List of usage examples for java.util.regex Pattern pattern
String pattern
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public void uploadSkipRegexFieldDidChange(NSNotification sender) { String value = this.uploadSkipRegexField.string().trim(); if (StringUtils.EMPTY.equals(value)) { preferences.setProperty("queue.upload.skip.enable", false); preferences.setProperty("queue.upload.skip.regex", value); this.uploadSkipButton.setState(NSCell.NSOffState); }//from www. ja va2 s .co m try { Pattern compiled = Pattern.compile(value); preferences.setProperty("queue.upload.skip.regex", compiled.pattern()); this.mark(this.uploadSkipRegexField.textStorage(), null); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { this.mark(this.uploadSkipRegexField.textStorage(), e); } }
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public void downloadSkipRegexFieldDidChange(NSNotification sender) { String value = this.downloadSkipRegexField.string().trim(); if (StringUtils.EMPTY.equals(value)) { preferences.setProperty("", false); preferences.setProperty("", value); this.downloadSkipButton.setState(NSCell.NSOffState); }/* w w w . jav a 2s . c o m*/ try { Pattern compiled = Pattern.compile(value); preferences.setProperty("", compiled.pattern()); this.mark(this.downloadSkipRegexField.textStorage(), null); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { this.mark(this.downloadSkipRegexField.textStorage(), e); } }
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/** * Gets a list of Hive partitions. For single level partitioning, no auto-discovery of sub-partitions (sub-directories) is needed - the business object data * will be represented by a single Hive partition instance. For multiple level partitioning, this method performs an auto-discovery of all sub-partitions * (sub-directories) and creates a Hive partition object instance for each partition. * * @param businessObjectDataKey the business object data key * @param autoDiscoverableSubPartitionColumns the auto-discoverable sub-partition columns * @param s3KeyPrefix the S3 key prefix/*from w w w.j a v a 2 s. c om*/ * @param storageFiles the storage files * @param storageName the storage name * * @return the list of Hive partitions */ public List<HivePartitionDto> getHivePartitions(BusinessObjectDataKey businessObjectDataKey, List<SchemaColumn> autoDiscoverableSubPartitionColumns, String s3KeyPrefix, Collection<String> storageFiles, String storageName) { // We are using linked hash map to preserve the order of the discovered partitions. LinkedHashMap<List<String>, HivePartitionDto> linkedHashMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Pattern pattern = getHivePathPattern(autoDiscoverableSubPartitionColumns); for (String storageFile : storageFiles) { // Remove S3 key prefix from the file path. Please note that the storage files are already validated to start with S3 key prefix. String relativeFilePath = storageFile.substring(s3KeyPrefix.length()); // Try to match the relative file path to the expected subpartition folders. Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(relativeFilePath); Assert.isTrue(matcher.matches(), String.format( "Registered storage file or directory does not match the expected Hive sub-directory pattern. " + "Storage: {%s}, file/directory: {%s}, business object data: {%s}, S3 key prefix: {%s}, pattern: {%s}", storageName, storageFile, businessObjectDataHelper.businessObjectDataKeyToString(businessObjectDataKey), s3KeyPrefix, pattern.pattern())); // Create a list of partition values. List<String> partitionValues = new ArrayList<>(); // Add partition values per business object data key. partitionValues.add(businessObjectDataKey.getPartitionValue()); partitionValues.addAll(businessObjectDataKey.getSubPartitionValues()); // Extract relative partition values. for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) { partitionValues.add(; } // If we did not match all expected partition values, then this storage file path is not part // of a fully qualified partition (this is an intermediate folder marker) and we ignore it. if (!partitionValues.contains(null)) { // Get path for this partition by