdatedBx1c npwp : upwps) {
            try {

                long productFilesSize = 0;
                boolean error_file_operation = false;
                try {
                    if (!npwp.getF1cMainPict().equals(npwp.getBxMainPict())
                            && npwp.getF1cMainPict().length() > 10 && uploadFiles) {
                        File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getF1cMainPict().replace("\\", "/"));
                        if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                                && ((allFileSize + productFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                            productFilesSize += f.length();
                    /*if(npwp.getF1cAddPict1().length()>0&&uploadFiles&&false) { 
                        File f = new File(mountImgPath+npwp.getF1cAddPict1().replace("\\", "/"));
                        if(f.length()<=maxPostedFileSize&&((allFileSize+productFilesSize+f.length())<maxPostFilePartSize))   {
                    if(npwp.getF1cAddPict1().length()>0&&uploadFiles&&false) { 
                        File f = new File(mountImgPath+npwp.getF1cAddPict1().replace("\\", "/"));
                        if(f.length()<=maxPostedFileSize&&((allFileSize+productFilesSize+f.length())<maxPostFilePartSize))   {
                    if(npwp.getF1cAddPict1().length()>0&&uploadFiles&&false) { 
                        File f = new File(mountImgPath+npwp.getF1cAddPict1().replace("\\", "/"));
                        if(f.length()<=maxPostedFileSize&&((allFileSize+productFilesSize+f.length())<maxPostFilePartSize))   {
                    if(npwp.getF1cAddPict1().length()>0&&uploadFiles&&false) { 
                        File f = new File(mountImgPath+npwp.getF1cAddPict1().replace("\\", "/"));
                        if(f.length()<=2000000&&((allFileSize+productFilesSize+f.length())<maxPostFilePartSize))   {

                } catch (Exception fle) {
                    productFilesSize = 0;
                    error_file_operation = true;
                    logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getName() + " - Error prev file operation!!! " + fle);
                    if (!npwp.getF1cMainPict().equals(npwp.getBxMainPict())
                            && npwp.getBxMainPict().length() <= 5) {
                        multipart.addFormField("SETMAIN_PICT_ERR" + index, "1");
                        multipart.addFormField("MAIN_PICT" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(
                                (npwp.getBxMainPict() == null || (npwp.getBxMainPict().length() > 10) ? "a"
                                        : npwp.getBxMainPict() + "a")));

                if ((allFileSize + productFilesSize) > maxPostFilePartSize) {
                    logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getName() + " - too big product files sizes summ!!!");
                } else {
                    if (!error_file_operation) {
                        try {
                            if (!npwp.getF1cMainPict().equals(npwp.getBxMainPict())
                                    && npwp.getF1cMainPict().length() > 10 && uploadFiles) {
                                File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getF1cMainPict().replace("\\", "/"));
                                if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                                        && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                    multipart.addFilePart("DETAIL_PICTURE" + index, (f));
                                    multipart.addFormField("SETDETAIL_PICTURE" + index, "1");
                                    multipart.addFormField("SETMAIN_PICT" + index, "1");
                                    multipart.addFormField("MAIN_PICT" + index,
                                    logStr += ",fp0" + npwp.getF1cMainPict();
                                    allFileSize += f.length();
                                } else {
                                    logStr += ",fp0 " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000
                                            + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                            /*if(npwp.getFp1().length()>0&&uploadFiles) { 
                                File f = new File(mountImgPath+npwp.getFp1().replace("\\", "/"));
                                if(f.length()<=maxPostedFileSize&&((allFileSize+f.length())<maxPostFilePartSize))   {
                            multipart.addFilePart("PHOTO"+index+"_01", (f) );
                                else    {
                            logStr+=",fp1 "+f.length()+" more "+maxPostedFileSize/1000000+"Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                            if(npwp.getFp2().length()>0&&uploadFiles) { 
                                File f = new File(mountImgPath+npwp.getFp2().replace("\\", "/"));
                                if(f.length()<=maxPostedFileSize&&((allFileSize+f.length())<maxPostFilePartSize))   {
                            multipart.addFilePart("PHOTO"+index+"_02", (f) );
                                else    {
                            logStr+=",fp2 "+f.length()+" more "+maxPostedFileSize/1000000+"Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                            if(npwp.getFp3().length()>0&&uploadFiles) { 
                                File f = new File(mountImgPath+npwp.getFp3().replace("\\", "/"));
                                if(f.length()<=maxPostedFileSize&&((allFileSize+f.length())<maxPostFilePartSize))   {
                            multipart.addFilePart("PHOTO"+index+"_03", (f) );
                                else    {
                            logStr+=",fp3 "+f.length()+" more "+maxPostedFileSize/1000000+"Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                            if(npwp.getFp4().length()>0&&uploadFiles) { 
                                File f = new File(mountImgPath+npwp.getFp4().replace("\\", "/"));
                                if(f.length()<=maxPostedFileSize&&((allFileSize+f.length())<maxPostFilePartSize))   {
                            multipart.addFilePart("PHOTO"+index+"_04", (f) );
                                else    {
                            logStr+=",fp4 "+f.length()+" more "+maxPostedFileSize/1000000+"Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                        } catch (Exception fle) {
                            error_file_operation = true;
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getName() + " - Error file operation!!! " + fle);
                            if (!npwp.getF1cMainPict().equals(npwp.getBxMainPict())
                                    && npwp.getBxMainPict().length() <= 5) {
                                multipart.addFormField("SETMAIN_PICT_ERR" + index, "1");
                                multipart.addFormField("MAIN_PICT" + index,
                                        StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava((npwp.getBxMainPict() == null
                                                || (npwp.getBxMainPict().length() > 10) ? "a"
                                                        : npwp.getBxMainPict() + "a")));

