Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package wsserver; import entity.Bx1CProd; import entity.Bx1CSect; import entity.BxBsect; import entity.CbEkfgroupAdd1csectToBx; import entity.CbEkfgroupDel1csectFromBx; import entity.CbNewPrFrom1cWprops; import entity.CbEkfgroupToUpdatedBx1c; import entity.CbEkfgroupUpd1csectToBx; import entity.CbEkfroupDelFromBxView; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.Schedule; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.json.Json; import javax.json.JsonArray; import javax.json.JsonObject; import javax.json.JsonReader; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import resources.Tools; import session.Bx1CProdFacade; import session.Bx1CSectFacade; import session.BxBsectFacade; import session.CbLogsFacade; import session.CbNewPrFrom1cWpropsFacade; import session.CbEkfgroupToUpdatedBx1cFacade; import session.CbEkfroupDelFromBxViewFacade; import session.CbEkfgroupAdd1csectToBxFacade; import session.CbEkfgroupUpd1csectToBxFacade; import session.CbEkfgroupDel1csectFromBxFacade; import session.TablesOperatingStateFacade; import session.CbSettingsFacade; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.FileBody; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.StringBody; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; //import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; //import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import sun.misc.IOUtils; /** * * @author Poltarokov SP */ @Stateless public class EKF1TimerSessionBean { @PersistenceContext(unitName = "EKFExchApiPU") private EntityManager em; @EJB private BxBsectFacade bxBsectFacade; @EJB private Bx1CSectFacade bx1CSectFacade; @EJB private Bx1CProdFacade bx1CProdFacade; @EJB private CbLogsFacade cbLogsFacade; @EJB private CbNewPrFrom1cWpropsFacade cbNewPrFrom1cWpropsFacade; @EJB private CbEkfgroupToUpdatedBx1cFacade cbEkfgroupToUpdatedBx1cFacade; @EJB private CbEkfroupDelFromBxViewFacade cbEkfroupDelFromBxViewFacade; @EJB private CbEkfgroupAdd1csectToBxFacade cbEkfgroupAdd1csectToBxFacade; @EJB private CbEkfgroupUpd1csectToBxFacade cbEkfgroupUpd1csectToBxFacade; @EJB private CbEkfgroupDel1csectFromBxFacade cbEkfgroupDel1csectFromBxFacade; @EJB private TablesOperatingStateFacade tablesOperatingStateFacade; @EJB private CbSettingsFacade cbSettingsFacade; public long frequencyCounter = 0; public static long timerValue = 0; public static boolean exchangeInProcess = false; public static String systemURL = ""; //public static String systemURL = ""; private String mountImgPath = "/mnt/"; //? ? , ? )))) public static boolean hasLong1CWait = false; public static boolean fullExchangeCircle = true; public static int fullExchangeBadCnt = 0; public static boolean noChangesOrCorruptMDS = false; public static long noChangesOrCorruptMDSCounter = 0; public static int timerIdleCoeff = 1; private static final int IMG_WIDTH = 400; private static final int IMG_HEIGHT = 400; @Schedule(hour = "*", minute = "*", second = "*/10", info = "EKFGroupExchange Every 10 second timer", persistent = false) public void myTimer() { timerValue++; //System.out.println("EKFGroupExchange Timer1 event: " + new Date()+", fc="+frequencyCounter); if (frequencyCounter > 10000000) frequencyCounter = 0; if (noChangesOrCorruptMDSCounter > 10000000) noChangesOrCorruptMDSCounter = 0; if (frequencyCounter % (6 * timerIdleCoeff) == 0) { //callT1(); if (!exchangeInProcess) { exchangeInProcess = true; try { try { cbLogsFacade.checkEkfProdLogsCount(); } catch (Exception lge) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Error of check logs size ", "Error of check logs size " + lge); } catch (Exception lgex) { } } //int icnt = 0;//bx1CProdFacade.insertBx1ProdMultiply(); //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Complete persist test bx_1cprod urldata ", "Complete persist test bx_1cprod urldata "+icnt); //} catch(Exception lge) { //} //tablesOperatingStateFacade.setEkfGrExchDataDelta(); if (tablesOperatingStateFacade.getEkfGrExchDataDelta()) { noChangesOrCorruptMDSCounter = 0; noChangesOrCorruptMDS = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertBoldLog("INFO", "Timer condition worked", "%" + (60 * timerIdleCoeff) + "s exchange event entered"); } catch (Exception lge) { } //HttpClient httpclientw = new DefaultHttpClient(); boolean checkDelta = true; if (!fullExchangeCircle) { fullExchangeBadCnt++; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Bad full exchange circle", fullExchangeBadCnt + "`s attempt"); } catch (Exception lge) { } } else { timerIdleCoeff = 1; fullExchangeBadCnt = 0; } // ?? - ? - ? ?? if (fullExchangeBadCnt >= 3 && (tablesOperatingStateFacade.getEkfGrExchDataCorrupt() && false)) { checkDelta = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Too many bad full exchange circle", "Go to next iteration, to check corrupt!"); } catch (Exception lge) { } } //? ? , ? ? if (fullExchangeBadCnt >= 30 && !(tablesOperatingStateFacade.getEkfGrExchDataCorrupt() && false)) { try { tablesOperatingStateFacade.setEkfGrExchDataUnDelta(); } catch (Exception lge) { } try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_ERRS", "Too many bad full exchange circle (>30)", "Attempt to lock delta flag!"); } catch (Exception lge) { } } // ( ?) ?? ? - ? // ? ? , ?? if (fullExchangeBadCnt >= 50) { if (timerIdleCoeff < 30) { timerIdleCoeff = 30; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_ERRS", "Too many bad full exchange circle (>100)", "Set low frequency (1/30min) exchange mode!"); } catch (Exception lge) { } } } fullExchangeCircle = false; hasLong1CWait = false; if (checkDelta) { //try { //cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Exchange in process 6", "Exchange in process 6"); //} catch(Exception lge) { } callT2(); } else { exchangeInProcess = false; } } else { //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Exchange in process 4", "Exchange in process 4"); //} catch(Exception lge) { } exchangeInProcess = false; if (!noChangesOrCorruptMDS || (noChangesOrCorruptMDS && noChangesOrCorruptMDSCounter % 30 == 0)) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "getEkfGrExchDataDelta", "None changes in MDS Data OR 1c data corrupt (>=" + (noChangesOrCorruptMDSCounter / 30 * 5) + "min)"); } catch (Exception lge) { } } noChangesOrCorruptMDSCounter++; noChangesOrCorruptMDS = true; } } catch (Exception lge) { //checkInterval=6; exchangeInProcess = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Error of getEkfGrExchDataDelta or setEkfGrExchDataUnDelta or MDS data load", "Error of getEkfGrExchDataDelta"); } catch (Exception lgex) { } } } else { //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Exchange already in process", "Exchange already in process"); //} catch(Exception lge) { } } } frequencyCounter++; } private void callT1() { Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Start load bx_bsect", "Start load bx_bsect url=" + systemURL); } catch (Exception lge) { } String url = systemURL + "bitrix/ekflibraries/corpbus/get_json_data.php?ENTITY=BSECT"; URL obj = new URL(url); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection(); // optional default is GET con.setRequestMethod("GET"); con.setConnectTimeout(180000); //add request header con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla-Firefox"); int responseCode = con.getResponseCode(); System.out.println("\nSending 'GET' request to URL : " + url); System.out.println("Response Code : " + responseCode); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream())); String inputLine; StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer(); while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) { response.append(inputLine); } in.close(); try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Complete load bx_bsect urldata", "Complete load bx_bsect urldata"); } catch (Exception lge) { } JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(response.toString())); bxBsectFacade.clearBxBsect(); int crcnt = 0; int badCnt = 0; JsonArray jarray = jsonReader.readArray(); //JsonParser parser = Json.createParser(in); boolean hasCrashes = false; for (int i = 0; i < jarray.size(); i++) { JsonObject jobject = jarray.getJsonObject(i); BxBsect bsectObj = new BxBsect(); bsectObj.setId(-1); try { bsectObj.setBxId(Tools.parseInt(jobject.getString("ID", "-1"), -1)); } catch (Exception e) { bsectObj.setBxId(-1); } try { String f1cId = jobject.getString("1C_ID", ""); if (f1cId.length() == 36) bsectObj.setF1cId(f1cId); else bsectObj.setF1cId("NULL"); } catch (Exception e) { bsectObj.setF1cId("NULL"); } try { bsectObj.setParentBxId(Tools.parseInt(jobject.getString("PARENT_ID", "-1"), -1)); } catch (Exception e) { bsectObj.setParentBxId(-1); } try { bsectObj.setName(jobject.getString("NAME", "NULL")); } catch (Exception e) { bsectObj.setName("NULL"); } int try_cnt = 0; boolean notSucc = true; String err = ""; while (try_cnt < 10 && notSucc) { try { bxBsectFacade.create(bsectObj); crcnt++; notSucc = false; } catch (Exception e) { notSucc = true; badCnt++; try_cnt++; err += "[[" + Tools.parseInt(jobject.getString("ID", "-1"), -1) + "]]<<==!!||||||!!==>>Error of bxBsectFacade.create " + e; } } try { if (try_cnt > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Error of bxBSectFacade", err); } catch (Exception lge) { } hasCrashes = hasCrashes | notSucc; } try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Complete load bx_bsect", "Complete load bx_bsect " + ", all=" + jarray.size() + ",succ=" + crcnt + ",errcnt=" + badCnt); } catch (Exception lge) { } BxBsect bsectObjCompl = new BxBsect(); bsectObjCompl.setId(-1); bsectObjCompl.setBxId(jarray.size()); if (hasCrashes) bsectObjCompl.setF1cId("00000000-0000-0000-0000-00nocomplete"); else bsectObjCompl.setF1cId("00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000complete"); //bsectObjCompl.setF1cId("00000000-0000-0000-0000-0bxinprocess"); //bsectObjCompl.setF1cId("00000000-0000-0000-0000-01?inprocess"); //bsectObjCompl.setF1cId("00000000-0000-0000-0000-bxancomplete"); //bsectObjCompl.setF1cId("00000000-0000-0000-0000-1cancomplete"); bsectObjCompl.setParentBxId(badCnt); bsectObjCompl.setName("jasz=" + jarray.size() + ",crcnt=" + crcnt); int try_cnt22 = 0; boolean notSucc22 = true; while (try_cnt22 < 10 && notSucc22) { try { //bxBsectFacade.create(bsectObjCompl); notSucc22 = false; } catch (Exception e) { notSucc22 = true; //badCnt22++; try_cnt22++; } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("<<==!!||||||!!==>>Error of get-parse json " + e); try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Error of get-parse json bx_bsect", "<<==!!||||||!!==>>Error of get-parse json " + e); } catch (Exception lge) { } } finally { callT2(); } } }; Thread t = new Thread(r); t.start(); } public long maxPostFilePartSize = 85000000; public long maxPostedFileSize = 8000000; public long maxPostedDocFileSize = 25000000; private boolean postMultipartPrAdd(List<CbNewPrFrom1cWprops> npwps) { String charset = "UTF-8"; String requestURL = systemURL + "bitrix/ekflibraries/corpbus/manipulate_data.php"; boolean reply = true; String sreply = ""; if (npwps.isEmpty()) return reply; String logStr = "New prod cnt=" + npwps_.size() + ". "; try { MultipartUtility multipart = new MultipartUtility(requestURL, charset); multipart.addHeaderField("User-Agent", "CodeJava"); multipart.addHeaderField("Test-Header", "Header-Value"); int index = 0; multipart.addFormField("OTYPE", "ADD"); multipart.addFormField("ENTITY", "1CPROD"); int ocnt = npwps.size(); //String logStr = ""; long allFileSize = 0; boolean uploadFiles = true; multipart.addFormField("OCNT", "50"); for (CbNewPrFrom1cWprops npwp : npwps) { long productFilesSize = 0; boolean error_file_operation = false; try { if (npwp.getFp0().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp0().replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize && ((allFileSize + productFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { productFilesSize += f.length(); } } if (npwp.getFp1().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp1().replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize && ((allFileSize + productFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { productFilesSize += f.length(); } } if (npwp.getFp2().