Example usage for java.util SortedSet addAll

List of usage examples for java.util SortedSet addAll


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util SortedSet addAll.


boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c);

Source Link


Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this set if they're not already present (optional operation).


From source file:org.polymap.p4.style.StyleEditor.java

protected void createEditorFields(Composite parent, StyleComposite style, int level) {
    SortedSet<PropertyInfo<?>> sorted = new TreeSet(new UIOrderComparator());

    for (PropertyInfo<?> propInfo : sorted) {

        // StylePropertyValue
        if (StylePropertyValue.class.isAssignableFrom(propInfo.getType())) {
            Property<StylePropertyValue> prop = (Property<StylePropertyValue>) propInfo.get(style);
            StylePropertyField field = new StylePropertyField(createFieldSite(prop));
            fields.add(field);//from  ww w  .jav  a2  s . c om
            Control control = field.createContents(parent);

            // the widthHint is a minimal width; without the fields expand the enclosing section

        // StyleComposite
        else if (StyleComposite.class.isAssignableFrom(propInfo.getType())) {
            Section section = tk.createSection(parent,
                    ExpandableComposite.TWISTIE, Section.SHORT_TITLE_BAR, Section.FOCUS_TITLE, SWT.BORDER);
                    i18nField.get(propInfo.getDescription().orElse(propInfo.getName()) + "Tooltip"));

                    new HSLColor(parent.getBackground()).adjustSaturation(-10f).adjustLuminance(-4f).toSWT());

            ((Composite) section.getClient()).setLayout(
                    ColumnLayoutFactory.defaults().columns(1, 1).margins(0, 0, 5, 0).spacing(5).create());

            createEditorFields((Composite) section.getClient(),
                    ((Property<StyleComposite>) propInfo.get(style)).get(), level + 1);

From source file:jenkins.scm.impl.subversion.SubversionSCMSource.java

 * Groups a set of path segments based on a supplied prefix.
 * @param pathSegments the input path segments.
 * @param prefix       the prefix to group on.
 * @return a map, all keys will {@link #startsWith(java.util.List, java.util.List)} the input prefix and be longer
 *         than the input prefix, all values will {@link #startsWith(java.util.List,
 *         java.util.List)} their corresponding key.
 *///from   w w  w  . java2 s  .  c om
static SortedMap<List<String>, SortedSet<List<String>>> groupPaths(
        @NonNull SortedSet<List<String>> pathSegments, @NonNull List<String> prefix) {
    // ensure pre-condition is valid and ensure we are using a copy
    pathSegments = filterPaths(pathSegments, prefix);

    SortedMap<List<String>, SortedSet<List<String>>> result = new TreeMap<List<String>, SortedSet<List<String>>>(
    while (!pathSegments.isEmpty()) {
        List<String> longestPrefix = null;
        int longestIndex = -1;
        for (List<String> pathSegment : pathSegments) {
            if (longestPrefix == null) {
                longestPrefix = pathSegment;
                longestIndex = indexOfNextWildcard(pathSegment, prefix.size());

            } else {
                int index = indexOfNextWildcard(pathSegment, prefix.size());
                if (index > longestIndex) {
                    longestPrefix = pathSegment;
                    longestIndex = index;
        assert longestPrefix != null;
        longestPrefix = new ArrayList<String>(longestPrefix.subList(0, longestIndex));
        SortedSet<List<String>> group = filterPaths(pathSegments, longestPrefix);
        result.put(longestPrefix, group);
    String optimization;
    while (null != (optimization = getOptimizationPoint(result.keySet(), prefix.size()))) {
        List<String> optimizedPrefix = copyAndAppend(prefix, optimization);
        SortedSet<List<String>> optimizedGroup = new TreeSet<List<String>>(COMPARATOR);
        for (Iterator<Map.Entry<List<String>, SortedSet<List<String>>>> iterator = result.entrySet()
                .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            Map.Entry<List<String>, SortedSet<List<String>>> entry = iterator.next();
            if (startsWith(entry.getKey(), optimizedPrefix)) {
        result.put(optimizedPrefix, optimizedGroup);
    return result;

