Example usage for java.util.regex Pattern pattern

List of usage examples for java.util.regex Pattern pattern


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.regex Pattern pattern.


String pattern

To view the source code for java.util.regex Pattern pattern.

Click Source Link


The original regular-expression pattern string.


From source file:org.codehaus.mojo.license.api.DefaultDependenciesTool.java

 * Tests if the given project is excludable against a groupdId pattern and a artifact pattern.
 * @param project                 the project to test
 * @param excludedGroupPattern    the exlcude group pattern
 * @param excludedArtifactPattern the exclude artifact pattenr
 * @return {@code true} if the project is excludable, {@code false} otherwise
 *///from w w  w .  j av a 2 s  .c  o m
protected boolean isExcludable(Artifact project, Pattern excludedGroupPattern,
        Pattern excludedArtifactPattern) {

    Logger log = getLogger();

    // check if the groupId of the project should be included
    if (excludedGroupPattern != null) {
        // we have some defined license filters
        try {
            Matcher matchGroupId = excludedGroupPattern.matcher(project.getGroupId());
            if (matchGroupId.find()) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Exclude " + project.getGroupId());
                return true;
        } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
            log.warn(String.format(INVALID_PATTERN_MESSAGE, excludedGroupPattern.pattern()));

    // check if the artifactId of the project should be included
    if (excludedArtifactPattern != null) {
        // we have some defined license filters
        try {
            Matcher matchGroupId = excludedArtifactPattern.matcher(project.getArtifactId());
            if (matchGroupId.find()) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Exclude " + project.getArtifactId());
                return true;
        } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
            log.warn(String.format(INVALID_PATTERN_MESSAGE, excludedArtifactPattern.pattern()));
    return false;

From source file:net.timbusproject.extractors.debiansoftwareextractor.CLI.java

public void process() throws InterruptedException, JSchException, JSONException, IOException, ParseException {
    Pattern remotePattern = Pattern
    Level logLevel = cmd.hasOption("debug") ? Level.DEBUG : cmd.hasOption("quiet") ? Level.WARN : Level.INFO;
    ((ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger) log).setLevel(logLevel);
    if (cmd.hasOption("universe") && cmd.hasOption('p'))
        log.warn("Formatted output disabled on universe extraction.");
    Engine.Scope scope = cmd.hasOption("universe") ? Engine.Scope.UNIVERSE : Engine.Scope.INSTALLED_PACKAGES;
    if (cmd.hasOption('l')) {
        printResult(finalizeResult(new Engine(logLevel).run(scope)));
    } else if (cmd.hasOption('r')) {
        boolean nl = false;
        for (String remote : cmd.getOptionValues('r')) {
            if (nl)
            if (!remote.matches(remotePattern.pattern())) {
                log.warn("Invalid remote (skipping): " + remote);
                nl = true;//  w w  w.  ja  v  a  2s  . co  m
            Matcher matcher = remotePattern.matcher(remote);
            SSHManager sshManager;
            if (matcher.group(3) != null)
                sshManager = new SSHManager(matcher.group(1), matcher.group(2),
                sshManager = new SSHManager(matcher.group(1), matcher.group(2));
            getLoggerStdOut().write(("Enter password for " + matcher.group(1) + "@" + matcher.group(2)
                    + (matcher.group(3) != null ? ":" + matcher.group(3) : "") + ": ").getBytes());
            sshManager.setPassword(new String(System.console().readPassword()));
            printResult(finalizeResult(new Engine(sshManager, logLevel).run(scope)),
                    cmd.getOptionValues('r').length > 1
                            ? matcher.group(2) + (matcher.group(3) != null ? '-' + matcher.group(3) : "")
                            : "");
            nl = true;

From source file:org.kuali.rice.kns.kim.type.DataDictionaryTypeServiceBase.java

protected List<RemotableAttributeError> validateAttributeFormat(String kimTypeId, String objectClassName,
        String attributeName, String attributeValue, String errorKey) {
    List<RemotableAttributeError> errors = new ArrayList<RemotableAttributeError>();

    List<KimAttributeField> attributeDefinitions = getAttributeDefinitions(kimTypeId);
    KimAttributeField definition = DataDictionaryTypeServiceHelper.findAttributeField(attributeName,
            attributeDefinitions);/*from w  ww.j  a  v  a2s  . co m*/

    String errorLabel = DataDictionaryTypeServiceHelper.getAttributeErrorLabel(definition);

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("(bo, attributeName, attributeValue) = (" + objectClassName + "," + attributeName + ","
                + attributeValue + ")");

