Java tutorial
package fr.ortolang.diffusion.core; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; /* * #%L * ORTOLANG * A online network structure for hosting language resources and tools. * * Jean-Marie Pierrel / ATILF UMR 7118 - CNRS / Universit de Lorraine * Etienne Petitjean / ATILF UMR 7118 - CNRS * Jrme Blanchard / ATILF UMR 7118 - CNRS * Bertrand Gaiffe / ATILF UMR 7118 - CNRS * Cyril Pestel / ATILF UMR 7118 - CNRS * Marie Tonnelier / ATILF UMR 7118 - CNRS * Ulrike Fleury / ATILF UMR 7118 - CNRS * Frdric Pierre / ATILF UMR 7118 - CNRS * Cline Moro / ATILF UMR 7118 - CNRS * * This work is based on work done in the equipex ORTOLANG (, by several Ortolang contributors (mainly CNRTL and SLDR) * ORTOLANG is funded by the French State program "Investissements d'Avenir" ANR-11-EQPX-0032 * %% * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 Ortolang Team * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.github.fge.jackson.JsonLoader; import com.github.fge.jsonschema.core.exceptions.ProcessingException; import; import com.github.fge.jsonschema.main.JsonSchema; import com.github.fge.jsonschema.main.JsonSchemaFactory; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.*; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.OrtolangEvent.ArgumentsBuilder; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.OrtolangObjectState.Status; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.core.entity.Collection; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.core.entity.*; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.core.indexing.*; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.core.wrapper.CollectionWrapper; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.core.wrapper.OrtolangObjectWrapper; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.core.xml.*; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.event.EventService; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.extraction.ExtractionService; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.extraction.ExtractionServiceException; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.indexing.IndexingService; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.indexing.IndexingServiceException; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.indexing.OrtolangIndexableContent; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.membership.MembershipService; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.membership.MembershipServiceException; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.membership.entity.Group; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.notification.NotificationService; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.notification.NotificationServiceException; import fr.ortolang.diffusion.registry.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.javers.core.Javers; import org.javers.core.JaversBuilder; import org.javers.core.diff.Change; import org.javers.core.diff.Diff; import org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.SecurityDomain; import javax.annotation.Resource; import; import; import javax.ejb.*; import javax.json.*; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.NoResultException; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; @Local(CoreService.class) @Stateless(name = CoreService.SERVICE_NAME) @SecurityDomain("ortolang") @PermitAll public class CoreServiceBean implements CoreService { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CoreServiceBean.class.getName()); private static final String[] OBJECT_TYPE_LIST = new String[] { Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE, Link.OBJECT_TYPE, MetadataObject.OBJECT_TYPE }; private static final String[][] OBJECT_PERMISSIONS_LIST = new String[][] { { Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, "read,update,delete,snapshot" }, { DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE, "read,update,delete,download" }, { Collection.OBJECT_TYPE, "read,update,delete,download" }, { Link.OBJECT_TYPE, "read,update,delete" }, { MetadataObject.OBJECT_TYPE, "read,update,delete,download" } }; private static final String[] RESERVED_ALIASES = new String[] { "key", "auth", "export" }; private static final String[] RESERVED_TAG_NAMES = new String[] { Workspace.HEAD, Workspace.LATEST }; @EJB private RegistryService registry; @EJB private BinaryStoreService binarystore; @EJB private MembershipService membership; @EJB private EventService events; @EJB private AuthorisationService authorisation; @EJB private IndexingService indexing; @EJB private NotificationService notification; @EJB private ExtractionService extraction; @EJB private SecurityService security; @PersistenceContext(unitName = "ortolangPU") private EntityManager em; @Resource private SessionContext ctx; public CoreServiceBean() { } public RegistryService getRegistryService() { return registry; } public void setRegistryService(RegistryService registryService) { this.registry = registryService; } public BinaryStoreService getBinaryStoreService() { return binarystore; } public void setBinaryStoreService(BinaryStoreService binaryStoreService) { this.binarystore = binaryStoreService; } public NotificationService getNotificationService() { return notification; } public void setNotificationService(NotificationService notificationService) { this.notification = notificationService; } public MembershipService getMembershipService() { return membership; } public void setMembershipService(MembershipService membership) { this.membership = membership; } public AuthorisationService getAuthorisationService() { return authorisation; } public void setAuthorisationService(AuthorisationService authorisation) { this.authorisation = authorisation; } public IndexingService getIndexingService() { return indexing; } public void setIndexingService(IndexingService indexing) { this.indexing = indexing; } public void setEntityManager(EntityManager em) { this.em = em; } public EntityManager getEntityManager() { return this.em; } public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) { this.ctx = ctx; } public SessionContext getSessionContext() { return this.ctx; } /* Workspace */ @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public Workspace createWorkspace(String wskey, String name, String type) throws CoreServiceException, KeyAlreadyExistsException, AccessDeniedException, AliasAlreadyExistsException { WorkspaceAlias alias = new WorkspaceAlias(); em.persist(alias); return createWorkspace(wskey, alias.getValue(), name, type); } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public Workspace createWorkspace(String wskey, String alias, String name, String type) throws CoreServiceException, KeyAlreadyExistsException, AccessDeniedException, AliasAlreadyExistsException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "creating workspace [" + wskey + "]"); try { String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkAuthentified(subjects); String members = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); membership.createGroup(members, name + "'s Members", "Members of a workspace have all permissions on workspace content"); membership.addMemberInGroup(members, caller); Map<String, List<String>> membersrules = authorisation.getPolicyRules(members); membersrules.put(MembershipService.MODERATORS_GROUP_KEY, Arrays.asList("read", "update")); membersrules.put(MembershipService.PUBLISHERS_GROUP_KEY, Arrays.asList("read")); membersrules.put(MembershipService.REVIEWERS_GROUP_KEY, Arrays.asList("read")); authorisation.setPolicyRules(members, membersrules); String head = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); Collection collection = new Collection(); collection.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); collection.setName("root"); collection.setRoot(true); collection.setClock(1); em.persist(collection); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put(WORKSPACE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY_KEY, wskey); registry.register(head, collection.getObjectIdentifier(), caller, properties); indexing.index(head); Map<String, List<String>> rules = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); rules.put(members, Arrays.asList("read", "create", "update", "delete", "download")); rules.put(MembershipService.MODERATORS_GROUP_KEY, Arrays.asList("read", "update", "download")); rules.put(MembershipService.PUBLISHERS_GROUP_KEY, Arrays.asList("read", "download")); rules.put(MembershipService.REVIEWERS_GROUP_KEY, Arrays.asList("read", "download")); authorisation.createPolicy(head, members); authorisation.setPolicyRules(head, rules); if (Arrays.asList(RESERVED_ALIASES).contains(alias)) { throw new CoreServiceException(alias + " is reserved and cannot be used as an alias"); } List<Workspace> results = em.createNamedQuery("findWorkspaceByAlias", Workspace.class) .setParameter("alias", alias).getResultList(); if (!results.isEmpty()) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); throw new AliasAlreadyExistsException( "a workspace with alias [" + alias + "] already exists in storage"); } PathBuilder palias; try { palias = PathBuilder.fromPath(alias); if (palias.isRoot() || palias.depth() > 1) { throw new InvalidPathException("incorrect depth for an alias path"); } } catch (InvalidPathException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "invalid alias for workspace", e); throw new CoreServiceException("alias is invalid", e); } String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); Workspace workspace = new Workspace(); workspace.setId(id); workspace.setKey(wskey); workspace.setAlias(palias.part()); workspace.setName(name); workspace.setType(type); workspace.setHead(head); workspace.setChanged(true); workspace.setMembers(members); em.persist(workspace); registry.register(wskey, workspace.getObjectIdentifier(), caller); Map<String, List<String>> wsrules = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); wsrules.put(members, Collections.singletonList("read")); wsrules.put(MembershipService.UNAUTHENTIFIED_IDENTIFIER, Collections.singletonList("read")); wsrules.put(MembershipService.MODERATORS_GROUP_KEY, Arrays.asList("read", "create", "update", "delete")); wsrules.put(MembershipService.PUBLISHERS_GROUP_KEY, Arrays.asList("read")); wsrules.put(MembershipService.REVIEWERS_GROUP_KEY, Arrays.asList("read")); authorisation.createPolicy(wskey, caller); authorisation.setPolicyRules(wskey, wsrules); indexing.index(wskey); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(1).addArgument("ws-alias", alias); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, "create"),; argsBuilder.addArgument("key", head).addArgument("path", "/"); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE, "create"),; return workspace; } catch (KeyAlreadyExistsException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); throw e; } catch (KeyNotFoundException | RegistryServiceException | NotificationServiceException | IdentifierAlreadyRegisteredException | AuthorisationServiceException | MembershipServiceException | IndexingServiceException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while creating workspace", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to create workspace with key [" + wskey + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public Workspace readWorkspace(String wskey) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "reading workspace [" + wskey + "]"); try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); authorisation.checkPermission(wskey, subjects, "read"); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } workspace.setKey(wskey); return workspace; } catch (RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while reading workspace", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to read workspace with key [" + wskey + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public List<String> findWorkspacesForProfile(String profile) throws CoreServiceException, AccessDeniedException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "finding workspaces for profile"); try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkAuthentified(subjects); List<String> groups = membership.getProfileGroups(profile); return findWorkspacesForGroups(groups); } catch (MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | RegistryServiceException | KeyNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during finding workspaces for profile", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to find workspaces for profile", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public List<String> systemFindWorkspacesForProfile(String profile) throws CoreServiceException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "#SYSTEM# finding workspaces for profile"); try { List<String> groups = Arrays.asList(membership.systemReadProfile(profile).getGroups()); return findWorkspacesForGroups(groups); } catch (MembershipServiceException | RegistryServiceException | KeyNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during finding workspaces for profile", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to find workspaces for profile", e); } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) private List<String> findWorkspacesForGroups(List<String> groups) throws RegistryServiceException { if (groups.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(); TypedQuery<Workspace> query = em.createNamedQuery("findWorkspaceByMember", Workspace.class) .setParameter("groups", groups); List<Workspace> workspaces = query.getResultList(); for (Workspace workspace : workspaces) { OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = workspace.getObjectIdentifier(); try { keys.add(registry.lookup(identifier)); } catch (IdentifierNotRegisteredException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "a workspace with an unregistered identifier has be found : " + identifier); } } return keys; } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public List<String> findWorkspacesAliasForProfile(String profile) throws CoreServiceException, AccessDeniedException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "finding workspace alias for profile"); try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkAuthentified(subjects); List<String> groups = membership.getProfileGroups(profile); if (groups.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<String> aliases = new ArrayList<String>(); TypedQuery<Workspace> query = em.createNamedQuery("findWorkspaceByMember", Workspace.class) .setParameter("groups", groups); List<Workspace> workspaces = query.getResultList(); for (Workspace workspace : workspaces) { OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = workspace.getObjectIdentifier(); try { if (workspace.getAlias() != null && workspace.getAlias().length() > 0) { registry.lookup(identifier); aliases.add(workspace.getAlias()); } } catch (IdentifierNotRegisteredException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "a workspace with an unregistered identifier has be found : " + identifier); } } return aliases; } catch (MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | RegistryServiceException | KeyNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during finding workspaces for profile", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to find workspaces for profile", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public List<String> listAllWorkspaceAlias() throws CoreServiceException, AccessDeniedException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "listing all workspaces alias"); try { String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); authorisation.checkSuperUser(caller); TypedQuery<String> query = em.createNamedQuery("listAllWorkspaceAlias", String.class); return query.getResultList(); } catch (AuthorisationServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unable to list all workspace aliases", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to list all workspace aliases", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public String snapshotWorkspace(String wskey) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException, WorkspaceUnchangedException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "snapshoting workspace [" + wskey + "]"); try { String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); authorisation.checkPermission(wskey, subjects, "update"); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (applyReadOnly(caller, subjects, workspace)) { throw new WorkspaceReadOnlyException( "unable to snapshot workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it is read only"); } String name = String.valueOf(workspace.getClock()); if (!workspace.hasChanged()) { throw new WorkspaceUnchangedException( "unable to snapshot because workspace has no pending modifications since last snapshot"); } try { JsonObjectBuilder builder = Json.createObjectBuilder(); builder.add("wskey", wskey); builder.add("snapshotName", name); builder.add("wsalias", workspace.getAlias()); JsonObject jsonObject =; String hash = binarystore.put(new ByteArrayInputStream(jsonObject.toString().getBytes())); List<String> mds = findMetadataObjectsForTargetAndName(workspace.getHead(), MetadataFormat.WORKSPACE); if (mds.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "creating workspace metadata for root collection"); createMetadataObject(wskey, "/", MetadataFormat.WORKSPACE, hash, null, false); } else { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "updating workspace metadata for root collection"); updateMetadataObject(wskey, "/", MetadataFormat.WORKSPACE, hash, null, false); } } catch (BinaryStoreServiceException | DataCollisionException | CoreServiceException | KeyNotFoundException | InvalidPathException | AccessDeniedException | MetadataFormatException | PathNotFoundException | KeyAlreadyExistsException e) { throw new CoreServiceException( "cannot create workspace metadata for collection root : " + e.getMessage()); } workspace.setKey(wskey); workspace.incrementClock(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier hidentifier = registry.lookup(workspace.getHead()); checkObjectType(hidentifier, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE); Collection collection = em.find(Collection.class, hidentifier.getId()); if (collection == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load head collection with id [" + hidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } collection.setKey(workspace.getHead()); Collection clone = cloneCollection(workspace.getHead(), collection, workspace.getClock()); workspace.addSnapshot(new SnapshotElement(name, collection.getKey())); workspace.setHead(clone.getKey()); workspace.setChanged(false); em.merge(workspace); registry.update(wskey); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(2).addArgument("ws-alias", workspace.getAlias()) .addArgument("snapshot-name", name); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, "snapshot"),; return name; } catch (KeyLockedException | NotificationServiceException | RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | CloneException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while snapshoting workspace", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to snapshot workspace with key [" + wskey + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public String getLatestSnapshot(String wskey) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException { try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); authorisation.checkPermission(wskey, subjects, "read"); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } return String.valueOf(workspace.getClock() - 1); } catch (MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | RegistryServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while getting latest workspace snapshot", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to get latest snapshot for workspace with key [" + wskey + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void systemTagWorkspace(String wskey, String tag, String snapshot) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "#SYSTEM# tagging workspace [" + wskey + "] and snapshot [" + snapshot + "]"); try { String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } workspace.setKey(wskey); try { PathBuilder pname = PathBuilder.newInstance().path(tag); if (pname.depth() > 1) { throw new CoreServiceException("tag name is invalid: " + tag); } if (Arrays.asList(RESERVED_TAG_NAMES).contains(pname.part())) { throw new CoreServiceException(pname.part() + " is reserved and cannot be used as tag name"); } tag = pname.part(); TagElement tagElement = workspace.findTagByName(tag); if (tagElement != null) { workspace.removeTag(tagElement); String oldRoot = workspace.findSnapshotByName(tagElement.getSnapshot()).getKey(); indexing.remove(oldRoot); } if (!workspace.containsSnapshotName(snapshot)) { throw new CoreServiceException( "the snapshot with name '" + snapshot + "' does not exists in this workspace"); } workspace.addTag(new TagElement(tag, snapshot)); em.merge(workspace); registry.update(wskey); indexing.index(wskey); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(2).addArgument("ws-alias", workspace.getAlias()) .addArgument("tag-name", tag); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, "tag"),; } catch (InvalidPathException e) { throw new CoreServiceException("tag name is invalid: " + tag); } } catch (KeyLockedException | NotificationServiceException | RegistryServiceException | IndexingServiceException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while tagging workspace snapshot", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to tag workspace with key [" + wskey + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void updateWorkspace(String wskey, String name) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "updating workspace [" + wskey + "]"); try { String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); authorisation.checkPermission(wskey, subjects, "update"); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (applyReadOnly(caller, subjects, workspace)) { throw new WorkspaceReadOnlyException( "unable to update workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it is read only"); } workspace.setName(name); em.merge(workspace); registry.update(wskey); indexing.index(wskey); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(2).addArgument("ws-alias", workspace.getAlias()) .addArgument("name", name); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, "update"),; } catch (KeyLockedException | NotificationServiceException | RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | IndexingServiceException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while updating workspace", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to update workspace with key [" + wskey + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public Workspace archiveWorkspace(String wskey, Boolean archive) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "archiving workspace [" + wskey + "]"); try { String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); if (!MembershipService.SUPERUSER_IDENTIFIER.equals(caller)) { throw new CoreServiceException( "only " + MembershipService.SUPERUSER_IDENTIFIER + " can archive workspace"); } OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); authorisation.checkPermission(wskey, subjects, "update"); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } workspace.setArchive(archive); workspace.setKey(wskey); em.merge(workspace); registry.update(wskey); indexing.index(wskey); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(2).addArgument("ws-alias", workspace.getAlias()) .addArgument("archive", archive.toString()); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, "archive"),; return workspace; } catch (KeyLockedException | NotificationServiceException | RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | IndexingServiceException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while archiving