List of usage examples for java.util SortedSet last
E last();
From source
private String getCommonTableNamePrefix(final SortedSet<TableStats> tables) { final String firstName = tables.first().getTableName(); final String lastName = tables.last().getTableName(); final int minLength = Math.min(firstName.length(), lastName.length()); for (int i = 0; i < minLength; ++i) { if ((i > (TABLE_NAME_MIN_PREFIX_LENGTH - 1)) && (firstName.charAt(i) != lastName.charAt(i))) { return firstName.substring(0, i); }//from w ww .j a v a 2 s .c om } return firstName.substring(0, minLength); }
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private AvailabilityDataRLE findAvailBefore(DataPoint state, Map<Integer, TreeSet<AvailabilityDataRLE>> currAvails) { Integer mId = state.getMeasurementId(); TreeSet<AvailabilityDataRLE> rles = currAvails.get(mId); long start = state.getTimestamp(); AvailabilityDataRLE tmp = new AvailabilityDataRLE(); // headSet is inclusive so we need to subtract 1 from start tmp.setStartime(start - 1);/*ww w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ SortedSet<AvailabilityDataRLE> set = rles.headSet(tmp); if (set.size() == 0) { return null; } return set.last(); }
From source
public VersionedFlowSnapshot createFlowSnapshot(final VersionedFlowSnapshot flowSnapshot) { if (flowSnapshot == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Versioned flow snapshot cannot be null"); }//from w w w. j a v a2 s . com // validation will ensure that the metadata and contents are not null if (flowSnapshot.getSnapshotMetadata() != null) { flowSnapshot.getSnapshotMetadata().setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); } // these fields aren't used for creation flowSnapshot.setFlow(null); flowSnapshot.setBucket(null); validate(flowSnapshot, "Cannot create versioned flow snapshot"); writeLock.lock(); try { final VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata snapshotMetadata = flowSnapshot.getSnapshotMetadata(); // ensure the bucket exists final BucketEntity existingBucket = metadataService .getBucketById(snapshotMetadata.getBucketIdentifier()); if (existingBucket == null) { LOGGER.warn("The specified bucket id [{}] does not exist.", snapshotMetadata.getBucketIdentifier()); throw new ResourceNotFoundException("The specified bucket ID does not exist in this registry."); } // ensure the flow exists final FlowEntity existingFlow = metadataService.getFlowById(snapshotMetadata.getFlowIdentifier()); if (existingFlow == null) { LOGGER.warn("The specified flow id [{}] does not exist.", snapshotMetadata.getFlowIdentifier()); throw new ResourceNotFoundException("The specified flow ID does not exist in this bucket."); } if (!existingBucket.getId().equals(existingFlow.getBucketId())) { throw new IllegalStateException("The requested flow is not located in the given bucket"); } // convert the set of FlowSnapshotEntity to set of VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata final SortedSet<VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata> sortedSnapshots = new TreeSet<>(); final List<FlowSnapshotEntity> existingFlowSnapshots = metadataService .getSnapshots(existingFlow.getId()); if (existingFlowSnapshots != null) { .forEach(s -> sortedSnapshots.add(, s))); } // if we already have snapshots we need to verify the new one has the correct version if (sortedSnapshots != null && sortedSnapshots.size() > 0) { final VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata lastSnapshot = sortedSnapshots.last(); if (snapshotMetadata.getVersion() <= lastSnapshot.getVersion()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "A Versioned flow snapshot with the same version already exists: " + snapshotMetadata.getVersion()); } if (snapshotMetadata.getVersion() > (lastSnapshot.getVersion() + 1)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Version must be a one-up number, last version was " + lastSnapshot.getVersion() + " and version for this snapshot was " + snapshotMetadata.getVersion()); } } else if (snapshotMetadata.getVersion() != 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Version of first snapshot must be 1"); } // serialize the snapshot final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); processGroupSerializer.serialize(flowSnapshot.getFlowContents(), out); // save the serialized snapshot to the persistence provider final Bucket bucket =; final VersionedFlow versionedFlow =, existingFlow); final FlowSnapshotContext context = new StandardFlowSnapshotContext.Builder(bucket, versionedFlow, snapshotMetadata).build(); flowPersistenceProvider.saveFlowContent(context, out.toByteArray()); // create