List of usage examples for java.util SortedSet addAll
boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c);
From source
public boolean rebuildRawAlternativesGraph() { if (!d_rebuildRawNeeded) { return false; }/*from ww w . j av a2s . co m*/ // Determine set of treatment definitions SortedSet<TreatmentDefinition> definitions = new TreeSet<TreatmentDefinition>(); if (d_indicationHolder.getValue() != null && d_outcomeHolder.getValue() != null) { for (Study s : getStudiesEndpointAndIndication()) { definitions.addAll(s.getMeasuredTreatmentDefinitions(d_outcomeHolder.getValue())); } } d_rawTreatmentDefinitions.clear(); d_rawTreatmentDefinitions.addAll(definitions); // Rebuild the graph d_rawAlternativesGraph.rebuildGraph(); d_rebuildRawNeeded = false; return true; }
From source
protected SortedSet<?> toSortedSet(final Enumeration<?> enu) { final SortedSet<Object> set = new TreeSet<Object>(); set.addAll(Collections.list(enu)); return set;//from www. j av a 2 s . c om }
From source
@Override public int execute(final String fullCommand, final CommandLine cl, final Shell shellState) throws IOException, TableNotFoundException, NamespaceNotFoundException { final SortedSet<String> tables = new TreeSet<String>(Arrays.asList(cl.getArgs())); if (cl.hasOption(Shell.tableOption)) { String tableName = cl.getOptionValue(Shell.tableOption); if (!shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().exists(tableName)) { throw new TableNotFoundException(tableName, tableName, "specified table that doesn't exist"); }/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s . com*/ tables.add(tableName); } if (cl.hasOption(optNamespace.getOpt())) { Instance instance = shellState.getInstance(); String namespaceId = Namespaces.getNamespaceId(instance, cl.getOptionValue(optNamespace.getOpt())); tables.addAll(Namespaces.getTableNames(instance, namespaceId)); } boolean prettyPrint = cl.hasOption(optHumanReadble.getOpt()) ? true : false; // Add any patterns if (cl.hasOption(optTablePattern.getOpt())) { for (String table : shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().list()) { if (table.matches(cl.getOptionValue(optTablePattern.getOpt()))) { tables.add(table); } } } // If we didn't get any tables, and we have a table selected, add the current table if (tables.isEmpty() && !shellState.getTableName().isEmpty()) { tables.add(shellState.getTableName()); } try { String valueFormat = prettyPrint ? "%9s" : "%,24d"; for (DiskUsage usage : shellState.getConnector().tableOperations().getDiskUsage(tables)) { Object value = prettyPrint ? NumUtil.bigNumberForSize(usage.getUsage()) : usage.getUsage(); shellState.getReader().println(String.format(valueFormat + " %s", value, usage.getTables())); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } return 0; }
From source
/** * A verbose header for fasta output. /*from ww w .j ava2 s. com*/ * * When a persistence layer is involved (eg. Hibernate), this method should * only be used when extra detail is necessary. It navigates associations * which will result in additional queries. * * @return a verbose header for fasta output. */ public String verboseFastaHeader() { // Create a header from the available fields StringBuffer header = new StringBuffer(); header.append(getQueryId()); // Select the top annotation by rank and then alphabetically. if (getAnnotations().size() > 0) { SortedSet<Annotation> sortedAnno = new TreeSet<Annotation>(new Comparator<Annotation>() { public int compare(Annotation a1, Annotation a2) { Annotator ar1 = a1.getAnnotator(); Annotator ar2 = a2.getAnnotator(); return ar2.getRank().compareTo(ar1.getRank()); } }); sortedAnno.addAll(getAnnotations()); Annotation topAnno = sortedAnno.first(); header.append(" " + Fasta.formatAttribute("acc", topAnno.getAccession())); header.append(" " + Fasta.formatAttribute("desc", topAnno.getDescription())); header.append(" " + Fasta.formatAttribute("anno", topAnno.getAnnotator().getName() + "," + topAnno.getConfidence().toString())); } if (getAliases().size() > 0) { StringBuffer aliases = new StringBuffer(); for (Iterator<String> it = getAliases().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { aliases.append(; if (it.hasNext()) { aliases.append(","); } } header.append(" " + Fasta.formatAttribute("aliases", aliases.toString())); } header.append( " " + Fasta.formatAttribute("coords", getLocation().getStart() + ".." + getLocation().getEnd())); header.append(" " + Fasta.formatAttribute("strand", getLocation().getStrand().toString())); header.append(" " + Fasta.formatAttribute("orf_conf", getConfidence().toString())); header.append(" " + Fasta.formatAttribute("partial", isPartial().toString())); return header.toString(); }