    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(attributeValue)) {
        Integer maxLength = definition.getAttributeField().getMaxLength();
        if ((maxLength != null) && (maxLength.intValue() < attributeValue.length())) {
                            .create(errorKey, DataDictionaryTypeServiceHelper.createErrorString(
                                    RiceKeyConstants.ERROR_MAX_LENGTH, errorLabel, maxLength.toString()))
            return errors;
        Pattern validationExpression = getAttributeValidatingExpression(definition);
        if (!ANY_CHAR_PATTERN_S.equals(validationExpression.pattern())) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("(bo, attributeName, validationExpression) = (" + objectClassName + ","
                        + attributeName + "," + validationExpression + ")");

            if (!validationExpression.matcher(attributeValue).matches()) {
                boolean isError = true;
                final Formatter formatter = getAttributeFormatter(definition);
                if (formatter != null) {
                    Object o = formatter.format(attributeValue);
                    isError = !validationExpression.matcher(String.valueOf(o)).matches();
                if (isError) {
                            .create(errorKey, DataDictionaryTypeServiceHelper.createErrorString(definition))
                return errors;
        Double min = getAttributeMinValue(definition);
        if (min != null) {
            try {
                if (Double.parseDouble(attributeValue) < min) {
                                            RiceKeyConstants.ERROR_INCLUSIVE_MIN, errorLabel, min.toString()))
                    return errors;
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                // quash; this indicates that the DD contained a min for a non-numeric attribute
        Double max = getAttributeMaxValue(definition);
        if (max != null) {
            try {

                if (Double.parseDouble(attributeValue) > max) {
                                            RiceKeyConstants.ERROR_INCLUSIVE_MAX, errorLabel, max.toString()))
                    return errors;
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                // quash; this indicates that the DD contained a max for a non-numeric attribute
    return errors;

From source file:org.stanwood.media.setup.ConfigReader.java

private void writeMediaDirs(StringBuilder document, IProgressMonitor progress) throws XMLParserException {
    for (MediaDirConfig dir : mediaDir) {
        document.append("  <mediaDirectory"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        document.append(" directory=\"" + dir.getMediaDir().getAbsolutePath() + "\""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
        document.append(" mode=\"" + dir.getMode() + "\""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
        if (dir.isDefaultForMode()) {
            document.append(" default=\"true\""); //$NON-NLS-1$
        }/*from  w  w  w.j a  v  a 2s  .  co  m*/
        document.append(" pattern=\"" + dir.getPattern() + "\""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
        document.append(" ignoreSeen=\"" + dir.getIgnoreSeen() + "\">" + FileHelper.LS); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

        if (dir.getIgnorePatterns() != null) {
            for (Pattern p : dir.getIgnorePatterns()) {
                document.append("    <ignore>" + p.pattern() + "</ignore>" + FileHelper.LS); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
        if (dir.getStripTokens() != null) {
            if (dir.getStripTokens() != DEFAULT_STRIP_TOKENS) {
                for (Pattern p : dir.getStripTokens()) {
                    document.append("<strip>" + p.pattern() + "</strip>" + FileHelper.LS); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$

        if (dir.getExtensions().size() > 0
                && !Arrays.equals(dir.getExtensions().toArray(new String[0]), DEFAULT_EXTS)) {
            document.append("    <extensions>" + FileHelper.LS); //$NON-NLS-1$
            for (String ext : dir.getExtensions()) {
                document.append("      <extension>" + ext + "</extension>" + FileHelper.LS); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
            document.append("    </extensions>" + FileHelper.LS); //$NON-NLS-1$
        if (dir.getSources().size() > 0) {
            document.append("    <sources>" + FileHelper.LS); //$NON-NLS-1$
            for (SourceConfig source : dir.getSources()) {
                document.append("      <source"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                witeBaseMediaDirSubItem(document, source);
                document.append("      </source>"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            document.append("    </sources>" + FileHelper.LS); //$NON-NLS-1$
        if (dir.getStores().size() > 0) {
            document.append("    <stores>" + FileHelper.LS); //$NON-NLS-1$
            for (StoreConfig store : dir.getStores()) {
                document.append("      <store"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                witeBaseMediaDirSubItem(document, store);
                document.append("      </store>"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            document.append("    </stores>" + FileHelper.LS); //$NON-NLS-1$
        if (dir.getActions().size() > 0) {
            document.append("    <actions>" + FileHelper.LS); //$NON-NLS-1$
            for (ActionConfig action : dir.getActions()) {
                document.append("      <action"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                witeBaseMediaDirSubItem(document, action);
                document.append("      </action>"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            document.append("    </actions>" + FileHelper.LS); //$NON-NLS-1$
        document.append("  </mediaDirectory>" + FileHelper.LS); //$NON-NLS-1$