workspace", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to archive workspace with key [" + wskey + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void deleteWorkspace(String wskey) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { deleteWorkspace(wskey, false); } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void deleteWorkspace(String wskey, boolean force) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "deleting workspace [" + wskey + "]"); try { String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); if (force && !MembershipService.SUPERUSER_IDENTIFIER.equals(caller)) { throw new CoreServiceException( "only " + MembershipService.SUPERUSER_IDENTIFIER + " can force workspace delete"); } OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); authorisation.checkPermission(wskey, subjects, "delete"); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (!force) { if (applyReadOnly(caller, subjects, workspace)) { throw new WorkspaceReadOnlyException( "unable to delete workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it is read only"); } if (workspace.getType().equals( { throw new CoreServiceException("unable to delete with key [" + wskey + "] because it is of type: " +; } String current = workspace.getHead(); while (current != null) { String parent = registry.getParent(current); if (parent != null && registry.getPublicationStatus(parent) .equals(OrtolangObjectState.Status.PUBLISHED.value())) { throw new CoreServiceException("unable to delete workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it has a published version"); } current = parent; } } workspace.setAlias(null); em.merge(workspace); membership.deleteGroup(workspace.getMembers()); registry.delete(wskey); indexing.remove(wskey); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(1).addArgument("ws-alias", workspace.getAlias()); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, "delete"),; } catch (KeyLockedException | NotificationServiceException | RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | IndexingServiceException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while deleting workspace", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to delete workspace with key [" + wskey + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void changeWorkspaceOwner(String wskey, String newOwner) throws CoreServiceException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "changing workspace [" + wskey + "] owner to: " + newOwner); try { Workspace workspace = readWorkspace(wskey); security.changeOwner(wskey, newOwner); membership.addMemberInGroup(workspace.getMembers(), newOwner); security.changeOwner(workspace.getMembers(), newOwner); } catch (SecurityServiceException | AccessDeniedException | KeyNotFoundException | MembershipServiceException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while changing workspace owner", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to change owner of workspace with key [" + wskey + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public void notifyWorkspaceOwner(String wskey, String email, String message) throws CoreServiceException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "notify owner of workspace [" + wskey + "]"); try { String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(2).addArgument("email", email) .addArgument("message", message); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, "notify-owner"),; } catch (RegistryServiceException | KeyNotFoundException | NotificationServiceException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while trying to notify workspace owner", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to notify owner of workspace with key [" + wskey + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public void notifyWorkspaceMembers(String wskey, String email, String message) throws CoreServiceException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "notify members of workspace [" + wskey + "]"); try { String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(2).addArgument("email", email) .addArgument("message", message); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, "notify-members"),; } catch (RegistryServiceException | KeyNotFoundException | NotificationServiceException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while trying to notify workspace members", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to notify members of workspace with key [" + wskey + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public String resolveWorkspaceAlias(String alias) throws CoreServiceException, AliasNotFoundException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "finding workspace for alias: " + alias); try { TypedQuery<Workspace> query = em.createNamedQuery("findWorkspaceByAlias", Workspace.class) .setParameter("alias", alias); try { Workspace workspace = query.getSingleResult(); return registry.lookup(workspace.getObjectIdentifier()); } catch (NoResultException e) { throw new AliasNotFoundException(alias); } } catch (RegistryServiceException | IdentifierNotRegisteredException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during resolving workspace alias: " + alias, e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to resolve workspace alias: " + alias, e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public String resolveWorkspacePath(String wskey, String root, String path) throws CoreServiceException, InvalidPathException, PathNotFoundException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "resolving into workspace [" + wskey + "] and root [" + root + "] path [" + path + "]"); try { PathBuilder npath = PathBuilder.fromPath(path); PathBuilder ppath = npath.clone().parent(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier wsidentifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(wsidentifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace with key [" + wskey + "] exists"); Workspace ws = em.find(Workspace.class, wsidentifier.getId()); if (ws == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + wsidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } ws.setKey(wskey); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace loaded"); String rroot = ws.getHead(); if (root != null && root.length() > 0 && !root.equals(Workspace.HEAD)) { String snapshot = root; TagElement tag = ws.findTagByName(root); if (tag != null) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "root is a tag, resolving tag snapshot"); snapshot = tag.getSnapshot(); } SnapshotElement element = ws.findSnapshotByName(snapshot); if (element == null) { throw new RootNotFoundException(root); } else { rroot = element.getKey(); } } if (npath.isRoot()) { return rroot; } Collection parent = readCollectionAtPath(rroot, ppath); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "parent collection loaded for path " +; CollectionElement element = parent.findElementByName(npath.part()); if (element == null) { throw new PathNotFoundException(; } return element.getKey(); } catch (KeyNotFoundException | RegistryServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during resolving path", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to resolve into workspace [" + wskey + "] path [" + path + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public String resolveWorkspaceMetadata(String wskey, String root, String path, String name) throws CoreServiceException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, PathNotFoundException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "resolving into workspace [" + wskey + "] and root [" + root + "] metadata with name [" + name + "] at path [" + path + "]"); try { String key = resolveWorkspacePath(wskey, root, path); MetadataElement cmdelement = loadMetadataElement(name, key); if (cmdelement == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "a metadata object with name [" + name + "] does not exists for at path [" + path + "]"); } return cmdelement.getKey(); } catch (KeyNotFoundException | RegistryServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during resolving metadata", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to resolve into workspace [" + wskey + "] metadata name [" + name + "] at [" + path + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public Set<String> buildWorkspaceReviewList(String wskey, String snapshot) throws CoreServiceException, AccessDeniedException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "building review list for workspace [" + wskey + "]"); try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); authorisation.checkPermission(wskey, subjects, "read"); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (!workspace.containsSnapshotName(snapshot)) { throw new CoreServiceException("the workspace with key: " + wskey + " does not containt a snapshot with name: " + snapshot); } String root = workspace.findSnapshotByName(snapshot).getKey(); Set<String> keys = new HashSet<String>(); systemListCollectionKeys(root, keys); return keys; } catch (RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | KeyNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during building workspace review list", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unexpected error while trying to build workspace review list", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> buildWorkspacePublicationMap(String wskey, String snapshot) throws CoreServiceException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "building publication map for workspace [" + wskey + "]"); try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); authorisation.checkPermission(wskey, subjects, "read"); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (!workspace.containsSnapshotName(snapshot)) { throw new CoreServiceException( "the workspace with key: " + wskey + " does not contain a snapshot with name: " + snapshot); } String root = workspace.findSnapshotByName(snapshot).getKey(); Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> map = new HashMap<String, Map<String, List<String>>>(); AuthorisationPolicyTemplate defaultTemplate = authorisation .getPolicyTemplate(AuthorisationPolicyTemplate.DEFAULT); Map<String, String> aclParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); aclParams.put("${workspace.members}", workspace.getMembers()); if (workspace.getPrivileged() != "") { aclParams.put("${workspace.privileged}", workspace.getPrivileged()); } builtPublicationMap(root, map, authorisation.getPolicyRules(defaultTemplate.getTemplate()), aclParams); return map; } catch (RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | KeyNotFoundException | OrtolangException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during building workspace publication map", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unexpected error while trying to build workspace publication map", e); } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) private void builtPublicationMap(String key, Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> map, Map<String, List<String>> current, Map<String, String> params) throws KeyNotFoundException, CoreServiceException, OrtolangException { Object object = readObject(key); if (object instanceof MetadataSource) { MetadataElement mde = ((MetadataSource) object).findMetadataByName(MetadataFormat.ACL); if (mde != null) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "ACL metadata found, load json, find policy template and render it..."); MetadataObject md = (MetadataObject) readObject(mde.getKey()); try { JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(binarystore.get(md.getStream())); JsonObject json = reader.readObject(); String template = json.getString("template"); reader.close(); AuthorisationPolicyTemplate policy = authorisation.getPolicyTemplate(template); Map<String, List<String>> rules = authorisation.getPolicyRules(policy.getTemplate()); Map<String, List<String>> filtered = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (Entry<String, List<String>> entry : rules.entrySet()) { if (params.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { filtered.put(params.get(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()); } else { filtered.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } current = filtered; } catch (AuthorisationServiceException | BinaryStoreServiceException | DataNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unable to read acl metadata", e); } } } map.put(key, current); if (object instanceof MetadataSource) { for (MetadataElement element : ((MetadataSource) object).getMetadatas()) { map.put(element.getKey(), current); } } if (object instanceof Collection) { for (CollectionElement element : ((Collection) object).getElements()) { builtPublicationMap(element.getKey(), map, current, params); } } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public Set<OrtolangObjectPid> buildWorkspacePidList(String wskey, String tag) throws CoreServiceException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "building pid list for workspace [" + wskey + "]"); try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); authorisation.checkPermission(wskey, subjects, "read"); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (!workspace.containsTagName(tag)) { throw new CoreServiceException( "the workspace with key: " + wskey + " does not containt a tag with name: " + tag); } String snapshot = workspace.findTagByName(tag).getSnapshot(); String root = workspace.findSnapshotByName(snapshot).getKey(); Set<OrtolangObjectPid> pids = new HashSet<OrtolangObjectPid>(); String apiUrlBase = OrtolangConfig.getInstance().getProperty(OrtolangConfig.Property.API_URL_SSL) + OrtolangConfig.getInstance().getProperty(OrtolangConfig.Property.API_PATH_CONTENT); String marketUrlBase = OrtolangConfig.getInstance() .getProperty(OrtolangConfig.Property.MARKET_SERVER_URL) + "market/item"; buildHandleList(workspace.getAlias(), tag, root, pids, PathBuilder.newInstance(), apiUrlBase, marketUrlBase); return pids; } catch (RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | KeyNotFoundException | OrtolangException | InvalidPathException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during building workspace pid list", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unexpected error while trying to build workspace pid list", e); } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) private void buildHandleList(String wsalias, String tag, String key, Set<OrtolangObjectPid> pids, PathBuilder path, String apiUrlBase, String marketUrlBase) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, OrtolangException, InvalidPathException { try { OrtolangObject object = findObject(key); LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Generating pid for key: " + key); String target = ((path.isRoot()) ? marketUrlBase : apiUrlBase) + "/" + wsalias + "/" + tag + ((path.isRoot()) ? "" :; String dynHandle = OrtolangConfig.getInstance().getProperty(OrtolangConfig.Property.HANDLE_PREFIX) + "/" + wsalias + ((path.isRoot()) ? "" :; String staticHandle = OrtolangConfig.getInstance().getProperty(OrtolangConfig.Property.HANDLE_PREFIX) + "/" + wsalias + "/" + tag + ((path.isRoot()) ? "" :; OrtolangObjectPid dpid = new OrtolangObjectPid(OrtolangObjectPid.Type.HANDLE, dynHandle, key, target, false); boolean adddpid = true; for (OrtolangObjectPid pid : pids) { if (pid.getName().equals(dpid.getName()) && pid.isUserbased()) { adddpid = false; break; } } if (adddpid) { pids.add(dpid); } OrtolangObjectPid spid = new OrtolangObjectPid(OrtolangObjectPid.Type.HANDLE, staticHandle, key, target, false); boolean addspid = true; for (OrtolangObjectPid pid : pids) { if (pid.getName().equals(spid.getName()) && pid.isUserbased()) { addspid = false; break; } } if (addspid) { pids.add(spid); } if (object instanceof MetadataSource) { MetadataElement mde = ((MetadataSource) object).findMetadataByName(MetadataFormat.PID); if (mde != null) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "PID metadata found, load json and generate corresponding pids"); MetadataObject md = readMetadataObject(mde.getKey()); try { JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(binarystore.get(md.getStream())); JsonObject json = reader.readObject(); if (json.containsKey("pids")) { JsonArray jpids = json.getJsonArray("pids"); for (int i = 0; i < jpids.size(); i++) { JsonObject jpid = jpids.getJsonObject(i); LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Generating metadata based pid for key: " + key); String ctarget = ((path.isRoot()) ? marketUrlBase : apiUrlBase) + "/" + wsalias + "/" + tag + ((path.isRoot()) ? "" :; OrtolangObjectPid upid = new OrtolangObjectPid(OrtolangObjectPid.Type.HANDLE, jpid.getString("value"), key, ctarget, true); Iterator<OrtolangObjectPid> iter = pids.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { OrtolangObjectPid pid =; if (pid.getName().equals(upid.getName())) { iter.remove(); } } pids.add(upid); } } reader.close(); } catch (BinaryStoreServiceException | DataNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unable to read pid metadata", e); } } } if (object instanceof Collection) { for (CollectionElement element : ((Collection) object).getElements()) { buildHandleList(wsalias, tag, element.getKey(), pids, path.clone().path(element.getName()), apiUrlBase, marketUrlBase); } } } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Unable to generate a PID for an object that has been set private."); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public Map<String, String> listWorkspaceContent(String wskey, String snapshot) throws CoreServiceException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "listing content of workspace [" + wskey + "]"); try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); authorisation.checkPermission(wskey, subjects, "read"); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } String root; if (Workspace.HEAD.equals(snapshot)) { root = workspace.getHead(); } else { if (!workspace.containsSnapshotName(snapshot)) { throw new CoreServiceException("the workspace with key: " + wskey + " does not contain a snapshot with name: " + snapshot); } root = workspace.findSnapshotByName(snapshot).getKey(); } return listCollectionContent(root).getPathKeyMap(); } catch (RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | KeyNotFoundException | OrtolangException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during listing workspace content", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unexpected error while trying to list workspace content", e); } } private CollectionContent listCollectionContent(String key) throws CoreServiceException { try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(key); checkObjectType(identifier, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE); authorisation.checkPermission(key, subjects, "read"); CollectionContent collectionContent = new CollectionContent(); listContent(key, PathBuilder.newInstance(), collectionContent); return collectionContent; } catch (OrtolangException | MembershipServiceException | KeyNotFoundException | RegistryServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | InvalidPathException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during listing collection [" + key + "] content", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unexpected error while trying to list collection [" + key + "] content", e); } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) private void listContent(String key, PathBuilder path, CollectionContent collectionContent) throws OrtolangException, InvalidPathException { OrtolangObject object = findObject(key); collectionContent.add(object,; if (object instanceof Collection) { for (CollectionElement element : ((Collection) object).getElements()) { listContent(element.getKey(), path.clone().path(element.getName()), collectionContent); } } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) private CollectionWrapper getWorkspaceContentTree(String key, PathBuilder path, CollectionWrapper parent) throws KeyNotFoundException, InvalidPathException, RegistryServiceException { OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(key); OrtolangObjectWrapper ortolangObjectWrapper; switch (identifier.getType()) { case Collection.OBJECT_TYPE: Collection collection = em.find(Collection.class, identifier.getId()); ortolangObjectWrapper = OrtolangObjectWrapper.fromOrtolangObject(collection,; for (CollectionElement element : collection.getElements()) { getWorkspaceContentTree(element.getKey(), path.clone().path(element.getName()), (CollectionWrapper) ortolangObjectWrapper); } if (parent != null) { parent.addChild(ortolangObjectWrapper); } return (CollectionWrapper) ortolangObjectWrapper; case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: DataObject dataObject = em.find(DataObject.class, identifier.getId()); ortolangObjectWrapper = OrtolangObjectWrapper.fromOrtolangObject(dataObject,; parent.addChild(ortolangObjectWrapper); break; case Link.OBJECT_TYPE: Link link = em.find(Link.class, identifier.getId()); ortolangObjectWrapper = OrtolangObjectWrapper.fromOrtolangObject(link,; parent.addChild(ortolangObjectWrapper); break; } return null; } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public List<Change> diffWorkspaceContent(String wskey, String lsnapshot, String rsnapshot) throws CoreServiceException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "diff content of workspace [" + wskey + "] between snapshots [" + lsnapshot + "] and [" + rsnapshot + "]"); try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); authorisation.checkPermission(wskey, subjects, "read"); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } String lroot; if (lsnapshot.equals(Workspace.HEAD)) { lroot = workspace.getHead(); } else { if (!workspace.containsSnapshotName(lsnapshot)) { throw new CoreServiceException("the workspace with key: " + wskey + " does not containt a snapshot with name: " + lsnapshot); } lroot = workspace.findSnapshotByName(lsnapshot).getKey(); } String rroot; if (rsnapshot.equals(Workspace.HEAD)) { rroot = workspace.getHead(); } else { if (!workspace.containsSnapshotName(rsnapshot)) { throw new CoreServiceException("the workspace with key: " + wskey + " does not containt a snapshot with name: " + rsnapshot); } rroot = workspace.findSnapshotByName(rsnapshot).getKey(); } CollectionWrapper lcontent = getWorkspaceContentTree(lroot, PathBuilder.newInstance(), null); CollectionWrapper rcontent = getWorkspaceContentTree(rroot, PathBuilder.newInstance(), null); Javers javers = JaversBuilder.javers().build(); Diff diff =, rcontent); return diff.getChanges(); } catch (RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | KeyNotFoundException | OrtolangException | InvalidPathException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during diff workspace content", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unexpected error while trying to diff workspace content", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public String findWorkspaceLatestPublishedSnapshot(String wskey) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "find workspace [" + wskey + "] latest published snapshot"); try { OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } workspace.setKey(wskey); String current = workspace.getHead(); boolean found = false; while (!found && current != null) { String parent = registry.getParent(current); if (parent != null && registry.getPublicationStatus(parent) .equals(OrtolangObjectState.Status.PUBLISHED.value())) { found = true; } current = parent; } if (current != null) { SnapshotElement snapshot = workspace.findSnapshotByKey(current); if (snapshot != null) { return snapshot.getName(); } } return null; } catch (RegistryServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while finding workspace latest published snapshot", e); throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to find latest published snapshot for workspace with key [" + wskey + "]", e); } } /* Collections */ @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public Collection createCollection(String wskey, String path) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, PathNotFoundException, PathAlreadyExistsException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException, KeyAlreadyExistsException { String key = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); try { return createCollection(wskey, key, path); } catch (KeyAlreadyExistsException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "the generated key already exists : " + key); throw e; } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public Collection createCollection(String wskey, String key, String path) throws CoreServiceException, KeyAlreadyExistsException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, PathNotFoundException, PathAlreadyExistsException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "creating collection with key [" + key + "] into workspace [" + wskey + "] at path [" + path + "]"); try { PathBuilder npath = PathBuilder.fromPath(path); if (npath.isRoot()) { throw new InvalidPathException("forbidden to create the root collection"); } PathBuilder ppath = npath.clone().parent(); String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkAuthentified(subjects); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] is authentified"); OrtolangObjectIdentifier wsidentifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(wsidentifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace with key [" + wskey + "] exists"); Workspace ws = em.find(Workspace.class, wsidentifier.getId()); if (ws == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + wsidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (applyReadOnly(caller, subjects, ws)) { throw new WorkspaceReadOnlyException("unable to create collection in workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it is read only"); } ws.setKey(wskey); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace loaded"); authorisation.checkPermission(ws.getHead(), subjects, "create"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] has 'create' permission on the head collection of this workspace"); Collection parent = loadCollectionAtPath(ws.getHead(), ppath, ws.getClock()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "parent collection loaded for path " +; if (parent.containsElementName(npath.part())) { throw new PathAlreadyExistsException(; } String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); Collection collection = new Collection(); collection.setId(id); collection.setKey(key); collection.setName(npath.part()); collection.setRoot(false); collection.setClock(ws.getClock()); em.persist(collection); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "collection [" + key + "] created"); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put(WORKSPACE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY_KEY, wskey); registry.register(key, collection.getObjectIdentifier(), caller, properties); indexing.index(key); authorisation.clonePolicy(key, ws.getHead()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "security policy cloned from head collection to key [" + key + "]"); parent.addElement(new CollectionElement(Collection.OBJECT_TYPE, collection.