                multipart.addFormField("PIDPREV1" + index, "" + npwp.getId());
                multipart.addFormField("PIDPREV2" + index, "" + npwp.getId());

                if (!npwp.getF1cMainPict().equals(npwp.getBxMainPict()) && (npwp.getF1cMainPict().length() <= 10
                        || (npwp.getBxMainPict().length() >= 5 && npwp.getBxMainPict().length() <= 15))) {
                    multipart.addFormField("SETMAIN_PICT_DIR" + index, "1");
                    multipart.addFormField("MAIN_PICT" + index,
                multipart.addFormField("PID" + index, "" + npwp.getId());
                multipart.addFormField("PXMLID" + index, npwp.getF1cId());
                multipart.addFormField("PART" + index, npwp.getArtikul());
                multipart.addFormField("PNAME" + index, npwp.getName());

                if (npwp.getToUpdate() == 1 || (Math.abs(npwp.getBxPropCnt() - npwp.getF1cPropCnt()) > 1))
                    multipart.addFormField("PPROPS" + index, npwp.getJsonData());

                logStr += "[" + index + "] NAME " + npwp.getName() + "," + npwp.getBasePrice() + ","
                        + npwp.getIshopPrice() + "," + npwp.getQuant() + "," + npwp.getBxGroupExternalCode()
                        + npwp.getArtikul() + "[" + npwp.getToUpdate() + "[" + npwp.getJsonData() + "]]bxpcnt="
                        + npwp.getBxPropCnt() + ",1fpcnt=" + npwp.getF1cPropCnt();//

                if (npwp.getBasePrice() != npwp.getBbsprice())
                    multipart.addFormField("SETPBPRICE" + index, "1");
                    multipart.addFormField("SETPBPRICE" + index, "0");
                if (npwp.getIshopPrice() != npwp.getBisprice())
                    multipart.addFormField("SETPISPRICE" + index, "1");
                    multipart.addFormField("SETPISPRICE" + index, "0");
                if (npwp.getQuant() != npwp.getBamount())
                    multipart.addFormField("SETPQUANT" + index, "1");
                    multipart.addFormField("SETPQUANT" + index, "0");
                multipart.addFormField("PBPRICE" + index, "" + npwp.getBasePrice());
                multipart.addFormField("PISPRICE" + index, "" + npwp.getIshopPrice());
                multipart.addFormField("PQUANT" + index, "" + npwp.getQuant());
                if (!npwp.getBxGroupExternalCode().equals(npwp.getParent1cId()))
                    multipart.addFormField("SETPGRXMLID" + index, "1");
                    multipart.addFormField("SETPGRXMLID" + index, "0");
                multipart.addFormField("PGRXMLID" + index, npwp.getBxGroupExternalCode());

                if (!npwp.getBxName().equals(npwp.getName()) && npwp.getName().length() > 0)
                    multipart.addFormField("SETPNAME" + index, "1");
                    multipart.addFormField("SETPNAME" + index, "0");

                if (npwp.getBxSortOrder() != npwp.getF1cSortOrder())
                    multipart.addFormField("SETSORT_ORDER" + index, "1");
                    multipart.addFormField("SETSORT_ORDER" + index, "0");
                multipart.addFormField("SORT_ORDER" + index, "" + npwp.getF1cSortOrder());