From source
/** * Get all available tenors/*from w w w . j a v a2s. com*/ * * @return the sorted tenors */ public SortedSet<Tenor> getAllTenors() { final SortedSet<Tenor> allTenors = new TreeSet<Tenor>(); if (getBasisSwapInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getBasisSwapInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getCashInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getCashInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getCDORInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getCDORInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getCiborInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getCiborInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getEuriborInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getEuriborInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getFra3MInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getFra3MInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getFra6MInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getFra6MInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getFutureInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getFutureInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getLiborInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getLiborInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getOISSwapInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getOISSwapInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getStiborInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getStiborInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getSwap3MInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getSwap3MInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getSwap6MInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getSwap6MInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getSwap12MInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getSwap12MInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getTenorSwapInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getTenorSwapInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getSimpleZeroDepositInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getSimpleZeroDepositInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getPeriodicZeroDepositInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getPeriodicZeroDepositInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getContinuousZeroDepositInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getContinuousZeroDepositInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } if (getSwap28DInstrumentProviders() != null) { allTenors.addAll(getSwap28DInstrumentProviders().keySet()); } return allTenors; }
From source
/** * Get IRI of next version of a DiSCO.//from w ww . j a va 2 s . c o m * * @param discoID IRI of DISCO * @param event2disco Map from events to all versions of DiSCOs * @param date2event Map from date events associated with version of DiSCO * @param ts the triplestore instance * @return IRI of next version of DiSCO, or null if none found * @throws RMapException the RMap exception * @throws RMapObjectNotFoundException the RMap object not found exception * @throws RMapDefectiveArgumentException the RMap defective argument exception */ protected IRI getNextIRI(IRI discoID, Map<IRI, IRI> event2disco, Map<Date, IRI> date2event, SesameTriplestore ts) throws RMapException, RMapObjectNotFoundException, RMapDefectiveArgumentException { if (discoID == null) { throw new RMapDefectiveArgumentException("null DiSCO id"); } if (event2disco == null) { throw new RMapDefectiveArgumentException("Null event2disco map"); } Map<IRI, IRI> disco2event = Utils.invertMap(event2disco); if (date2event == null) { date2event = eventmgr.getDate2EventMap(event2disco.keySet(), ts); } Map<IRI, Date> event2date = Utils.invertMap(date2event); IRI discoEventId = disco2event.get(discoID); Date eventDate = event2date.get(discoEventId); SortedSet<Date> sortedDates = new TreeSet<Date>(); sortedDates.addAll(date2event.keySet()); SortedSet<Date> laterDates = sortedDates.tailSet(eventDate); IRI nextDiscoId = null; if (laterDates.size() > 1) { Date[] dateArray = laterDates.toArray(new Date[laterDates.size()]); IRI nextEventId = date2event.get(dateArray[1]); nextDiscoId = event2disco.get(nextEventId); } return nextDiscoId; }
