Example usage for java.util.regex Pattern pattern

List of usage examples for java.util.regex Pattern pattern


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.regex Pattern pattern.


String pattern

To view the source code for java.util.regex Pattern pattern.

Click Source Link


The original regular-expression pattern string.


From source file:de.undercouch.bson4jackson.BsonParserTest.java

public void parseComplex() throws Exception {
    BSONObject o = new BasicBSONObject();
    o.put("Timestamp", new BSONTimestamp(0xAABB, 0xCCDD));
    o.put("Symbol", new Symbol("Test"));
    o.put("ObjectId", new org.bson.types.ObjectId(Integer.MAX_VALUE, -2, Integer.MIN_VALUE));
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".*",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE);
    o.put("Regex", p);

    Map<?, ?> data = parseBsonObject(o);
    assertEquals(new Timestamp(0xAABB, 0xCCDD), data.get("Timestamp"));
    assertEquals(new de.undercouch.bson4jackson.types.Symbol("Test"), data.get("Symbol"));
    ObjectId oid = (ObjectId) data.get("ObjectId");
    assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, oid.getTime());
    assertEquals(-2, oid.getMachine());/* www. j a  v a  2 s . c o  m*/
    assertEquals(Integer.MIN_VALUE, oid.getInc());
    Pattern p2 = (Pattern) data.get("Regex");
    assertEquals(p.flags(), p2.flags());
    assertEquals(p.pattern(), p2.pattern());

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.conf.TestConfiguration.java

public void testPattern() throws IOException {
    out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG));
    startConfig();/*from  w  w  w .  ja  va2 s . com*/
    appendProperty("test.pattern1", "");
    appendProperty("test.pattern2", "(");
    appendProperty("test.pattern3", "a+b");
    Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG);

    Pattern defaultPattern = Pattern.compile("x+");
    // Return default if missing
    assertEquals(defaultPattern.pattern(), conf.getPattern("xxxxx", defaultPattern).pattern());
    // Return null if empty and default is null
    assertNull(conf.getPattern("test.pattern1", null));
    // Return default for empty
    assertEquals(defaultPattern.pattern(), conf.getPattern("test.pattern1", defaultPattern).pattern());
    // Return default for malformed
    assertEquals(defaultPattern.pattern(), conf.getPattern("test.pattern2", defaultPattern).pattern());
    // Works for correct patterns
    assertEquals("a+b", conf.getPattern("test.pattern3", defaultPattern).pattern());

From source file:org.jets3t.service.utils.FileComparer.java

 * If a <code>.jets3t-ignore</code> file is present in the given directory, the file is read
 * and all the paths contained in it are coverted to regular expression Pattern objects.
 * If the parent directory's list of patterns is provided, any relevant patterns are also
 * added to the ignore listing. Relevant parent patterns are those with a directory prefix
 * that matches the current directory, or with the wildcard depth pattern (*.*./).
 * @param directory//from   w  w  w  .  j  ava 2 s . c o m
 * a directory that may contain a <code>.jets3t-ignore</code> file. If this parameter is null
 * or is actually a file and not a directory, an empty list will be returned.
 * @param parentIgnorePatternList
 * a list of Patterns that were applied to the parent directory of the given directory. If this
 * parameter is null, no parent ignore patterns are applied.
 * @return
 * a list of Pattern objects representing the paths in the ignore file. If there is no ignore
 * file, or if it has no contents, the list returned will be empty.
protected List<Pattern> buildIgnoreRegexpList(File directory, List<Pattern> parentIgnorePatternList) {
    List<Pattern> ignorePatternList = new ArrayList<Pattern>();

    // Add any applicable ignore patterns found in ancestor directories
    if (parentIgnorePatternList != null) {
        Iterator<Pattern> parentIgnorePatternIter = parentIgnorePatternList.iterator();
        while (parentIgnorePatternIter.hasNext()) {
            Pattern parentPattern = parentIgnorePatternIter.next();
            String parentIgnorePatternString = parentPattern.pattern();