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, Collection.MIME_TYPE, key)); em.merge(parent); registry.update(parent.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "collection [" + key + "] added to parent [" + parent.getKey() + "]"); ws.setChanged(true); em.merge(ws); registry.update(ws.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace set changed"); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(3).addArgument("ws-alias", ws.getAlias()) .addArgument("key", key).addArgument("path", path); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE, "create"),; return collection; } catch (KeyLockedException | KeyNotFoundException | RegistryServiceException | NotificationServiceException | IdentifierAlreadyRegisteredException | AuthorisationServiceException | MembershipServiceException | IndexingServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during collection creation", e); ctx.setRollbackOnly(); throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to create collection into workspace [" + wskey + "] at path [" + path + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public Collection readCollection(String key) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "reading collection with key [" + key + "]"); try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier cidentifier = registry.lookup(key); checkObjectType(cidentifier, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE); authorisation.checkPermission(key, subjects, "read"); Collection collection = em.find(Collection.class, cidentifier.getId()); if (collection == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load collection with id [" + cidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } collection.setKey(key); return collection; } catch (MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | RegistryServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error while reading collection", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to read collection with key [" + key + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public String resolvePathFromCollection(String key, String path) throws KeyNotFoundException, CoreServiceException, AccessDeniedException, InvalidPathException, PathNotFoundException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "reading collection with key [" + key + "]"); try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier cidentifier = registry.lookup(key); checkObjectType(cidentifier, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE); Collection collection = em.find(Collection.class, cidentifier.getId()); if (collection == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load collection with id [" + cidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } collection.setKey(key); PathBuilder pathTarget = PathBuilder.fromPath(path); PathBuilder parentTarget = pathTarget.clone().parent(); Collection parent = readCollectionAtPath(key, parentTarget); String partTarget = pathTarget.part(); CollectionElement element = parent.findElementByName(partTarget); if (element == null) { throw new PathNotFoundException(path); } authorisation.checkPermission(element.getKey(), subjects, "read"); return element.getKey(); } catch (MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | RegistryServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error while reading collection", e); throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to resolve path " + path + " from collection with key [" + key + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void moveElements(String wskey, List<String> sources, String destination) throws PathAlreadyExistsException, PathNotFoundException, RegistryServiceException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException, CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException { if (!sources.isEmpty()) { try { String ppath = PathBuilder.fromPath(sources.get(0)).parent().build(); for (String source : sources) { String sppath = PathBuilder.fromPath(source).parent().build(); if (!ppath.equals(sppath)) { throw new InvalidPathException("unable to move elements from different collections"); } } String parentKey = resolveWorkspacePath(wskey, "head", ppath); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(parentKey); checkObjectType(identifier, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE); Collection collection = readCollection(parentKey); for (String source : sources) { CollectionElement collectionElement = collection .findElementByName(PathBuilder.fromPath(source).part()); switch (collectionElement.getType()) { case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: moveDataObject(wskey, source, destination + PathBuilder.PATH_SEPARATOR + collectionElement.getName()); break; case Collection.OBJECT_TYPE: moveCollection(wskey, source, destination + PathBuilder.PATH_SEPARATOR + collectionElement.getName()); break; case Link.OBJECT_TYPE: moveLink(wskey, source, destination + PathBuilder.PATH_SEPARATOR + collectionElement.getName()); } } } catch (AccessDeniedException | CoreServiceException | RegistryServiceException | WorkspaceReadOnlyException | InvalidPathException | PathNotFoundException | KeyNotFoundException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error while moving workspace elements", e); throw e; } catch (PathAlreadyExistsException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); throw e; } } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void deleteElements(String wskey, List<String> sources, boolean force) throws InvalidPathException, CoreServiceException, PathNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, KeyNotFoundException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException, CollectionNotEmptyException, RegistryServiceException { if (!sources.isEmpty()) { try { String ppath = PathBuilder.fromPath(sources.get(0)).parent().build(); for (String source : sources) { String sppath = PathBuilder.fromPath(source).parent().build(); if (!ppath.equals(sppath)) { throw new InvalidPathException("unable to delete elements from different collections"); } } String parentKey = resolveWorkspacePath(wskey, "head", ppath); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(parentKey); checkObjectType(identifier, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE); Collection collection = readCollection(parentKey); for (String source : sources) { CollectionElement collectionElement = collection .findElementByName(PathBuilder.fromPath(source).part()); switch (collectionElement.getType()) { case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: deleteDataObject(wskey, source); break; case Collection.OBJECT_TYPE: deleteCollection(wskey, source, force); } } } catch (InvalidPathException | CoreServiceException | PathNotFoundException | AccessDeniedException | KeyNotFoundException | WorkspaceReadOnlyException | RegistryServiceException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error while moving workspace elements", e); throw e; } catch (CollectionNotEmptyException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); throw e; } } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public Group addMember(String wskey, String member) throws CoreServiceException, AccessDeniedException, KeyNotFoundException, MembershipServiceException, NotificationServiceException { String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); Workspace workspace = readWorkspace(wskey); Group group = membership.addMemberInGroup(workspace.getMembers(), member); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder().addArgument("ws-alias", workspace.getAlias()) .addArgument("member", member); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType( CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, "notify-added-member"),; return group; } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public Collection moveCollection(String wskey, String source, String destination) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, PathNotFoundException, PathAlreadyExistsException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "moving collection into workspace [" + wskey + "] from path [" + source + "] to path [" + destination + "]"); try { PathBuilder spath = PathBuilder.fromPath(source); if (spath.isRoot()) { throw new InvalidPathException("unable to move the root collection"); } PathBuilder sppath = spath.clone().parent(); PathBuilder dpath = PathBuilder.fromPath(destination); if (dpath.isRoot()) { throw new InvalidPathException("unable to move to the root collection"); } PathBuilder dppath = dpath.clone().parent(); if (dpath.equals(spath)) { throw new InvalidPathException("unable to move into the same path"); } if (spath.isParent(dpath)) { throw new InvalidPathException("unable to move into a children of this path"); } String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkAuthentified(subjects); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] is authentified"); OrtolangObjectIdentifier wsidentifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(wsidentifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace with key [" + wskey + "] exists"); Workspace ws = em.find(Workspace.class, wsidentifier.getId()); if (ws == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + wsidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (applyReadOnly(caller, subjects, ws)) { throw new WorkspaceReadOnlyException( "unable to move collection in workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it is read only"); } ws.setKey(wskey); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace loaded"); authorisation.checkPermission(ws.getHead(), subjects, "update"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] has 'update' permission on the head collection of this workspace"); Collection sparent = loadCollectionAtPath(ws.getHead(), sppath, ws.getClock()); CollectionElement selement = sparent.findElementByName(spath.part()); if (selement == null) { throw new PathNotFoundException(; } LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "source collection element found for path " + + ", key: " + selement.getKey()); OrtolangObjectIdentifier scidentifier = registry.lookup(selement.getKey()); checkObjectType(scidentifier, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE); Collection scollection = em.find(Collection.class, scidentifier.getId()); if (scollection == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load source collection with id [" + scidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } scollection.setKey(selement.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "source collection exists and loaded from storage"); Collection dparent = loadCollectionAtPath(ws.getHead(), dppath, ws.getClock()); if (dparent.containsElementName(dpath.part())) { throw new PathAlreadyExistsException(; } sparent.removeElement(selement); em.merge(sparent); registry.update(sparent.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "parent [" + sparent.getKey() + "] has been updated"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "destination element does not exists, ok for creating it"); if (!dpath.part().equals(spath.part())) { if (scollection.getClock() < ws.getClock()) { scollection = cloneCollection(ws.getHead(), scollection, ws.getClock()); } scollection.setName(dpath.part()); em.merge(scollection); registry.update(scollection.getKey()); } dparent.addElement(new CollectionElement(Collection.OBJECT_TYPE, scollection.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, Collection.MIME_TYPE, scollection.getKey())); em.merge(dparent); registry.update(dparent.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "collection [" + scollection.getKey() + "] added to destination parent [" + dparent.getKey() + "]"); ws.setChanged(true); em.merge(ws); registry.update(ws.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace set changed"); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(5).addArgument("ws-alias", ws.getAlias()) .addArgument("key", scollection.getKey()).addArgument("okey", selement.getKey()) .addArgument("src-path","dest-path",; notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE, "move"),; return scollection; } catch (KeyLockedException | NotificationServiceException | RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | CloneException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error while moving collection", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to move collection into workspace [" + wskey + "] from path [" + source + "] to path [" + destination + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void deleteCollection(String workspace, String path) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, CollectionNotEmptyException, PathNotFoundException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { deleteCollection(workspace, path, false); } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void deleteCollection(String wskey, String path, boolean force) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, CollectionNotEmptyException, PathNotFoundException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "deleting collection into workspace [" + wskey + "] at path [" + path + "]"); try { PathBuilder npath = PathBuilder.fromPath(path); if (npath.isRoot()) { throw new InvalidPathException("unable to delete the root collection"); } PathBuilder ppath = npath.clone().parent(); String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkAuthentified(subjects); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] is authentified"); OrtolangObjectIdentifier wsidentifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(wsidentifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace with key [" + wskey + "] exists"); Workspace ws = em.find(Workspace.class, wsidentifier.getId()); if (ws == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + wsidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (applyReadOnly(caller, subjects, ws)) { throw new WorkspaceReadOnlyException("unable to delete collection in workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it is read only"); } ws.setKey(wskey); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace loaded"); authorisation.checkPermission(ws.getHead(), subjects, "delete"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] has 'delete' permission on the head collection of this workspace"); Collection parent = loadCollectionAtPath(ws.getHead(), ppath, ws.getClock()); CollectionElement element = parent.findElementByName(npath.part()); if (element == null) { throw new PathNotFoundException(; } LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "collection element found for path " + + ", key: " + element.getKey()); OrtolangObjectIdentifier cidentifier = registry.lookup(element.getKey()); checkObjectType(cidentifier, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE); Collection leaf = em.find(Collection.class, cidentifier.getId()); if (leaf == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load collection with id [" + cidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } leaf.setKey(element.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "collection exists and loaded from storage"); if (!leaf.isEmpty() && !force) { throw new CollectionNotEmptyException(path); } parent.removeElement(element); em.merge(parent); registry.update(parent.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "parent [" + parent.getKey() + "] has been updated"); ws.setChanged(true); em.merge(ws); registry.update(ws.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace set changed"); if (leaf.getClock() == ws.getClock()) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "leaf clock [" + leaf.getClock() + "] is the same than workspace, key can be deleted and unindexed"); for (MetadataElement mde : leaf.getMetadatas()) { registry.delete(mde.getKey()); } registry.delete(leaf.getKey()); indexing.remove(leaf.getKey()); } deleteCollectionContent(leaf, ws.getClock()); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(3).addArgument("ws-alias", ws.getAlias()) .addArgument("key", leaf.getKey()).addArgument("path",; notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE, "delete"),; } catch (KeyLockedException | NotificationServiceException | RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | IndexingServiceException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error while deleting collection", e); throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to delete collection into workspace [" + wskey + "] at path [" + path + "]", e); } } /* Data Objects */ @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public DataObject createDataObject(String workspace, String path, String hash) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, PathNotFoundException, PathAlreadyExistsException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException, KeyAlreadyExistsException { String key = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); try { return createDataObject(workspace, key, path, hash); } catch (KeyAlreadyExistsException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "the generated key already exists : " + key); throw e; } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public DataObject createDataObject(String wskey, String key, String path, String hash) throws CoreServiceException, KeyAlreadyExistsException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, PathNotFoundException, PathAlreadyExistsException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "create data object with key [" + key + "] into workspace [" + wskey + "] at path [" + path + "]"); try { PathBuilder npath = PathBuilder.fromPath(path); if (npath.isRoot()) { throw new InvalidPathException("forbidden to create an object at root level"); } PathBuilder ppath = npath.clone().parent(); String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkAuthentified(subjects); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] is authentified"); OrtolangObjectIdentifier wsidentifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(wsidentifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace with key [" + wskey + "] exists"); Workspace ws = em.find(Workspace.class, wsidentifier.getId()); if (ws == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + wsidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (applyReadOnly(caller, subjects, ws)) { throw new WorkspaceReadOnlyException("unable to create data object in workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it is read only"); } ws.setKey(wskey); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace loaded"); authorisation.checkPermission(ws.getHead(), subjects, "create"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] has 'create' permission on the head collection of this workspace"); Collection parent = loadCollectionAtPath(ws.getHead(), ppath, ws.getClock()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "parent collection loaded for path " +; if (parent.containsElementName(npath.part())) { throw new PathAlreadyExistsException(; } DataObject object = new DataObject(); object.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); object.setName(npath.part()); if (hash != null && hash.length() > 0) { object.setSize(binarystore.size(hash)); object.setMimeType(binarystore.type(hash, npath.part())); object.setStream(hash); } else { object.setSize(0); object.setMimeType("application/octet-stream"); object.setStream(""); } object.setClock(ws.getClock()); object.setKey(key); em.persist(object); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "object [" + key + "] created"); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put(WORKSPACE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY_KEY, wskey); registry.register(key, object.getObjectIdentifier(), caller, properties); indexing.index(key); authorisation.clonePolicy(key, ws.getHead()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "security policy cloned from head collection to key [" + key + "]"); parent.addElement(new CollectionElement(DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE, object.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), object.getSize(), object.getMimeType(), key)); em.merge(parent); registry.update(parent.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "object [" + key + "] added to parent [" + parent.getKey() + "]"); try { extraction.extract(object.getKey()); } catch (ExtractionServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } ws.setChanged(true); em.merge(ws); registry.update(ws.