            } catch (Exception ex) {
                try {
                    cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR of postMultipartPrUpd set data",
                            "ERROR of postMultipartPrUpd set data " + ex);
                    return false;
                } catch (Exception lge) {



        try {
            if (logStr.length() > 0)
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "UPD PROD TO SEND ",
                        "<p style=\"font-size:10px !important;\">" + logStr + "</p>");
        } catch (Exception lgen) {

        List<String> response = multipart.finish();

        for (String line : response) {
            sreply = sreply + line;

        try {
            JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(sreply));
            JsonObject jobject = jsonReader.readObject();
            try {
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY",
                        "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY=" + jobject.toString());
            } catch (Exception lge) {

            try {
                if (jobject.getString("critical_info", "").length() > 0)
                    cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_INFO", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL",
                            jobject.getString("critical_info", ""));
            } catch (Exception lge) {

            try {
                if (jobject.getString("critical_errs", "").length() > 0)
                    cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_ERRS", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL",
                            jobject.getString("critical_errs", ""));
            } catch (Exception lge) {

        } catch (Exception pe) {
            try {
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY",
                        "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY" + sreply);
            } catch (Exception lge) {


    } catch (Exception ex) {
        try {
            cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR of postMultipartPrUpd",
                    logStr + " ERROR of postMultipartPrUpd " + ex.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception lge) {


    return reply;

From source file:wsserver.EKF1TimerSessionBean.java

private boolean postMultipartSectUpd(List<CbEkfgroupUpd1csectToBx> uswps) {
    String charset = "UTF-8";
    String requestURL = systemURL + "bitrix/ekflibraries/corpbus/manipulate_data.php";
    boolean reply = true;
    String sreply = "";

    if (uswps.isEmpty())
        return reply;
    long allFileSize = 0;

    String logStr = "Upd sect cnt=" + uswps.size() + ". ";
    CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();

    try {//from   ww w . j  a  va 2s . co  m
        MultipartUtility multipart = new MultipartUtility(requestURL, charset);
        HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(requestURL);
        MultipartEntityBuilder reqBuilder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();

        multipart.addHeaderField("User-Agent", "CodeJava");
        httppost.addHeader("User-Agent", "CodeJava");
        multipart.addHeaderField("Test-Header", "Header-Value");
        int index = 0;
        multipart.addFormField("OTYPE", "UPDATE");
        reqBuilder.addPart("OTYPE", new StringBody("UPDATE", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
        multipart.addFormField("ENTITY", "1CSECT");
        reqBuilder.addPart("ENTITY", new StringBody("1CSECT", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
        int ocnt = uswps.size();
        multipart.addFormField("OCNT", "" + ocnt);
        reqBuilder.addPart("OCNT", new StringBody("" + ocnt, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
        //String logStr=""; 
        for (CbEkfgroupUpd1csectToBx npwp : uswps) {
            multipart.addFormField("SID" + index, npwp.getSid());
            reqBuilder.addPart("SID" + index, new StringBody(npwp.getSid(), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            //    multipart.addFormField("SETSID"+index, "1");
            //    multipart.addFormField("SETSID"+index, "0");
            //multipart.addFormField("NEWSID"+index, npwp.getCbBxgroupId());

            logStr += "[" + index + "] NAME " + npwp.getBxname() + "," + npwp.getF1cname() + ","
                    + npwp.getBxparentId() + "," + npwp.getF1cparentId();

            if (!npwp.getBxname().equals(npwp.getF1cname())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSNAME" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSNAME" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSNAME" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSNAME" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            if (!npwp.getBxparentId().equals(npwp.getF1cparentId())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSGRXMLID" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSGRXMLID" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSGRXMLID" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSGRXMLID" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("SNAME" + index, npwp.getF1cname());
            reqBuilder.addPart("SNAME" + index, new StringBody(npwp.getF1cname(), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("SGRXMLID" + index, npwp.getF1cparentId());
            reqBuilder.addPart("SGRXMLID" + index,
                    new StringBody(npwp.getF1cparentId(), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            boolean error_file_operation = false, uploadFiles = true;
            long sectFilesSize = 0;
            boolean tooLargeDsc = false, tooLargeGb = false, tooLargeDoc = false;