            // If parent ignore pattern contains a slash, it is eligible for inclusion.
            int slashOffset = parentIgnorePatternString.indexOf(Constants.FILE_PATH_DELIM);
            if (slashOffset >= 0 && parentIgnorePatternString.length() > (slashOffset + 1)) { // Ensure there is at least 1 char after slash
                // Chop pattern into header and tail around first slash character.
                String patternHeader = parentIgnorePatternString.substring(0, slashOffset);
                String patternTail = parentIgnorePatternString.substring(slashOffset + 1);

                if (".*.*".equals(patternHeader)) {
                    // ** patterns are special and apply to any directory depth, so add both the
                    // pattern's tail to match in this directory, and the original pattern to match
                    // again in descendent directories.
                } else if (Pattern.compile(patternHeader).matcher(directory.getName()).matches()) {
                    // Adds pattern's tail section to ignore list for this directory, provided
                    // the pre-slash pattern matches the current directory's name.

    if (directory == null || !directory.isDirectory()) {
        return ignorePatternList;

    File jets3tIgnoreFile = new File(directory, Constants.JETS3T_IGNORE_FILENAME);
    if (jets3tIgnoreFile.exists() && jets3tIgnoreFile.canRead()) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Found ignore file: " + jets3tIgnoreFile.getPath());
        try {
            String ignorePaths = ServiceUtils.readInputStreamToString(new FileInputStream(jets3tIgnoreFile),
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ignorePaths.trim(), "\n");
            while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                String ignorePath = st.nextToken();

                // Convert path to RegExp.
                String ignoreRegexp = ignorePath;
                ignoreRegexp = ignoreRegexp.replaceAll("\\.", "\\\\.");
                ignoreRegexp = ignoreRegexp.replaceAll("\\*", ".*");
                ignoreRegexp = ignoreRegexp.replaceAll("\\?", ".");

                Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(ignoreRegexp);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Ignore path '" + ignorePath + "' has become the regexp: " + pattern.pattern());

                if (pattern.pattern().startsWith(".*.*/") && pattern.pattern().length() > 5) {
                    // **/ patterns are special and apply to any directory depth, including the current
                    // directory. So add the pattern's after-slash tail to match in this directory as well.

        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (log.isErrorEnabled()) {
                log.error("Failed to read contents of ignore file '" + jets3tIgnoreFile.getPath() + "'", e);

    if (isSkipMd5FileUpload()) {
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*\\.md5");
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Skipping upload of pre-computed MD5 files with path '*.md5' using the regexp: "
                    + pattern.pattern());

    return ignorePatternList;

From source file:org.canova.api.conf.Configuration.java

 * Set the given property to <code>Pattern</code>.
 * If the pattern is passed as null, sets the empty pattern which results in
 * further calls to getPattern(...) returning the default value.
 * @param name property name// w w  w  .j  a v  a  2  s  .c  o  m
 * @param pattern new value
public void setPattern(String name, Pattern pattern) {
    if (null == pattern) {
        set(name, null);
    } else {
        set(name, pattern.pattern());

From source file:org.opencms.configuration.CmsImportExportConfiguration.java

 * @see org.opencms.configuration.I_CmsXmlConfiguration#generateXml(org.dom4j.Element)
 *//*  w  w w.j  a  v a 2  s .c  om*/
public Element generateXml(Element parent) {

    // generate import/export node and subnodes
    Element importexportElement = parent.addElement(N_IMPORTEXPORT);

    Element resourceloadersElement = importexportElement.addElement(N_IMPORTEXPORTHANDLERS);
    List<I_CmsImportExportHandler> handlers = m_importExportManager.getImportExportHandlers();
    Iterator<I_CmsImportExportHandler> handlerIt = handlers.iterator();
    while (handlerIt.hasNext()) {
        I_CmsImportExportHandler handler = handlerIt.next();
        // add the handler node
        Element loaderNode = resourceloadersElement.addElement(N_IMPORTEXPORTHANDLER);
        loaderNode.addAttribute(A_CLASS, handler.getClass().getName());

    Element importElement = importexportElement.addElement(N_IMPORT);

    // <overwrite> node

    // <convert> node

    // <oldwebappurl> node
    if (m_importExportManager.getOldWebAppUrl() != null) {