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp2().replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize && ((allFileSize + productFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { productFilesSize += f.length(); } } if (npwp.getFp3().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp3().replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize && ((allFileSize + productFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { productFilesSize += f.length(); } } if (npwp.getFp4().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp4().replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= 2000000 && ((allFileSize + productFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { productFilesSize += f.length(); } } } catch (Exception fle) { productFilesSize = 0; error_file_operation = true; logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getName() + " - Error prev file operation!!! " + fle); } if ((allFileSize + productFilesSize) > maxPostFilePartSize) { logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getName() + " - too big product files sizes summ!!!"); //continue; } else { multipart.addFormField("PIDPREV1" + index, npwp.getId()); multipart.addFormField("PIDPREV2" + index, npwp.getId()); multipart.addFormField("PID" + index, npwp.getId()); multipart.addFormField("PART" + index, npwp.getVendorCode()); multipart.addFormField("PNAME" + index, npwp.getName()); logStr += ("[" + index + "] NAME " + npwp.getId() + npwp.getName() + "," + npwp.getBasePrice() + "," + npwp.getIshopPrice() + "," + npwp.getQuant() + "," + npwp.getBxGroupExternalCode() + "," + npwp.getVendorCode());//+",[["+npwp.getJsonData()+"]]" multipart.addFormField("PSHNAME" + index, npwp.getShortName()); multipart.addFormField("PPROPS" + index, npwp.getJsonData()); multipart.addFormField("PGRPID" + index, npwp.getProductGroupId()); multipart.addFormField("PBPRICE" + index, "" + npwp.getBasePrice()); multipart.addFormField("PISPRICE" + index, "" + npwp.getIshopPrice()); multipart.addFormField("PQUANT" + index, "" + npwp.getQuant()); multipart.addFormField("PGRXMLID" + index, npwp.getBxGroupExternalCode()); if (!error_file_operation) { try { if (npwp.getFp0().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp0().replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { multipart.addFilePart("DETAIL_PICTURE" + index, (f)); logStr += ",fp0" + npwp.getFp0(); allFileSize += f.length(); } else { logStr += ",fp0 " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000 + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize"; } } if (npwp.getFp1().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp1().replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { multipart.addFilePart("PHOTO" + index + "_01", (f)); logStr += ",fp1=" + npwp.getFp1(); allFileSize += f.length(); } else { logStr += ",fp1 " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000 + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize"; } } if (npwp.getFp2().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp2().replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { multipart.addFilePart("PHOTO" + index + "_02", (f)); logStr += ",fp2=" + npwp.getFp2(); allFileSize += f.length(); } else { logStr += ",fp2 " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000 + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize"; } } if (npwp.getFp3().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp3().replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { multipart.addFilePart("PHOTO" + index + "_03", (f)); logStr += ",fp3=" + npwp.getFp3(); allFileSize += f.length(); } else { logStr += ",fp3 " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000 + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize"; } } if (npwp.getFp4().length() > 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getFp4().replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { multipart.addFilePart("PHOTO" + index + "_04", (f)); logStr += ",fp4=" + npwp.getFp4(); allFileSize += f.length(); } else { logStr += ",fp4 " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000 + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize"; } } } catch (Exception fle) { //error_file_operation=true; logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getName() + " - Error file operation!!! " + fle); } } index++; } if (allFileSize > maxPostFilePartSize) { logStr += ("End of request construction - too big prev products files sizes summ!!!"); break; } } try { if (logStr.length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "NEW PROD TO SEND ", "<p style=\"font-size:10px !important;\">" + index + "cnt," + logStr + "</p>" + ", allFilesSizes(bytes)=" + allFileSize); } catch (Exception lgen) { } //multipart.addFormField("OCNT",""+index); multipart.addFormField("OCNT", "50");//+50); List<String> response = multipart.finish(); for (String line : response) { sreply = sreply + line; } try { JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(sreply)); JsonObject jobject = jsonReader.readObject(); try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY=" + jobject.toString()); } catch (Exception lge) { } try { if (jobject.getString("critical_info", "").length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_INFO", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL", jobject.getString("critical_info", "")); } catch (Exception lge) { } try { if (jobject.getString("critical_errs", "").length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_ERRS", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL", jobject.getString("critical_errs", "")); } catch (Exception lge) { } } catch (Exception pe) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY" + sreply); } catch (Exception lge) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR of postMultipartPrAdd", logStr + " ERROR of postMultipartPrAdd" + ex); } catch (Exception lge) { } } return reply; } List<CbNewPrFrom1cWprops> npwps_; private void sendCompareData() { Runnable r4 = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (npwps_.size() == 0) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Data params", "New prod cnt=" + npwps_.size()); } catch (Exception lge) { } } if (postMultipartPrAdd(npwps_)) { sendCompareDataUpd(); } else { exchangeInProcess = false; } } catch (Exception e) { exchangeInProcess = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Error of sendCompareData procedure", "Error of sendCompareData procedure" + e); } catch (Exception lge) { } } } }; Thread t = new Thread(r4); t.start(); } ArrayList<String> updProdsIds = new ArrayList<String>(); private boolean postMultipartPrUpd(List<CbEkfgroupToUpdatedBx1c> upwps) { String charset = "UTF-8"; String requestURL = systemURL + "bitrix/ekflibraries/corpbus/manipulate_data.php"; boolean reply = true; String sreply = ""; if (upwps.isEmpty()) return reply; String logStr = "Upd prod cnt=" + upwps.size() + ". "; try { MultipartUtility multipart = new MultipartUtility(requestURL, charset); multipart.addHeaderField("User-Agent", "CodeJava"); multipart.addHeaderField("Test-Header", "Header-Value"); int index = 0; multipart.addFormField("OTYPE", "UPDATE"); multipart.addFormField("ENTITY", "1CPROD"); int ocnt = upwps.size(); multipart.addFormField("OCNT", "" + ocnt); //String logStr=""; long allFileSize = 0; boolean uploadFiles = true; for (CbEkfgroupToUpdatedBx1c npwp : upwps) { try { long productFilesSize = 0; boolean error_file_operation = false; try { if (!npwp.getF1cMainPict().equals(npwp.getBxMainPict()) && npwp.getF1cMainPict().length() > 10 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getF1cMainPict().replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize && ((allFileSize + productFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { productFilesSize += f.length(); } } /*if(npwp.getF1cAddPict1().length()>0&&uploadFiles&&false) { File f = new File(mountImgPath+npwp.getF1cAddPict1().replace("\\", "/")); if(f.length()<=maxPostedFileSize&&((allFileSize+productFilesSize+f.length())<maxPostFilePartSize)) { productFilesSize+=f.length(); } } if(npwp.getF1cAddPict1().length()>0&&uploadFiles&&false) { File f = new File(mountImgPath+npwp.getF1cAddPict1().replace("\\", "/")); if(f.length()<=maxPostedFileSize&&((allFileSize+productFilesSize+f.length())<maxPostFilePartSize)) { productFilesSize+=f.length(); } } if(npwp.getF1cAddPict1().length()>0&&uploadFiles&&false) { File f = new File(mountImgPath+npwp.getF1cAddPict1().replace("\\", "/")); if(f.length()<=maxPostedFileSize&&((allFileSize+productFilesSize+f.length())<maxPostFilePartSize)) { productFilesSize+=f.length(); } } if(npwp.getF1cAddPict1().length()>0&&uploadFiles&&false) { File f = new File(mountImgPath+npwp.getF1cAddPict1().replace("\\", "/")); if(f.length()<=2000000&&((allFileSize+productFilesSize+f.length())<maxPostFilePartSize)) { productFilesSize+=f.length(); } }*/ } catch (Exception fle) { productFilesSize = 0; error_file_operation = true; logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getName() + " - Error prev file operation!!! " + fle); if (!npwp.getF1cMainPict().equals(npwp.getBxMainPict()) && npwp.getBxMainPict().length() <= 5) { multipart.addFormField("SETMAIN_PICT_ERR" + index, "1"); multipart.addFormField("MAIN_PICT" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava( (npwp.getBxMainPict() == null || (npwp.getBxMainPict().length() > 10) ? "a" : npwp.getBxMainPict() + "a"))); } } if ((allFileSize + productFilesSize) > maxPostFilePartSize) { logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getName() + " - too big product files sizes summ!!!"); //continue; } else { if (!error_file_operation) { try { if (!npwp.getF1cMainPict().equals(npwp.getBxMainPict()) && npwp.getF1cMainPict().length() > 10 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getF1cMainPict().replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { multipart.addFilePart("DETAIL_PICTURE" + index, (f)); multipart.addFormField("SETDETAIL_PICTURE" + index, "1"); multipart.addFormField("SETMAIN_PICT" + index, "1"); multipart.addFormField("MAIN_PICT" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cMainPict())); logStr += ",fp0" + npwp.getF1cMainPict(); allFileSize += f.length(); } else { logStr += ",fp0 " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000 + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize"; } } /*if(npwp.getFp1().length()>0&&uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath+npwp.getFp1().replace("\\", "/")); if(f.length()<=maxPostedFileSize&&((allFileSize+f.length())<maxPostFilePartSize)) { multipart.addFilePart("PHOTO"+index+"_01", (f) ); logStr+=",fp1="+npwp.getFp1(); allFileSize+=f.length(); } else { logStr+=",fp1 "+f.length()+" more "+maxPostedFileSize/1000000+"Mbytes or too big allFileSize"; } } if(npwp.getFp2().length()>0&&uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath+npwp.getFp2().replace("\\", "/")); if(f.length()<=maxPostedFileSize&&((allFileSize+f.length())<maxPostFilePartSize)) { multipart.addFilePart("PHOTO"+index+"_02", (f) ); logStr+=",fp2="+npwp.getFp2(); allFileSize+=f.length(); } else { logStr+=",fp2 "+f.length()+" more "+maxPostedFileSize/1000000+"Mbytes or too big allFileSize"; } } if(npwp.getFp3().length()>0&&uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath+npwp.getFp3().replace("\\", "/")); if(f.length()<=maxPostedFileSize&&((allFileSize+f.length())<maxPostFilePartSize)) { multipart.addFilePart("PHOTO"+index+"_03", (f) ); logStr+=",fp3="+npwp.getFp3(); allFileSize+=f.length(); } else { logStr+=",fp3 "+f.length()+" more "+maxPostedFileSize/1000000+"Mbytes or too big allFileSize"; } } if(npwp.getFp4().length()>0&&uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath+npwp.getFp4().replace("\\", "/")); if(f.length()<=maxPostedFileSize&&((allFileSize+f.length())<maxPostFilePartSize)) { multipart.addFilePart("PHOTO"+index+"_04", (f) ); logStr+=",fp4="+npwp.getFp4(); allFileSize+=f.length(); } else { logStr+=",fp4 "+f.length()+" more "+maxPostedFileSize/1000000+"Mbytes or too big allFileSize"; } }*/ } catch (Exception fle) { error_file_operation = true; logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getName() + " - Error file operation!!! " + fle); if (!npwp.getF1cMainPict().equals(npwp.getBxMainPict()) && npwp.getBxMainPict().length() <= 5) { multipart.addFormField("SETMAIN_PICT_ERR" + index, "1"); multipart.addFormField("MAIN_PICT" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava((npwp.getBxMainPict() == null || (npwp.getBxMainPict().length() > 10) ? "a" : npwp.getBxMainPict() + "a"))); } } } } updProdsIds.add(npwp.getF1cId()); multipart.addFormField("PIDPREV1" + index, "" + npwp.getId()); multipart.addFormField("PIDPREV2" + index, "" + npwp.getId()); if (!npwp.getF1cMainPict().equals(npwp.getBxMainPict()) && (npwp.getF1cMainPict().length() <= 10 || (npwp.getBxMainPict().length() >= 5 && npwp.getBxMainPict().length() <= 15))) { multipart.addFormField("SETMAIN_PICT_DIR" + index, "1"); multipart.addFormField("MAIN_PICT" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cMainPict())); } multipart.addFormField("PID" + index, "" + npwp.getId()); multipart.addFormField("PXMLID" + index, npwp.getF1cId()); multipart.addFormField("PART" + index, npwp.getArtikul()); multipart.addFormField("PNAME" + index, npwp.getName()); if (npwp.getToUpdate() == 1 || (Math.abs(npwp.getBxPropCnt() - npwp.getF1cPropCnt()) > 1)) multipart.addFormField("PPROPS" + index, npwp.getJsonData()); logStr += "[" + index + "] NAME " + npwp.getName() + "," + npwp.getBasePrice() + "," + npwp.getIshopPrice() + "," + npwp.getQuant() + "," + npwp.getBxGroupExternalCode() + npwp.getArtikul() + "[" + npwp.getToUpdate() + "[" + npwp.getJsonData() + "]]bxpcnt=" + npwp.getBxPropCnt() + ",1fpcnt=" + npwp.getF1cPropCnt();// if (npwp.getBasePrice() != npwp.getBbsprice()) multipart.addFormField("SETPBPRICE" + index, "1"); else multipart.addFormField("SETPBPRICE" + index, "0"); if (npwp.getIshopPrice() != npwp.getBisprice()) multipart.addFormField("SETPISPRICE" + index, "1"); else multipart.addFormField("SETPISPRICE" + index, "0"); if (npwp.getQuant() != npwp.getBamount()) multipart.addFormField("SETPQUANT" + index, "1"); else multipart.addFormField("SETPQUANT" + index, "0"); multipart.addFormField("PBPRICE" + index, "" + npwp.getBasePrice()); multipart.addFormField("PISPRICE" + index, "" + npwp.getIshopPrice()); multipart.addFormField("PQUANT" + index, "" + npwp.getQuant()); if (!npwp.getBxGroupExternalCode().equals(npwp.getParent1cId())) multipart.addFormField("SETPGRXMLID" + index, "1"); else multipart.addFormField("SETPGRXMLID" + index, "0"); multipart.addFormField("PGRXMLID" + index, npwp.getBxGroupExternalCode()); if (!npwp.getBxName().equals(npwp.getName()) && npwp.getName().length() > 0) multipart.addFormField("SETPNAME" + index, "1"); else multipart.addFormField("SETPNAME" + index, "0"); if (npwp.getBxSortOrder() != npwp.getF1cSortOrder()) multipart.addFormField("SETSORT_ORDER" + index, "1"); else multipart.addFormField("SETSORT_ORDER" + index, "0"); multipart.addFormField("SORT_ORDER" + index, "" + npwp.getF1cSortOrder()); } catch (Exception ex) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR of postMultipartPrUpd set data", "ERROR of postMultipartPrUpd set data " + ex); return false; } catch (Exception lge) { } } index++; } try { if (logStr.length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "UPD PROD TO SEND ", "<p style=\"font-size:10px !important;\">" + logStr + "</p>"); } catch (Exception lgen) { } List<String> response = multipart.finish(); for (String line : response) { sreply = sreply + line; } try { JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(sreply)); JsonObject jobject = jsonReader.readObject(); try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY=" + jobject.toString()); } catch (Exception lge) { } try { if (jobject.getString("critical_info", "").length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_INFO", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL", jobject.getString("critical_info", "")); } catch (Exception lge) { } try { if (jobject.getString("critical_errs", "").length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_ERRS", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL", jobject.getString("critical_errs", "")); } catch (Exception lge) { } } catch (Exception pe) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY" + sreply); } catch (Exception lge) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR of postMultipartPrUpd", logStr + " ERROR of postMultipartPrUpd " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (Exception lge) { } } return reply; } List<CbEkfgroupToUpdatedBx1c> upwps_; private void sendCompareDataUpd() { Runnable r4 = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (upwps_.size() == 0) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Data params", "Upd prod cnt=" + upwps_.size()); } catch (Exception lge) { } } updProdsIds = new ArrayList<String>(); if (postMultipartPrUpd(upwps_)) { StringBuilder in_cond = new StringBuilder(); in_cond.append("("); try { for (int i = 0; i < updProdsIds.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) in_cond.append(","); in_cond.append("'").append(updProdsIds.get(i).replace("'", "''")).append("'"); } in_cond.append(")"); if (cbEkfgroupToUpdatedBx1cFacade.updProdMultiply(updProdsIds)) { //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Success products updated_at SET", // "Success products updated_at SET, pcount="+updProdsIds.size()); //} catch(Exception lge) { //} sendCompareDataDel(); } else { exchangeInProcess = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Unsuccess products updated_at SET", "Unsuccess products updated_at SET, pcount=" + updProdsIds.size()); } catch (Exception lge) { } } } catch (Exception lgee) { exchangeInProcess = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "!!!!!!Unsuccess products updated_at SET", "Unsuccess products updated_at SET, pcount=" + updProdsIds.size() + ", " + in_cond.toString()); } catch (Exception lge) { } } } else { exchangeInProcess = false; } } catch (Exception e) { exchangeInProcess = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Error of sendCompareDataUpd procedure", "Error of sendCompareDataUpd procedure" + e); } catch (Exception lge) { } } } }; Thread t = new Thread(r4); t.start(); } private boolean postMultipartPrDel(List<CbEkfroupDelFromBxView> dpwps) { String charset = "UTF-8"; String requestURL = systemURL + "bitrix/ekflibraries/corpbus/manipulate_data.php"; boolean reply = true; String sreply = ""; if (dpwps.isEmpty()) return reply; String logStr = "Del prod cnt=" + dpwps.size() + ". "; try { MultipartUtility multipart = new MultipartUtility(requestURL, charset); multipart.addHeaderField("User-Agent", "CodeJava"); multipart.addHeaderField("Test-Header", "Header-Value"); int index = 0; multipart.addFormField("OTYPE", "DELETE"); multipart.addFormField("ENTITY", "1CPROD"); int ocnt = dpwps.size(); multipart.addFormField("OCNT", "" + ocnt); //String logStr=""; for (CbEkfroupDelFromBxView npwp : dpwps) { multipart.addFormField("PID" + index, npwp.getId()); logStr += "[" + index + "] PID " + npwp.getId(); index++; } try { if (logStr.length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "DEL PROD TO SEND ", logStr); } catch (Exception lgen) { } List<String> response = multipart.finish(); for (String line : response) { sreply = sreply + line; } try { JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(sreply)); JsonObject jobject = jsonReader.readObject(); try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY=" + jobject.toString()); } catch (Exception lge) { } try { if (jobject.getString("critical_info", "").length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_INFO", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL", jobject.getString("critical_info", "")); } catch (Exception lge) { } try { if (jobject.getString("critical_errs", "").length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_ERRS", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL", jobject.getString("critical_errs", "")); } catch (Exception lge) { } } catch (Exception pe) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY" + sreply); } catch (Exception lge) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR of postMultipartPrDel", logStr + " ERROR of postMultipartPrDel" + ex); } catch (Exception lge) { } } return reply; } List<CbEkfroupDelFromBxView> dpwps_; private void sendCompareDataDel() { Runnable r4 = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (dpwps_.size() == 0) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Data params", "Del prod cnt=" + dpwps_.size()); } catch (Exception lge) { } } if (postMultipartPrDel(dpwps_)) { // } exchangeInProcess = false; fullExchangeCircle = true; if (npwps_.size() == 0 && upwps_.size() == 0 && dpwps_.size() == 0 && nswps_.size() == 0 && uswps_.size() == 0 && dswps_.size() == 0) { try { tablesOperatingStateFacade.setEkfGrExchDataUnDelta(); } catch (Exception lgex) { } } } catch (Exception e) { exchangeInProcess = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Error of sendCompareDataDel procedure", "Error of sendCompareDataDel procedure" + e); } catch (Exception lge) { } } } }; Thread t = new Thread(r4); t.start(); } private boolean postMultipartSectAdd(List<CbEkfgroupAdd1csectToBx> nswps) { String charset = "UTF-8"; String requestURL = systemURL + "bitrix/ekflibraries/corpbus/manipulate_data.php"; boolean reply = true; String sreply = ""; if (nswps.isEmpty()) return reply; String logStr = "New sect cnt=" + nswps.size() + ". "; try { MultipartUtility multipart = new MultipartUtility(requestURL, charset); multipart.addHeaderField("User-Agent", "CodeJava"); multipart.addHeaderField("Test-Header", "Header-Value"); int index = 0; multipart.addFormField("OTYPE", "ADD"); multipart.addFormField("ENTITY", "1CSECT"); int ocnt = nswps.size(); multipart.addFormField("OCNT", "" + ocnt); //String logStr=""; for (CbEkfgroupAdd1csectToBx npwp : nswps) { multipart.addFormField("SID" + index, npwp.getId()); multipart.addFormField("SNAME" + index, npwp.getName()); multipart.addFormField("SGRXMLID" + index, npwp.getParentId()); logStr += "[" + index + "] NAME " + npwp.getName() + "," + npwp.getId() + "," + npwp.getParentId(); index++; } try { if (logStr.length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "NEW SECT TO SEND ", logStr); } catch (Exception lgen) { } List<String> response = multipart.finish(); for (String line : response) { sreply = sreply + line; } try { JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(sreply)); JsonObject jobject = jsonReader.readObject(); try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY=" + jobject.toString()); } catch (Exception lge) { } try { if (jobject.getString("critical_info", "").length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_INFO", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL", jobject.getString("critical_info", "")); } catch (Exception lge) { } try { if (jobject.getString("critical_errs", "").length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_ERRS", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL", jobject.getString("critical_errs", "")); } catch (Exception lge) { } try { if (Tools.parseInt(jobject.getString("errcnt", "0"), 1) > 0) { reply = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "EXCHANGE STOPPED", "UNSUCCESS EXECUTE SECT ADD SCRIPT"); } catch (Exception lge) { } } } catch (Exception lge) { reply = false; } } catch (Exception pe) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY" + sreply); } catch (Exception lge) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR of postMultipartSectAdd", logStr + " ERROR of postMultipartSectAdd" + ex); } catch (Exception lge) { } } return reply; } List<CbEkfgroupAdd1csectToBx> nswps_; private void sendCompareSectDataAdd() { Runnable r4 = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (nswps_.size() == 0) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Data params", "New sect cnt=" + nswps_.size()); } catch (Exception lge) { } } if (postMultipartSectAdd(nswps_)) { //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Break sections add!!!", "Break add!!!"); //} catch(Exception lge) { //} sendCompareSectDataUpd(); } else { exchangeInProcess = false; } } catch (Exception e) { exchangeInProcess = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Error of sendCompareSectData procedure", "Error of sendCompareSectData