From source file:guru.qas.martini.jmeter.sampler.MartiniSampler.java

protected SampleResult getSubResult(Step step, Method method, Pattern pattern) {
    String label = getLabel(step);
    SampleResult result = new SampleResult();
    result.setSuccessful(true);//from   w  ww.j a v a2s.c o  m

    SamplerContext samplerContext = new SamplerContext(super.getThreadContext());

    try {
        ApplicationContext applicationContext = this.getApplicationContext();
        Parameter[] parameters = method.getParameters();
        Object[] arguments = new Object[parameters.length];

        if (parameters.length > 0) {
            String text = step.getText();
            Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
            checkState(matcher.find(), "unable to locate substitution parameters for pattern %s with input %s",
                    pattern.pattern(), text);

            ConversionService conversionService = applicationContext.getBean(ConversionService.class);

            int groupCount = matcher.groupCount();
            for (int i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) {
                String parameterAsString = matcher.group(i + 1);
                Parameter parameter = parameters[i];
                Class<?> parameterType = parameter.getType();
                Object converted = conversionService.convert(parameterAsString, parameterType);
                arguments[i] = converted;

        Class<?> declaringClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
        Object bean = applicationContext.getBean(declaringClass);
        Object returnValue = method.invoke(bean, arguments);
        if (HttpEntity.class.isInstance(returnValue)) {
            HttpEntity entity = HttpEntity.class.cast(returnValue);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        label = "FAIL: " + label;
    } finally {
    return result;

From source file:com.sinosoft.one.mvc.web.impl.thread.ActionEngine.java

 * ???{@link ParamExistenceChecker}/* w  ww .j a  v a2  s.  c om*/
 * @return
private ParamExistenceChecker[] compileParamExistenceChecker() {

    IfParamExists ifParamExists = method.getAnnotation(IfParamExists.class);
    if (ifParamExists == null || ifParamExists.value().trim().length() == 0) {
        return new ParamExistenceChecker[] {};

    List<ParamExistenceChecker> checkers = new ArrayList<ParamExistenceChecker>(); //?
    String value = ifParamExists.value();

    //???: type&subtype=value&anothername=value2
    String[] terms = StringUtils.split(value, "&");
    Assert.isTrue(terms.length >= 1); //?

    for (final String term : terms) {
        final int index = term.indexOf('='); //'='
        if (index == -1) { //=????term???
            checkers.add(new ParamExistenceChecker() {

                final String paramName = term.trim();

                public int check(Map<String, String[]> params) {
                    String[] paramValues = params.get(paramName);
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug(this.toString() + " is checking param:" + paramName + "="
                                + Arrays.toString(paramValues));

                    if (paramValues != null && paramValues.length > 0) {
                        return 10;
                    } else {
                        return -1;
        } else { //term'='

            final String paramName = term.substring(0, index).trim(); //???
            final String expected = term.substring(index + 1).trim(); //?

            if (expected.startsWith(":")) { //expected?
                Pattern tmpPattern = null;
                try {
                    tmpPattern = Pattern.compile(expected.substring(1));
                } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
                    logger.error("@IfParamExists pattern error, " + controllerClass.getName() + "#"
                            + method.getName(), e);
                final Pattern pattern = tmpPattern; //?final
                checkers.add(new ParamExistenceChecker() {

                    public int check(Map<String, String[]> params) {
                        String[] paramValues = params.get(paramName);
                        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            logger.debug(this.toString() + " is checking param:" + paramName + "="
                                    + Arrays.toString(paramValues) + ", pattern=" + pattern.pattern());
                        if (paramValues == null) { //???
                            return -1;

                        for (String paramValue : paramValues) {
                            if (pattern != null && pattern.matcher(paramValue).matches()) {
                                return 12;
                        return -1;
            } else { //expected?""
                checkers.add(new ParamExistenceChecker() {

                    public int check(Map<String, String[]> params) {
                        String[] paramValues = params.get(paramName);
                        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            logger.debug(this.toString() + " is checking param:" + paramName + "="
                                    + Arrays.toString(paramValues) + ", expected=" + expected);
                        if (paramValues == null) { //???
                            return -1;

                        for (String paramValue : paramValues) {
                            if (expected.equals(paramValue)) {
                                return 13;// 13?12
                        return -1;
    return checkers.toArray(new ParamExistenceChecker[] {});

From source file:de.saly.elasticsearch.mailsource.ParallelPollingIMAPMailSource.java

protected void recurseFolders(final Folder folder, final Pattern pattern)
        throws MessagingException, IOException {

    if (folder != null) {

        if (es == null || es.isShutdown() || es.isTerminated() || Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {

            logger.warn("Stop processing of mails due to mail source is closed");