            ArrayList<String> dscFiles = new ArrayList<String>();

            try {
                if (!npwp.getBxDescriptsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cDescriptsJson())) {
                    JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(npwp.getF1cDescriptsJson()));
                    JsonObject jo = jsonReader.readObject();

                    int dcount = 0;
                    logStr += "cnt=" + jo.getString("dc", "0");
                    for (int i = 0; i < Tools.parseInt(jo.getString("dc", "0"), 0); i++) {
                        logStr += ("[" + i + "]");
                        try {
                            if (jo.getString("fp" + i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                                File f = new File(mountImgPath + jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/"));
                                if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                                        && ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                    dscFiles.add(jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/"));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FDSC" + index + "DSC" + dcount,
                                            jo.getString("dsc" + i));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FDSC" + index + "FN" + dcount,
                                            jo.getString("fn" + i));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDSC" + index + "DSC" + dcount,
                                            new StringBody(jo.getString("dsc" + i), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDSC" + index + "FN" + dcount,
                                            new StringBody(jo.getString("fn" + i), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    sectFilesSize += f.length();
                                } else {
                                    tooLargeDsc = true;
                                    logStr += "Too large " + jo.getString("fp" + i);

                        } catch (Exception fle) {
                            error_file_operation = true;
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error dsc file operation!!! " + fle);


                    if (dcount > 0) {
                        multipart.addFormField("FDSCDC" + index, "" + dcount);
                        reqBuilder.addPart("FDSCDC" + index,
                                new StringBody("" + dcount, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            } catch (Exception fle) {
                logStr += (npwp.getF1cname() + " Error F1cDescriptsJson parse operation!!! " + fle + "[["
                        + npwp.getF1cDescriptsJson() + "]]");

            ArrayList<String> gbFiles = new ArrayList<String>();

            try {
                if (!npwp.getBxGabaritsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cGabaritsJson())) {
                    JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(npwp.getF1cGabaritsJson()));
                    JsonObject jo = jsonReader.readObject();

                    int dcount = 0;
                    logStr += "cnt=" + jo.getString("dc", "0");
                    for (int i = 0; i < Tools.parseInt(jo.getString("dc", "0"), 0); i++) {
                        logStr += ("[" + i + "]");
                        try {
                            if (jo.getString("fp" + i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                                File f = new File(mountImgPath + jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/"));
                                if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                                        && ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                    gbFiles.add(jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/"));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FGB" + index + "DSC" + dcount,
                                            jo.getString("dsc" + i));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FGB" + index + "FN" + dcount,
                                            jo.getString("fn" + i));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FGB" + index + "DSC" + dcount,
                                            new StringBody(jo.getString("dsc" + i), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FGB" + index + "FN" + dcount,
                                            new StringBody(jo.getString("fn" + i), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    sectFilesSize += f.length();
                                    logStr += "[=" + dcount + "=]";
                                } else {
                                    tooLargeGb = true;
                                    logStr += "Too large " + jo.getString("fp" + i);

                        } catch (Exception fle) {
                            error_file_operation = true;
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error dsc file operation!!! " + fle);


                    if (dcount > 0) {
                        multipart.addFormField("FGBDC" + index, "" + dcount);
                        reqBuilder.addPart("FGBDC" + index,
                                new StringBody("" + dcount, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            } catch (Exception fle) {
                logStr += (npwp.getF1cname() + " Error F1cGabaritsJson parse operation!!! " + fle + "[["
                        + npwp.getF1cGabaritsJson() + "]]");

            ArrayList<String> docFiles = new ArrayList<String>();

            try {
                if (!npwp.getBxDocsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cDocsJson())) {
                    JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(npwp.getF1cDocsJson()));
                    JsonObject jo = jsonReader.readObject();

                    int dcount = 0;
                    logStr += "cnt=" + jo.getString("dc", "0");
                    for (int i = 0; i < Tools.parseInt(jo.getString("dc", "0"), 0); i++) {
                        logStr += ("[" + i + "]");
                        try {
                            if (jo.getString("fp" + i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                                File f = new File(mountImgPath + jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/"));
                                if (f.length() <= maxPostedDocFileSize
                                        && ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                    docFiles.add(jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/"));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FDOC" + index + "DSC" + dcount,
                                            jo.getString("dsc" + i));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FDOC" + index + "FN" + dcount,
                                            jo.getString("fn" + i));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDOC" + index + "DSC" + dcount,
                                            new StringBody(jo.getString("dsc" + i), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDOC" + index + "FN" + dcount,
                                            new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(jo.getString("fn" + i)),
                                    sectFilesSize += f.length();
                                } else {
                                    tooLargeDoc = true;
                                    logStr += "Too large " + jo.getString("fp" + i);