procedure" + e); } catch (Exception lge) { } } } }; Thread t = new Thread(r4); t.start(); } private static BufferedImage resizeImage(BufferedImage originalImage, int type) { BufferedImage resizedImage = new BufferedImage(IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT, type); Graphics2D g = resizedImage.createGraphics(); g.drawImage(originalImage, 0, 0, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT, null); g.dispose(); return resizedImage; } private void testPost() { CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault(); try { HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost( "http://localhost:8080" + "/servlets-examples/servlet/RequestInfoExample"); FileBody bin = new FileBody(new File("")); StringBody comment = new StringBody("A binary file of some kind", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN); HttpEntity reqEntity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().addPart("bin", bin).addPart("comment", comment) .build(); httppost.setEntity(reqEntity); System.out.println("executing request " + httppost.getRequestLine()); try { CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost); try { System.out.println("----------------------------------------"); System.out.println(response.getStatusLine()); HttpEntity resEntity = response.getEntity(); if (resEntity != null) { System.out.println("Response content length: " + resEntity.getContentLength()); } try { EntityUtils.consume(resEntity); } catch (Exception ee) { } } finally { try { response.close(); } catch (Exception ee) { } } } catch (Exception ee) { } } finally { try { httpclient.close(); } catch (Exception ee) { } } } private boolean postMultipartSectUpd(List<CbEkfgroupUpd1csectToBx> uswps) { String charset = "UTF-8"; String requestURL = systemURL + "bitrix/ekflibraries/corpbus/manipulate_data.php"; boolean reply = true; String sreply = ""; if (uswps.isEmpty()) return reply; long allFileSize = 0; String logStr = "Upd sect cnt=" + uswps.size() + ". "; CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault(); try { MultipartUtility multipart = new MultipartUtility(requestURL, charset); HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(requestURL); MultipartEntityBuilder reqBuilder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create(); multipart.addHeaderField("User-Agent", "CodeJava"); httppost.addHeader("User-Agent", "CodeJava"); multipart.addHeaderField("Test-Header", "Header-Value"); int index = 0; multipart.addFormField("OTYPE", "UPDATE"); reqBuilder.addPart("OTYPE", new StringBody("UPDATE", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); multipart.addFormField("ENTITY", "1CSECT"); reqBuilder.addPart("ENTITY", new StringBody("1CSECT", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); int ocnt = uswps.size(); multipart.addFormField("OCNT", "" + ocnt); reqBuilder.addPart("OCNT", new StringBody("" + ocnt, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); //String logStr=""; for (CbEkfgroupUpd1csectToBx npwp : uswps) { multipart.addFormField("SID" + index, npwp.getSid()); reqBuilder.addPart("SID" + index, new StringBody(npwp.getSid(), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); //if(!npwp.getSid().equals(npwp.getCbBxgroupId())) // multipart.addFormField("SETSID"+index, "1"); //else // multipart.addFormField("SETSID"+index, "0"); //multipart.addFormField("NEWSID"+index, npwp.getCbBxgroupId()); logStr += "[" + index + "] NAME " + npwp.getBxname() + "," + npwp.getF1cname() + "," + npwp.getBxparentId() + "," + npwp.getF1cparentId(); if (!npwp.getBxname().equals(npwp.getF1cname())) { multipart.addFormField("SETSNAME" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETSNAME" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETSNAME" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETSNAME" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } if (!npwp.getBxparentId().equals(npwp.getF1cparentId())) { multipart.addFormField("SETSGRXMLID" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETSGRXMLID" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETSGRXMLID" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETSGRXMLID" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("SNAME" + index, npwp.getF1cname()); reqBuilder.addPart("SNAME" + index, new StringBody(npwp.getF1cname(), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); multipart.addFormField("SGRXMLID" + index, npwp.getF1cparentId()); reqBuilder.addPart("SGRXMLID" + index, new StringBody(npwp.getF1cparentId(), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); boolean error_file_operation = false, uploadFiles = true; long sectFilesSize = 0; boolean tooLargeDsc = false, tooLargeGb = false, tooLargeDoc = false; ArrayList<String> dscFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); try { if (!npwp.getBxDescriptsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cDescriptsJson())) { //logStr+="["+npwp.getF1cDescriptsJson()+"]"; JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(npwp.getF1cDescriptsJson())); JsonObject jo = jsonReader.readObject(); int dcount = 0; logStr += "cnt=" + jo.getString("dc", "0"); for (int i = 0; i < Tools.parseInt(jo.getString("dc", "0"), 0); i++) { logStr += ("[" + i + "]"); try { if (jo.getString("fp" + i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize && ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { dscFiles.add(jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/")); multipart.addFormField("FDSC" + index + "DSC" + dcount, jo.getString("dsc" + i)); multipart.addFormField("FDSC" + index + "FN" + dcount, jo.getString("fn" + i)); reqBuilder.addPart("FDSC" + index + "DSC" + dcount, new StringBody(jo.getString("dsc" + i), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); reqBuilder.addPart("FDSC" + index + "FN" + dcount, new StringBody(jo.getString("fn" + i), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); sectFilesSize += f.length(); dcount++; } else { tooLargeDsc = true; logStr += "Too large " + jo.getString("fp" + i); } } } catch (Exception fle) { //sectFilesSize=0; error_file_operation = true; logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error dsc file operation!!! " + fle); } } if (dcount > 0) { multipart.addFormField("FDSCDC" + index, "" + dcount); reqBuilder.addPart("FDSCDC" + index, new StringBody("" + dcount, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } } } catch (Exception fle) { logStr += (npwp.getF1cname() + " Error F1cDescriptsJson parse operation!!! " + fle + "[[" + npwp.getF1cDescriptsJson() + "]]"); } ArrayList<String> gbFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); try { if (!npwp.getBxGabaritsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cGabaritsJson())) { //logStr+="["+npwp.getF1cGabaritsJson()+"]"; JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(npwp.getF1cGabaritsJson())); JsonObject jo = jsonReader.readObject(); int dcount = 0; logStr += "cnt=" + jo.getString("dc", "0"); for (int i = 0; i < Tools.parseInt(jo.getString("dc", "0"), 0); i++) { logStr += ("[" + i + "]"); try { if (jo.getString("fp" + i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize && ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { gbFiles.add(jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/")); multipart.addFormField("FGB" + index + "DSC" + dcount, jo.getString("dsc" + i)); multipart.addFormField("FGB" + index + "FN" + dcount, jo.getString("fn" + i)); reqBuilder.addPart("FGB" + index + "DSC" + dcount, new StringBody(jo.getString("dsc" + i), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); reqBuilder.addPart("FGB" + index + "FN" + dcount, new StringBody(jo.getString("fn" + i), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); sectFilesSize += f.length(); dcount++; logStr += "[=" + dcount + "=]"; } else { tooLargeGb = true; logStr += "Too large " + jo.getString("fp" + i); } } } catch (Exception fle) { //sectFilesSize=0; error_file_operation = true; logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error dsc file operation!!! " + fle); } } if (dcount > 0) { multipart.addFormField("FGBDC" + index, "" + dcount); reqBuilder.addPart("FGBDC" + index, new StringBody("" + dcount, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } } } catch (Exception fle) { logStr += (npwp.getF1cname() + " Error F1cGabaritsJson parse operation!!! " + fle + "[[" + npwp.getF1cGabaritsJson() + "]]"); } ArrayList<String> docFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); try { if (!npwp.getBxDocsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cDocsJson())) { //logStr+="["+npwp.getF1cDocsJson()+"]"; JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(npwp.getF1cDocsJson())); JsonObject jo = jsonReader.readObject(); int dcount = 0; logStr += "cnt=" + jo.getString("dc", "0"); for (int i = 0; i < Tools.parseInt(jo.getString("dc", "0"), 0); i++) { logStr += ("[" + i + "]"); try { if (jo.getString("fp" + i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedDocFileSize && ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { docFiles.add(jo.getString("fp" + i).replace("\\", "/")); multipart.addFormField("FDOC" + index + "DSC" + dcount, jo.getString("dsc" + i)); //logStr+=("FDOC"+index+"FN+"+dcount+"="+jo.getString("fn"+i)); multipart.addFormField("FDOC" + index + "FN" + dcount, jo.getString("fn" + i)); reqBuilder.addPart("FDOC" + index + "DSC" + dcount, new StringBody(jo.getString("dsc" + i), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); reqBuilder.addPart("FDOC" + index + "FN" + dcount, new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(jo.getString("fn" + i)), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); sectFilesSize += f.length(); dcount++; } else { tooLargeDoc = true; logStr += "Too large " + jo.getString("fp" + i); } } } catch (Exception fle) { //sectFilesSize=0; error_file_operation = true; logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error doc file operation!!! " + fle); } } if (dcount > 0) { multipart.addFormField("FDOCDC" + index, "" + dcount); reqBuilder.addPart("FDOCDC" + index, new StringBody("" + dcount, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } } } catch (Exception fle) { logStr += (npwp.getF1cname() + " Error F1cDocsJson parse operation!!! " + fle + "[[" + npwp.getF1cDocsJson() + "]]"); } try { if (npwp.getF1cPicture().length() > 0 && npwp.getBxPicture().length() == 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getF1cPicture().replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize && ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { sectFilesSize += f.length(); } } } catch (Exception fle) { //sectFilesSize=0; error_file_operation = true; logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error getF1cPicture file operation!!! " + fle); } try { if (npwp.getF1cMcatalog().length() > 0 && npwp.getBxMcatalog().length() == 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getF1cMcatalog().replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedDocFileSize && ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { sectFilesSize += f.length(); } } } catch (Exception fle) { //sectFilesSize=0; error_file_operation = true; logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error getF1cMcatalog file operation!!! " + fle); } if ((allFileSize + sectFilesSize) > maxPostFilePartSize) { logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - too big sect files sizes summ!!!"); //continue; } else { if (!error_file_operation) { try { if (!npwp.getF1cPicture().equals(npwp.getBxPicture()) && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getF1cPicture().replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedFileSize && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { logStr += ",getF1cPicture " + npwp.getF1cPicture() + "fname=" + f.getName() + ",fpath=" + f.getPath() + ",flength=[" + f.length() + "]"; allFileSize += f.length(); try { BufferedImage originalImage =; if ((originalImage.getHeight() > 400 || originalImage.getWidth() > 400) && false) { int type = originalImage.getType() == 0 ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB : originalImage.getType(); BufferedImage resizeImageJpg = resizeImage(originalImage, type); logStr += "Not require