List of usage examples for java.util SortedSet last
E last();
From source
@Override public int getNextFreeTurnoutNumber() { LOGGER.debug("getNextFreeTurnoutNumber()"); if (lastProgrammedNumber == 0) { final SortedSet<Turnout> turnoutsNumbers = new TreeSet<Turnout>(new Comparator<Turnout>() { @Override//from w w w . j a v a2 s .c o m public int compare(final Turnout o1, final Turnout o2) { return Integer.valueOf(o1.getNumber()).compareTo(o2.getNumber()); } }); turnoutsNumbers.addAll(getAllTurnouts()); if (turnoutsNumbers.isEmpty()) { lastProgrammedNumber = 0; } else { lastProgrammedNumber = turnoutsNumbers.last().getNumber(); } } return lastProgrammedNumber + 1; }
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/** * The last {@link AdministrativeActivityType#SCREEN_RESULT_DATA_LOADING} * screen result data loading activity that full or incremental data was * loaded for this ScreenResult./*from ww w . jav a 2*/ */ @Transient public AdministrativeActivity getLastDataLoadingActivity() { SortedSet<AdministrativeActivity> screenResultDataLoadings = Sets .newTreeSet(Iterables.filter(getScreen().getUpdateActivities(), AdministrativeActivityType.SCREEN_RESULT_DATA_LOADING.isValuePredicate())); if (screenResultDataLoadings.isEmpty()) { return null; } return screenResultDataLoadings.last(); }
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ClassReference extendsExistingBeans(List<String> supertypes) { ClassReference result = null;/*from w w w . j ava2s .c o m*/ SortedSet<Class<? extends HippoBean>> supperClasses = new TreeSet<Class<? extends HippoBean>>( classExtensionComparator); for (String superType : supertypes) { if (Constants.NodeType.HIPPO_COMPOUND.equals(superType)) { Class<TdcDocument> tdcDocumentClass = TdcDocument.class; supperClasses.add(tdcDocumentClass); } else if (getBeansOnClassPath().containsKey(superType)) { HippoBeanClass hippoBeanClass = getBeansOnClassPath().get(superType); Class<?> clazz = getClass(hippoBeanClass); supperClasses.add((Class<? extends HippoBean>) clazz); } } if (!supperClasses.isEmpty()) { result = new ClassReference(supperClasses.last()); } return result; }
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ClassReference extendsExistingBeans(List<String> supertypes) { ClassReference result = null;/*from ww w. j a v a2 s . c om*/ SortedSet<Class<? extends HippoBean>> supperClasses = new TreeSet<Class<? extends HippoBean>>( classExtensionComparator); for (String superType : supertypes) { if (Constants.NodeType.HIPPO_COMPOUND.equals(superType)) { Class<HippoCompound> hippoCompoundClass = HippoCompound.class; supperClasses.add(hippoCompoundClass); } else if (getBeansOnClassPath().containsKey(superType)) { HippoBeanClass hippoBeanClass = getBeansOnClassPath().get(superType); Class<?> clazz = getClass(hippoBeanClass); supperClasses.add((Class<? extends HippoBean>) clazz); } } if (!supperClasses.isEmpty()) { result = new ClassReference(supperClasses.last()); } return result; }
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protected RegisteredClients registerNewClient(Client newClient) { String userName = newClient.getResourceOwnerSubject().getLogin(); Set<String> names = clientNames.get(userName); if (names == null) { names = new HashSet<String>(); clientNames.put(userName, names); } else if (names.contains(newClient.getApplicationName())) { String newName = newClient.getApplicationName(); SortedSet<Integer> numbers = new TreeSet<Integer>(); for (String name : names) { if (name.startsWith(newName) && !name.equals(newName)) { try { numbers.add(Integer.valueOf(name.substring(newName.length()))); } catch (Exception ex) { // can be characters, continue; }/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s .co m*/ } } int nextNumber = numbers.isEmpty() ? 2 : numbers.last() + 1; newClient.setApplicationName(newName + nextNumber); } names.add(newClient.getApplicationName()); clientProvider.setClient(newClient); Collection<Client> clientRegistrations = getClientRegistrations(); clientRegistrations.add(newClient); return new RegisteredClients(clientRegistrations); }
