Example usage for java.util SortedSet addAll

List of usage examples for java.util SortedSet addAll


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util SortedSet addAll.


boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c);

Source Link


Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this set if they're not already present (optional operation).


From source file:com.github.FraggedNoob.GitLabTransfer.GitlabRelatedData.java

 * Put all the issues into the project. Note, will skip issues with the same
 * IID.//from   w ww.  j a va 2  s .  c o  m
 * @param assigneeID
 *            - the assignee ID for all issues
 * @return T=successfully set issues, F=API failure during attempt
public boolean putAllIssues(Integer assigneeID) {

    if (!createApi()) {
        return false;

    // Get the current project's issues, in case we have duplicate IIDs
    SortedSet<GitlabIssue> currIssues = new TreeSet<GitlabIssue>(new IssueOrderByIID());
    try {
        List<GitlabIssue> ci = api.getIssues(project);
    } catch (IOException e1) {
        System.out.println("Error while getting current project issues.");
        return true;

    // add, or skip, each issue we have
    for (GitlabIssue i : issues) {

        // Note, some issues might not have a milestone:
        GitlabMilestone ims = i.getMilestone();
        Integer mileIID = 0;
        Integer newMileID = 0;
        if (ims != null) {
            mileIID = i.getMilestone().getIid();
            newMileID = newMilestoneIDs.get(mileIID);

        // Check if this issue IID exists in this project
        boolean skipIssue = false;
        int currIssueID = 0;
        for (GitlabIssue ci : currIssues) {
            if (ci.getIid() == i.getIid()) {
                currIssueID = ci.getId();
                skipIssue = true;

        // skip current issues with matching IIDs
        if (skipIssue) {
            // the issue IID exists
            newIssueIDs.put(i.getIid(), currIssueID); // store the IID vs.
            // new ID mapping
            System.out.printf("Skipping existing project issue: %s (IID=%d, ID=%d), in project %s\n",
                    i.getTitle(), i.getIid(), currIssueID, project.getName());
        } else {
            // the issue IID doesn't exist, so add it
            try {

                GitlabIssue current = api.createIssue(project.getId(), assigneeID, newMileID,
                        createIssueLabelString(i), i.getDescription(), i.getTitle());
                System.out.printf("Put project issue: %s (IID=%d), into project %s\n", i.getTitle(), i.getIid(),
                newIssueIDs.put(i.getIid(), current.getId()); // store the
                // IID vs.
                // new ID
                // mapping

                // edit the issue and set open/closed
                GitlabIssue.Action act = GitlabIssue.Action.LEAVE;
                if (i.getState().contains("lose")) { // closed?
                    act = GitlabIssue.Action.CLOSE;

                api.editIssue(project.getId(), current.getId(), assigneeID, newMileID,
                        createIssueLabelString(i), i.getDescription(), i.getTitle(), act);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.out.printf("Error while putting project issue: %s (IID=%d), into project %s\n",
                        i.getTitle(), i.getIid(), project.getName());
                return false;

    System.out.println("Final Issue IID-to-newID mapping:");
    for (Integer IID : newIssueIDs.keySet()) {
        System.out.printf("IID: %d\t = ID: %d \n", IID, newIssueIDs.get(IID));

    return true;

From source file:org.apache.atlas.hive.hook.HiveHook.java

private void handleExternalTables(final HiveMetaStoreBridge dgiBridge, final HiveEventContext event,
        final LinkedHashMap<Type, Referenceable> tables) throws HiveException, MalformedURLException {
    List<Referenceable> entities = new ArrayList<>();
    final WriteEntity hiveEntity = (WriteEntity) getEntityByType(event.getOutputs(), Type.TABLE);

    Table hiveTable = hiveEntity == null ? null : hiveEntity.getTable();

    //Refresh to get the correct location
    if (hiveTable != null) {
        hiveTable = dgiBridge.hiveClient.getTable(hiveTable.getDbName(), hiveTable.getTableName());
    }//from   www  .  j  a  v a 2  s. c  o m

    if (hiveTable != null && TableType.EXTERNAL_TABLE.equals(hiveTable.getTableType())) {
        LOG.info("Registering external table process {} ", event.getQueryStr());
        final String location = lower(hiveTable.getDataLocation().toString());
        final ReadEntity dfsEntity = new ReadEntity();
        dfsEntity.setD(new Path(location));

        SortedMap<ReadEntity, Referenceable> hiveInputsMap = new TreeMap<ReadEntity, Referenceable>(
                entityComparator) {
                put(dfsEntity, dgiBridge.fillHDFSDataSet(location));