resize"; //multipart.addFilePart("PICTURE"+index, (resizeImageJpg) ); //multipart.addFormField("SETPICTURE"+index, "1"); } else { logStr += "Not require resize"; multipart.addFilePart("PICTURE" + index, (f)); multipart.addFormField("SETPICTURE" + index, "1"); multipart.addFormField("PICTURE_PATH" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cPicture())); reqBuilder.addPart("PICTURE" + index, new FileBody(f)); reqBuilder.addPart("SETPICTURE" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } } catch (Exception frle) { logStr += "Error resizing" + frle; multipart.addFilePart("PICTURE" + index, (f)); multipart.addFormField("SETPICTURE" + index, "1"); multipart.addFormField("PICTURE_PATH" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cPicture())); reqBuilder.addPart("PICTURE" + index, new FileBody(f)); reqBuilder.addPart("SETPICTURE" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } } else { multipart.addFormField("SETPICTURE" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETPICTURE" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); logStr += ",getF1cPicture " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000 + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize"; } } } catch (Exception fle) { error_file_operation = true; logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error getF1cPicture file operation!!! " + fle); } try { if (npwp.getF1cMcatalog().length() > 0 && npwp.getBxMcatalog().length() == 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + npwp.getF1cMcatalog().replace("\\", "/")); if (f.length() <= maxPostedDocFileSize && ((allFileSize + f.length()) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { logStr += ",getF1cMcatalog " + npwp.getF1cMcatalog(); allFileSize += f.length(); multipart.addFilePart("MASTER_CATALOG" + index, (f)); multipart.addFormField("SETMASTER_CATALOG" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("MASTER_CATALOG" + index, new FileBody(f)); reqBuilder.addPart("SETMASTER_CATALOG" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETMASTER_CATALOG" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETMASTER_CATALOG" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); logStr += ",getF1cMcatalog " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedDocFileSize / 1000000 + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize"; } } } catch (Exception fle) { error_file_operation = true; logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error getF1cMcatalog file operation!!! " + fle); } int succFilesCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dscFiles.size(); i++) { try { if (dscFiles.get(i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + dscFiles.get(i)); long lastFSize = 0; lastFSize = f.length(); if (lastFSize <= maxPostedFileSize && ((allFileSize + lastFSize) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { logStr += ",dscFiles " + dscFiles.get(i); multipart.addFilePart("FDSC" + index + "FP" + i, (f)); multipart.addFormField("FDSC" + index + "FPSET" + i, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("FDSC" + index + "FP" + i, new FileBody(f)); reqBuilder.addPart("FDSC" + index + "FPSET" + i, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); succFilesCount++; allFileSize += lastFSize; } else { //if(lastFSize>maxPostedFileSize) // succFilesCount++; tooLargeDsc = true; multipart.addFormField("FDSC" + index + "FPSET" + i, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("FDSC" + index + "FPSET" + i, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); logStr += ",dscFiles " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000 + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize"; } } } catch (Exception fle) { tooLargeDsc = true; error_file_operation = true; logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error dscFiles file operation!!! " + fle); } } if (!tooLargeDsc) { if ((dscFiles.size() <= 0) || ((succFilesCount >= 1) && (succFilesCount >= (int) (dscFiles.size() / 2)))) { if (!npwp.getBxDescriptsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cDescriptsJson())) { multipart.addFormField("SETDESCRIPTS_JSON" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETDESCRIPTS_JSON" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETDESCRIPTS_JSON" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETDESCRIPTS_JSON" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("DESCRIPTS_JSON" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cDescriptsJson())); reqBuilder.addPart("DESCRIPTS_JSON" + index, new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cDescriptsJson()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error dscFiles count!!! "); } succFilesCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gbFiles.size(); i++) { try { if (gbFiles.get(i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + gbFiles.get(i)); long lastFSize = 0; lastFSize = f.length(); if (lastFSize <= maxPostedFileSize && ((allFileSize + lastFSize) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { logStr += ",gbFiles " + gbFiles.get(i); multipart.addFilePart("FGB" + index + "FP" + i, (f)); multipart.addFormField("FGB" + index + "FPSET" + i, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("FGB" + index + "FP" + i, new FileBody(f)); reqBuilder.addPart("FGB" + index + "FPSET" + i, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); succFilesCount++; allFileSize += lastFSize; } else { //if(lastFSize>maxPostedFileSize) // succFilesCount++; tooLargeGb = true; multipart.addFormField("FGB" + index + "FPSET" + i, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("FGB" + index + "FPSET" + i, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); logStr += ",gbFiles " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedFileSize / 1000000 + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize"; } } } catch (Exception fle) { tooLargeGb = true; error_file_operation = true; logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error gbrFiles file operation!!! " + fle); } } if (!tooLargeGb) { if ((gbFiles.size() <= 0) || ((succFilesCount >= 1) && (succFilesCount >= (int) (gbFiles.size() / 2)))) { if (!npwp.getBxGabaritsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cGabaritsJson())) { multipart.addFormField("SETGABARITS_JSON" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETGABARITS_JSON" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETGABARITS_JSON" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETGABARITS_JSON" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("GABARITS_JSON" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cGabaritsJson())); reqBuilder.addPart("GABARITS_JSON" + index, new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cGabaritsJson()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error gbrFiles count!!! "); } succFilesCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < docFiles.size(); i++) { try { if (docFiles.get(i).length() > 0 && uploadFiles) { File f = new File(mountImgPath + docFiles.get(i)); long lastFSize = 0; lastFSize = f.length(); if (lastFSize <= maxPostedDocFileSize && ((allFileSize + lastFSize) < maxPostFilePartSize)) { logStr += ",docFiles " + docFiles.get(i); multipart.addFilePart("FDOC" + index + "FP" + i, (f)); multipart.addFormField("FDOC" + index + "FPSET" + i, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("FDOC" + index + "FP" + i, new FileBody(f)); reqBuilder.addPart("FDOC" + index + "FPSET" + i, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); succFilesCount++; allFileSize += lastFSize; } else { //if(lastFSize>maxPostedFileSize) // succFilesCount++; tooLargeDoc = true; multipart.addFormField("FDOC" + index + "FPSET" + i, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("FDOC" + index + "FPSET" + i, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); logStr += ",docFiles " + f.length() + " more " + maxPostedDocFileSize / 1000000 + "Mbytes or too big allFileSize"; } } } catch (Exception fle) { tooLargeDoc = true; error_file_operation = true; logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error docFiles file operation!!! " + fle); } } if (!tooLargeDoc) { if ((docFiles.size() <= 0) || ((succFilesCount >= 1) && (succFilesCount >= (int) (docFiles.size() / 2)))) { if (!npwp.getBxDocsJson().equals(npwp.getF1cDocsJson())) { multipart.addFormField("SETDOCS_JSON" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETDOCS_JSON" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETDOCS_JSON" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETDOCS_JSON" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("DOCS_JSON" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cDocsJson())); reqBuilder.addPart("DOCS_JSON" + index, new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cDocsJson()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else logStr += ("NAME " + npwp.getF1cname() + " - Error docFiles count!!! "); } } } if (npwp.getBxSortOrder() != npwp.getF1cSortOrder()) { multipart.addFormField("SETSORT_ORDER" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETSORT_ORDER" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETSORT_ORDER" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETSORT_ORDER" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("SORT_ORDER" + index, "" + npwp.getF1cSortOrder()); reqBuilder.addPart("SORT_ORDER" + index, new StringBody("" + npwp.getF1cSortOrder(), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); if (!npwp.getBxDescription().equals(npwp.getF1cDescription())) { multipart.addFormField("SETDESCRIPTION" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETDESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETDESCRIPTION" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETDESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("DESCRIPTION" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cDescription())); reqBuilder.addPart("DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("" + npwp.getF1cSortOrder(), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); if (!npwp.getBxFullDescription().equals(npwp.getF1cFullDescription())) { multipart.addFormField("SETFULL_DESCRIPTION" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETFULL_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETFULL_DESCRIPTION" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETFULL_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("FULL_DESCRIPTION" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cFullDescription())); reqBuilder.addPart("FULL_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody( StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cFullDescription()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); if (!npwp.getBxTypeCompleting().equals(npwp.getF1cTypeCompleting())) { multipart.addFormField("SETTYPE_COMPLETING" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETTYPE_COMPLETING" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETTYPE_COMPLETING" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETTYPE_COMPLETING" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("TYPE_COMPLETING" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cTypeCompleting())); reqBuilder.addPart("TYPE_COMPLETING" + index, new StringBody( StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cTypeCompleting()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); if (!npwp.getBxCharGabarits().equals(npwp.getF1cCharGabarits())) { multipart.addFormField("SETCHAR_GABARITS" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETCHAR_GABARITS" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETCHAR_GABARITS" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETCHAR_GABARITS" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("CHAR_GABARITS" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cCharGabarits())); reqBuilder.addPart("CHAR_GABARITS" + index, new StringBody( StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cCharGabarits()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); if (!npwp.getBxShortDescription().equals(npwp.getF1cShortDescription())) { multipart.addFormField("SETSHORT_DESCRIPTION" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETSHORT_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETSHORT_DESCRIPTION" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETSHORT_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("SHORT_DESCRIPTION" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cShortDescription())); reqBuilder.addPart("SHORT_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody( StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cShortDescription()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); if (!npwp.getBxDocumentation().equals(npwp.getF1cDocumentation())) { multipart.addFormField("SETDOCUMENTATION" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETDOCUMENTATION" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETDOCUMENTATION" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETDOCUMENTATION" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("DOCUMENTATION" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cDocumentation())); reqBuilder.addPart("DOCUMENTATION" + index, new StringBody( StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cDocumentation()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); if (!npwp.getBxVideoDescription().equals(npwp.getF1cVideoDescription())) { multipart.addFormField("SETVIDEO_DESCRIPTION" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETVIDEO_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETVIDEO_DESCRIPTION" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETVIDEO_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("VIDEO_DESCRIPTION" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cVideoDescription())); reqBuilder.addPart("VIDEO_DESCRIPTION" + index, new StringBody( StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cVideoDescription()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); if (npwp.getBxCollapsevc() != npwp.getF1cCollapsevc()) { multipart.addFormField("SETCOLLAPSEVC" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETCOLLAPSEVC" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETCOLLAPSEVC" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETCOLLAPSEVC" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("COLLAPSEVC" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava("" + npwp.getF1cCollapsevc())); reqBuilder.addPart("COLLAPSEVC" + index, new StringBody( StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava("" + npwp.getF1cCollapsevc()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); if (!npwp.getBxAdvants().equals(npwp.getF1cAdvants())) { multipart.addFormField("SETADVANTS" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETADVANTS" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETADVANTS" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETADVANTS" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("ADVANTS" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cAdvants())); reqBuilder.addPart("ADVANTS" + index, new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cAdvants()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); if (!npwp.getBxFilterProps().equals(npwp.getF1cFilterProps())) { multipart.addFormField("SETFILTER_PROPS" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETFILTER_PROPS" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETFILTER_PROPS" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETFILTER_PROPS" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("FILTER_PROPS" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cFilterProps())); reqBuilder.addPart("FILTER_PROPS" + index, new StringBody( StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cFilterProps()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); if (!npwp.getBxSeoAliasUrl().equals(npwp.getF1cSeoAliasUrl()) && npwp.getF1cSeoAliasUrl().length() > 3) { multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_ALIAS_URL" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETSEO_ALIAS_URL" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_ALIAS_URL" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETSEO_ALIAS_URL" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("SEO_ALIAS_URL" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cSeoAliasUrl())); reqBuilder.addPart("SEO_ALIAS_URL" + index, new StringBody( StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cSeoAliasUrl()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); if (npwp.getBxSeoAliasUrl().length() <= 0 && npwp.getF1cSeoAliasUrl().length() <= 3 && npwp.getF1cname().length() > 0) { multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_ALIAS_URL_FROM_NAME" + index, "1"); multipart.addFormField("SEO_ALIAS_URL_FROM_NAME" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cname())); reqBuilder.addPart("SETSEO_ALIAS_URL_FROM_NAME" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); reqBuilder.addPart("SEO_ALIAS_URL_FROM_NAME" + index, new StringBody( StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cname()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } if (!npwp.getBxSeoTitle().equals(npwp.getF1cSeoTitle())) { multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_TITLE" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETSEO_TITLE" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_TITLE" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETSEO_TITLE" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("SEO_TITLE" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cSeoTitle())); reqBuilder.addPart("SEO_TITLE" + index, new StringBody( StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cSeoTitle()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); if (!npwp.getBxSeoH1().equals(npwp.getF1cSeoH1())) { multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_H1" + index, "1"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETSEO_H1" + index, new StringBody("1", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } else { multipart.addFormField("SETSEO_H1" + index, "0"); reqBuilder.addPart("SETSEO_H1" + index, new StringBody("0", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); } multipart.addFormField("SEO_H1" + index, StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cSeoH1())); reqBuilder.addPart("SEO_H1" + index, new StringBody(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(npwp.getF1cSeoH1()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)); index++; } try { if (logStr.length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "UPD SECT TO SEND ", "<p style=\"font-size:10px !important;\">" + logStr + "</p>"); } catch (Exception lgen) { } List<String> response = multipart.finish(); for (String line : response) { sreply = sreply + line; } /*sreply = "{}"; HttpEntity reqEntity =; httppost.setEntity(reqEntity); //System.out.println("executing request " + httppost.getRequestLine()); try { CloseableHttpResponse clresponse = httpclient.execute(httppost); try { //System.out.println("----------------------------------------"); //clresponse.getStatusLine(); HttpEntity resEntity = clresponse.getEntity(); if (resEntity != null) { //System.out.println("Response content length: " + resEntity.getContentLength()); //resEntity.getContent(); resEntity.getContentEncoding() try { String responseString = EntityUtils.toString(resEntity, "UTF-8"); sreply = responseString; EntityUtils.consume(resEntity); } catch(Exception ee) { } } } finally { try { clresponse.close(); } catch(Exception ee) { } } } catch(Exception ee) { }*/ try { JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(sreply)); JsonObject jobject = jsonReader.readObject(); try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY=" + jobject.toString()); } catch (Exception lge) { } try { if (jobject.getString("critical_info", "").length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_INFO", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL", jobject.getString("critical_info", "")); } catch (Exception lge) { } try { if (jobject.getString("critical_errs", "").length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_ERRS", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL", jobject.getString("critical_errs", "")); } catch (Exception lge) { } } catch (Exception pe) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY" + sreply); } catch (Exception lge) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR of postMultipartSectUpd", logStr + " ERROR of postMultipartSectUpd " + ex); } catch (Exception lge) { } } return reply; } List<CbEkfgroupUpd1csectToBx> uswps_; private void sendCompareSectDataUpd() { Runnable r4 = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (uswps_.size() == 0) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Data params", "Upd sect cnt=" + uswps_.size()); } catch (Exception lge) { } } if (postMultipartSectUpd(uswps_)) { sendCompareSectDataDel(); } else { exchangeInProcess = false; } } catch (Exception e) { exchangeInProcess = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Error of sendCompareDataUpd procedure", "Error of sendCompareDataUpd procedure" + e); } catch (Exception lge) { } } } }; Thread t = new Thread(r4); t.start(); } private boolean postMultipartSectDel(List<CbEkfgroupDel1csectFromBx> dswps) { String charset = "UTF-8"; String requestURL = systemURL + "bitrix/ekflibraries/corpbus/manipulate_data.php"; boolean reply = true; String sreply = ""; if (dswps.isEmpty()) return reply; String logStr = "Del sect cnt=" + dswps.size() + ". "; try { MultipartUtility multipart = new MultipartUtility(requestURL, charset); multipart.addHeaderField("User-Agent", "CodeJava"); multipart.addHeaderField("Test-Header", "Header-Value"); int index = 0; multipart.addFormField("OTYPE", "DELETE"); multipart.addFormField("ENTITY", "1CSECT"); int ocnt = dswps.size(); multipart.addFormField("OCNT", "" + ocnt); //String logStr=""; for (CbEkfgroupDel1csectFromBx npwp : dswps) { multipart.addFormField("SID" + index, npwp.getId()); multipart.addFormField("SNAME" + index, npwp.getName()); multipart.addFormField("SBXID" + index, "" + npwp.getBxId()); //npwp. logStr += "[" + index + "] id=" + npwp.getId() + "," + npwp.getName() + ",BXID=" + npwp.getBxId(); index++; } try { if (logStr.length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "DEL SECT TO SEND ", logStr); } catch (Exception lgen) { } List<String> response = multipart.finish(); for (String line : response) { sreply = sreply + line; } try { JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(sreply)); JsonObject jobject = jsonReader.readObject(); try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY", "SUCCESS OF PARSE SERVER REPLY=" + jobject.toString()); } catch (Exception lge) { } try { if (jobject.getString("critical_info", "").length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_INFO", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL", jobject.getString("critical_info", "")); } catch (Exception lge) { } try { if (jobject.getString("critical_errs", "").length() > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("CRITICAL_ERRS", "SERVER REPLY DETAIL", jobject.getString("critical_errs", "")); } catch (Exception lge) { } } catch (Exception pe) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY", "ERROR OF PARSE SERVER REPLY" + sreply); } catch (Exception lge) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "ERROR of postMultipartSectDel", logStr + " ERROR of postMultipartSectDel" + ex); } catch (Exception lge) { } } return reply; } List<CbEkfgroupDel1csectFromBx> dswps_; private void sendCompareSectDataDel() { Runnable r4 = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (dswps_.size() == 0) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Data params", "Del sect cnt=" + dswps_.size()); } catch (Exception lge) { } } if (postMultipartSectDel(dswps_)) { //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Break deleting!!!", "Break deleting!!!"); //} catch(Exception lge) { //} sendCompareData(); } else { exchangeInProcess = false; } } catch (Exception e) { exchangeInProcess = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Error of sendCompareDataDel procedure", "Error of sendCompareDataDel procedure" + e); } catch (Exception lge) { } } } }; Thread t = new Thread(r4); t.start(); } private void callT2() { Runnable r2 = new Runnable() { public void run() { int badCnt2 = 0; boolean success_sql_operation = false; StringBuilder insert_sql_values_sb = new StringBuilder(); int insert_sql_cnt = 0; String requestRes = ""; try { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", " ? ?", "? ? ? (Timer condition worked Bad full exchange circle) ? ?? - ?? ? ??? , ?"); } catch (Exception lge) { } String url2 = systemURL + "bitrix/ekflibraries/corpbus/get_json_data.php?ENTITY=1CSECT"; //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Start load bx_1csect", "Start load bx_1csect, url="+systemURL); //} catch(Exception lge) { //} URL obj2 = new URL(url2); HttpURLConnection con2 = (HttpURLConnection) obj2.openConnection(); // optional default is GET con2.setRequestMethod("GET"); con2.setConnectTimeout(180000); con2.setReadTimeout(180000); //add request header con2.