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/** * Get IRI of previous version of this DiSCO. * * @param discoID IRI of DiSCO/*from w w w . j a va 2 s .c om*/ * @param event2disco Map from events to all versions of DiSCOs * @param date2event Map from date events associated with version of DiSCO * @param ts the triplestore instance * @return IRI of previous version of this DiSCO, or null if none found * @throws RMapException the RMap exception * @throws RMapObjectNotFoundException the RMap object not found exception * @throws RMapDefectiveArgumentException the RMap defective argument exception */ protected IRI getPreviousIRI(IRI discoID, Map<IRI, IRI> event2disco, Map<Date, IRI> date2event, SesameTriplestore ts) throws RMapException, RMapObjectNotFoundException, RMapDefectiveArgumentException { if (discoID == null) { throw new RMapDefectiveArgumentException("null DiSCO id"); } if (event2disco == null) { throw new RMapDefectiveArgumentException("Null event2disco map"); } Map<IRI, IRI> disco2event = Utils.invertMap(event2disco); if (date2event == null) { date2event = eventmgr.getDate2EventMap(event2disco.keySet(), ts); } Map<IRI, Date> event2date = Utils.invertMap(date2event); IRI discoEventId = disco2event.get(discoID); Date eventDate = event2date.get(discoEventId); SortedSet<Date> sortedDates = new TreeSet<Date>(); sortedDates.addAll(date2event.keySet()); SortedSet<Date> earlierDates = sortedDates.headSet(eventDate); IRI prevDiscoId = null; if (earlierDates.size() > 0) { Date previousDate = earlierDates.last(); IRI prevEventId = date2event.get(previousDate); prevDiscoId = event2disco.get(prevEventId); } return prevDiscoId; }
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/** * //from w w w.j ava 2 s . co m * @param path int of the path to get the Time Options for * @param storedTimePref Long of anytime during the specific day that we want to return times for * @return populates the "times" TreeSet (time longs truncated at the "the seconds" position) * which populates Time Combo box, the truncTimeToFullTimeMap which maps the truncated times * im times TreeSet to each times full Long value. The truncTimeToFullTimeMap chooses each time * up to the second and maps it to the greatest equivalent time up to the milliseconds. * */ protected void setTimeOptions(int path, Long storedTimePref) { try { timeSelectCombo.getItems().clear(); overrideTimestamp = null; Date startDate = null, finishDate = null; if (storedTimePref != null) { StampBdb stampDb = Bdb.getStampDb(); NidSet nidSet = new NidSet(); nidSet.add(path); NidSetBI stamps = null; if (!storedTimePref.equals(getDefaultTime())) { startDate = getStartOfDay(new Date(storedTimePref)); finishDate = getEndOfDay(new Date(storedTimePref)); stamps = stampDb.getSpecifiedStamps(nidSet, startDate.getTime(), finishDate.getTime()); } else { stamps = stampDb.getSpecifiedStamps(nidSet, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE); } truncTimeToFullTimeMap.clear(); times.clear(); HashSet<Integer> stampSet = stamps.getAsSet(); Date d = new Date(storedTimePref); if (dateIsLocalDate(d)) { // Get stamps of day Date todayStartDate = getStartOfDay(new Date()); Date todayFinishDate = getEndOfDay(new Date()); NidSetBI todayStamps = stampDb.getSpecifiedStamps(nidSet, todayStartDate.getTime(), todayFinishDate.getTime()); // If have stamps, no action, if not, show Latest and set stamps to latest stamp we have in stampset if (todayStamps.size() == 0) { // timeSelectCombo.getItems().add(Long.MAX_VALUE); NidSetBI allStamps = stampDb.getSpecifiedStamps(nidSet, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE); HashSet<Integer> allStampSet = allStamps.getAsSet(); SortedSet<Integer> s = new TreeSet<Integer>(allStampSet); if (!s.isEmpty()) { Integer stampToSet = s.last(); overrideTimestamp = stampDb.getPosition(stampToSet).getTime(); timeSelectCombo.getItems().add(Long.MAX_VALUE); timeSelectCombo.setValue(Long.MAX_VALUE); } } } this.pathDatesList.add(; if (overrideTimestamp == null) { if (!stampSet.isEmpty()) { enableTimeCombo(true); for (Integer thisStamp : stampSet) { Long fullTime = null; Date stampDate; LocalDate stampInstant = null; try { fullTime = stampDb.getPosition(thisStamp).getTime(); stampDate = new Date(fullTime); stampInstant = stampDate.toInstant().atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toLocalDate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(new Date(fullTime)); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); //Strip milliseconds Long truncTime = cal.getTimeInMillis(); this.pathDatesList.add(stampInstant); //Build DatePicker times.add(truncTime); //This can probably go, we don't populate hashmap like this at initialization timeSelectCombo.getItems().add(truncTime); if (truncTimeToFullTimeMap.containsKey(truncTime)) { //Build Truncated Time to Full Time HashMap //If truncTimeToFullTimeMap has this key, is the value the newest time in milliseconds? if (new Date(truncTimeToFullTimeMap.get(truncTime)).before(new Date(fullTime))) { truncTimeToFullTimeMap.put(truncTime, fullTime); } } else { truncTimeToFullTimeMap.put(truncTime, fullTime); } } } else { // disableTimeCombo(true); // timeSelectCombo.getItems().add(Long.MAX_VALUE); timeSelectCombo.setValue(Long.MAX_VALUE); enableTimeCombo(true); // logger.error("Could not retreive any Stamps"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error setting the default Time Dropdown"); e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