        SortedMap<WriteEntity, Referenceable> hiveOutputsMap = new TreeMap<WriteEntity, Referenceable>(
                entityComparator) {
                put(hiveEntity, tables.get(Type.TABLE));

        SortedSet<ReadEntity> sortedIps = new TreeSet<>(entityComparator);
        SortedSet<WriteEntity> sortedOps = new TreeSet<>(entityComparator);

        Referenceable processReferenceable = getProcessReferenceable(dgiBridge, event, sortedIps, sortedOps,
                hiveInputsMap, hiveOutputsMap);

        event.addMessage(new HookNotification.EntityUpdateRequest(event.getUser(), entities));

From source file:org.codehaus.mojo.license.DefaultThirdPartyTool.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//w  ww.  jav a 2 s.co  m
public void mergeLicenses(LicenseMap licenseMap, String... licenses) {
    if (licenses.length == 0) {

    String mainLicense = licenses[0].trim();
    SortedSet<MavenProject> mainSet = licenseMap.get(mainLicense);
    if (mainSet == null) {
        getLogger().debug("No license [" + mainLicense + "] found, will create it.");
        mainSet = new TreeSet<MavenProject>(projectComparator);
        licenseMap.put(mainLicense, mainSet);
    int size = licenses.length;
    for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
        String license = licenses[i].trim();
        SortedSet<MavenProject> set = licenseMap.get(license);
        if (set == null) {
            getLogger().debug("No license [" + license + "] found, skip this merge.");
        getLogger().debug("Merge license [" + license + "] (" + set.size() + " depedencies).");

From source file:de.uni_potsdam.hpi.asg.logictool.mapping.SequenceBasedAndGateDecomposer.java

private void removeSubSequences(SortedSet<IOBehaviour> sequencesFront, SortedSet<IOBehaviour> sequencesBack,
        Set<IOBehaviour> newSequences, Set<IOBehaviour> rmSequences) {
    rmSequences.clear();/*from  w  ww . j  a v a2  s  .c o  m*/
    Iterator<IOBehaviour> it = sequencesFront.iterator();
    if (!it.hasNext()) {
        //TODO: why?
    IOBehaviour curr = it.next();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        IOBehaviour next = it.next();
        if (newSequences.contains(curr)) {
            if (curr.getStart().compareTo(next.getStart()) == 0) {
                int i = 0;
                while (true) {
                    if (curr.getSequence().size() == i) {
                    //System.out.println(curr.toString() + " vs " + next.toString());
                    int cmpT = curr.getSequence().get(i).compareTo(next.getSequence().get(i));
                    if (cmpT != 0) {
                    //gleich, check next trans
        curr = next;
    it = sequencesBack.iterator();
    curr = it.next();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        IOBehaviour next = it.next();
        if (newSequences.contains(curr)) {
            if (curr.getEnd().compareTo(next.getEnd()) == 0) {
                int i = 0;
                while (true) {
                    if (curr.getSequence().size() == i) {
                    int cmpT = curr.getSequence().get(curr.getSequence().size() - i - 1)
                            .compareTo(next.getSequence().get(next.getSequence().size() - i - 1));
                    if (cmpT != 0) {
                    //gleich, check next trans
        curr = next;

From source file:com.fluidops.iwb.server.SparqlServlet.java

 * Handle legacy aggregation of tuple queries. Prints the aggregated result as CSV!
 * /*from ww w  . ja v a2  s .  c om*/
 * Condition: tuple query + parameter "input" and "output" are set
 * Also deals with (optional) parameter "datasets"
 * This method MUST return true, if SPARQL processing shall continue. If legacy code
 * is applied, results may be written to the outputstream directly (and false is returned)
 * @param res
 * @param req
 * @return
 *          true if the standard SPARQL processing should continue, false otherwise
 * @throws QueryEvaluationException 
 * @throws IOException 
private boolean handleAggregationLegacy(TupleQueryResult res, HttpServletRequest req, ReadDataManager queryDM,
        OutputStream outputStream) throws QueryEvaluationException, IOException {

    String input = req.getParameter("input");
    String output = req.getParameter("output");

    // check the condition
    if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(input) || StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(output))
        return true;

    String datasets = req.getParameter("datasets");
    String aggregation = req.getParameter("aggregation");

    String[] outputs = output.split(",");