                        } catch (Exception fle) {
                            error_file_operation = true;
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error doc file operation!!! " + fle);


                    if (dcount > 0) {
                        multipart.addFormField("FDOCDC" + index, "" + dcount);
                        reqBuilder.addPart("FDOCDC" + index,
                                new StringBody("" + dcount, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            } catch (Exception fle) {
                logStr += (npwp.getF1cname() + " Error F1cDocsJson parse operation!!! " + fle + "[["
                        + npwp.getF1cDocsJson() + "]]");

            try {
                if (npwp.getF1cPicture().length() > 0 && npwp.getBxPicture().length() == 0 && uploadFiles) {
                    File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getF1cPicture().replace("\\", "/"));
                    if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                            && ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                        sectFilesSize += f.length();
            } catch (Exception fle) {
                error_file_operation = true;
                logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error getF1cPicture file operation!!! " + fle);

            try {

                if (npwp.getF1cMcatalog().length() > 0 && npwp.getBxMcatalog().length() == 0 && uploadFiles) {
                    File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getF1cMcatalog().replace("\\", "/"));
                    if (f.length() <= maxPostedDocFileSize
                            && ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                        sectFilesSize += f.length();

            } catch (Exception fle) {
                error_file_operation = true;
                logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error getF1cMcatalog file operation!!! " + fle);

            if ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize) > maxPostFilePartSize) {
                logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - too big sect files sizes summ!!!");
            } else {
                if (!error_file_operation) {
                    try {
                        if (!npwp.getF1cPicture().equals(npwp.getBxPicture()) && uploadFiles) {
                            File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getF1cPicture().replace("\\", "/"));
                            if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize
                                    && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                logStr += ",getF1cPicture " + npwp.getF1cPicture() + "fname=" + f.getName()
                                        + ",fpath=" + f.getPath() + ",flength=[" + f.length() + "]";
                                allFileSize += f.length();

                                try {
                                    BufferedImage originalImage = ImageIO.read(f);
                                    if ((originalImage.getHeight() > 400 || originalImage.getWidth() > 400)
                                            && false) {
                                        int type = originalImage.getType() == 0 ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB
                                                : originalImage.getType();
                                        BufferedImage resizeImageJpg = resizeImage(originalImage, type);

                                        logStr += "Not require resize";
                                        //multipart.addFilePart("PICTURE"+index, (resizeImageJpg) );
                                        //multipart.addFormField("SETPICTURE"+index, "1");
                                    } else {
                                        logStr += "Not require resize";
                                        multipart.addFilePart("PICTURE" + index, (f));
                                        multipart.addFormField("SETPICTURE" + index, "1");
                                        multipart.addFormField("PICTURE_PATH" + index,
                                        reqBuilder.addPart("PICTURE" + index, new FileBody(f));
                                        reqBuilder.addPart("SETPICTURE" + index,
                                                new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                } catch (Exception frle) {
                                    logStr += "Error resizing" + frle;
                                    multipart.addFilePart("PICTURE" + index, (f));
                                    multipart.addFormField("SETPICTURE" + index, "1");
                                    multipart.addFormField("PICTURE_PATH" + index,
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("PICTURE" + index, new FileBody(f));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("SETPICTURE" + index,
                                            new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                            } else {
                                multipart.addFormField("SETPICTURE" + index, "0");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETPICTURE" + index,
                                        new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                logStr += ",getF1cPicture " + f.length() + " more "
                                        + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000 + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                    } catch (Exception fle) {
                        error_file_operation = true;
                        logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error getF1cPicture file operation!!! "
                                + fle);
                    try {
                        if (npwp.getF1cMcatalog().length() > 0 && npwp.getBxMcatalog().length() == 0
                                && uploadFiles) {
                            File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getF1cMcatalog().replace("\\", "/"));
                            if (f.length() <= maxPostedDocFileSize
                                    && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                logStr += ",getF1cMcatalog " + npwp.getF1cMcatalog();
                                allFileSize += f.length();
                                multipart.addFilePart("MASTER_CATALOG" + index, (f));
                                multipart.addFormField("SETMASTER_CATALOG" + index, "1");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("MASTER_CATALOG" + index, new FileBody(f));
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETMASTER_CATALOG" + index,
                                        new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                            } else {
                                multipart.addFormField("SETMASTER_CATALOG" + index, "0");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETMASTER_CATALOG" + index,
                                        new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                logStr += ",getF1cMcatalog " + f.length() + " more "
                                        + maxPostedDocFileSize / 1000000 + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                    } catch (Exception fle) {
                        error_file_operation = true;
                        logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error getF1cMcatalog file operation!!! "
                                + fle);