snapshot in the metadata provider metadataService.createFlowSnapshot(; // update the modified date on the flow metadataService.updateFlow(existingFlow); // get the updated flow, we need to use "with counts" here so we can return this is a part of the response final FlowEntity updatedFlow = metadataService .getFlowByIdWithSnapshotCounts(snapshotMetadata.getFlowIdentifier()); if (updatedFlow == null) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException( "Versioned flow does not exist for identifier " + snapshotMetadata.getFlowIdentifier()); } final VersionedFlow updatedVersionedFlow =, updatedFlow); flowSnapshot.setBucket(bucket); flowSnapshot.setFlow(updatedVersionedFlow); return flowSnapshot; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } }
From source
private Set<Long> getTimestampsToSweep(Cell cell, Collection<Long> timestamps /* start timestamps */, @Modified Map<Long, Long> startTsToCommitTs, @Output Set<Cell> sentinelsToAdd, long sweepTimestamp, boolean sweepLastCommitted, SweepStrategy sweepStrategy) { Set<Long> uncommittedTimestamps = Sets.newHashSet(); SortedSet<Long> committedTimestampsToSweep = Sets.newTreeSet(); long maxStartTs = TransactionConstants.FAILED_COMMIT_TS; boolean maxStartTsIsCommitted = false; for (long startTs : timestamps) { long commitTs = ensureCommitTimestampExists(startTs, startTsToCommitTs); if (startTs > maxStartTs && commitTs < sweepTimestamp) { maxStartTs = startTs;/*from ww w . j a v a 2 s .c om*/ maxStartTsIsCommitted = commitTs != TransactionConstants.FAILED_COMMIT_TS; } // Note: there could be an open transaction whose start timestamp is equal to // sweepTimestamp; thus we want to sweep all cells such that: // (1) their commit timestamp is less than sweepTimestamp // (2) their start timestamp is NOT the greatest possible start timestamp // passing condition (1) if (commitTs > 0 && commitTs < sweepTimestamp) { committedTimestampsToSweep.add(startTs); } else if (commitTs == TransactionConstants.FAILED_COMMIT_TS) { uncommittedTimestamps.add(startTs); } } if (committedTimestampsToSweep.isEmpty()) { return uncommittedTimestamps; } if (sweepStrategy == SweepStrategy.CONSERVATIVE && committedTimestampsToSweep.size() > 1) { // We need to add a sentinel if we are removing a committed value sentinelsToAdd.add(cell); } if (sweepLastCommitted && maxStartTsIsCommitted) { return Sets.union(uncommittedTimestamps, committedTimestampsToSweep); } return Sets.union(uncommittedTimestamps, committedTimestampsToSweep.subSet(0L, committedTimestampsToSweep.last())); }
From source
public synchronized static void addFormTab(HttpServletRequest request, SessionDataInfo sessionData, DatabaseInfo databaseDefn)//from w w w . ja v a2 s . c o m throws DisallowedException, MissingParametersException, ObjectNotFoundException { TableInfo table = ServletUtilMethods.getTableForRequest(sessionData, request, databaseDefn, true); AuthManagerInfo authManager = databaseDefn.getAuthManager(); if (!authManager.getAuthenticator().loggedInUserAllowedTo(request, PrivilegeType.MANAGE_TABLE, table)) { throw new DisallowedException(authManager.getLoggedInUser(request), PrivilegeType.MANAGE_TABLE, table); } String tabTableId = request.getParameter("tabtable"); if (tabTableId == null) { throw new MissingParametersException("tabtable must be supplied to add a form tab to a table"); } TableInfo tabTable = databaseDefn.getTable(request, tabTableId); SortedSet<FormTabInfo> formTabs = table.getFormTabs(); int newIndex = 0; if (formTabs.size() > 0) { newIndex = formTabs.last().getIndex() + 1; } FormTabInfo formTab = new FormTab(table, tabTable, newIndex); try { HibernateUtil.startHibernateTransaction(); HibernateUtil.currentSession().save(formTab); HibernateUtil.activateObject(table); table.addFormTab(formTab); HibernateUtil.currentSession().getTransaction().commit(); } finally { HibernateUtil.closeSession(); } }
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public static ExecutionCourse readLastBySigla(final String sigla) { SortedSet<ExecutionCourse> result = new TreeSet<ExecutionCourse>( EXECUTION_COURSE_EXECUTION_PERIOD_COMPARATOR); for (ExecutionCourse executionCourse : Bennu.getInstance().getExecutionCoursesSet()) { if (sigla.equalsIgnoreCase(executionCourse.getSigla())) { result.add(executionCourse); }/*from w w w . j ava 2 s.c om*/ } return result.isEmpty() ? null : result.last(); }