removing trailing "/" plus an optional file name from the relative file path, // or the trailing "_$folder$", which represents an empty partition in S3. String partitionPath = relativeFilePath.endsWith(S3_EMPTY_PARTITION) ? relativeFilePath.substring(0, relativeFilePath.length() - S3_EMPTY_PARTITION.length()) : relativeFilePath.replaceAll("\\/[^/]*$", ""); // Check if we already have that partition discovered - that would happen if partition contains multiple data files. HivePartitionDto hivePartition = linkedHashMap.get(partitionValues); if (hivePartition != null) { // Partition is already discovered, so just validate that the relative paths match. Assert.isTrue(hivePartition.getPath().equals(partitionPath), String.format( "Found two different locations for the same Hive partition. Storage: {%s}, business object data: {%s}, " + "S3 key prefix: {%s}, path[1]: {%s}, path[2]: {%s}", storageName, businessObjectDataHelper.businessObjectDataKeyToString(businessObjectDataKey), s3KeyPrefix, hivePartition.getPath(), partitionPath)); } else { // Add this partition to the hash map of discovered partitions. linkedHashMap.put(partitionValues, new HivePartitionDto(partitionPath, partitionValues)); } } } List<HivePartitionDto> hivePartitions = new ArrayList<>(); hivePartitions.addAll(linkedHashMap.values()); return hivePartitions; }
From source
/** * Send text after the real connector is chosen. * * @param connector which connector should be used. * @param subconnector which subconnector should be used * @param tos recipients/*w ww . ja v a2 s . c om*/ * @param text message text * @return true if message was sent */ private boolean sendReal(final ConnectorSpec connector, final SubConnectorSpec subconnector, final String[] tos, final String text) { Log.d(TAG, "sendReal(" + connector + "," + subconnector + ")"); final SharedPreferences p = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); if (!p.getBoolean(PREFS_TRY_SEND_INVALID, false) && connector.hasCapabilities(ConnectorSpec.CAPABILITIES_CHARACTER_CHECK)) { final String valid = connector.getValidCharacters(); if (valid == null) { Log.i(TAG, "valid: null"); Toast.makeText(this, R.string.log_error_char_nonvalid, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return false; } final Pattern checkPattern = Pattern.compile("[^" + Pattern.quote(valid) + "]+"); Log.d(TAG, "pattern: " + checkPattern.pattern()); final Matcher m = checkPattern.matcher(text); if (m.find()) { final String illigal =; Log.i(TAG, "invalid character: " + illigal); Toast.makeText(this, this.getString(R.string.log_error_char_notsendable) + ": " + illigal, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return false; } } ToggleButton v = (ToggleButton) this.findViewById(; final boolean flashSMS = (v.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) && v.isEnabled() && v.isChecked(); final String defPrefix = p.getString(PREFS_DEFPREFIX, "+49"); final String defSender = p.getString(PREFS_SENDER, ""); final ConnectorCommand command = ConnectorCommand.send(nextMsgId(this), subconnector.getID(), defPrefix, defSender, tos, text, flashSMS); command.setCustomSender(lastCustomSender); command.setSendLater(lastSendLater); boolean sent = false; try { if (subconnector.hasFeatures(SubConnectorSpec.FEATURE_MULTIRECIPIENTS) || tos.length == 1) { Log.d(TAG, "text: " + text); Log.d(TAG, "to: ", tos); runCommand(this, connector, command); } else { ConnectorCommand cc; for (String t : tos) { if (t.trim().length() < 1) { continue; } cc = (ConnectorCommand) command.clone(); cc.setRecipients(t); Log.d(TAG, "text: " + text); Log.d(TAG, "to: ", tos); runCommand(this, connector, cc); } } sent = true; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "error running command", e); Toast.makeText(this, R.string.error, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } if (sent) { this.reset(false); try { Thread.sleep(SLEEP_BEFORE_EXIT); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.e(TAG, null, e); } this.finish(); return true; } return false; }