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace set changed"); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(5).addArgument("ws-alias", ws.getAlias()) .addArgument("key", key).addArgument("path", .addArgument("hash", object.getStream()).addArgument("mimetype", object.getMimeType()); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE, "create"),; return object; } catch (KeyLockedException | KeyNotFoundException | RegistryServiceException | NotificationServiceException | IdentifierAlreadyRegisteredException | AuthorisationServiceException | MembershipServiceException | BinaryStoreServiceException | DataNotFoundException | IndexingServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during object creation", e); ctx.setRollbackOnly(); throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to create object into workspace [" + wskey + "] at path [" + path + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public DataObject readDataObject(String key) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "reading object with key [" + key + "]"); try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(key); checkObjectType(identifier, DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE); authorisation.checkPermission(key, subjects, "read"); DataObject object = em.find(DataObject.class, identifier.getId()); if (object == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load object with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } object.setKey(key); return object; } catch (RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while reading object", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to read object with key [" + key + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public DataObject updateDataObject(String wskey, String path, String hash) throws CoreServiceException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, PathNotFoundException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "updating object into workspace [" + wskey + "] at path [" + path + "]"); try { PathBuilder npath = PathBuilder.fromPath(path); if (npath.isRoot()) { throw new InvalidPathException("path is empty"); } PathBuilder ppath = npath.clone().parent(); String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkAuthentified(subjects); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] is authentified"); OrtolangObjectIdentifier wsidentifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(wsidentifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace with key [" + wskey + "] exists"); Workspace ws = em.find(Workspace.class, wsidentifier.getId()); if (ws == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + wsidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (applyReadOnly(caller, subjects, ws)) { throw new WorkspaceReadOnlyException("unable to update data object in workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it is read only"); } ws.setKey(wskey); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace loaded"); authorisation.checkPermission(ws.getHead(), subjects, "update"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] has 'update' permission on the head collection of this workspace"); String current = resolveWorkspacePath(wskey, Workspace.HEAD,; OrtolangObjectIdentifier cidentifier = registry.lookup(current); checkObjectType(cidentifier, DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE); DataObject cobject = em.find(DataObject.class, cidentifier.getId()); if (cobject == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load object with id [" + cidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } cobject.setKey(current); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "current object loaded"); if (!hash.equals(cobject.getStream())) { Collection parent = loadCollectionAtPath(ws.getHead(), ppath, ws.getClock()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "parent collection loaded for path " +; CollectionElement element = parent.findElementByName(npath.part()); if (element == null) { throw new PathNotFoundException(; } LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "object element found for name " + npath.part()); if (!element.getType().equals(DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE)) { throw new InvalidPathException("path [" + + "] is not a data object"); } OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(element.getKey()); checkObjectType(identifier, DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE); DataObject object = em.find(DataObject.class, identifier.getId()); if (object == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load object with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } object.setKey(element.getKey()); if (object.getClock() < ws.getClock()) { DataObject clone = cloneDataObject(ws.getHead(), object, ws.getClock()); object = clone; } if (hash.length() > 0) { object.setSize(binarystore.size(hash)); object.setMimeType(binarystore.type(hash, object.getName())); object.setStream(hash); } else { object.setSize(0); object.setMimeType("application/octet-stream"); object.setStream(""); } parent.removeElement(element); CollectionElement celement = new CollectionElement(DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE, object.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), object.getSize(), object.getMimeType(), object.getKey()); parent.addElement(celement); em.merge(parent); em.merge(object); registry.update(parent.getKey()); registry.update(object.getKey()); indexing.index(object.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "object updated"); try { extraction.extract(object.getKey()); } catch (ExtractionServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } ws.setChanged(true); em.merge(ws); registry.update(ws.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace set changed"); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(6).addArgument("ws-alias", ws.getAlias()) .addArgument("key", object.getKey()).addArgument("okey", element.getKey()) .addArgument("path","hash", object.getStream()) .addArgument("mimetype", object.getMimeType()); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE, "update"),; return object; } else { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "no changes detected with current object, nothing to do"); return cobject; } } catch (KeyLockedException | KeyNotFoundException | RegistryServiceException | NotificationServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | MembershipServiceException | BinaryStoreServiceException | DataNotFoundException | CloneException | IndexingServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while reading object", e); throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to read object into workspace [" + wskey + "] at path [" + path + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public DataObject moveDataObject(String wskey, String source, String destination) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, PathNotFoundException, PathAlreadyExistsException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "moving object into workspace [" + wskey + "] from path [" + source + "] to path [" + destination + "]"); try { PathBuilder spath = PathBuilder.fromPath(source); if (spath.isRoot()) { throw new InvalidPathException("path is empty"); } PathBuilder sppath = spath.clone().parent(); PathBuilder dpath = PathBuilder.fromPath(destination); if (dpath.isRoot()) { throw new InvalidPathException("path is empty"); } PathBuilder dppath = dpath.clone().parent(); if (dpath.equals(spath)) { throw new InvalidPathException("unable to move into the same path"); } if (spath.isParent(dpath)) { throw new InvalidPathException("unable to move into a children of this path"); } String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkAuthentified(subjects); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] is authentified"); OrtolangObjectIdentifier wsidentifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(wsidentifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace with key [" + wskey + "] exists"); Workspace ws = em.find(Workspace.class, wsidentifier.getId()); if (ws == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + wsidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (applyReadOnly(caller, subjects, ws)) { throw new WorkspaceReadOnlyException( "unable to move data object in workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it is read only"); } ws.setKey(wskey); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace loaded"); authorisation.checkPermission(ws.getHead(), subjects, "update"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] has 'update' permission on the head collection of this workspace"); Collection sparent = loadCollectionAtPath(ws.getHead(), sppath, ws.getClock()); CollectionElement selement = sparent.findElementByName(spath.part()); if (selement == null) { throw new PathNotFoundException(; } LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "source object element found for name " + spath.part()); OrtolangObjectIdentifier soidentifier = registry.lookup(selement.getKey()); checkObjectType(soidentifier, DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE); DataObject sobject = em.find(DataObject.class, soidentifier.getId()); if (sobject == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load source object with id [" + soidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } sobject.setKey(selement.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "source object exists and loaded from storage"); Collection dparent = loadCollectionAtPath(ws.getHead(), dppath, ws.getClock()); if (dparent.containsElementName(dpath.part())) { throw new PathAlreadyExistsException(; } sparent.removeElement(selement); em.merge(sparent); registry.update(sparent.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "parent [" + sparent.getKey() + "] has been updated"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "destination element does not exists, creating it"); if (!dpath.part().equals(spath.part())) { if (sobject.getClock() < ws.getClock()) { sobject = cloneDataObject(ws.getHead(), sobject, ws.getClock()); } sobject.setName(dpath.part()); em.merge(sobject); registry.update(sobject.getKey()); } dparent.addElement(new CollectionElement(DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE, sobject.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), sobject.getSize(), sobject.getMimeType(), sobject.getKey())); em.merge(dparent); registry.update(dparent.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "object [" + sobject.getKey() + "] added to destination parent [" + dparent.getKey() + "]"); ws.setChanged(true); em.merge(ws); registry.update(ws.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace set changed"); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(5).addArgument("ws-alias", ws.getAlias()) .addArgument("key", sobject.getKey()).addArgument("okey", selement.getKey()) .addArgument("src-path","dest-path",; notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE, "move"),; return sobject; } catch (KeyLockedException | NotificationServiceException | RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | CloneException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error while moving object", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to move object into workspace [" + wskey + "] from path [" + source + "] to path [" + destination + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void deleteDataObject(String wskey, String path) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, PathNotFoundException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "deleting object into workspace [" + wskey + "] at path [" + path + "]"); try { PathBuilder npath = PathBuilder.fromPath(path); if (npath.isRoot()) { throw new InvalidPathException("path is empty"); } PathBuilder ppath = npath.clone().parent(); String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkAuthentified(subjects); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] is authentified"); OrtolangObjectIdentifier wsidentifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(wsidentifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace with key [" + wskey + "] exists"); Workspace ws = em.find(Workspace.class, wsidentifier.getId()); if (ws == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + wsidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (applyReadOnly(caller, subjects, ws)) { throw new WorkspaceReadOnlyException("unable to delete data object in workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it is read only"); } ws.setKey(wskey); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace loaded"); authorisation.checkPermission(ws.getHead(), subjects, "delete"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] has 'delete' permission on the head collection of this workspace"); Collection parent = loadCollectionAtPath(ws.getHead(), ppath, ws.getClock()); CollectionElement element = parent.findElementByName(npath.part()); if (element == null) { throw new PathNotFoundException(; } LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "object element found for path " + + ", key: " + element.getKey()); OrtolangObjectIdentifier oidentifier = registry.lookup(element.getKey()); checkObjectType(oidentifier, DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE); DataObject leaf = em.find(DataObject.class, oidentifier.getId()); if (leaf == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load object with id [" + oidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } leaf.setKey(element.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "object exists and loaded from storage"); parent.removeElement(element); em.merge(parent); registry.update(parent.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "parent [" + parent.getKey() + "] has been updated"); ws.setChanged(true); em.merge(ws); registry.update(ws.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace set changed"); if (leaf.getClock() == ws.getClock()) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "leaf clock [" + leaf.getClock() + "] is the same than workspace, key can be deleted and unindexed"); for (MetadataElement mde : leaf.getMetadatas()) { registry.delete(mde.getKey()); } registry.delete(leaf.getKey()); indexing.remove(leaf.getKey()); } ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(3).addArgument("ws-alias", ws.getAlias()) .addArgument("key", leaf.getKey()).addArgument("path",; notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE, "delete"),; } catch (KeyLockedException | NotificationServiceException | RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | IndexingServiceException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error while deleting object", e); throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to delete object into workspace [" + wskey + "] at path [" + path + "]", e); } } /* Link */ @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public Link createLink(String workspace, String path, String target) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, PathNotFoundException, PathAlreadyExistsException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException, KeyAlreadyExistsException { String key = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); try { return createLink(workspace, key, path, target); } catch (KeyAlreadyExistsException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "the generated key already exists : " + key); throw e; } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public Link createLink(String wskey, String key, String path, String target) throws CoreServiceException, KeyAlreadyExistsException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, PathNotFoundException, PathAlreadyExistsException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "create link with key [" + key + "] into workspace [" + wskey + "] at path [" + path + "]"); try { PathBuilder npath = PathBuilder.fromPath(path); if (npath.isRoot()) { throw new InvalidPathException("path is empty"); } PathBuilder ppath = npath.clone().parent(); String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkAuthentified(subjects); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] is authentified"); authorisation.checkPermission(target, subjects, "read"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] has 'read' permissions on the target"); OrtolangObjectIdentifier wsidentifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(wsidentifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace with key [" + wskey + "] exists"); Workspace ws = em.find(Workspace.class, wsidentifier.getId()); if (ws == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + wsidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (applyReadOnly(caller, subjects, ws)) { throw new WorkspaceReadOnlyException( "unable to create link in workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it is read only"); } ws.setKey(wskey); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace loaded"); authorisation.checkPermission(ws.getHead(), subjects, "create"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] has 'create' permission on the head collection of this workspace"); Collection parent = loadCollectionAtPath(ws.getHead(), ppath, ws.getClock()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "parent collection loaded for path " +; if (parent.containsElementName(npath.part())) { throw new PathAlreadyExistsException(; } String ntarget = PathBuilder.fromPath(target).build(); Link link = new Link(); link.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); link.setKey(key); link.setName(npath.part()); link.setClock(ws.getClock()); link.setTarget(ntarget); em.persist(link); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put(WORKSPACE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY_KEY, wskey); registry.register(key, link.getObjectIdentifier(), caller, properties); indexing.index(key); authorisation.clonePolicy(key, ws.getHead()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "security policy cloned from head collection to key [" + key + "]"); parent.addElement(new CollectionElement(Link.OBJECT_TYPE, link.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, Link.MIME_TYPE, key)); em.merge(parent); registry.update(parent.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "link [" + key + "] added to parent [" + parent.getKey() + "]"); ws.setChanged(true); em.merge(ws); registry.update(ws.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace set changed"); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(3).addArgument("ws-alias", ws.getAlias()) .addArgument("key", key).addArgument("path",; notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Link.OBJECT_TYPE, "create"),; return link; } catch (KeyLockedException | KeyNotFoundException | RegistryServiceException | NotificationServiceException | IdentifierAlreadyRegisteredException | AuthorisationServiceException | MembershipServiceException | IndexingServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during link creation", e); ctx.setRollbackOnly(); throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to create link into workspace [" + wskey + "] at path [" + path + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public Link readLink(String key) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "reading link with key [" + key + "]"); try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(key); checkObjectType(identifier, Link.OBJECT_TYPE); authorisation.checkPermission(key, subjects, "read"); Link link = em.find(Link.class, identifier.getId()); if (link == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load link with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } link.setKey(key); return link; } catch (RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while reading link", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to read link with key [" + key + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public Link updateLink(String wskey, String path, String target) throws CoreServiceException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, PathNotFoundException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "updating link into workspace [" + wskey + "] at path [" + path + "]"); try { PathBuilder npath = PathBuilder.fromPath(path); if (npath.isRoot()) { throw new InvalidPathException("path is empty"); } PathBuilder ppath = npath.clone().parent(); String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkAuthentified(subjects); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] is authentified"); OrtolangObjectIdentifier wsidentifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(wsidentifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace with key [" + wskey + "] exists"); Workspace ws = em.find(Workspace.class, wsidentifier.getId()); if (ws == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + wsidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (applyReadOnly(caller, subjects, ws)) { throw new WorkspaceReadOnlyException( "unable to update link in workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it is read only"); } ws.setKey(wskey); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace loaded"); authorisation.checkPermission(ws.getHead(), subjects, "update"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] has 'update' permission on the head collection of this workspace"); String current = resolveWorkspacePath(wskey, Workspace.HEAD,; OrtolangObjectIdentifier cidentifier = registry.lookup(current); checkObjectType(cidentifier, Link.OBJECT_TYPE); Link clink = em.find(Link.class, cidentifier.getId()); if (clink == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load link with id [" + cidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } clink.setKey(current); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "current link loaded"); String ntarget = PathBuilder.fromPath(target).build(); if (!ntarget.equals(clink.getTarget())) { Collection parent = loadCollectionAtPath(ws.getHead(), ppath, ws.getClock()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "parent collection loaded for path " +; CollectionElement element = parent.findElementByName(npath.part()); if (element == null) { throw new PathNotFoundException(; } LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "link element found for name " + npath.part()); if (!element.getType().equals(Link.OBJECT_TYPE)) { throw new InvalidPathException("path [" + + "] is not a link"); } OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(element.getKey()); checkObjectType(identifier, Link.OBJECT_TYPE); Link link = em.find(Link.class, identifier.getId()); if (link == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load link with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } link.setKey(element.getKey()); link.setTarget(ntarget); if (link.getClock() < ws.getClock()) { Link clone = cloneLink(ws.getHead(), link, ws.getClock()); parent.removeElement(element); CollectionElement celement = new CollectionElement(Link.OBJECT_TYPE, clone.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, Link.MIME_TYPE, clone.getKey()); parent.addElement(celement); link = clone; } em.merge(parent); em.merge(link); registry.update(parent.getKey()); registry.update(link.getKey()); indexing.index(link.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "link updated"); ws.setChanged(true); em.merge(ws); registry.update(ws.