From source file:org.projectforge.web.scripting.ScriptingPage.java

private void initScriptVariables() {
    if (scriptVariables != null) {
        // Already initialized.
        return;/*w ww. ja va2s .c om*/
    scriptVariables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    scriptVariables.put("reportStorage", null);
    scriptVariables.put("reportScriptingStorage", null);
    final SortedSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>();
    final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    buf.append("scriptResult"); // first available variable.
    for (final String key : set) {
        buf.append(", ").append(key);
    if (availableScriptVariablesLabel == null) {
        body.add(availableScriptVariablesLabel = new Label("availableScriptVariables", buf.toString()));
    // buf = new StringBuffer();
    // boolean first = true;
    // for (final BusinessAssessmentRowConfig rowConfig : AccountingConfig.getInstance().getBusinessAssessmentConfig().getRows()) {
    // if (rowConfig.getId() == null) {
    // continue;
    // }
    // if (first == true) {
    // first = false;
    // } else {
    // buf.append(", ");
    // }
    // buf.append('r').append(rowConfig.getNo()).append(", ").append(rowConfig.getId());
    // }
    // if (businessAssessmentRowsVariablesLabel == null) {
    // body.add(businessAssessmentRowsVariablesLabel = new Label("businessAssessmentRowsVariables", buf.toString()));
    // }

From source file:org.apache.ode.utils.fs.TempFileManager.java

private synchronized void _cleanup() {
    try {/*  www .j a  v a 2  s .  com*/
        // collect all subdirectory contents that still exist, ordered files-first
        SortedSet<File> allFiles = new TreeSet(Collections.reverseOrder(null));
        for (File f : _registeredFiles) {
            if (f.exists()) {

        if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            __log.debug("cleaning up " + allFiles.size() + " files.");

        // now delete all files
        for (File f : allFiles) {
            if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                __log.debug("deleting: " + f.getAbsolutePath());
            if (f.exists() && !f.delete()) {
                __log.error("Unable to delete file " + f.getAbsolutePath()
                        + "; this may be caused by a descriptor leak and should be reported.");
                // fall back to deletion on VM shutdown
    } finally {
        __workDir = null;
        __log.debug("cleanup done.");

From source file:com.devnexus.ting.core.service.impl.DefaultTwitterService.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override//from www.  j  av a2 s .c  o  m
public Collection<TwitterMessage> getTwitterMessages() {
    SortedSet<TwitterMessage> twitterMessages = new TreeSet<TwitterMessage>(new Comparator<TwitterMessage>() {
        public int compare(TwitterMessage twitterMessage1, TwitterMessage twitterMessage2) {
            return twitterMessage2.getCreatedAt().compareTo(twitterMessage1.getCreatedAt());

    return twitterMessages;

From source file:org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.scriptconsole.internal.ScriptEngineManager.java

private void refreshScriptEngineManager() {
    EngineManagerState tmp = new EngineManagerState();
    // register script engines from bundles
    final SortedSet<Object> extensions = new TreeSet<Object>();
    synchronized (this.engineSpiBundles) {
        for (final Bundle bundle : this.engineSpiBundles) {
            extensions.addAll(registerFactories(tmp, bundle));
        }/*  w w w  .  j a  va2s .c  o m*/

    // register script engines from registered services
    synchronized (this.engineSpiServices) {
        for (final ScriptEngineFactoryState state : this.engineSpiServices.values()) {
            extensions.addAll(registerFactory(tmp, state.scriptEngineFactory, state.properties));

    synchronized (this) {
        this.state = tmp;

From source file:io.yields.plugins.kpi.BuildActionResultsDisplay.java

private SortedSet<String> getKPINames(int size, String testName) {
    KPIReport kpiReport = getKPIReport();
    if (kpiReport == null) {
        return new TreeSet<String>();
    } else {/*w ww .  java  2  s .c om*/
        SortedSet<String> kpiNames = new TreeSet<String>();
        ScoreResult kpiScore = kpiReport.getKpiScore(testName);
        if (kpiScore != null) {

            int total = 1;

            while (total < size) {
                KPIReport previous = kpiReport.getPrevious();
                if (previous == null) {