                    int succFilesCount = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dscFiles.size(); i++) {
                        try {
                            if (dscFiles.get(i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                                File f = new File(mountImgPath + dscFiles.get(i));
                                long lastFSize = 0;
                                lastFSize = f.length();
                                if (lastFSize <= maxPostedFileSize
                                        && ((allFileSize + lastFSize) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                    logStr += ",dscFiles " + dscFiles.get(i);
                                    multipart.addFilePart("FDSC" + index + "FP" + i, (f));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FDSC" + index + "FPSET" + i, "1");
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDSC" + index + "FP" + i, new FileBody(f));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDSC" + index + "FPSET" + i,
                                            new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    allFileSize += lastFSize;
                                } else {
                                    //    succFilesCount++;
                                    tooLargeDsc = true;
                                    multipart.addFormField("FDSC" + index + "FPSET" + i, "0");
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDSC" + index + "FPSET" + i,
                                            new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    logStr += ",dscFiles " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000
                                            + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                        } catch (Exception fle) {
                            tooLargeDsc = true;
                            error_file_operation = true;
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error dscFiles file operation!!! "
                                    + fle);


                    if (!tooLargeDsc) {
                        if ((dscFiles.size() <= 0)
                                || ((succFilesCount >= 1) && (succFilesCount >= (int) (dscFiles.size() / 2)))) {
                            if (!npwp.getBxDescriptsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cDescriptsJson())) {
                                multipart.addFormField("SETDESCRIPTS_JSON" + index, "1");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETDESCRIPTS_JSON" + index,
                                        new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                            } else {
                                multipart.addFormField("SETDESCRIPTS_JSON" + index, "0");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETDESCRIPTS_JSON" + index,
                                        new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                            multipart.addFormField("DESCRIPTS_JSON" + index,
                            reqBuilder.addPart("DESCRIPTS_JSON" + index,
                                    new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cDescriptsJson()),
                        } else
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error dscFiles count!!! ");

                    succFilesCount = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < gbFiles.size(); i++) {
                        try {
                            if (gbFiles.get(i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                                File f = new File(mountImgPath + gbFiles.get(i));
                                long lastFSize = 0;
                                lastFSize = f.length();
                                if (lastFSize <= maxPostedFileSize
                                        && ((allFileSize + lastFSize) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                    logStr += ",gbFiles " + gbFiles.get(i);
                                    multipart.addFilePart("FGB" + index + "FP" + i, (f));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FGB" + index + "FPSET" + i, "1");
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FGB" + index + "FP" + i, new FileBody(f));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FGB" + index + "FPSET" + i,
                                            new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    allFileSize += lastFSize;
                                } else {
                                    //    succFilesCount++;
                                    tooLargeGb = true;
                                    multipart.addFormField("FGB" + index + "FPSET" + i, "0");
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FGB" + index + "FPSET" + i,
                                            new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    logStr += ",gbFiles " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000
                                            + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                        } catch (Exception fle) {
                            tooLargeGb = true;
                            error_file_operation = true;
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error gbrFiles file operation!!! "
                                    + fle);


                    if (!tooLargeGb) {
                        if ((gbFiles.size() <= 0)
                                || ((succFilesCount >= 1) && (succFilesCount >= (int) (gbFiles.size() / 2)))) {
                            if (!npwp.getBxGabaritsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cGabaritsJson())) {
                                multipart.addFormField("SETGABARITS_JSON" + index, "1");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETGABARITS_JSON" + index,
                                        new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                            } else {
                                multipart.addFormField("SETGABARITS_JSON" + index, "0");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETGABARITS_JSON" + index,
                                        new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                            multipart.addFormField("GABARITS_JSON" + index,
                            reqBuilder.addPart("GABARITS_JSON" + index,
                                    new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cGabaritsJson()),
                        } else
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error gbrFiles count!!! ");

                    succFilesCount = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < docFiles.size(); i++) {
                        try {
                            if (docFiles.get(i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) {
                                File f = new File(mountImgPath + docFiles.get(i));
                                long lastFSize = 0;
                                lastFSize = f.length();
                                if (lastFSize <= maxPostedDocFileSize
                                        && ((allFileSize + lastFSize) < maxPostFilePartSize)) {
                                    logStr += ",docFiles " + docFiles.get(i);
                                    multipart.addFilePart("FDOC" + index + "FP" + i, (f));
                                    multipart.addFormField("FDOC" + index + "FPSET" + i, "1");
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDOC" + index + "FP" + i, new FileBody(f));
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDOC" + index + "FPSET" + i,
                                            new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    allFileSize += lastFSize;
                                } else {
                                    //    succFilesCount++;
                                    tooLargeDoc = true;
                                    multipart.addFormField("FDOC" + index + "FPSET" + i, "0");
                                    reqBuilder.addPart("FDOC" + index + "FPSET" + i,
                                            new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                                    logStr += ",docFiles " + f.length() + " more "
                                            + maxPostedDocFileSize / 1000000 + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize";
                        } catch (Exception fle) {
                            tooLargeDoc = true;
                            error_file_operation = true;
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error docFiles file operation!!! "
                                    + fle);