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace set changed"); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(4).addArgument("ws-alias", ws.getAlias()) .addArgument("key", link.getKey()).addArgument("okey", element.getKey()) .addArgument("path",; notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Link.OBJECT_TYPE, "update"),; return link; } else { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "no changes detected with current link, nothing to do"); return clink; } } catch (KeyLockedException | KeyNotFoundException | RegistryServiceException | NotificationServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | MembershipServiceException | CloneException | IndexingServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while updating link", e); throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to update link into workspace [" + wskey + "] at path [" + path + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public Link moveLink(String wskey, String source, String destination) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, PathNotFoundException, PathAlreadyExistsException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "moving link into workspace [" + wskey + "] from path [" + source + "] to path [" + destination + "]"); try { PathBuilder spath = PathBuilder.fromPath(source); if (spath.isRoot()) { throw new InvalidPathException("path is empty"); } PathBuilder sppath = spath.clone().parent(); PathBuilder dpath = PathBuilder.fromPath(destination); if (dpath.isRoot()) { throw new InvalidPathException("path is empty"); } PathBuilder dppath = dpath.clone().parent(); if (dpath.equals(spath)) { throw new InvalidPathException("unable to move into the same path"); } if (spath.isParent(dpath)) { throw new InvalidPathException("unable to move into a children of this path"); } String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkAuthentified(subjects); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] is authentified"); OrtolangObjectIdentifier wsidentifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(wsidentifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace with key [" + wskey + "] exists"); Workspace ws = em.find(Workspace.class, wsidentifier.getId()); if (ws == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + wsidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (applyReadOnly(caller, subjects, ws)) { throw new WorkspaceReadOnlyException( "unable to move link in workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it is read only"); } ws.setKey(wskey); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace loaded"); authorisation.checkPermission(ws.getHead(), subjects, "update"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] has 'update' permission on the head collection of this workspace"); Collection sparent = loadCollectionAtPath(ws.getHead(), sppath, ws.getClock()); CollectionElement selement = sparent.findElementByName(spath.part()); if (selement == null) { throw new PathNotFoundException(; } LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "source link element found for name " + spath.part()); OrtolangObjectIdentifier slidentifier = registry.lookup(selement.getKey()); checkObjectType(slidentifier, Link.OBJECT_TYPE); Link slink = em.find(Link.class, slidentifier.getId()); if (slink == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load source link with id [" + slidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } slink.setKey(selement.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "source link exists and loaded from storage"); Collection dparent = loadCollectionAtPath(ws.getHead(), dppath, ws.getClock()); if (dparent.containsElementName(dpath.part())) { throw new PathAlreadyExistsException(; } sparent.removeElement(selement); em.merge(sparent); registry.update(sparent.getKey()); indexing.index(sparent.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "parent [" + sparent.getKey() + "] has been updated"); if (!dpath.part().equals(spath.part())) { if (slink.getClock() < ws.getClock()) { slink = cloneLink(ws.getHead(), slink, ws.getClock()); } slink.setName(dpath.part()); em.merge(slink); registry.update(slink.getKey()); indexing.index(slink.getKey()); } dparent.addElement(new CollectionElement(Link.OBJECT_TYPE, slink.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, Link.MIME_TYPE, slink.getKey())); em.merge(dparent); registry.update(dparent.getKey()); indexing.index(dparent.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "link [" + slink.getKey() + "] added to destination parent [" + dparent.getKey() + "]"); ws.setChanged(true); em.merge(ws); registry.update(ws.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace set changed"); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(5).addArgument("ws-alias", ws.getAlias()) .addArgument("key", slink.getKey()).addArgument("okey", selement.getKey()) .addArgument("src-path","dest-path",; notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Link.OBJECT_TYPE, "move"),; return slink; } catch (KeyLockedException | NotificationServiceException | RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | CloneException | IndexingServiceException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error while moving link", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to move link into workspace [" + wskey + "] from path [" + source + "] to path [" + destination + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void deleteLink(String wskey, String path) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, PathNotFoundException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "deleting link into workspace [" + wskey + "] at path [" + path + "]"); try { PathBuilder npath = PathBuilder.fromPath(path); if (npath.isRoot()) { throw new InvalidPathException("path is empty"); } PathBuilder ppath = npath.clone().parent(); String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkAuthentified(subjects); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] is authentified"); OrtolangObjectIdentifier wsidentifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(wsidentifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace with key [" + wskey + "] exists"); Workspace ws = em.find(Workspace.class, wsidentifier.getId()); if (ws == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + wsidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (applyReadOnly(caller, subjects, ws)) { throw new WorkspaceReadOnlyException( "unable to delete link in workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it is read only"); } ws.setKey(wskey); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace loaded"); authorisation.checkPermission(ws.getHead(), subjects, "delete"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] has 'delete' permission on the head collection of this workspace"); Collection parent = loadCollectionAtPath(ws.getHead(), ppath, ws.getClock()); CollectionElement element = parent.findElementByName(npath.part()); if (element == null) { throw new PathNotFoundException(; } LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "link element found for name " + npath.part()); OrtolangObjectIdentifier lidentifier = registry.lookup(element.getKey()); checkObjectType(lidentifier, Link.OBJECT_TYPE); Link leaf = em.find(Link.class, lidentifier.getId()); if (leaf == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load link with id [" + lidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } leaf.setKey(element.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "link exists and loaded from storage"); parent.removeElement(element); em.merge(parent); registry.update(parent.getKey()); indexing.index(parent.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "parent [" + parent.getKey() + "] has been updated"); ws.setChanged(true); em.merge(ws); registry.update(ws.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace set changed"); if (leaf.getClock() == ws.getClock()) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "leaf clock [" + leaf.getClock() + "] is the same than workspace, key can be deleted and unindexed"); for (MetadataElement mde : leaf.getMetadatas()) { registry.delete(mde.getKey()); } registry.delete(leaf.getKey()); indexing.remove(leaf.getKey()); } ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(3).addArgument("ws-alias", ws.getAlias()) .addArgument("key", leaf.getKey()).addArgument("path",; notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Link.OBJECT_TYPE, "delete"),; } catch (KeyLockedException | NotificationServiceException | RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | IndexingServiceException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error while deleting link", e); throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to delete link into workspace [" + wskey + "] at path [" + path + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public List<String> findLinksForTarget(String target) throws CoreServiceException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "finding links for target [" + target + "]"); try { TypedQuery<Link> query = em.createNamedQuery("findLinksForTarget", Link.class).setParameter("target", target); List<Link> links = query.getResultList(); List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Link link : links) { String key = registry.lookup(link.getObjectIdentifier()); results.add(key); } return results; } catch (RegistryServiceException | IdentifierNotRegisteredException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during finding links for target", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to find link for target [" + target + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public String resolveLinkTarget(String target) throws CoreServiceException, InvalidPathException, PathNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, AliasNotFoundException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "resolving link target [" + target + "]"); PathBuilder tpath = PathBuilder.fromPath(target); String[] tparts = tpath.buildParts(); if (tparts.length < 2) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to resolve target, path must contains at least an alias and a version"); } String wskey = resolveWorkspaceAlias(tparts[0]); String root = tparts[1]; String path = tpath.relativize(2).build(); if (root.equals(Workspace.HEAD) || root.equals(Workspace.LATEST)) { throw new CoreServiceException("unable to resolve target due to " + Workspace.HEAD + " or " + Workspace.LATEST + " version reference"); } return resolveWorkspacePath(wskey, root, path); } /* Metadatas */ @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public MetadataObject createMetadataObject(String workspace, String path, String name, String hash, String filename, boolean purgeChildren) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, MetadataFormatException, PathNotFoundException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException, KeyAlreadyExistsException { String key = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); try { return createMetadataObject(workspace, key, path, name, hash, filename, purgeChildren); } catch (KeyAlreadyExistsException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "the generated key already exists : " + key); throw e; } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public MetadataObject createMetadataObject(String wskey, String key, String path, String name, String hash, String filename, boolean purgeChildren) throws CoreServiceException, KeyAlreadyExistsException, InvalidPathException, MetadataFormatException, PathNotFoundException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "create metadataobject with key [" + key + "] into workspace [" + wskey + "] for path [" + path + "] with name [" + name + "]"); try { PathBuilder npath = PathBuilder.fromPath(path); PathBuilder ppath = npath.clone().parent(); String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkAuthentified(subjects); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] is authentified"); OrtolangObjectIdentifier wsidentifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(wsidentifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace with key [" + wskey + "] exists"); Workspace ws = em.find(Workspace.class, wsidentifier.getId()); if (ws == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + wsidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (applyReadOnly(caller, subjects, ws)) { throw new WorkspaceReadOnlyException("unable to create metadata object in workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it is read only"); } ws.setKey(wskey); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace loaded"); authorisation.checkPermission(ws.getHead(), subjects, "create"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] has 'create' permission on the head collection of this workspace"); String tkey; Collection parent = null; CollectionElement element = null; if (npath.isRoot()) { tkey = ws.getHead(); } else { parent = loadCollectionAtPath(ws.getHead(), ppath, ws.getClock()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "parent collection loaded for path " +; element = parent.findElementByName(npath.part()); if (element == null) { throw new PathNotFoundException(; } LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "collection element found for name " + npath.part()); tkey = element.getKey(); } OrtolangObjectIdentifier tidentifier = registry.lookup(tkey); if (!tidentifier.getType().equals(Link.OBJECT_TYPE) && !tidentifier.getType().equals(Collection.OBJECT_TYPE) && !tidentifier.getType().equals(DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE)) { throw new CoreServiceException("metadata target can only be a Link, a DataObject or a Collection."); } MetadataObject meta = new MetadataObject(); meta.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); meta.setName(name); MetadataFormat format = getMetadataFormat(name); if (format == null) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to find a metadata format for name: " + name); throw new CoreServiceException("unknown metadata format for name: " + name); } if (hash != null && hash.length() > 0) { if (format.isValidationNeeded()) { validateMetadata(hash, format); } meta.setSize(binarystore.size(hash)); if (filename != null) { meta.setContentType(binarystore.type(hash, filename)); } else { meta.setContentType(binarystore.type(hash)); } meta.setStream(hash); } else { meta.setSize(0); meta.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); meta.setStream(""); } meta.setFormat(format.getId()); meta.setTarget(tkey); meta.setKey(key); em.persist(meta); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put(WORKSPACE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY_KEY, wskey); registry.register(key, meta.getObjectIdentifier(), caller, properties); authorisation.clonePolicy(key, ws.getHead()); switch (tidentifier.getType()) { case Collection.OBJECT_TYPE: Collection collection = em.find(Collection.class, tidentifier.getId()); if (collection == null) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load collection with id [" + tidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } collection.setKey(tkey); for (MetadataElement mde : collection.getMetadatas()) { if (mde.getName().equals(name)) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); throw new CoreServiceException("a metadata object with name [" + name + "] already exists for collection at path [" + + "]"); } } if (collection.getClock() < ws.getClock()) { Collection clone = cloneCollection(ws.getHead(), collection, ws.getClock()); tkey = clone.getKey(); meta.setTarget(tkey); if (parent != null) { parent.removeElement(element); parent.addElement(new CollectionElement(Collection.OBJECT_TYPE, clone.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, Collection.MIME_TYPE, clone.getKey())); em.merge(parent); registry.update(parent.getKey()); } collection = clone; } collection.addMetadata(new MetadataElement(name, key)); em.merge(collection); if (purgeChildren) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Purging children metadata"); purgeChildrenMetadata(collection, wskey, path, name); } break; case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: DataObject object = em.find(DataObject.class, tidentifier.getId()); if (object == null) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load object with id [" + tidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } object.setKey(tkey); for (MetadataElement mde : object.getMetadatas()) { if (mde.getName().equals(name)) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); throw new CoreServiceException("a metadata object with name [" + name + "] already exists for object at path [" + + "]"); } } if (object.getClock() < ws.getClock()) { DataObject clone = cloneDataObject(ws.getHead(), object, ws.getClock()); tkey = clone.getKey(); meta.setTarget(tkey); if (parent == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("An object should have a parent"); } parent.removeElement(element); parent.addElement(new CollectionElement(DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE, clone.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), clone.getSize(), clone.getMimeType(), clone.getKey())); em.merge(parent); registry.update(parent.getKey()); object = clone; } object.addMetadata(new MetadataElement(name, key)); em.merge(object); break; case Link.OBJECT_TYPE: Link link = em.find(Link.class, tidentifier.getId()); if (link == null) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load link with id [" + tidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } link.setKey(tkey); for (MetadataElement mde : link.getMetadatas()) { if (mde.getName().equals(name)) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); throw new CoreServiceException("a metadata object with name [" + name + "] already exists for link at path [" + + "]"); } } if (link.getClock() < ws.getClock()) { Link clone = cloneLink(ws.getHead(), link, ws.getClock()); tkey = clone.getKey(); meta.setTarget(tkey); if (parent == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("A link should have a parent"); } parent.removeElement(element); parent.addElement(new CollectionElement(Link.OBJECT_TYPE, clone.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, Link.MIME_TYPE, clone.getKey())); em.merge(parent); registry.update(parent.getKey()); link = clone; } link.addMetadata(new MetadataElement(name, key)); em.merge(link); break; } em.merge(meta); indexing.index(tkey); ws.setChanged(true); em.merge(ws); registry.update(ws.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace set changed"); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(5).addArgument("ws-alias", ws.getAlias()) .addArgument("key", key).addArgument("tkey", tkey).addArgument("path", .addArgument("name", name); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, MetadataObject.OBJECT_TYPE, "create"),; return meta; } catch (KeyLockedException | KeyNotFoundException | RegistryServiceException | NotificationServiceException | IdentifierAlreadyRegisteredException | AuthorisationServiceException | MembershipServiceException | BinaryStoreServiceException | DataNotFoundException | CloneException | IndexingServiceException | OrtolangException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during metadata creation", e); throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to create metadata into workspace [" + wskey + "] for path [" + path + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public MetadataObject readMetadataObject(String key) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "reading metadata for key [" + key + "]"); try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkPermission(key, subjects, "read"); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(key); checkObjectType(identifier, MetadataObject.OBJECT_TYPE); MetadataObject meta = em.find(MetadataObject.class, identifier.getId()); if (meta == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load metadata with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } meta.setKey(key); return meta; } catch (RegistryServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | MembershipServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during reading metadata", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to read metadata with key [" + key + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public MetadataObject updateMetadataObject(String wskey, String path, String name, String hash, String filename, boolean purgeChildren) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, InvalidPathException, AccessDeniedException, MetadataFormatException, PathNotFoundException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { return updateMetadataObject(wskey, path, name, hash, filename, purgeChildren, null); } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public MetadataObject updateMetadataObject(String wskey, String path, String name, String hash, String filename, boolean purgeChildren, String format) throws CoreServiceException, InvalidPathException, MetadataFormatException, PathNotFoundException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "updating metadata content into workspace [" + wskey + "] for path [" + path + "] and name [" + name + "]"); try { PathBuilder npath = PathBuilder.fromPath(path); PathBuilder ppath = npath.clone().parent(); String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkAuthentified(subjects); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] is authentified"); OrtolangObjectIdentifier wsidentifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(wsidentifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace with key [" + wskey + "] exists"); Workspace ws = em.find(Workspace.class, wsidentifier.getId()); if (ws == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + wsidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (applyReadOnly(caller, subjects, ws)) { throw new WorkspaceReadOnlyException("unable to update metadata object in workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it is read only"); } ws.setKey(wskey); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace loaded"); authorisation.checkPermission(ws.getHead(), subjects, "update"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] has 'update' permission on the head collection of this workspace"); String current = resolveWorkspacePath(wskey, Workspace.HEAD,; OrtolangObjectIdentifier ctidentifier = registry.lookup(current); if (!ctidentifier.getType().equals(Link.OBJECT_TYPE) && !ctidentifier.getType().equals(Collection.OBJECT_TYPE) && !ctidentifier.getType().equals(DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE)) { throw new CoreServiceException("metadata target can only be a Link, a DataObject or a Collection."); } MetadataElement cmdelement = null; switch (ctidentifier.getType()) { case Collection.OBJECT_TYPE: Collection collection = em.find(Collection.class, ctidentifier.getId()); if (collection == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load collection with id [" + ctidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (collection.findMetadataByName(name) == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("a metadata object with name [" + name + "] does not exists for collection at path [" + + "]"); } cmdelement = collection.findMetadataByName(name); break; case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: DataObject object = em.find(DataObject.class, ctidentifier.getId()); if (object == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load object with id [" + ctidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (object.findMetadataByName(name) == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("a metadata object with name [" + name + "] does not exists for object at path [" + + "]"); } cmdelement = object.findMetadataByName(name); break; case Link.OBJECT_TYPE: Link link = em.find(Link.class, ctidentifier.getId()); if (link == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load link with id [" + ctidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (link.findMetadataByName(name) == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("a metadata object with name [" + name + "] does not exists for link at path [" + + "]"); } cmdelement = link.findMetadataByName(name); break; } if (cmdelement == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("unable to find current metadata target into workspace [" + wskey + "] for path [" + + "] and name [" + name + "]"); } OrtolangObjectIdentifier cidentifier = registry.lookup(cmdelement.getKey()); checkObjectType(cidentifier, MetadataObject.OBJECT_TYPE); MetadataObject cmeta = em.find(MetadataObject.class, cidentifier.getId()); if (cmeta == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load metadata with id [" + cidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (!cmeta.getStream().equals(hash)) { String tkey = ws.getHead(); Collection parent = null; CollectionElement element = null; if (!npath.isRoot()) { parent = loadCollectionAtPath(ws.getHead(), ppath, ws.getClock()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "parent collection loaded for path " +; element = parent.findElementByName(npath.part()); if (element == null) { throw new PathNotFoundException(; } LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "collection element found for name " + npath.part()); tkey = element.getKey(); } OrtolangObjectIdentifier tidentifier = registry.lookup(tkey); if (!tidentifier.getType().equals(Link.OBJECT_TYPE) && !tidentifier.getType().equals(Collection.OBJECT_TYPE) && !tidentifier.getType().equals(DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE)) { throw new CoreServiceException( "metadata target can only be a Link, a DataObject or a Collection."); } MetadataElement mdelement = null; Collection collection = null; switch (tidentifier.getType()) { case Collection.OBJECT_TYPE: collection = em.find(Collection.class, tidentifier.getId()); if (collection == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load collection with id [" + tidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } collection.setKey(tkey); if (collection.findMetadataByName(name) == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("a metadata object with name [" + name + "] does not exists for collection at path [" + + "]"); } if (collection.getClock() < ws.getClock()) { Collection clone = cloneCollection(ws.getHead(), collection, ws.getClock()); tkey = clone.getKey(); if (parent != null) { parent.removeElement(element); parent.addElement(new CollectionElement(Collection.OBJECT_TYPE, clone.