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla-Firefox"); int responseCode2 = con2.getResponseCode(); System.out.println("\nSending 'GET' request to URL : " + url2); System.out.println("Response Code : " + responseCode2); BufferedReader in2 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con2.getInputStream())); String inputLine2; StringBuffer response2 = new StringBuffer(); while ((inputLine2 = in2.readLine()) != null) { response2.append(inputLine2); } in2.close(); //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Exchange in process 8", "Exchange in process 8"); //} catch(Exception lge) { } requestRes = response2.toString(); try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Complete load bx_1csect urldata", "Complete load bx_1csect urldata, url=" + url2); } catch (Exception lge) { } JsonReader jsonReader2 = Json.createReader(new StringReader(response2.toString())); bx1CSectFacade.clearBx1CSect(); JsonArray jarray2 = jsonReader2.readArray(); int crcnt2 = 0; boolean hasCrashes2 = false; String saveBxSectLog = ""; for (int i = 0; i < jarray2.size(); i++) { JsonObject jobject2 = jarray2.getJsonObject(i); Bx1CSect b1cssectObj = new Bx1CSect(); b1cssectObj.setId(-1); if (insert_sql_cnt > 0) insert_sql_values_sb.append(" ,"); insert_sql_values_sb.append("( "); try { b1cssectObj.setBxId(Tools.parseInt(jobject2.getString("ID", "-1"), -1)); } catch (Exception e) { b1cssectObj.setBxId(-1); } try { String f1cId = jobject2.getString("1C_ID", ""); if (f1cId.length() == 36) b1cssectObj.setF1cId(f1cId); else b1cssectObj.setF1cId("NULL"); } catch (Exception e) { b1cssectObj.setF1cId("NULL"); } try { b1cssectObj.setParentBxId(Tools.parseInt(jobject2.getString("PARENT_ID", "-1"), -1)); } catch (Exception e) { b1cssectObj.setParentBxId(-1); } try { String parent1cId = jobject2.getString("PARENT_1CID", "NULL"); if (parent1cId.length() == 36) b1cssectObj.setParent1cId(parent1cId); else b1cssectObj.setParent1cId("NULL"); } catch (Exception e) { b1cssectObj.setParent1cId("NULL"); } try { b1cssectObj.setName(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(StringEscapeUtils .unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("NAME", "NULL")).replace(""", "\""))); } catch (Exception e) { b1cssectObj.setName("NULL"); } try { b1cssectObj.setPicture(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(StringEscapeUtils .unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("PICTURE", "")).replace(""", "\""))); } catch (Exception e) { b1cssectObj.setPicture(""); } try { b1cssectObj.setMcatalog(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4( StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("MASTER_CATALOG", "")) .replace(""", "\""))); } catch (Exception e) { b1cssectObj.setMcatalog(""); } //inputLine2) try { b1cssectObj.setDescription(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(StringEscapeUtils .unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("DESCRIPTION", "")).replace(""", "\""))); } catch (Exception e) { b1cssectObj.setDescription(""); } try { b1cssectObj.setFullDescription(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4( StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("FULL_DESCRIPTION", "")) .replace(""", "\""))); } catch (Exception e) { b1cssectObj.setFullDescription(""); } try { b1cssectObj.setTypeCompleting(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4( StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("TYPE_COMPLETING", "")) .replace(""", "\""))); } catch (Exception e) { b1cssectObj.setTypeCompleting(""); } try { b1cssectObj.setCharGabarits(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4( StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("CHAR_GABARITS", "")) .replace(""", "\""))); } catch (Exception e) { b1cssectObj.setCharGabarits(""); } try { b1cssectObj.setDocumentation(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4( StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("DOCUMENTATION", "")) .replace(""", "\""))); } catch (Exception e) { b1cssectObj.setDocumentation(""); } try { b1cssectObj.setShortDesription(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4( StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("SHORT_DESCRIPTION", "")) .replace(""", "\""))); } catch (Exception e) { b1cssectObj.setShortDesription(""); } try { b1cssectObj.setVideoDescription(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4( StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("VIDEO_DESCRIPTION", "")) .replace(""", "\""))); } catch (Exception e) { b1cssectObj.setVideoDescription(""); } insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cssectObj.getBxId()); insert_sql_values_sb.append(",'"); insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cssectObj.getName().replace("'", "''")); insert_sql_values_sb.append("',"); insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cssectObj.getParentBxId()); insert_sql_values_sb.append(",'"); insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cssectObj.getF1cId().replace("'", "''")); insert_sql_values_sb.append("','"); insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cssectObj.getParent1cId().replace("'", "''")); insert_sql_values_sb.append("','"); insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cssectObj.getFullDescription().replace("'", "''")); insert_sql_values_sb.append("','"); insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cssectObj.getTypeCompleting().replace("'", "''")); insert_sql_values_sb.append("','"); insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cssectObj.getCharGabarits().replace("'", "''")); insert_sql_values_sb.append("','"); insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cssectObj.getShortDesription().replace("'", "''")); insert_sql_values_sb.append("','"); insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cssectObj.getDocumentation().replace("'", "''")); insert_sql_values_sb.append("','"); insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cssectObj.getDescription().replace("'", "''")); insert_sql_values_sb.append("','"); insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cssectObj.getPicture().replace("'", "''")); insert_sql_values_sb.append("','"); insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cssectObj.getVideoDescription().replace("'", "''")); insert_sql_values_sb.append("','");// insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cssectObj.getMcatalog().replace("'", "''")); insert_sql_values_sb.append("',"); insert_sql_values_sb .append((Tools.parseInt(jobject2.getString("COLLAPSEVC", "0"), 0) == 1 ? 1 : 0)); insert_sql_values_sb.append(",'"); try { insert_sql_values_sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(StringEscapeUtils .unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("ADVANTS", "")).replace(""", "\""))); } catch (Exception e) { } insert_sql_values_sb.append("','"); try { insert_sql_values_sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(StringEscapeUtils .unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("FILTER_PROPS", "")).replace(""", "\""))); } catch (Exception e) { } insert_sql_values_sb.append("','"); try { insert_sql_values_sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4( StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("DESCRIPTS_JSON", "")) .replace(""", "\"").replace("'", "''"))); } catch (Exception e) { } insert_sql_values_sb.append("','"); try { insert_sql_values_sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4( StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("GABARITS_JSON", "")) .replace(""", "\"").replace("'", "''"))); } catch (Exception e) { } insert_sql_values_sb.append("','"); try { insert_sql_values_sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4( StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("DOCS_JSON", "")) .replace(""", "\"").replace("'", "''"))); } catch (Exception e) { } insert_sql_values_sb.append("',"); try { insert_sql_values_sb.append(Tools.parseInt( StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("SORT_ORDER", "0")), 0)); } catch (Exception e) { } insert_sql_values_sb.append(",'"); try { insert_sql_values_sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4( StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("SEO_ALIAS_URL", "")) .replace(""", "\"").replace("'", "''"))); } catch (Exception e) { } insert_sql_values_sb.append("','"); try { insert_sql_values_sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4( StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("SEO_TITLE", "")) .replace(""", "\"").replace("'", "''"))); } catch (Exception e) { } insert_sql_values_sb.append("','"); try { insert_sql_values_sb.append(StringEscapeUtils .unescapeHtml4(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(jobject2.getString("SEO_H1", "")) .replace(""", "\"").replace("'", "''"))); } catch (Exception e) { } insert_sql_values_sb.append("')"); int try_cnt2 = 0; boolean notSucc2 = true; String err = ""; while (try_cnt2 < 10 && notSucc2) { try { //bx1CSectFacade.create(b1cssectObj); //bx1CSectFacade. crcnt2++; notSucc2 = false; } catch (Exception e) { notSucc2 = true; badCnt2++; try_cnt2++; err += "[[" + Tools.parseInt(jobject2.getString("ID", "-1"), -1) + "]]<<==!!||||||!!==>>Error of bx1CsectFacade.create " + e; } } try { if (try_cnt2 > 0) cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Error of bx1CSectFacade", err); } catch (Exception lge) { } hasCrashes2 = hasCrashes2 | notSucc2; insert_sql_cnt++; if (insert_sql_cnt >= 500 || i >= (jarray2.size() - 1)) { try { success_sql_operation = bx1CSectFacade .insertBx1SectMultiply(insert_sql_values_sb.toString(), insert_sql_cnt); } catch (Exception lgesq) { success_sql_operation = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "!!!Unsuccess sending complex sql instruct to bx_1csect", "Err " + lgesq); } catch (Exception lge) { } } if (!success_sql_operation) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "!!!Unsuccess complex sql instruct to bx_1csect", "Count record to bx_1csect " + insert_sql_cnt); } catch (Exception lge) { } break; } else { //saveBxSectLog+=("Count record to bx_1cpsect "+insert_sql_cnt+". "); //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Success complex sql instruct to bx_1csect", "Count record to bx_1cpsect "+insert_sql_cnt); //} catch(Exception lge) { //} } insert_sql_cnt = 0; insert_sql_values_sb.setLength(0); } } try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Complete load bx_1csect", saveBxSectLog + " Complete load bx_1csect " + ", all=" + jarray2.size() + ",succ=" + crcnt2 + ",errcnt=" + badCnt2); } catch (Exception lge) { } if (badCnt2 <= 0 && success_sql_operation) callT3(); else exchangeInProcess = false; } catch (Exception e) { exchangeInProcess = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Error of get-parse json bx_1csect", "<<==!!||||||!!