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/** * Set the given property to <code>Pattern</code>. If the pattern is passed as null, sets the empty pattern which * results in further calls to getPattern(...) returning the default value. * * @param name property name/* ww w . j a v a2s. c o m*/ * @param pattern new value */ public void setPattern(String name, Pattern pattern) { assert pattern != null : "Pattern cannot be null"; set(name, pattern.pattern()); }
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/** Looks for variables of type: ${http_repo*} in REPO_URL property and replaces it. Example: * <repositories>/* ww w .ja v a 2 s . c om*/ * <repository id="repo-id" name="tw-repo"> * <pluginConfiguration id="yum" version="1"/> * <configuration> * <property> * <key>REPO_URL</key> * <value>${http_repo1}</value> * </property> * * TO * * <repositories> * <repository id="repo-id" name="tw-repo"> * <pluginConfiguration id="yum" version="1"/> * <configuration> * <property> * <key>REPO_URL</key> * <value></value> * </property> * * AND return a map which contains: {"http_repo1" => "pkgrepo-RANDOM1234"} */ public Map<String, String> replacePackageRepositoryURIForHttpBasedRepos(Map<String, String> currentRepoNames) { Pattern httpRepoNameVariablePattern = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{(http_repo[^\\}]*)\\}"); Map<String, String> httpRepoNameInConfigToItsNameAtRuntime = new HashMap<String, String>(currentRepoNames); List<Element> allRepoUrlPropertyKeys = root() .selectNodes("/cruise//repositories/repository/configuration/property/key[text()='REPO_URL']"); for (Element repoUrlKeyElement : allRepoUrlPropertyKeys) { Node repoUrlPropertyInConfig = repoUrlKeyElement.getParent().selectSingleNode("value"); String existingValueOfRepoUrl = repoUrlPropertyInConfig.getText(); Matcher matcherForVariable = httpRepoNameVariablePattern.matcher(existingValueOfRepoUrl); if (matcherForVariable.find()) { String variableName =; String replacementRepoName = httpRepoNameInConfigToItsNameAtRuntime.get(variableName); if (!httpRepoNameInConfigToItsNameAtRuntime.containsKey(variableName)) { replacementRepoName = "pkgrepo-" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(10); httpRepoNameInConfigToItsNameAtRuntime.put(variableName, replacementRepoName); } String replacementRepoURL = existingValueOfRepoUrl .replaceFirst(httpRepoNameVariablePattern.pattern(), replacementRepoName); repoUrlPropertyInConfig.setText(replacementRepoURL); } } return httpRepoNameInConfigToItsNameAtRuntime; }
From source
/** * Rename the specified file./*from w ww . jav a 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param sess Server session * @param tree Tree connection * @param oldName java.lang.String * @param newName java.lang.String * @exception The exception description. */ public void renameFile(final SrvSession sess, final TreeConnection tree, final String oldName, final String newName) throws IOException { // Create the transaction (initially read-only) beginReadTransaction(sess); // Get the device context final ContentContext ctx = (ContentContext) tree.getContext(); // DEBUG if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_RENAME)) logger.debug("Rename oldName=" + oldName + ", newName=" + newName); try { // Get the file/folder to move final NodeRef nodeToMoveRef = getNodeForPath(tree, oldName); // Check if the node is a link node if (nodeToMoveRef != null && nodeService.getProperty(nodeToMoveRef, ContentModel.PROP_LINK_DESTINATION) != null) throw new AccessDeniedException("Cannot rename link nodes"); // Get the new target folder - it must be a folder String[] splitPaths = FileName.splitPath(newName); String[] oldPaths = FileName.splitPath(oldName); final NodeRef targetFolderRef = getNodeForPath(tree, splitPaths[0]); final NodeRef sourceFolderRef = getNodeForPath(tree, oldPaths[0]); final String name = splitPaths[1]; // Check if this is a rename within the same folder final boolean sameFolder = splitPaths[0].equalsIgnoreCase(oldPaths[0]); // Get the file state for the old file, if available final FileState oldState = ctx.getStateCache().findFileState(oldName, true); // Check if we are renaming a folder, or the rename is to a different folder boolean isFolder = cifsHelper.isDirectory(nodeToMoveRef); if (isFolder == true || sameFolder == false) { // Rename or move the file/folder doInWriteTransaction(sess, new CallableIO<Void>() { public Void call() throws IOException { if (sameFolder == true) cifsHelper.rename(nodeToMoveRef, name); else cifsHelper.move(nodeToMoveRef, sourceFolderRef, targetFolderRef, name); return null; } }); // Update the old file state if (oldState != null) { // Update the file state index to use the new name ctx.getStateCache().renameFileState(newName, oldState, isFolder); } // DEBUG if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_RENAME)) logger.debug(" Renamed " + (isFolder ? "folder" : "file") + " using " + (sameFolder ? "rename" : "move")); } else { // Rename a file within the same folder // // Check if the target file already exists final int newExists = fileExists(sess, tree, newName); final FileState newState = ctx.getStateCache().findFileState(newName, true); List<Runnable> postTxn = doInWriteTransaction(sess, new CallableIO<List<Runnable>>() { public List<Runnable> call() throws IOException { List<Runnable> postTxn = new LinkedList<Runnable>(); NodeRef targetNodeRef = null; boolean isFromVersionable = nodeService.hasAspect(nodeToMoveRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_VERSIONABLE); boolean typesCompatible = true; // HACK ALF-3856: Version History lost when Versionable Content renamed via CIFS // This code will move into the repo layer (or just above it) // and this complexity removed from here. // Attempt to detect normal renames. Hack alert! Pattern renameShufflePattern = ctx.getRenameShufflePattern(); boolean renameShuffle = isRenameShuffle(oldName, newName, renameShufflePattern); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Rename file: \n" + " Old name: " + oldName + "\n" + " New name: " + newName + "\n" + " Pattern: " + renameShufflePattern.pattern() + "\n" + " Is shuffle: " + renameShuffle + "\n" + " Source folder: " + sourceFolderRef + "\n" + " Target folder: " + targetFolderRef + "\n" + " Node: " + nodeToMoveRef + "\n" + " Aspects: " + nodeService.getAspects(nodeToMoveRef)); } if (newExists == FileStatus.FileExists) { // Use the existing file as the target node targetNodeRef = getNodeForPath(tree, newName); } else if (renameShuffle) { logger.debug("is rename shuffle"); // Check if the target has a renamed or delete-on-close state if (newState.getFileStatus() == FileRenamed) { logger.debug("file status == FileRenamed"); // DEBUG if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_RENAME)) logger.debug(" Using renamed node, " + newState); NodeRef newStateNode = (NodeRef) newState.getFilesystemObject(); QName oldType = nodeService.getType(nodeToMoveRef); QName newType = nodeService.getType(newStateNode); if (oldType.equals(newType)) { // Use the renamed node to clone aspects/state if it is of the correct type cloneNode(name, newStateNode, nodeToMoveRef, ctx); } else { logger.debug("not renamed, must create new node"); // Otherwise we must create a node of the correct type targetNodeRef = cifsHelper.createNode(ctx.getRootNode(), newName, newType); // Force a copy to this target typesCompatible = false; // DEBUG if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_RENAME)) logger.debug(" Created new node for " + newName + " type " + newType + ", isFromVersionable=false"); // Copy aspects from the original state cloneNode(name, newStateNode, targetNodeRef, ctx); } //Change state for tmp node to allow delete it without special permission String newStateNodeName = (String) nodeService.getProperty(newStateNode, ContentModel.PROP_NAME); FileState stateForTmp = ctx.getStateCache().findFileState( newName.substring(0, newName.lastIndexOf("\\")) + "\\" + newStateNodeName, true); stateForTmp.addAttribute(CanDeleteWithoutPerms, true); stateForTmp.setFileStatus(FileStatus.FileExists); stateForTmp.setExpiryTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + FileState.DeleteTimeout); if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_RENAME)) logger.debug(" Set CanDeleteWithoutPerms=true for " + stateForTmp); } else if (newState.getFileStatus() == DeleteOnClose) { logger.debug("file state is delete on close"); // DEBUG