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, Collection.MIME_TYPE, clone.getKey())); } collection = clone; } mdelement = collection.findMetadataByName(name); break; case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: DataObject object = em.find(DataObject.class, tidentifier.getId()); if (object == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load object with id [" + tidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } object.setKey(tkey); if (object.findMetadataByName(name) == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("a metadata object with name [" + name + "] does not exists for object at path [" + + "]"); } if (object.getClock() < ws.getClock()) { DataObject clone = cloneDataObject(ws.getHead(), object, ws.getClock()); tkey = clone.getKey(); if (parent == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("An object should have a parent"); } parent.removeElement(element); parent.addElement(new CollectionElement(DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE, clone.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), clone.getSize(), clone.getMimeType(), clone.getKey())); object = clone; } mdelement = object.findMetadataByName(name); break; case Link.OBJECT_TYPE: Link link = em.find(Link.class, tidentifier.getId()); if (link == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load link with id [" + tidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } link.setKey(tkey); if (link.findMetadataByName(name) == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("a metadata object with name [" + name + "] does not exists for link at path [" + + "]"); } if (link.getClock() < ws.getClock()) { Link clone = cloneLink(ws.getHead(), link, ws.getClock()); tkey = clone.getKey(); if (parent == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("A link should have a parent"); } parent.removeElement(element); parent.addElement(new CollectionElement(Link.OBJECT_TYPE, clone.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, Link.MIME_TYPE, clone.getKey())); link = clone; } mdelement = link.findMetadataByName(name); break; } if (mdelement == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("unable to find metadata object into workspace [" + wskey + "] for path [" + + "] and name [" + name + "]"); } OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(mdelement.getKey()); checkObjectType(identifier, MetadataObject.OBJECT_TYPE); MetadataObject meta = em.find(MetadataObject.class, identifier.getId()); if (meta == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load metadata with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } meta.setKey(mdelement.getKey()); if (hash != null && hash.length() > 0) { if (filename != null) { meta.setContentType(binarystore.type(hash, filename)); } else { meta.setContentType(binarystore.type(hash)); } if (format != null) { meta.setFormat(format); } MetadataFormat metadataFormat = findMetadataFormatById(meta.getFormat()); if (metadataFormat == null) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to find a metadata format for name: " + name); throw new CoreServiceException("unknown metadata format for name: " + name); } if (metadataFormat.isValidationNeeded()) { validateMetadata(hash, metadataFormat); } meta.setSize(binarystore.size(hash)); meta.setStream(hash); meta.setTarget(tkey); } else { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to update a metadata with an empty content (hash is null)"); } em.merge(meta); registry.update(mdelement.getKey()); indexing.index(tkey); if (collection != null && purgeChildren) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Purging children metadata"); purgeChildrenMetadata(collection, wskey, path, name); } ws.setChanged(true); em.merge(ws); registry.update(ws.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace set changed"); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(5).addArgument("ws-alias", ws.getAlias()) .addArgument("key", mdelement.getKey()).addArgument("tkey", tkey) .addArgument("path","name", name); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType( CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, MetadataObject.OBJECT_TYPE, "update"),; return meta; } else { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "no changes detected with current metadata object, nothing to do"); return cmeta; } } catch (KeyLockedException | KeyNotFoundException | RegistryServiceException | NotificationServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | MembershipServiceException | BinaryStoreServiceException | DataNotFoundException | CloneException | IndexingServiceException | OrtolangException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during metadata creation", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to create metadata into workspace [" + wskey + "] for path [" + path + "] and name [" + name + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void deleteMetadataObject(String wskey, String path, String name, boolean recursive) throws CoreServiceException, InvalidPathException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException, PathNotFoundException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "deleting metadataobject into workspace [" + wskey + "] for path [" + path + "] with name [" + name + "]"); try { PathBuilder npath = PathBuilder.fromPath(path); PathBuilder ppath = npath.clone().parent(); String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkAuthentified(subjects); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] is authentified"); OrtolangObjectIdentifier wsidentifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(wsidentifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace with key [" + wskey + "] exists"); Workspace ws = em.find(Workspace.class, wsidentifier.getId()); if (ws == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + wsidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (applyReadOnly(caller, subjects, ws)) { throw new WorkspaceReadOnlyException("unable to delete meta data object in workspace with key [" + wskey + "] because it is read only"); } ws.setKey(wskey); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace loaded"); authorisation.checkPermission(ws.getHead(), subjects, "delete"); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "user [" + caller + "] has 'create' permission on the head collection of this workspace"); String current = resolveWorkspacePath(wskey, Workspace.HEAD,; MetadataElement cmdelement = loadMetadataElement(name, current); if (cmdelement == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("a metadata object with name [" + name + "] does not exists for at path [" + + "]"); } OrtolangObjectIdentifier cidentifier = registry.lookup(cmdelement.getKey()); checkObjectType(cidentifier, MetadataObject.OBJECT_TYPE); MetadataObject cmeta = em.find(MetadataObject.class, cidentifier.getId()); if (cmeta == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load metadata with id [" + cidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } Collection parent = null; CollectionElement element = null; String tkey; if (npath.isRoot()) { tkey = ws.getHead(); } else { parent = loadCollectionAtPath(ws.getHead(), ppath, ws.getClock()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "parent collection loaded for path " +; element = parent.findElementByName(npath.part()); if (element == null) { throw new PathNotFoundException(; } LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "collection element found for name " + npath.part()); tkey = element.getKey(); } OrtolangObjectIdentifier tidentifier = registry.lookup(tkey); if (!tidentifier.getType().equals(Link.OBJECT_TYPE) && !tidentifier.getType().equals(Collection.OBJECT_TYPE) && !tidentifier.getType().equals(DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE)) { throw new CoreServiceException("metadata target can only be a Link, a DataObject or a Collection."); } MetadataElement mdelement; switch (tidentifier.getType()) { case Collection.OBJECT_TYPE: Collection collection = em.find(Collection.class, tidentifier.getId()); if (collection == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load collection with id [" + tidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } collection.setKey(tkey); if (collection.findMetadataByName(name) == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("a metadata object with name [" + name + "] does not exists for collection at path [" + + "]"); } if (collection.getClock() < ws.getClock()) { Collection clone = cloneCollection(ws.getHead(), collection, ws.getClock()); tkey = clone.getKey(); if (parent != null) { parent.removeElement(element); parent.addElement(new CollectionElement(Collection.OBJECT_TYPE, clone.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, Collection.MIME_TYPE, clone.getKey())); } collection = clone; } mdelement = collection.findMetadataByName(name); if (recursive) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Removing children metadata"); purgeChildrenMetadata(collection, wskey, path, name); } collection.removeMetadata(mdelement); em.merge(collection); break; case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: DataObject object = em.find(DataObject.class, tidentifier.getId()); if (object == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load object with id [" + tidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } object.setKey(tkey); if (object.findMetadataByName(name) == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("a metadata object with name [" + name + "] does not exists for object at path [" + + "]"); } if (object.getClock() < ws.getClock()) { DataObject clone = cloneDataObject(ws.getHead(), object, ws.getClock()); tkey = clone.getKey(); if (parent == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("An object should have a parent"); } parent.removeElement(element); parent.addElement(new CollectionElement(DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE, clone.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), clone.getSize(), clone.getMimeType(), clone.getKey())); object = clone; } mdelement = object.findMetadataByName(name); object.removeMetadata(mdelement); em.merge(object); break; case Link.OBJECT_TYPE: Link link = em.find(Link.class, tidentifier.getId()); if (link == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load link with id [" + tidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } link.setKey(tkey); if (link.findMetadataByName(name) == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("a metadata object with name [" + name + "] does not exists for link at path [" + + "]"); } if (link.getClock() < ws.getClock()) { Link clone = cloneLink(ws.getHead(), link, ws.getClock()); tkey = clone.getKey(); if (parent == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("A link should have a parent"); } parent.removeElement(element); parent.addElement(new CollectionElement(Link.OBJECT_TYPE, clone.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, Link.MIME_TYPE, clone.getKey())); link = clone; } mdelement = link.findMetadataByName(name); link.removeMetadata(mdelement); em.merge(link); break; default: throw new CoreServiceException( "Metadata target should be a Metadata Source not a " + tidentifier.getType()); } if (mdelement == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("unable to find metadata object into workspace [" + wskey + "] for path [" + + "] and name [" + name + "]"); } registry.delete(mdelement.getKey()); indexing.remove(mdelement.getKey()); indexing.index(tkey); ws.setChanged(true); em.merge(ws); registry.update(ws.getKey()); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "workspace set changed"); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(5).addArgument("ws-alias", ws.getAlias()) .addArgument("key", mdelement.getKey()).addArgument("tkey", tkey) .addArgument("path","name", name); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, MetadataObject.OBJECT_TYPE, "delete"),; } catch (KeyLockedException | KeyNotFoundException | RegistryServiceException | NotificationServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | MembershipServiceException | CloneException | IndexingServiceException | OrtolangException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during metadata deletion", e); throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to delete metadata into workspace [" + wskey + "] for path [" + path + "]", e); } } private MetadataElement loadMetadataElement(String name, String target) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, RegistryServiceException { OrtolangObjectIdentifier targetIdentifier = registry.lookup(target); switch (targetIdentifier.getType()) { case Collection.OBJECT_TYPE: Collection collection = em.find(Collection.class, targetIdentifier.getId()); if (collection == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load collection with id [" + targetIdentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } return collection.findMetadataByName(name); case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: DataObject object = em.find(DataObject.class, targetIdentifier.getId()); if (object == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load object with id [" + targetIdentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } return object.findMetadataByName(name); case Link.OBJECT_TYPE: Link link = em.find(Link.class, targetIdentifier.getId()); if (link == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load link with id [" + targetIdentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } return link.findMetadataByName(name); default: throw new CoreServiceException( "Metadata target should be a Metadata Source not a " + targetIdentifier.getType()); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public String readPublicationPolicy(String key) throws KeyNotFoundException, RegistryServiceException, DataNotFoundException, BinaryStoreServiceException, IOException, CoreServiceException { OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(key); OrtolangObject object; switch (identifier.getType()) { case Collection.OBJECT_TYPE: object = em.find(Collection.class, identifier.getId()); break; case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: object = em.find(DataObject.class, identifier.getId()); break; case Link.OBJECT_TYPE: object = em.find(Link.class, identifier.getId()); break; default: throw new CoreServiceException( "Cannot read publication policy of an object of type: " + identifier.getType()); } MetadataElement metadataElement = null; if (object != null) { metadataElement = ((MetadataSource) object).findMetadataByName(MetadataFormat.ACL); } if (metadataElement != null) { OrtolangObjectIdentifier mdIdentifier = registry.lookup(metadataElement.getKey()); MetadataObject metadataObject = em.find(MetadataObject.class, mdIdentifier.getId()); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); PublicationPolicy publicationPolicy = mapper.readValue(binarystore.getFile(metadataObject.getStream()), PublicationPolicy.class); return publicationPolicy.getTemplate(); } return null; } @Override public String readPublicationPolicy(String wskey, String root, String path) throws KeyNotFoundException, RegistryServiceException, DataNotFoundException, BinaryStoreServiceException, IOException, CoreServiceException, AccessDeniedException, InvalidPathException, PathNotFoundException { String key = resolveWorkspacePath(wskey, root, path); String publicationPolicy = readPublicationPolicy(key); if (publicationPolicy == null) { PathBuilder pathBuilder = PathBuilder.fromPath(path); if (pathBuilder.isRoot()) { return AuthorisationPolicyTemplate.FORALL; } return readPublicationPolicy(wskey, root, pathBuilder.parent().build()); } return publicationPolicy; } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public List<String> findMetadataObjectsForTarget(String target) throws CoreServiceException, AccessDeniedException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "finding metadata for target [" + target + "]"); try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkPermission(target, subjects, "read"); TypedQuery<MetadataObject> query = em .createNamedQuery("findMetadataObjectsForTarget", MetadataObject.class) .setParameter("target", target); List<MetadataObject> mdos = query.getResultList(); List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); for (MetadataObject mdo : mdos) { String key = registry.lookup(mdo.getObjectIdentifier()); results.add(key); } return results; } catch (RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | KeyNotFoundException | IdentifierNotRegisteredException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during finding metadata", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to find metadata for target [" + target + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public List<String> findMetadataObjectsForTargetAndName(String target, String name) throws CoreServiceException, AccessDeniedException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "finding metadata for target [" + target + "]"); try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); authorisation.checkPermission(target, subjects, "read"); TypedQuery<MetadataObject> query = em .createNamedQuery("findMetadataObjectsForTargetAndName", MetadataObject.class) .setParameter("target", target).setParameter("name", name); List<MetadataObject> mdos = query.getResultList(); List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); for (MetadataObject mdo : mdos) { String key = registry.lookup(mdo.getObjectIdentifier()); results.add(key); } return results; } catch (RegistryServiceException | MembershipServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | KeyNotFoundException | IdentifierNotRegisteredException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during finding metadata", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to find metadata for target [" + target + "]", e); } } /* MetadataFormat */ @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public String createMetadataFormat(String name, String description, String schema, String form, boolean validationNeeded, boolean indexable) throws CoreServiceException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "creating metadataformat with name [" + name + "]"); try { MetadataFormat newmdf = new MetadataFormat(); newmdf.setName(name); newmdf.setDescription(description); newmdf.setForm(form); newmdf.setValidationNeeded(validationNeeded); newmdf.setIndexable(indexable); if (schema != null && schema.length() > 0) { newmdf.setSize(binarystore.size(schema)); newmdf.setMimeType(binarystore.type(schema)); newmdf.setSchema(schema); } else { newmdf.setSize(0); newmdf.setMimeType("application/octet-stream"); newmdf.setSchema(""); } MetadataFormat mdf = getMetadataFormat(name); if (mdf != null) { if (mdf.equals(newmdf)) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Already imported metadata format: " + mdf.getId()); return mdf.getId(); } LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "metadata format version already exists, creating new version"); newmdf.setSerial(mdf.getSerial() + 1); } newmdf.setId(name + ":" + newmdf.getSerial()); em.persist(newmdf); return newmdf.getId(); } catch (BinaryStoreServiceException | DataNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error during create metadata format", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unexpected error during create metadata format", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public List<MetadataFormat> listMetadataFormat() throws CoreServiceException { List<MetadataFormat> formats = listAllMetadataFormat(); Map<String, MetadataFormat> latest = new HashMap<String, MetadataFormat>(); for (MetadataFormat format : formats) { if (!latest.containsKey(format.getName())) { latest.put(format.getName(), format); } else if (latest.get(format.getName()).getSerial() < format.getSerial()) { latest.put(format.getName(), format); } } List<MetadataFormat> filteredformats = new ArrayList<MetadataFormat>(); filteredformats.addAll(latest.values()); return filteredformats; } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public List<MetadataFormat> listAllMetadataFormat() { TypedQuery<MetadataFormat> query = em.createNamedQuery("listMetadataFormat", MetadataFormat.class); return query.getResultList(); } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public MetadataFormat getMetadataFormat(String name) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "reading metadata format for name [" + name + "]"); TypedQuery<MetadataFormat> query = em.createNamedQuery("findMetadataFormatForName", MetadataFormat.class) .setParameter("name", name); List<MetadataFormat> formats = query.getResultList(); if (formats.isEmpty()) { return null; } return formats.get(0); } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public MetadataFormat findMetadataFormatById(String id) throws CoreServiceException { MetadataFormat format = em.find(MetadataFormat.class, id); if (format == null) { throw new CoreServiceException("unable to find a metadata format for id " + id + " in the storage"); } return format; } private void validateMetadata(String metadata, MetadataFormat format) throws MetadataFormatException { try { if (format.getSchema() != null && format.getSchema().length() > 0) { JsonNode jsonSchema = JsonLoader .fromReader(new InputStreamReader(binarystore.get(format.getSchema()))); JsonNode jsonFile = JsonLoader.fromReader(new InputStreamReader(binarystore.get(metadata))); JsonSchemaFactory factory = JsonSchemaFactory.byDefault(); JsonSchema schema = factory.getJsonSchema(jsonSchema); ProcessingReport report = schema.validate(jsonFile); LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, report.toString()); if (!report.isSuccess()) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "error during validating metadata format " + format.getName() + ": " + report.toString()); throw new MetadataFormatException(report.toString()); } } else { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during validating metadata with metadata format [" + format + "] : schema not found"); throw new MetadataFormatException( "unable