        }/*  w ww  .  ja v a  2s.c  om*/

        if ((folder.getType() & Folder.HOLDS_MESSAGES) != 0) {

            if (pattern != null && !pattern.matcher(folder.getFullName()).matches()) {
                logger.info("Pattern {} does not match {}", pattern.pattern(), folder.getFullName());

            try {
            } finally {
                logger.debug("fetch {} done", folder.getFullName());

        if ((folder.getType() & Folder.HOLDS_FOLDERS) != 0) {
            for (final Folder subfolder : folder.list()) {

                recurseFolders(subfolder, pattern);




From source file:com.laxser.blitz.web.impl.thread.ActionEngine.java

 * ???{@link ParamExistenceChecker}/*from  w ww .j  av a2  s.co  m*/
 * @return
private ParamExistenceChecker[] compileParamExistenceChecker() {

    IfParamExists ifParamExists = method.getAnnotation(IfParamExists.class);
    if (ifParamExists == null || ifParamExists.value().trim().length() == 0) {
        return new ParamExistenceChecker[] {};

    List<ParamExistenceChecker> checkers = new ArrayList<ParamExistenceChecker>(); //?
    String value = ifParamExists.value();

    //???: type&subtype=value&anothername=value2
    String[] terms = StringUtils.split(value, "&");
    Assert.isTrue(terms.length >= 1); //?

    for (final String term : terms) {
        final int index = term.indexOf('='); //'='
        if (index == -1) { //=????term???
            checkers.add(new ParamExistenceChecker() {

                final String paramName = term.trim();

                public int check(Map<String, String[]> params) {
                    String[] paramValues = params.get(paramName);
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug(this.toString() + " is checking param:" + paramName + "="
                                + Arrays.toString(paramValues));

                    if (paramValues != null && paramValues.length > 0) {
                        return 10;
                    } else {
                        return -1;
        } else { //term'='

            final String paramName = term.substring(0, index).trim(); //???
            final String expected = term.substring(index + 1).trim(); //?

            if (expected.startsWith(":")) { //expected?
                Pattern tmpPattern = null;
                try {
                    tmpPattern = Pattern.compile(expected.substring(1));
                } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
                    logger.error("@IfParamExists pattern error, " + controllerClass.getName() + "#"
                            + method.getName(), e);
                final Pattern pattern = tmpPattern; //?final
                checkers.add(new ParamExistenceChecker() {

                    public int check(Map<String, String[]> params) {
                        String[] paramValues = params.get(paramName);
                        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            logger.debug(this.toString() + " is checking param:" + paramName + "="
                                    + Arrays.toString(paramValues) + ", pattern=" + pattern.pattern());
                        if (paramValues == null) { //???
                            return -1;

                        for (String paramValue : paramValues) {
                            if (pattern != null && pattern.matcher(paramValue).matches()) {
                                return 12;
                        return -1;
            } else { //expected?""
                checkers.add(new ParamExistenceChecker() {

                    public int check(Map<String, String[]> params) {
                        String[] paramValues = params.get(paramName);
                        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            logger.debug(this.toString() + " is checking param:" + paramName + "="
                                    + Arrays.toString(paramValues) + ", expected=" + expected);
                        if (paramValues == null) { //???
                            return -1;

                        for (String paramValue : paramValues) {
                            if (expected.equals(paramValue)) {
                                return 13;// 13?12
                        return -1;
    return checkers.toArray(new ParamExistenceChecker[] {});

From source file:de.saly.elasticsearch.importer.imap.mailsource.ParallelPollingIMAPMailSource.java

protected void recurseFolders(final Folder folder, final Pattern pattern)
        throws MessagingException, IOException {

    if (folder != null) {

        if (es == null || es.isShutdown() || es.isTerminated() || Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {

            logger.warn("Stop processing of mails due to mail source is closed");

        }//from   w w w  . j  ava2  s. c o m

        if ((folder.getType() & Folder.HOLDS_MESSAGES) != 0) {

            if (pattern != null && !pattern.matcher(folder.getFullName()).matches()) {
                logger.debug("Pattern {} does not match {}", pattern.pattern(), folder.getFullName());

            try {
            } finally {
                logger.debug("fetch {} done", folder.getFullName());

        if ((folder.getType() & Folder.HOLDS_FOLDERS) != 0) {
            for (final Folder subfolder : folder.list()) {

                recurseFolders(subfolder, pattern);




From source file:com.google.enterprise.connector.sharepoint.spiimpl.SPDocument.java

public boolean matches(String metadataName, List<Pattern> excludedMetadataPatterns) {
    boolean flag = false;
    for (Pattern pattern : excludedMetadataPatterns) {
        if (metadataName.matches(pattern.pattern())) {
            flag = true;/* ww w. ja  v  a2 s . c om*/
    return flag;