                    if (!tooLargeDoc) {
                        if ((docFiles.size() <= 0)
                                || ((succFilesCount >= 1) && (succFilesCount >= (int) (docFiles.size() / 2)))) {
                            if (!npwp.getBxDocsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cDocsJson())) {
                                multipart.addFormField("SETDOCS_JSON" + index, "1");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETDOCS_JSON" + index,
                                        new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                            } else {
                                multipart.addFormField("SETDOCS_JSON" + index, "0");
                                reqBuilder.addPart("SETDOCS_JSON" + index,
                                        new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                            multipart.addFormField("DOCS_JSON" + index,
                            reqBuilder.addPart("DOCS_JSON" + index,
                                    new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cDocsJson()),
                        } else
                            logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error docFiles count!!! ");


            if (npwp.getBxSortOrder() != npwp.getF1cSortOrder()) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSORT_ORDER" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSORT_ORDER" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
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                multipart.addFormField("SETSORT_ORDER" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSORT_ORDER" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("SORT_ORDER" + index, "" + npwp.getF1cSortOrder());
            reqBuilder.addPart("SORT_ORDER" + index,
                    new StringBody("" + npwp.getF1cSortOrder(), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxDescription().equals(npwp.getF1cDescription())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETDESCRIPTION" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETDESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
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                multipart.addFormField("SETDESCRIPTION" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETDESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("DESCRIPTION" + index,
            reqBuilder.addPart("DESCRIPTION" + index,
                    new StringBody("" + npwp.getF1cSortOrder(), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxFullDescription().equals(npwp.getF1cFullDescription())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETFULL_DESCRIPTION" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETFULL_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
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                multipart.addFormField("SETFULL_DESCRIPTION" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETFULL_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("FULL_DESCRIPTION" + index,
            reqBuilder.addPart("FULL_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cFullDescription()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxTypeCompleting().equals(npwp.getF1cTypeCompleting())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETTYPE_COMPLETING" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETTYPE_COMPLETING" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
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                reqBuilder.addPart("SETTYPE_COMPLETING" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("TYPE_COMPLETING" + index,
            reqBuilder.addPart("TYPE_COMPLETING" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cTypeCompleting()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxCharGabarits().equals(npwp.getF1cCharGabarits())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETCHAR_GABARITS" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETCHAR_GABARITS" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
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                multipart.addFormField("SETCHAR_GABARITS" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETCHAR_GABARITS" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("CHAR_GABARITS" + index,
            reqBuilder.addPart("CHAR_GABARITS" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cCharGabarits()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxShortDescription().equals(npwp.getF1cShortDescription())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSHORT_DESCRIPTION" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSHORT_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
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                multipart.addFormField("SETSHORT_DESCRIPTION" + index, "0");
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            multipart.addFormField("SHORT_DESCRIPTION" + index,
            reqBuilder.addPart("SHORT_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cShortDescription()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxDocumentation().equals(npwp.getF1cDocumentation())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETDOCUMENTATION" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETDOCUMENTATION" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
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            multipart.addFormField("DOCUMENTATION" + index,
            reqBuilder.addPart("DOCUMENTATION" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cDocumentation()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxVideoDescription().equals(npwp.getF1cVideoDescription())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETVIDEO_DESCRIPTION" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETVIDEO_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
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            multipart.addFormField("VIDEO_DESCRIPTION" + index,
            reqBuilder.addPart("VIDEO_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cVideoDescription()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

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                multipart.addFormField("SETCOLLAPSEVC" + index, "1");
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                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava("" + npwp.getF1cCollapsevc()));
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                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava("" + npwp.getF1cCollapsevc()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

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                    new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cAdvants()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

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            reqBuilder.addPart("FILTER_PROPS" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cFilterProps()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