    AggregationType aggType = AggregationType.NONE; // DEFAULT
    if (aggregation != null) {
        if (aggregation.equals("COUNT"))
            aggType = AggregationType.COUNT;
        else if (aggregation.equals("SUM"))
            aggType = AggregationType.SUM;
        else if (aggregation.equals("NONE"))
            aggType = AggregationType.NONE;
        else if (aggregation.equals("AVG"))
            aggType = AggregationType.AVG;

    Map<Value, Vector<Number>> valueMap;
    if (datasets == null) {
        valueMap = queryDM.aggregateQueryResult(res, aggType, input, outputs);
    } else {
        // special handling: we must first group by the values
        // of the datasets parameter before aggregating; this
        // processing scheme supports only a single output variable
        String[] splittedDatasets = datasets.split(",");
        valueMap = queryDM.aggregateQueryResultWrtDatasets(res, aggType, input, outputs[0], splittedDatasets);

    // We need to sort the input again, as the order gets lost when accessing the valueMap
    Set<Value> keySet = valueMap.keySet();
    SortedSet<Value> sortedSet = new TreeSet<Value>(new ValueComparator());

    // need to write at least one space, as empty results cause errors in charts
    if (sortedSet.isEmpty())
        outputStream.write(" ".getBytes("UTF-8"));

    for (Value val : sortedSet) {
        Vector<Number> vals = valueMap.get(val);
        for (int i = 0; i < vals.size(); i++) {
            Number n = vals.elementAt(i);
            if (n == null || n.toString() == null)
                outputStream.write((";" + n.toString()).getBytes("UTF-8"));

    return false;

From source file:net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.Lesson.java

private SortedSet<Summary> getSummaries(Comparator<Summary> comparator) {
    SortedSet<Summary> lessonSummaries = new TreeSet<Summary>(comparator);
    return lessonSummaries;

From source file:net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.ExecutionDegree.java

public java.util.SortedSet<net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.SchoolClass> getSortedSchoolClasses() {
    final SortedSet<SchoolClass> result = new TreeSet<>(SchoolClass.COMPARATOR_BY_NAME);
    return result;

From source file:net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.Lesson.java

public SortedSet<YearMonthDay> getAllLessonDatesUntil(YearMonthDay day) {
    SortedSet<YearMonthDay> result = new TreeSet<YearMonthDay>();
    if (day != null) {
        if (!wasFinished()) {
            YearMonthDay startDateToSearch = getLessonStartDay();
            YearMonthDay lessonEndDay = getLessonEndDay();
            YearMonthDay endDateToSearch = (lessonEndDay.isAfter(day)) ? day : lessonEndDay;
            result.addAll(getAllValidLessonDatesWithoutInstancesDates(startDateToSearch, endDateToSearch));
        }/* ww  w  .j  a  va2s  .c o m*/
    return result;

From source file:org.apache.atlas.hive.hook.HiveHook.java

private void registerProcess(HiveMetaStoreBridge dgiBridge, HiveEventContext event) throws AtlasHookException {
    try {//  w  ww .jav  a 2 s .c  o  m
        Set<ReadEntity> inputs = event.getInputs();
        Set<WriteEntity> outputs = event.getOutputs();

        //Even explain CTAS has operation name as CREATETABLE_AS_SELECT
        if (inputs.isEmpty() && outputs.isEmpty()) {
            LOG.info("Explain statement. Skipping...");

        if (event.getQueryId() == null) {
            LOG.info("Query id/plan is missing for {}", event.getQueryStr());

        final SortedMap<ReadEntity, Referenceable> source = new TreeMap<>(entityComparator);
        final SortedMap<WriteEntity, Referenceable> target = new TreeMap<>(entityComparator);

        final Set<String> dataSets = new HashSet<>();
        final Set<Referenceable> entities = new LinkedHashSet<>();

        boolean isSelectQuery = isSelectQuery(event);

        // filter out select queries which do not modify data
        if (!isSelectQuery) {

            SortedSet<ReadEntity> sortedHiveInputs = new TreeSet<>(entityComparator);
            if (event.getInputs() != null) {