private Thesis findPreviousThesis(final SortedSet<Enrolment> dissertationEnrolments) { if (dissertationEnrolments.isEmpty()) { return null; }//from w w w . j a v a2s .c om final Enrolment previous = dissertationEnrolments.last(); if (previous != null) { if (!previous.getThesesSet().isEmpty()) { return previous.getThesis(); } else { dissertationEnrolments.remove(previous); return findPreviousThesis(dissertationEnrolments); } } return null; }
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@Override public FileReference getVersioned(String filePath) { if (filePath.indexOf(FileService.PLACEHOLDER_VERSION) < 0) { return new FileReferenceImpl(this, filePath, filePath); }//w w w . j ava 2s . c o m Path parent = getAbsolutePath(filePath).getParent(); String[] fileNames = parent.toFile() .list(new WildcardFileFilter(filePath.replace(FileService.PLACEHOLDER_VERSION, "*"))); SortedSet<Integer> set = new TreeSet<Integer>(); Pattern pattern = Pattern .compile(Pattern.quote(filePath).replace(FileService.PLACEHOLDER_VERSION, "\\E(.*)\\Q")); for (String fileName : fileNames) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(fileName); if (matcher.matches()) { try { set.add(Integer.parseInt(; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "could not parse version in versioned file " + fileName, e); } } else { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "this shouldn't happen: couldn't find version in versioned file " + fileName); } } int last = set.isEmpty() ? 0 : set.last(); return new FileReferenceImpl(this, filePath.replace(FileService.PLACEHOLDER_VERSION, last + ""), filePath.replace(FileService.PLACEHOLDER_VERSION, (last + 1) + "")); }
From source
void complete(PDRTA a, StateColoring sc) { final boolean preExit = (bOp[2] instanceof OrOperator) && distrCheckType.equals(DistributionCheckType.DISABLED); if (mainModel == a && preExit) {"Pre-Exiting algorithm when number of tails falls below minData"); }// ww w . j a v a 2 s. co m int counter = 0; Transition t; while ((t = getMostVisitedTrans(a, sc)) != null && !(preExit && < PDRTA.getMinData())) { if (mainModel == a) { if (directory != null) { draw(a, true, directory, counter); } logger.debug("Automaton contains {} states and {} transitions", a.getStateCount(), a.getSize()); logger.debug("Found most visited transition {} containing {} tails", t.toString(),; } counter++; if (!distrCheckType.equals(DistributionCheckType.DISABLED)) { if (mainModel == a) { logger.debug("Checking data distribution"); } final List<Interval> idaIns = checkDistribution(t.source, t.symAlphIdx, distrCheckType, sc); if (idaIns.size() > 0) { if (mainModel == a) { logger.debug("#{} DO: Split interval due to IDA into {} intervals", counter, idaIns.size()); // TODO Printing the intervals may be to expensive just for logging final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final Interval in : idaIns) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(in.toString()); } logger.trace("Resulting intervals are:{}", sb.toString()); } continue; } else { if (mainModel == a) { logger.debug("No splits because of data distributuion were perfomed in: {}",; } if (bOp[2] instanceof OrOperator && < PDRTA.getMinData()) { // Shortcut for skipping merges and splits when OR is selected if (mainModel == a) { logger.debug("#{} DO: Color state {} red", counter,; } sc.setRed(; continue; } } } if (mainModel == a) { logger.debug("Testing splits"); } final SortedSet<Refinement> splits = getSplitRefs(t, sc); if (mainModel == a) { logger.debug("Found {} possible splits", splits.size()); } if (splits.size() > 0) { final Refinement r = splits.last(); if (mainModel == a) { logger.debug("#{} DO: {}", counter, r.toString()); } r.refine(); } else { if (mainModel == a) { logger.debug("Testing merges"); } final SortedSet<Refinement> merges = getMergeRefs(t, sc); if (mainModel == a) { logger.debug("Found {} possible merges", merges.size()); } if (merges.size() > 0) { final Refinement r = merges.last(); if (mainModel == a) { logger.debug("#{} DO: {}", counter, r.toString()); } r.refine(); } else { if (mainModel == a) { logger.debug("#{} DO: Color state {} red", counter,; } sc.setRed(; } } if (Settings.isDebug()) { a.checkConsistency(); } } assert (a.getStateCount() == sc.getNumRedStates()); a.checkConsistency(); if (directory != null) { draw(a, true, directory, counter); } }