if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_RENAME)) logger.debug(" Restoring delete-on-close node, " + newState); // Restore the deleted node so we can relink the new version to the old history/properties NodeRef archivedNode = getNodeArchiveService() .getArchivedNode((NodeRef) newState.getFilesystemObject()); // DEBUG if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_RENAME)) logger.debug(" Found archived node " + archivedNode); if (archivedNode != null && getNodeService().exists(archivedNode)) { // Restore the node targetNodeRef = getNodeService().restoreNode(archivedNode, null, null, null); // DEBUG if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_RENAME)) logger.debug(" Restored node " + targetNodeRef + ", version=" + nodeService .getProperty(targetNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_VERSION_LABEL)); // Check if the deleted file had a linked node, due to a rename NodeRef linkNode = (NodeRef) newState.findAttribute(AttrLinkNode); if (linkNode != null && nodeService.exists(linkNode)) { // Clone aspects from the linked node onto the restored node cloneNode(name, linkNode, targetNodeRef, ctx); // DEBUG if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_RENAME)) { logger.debug(" Moved aspects from linked node " + linkNode); // Check if the node is a working copy NodeRef mainNodeRef = checkOutCheckInService .getCheckedOut(targetNodeRef); if (mainNodeRef != null) { // Check if the main document is still locked LockType lockTyp = lockService.getLockType(mainNodeRef); logger.debug(" Main node ref lock type = " + lockTyp); } } } } } // Check if the node being renamed is versionable else if (isFromVersionable == true) { logger.debug("from node is versionable"); // Create a new node for the target targetNodeRef = cifsHelper.createNode(ctx.getRootNode(), newName, nodeService.getType(nodeToMoveRef)); // DEBUG if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_RENAME)) logger.debug(" Created new node for " + newName + ", isFromVersionable=true"); // Copy aspects from the original file cloneNode(name, nodeToMoveRef, targetNodeRef, ctx); //Change state for tmp node to allow delete it without special permission FileState stateForTmp = ctx.getStateCache().findFileState(newName, true); stateForTmp.addAttribute(CanDeleteWithoutPerms, true); stateForTmp.setFileStatus(FileStatus.FileExists); stateForTmp.setExpiryTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + FileState.DeleteTimeout); if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_RENAME)) logger.debug(" Set CanDeleteWithoutPerms=true for " + stateForTmp); } } // If the original or target nodes are not versionable and types are compatible then just use a standard rename of the node if (!renameShuffle || (!isFromVersionable && typesCompatible && (targetNodeRef == null || nodeService .hasAspect(targetNodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_VERSIONABLE) == false))) { logger.debug("do simple rename"); // Rename the file/folder cifsHelper.rename(nodeToMoveRef, name); postTxn.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { // Mark the new file as existing newState.setFileStatus(FileExists); newState.setFilesystemObject(nodeToMoveRef); newState.setFileSize(oldState.getFileSize()); // the date is updated to be properly saved when the document is closed, see MNT-214 newState.updateModifyDateTime(oldState.getModifyDateTime()); // Make sure the old file state is cached for a short while, the file may not be open so the // file state could be expired oldState.setExpiryTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + FileState.DeleteTimeout); // Indicate that this is a renamed file state, set the node ref of the file that was renamed oldState.setFileStatus(FileRenamed); oldState.setFilesystemObject(nodeToMoveRef); } }); // DEBUG if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_RENAME)) logger.debug(" Use standard rename for " + name + "(versionable=" + isFromVersionable + ", targetNodeRef=" + targetNodeRef + ")"); } else { // Make sure we have a valid target node if (targetNodeRef == null) { // DEBUG if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_RENAME)) logger.debug(" No target node for rename"); // Throw an error throw new AccessDeniedException("No target node for file rename"); } // Copy content data from the old file to the new file copyContentData(sess, tree, nodeToMoveRef, targetNodeRef, newName); final NodeRef finalTargetNodeRef = targetNodeRef; postTxn.