to validate metadata with metadata format [" + format + "] : schema not found"); } } catch (IOException | ProcessingException | DataNotFoundException | BinaryStoreServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during validating metadata with metadata format [" + format + "] : " + e.getMessage()); throw new MetadataFormatException( "unable to validate metadata with metadata format [" + format + "] : " + e.getMessage()); } } /* BinaryContent */ @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) public String put(InputStream data) throws CoreServiceException, DataCollisionException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "putting binary content in store"); try { return binarystore.put(data); } catch (BinaryStoreServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during putting binary content", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to put binary content", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public InputStream download(String key) throws CoreServiceException, DataNotFoundException, KeyNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "download content from store for object with key [" + key + "]"); try { String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(key); String hash; switch (identifier.getType()) { case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: { authorisation.checkPermission(key, subjects, "download"); DataObject object = em.find(DataObject.class, identifier.getId()); if (object == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load object with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } hash = object.getStream(); break; } case MetadataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: { authorisation.checkPermission(key, subjects, "read"); MetadataObject object = em.find(MetadataObject.class, identifier.getId()); if (object == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load metadata with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } hash = object.getStream(); break; } default: throw new CoreServiceException("unable to find downloadable content for key [" + key + "]"); } if (hash != null && hash.length() > 0) { InputStream stream = binarystore.get(hash); ArgumentsBuilder argumentsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder("hash", hash); notification.throwEvent(key, caller, identifier.getType(), OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, identifier.getType(), "download"),; return stream; } else { throw new DataNotFoundException("there is no preview available for this data object"); } } catch (NotificationServiceException | BinaryStoreServiceException | MembershipServiceException | RegistryServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred during getting preview content", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to get preview content", e); } } /* Service */ @Override public String getServiceName() { return SERVICE_NAME; } @Override public Map<String, String> getServiceInfos() { Map<String, String> infos = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { infos.put(INFO_WORKSPACES_ALL, Long.toString(registry.count(OrtolangObjectIdentifier .buildJPQLFilterPattern(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE), null))); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "unable to collect info: " + INFO_WORKSPACES_ALL, e); } try { infos.put(INFO_COLLECTIONS_ALL, Long.toString(registry.count(OrtolangObjectIdentifier .buildJPQLFilterPattern(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE), null))); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "unable to collect info: " + INFO_COLLECTIONS_ALL, e); } try { infos.put(INFO_OBJECTS_ALL, Long.toString(registry.count(OrtolangObjectIdentifier .buildJPQLFilterPattern(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE), null))); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "unable to collect info: " + INFO_OBJECTS_ALL, e); } try { infos.put(INFO_WORKSPACES_PUBLISHED, Long.toString(registry.count(OrtolangObjectIdentifier .buildJPQLFilterPattern(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE), Status.PUBLISHED))); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "unable to collect info: " + INFO_WORKSPACES_PUBLISHED, e); } try { infos.put(INFO_COLLECTIONS_PUBLISHED, Long.toString(registry.count(OrtolangObjectIdentifier .buildJPQLFilterPattern(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE), Status.PUBLISHED))); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "unable to collect info: " + INFO_COLLECTIONS_PUBLISHED, e); } try { infos.put(INFO_OBJECTS_PUBLISHED, Long.toString(registry.count(OrtolangObjectIdentifier .buildJPQLFilterPattern(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE), Status.PUBLISHED))); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "unable to collect info: " + INFO_OBJECTS_PUBLISHED, e); } return infos; } @Override public String[] getObjectTypeList() { return OBJECT_TYPE_LIST; } @Override public String[] getObjectPermissionsList(String type) throws OrtolangException { for (int i = 0; i < OBJECT_PERMISSIONS_LIST.length; i++) { if (OBJECT_PERMISSIONS_LIST[i][0].equals(type)) { return OBJECT_PERMISSIONS_LIST[i][1].split(","); } } throw new OrtolangException("Unable to find object permissions list for object type : " + type); } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public OrtolangObject findObject(String key) throws OrtolangException { try { OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(key); if (!identifier.getService().equals(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME)) { throw new OrtolangException( "object identifier " + identifier + " does not refer to service " + getServiceName()); } switch (identifier.getType()) { case Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE: return readWorkspace(key); case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: return readDataObject(key); case Collection.OBJECT_TYPE: return readCollection(key); case Link.OBJECT_TYPE: return readLink(key); case MetadataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: return readMetadataObject(key); } throw new OrtolangException( "object identifier " + identifier + " does not refer to service " + getServiceName()); } catch (CoreServiceException | RegistryServiceException | KeyNotFoundException e) { throw new OrtolangException("unable to find an object for key " + key); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public OrtolangObjectSize getSize(String key) throws OrtolangException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "calculating size for object with key [" + key + "]"); try { List<String> subjects = membership.getConnectedIdentifierSubjects(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier cidentifier = registry.lookup(key); if (!cidentifier.getService().equals(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME)) { throw new OrtolangException( "object identifier " + cidentifier + " does not refer to service " + getServiceName()); } OrtolangObjectSize ortolangObjectSize = new OrtolangObjectSize(); switch (cidentifier.getType()) { case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: { authorisation.checkPermission(key, subjects, "read"); DataObject dataObject = em.find(DataObject.class, cidentifier.getId()); ortolangObjectSize.addElement(DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE, dataObject.getSize()); break; } case Collection.OBJECT_TYPE: { ortolangObjectSize = getCollectionSize(key, cidentifier, ortolangObjectSize, subjects); break; } case Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE: { authorisation.checkPermission(key, subjects, "read"); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, cidentifier.getId()); ortolangObjectSize = getCollectionSize(workspace.getHead(), registry.lookup(workspace.getHead()), ortolangObjectSize, subjects); for (SnapshotElement snapshotElement : workspace.getSnapshots()) { ortolangObjectSize = getCollectionSize(snapshotElement.getKey(), registry.lookup(snapshotElement.getKey()), ortolangObjectSize, subjects); } ortolangObjectSize.addElement("members", workspace.getMembers().split(",").length); ortolangObjectSize.addElement("snapshots", workspace.getSnapshots().size()); break; } } return ortolangObjectSize; } catch (CoreServiceException | MembershipServiceException | RegistryServiceException | AuthorisationServiceException | AccessDeniedException | KeyNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error while calculating object size", e); throw new OrtolangException("unable to calculate size for object with key [" + key + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public List<OrtolangObject> findObjectByBinaryHash(String hash) throws OrtolangException { try { TypedQuery<DataObject> query = em.createNamedQuery("findObjectByBinaryHash", DataObject.class) .setParameter("hash", hash); List<DataObject> objects = query.getResultList(); for (DataObject object : objects) { object.setKey(registry.lookup(object.getObjectIdentifier())); } TypedQuery<MetadataObject> query2 = em .createNamedQuery("findMetadataObjectByBinaryHash", MetadataObject.class) .setParameter("hash", hash); List<MetadataObject> objects2 = query2.getResultList(); for (MetadataObject mobject : objects2) { mobject.setKey(registry.lookup(mobject.getObjectIdentifier())); } List<OrtolangObject> oobjects = new ArrayList<OrtolangObject>(); oobjects.addAll(objects); oobjects.addAll(objects2); return oobjects; } catch (Exception e) { throw new OrtolangException("unable to find an object for hash " + hash); } } @Override public List<OrtolangIndexableContent> getIndexableContent(String key) throws KeyNotFoundException, RegistryServiceException, IndexingServiceException, OrtolangException { OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(key); if (!identifier.getService().equals(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME)) { throw new OrtolangException( "object identifier " + identifier + " does not refer to service " + getServiceName()); } List<OrtolangIndexableContent> indexableContents = new ArrayList<>(); OrtolangObject object = null; switch (identifier.getType()) { case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: DataObject dataObject = em.find(DataObject.class, identifier.getId()); object = dataObject; dataObject.setKey(key); // indexableContents.add(new DataObjectIndexableContent(dataObject)); break; case Collection.OBJECT_TYPE: Collection collection = em.find(Collection.class, identifier.getId()); object = collection; collection.setKey(key); // indexableContents.add(new CollectionIndexableContent(collection)); if (collection.isRoot() && Status.PUBLISHED.value().equals(registry.getPublicationStatus(key))) { try { TypedQuery<Workspace> query = em .createNamedQuery("findWorkspaceByRootCollection", Workspace.class) .setParameter("root", "%" + collection.getKey() + "%"); Workspace workspace = query.getSingleResult(); String wskey = registry.lookup(workspace.getObjectIdentifier()); workspace.setKey(wskey); String snapshot = workspace.findSnapshotByKey(collection.getKey()).getName(); TagElement tagElement = workspace.findTagBySnapshot(snapshot); if (tagElement == null) { // Do not index published root collection with no associated tag: replaced by new version (tag moved) break; } String tag = tagElement.getName(); // CollectionContent collectionContent = listCollectionContent(collection.getKey()); // Rating metadata for root collections int rate = 0; MetadataElement ratingMetadata = collection.findMetadataByName(MetadataFormat.RATING); if (ratingMetadata != null) { OrtolangObjectIdentifier ratingMetadataIdentifier = registry .lookup(ratingMetadata.getKey()); MetadataObject ratingMetadataObject = em.find(MetadataObject.class, ratingMetadataIdentifier.getId()); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); try { Map<String, Object> content = mapper.readValue( binarystore.getFile(ratingMetadataObject.getStream()), new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>() { }); Object score = content.get("score"); if (score != null && score instanceof Integer) { rate = (Integer) score; } } catch (IOException | BinaryStoreServiceException | DataNotFoundException e) { } } // Index item metadata for root collections MetadataElement itemMetadata = collection.findMetadataByName(MetadataFormat.ITEM); if (itemMetadata != null) { OrtolangObjectIdentifier itemMetadataIdentifier = registry.lookup(itemMetadata.getKey()); MetadataObject metadataObject = em.find(MetadataObject.class, itemMetadataIdentifier.getId()); // Indexes in item-all index : /item-all/{ortolang-type} indexableContents.add(new OrtolangItemIndexableContent(metadataObject, collection, workspace.getAlias(), snapshot, tag, rate, workspace.isArchive(), false)); String latestPublishedSnapshot = findWorkspaceLatestPublishedSnapshot(workspace.getKey()); if (snapshot.equals(latestPublishedSnapshot)) { // Indexes in item index : /item/{ortolang-type} indexableContents.add(new OrtolangItemIndexableContent(metadataObject, collection, workspace.getAlias(), snapshot, tag, rate, workspace.isArchive(), true)); } } // for (CollectionContentEntry entry : collectionContent.getContent()) { // Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); // params.put("alias", workspace.getAlias()); // params.put("key", workspace.getKey()); // params.put("root", collection.getKey()); // params.put("path", entry.getPath()); // params.put("snapshot", snapshot); // indexableContents.add(new OrtolangObjectScriptedUpdate(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, entry.getType(), entry.getKey(),"updateRootCollectionChild", params)); // } } catch (IdentifierNotRegisteredException | CoreServiceException | NoResultException e) { throw new OrtolangException(e.getMessage(), e); } } break; case Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE: Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); workspace.setKey(key); // Indexes in core index : /core/workspace return Collections.singletonList(new WorkspaceIndexableContent(workspace)); case MetadataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: MetadataObject metadataObject = em.find(MetadataObject.class, identifier.getId()); MetadataFormat format = em.find(MetadataFormat.class, metadataObject.getFormat()); metadataObject.setKey(key); // Indexes in core index : /core/metadata // indexableContents.add(new MetadataObjectIndexableContent(metadataObject, format)); if (!metadataObject.getName().startsWith("system-") && !metadataObject.getName().startsWith("ortolang-") && Status.PUBLISHED.value().equals(registry.getPublicationStatus(key))) { // Indexes in core index : /metadata/{format} indexableContents.add(new UserMetadataIndexableContent(metadataObject, format)); } } // if (object != null) { // for (MetadataElement metadataElement : ((MetadataSource) object).getMetadatas()) { //// if (metadataElement.getName().startsWith("system-x-")) { // OrtolangObjectIdentifier mdIdentifier = registry.lookup(metadataElement.getKey()); // MetadataObject metadataObject = em.find(MetadataObject.class, mdIdentifier.getId()); // MetadataFormat format = em.find(MetadataFormat.class, metadataObject.getFormat()); // metadataObject.setKey(metadataElement.getKey()); // indexableContents.add(new MetadataObjectIndexableContent(metadataObject, format)); //// } // } // } return indexableContents; } private void checkObjectType(OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier, String objectType) throws CoreServiceException { if (!identifier.getService().equals(getServiceName())) { throw new CoreServiceException( "object identifier " + identifier + " does not refer to service " + getServiceName()); } if (!identifier.getType().equals(objectType)) { throw new CoreServiceException( "object identifier " + identifier + " does not refer to an object of type " + objectType); } } @Override public OrtolangObjectXmlExportHandler getObjectXmlExportHandler(String key) throws OrtolangException { try { OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(key); if (!identifier.getService().equals(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME)) { throw new OrtolangException( "object identifier " + identifier + " does not refer to service " + getServiceName()); } switch (identifier.getType()) { case Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE: Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new OrtolangException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } return new WorkspaceExportHandler(workspace); case Collection.OBJECT_TYPE: Collection collection = em.find(Collection.class, identifier.getId()); if (collection == null) { throw new OrtolangException( "unable to load collection with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } return new CollectionExportHandler(collection); case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: DataObject object = em.find(DataObject.class, identifier.getId()); if (object == null) { throw new OrtolangException( "unable to load dataobject with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } return new DataObjectExportHandler(object); case MetadataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: MetadataObject metadata = em.find(MetadataObject.class, identifier.getId()); if (metadata == null) { throw new OrtolangException( "unable to load metadata with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } return new MetadataObjectExportHandler(metadata); case Link.OBJECT_TYPE: Link link = em.find(Link.class, identifier.getId()); if (link == null) { throw new OrtolangException( "unable to load link with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } return new LinkExportHandler(link); } } catch (RegistryServiceException | KeyNotFoundException e) { throw new OrtolangException("unable to build object export handler " + key, e); } throw new OrtolangException("unable to build object export handler for key " + key); } @Override public OrtolangObjectXmlImportHandler getObjectXmlImportHandler(String type) throws OrtolangException { throw new OrtolangException("NOT IMPLEMENTED"); } // System operations @Override @RolesAllowed({ "admin", "system" }) @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public Workspace systemReadWorkspace(String wskey) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "#SYSTEM# reading workspace for key [" + wskey + "]"); try { OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } workspace.setKey(wskey); return workspace; } catch (RegistryServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while reading workspace", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to read workspace with key [" + wskey + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public Set<String> systemListWorkspaceKeys(String wskey) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "#SYSTEM# listing workspace keys [" + wskey + "]"); Set<String> keys = new HashSet<String>(); try { OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } keys = systemListCollectionKeys(workspace.getHead(), keys); for (SnapshotElement snapshot : workspace.getSnapshots()) { keys = systemListCollectionKeys(snapshot.getKey(), keys); } return keys; } catch (RegistryServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while listing workspace keys", e); throw new CoreServiceException("unable to list keys for workspace with key [" + wskey + "]", e); } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) private Set<String> systemListCollectionKeys(String key, Set<String> keys) throws RegistryServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, CoreServiceException { OrtolangObjectIdentifier cidentifier = registry.lookup(key); checkObjectType(cidentifier, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE); Collection collection = em.find(Collection.class, cidentifier.getId()); if (collection == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load collection with id [" + cidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (keys.add(key)) { for (MetadataElement element : collection.getMetadatas()) { keys.add(element.getKey()); } for (CollectionElement element : collection.getElements()) { keys.add(element.getKey()); if (element.getType().equals(Collection.OBJECT_TYPE)) { systemListCollectionKeys(element.getKey(), keys); } if (element.getType().equals(DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE)) { OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(element.getKey()); checkObjectType(identifier, DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE); DataObject object = em.find(DataObject.class, identifier.getId()); if (object == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load object with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } keys.add(element.getKey()); for (MetadataElement mde : object.getMetadatas()) { keys.add(mde.getKey()); } } if (element.getType().equals(Link.OBJECT_TYPE)) { OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(element.getKey()); checkObjectType(identifier, Link.OBJECT_TYPE); Link link = em.find(Link.class, identifier.getId()); if (link == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load link with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } keys.add(element.getKey()); for (MetadataElement mde : link.getMetadatas()) { keys.add(mde.getKey()); } } } } return keys; } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void systemSetWorkspaceReadOnly(String wskey, boolean readonly) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, NotificationServiceException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "#SYSTEM# setting workspace [" + wskey + "] read only to [" + readonly + "]"); try { String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } workspace.setReadOnly(readonly); em.merge(workspace); registry.update(wskey); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(1).addArgument("ws-alias", workspace.getAlias()); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent .buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, readonly ? "lock" : "unlock"),; } catch (KeyLockedException | RegistryServiceException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while setting workspace read only mode to [" + readonly + "]", e); throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to set workspace with key [" + wskey + "] read only mode to [" + readonly + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void systemUpdateWorkspace(String wskey, String alias, boolean changed, String head, String members, String privileged, boolean readOnly, String type) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, NotificationServiceException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "#SYSTEM# updating workspace [" + wskey + "]"); try { String caller = membership.getProfileKeyForConnectedIdentifier(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(wskey); checkObjectType(identifier, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE); Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } workspace.setAlias(alias); workspace.setChanged(changed); workspace.setHead(head); workspace.setMembers(members); workspace.setPrivileged(privileged); workspace.setReadOnly(readOnly); workspace.setType(type); em.merge(workspace); registry.update(wskey); ArgumentsBuilder argsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder(1).addArgument("ws-alias", workspace.getAlias()); notification.throwEvent(wskey, caller, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, OrtolangEvent.buildEventType(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME, Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE, "update"),; } catch (KeyLockedException | RegistryServiceException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "unexpected error occurred while setting workspace alias to [" + alias + "]", e); throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to set workspace with key [" + wskey + "] alias to [" + alias + "]", e); } } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void systemCreateMetadata(String tkey, String name, String hash, String filename) throws KeyNotFoundException, CoreServiceException, MetadataFormatException, DataNotFoundException, BinaryStoreServiceException, KeyAlreadyExistsException, IdentifierAlreadyRegisteredException, RegistryServiceException, AuthorisationServiceException, IndexingServiceException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "#SYSTEM# create metadata for key [" + tkey + "]"); if (!name.startsWith("system-")) { throw new CoreServiceException("only system metadata can be added this way."); } OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(tkey); if (!identifier.getService().equals(SERVICE_NAME)) { throw new CoreServiceException("metadata target can only be a Link, a DataObject or a Collection."); } OrtolangObject object; switch (identifier.getType()) { case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: object = em.find(DataObject.class, identifier.getId()); break; case Link.OBJECT_TYPE: object = em.find(Link.class, identifier.getId()); break; case Collection.OBJECT_TYPE: object = em.find(Collection.class, identifier.getId()); break; default: throw new CoreServiceException("metadata target can only be a Link, a DataObject or a Collection."); } MetadataElement metadataElement = ((MetadataSource) object).findMetadataByName(name); if (metadataElement != null) { ((MetadataSource) object).removeMetadata(metadataElement); } MetadataObject meta = new MetadataObject(); meta.