            SortedSet<WriteEntity> sortedHiveOutputs = new TreeSet<>(entityComparator);
            if (event.getOutputs() != null) {

            for (ReadEntity readEntity : sortedHiveInputs) {
                processHiveEntity(dgiBridge, event, readEntity, dataSets, source, entities);

            for (WriteEntity writeEntity : sortedHiveOutputs) {
                processHiveEntity(dgiBridge, event, writeEntity, dataSets, target, entities);

            if (source.size() > 0 || target.size() > 0) {
                Referenceable processReferenceable = getProcessReferenceable(dgiBridge, event, sortedHiveInputs,
                        sortedHiveOutputs, source, target);
                // setup Column Lineage
                List<Referenceable> sourceList = new ArrayList<>(source.values());
                List<Referenceable> targetList = new ArrayList<>(target.values());
                List<Referenceable> colLineageProcessInstances = new ArrayList<>();
                try {
                    Map<String, Referenceable> columnQNameToRef = ColumnLineageUtils
                            .buildColumnReferenceableMap(sourceList, targetList);
                    colLineageProcessInstances = createColumnLineageProcessInstances(processReferenceable,
                            event.lineageInfo, columnQNameToRef);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOG.warn("Column lineage process setup failed with exception {}", e);
                colLineageProcessInstances.add(0, processReferenceable);
                        new HookNotification.EntityUpdateRequest(event.getUser(), new ArrayList<>(entities)));
            } else {
                LOG.info("Skipped query {} since it has no getInputs() or resulting getOutputs()",
        } else {
            LOG.info("Skipped query {} for processing since it is a select query ", event.getQueryStr());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new AtlasHookException("HiveHook.registerProcess() failed.", e);

From source file:org.apache.accumulo.core.util.shell.commands.CreateTableCommand.java

public int execute(final String fullCommand, final CommandLine cl, final Shell shellState)
        throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableExistsException, TableNotFoundException,
        IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

    final String testTableName = cl.getArgs()[0];

    if (!testTableName.matches(Tables.VALID_NAME_REGEX)) {
        shellState.getReader()//from   ww  w .j  av a  2s  . co m
                .println("Only letters, numbers and underscores are allowed for use in table names.");
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    final String tableName = cl.getArgs()[0];
    if (shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().exists(tableName)) {
        throw new TableExistsException(null, tableName, null);
    final SortedSet<Text> partitions = new TreeSet<Text>();
    final boolean decode = cl.hasOption(base64Opt.getOpt());

    if (cl.hasOption(createTableOptSplit.getOpt())) {
        final String f = cl.getOptionValue(createTableOptSplit.getOpt());

        String line;
        Scanner file = new Scanner(new File(f), Constants.UTF8.name());
        try {
            while (file.hasNextLine()) {
                line = file.nextLine();
                if (!line.isEmpty())
                    partitions.add(decode ? new Text(Base64.decodeBase64(line.getBytes(Constants.UTF8)))
                            : new Text(line));
        } finally {
    } else if (cl.hasOption(createTableOptCopySplits.getOpt())) {
        final String oldTable = cl.getOptionValue(createTableOptCopySplits.getOpt());
        if (!shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().exists(oldTable)) {
            throw new TableNotFoundException(null, oldTable, null);

    if (cl.hasOption(createTableOptCopyConfig.getOpt())) {
        final String oldTable = cl.getOptionValue(createTableOptCopyConfig.getOpt());
        if (!shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().exists(oldTable)) {
            throw new TableNotFoundException(null, oldTable, null);

    TimeType timeType = TimeType.MILLIS;
    if (cl.hasOption(createTableOptTimeLogical.getOpt())) {
        timeType = TimeType.LOGICAL;

    // create table
    shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().create(tableName, true, timeType);
    if (partitions.size() > 0) {
        shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().addSplits(tableName, partitions);

    shellState.setTableName(tableName); // switch shell to new table context

    if (cl.hasOption(createTableNoDefaultIters.getOpt())) {
        for (String key : IteratorUtil.generateInitialTableProperties(true).keySet()) {
            shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().removeProperty(tableName, key);

    // Copy options if flag was set
    if (cl.hasOption(createTableOptCopyConfig.getOpt())) {
        if (shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().exists(tableName)) {
            final Iterable<Entry<String, String>> configuration = shellState.getConnector().tableOperations()
            for (Entry<String, String> entry : configuration) {
                if (Property.isValidTablePropertyKey(entry.getKey())) {
                    shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().setProperty(tableName, entry.getKey(),

    if (cl.hasOption(createTableOptEVC.getOpt())) {
        try {
        } catch (AccumuloException e) {
            Shell.log.warn(e.getMessage() + " while setting visibility constraint, but table was created");

    // Load custom formatter if set
    if (cl.hasOption(createTableOptFormatter.getOpt())) {
        final String formatterClass = cl.getOptionValue(createTableOptFormatter.getOpt());

                Property.TABLE_FORMATTER_CLASS.toString(), formatterClass);

    return 0;