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                    && npwp.getF1cSeoAliasUrl().length() > 3) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_ALIAS_URL" + index, "1");
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            multipart.addFormField("SEO_ALIAS_URL" + index,
            reqBuilder.addPart("SEO_ALIAS_URL" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cSeoAliasUrl()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (npwp.getBxSeoAliasUrl().length() <= 0 && npwp.getF1cSeoAliasUrl().length() <= 3
                    && npwp.getF1cname().length() > 0) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_ALIAS_URL_FROM_NAME" + index, "1");
                multipart.addFormField("SEO_ALIAS_URL_FROM_NAME" + index,
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                        new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
                reqBuilder.addPart("SEO_ALIAS_URL_FROM_NAME" + index, new StringBody(
                        StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cname()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

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            multipart.addFormField("SEO_TITLE" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cSeoTitle()));
            reqBuilder.addPart("SEO_TITLE" + index, new StringBody(
                    StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cSeoTitle()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));

            if (!npwp.getBxSeoH1().equals(npwp.getF1cSeoH1())) {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_H1" + index, "1");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSEO_H1" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            } else {
                multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_H1" + index, "0");
                reqBuilder.addPart("SETSEO_H1" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));
            multipart.addFormField("SEO_H1" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cSeoH1()));
            reqBuilder.addPart("SEO_H1" + index,
                    new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cSeoH1()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN));


        try {
            if (logStr.length() > 0)
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "UPD SECT TO SEND ",
                        "<p style=\"font-size:10px !important;\">" + logStr + "</p>");
        } catch (Exception lgen) {

        List<String> response = multipart.finish();

        for (String line : response) {
            sreply = sreply + line;

        /*sreply = "{}";
        HttpEntity reqEntity = reqBuilder.build();
        //System.out.println("executing request " + httppost.getRequestLine());
        try {
        CloseableHttpResponse clresponse = httpclient.execute(httppost);
        try {
            HttpEntity resEntity = clresponse.getEntity();
            if (resEntity != null) {
                //System.out.println("Response content length: " + resEntity.getContentLength());
                //resEntity.getContent(); resEntity.getContentEncoding()
                try {
                    String responseString = EntityUtils.toString(resEntity, "UTF-8");
                    sreply = responseString;
                } catch(Exception ee)   {
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch(Exception ee)   {
        } catch(Exception ee)   {

        try {
            JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(sreply));
            JsonObject jobject = jsonReader.readObject();
            try {
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY",
                        "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY=" + jobject.toString());
            } catch (Exception lge) {

            try {
                if (jobject.getString("critical_info", "").length() > 0)
                    cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_INFO", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL",
                            jobject.getString("critical_info", ""));
            } catch (Exception lge) {

            try {
                if (jobject.getString("critical_errs", "").length() > 0)
                    cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_ERRS", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL",
                            jobject.getString("critical_errs", ""));
            } catch (Exception lge) {

        } catch (Exception pe) {
            try {
                cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY",
                        "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY" + sreply);
            } catch (Exception lge) {


    } catch (Exception ex) {
        try {
            cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR of postMultipartSectUpd",
                    logStr + " ERROR of postMultipartSectUpd " + ex);
        } catch (Exception lge) {


    return reply;

From source file:fr.ortolang.diffusion.core.CoreServiceBean.java

private void builtPublicationMap(String key, Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> map,
        Map<String, List<String>> current, Map<String, String> params)
        throws KeyNotFoundException, CoreServiceException, OrtolangException {
    Object object = readObject(key);
    if (object instanceof MetadataSource) {
        MetadataElement mde = ((MetadataSource) object).findMetadataByName(MetadataFormat.ACL);
        if (mde != null) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "ACL metadata found, load json, find policy template and render it...");
            MetadataObject md = (MetadataObject) readObject(mde.getKey());
            try {
                JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(binarystore.get(md.getStream()));
                JsonObject json = reader.readObject();
                String template = json.getString("template");
                reader.close();//from w  w  w.j  a  va2s  . c  om
                AuthorisationPolicyTemplate policy = authorisation.getPolicyTemplate(template);
                Map<String, List<String>> rules = authorisation.getPolicyRules(policy.getTemplate());
                Map<String, List<String>> filtered = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
                for (Entry<String, List<String>> entry : rules.entrySet()) {
                    if (params.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
                        filtered.put(params.get(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue());
                    } else {
                        filtered.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
                current = filtered;
            } catch (AuthorisationServiceException | BinaryStoreServiceException | DataNotFoundException e) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unable to read acl metadata", e);
    map.put(key, current);
    if (object instanceof MetadataSource) {
        for (MetadataElement element : ((MetadataSource) object).getMetadatas()) {
            map.put(element.getKey(), current);
    if (object instanceof Collection) {
        for (CollectionElement element : ((Collection) object).getElements()) {
            builtPublicationMap(element.getKey(), map, current, params);