From source
public byte[] getFingerprint() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(100); buf.append(id);//from ww w. jav a 2 s . c o m buf.append(name); buf.append(version); buf.append(dateFormat.format(creationDate)); buf.append(; SortedSet<Module> sortedModules = new TreeSet<Module>(new Comparator<Module>() { public int compare(Module module, Module module1) { return; } }); sortedModules.addAll(modules); for (Module m : sortedModules) { buf.append(; } SortedSet<String> sortedKeys = new TreeSet<String>(properties.keySet()); for (String key : sortedKeys) { buf.append(key); } if (client != null) { buf.append(client.getCompany()); buf.append(client.getName()); buf.append(client.getUrl()); } try { return buf.toString().getBytes(ApplicationConstants.DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ue) { log.fatal(ue.getMessage(), ue); } return buf.toString().getBytes(); }
From source
private Spreadsheet generateSpreadSheet(final SortedMap<Object, BigDecimal> sumMap, final SortedMap<Object, BigDecimal> medianMap, final SortedMap<Object, BigDecimal> averageMap, final SortedMap<Object, BigDecimal> minsMap, final SortedMap<Object, BigDecimal> maxsMap) { final Spreadsheet spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet("Estatsticas"); spreadsheet.setHeader("Estado"); spreadsheet.setHeader("Soma"); spreadsheet.setHeader("Mediana Tempo (em dias)"); spreadsheet.setHeader("Mdia Tempo (em dias)"); spreadsheet.setHeader("Tempo Mnimo (em dias)"); spreadsheet.setHeader("Tempo Mximo (em dias)"); final SortedSet<Object> types = new TreeSet<Object>(); types.addAll(sumMap.keySet()); types.addAll(medianMap.keySet());// w ww. j a va2 s.c o m types.addAll(averageMap.keySet()); BigDecimal DAYS_CONST = new BigDecimal(1000 * 3600 * 24); for (final Object type : types) { final BigDecimal sum = sumMap.get(type); final BigDecimal median = medianMap.get(type); final BigDecimal average = averageMap.get(type); final BigDecimal min = minsMap.get(type); final BigDecimal max = maxsMap.get(type); final Row row = spreadsheet.addRow(); row.setCell(((IPresentableEnum) type).getLocalizedName()); row.setCell(sum == null ? "0" : sum.toString()); row.setCell(median == null ? "" : median.divide(DAYS_CONST, 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); row.setCell(average == null ? "" : average.divide(DAYS_CONST, 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); row.setCell(min == null ? "" : min.divide(DAYS_CONST, 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); row.setCell(max == null ? "" : max.divide(DAYS_CONST, 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); } return spreadsheet; }
From source
/** * Get IRI of previous version of this DiSCO. * * @param discoID IRI of DiSCO/*from w w w . j ava2 s .c o m*/ * @param event2disco Map from events to all versions of DiSCOs * @param date2event Map from date events associated with version of DiSCO * @param ts the triplestore instance * @return IRI of previous version of this DiSCO, or null if none found * @throws RMapException the RMap exception * @throws RMapObjectNotFoundException the RMap object not found exception * @throws RMapDefectiveArgumentException the RMap defective argument exception */ protected IRI getPreviousIRI(IRI discoID, Map<IRI, IRI> event2disco, Map<Date, IRI> date2event, SesameTriplestore ts) throws RMapException, RMapObjectNotFoundException, RMapDefectiveArgumentException { if (discoID == null) { throw new RMapDefectiveArgumentException("null DiSCO id"); } if (event2disco == null) { throw new RMapDefectiveArgumentException("Null event2disco map"); } Map<IRI, IRI> disco2event = Utils.invertMap(event2disco); if (date2event == null) { date2event = eventmgr.getDate2EventMap(event2disco.keySet(), ts); } Map<IRI, Date> event2date = Utils.invertMap(date2event); IRI discoEventId = disco2event.get(discoID); Date eventDate = event2date.get(discoEventId); SortedSet<Date> sortedDates = new TreeSet<Date>(); sortedDates.addAll(date2event.keySet()); SortedSet<Date> earlierDates = sortedDates.headSet(eventDate); IRI prevDiscoId = null; if (earlierDates.size() > 0) { Date previousDate = earlierDates.last(); IRI prevEventId = date2event.get(previousDate); prevDiscoId = event2disco.get(prevEventId); } return prevDiscoId; }