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public static ExecutionCourse readLastByExecutionYearAndSigla(final String sigla, ExecutionYear executionYear) { SortedSet<ExecutionCourse> result = new TreeSet<ExecutionCourse>( EXECUTION_COURSE_EXECUTION_PERIOD_COMPARATOR); for (final ExecutionSemester executionSemester : executionYear.getExecutionPeriodsSet()) { for (ExecutionCourse executionCourse : executionSemester.getAssociatedExecutionCoursesSet()) { if (sigla.equalsIgnoreCase(executionCourse.getSigla())) { result.add(executionCourse); }/*from www. j ava 2s . c om*/ } } return result.isEmpty() ? null : result.last(); }
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public boolean canSubmitImprovementMarkSheets(final ExecutionYear executionYear) { SortedSet<ExecutionDegree> sortedExecutionDegrees = new TreeSet<ExecutionDegree>( ExecutionDegree.EXECUTION_DEGREE_COMPARATORY_BY_YEAR); sortedExecutionDegrees.addAll(getExecutionDegreesSet()); return sortedExecutionDegrees.last().getExecutionYear().equals(executionYear.getPreviousExecutionYear()); }
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protected BundlesData validateBundlesData(BundlesData initialBundles) { SortedSet<String> partitions = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String partition : initialBundles.getBoundaries()) { Long partBoundary = Long.decode(partition); partitions.add(String.format("0x%08x", partBoundary)); }//ww w . ja v a 2 s.c o m if (partitions.size() != initialBundles.getBoundaries().size()) { log.debug("Input bundles included repeated partition points. Ignored."); } try { NamespaceBundleFactory.validateFullRange(partitions); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw new RestException(Status.BAD_REQUEST, "Input bundles do not cover the whole hash range. first:" + partitions.first() + ", last:" + partitions.last()); } List<String> bundles = Lists.newArrayList(); bundles.addAll(partitions); return new BundlesData(bundles); }
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public Future<? extends ListContainerResponse<? extends ResourceMetadata>> list(final String name, ListContainerOptions... optionsList) { final ListContainerOptions options = (optionsList.length == 0) ? new ListContainerOptions() : optionsList[0];//w ww .j av a 2 s. c o m return new FutureBase<ListContainerResponse<ResourceMetadata>>() { public ListContainerResponse<ResourceMetadata> get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { final Map<String, Blob> realContents = getContainerToBlobs().get(name); if (realContents == null) throw new ContainerNotFoundException(name); SortedSet<ResourceMetadata> contents = Sets.newTreeSet( Iterables.transform(realContents.keySet(), new Function<String, ResourceMetadata>() { public ResourceMetadata apply(String key) { return copy(realContents.get(key).getMetadata()); } })); if (options.getMarker() != null) { final String finalMarker = options.getMarker(); ResourceMetadata lastMarkerMetadata = Iterables.find(contents, new Predicate<ResourceMetadata>() { public boolean apply(ResourceMetadata metadata) { return metadata.getName().equals(finalMarker); } }); contents = contents.tailSet(lastMarkerMetadata); contents.remove(lastMarkerMetadata); } final String prefix = options.getPath(); if (prefix != null) { contents = Sets.newTreeSet(Iterables.filter(contents, new Predicate<ResourceMetadata>() { public boolean apply(ResourceMetadata o) { return (o != null && o.getName().startsWith(prefix)); } })); } int maxResults = contents.size(); boolean truncated = false; String marker = null; if (options.getMaxResults() != null && contents.size() > 0) { SortedSet<ResourceMetadata> contentsSlice = firstSliceOfSize(contents, options.getMaxResults().intValue()); maxResults = options.getMaxResults(); if (!contentsSlice.contains(contents.last())) { // Partial listing truncated = true; marker = contentsSlice.last().getName(); } else { marker = null; } contents = contentsSlice; } final String delimiter = options.isRecursive() ? null : "/"; if (delimiter != null) { SortedSet<String> commonPrefixes = null; Iterable<String> iterable = Iterables.transform(contents, new CommonPrefixes(prefix != null ? prefix : null, delimiter)); commonPrefixes = iterable != null ? Sets.newTreeSet(iterable) : new TreeSet<String>(); commonPrefixes.remove(CommonPrefixes.NO_PREFIX); contents = Sets.newTreeSet(Iterables.filter(contents, new DelimiterFilter(prefix != null ? prefix : null, delimiter))); Iterables.<ResourceMetadata>addAll(contents, Iterables.transform(commonPrefixes, new Function<String, ResourceMetadata>() { public ResourceMetadata apply(String o) { MutableResourceMetadata md = new MutableResourceMetadataImpl(); md.setType(ResourceType.RELATIVE_PATH); md.setName(o); return md; } })); } return new ListContainerResponseImpl<ResourceMetadata>(contents, prefix, marker, maxResults, truncated); } }; }