                ScoreResult scoreResult = previous.getKpiScore(testName);
                if (scoreResult != null) {


        return kpiNames;

From source file:org.sonatype.nexus.ldap.internal.connector.DefaultLdapConnector.java

public SortedSet<String> getAllGroups() throws LdapDAOException {
    LdapContext context = null;//  w  w w.  j  av  a  2s  . co  m

    try {
        SortedSet<String> results = new TreeSet<String>();

        context = this.getLdapContextFactory().getSystemLdapContext();
        LdapAuthConfiguration conf = this.getLdapAuthConfiguration();

        results.addAll(this.ldapGroupManager.getAllGroups(context, conf));

        return results;
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        String message = "Failed to retrieve ldap information for users.";
        throw new LdapDAOException(message, e);
    } finally {

From source file:net.sourceforge.fenixedu.presentationTier.Action.publico.ViewHomepageDA.java

public ActionForward show(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response) {/*from  ww w .j a  v a2s  .c  o  m*/
    Homepage homepage = getHomepage(request);

    if (homepage == null || !homepage.getActivated().booleanValue()) {
        final ActionMessages actionMessages = new ActionMessages();
        actionMessages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("homepage.not.found"));
        saveMessages(request, actionMessages);

        return notFound(mapping, actionForm, request, response);
    } else {
        SortedSet<Attends> personAttendsSortedByExecutionCourseName = new TreeSet<Attends>(

        request.setAttribute("personAttends", personAttendsSortedByExecutionCourseName);
        request.setAttribute("homepage", homepage);

        return mapping.findForward("view-homepage");

From source file:de.fischer.thotti.reportgen.diagram.ChartGenerator.java

public ChartMetaData generateSingleVariantsChart(final String testId, String jvmArgsId, String paramGrpId) {

    String variantId = String.format("%s-%s-%s", testId, jvmArgsId, paramGrpId);

    File chartFile;/*w ww. j ava  2 s . c o  m*/
    try {
        final TimeSeriesCollection collection = new TimeSeriesCollection();

        String chartTitle = String.format("%s-%s-%s", testId, jvmArgsId, paramGrpId);
        String svgFilename = String.format("%s-%s-%s.svg", testId, jvmArgsId, paramGrpId);

        chartFile = new File(baseDir, svgFilename);

        TimeSeries series = new TimeSeries(String.format("Average of %s", variantId), Day.class);
        TimeSeries mediaSeries = new TimeSeries(String.format("Median of %s", variantId), Day.class);

        List<NDResultEntity> results = persistenceHelper.findAllResultsForVariant(testId, jvmArgsId,

        SortedSet<NDResultEntity> sortedSet = new TreeSet<NDResultEntity>(
                new TestVariantModel.DateComparator());


        Iterator<Measurement> itr = new AverageDayCombinerIterator(sortedSet.iterator());

        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            Measurement singleResult = itr.next();

            Date startDate = singleResult.getPointInTime();
            double time = singleResult.getDuration();

            double t2 = convertMilliSecsToSeconds(time);

            series.add(new Day(startDate), t2);


        Iterator<DatePoint> medianItr = new MedianIterator(sortedSet.iterator());

        while (medianItr.hasNext()) {
            DatePoint singleResult = medianItr.next();

            Date startDate = singleResult.getPointInTime();
            double value = convertMilliSecsToSeconds(singleResult.getValue());

            mediaSeries.add(new Day(startDate), value);


        final JFreeChart chart = createChart(chartTitle, collection);

        saveChartAsSVG(chart, svgFilename);

        System.out.println(String.format("Written %s", chartFile.toString()));

        return new ChartMetaData().withFilename(chartFile.getName()).withWidth(DEFAULT_CHAR_WIDTH)

    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        // @todo Throw an better exception!
        ioe.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.

    return null;