==>>Error of get-parse json " + e + ",server reply[" + requestRes.substring(0, 200) + "]"); } catch (Exception lge) { } } finally { } } }; Thread t2 = new Thread(r2); t2.start(); } private void callT3() { Runnable r3 = new Runnable() { public void run() { int badCnt3 = 0; int crcnt = 0; int allcnt = -1; boolean success_sql_operation = false; StringBuilder insert_sql_values_sb = new StringBuilder(); int insert_sql_cnt = 0; try { String url = systemURL + "bitrix/ekflibraries/corpbus/get_json_data.php?ENTITY=1CPROD"; //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Start load bx_1cprod", "Start load bx_1cprod, url="+systemURL); //} catch(Exception lge) { //} URL obj = new URL(url); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection(); // optional default is GET con.setRequestMethod("GET"); con.setConnectTimeout(180000); con.setReadTimeout(180000); //add request header con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla-Firefox"); int responseCode = con.getResponseCode(); System.out.println("\nSending 'GET' request to URL : " + url); System.out.println("Response Code : " + responseCode); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream())); String inputLine; StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer(); while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) { response.append(inputLine); } in.close(); try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Complete load bx_1cprod urldata", "Complete load bx_1cprod urldata, url=" + systemURL); } catch (Exception lge) { } JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(response.toString())); //int icnt = 0;//bx1CProdFacade.insertBx1ProdMultiply(); //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Complete persist test bx_1cprod urldata ", "Complete persist test bx_1cprod urldata "+icnt); //} catch(Exception lge) { //} bx1CProdFacade.clearBx1CProd(); JsonArray jarray = jsonReader.readArray(); boolean hasCrashes = false; String saveBxDataLog = ""; for (int i = 0; i < jarray.size(); i++) { JsonObject jobject = jarray.getJsonObject(i); Bx1CProd b1cprodObj = new Bx1CProd(); b1cprodObj.setId(-1); if (insert_sql_cnt > 0) insert_sql_values_sb.append(" ,"); insert_sql_values_sb.append("( "); try { b1cprodObj.setBxId(Tools.parseInt(jobject.getString("ID", "-1"), -1)); } catch (Exception e) { b1cprodObj.setBxId(-1); } try { String f1cId = jobject.getString("1C_ID", "NULL"); if (f1cId.length() == 36) b1cprodObj.setF1cId(f1cId); else b1cprodObj.setF1cId("NULL"); } catch (Exception e) { b1cprodObj.setF1cId("NULL"); } try { b1cprodObj.setParentBxId(Tools.parseInt(jobject.getString("PARENT_ID", "-1"), -1)); } catch (Exception e) { b1cprodObj.setParentBxId(-1); } try { String parent1cId = jobject.getString("PARENT_1CID", "NULL"); if (parent1cId.length() == 36) b1cprodObj.setParent1cId(parent1cId); else b1cprodObj.setParent1cId("NULL"); } catch (Exception e) { b1cprodObj.setParent1cId("NULL"); } try { b1cprodObj.setName(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(StringEscapeUtils .unescapeJson(jobject.getString("NAME", "NULL")).replace(""", "\""))); } catch (Exception e) { b1cprodObj.setName("NULL"); } try { b1cprodObj.setArtikul(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4( StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(jobject.getString("ARTICUL", "NULL")))); } catch (Exception e) { b1cprodObj.setArtikul("NULL"); } insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cprodObj.getBxId()); insert_sql_values_sb.append(",'"); insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cprodObj.getName().replace("'", "''")); insert_sql_values_sb.append("',"); insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cprodObj.getParentBxId()); insert_sql_values_sb.append(",'"); insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cprodObj.getF1cId().replace("'", "''")); insert_sql_values_sb.append("','"); insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cprodObj.getParent1cId().replace("'", "''")); insert_sql_values_sb.append("','"); insert_sql_values_sb.append(b1cprodObj.getArtikul().replace("'", "''")); insert_sql_values_sb.append("',"); try { b1cprodObj.setPrice(new BigDecimal(jobject.getString("PRICE", "0"))); insert_sql_values_sb.append(jobject.getString("PRICE", "0").replace(",", ".")); } catch (Exception e) { b1cprodObj.setPrice(new BigDecimal(0)); insert_sql_values_sb.append("0"); } insert_sql_values_sb.append(","); try { b1cprodObj.setAmount(new BigDecimal(jobject.getString("QUANTITY", "0"))); insert_sql_values_sb.append(jobject.getString("QUANTITY", "0").replace(",", ".")); } catch (Exception e) { b1cprodObj.setAmount(new BigDecimal(0)); insert_sql_values_sb.append("0"); } insert_sql_values_sb.append(","); try { b1cprodObj.setBprice(new BigDecimal(jobject.getString("BPRICE", "0"))); insert_sql_values_sb.append(jobject.getString("BPRICE", "0").replace(",", ".")); } catch (Exception e) { b1cprodObj.setBprice(new BigDecimal(0)); insert_sql_values_sb.append("0"); } insert_sql_values_sb.append(","); try { //b1cprodObj.setBprice(new BigDecimal(jobject.getString("SORT_ORDER", "0"))); insert_sql_values_sb.append(jobject.getString("SORT_ORDER", "0").replace(",", ".")); } catch (Exception e) { //b1cprodObj.setBprice(new BigDecimal(0)); insert_sql_values_sb.append("0"); } insert_sql_values_sb.append(",'"); try { insert_sql_values_sb.append(StringEscapeUtils .unescapeHtml4( StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(jobject.getString("MAIN_PICT", ""))) .replace("'", "''")); } catch (Exception e) { } insert_sql_values_sb.append("',"); try { //b1cprodObj.setBprice(new BigDecimal(jobject.getString("SORT_ORDER", "0"))); insert_sql_values_sb.append("" + jobject.getInt("PROP_CNT", 0)); } catch (Exception e) { //b1cprodObj.setBprice(new BigDecimal(0)); insert_sql_values_sb.append("0"); } insert_sql_values_sb.append(")"); int try_cnt = 0; boolean notSucc = true; String err = ""; while (try_cnt < 10 && notSucc) { try { //bx1CSectFacade. //bx1CProdFacade.create(b1cprodObj); crcnt++; notSucc = false; } catch (Exception e) { notSucc = true; badCnt3++; try_cnt++; err += "[[" + Tools.parseInt(jobject.getString("ID", "-1"), -1) + "]]<<==!!||||||!!==>>Error of bx1CProdFacade.create " + e; } } try { if (try_cnt > 0) { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Error of bx1CProdFacade", err); } } catch (Exception lge) { } hasCrashes = hasCrashes | notSucc; insert_sql_cnt++; if (insert_sql_cnt >= 500 || i >= (jarray.size() - 1)) { try { success_sql_operation = bx1CProdFacade .insertBx1ProdMultiply(insert_sql_values_sb.toString(), insert_sql_cnt); } catch (Exception lgesq) { success_sql_operation = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "!!!Unsuccess sending complex sql instruct to bx_1cprod", "Err " + lgesq); } catch (Exception lge) { } } if (!success_sql_operation) { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "!!!Unsuccess complex sql instruct to bx_1cprod", "Count record to bx_1cprods " + insert_sql_cnt); } catch (Exception lge) { } break; } else { saveBxDataLog += ("Succ " + insert_sql_cnt);//complex sql instruct to bx_1cprod. "+ // "Count record to bx_1cprods "+insert_sql_cnt); //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Success complex sql instruct to bx_1cprod", "Count record to bx_1cprods "+insert_sql_cnt); //} catch(Exception lge) { //} } insert_sql_cnt = 0; insert_sql_values_sb.setLength(0); } } try { allcnt = jarray.size(); cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Complete load bx_1cprod", saveBxDataLog + " Complete load bx_1cprods " + ", all=" + allcnt + ",succ=" + crcnt + ",errcnt=" + badCnt3); } catch (Exception lge) { } if (badCnt3 <= 20 && (allcnt == crcnt) && success_sql_operation) { //sendCompareData(); //sendCompareSectDataDel(); //sendCompareSectDataUpd(); boolean repeat_load = true; int repeat_counter = 0; while (repeat_load && repeat_counter < 10) { repeat_counter++; String selectExchngDataLog = ""; try { if (tablesOperatingStateFacade.getEkfGrExchDataCorrupt() && false) { Thread.sleep(30000); try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "getEkfGrExchDataCorrupt", "Wait on 30 sec, attempt " + repeat_counter + " of 10..."); } catch (Exception lgex) { } } else { repeat_load = false; int ekfProdCount = cbLogsFacade.ekfProdCount(); int ekfProdSectCount = cbLogsFacade.ekfProdSectCount(); if (ekfProdCount >= 1000 && ekfProdCount <= 100000 && ekfProdSectCount >= 200 && ekfProdSectCount <= 10000) { if (tablesOperatingStateFacade.setEkfGrExchDataCorrupt()) { //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Start of request cbNewPrFrom1cWpropsFacade", "Start of request cbNewPrFrom1cWpropsFacade"); //} catch(Exception lge) { } selectExchngDataLog += "Start of request cbNewPrFrom1cWpropsFacade "; npwps_ = cbNewPrFrom1cWpropsFacade.findAll(); //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Start of request cbEkfgroupDel1csectFromBxFacade", "Complete prev, Start of request cbEkfgroupDel1csectFromBxFacade"); //} catch(Exception lge) { } selectExchngDataLog += "Complete prev, Start of request cbEkfgroupDel1csectFromBxFacade "; dswps_ = cbEkfgroupDel1csectFromBxFacade.findAll(); //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Start of request cbEkfgroupUpd1csectToBxFacade", "Complete prev, Start of request cbEkfgroupUpd1csectToBxFacade"); //} catch(Exception lge) { } selectExchngDataLog += "Complete prev, Start of request cbEkfgroupUpd1csectToBxFacade "; uswps_ = cbEkfgroupUpd1csectToBxFacade.findAll(); //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Start of request cbEkfgroupAdd1csectToBxFacade", "Complete prev, Start of request cbEkfgroupAdd1csectToBxFacade"); //} catch(Exception lge) { } selectExchngDataLog += "Complete prev, Start of request cbEkfgroupAdd1csectToBxFacade "; nswps_ = cbEkfgroupAdd1csectToBxFacade.findAll(); //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Start of request cbEkfroupDelFromBxViewFacade", "Complete prev, Start of request cbEkfroupDelFromBxViewFacade"); //} catch(Exception lge) { } selectExchngDataLog += "Complete prev, Start of request cbEkfroupDelFromBxViewFacade "; dpwps_ = cbEkfroupDelFromBxViewFacade.findAll(); //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Start of request CbEkfgroupToUpdatedBx1cFacade", "Complete prev, Start of request CbEkfgroupToUpdatedBx1cFacade"); //} catch(Exception lge) { } selectExchngDataLog += "Complete prev, Start of request CbEkfgroupToUpdatedBx1cFacade "; upwps_ = cbEkfgroupToUpdatedBx1cFacade.findAll(); try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "End of request CbEkfgroupToUpdatedBx1cFacade", selectExchngDataLog + " End of request CbEkfgroupToUpdatedBx1cFacade"); } catch (Exception lge) { } if (npwps_.size() == 0 && upwps_.size() == 0 && dpwps_.size() == 0) { if (cbSettingsFacade.updExchanheLastDt()) { //try { // cbLogsFacade.insertLog("INFO", "Success update exchange last datetime", // "Success update exchange last datetime"); //} catch(Exception lge) { //} } else { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Unsuccess update exchange last datetime", "Unsuccess update exchange last datetime"); } catch (Exception lge) { } } } if (tablesOperatingStateFacade.setEkfGrExchDataUnCorrupt()) { sendCompareSectDataAdd(); } else { exchangeInProcess = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Unsuccess setEkfGrExchDataCorrupt 0", "Unsuccess setEkfGrExchDataCorrupt 0"); } catch (Exception lgex) { } } } else { exchangeInProcess = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Unsuccess setEkfGrExchDataCorrupt 1", "Unsuccess setEkfGrExchDataCorrupt 1"); } catch (Exception lgex) { } } } else { exchangeInProcess = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Invalid data sizes, exchange stopped", "Data sizes mismatch conditions 200<=ekfProdSectCount<=10000, " + "1000<=ekfProdCount<=100000"); } catch (Exception lgex) { } } } } catch (Exception lge) { exchangeInProcess = false; repeat_load = false; try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Error of getEkfGrExchDataCorrupt or setEkfGrExchDataCorrupt or MDS data load", "Error of getEkfGrExchDataCorrupt, detail: " + selectExchngDataLog); } catch (Exception lgex) { } } } if (repeat_load) { hasLong1CWait = true; exchangeInProcess = false; } } else exchangeInProcess = false; } catch (Exception e) { exchangeInProcess = false; System.out.println("<<==!!||||||!!==>>Error of get-parse bx_1cprod json " + e); try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Error of get-parse json bx_1cprod", "<<==!!||||||!!==>>Error of get-parse json " + e); } catch (Exception lge) { } } finally { try { //tablesOperatingStateFacade.setEkfGrExchDataUnDelta(); if (tablesOperatingStateFacade.setEkfGrExchDataUnCorrupt()) { } else { try { cbLogsFacade.insertLog("ERROR", "Unsuccess setEkfGrExchDataCorrupt 0", "Unsuccess setEkfGrExchDataCorrupt 0"); } catch (Exception lgex) { } } } catch (Exception lgex) { } } } }; Thread t3 = new Thread(r3); t3.start(); } }