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { // Mark the new file as existing newState.setFileStatus(FileExists); newState.setFilesystemObject(finalTargetNodeRef); newState.setFileSize(oldState.getFileSize()); // the date is updated to be properly saved when the document is closed, see MNT-214 newState.updateModifyDateTime(oldState.getModifyDateTime()); // Make sure the old file state is cached for a short while, the file may not be open so the // file state could be expired oldState.setExpiryTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + FileState.DeleteTimeout); // Indicate that this is a deleted file state, set the node ref of the file that was renamed oldState.setFileStatus(DeleteOnClose); oldState.setFilesystemObject(nodeToMoveRef); // Link to the new node, a new file may be renamed into place, we need to transfer aspect/locks oldState.addAttribute(AttrLinkNode, finalTargetNodeRef); // DEBUG if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_RENAME)) logger.debug(" Cached delete state for " + oldName); } }); logger.debug("delete the old file"); // Delete the old file if (renameShuffle && isFromVersionable && permissionService.hasPermission(nodeToMoveRef, PermissionService.EDITOR) == AccessStatus.ALLOWED) { AuthenticationUtil.runAs(new AuthenticationUtil.RunAsWork<Object>() { @Override public Object doWork() throws Exception { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Rename shuffle for versioning content is assumed. Deleting " + nodeToMoveRef + " as system user"); } if (renameCSVShufflePattern.matcher(newName.toLowerCase()).matches()) { Map<QName, Serializable> props = Collections.emptyMap(); nodeService.addAspect(nodeToMoveRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_SOFT_DELETE, props); } else { nodeService.deleteNode(nodeToMoveRef); } return null; } }, AuthenticationUtil.getSystemUserName()); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Deleting " + nodeToMoveRef + " as user: " + AuthenticationUtil.getFullyAuthenticatedUser()); } nodeService.deleteNode(nodeToMoveRef); } } return postTxn; } }); logger.debug("running post txns"); // Run the required state-changing logic once the retrying transaction has completed successfully for (Runnable runnable : postTxn) {; } } } catch ( ex) { // Debug if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_RENAME)) logger.debug("Rename file - access denied, " + oldName); // Convert to a filesystem access denied status throw new AccessDeniedException("Rename file " + oldName); } catch (NodeLockedException ex) { // Debug if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_RENAME)) logger.debug("Rename file", ex); // Convert to an filesystem access denied exception throw new AccessDeniedException("Node locked " + oldName); } catch (InvalidNodeRefException ex) { // Debug if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && ctx.hasDebug(AlfrescoContext.DBG_RENAME)) logger.debug("Rename file - file doesn't exist, " + oldName, ex); // Convert to a filesystem access denied status throw new FileNotFoundException("File doesn't exist " + oldName); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { // Unexpected Exception being consumed here - hence the error logging. logger.error("Unable to rename file" + oldName, ex); // Convert to a general I/O exception throw new AccessDeniedException("Rename file " + oldName); } }
From source
private boolean containsLink(String message, Channel ch) { String[] splitMessage = message.toLowerCase().split(" "); for (String m : splitMessage) { for (Pattern pattern : linkPatterns) { Matcher match = pattern.matcher(m); if (match.matches()) { log("RB: Link match on " + pattern.pattern()); if (ch.checkPermittedDomain(m)) return false; else return true; }//from w w w . j a va 2 s . c o m } } return false; }
From source