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); meta.setName(name); MetadataFormat format = getMetadataFormat(name); if (format == null) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to find a metadata format for name: " + name); throw new CoreServiceException("unknown metadata format for name: " + name); } if (hash != null && hash.length() > 0) { if (format.isValidationNeeded()) { validateMetadata(hash, format); } meta.setSize(binarystore.size(hash)); if (filename != null) { meta.setContentType(binarystore.type(hash, filename)); } else { meta.setContentType(binarystore.type(hash)); } meta.setStream(hash); } else { meta.setSize(0); meta.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); meta.setStream(""); } meta.setFormat(format.getId()); meta.setTarget(tkey); meta.setKey(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); em.persist(meta); try { String wskey = registry.getProperty(tkey, WORKSPACE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY_KEY); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put(WORKSPACE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY_KEY, wskey); registry.register(meta.getKey(), meta.getObjectIdentifier(), "system", properties); } catch (PropertyNotFoundException e) { registry.register(meta.getKey(), meta.getObjectIdentifier(), "system"); } registry.refresh(tkey); indexing.index(tkey); authorisation.clonePolicy(meta.getKey(), tkey); ((MetadataSource) object).addMetadata(new MetadataElement(name, meta.getKey())); em.merge(object); } @Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public List<Collection> systemListCollections() throws CoreServiceException { try { TypedQuery<Collection> query = em.createNamedQuery("findCollections", Collection.class); List<Collection> collections = query.getResultList(); for (Iterator<Collection> iterator = collections.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { try { Collection collection =; String key = registry.lookup(collection.getObjectIdentifier()); collection.setKey(key); } catch (IdentifierNotRegisteredException e) { iterator.remove(); } } return collections; } catch (RegistryServiceException e) { throw new CoreServiceException(e); } } /* ### Internal operations ### */ @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) private OrtolangObject readObject(String key) throws CoreServiceException, KeyNotFoundException { try { OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(key); if (!identifier.getService().equals(CoreService.SERVICE_NAME)) { throw new CoreServiceException( "object identifier " + identifier + " does not refer to service " + getServiceName()); } switch (identifier.getType()) { case Workspace.OBJECT_TYPE: Workspace workspace = em.find(Workspace.class, identifier.getId()); if (workspace == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load workspace with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } workspace.setKey(key); return workspace; case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: DataObject object = em.find(DataObject.class, identifier.getId()); if (object == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load object with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } object.setKey(key); return object; case Collection.OBJECT_TYPE: Collection collection = em.find(Collection.class, identifier.getId()); if (collection == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load collection with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } collection.setKey(key); return collection; case Link.OBJECT_TYPE: Link link = em.find(Link.class, identifier.getId()); if (link == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load link with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } link.setKey(key); return link; case MetadataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: MetadataObject meta = em.find(MetadataObject.class, identifier.getId()); if (meta == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load metadata with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } meta.setKey(key); return meta; default: throw new CoreServiceException("object identifier " + identifier + " refer to an unknown type for service " + getServiceName()); } } catch (RegistryServiceException e) { throw new CoreServiceException("unable to read object with key " + key); } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) private Collection readCollectionAtPath(String root, PathBuilder path) throws PathNotFoundException, CoreServiceException, RegistryServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, InvalidPathException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Reading tree from root [" + root + "] to path [" + + "]"); String[] parts = path.buildParts(); Collection node; PathBuilder current = PathBuilder.newInstance(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier ridentifier = registry.lookup(root); checkObjectType(ridentifier, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE); node = em.find(Collection.class, ridentifier.getId()); if (node == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load root collection with id [" + ridentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } node.setKey(root); if (!node.isRoot()) { throw new CoreServiceException("root collection [" + root + "] is not flagged as a root collection"); } for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { current.path(parts[i]); CollectionElement element = node.findElementByName(parts[i]); if (element == null) { throw new PathNotFoundException(; } OrtolangObjectIdentifier cidentifier = registry.lookup(element.getKey()); checkObjectType(cidentifier, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE); node = em.find(Collection.class, cidentifier.getId()); if (node == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load collection with id [" + cidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } node.setKey(element.getKey()); if (node.isRoot()) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "WRONG ROOT FLAG found for collection key [" + element.getKey() + "] at path [" + + "] with root [" + root + "]"); throw new CoreServiceException("Internal Problem : collection [" + parts[i] + "] is a root collection but is not a root node"); } } return node; } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) private Collection loadCollectionAtPath(String root, PathBuilder path, int clock) throws CoreServiceException, RegistryServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, InvalidPathException, PathNotFoundException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Loading tree from root [" + root + "] to path [" + + "] with clock [" + clock + "]"); try { String[] parts = path.buildParts(); Collection parent; Collection leaf; PathBuilder current = PathBuilder.newInstance(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier ridentifier = registry.lookup(root); checkObjectType(ridentifier, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE); leaf = em.find(Collection.class, ridentifier.getId()); if (leaf == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load root collection with id [" + ridentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } leaf.setKey(root); if (!leaf.isRoot()) { throw new CoreServiceException( "root collection [" + root + "] is not flagged as a root collection"); } if (leaf.getClock() < clock) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "WRONG CLOCK found for root collection key [ " + root + "]"); throw new CoreServiceException("root collection [" + root + "] clock is not good"); } for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { parent = leaf; current.path(parts[i]); CollectionElement element = parent.findElementByName(parts[i]); if (element == null) { throw new PathNotFoundException(; } OrtolangObjectIdentifier cidentifier = registry.lookup(element.getKey()); checkObjectType(cidentifier, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE); leaf = em.find(Collection.class, cidentifier.getId()); if (leaf == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load collection with id [" + cidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } leaf.setKey(element.getKey()); if (leaf.isRoot()) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "WRONG ROOT FLAG found for collection key [" + element.getKey() + "] at path [" + + "] with root [" + root + "]"); throw new CoreServiceException("Internal Problem : collection [" + parts[i] + "] is a root collection but is not a root node"); } if (leaf.getClock() < clock) { Collection clone = cloneCollection(root, leaf, clock); parent.removeElement(element); CollectionElement celement = new CollectionElement(Collection.OBJECT_TYPE, clone.getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, Collection.MIME_TYPE, clone.getKey()); parent.addElement(celement); registry.update(parent.getKey()); leaf = clone; } } return leaf; } catch (KeyLockedException | CloneException e) { ctx.setRollbackOnly(); throw new CoreServiceException("unexpected error during loading collection at path " +, e); } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) private Collection cloneCollection(String root, Collection origin, int clock) throws CloneException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "cloning collection for origin [" + origin.getKey() + "]"); try { String key = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); Collection clone = new Collection(); clone.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); clone.setName(origin.getName()); clone.setRoot(origin.isRoot()); clone.setClock(clock); Set<CollectionElement> elements = new HashSet<CollectionElement>(); elements.addAll(origin.getElements()); clone.setElements(elements); Set<MetadataElement> metadatas = new HashSet<MetadataElement>(); for (MetadataElement mde : origin.getMetadatas()) { MetadataObject mdclone = cloneMetadataObject(root, mde.getKey(), key); metadatas.add(new MetadataElement(mde.getName(), mdclone.getKey())); } clone.setMetadatas(metadatas); clone.setKey(key); em.persist(clone); registry.register(key, clone.getObjectIdentifier(), origin.getKey(), true); indexing.index(key); authorisation.clonePolicy(key, root); return clone; } catch (RegistryServiceException | KeyAlreadyExistsException | IdentifierAlreadyRegisteredException | KeyNotFoundException | AuthorisationServiceException | IndexingServiceException e) { throw new CloneException("unable to clone collection with origin key [" + origin + "]", e); } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) private DataObject cloneDataObject(String root, DataObject origin, int clock) throws CloneException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "cloning object for origin [" + origin.getKey() + "]"); try { String key = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); DataObject clone = new DataObject(); clone.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); clone.setName(origin.getName()); clone.setSize(origin.getSize()); clone.setMimeType(origin.getMimeType()); clone.setStream(origin.getStream()); clone.setClock(clock); Set<MetadataElement> metadatas = new HashSet<MetadataElement>(); for (MetadataElement mde : origin.getMetadatas()) { MetadataObject mdclone = cloneMetadataObject(root, mde.getKey(), key); metadatas.add(new MetadataElement(mde.getName(), mdclone.getKey())); } clone.setMetadatas(metadatas); clone.setKey(key); em.persist(clone); registry.register(key, clone.getObjectIdentifier(), origin.getKey(), true); indexing.index(key); authorisation.clonePolicy(key, root); return clone; } catch (RegistryServiceException | IdentifierAlreadyRegisteredException | AuthorisationServiceException | KeyAlreadyExistsException | KeyNotFoundException | IndexingServiceException e) { throw new CloneException("unable to clone object with origin [" + origin + "]", e); } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) private Link cloneLink(String root, Link origin, int clock) throws CloneException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "cloning link for origin [" + origin + "]"); try { String key = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); Link clone = new Link(); clone.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); clone.setName(origin.getName()); clone.setTarget(origin.getTarget()); clone.setClock(clock); Set<MetadataElement> metadatas = new HashSet<MetadataElement>(); for (MetadataElement mde : origin.getMetadatas()) { MetadataObject mdclone = cloneMetadataObject(root, mde.getKey(), key); metadatas.add(new MetadataElement(mde.getName(), mdclone.getKey())); } clone.setMetadatas(metadatas); clone.setKey(key); em.persist(clone); registry.register(key, clone.getObjectIdentifier(), origin.getKey(), true); indexing.index(key); authorisation.clonePolicy(key, root); return clone; } catch (RegistryServiceException | IdentifierAlreadyRegisteredException | AuthorisationServiceException | KeyAlreadyExistsException | KeyNotFoundException | IndexingServiceException e) { throw new CloneException("unable to clone link with origin [" + origin + "]", e); } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) private MetadataObject cloneMetadataObject(String root, String origin, String target) throws CloneException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "clone metadata for origin [" + origin + "], target [" + target + "]"); try { String key = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(origin); checkObjectType(identifier, MetadataObject.OBJECT_TYPE); MetadataObject meta = em.find(MetadataObject.class, identifier.getId()); if (meta == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load metadata with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } MetadataObject clone = new MetadataObject(); clone.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); clone.setName(meta.getName()); clone.setTarget(target); clone.setSize(meta.getSize()); clone.setFormat(meta.getFormat()); clone.setContentType(meta.getContentType()); clone.setStream(meta.getStream()); clone.setKey(key); em.persist(clone); registry.register(key, clone.getObjectIdentifier(), origin, true); indexing.index(target); authorisation.clonePolicy(key, root); return clone; } catch (RegistryServiceException | IdentifierAlreadyRegisteredException | AuthorisationServiceException | CoreServiceException | KeyNotFoundException | KeyAlreadyExistsException | IndexingServiceException e) { throw new CloneException( "unable to clone metadata with origin [" + origin + "] and target [" + target + "]", e); } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) private OrtolangObjectSize getCollectionSize(String key, OrtolangObjectIdentifier cidentifier, OrtolangObjectSize ortolangObjectSize, List<String> subjects) throws KeyNotFoundException, RegistryServiceException, CoreServiceException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "calculating collection size for collection with key [" + key + "]"); try { authorisation.checkPermission(key, subjects, "read"); Collection collection = em.find(Collection.class, cidentifier.getId()); if (collection == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load collection with id [" + cidentifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } for (CollectionElement element : collection.getElements()) { if (element.getType().equals(DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE)) { try { authorisation.checkPermission(element.getKey(), subjects, "read"); ortolangObjectSize.addElement(element.getType(), element.getSize()); } catch (AuthorisationServiceException | AccessDeniedException e) { ortolangObjectSize.setPartial(true); } } else if (element.getType().equals(Collection.OBJECT_TYPE)) { ortolangObjectSize.addElement(element.getType(), 0); OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(element.getKey()); ortolangObjectSize = getCollectionSize(element.getKey(), identifier, ortolangObjectSize, subjects); } } } catch (AuthorisationServiceException | AccessDeniedException e) { ortolangObjectSize.setPartial(true); } return ortolangObjectSize; } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) private void deleteCollectionContent(Collection collection, int clock) throws CoreServiceException, RegistryServiceException, KeyNotFoundException, KeyLockedException, IndexingServiceException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "delete content for collection with id [" + collection.getId() + "]"); for (CollectionElement element : collection.getElements()) { switch (element.getType()) { case Collection.OBJECT_TYPE: { OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(element.getKey()); checkObjectType(identifier, Collection.OBJECT_TYPE); Collection coll = em.find(Collection.class, identifier.getId()); if (coll == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load collection with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (coll.getClock() == clock) { deleteCollectionContent(coll, clock); LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "collection clock [" + coll.getClock() + "] is the same, key can be deleted and unindexed"); for (MetadataElement mde : coll.getMetadatas()) { registry.delete(mde.getKey()); } registry.delete(element.getKey()); indexing.remove(element.getKey()); } break; } case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: { OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(element.getKey()); checkObjectType(identifier, DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE); DataObject object = em.find(DataObject.class, identifier.getId()); if (object == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load object with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (object.getClock() == clock) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "object clock [" + object.getClock() + "] is the same, key can be deleted and unindexed"); for (MetadataElement mde : object.getMetadatas()) { registry.delete(mde.getKey()); } registry.delete(element.getKey()); indexing.remove(element.getKey()); } break; } case Link.OBJECT_TYPE: { OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier = registry.lookup(element.getKey()); checkObjectType(identifier, Link.OBJECT_TYPE); Link link = em.find(Link.class, identifier.getId()); if (link == null) { throw new CoreServiceException( "unable to load link with id [" + identifier.getId() + "] from storage"); } if (link.getClock() == clock) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "link clock [" + link.getClock() + "] is the same, key can be deleted and unindexed"); for (MetadataElement mde : link.getMetadatas()) { registry.delete(mde.getKey()); } registry.delete(element.getKey()); indexing.remove(element.getKey()); } break; } } } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) private void purgeChildrenMetadata(Collection collection, String wskey, String path, String name) throws OrtolangException, KeyNotFoundException, InvalidPathException, PathNotFoundException, WorkspaceReadOnlyException, CoreServiceException, RegistryServiceException { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "purging children metadata for path: " + path + " and name: " + name); MetadataElement metadataElement; OrtolangObjectIdentifier identifier; for (CollectionElement collectionElement : collection.getElements()) { metadataElement = null; identifier = registry.lookup(collectionElement.getKey()); switch (collectionElement.getType()) { case Collection.OBJECT_TYPE: Collection subCollection = em.find(Collection.class, identifier.getId()); metadataElement = subCollection.findMetadataByName(name); LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "path is a collection, calling recursively purgeChildrenMetadata()"); purgeChildrenMetadata(subCollection, wskey, path + "/" + subCollection.getName(), name); break; case DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE: DataObject dataObject = em.find(DataObject.class, identifier.getId()); metadataElement = dataObject.findMetadataByName(name); break; case Link.OBJECT_TYPE: Link link = em.find(Link.class, identifier.getId()); metadataElement = link.findMetadataByName(name); break; } if (metadataElement != null) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "metadata to purge: " + metadataElement.getKey()); deleteMetadataObject(wskey, path + "/" + collectionElement.getName(), name, false); } } } @Override public void extractMetadata(String wskey, String path, String mimeType) throws CoreServiceException, OrtolangException, InvalidPathException, PathNotFoundException, ExtractionServiceException, KeyNotFoundException { String key = resolveWorkspacePath(wskey, Workspace.HEAD, path); OrtolangObject object = findObject(key); if (object instanceof DataObject) { extraction.extract(key); } else if (object instanceof Collection) { extractMetadata((Collection) object, wskey, path); } } private void extractMetadata(Collection collection, String wskey, String path) throws ExtractionServiceException, CoreServiceException, AccessDeniedException, KeyNotFoundException { for (CollectionElement collectionElement : collection.getElements()) { if (collectionElement.getType().equals(DataObject.OBJECT_TYPE)) { extraction.extract(collectionElement.getKey()); } else if (collectionElement.getType().equals(Collection.OBJECT_TYPE)) { extractMetadata(readCollection(collection.getKey()), wskey, path + "/" + collectionElement.getName()); } } } private boolean applyReadOnly(String caller, List<String> subjects, Workspace workspace) { if (!caller.equals(MembershipService.SUPERUSER_IDENTIFIER) && !subjects.contains(MembershipService.MODERATORS_GROUP_KEY) && workspace.isReadOnly()) { return true; } return false; } private static class PublicationPolicy { private String template; public String getTemplate() { return template; } } private static class CollectionContentEntry { private OrtolangObject object; private String path; CollectionContentEntry(OrtolangObject object, String path) { this.object = object; this.path = path; } public OrtolangObject getObject() { return object; } public String getPath() { return path; } public String getKey() { return object.getObjectKey(); } public String getType() { return object.getObjectIdentifier().getType(); } } private static class CollectionContent { private Set<CollectionContentEntry> content; CollectionContent() { content = new HashSet<>(); } public void add(OrtolangObject object, String path) { content.add(new CollectionContentEntry(object, path)); } public Set<CollectionContentEntry> getContent() { return content; } public Map<String, String> getPathKeyMap() { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); for (CollectionContentEntry entry : content) { map.put(entry.getPath(), entry.getKey()); } return map; } } }