private void listBundles(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { String category = this.getParameter(req, "category", Repository.CATEGORY_ALL_BUNDLES); String regexp = this.getParameter(req, "regexp", ""); Pattern pattern = null; if (regexp.length() > 0) { try {/*from ww w .ja v a 2s.c o m*/ String regexpInt = regexp; // turn regexp into substring match if not bounded by ^/$ if (!regexpInt.startsWith("^") && !regexpInt.startsWith(".*")) regexpInt = ".*" + regexpInt; if (!regexpInt.endsWith("$") && !regexpInt.endsWith(".*")) regexpInt = regexpInt + ".*"; pattern = Pattern.compile(regexpInt); } catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) { // don't care, but clear the variable regexp = ""; } } // set cookies this.setCookie(resp, "category", category); this.setCookie(resp, "regexp", regexp); PrintWriter pw = this.head(resp); pw.print("<h1>Welcome to the OSGi Bundle Repository "); pw.print(this.repository.getName()); pw.println("</h1>"); pw.print("<p>This repository was last updated: "); pw.println(new Date(this.repository.getLastModified())); pw.println("<hr />"); pw.println("<h2>Tasks</h2>"); pw.println("<table border='0' width='100%'>"); pw.print("<tr><td nowrap>Repository Descriptor</td>"); pw.print("<td width='99%'><a href='"); pw.print(this.getRelativeURI(req, "repository.xml")); pw.print("'>"); pw.print("repository.xml"); pw.println("</a></td></tr>"); pw.print("<tr><td nowrap>Repository Download (complete)</td>"); pw.print("<td width='99%'><a href='"); pw.print(this.getRelativeURI(req, "")); pw.print("'>"); pw.print(""); pw.println("</a></td><tr>"); pw.print("<tr><td nowrap>Bundle Upload</td>"); pw.print("<td width='99%'><form method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"); pw.print("<input type='file' name='bundlefile'>"); pw.print("<input type='submit' value='Upload Bundle'>"); pw.print("</form>"); pw.println("</td></tr>"); pw.println("</table>"); pw.println("<hr />"); pw.println("<form name='selection'>"); pw.println("<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>"); pw.println("<tr><td><h2>Available Resources</h2></td>"); pw.println("<td align='right'>"); pw.println("By Name (Reg Exp): <input type='text' name='regexp' value='" + regexp + "'>"); pw.println(" | "); pw.println("By Category: <select name='category' onChange='form.submit();'>"); Iterator categories = this.repository.getBundleCategories(null).iterator(); while (categories.hasNext()) { Object cat =; String selected = category.equals(cat) ? "selected" : ""; pw.print("<option value='" + cat + "' " + selected + ">"); pw.print(cat); pw.println("</option>"); } pw.println("</select>"); pw.println(" | "); pw.println("<input type='submit' value='Show'/>"); pw.println(" | "); pw.println( "<input type='button' value='Download Selected' onClick='document.forms[\"selectiveDump\"].submit();'"); pw.println("</td></tr>"); pw.println("</table>"); pw.println("</form>"); pw.print("<form name='selectiveDump' method='post' action='" + this.getRelativeURI(req, "") + "'>"); pw.println("<center>"); pw.println("<table width='80%' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3'>"); boolean haveBundles = false; Iterator bi = this.repository.getResourcesByCategory(category); while (bi.hasNext()) { Resource res = (Resource); // ignore the resource if the name does not match the regexp if (pattern != null && !pattern.matcher(res.getSymbolicName()).matches()) { continue; } String uri = this.getRelativeURI(req, res.getResourceName()); this.dumpRow(pw, "<input name='bundle' type='checkbox' value='" + res.getResourceName() + "'></td><td><a href='" + uri + "?info=info" + "'>" + res + "</a>", "<a href='" + uri + "?remove=remove" + "'>remove</a>"); haveBundles = true; } // indicate no matching bundles if (!haveBundles) { StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(); msg.append("No Bundle found "); if (pattern != null) { msg.append("whose Symbolic Name matches regular expression '"); msg.append(pattern.pattern()); msg.append("' and "); } msg.append("which has Category " + category); this.dumpRow(pw, msg.toString(), null); } pw.println("</table>"); pw.println("</center>"); pw.println("</form>"); this.foot(pw); }