    // <importversions> node
    Element resourcetypesElement = importElement.addElement(N_IMPORTVERSIONS);
    Iterator<I_CmsImport> importVersions = m_importExportManager.getImportVersionClasses().iterator();
    while (importVersions.hasNext()) {

    // <immutables> node
    Element immutablesElement = importElement.addElement(N_IMMUTABLES);
    Iterator<String> immutables = m_importExportManager.getImmutableResources().iterator();
    while (immutables.hasNext()) {
        String uri = immutables.next();
        immutablesElement.addElement(N_RESOURCE).addAttribute(A_URI, uri);

    // <principaltranslations> node
    Element principalsElement = importElement.addElement(N_PRINCIPALTRANSLATIONS);
    Iterator<String> userTranslationKeys = m_importExportManager.getImportUserTranslations().keySet()
    while (userTranslationKeys.hasNext()) {
        String from = userTranslationKeys.next();
        String to = m_importExportManager.getImportUserTranslations().get(from);
        principalsElement.addElement(N_PRINCIPALTRANSLATION).addAttribute(A_TYPE, I_CmsPrincipal.PRINCIPAL_USER)
                .addAttribute(A_FROM, from).addAttribute(A_TO, to);
    Iterator<String> groupTranslationKeys = m_importExportManager.getImportGroupTranslations().keySet()
    while (groupTranslationKeys.hasNext()) {
        String from = groupTranslationKeys.next();
        String to = m_importExportManager.getImportGroupTranslations().get(from);
                .addAttribute(A_TYPE, I_CmsPrincipal.PRINCIPAL_GROUP).addAttribute(A_FROM, from)
                .addAttribute(A_TO, to);

    // <ignoredproperties> node
    Element propertiesElement = importElement.addElement(N_IGNOREDPROPERTIES);
    Iterator<String> ignoredProperties = m_importExportManager.getIgnoredProperties().iterator();
    while (ignoredProperties.hasNext()) {
        String property = ignoredProperties.next();
        propertiesElement.addElement(N_PROPERTY).addAttribute(A_NAME, property);

    // <staticexport> node
    Element staticexportElement = parent.addElement(N_STATICEXPORT);
    staticexportElement.addAttribute(A_ENABLED, m_staticExportManager.getExportEnabled());

    // <staticexporthandler> node

    // <linksubstitutionhandler> node

    // <exportpath> node
    String exportPathUnmodified = m_staticExportManager.getExportPathForConfiguration();
    // cut path seperator        
    if (exportPathUnmodified.endsWith(File.separator)) {
        exportPathUnmodified = exportPathUnmodified.substring(0, exportPathUnmodified.length() - 1);

    // <exportworkpath> node
    String exportWorkPathUnmodified = m_staticExportManager.getExportWorkPathForConfiguration();
    if (exportWorkPathUnmodified != null) {
        // cut path seperator        
        if (exportWorkPathUnmodified.endsWith(File.separator)) {
            exportWorkPathUnmodified = exportWorkPathUnmodified.substring(0,
                    exportWorkPathUnmodified.length() - 1);

    // <exportbackups> node
    if (m_staticExportManager.getExportBackups() != null) {
        String exportBackupsUnmodified = String.valueOf(m_staticExportManager.getExportBackups());

    // <defaultpropertyvalue> node

    // <defaultsuffixes> node and its <suffix> sub nodes
    Element defaultsuffixesElement = staticexportElement.addElement(N_STATICEXPORT_DEFAULTSUFFIXES);

    Iterator<String> exportSuffixes = m_staticExportManager.getExportSuffixes().iterator();
    while (exportSuffixes.hasNext()) {
        String suffix = exportSuffixes.next();
        Element suffixElement = defaultsuffixesElement.addElement(N_STATICEXPORT_SUFFIX);
        suffixElement.addAttribute(A_KEY, suffix);

    // <exportheaders> node and its <header> sub nodes
    Iterator<String> exportHandlers = m_staticExportManager.getExportHeaders().iterator();
    if (exportHandlers.hasNext()) {
        Element exportheadersElement = staticexportElement.addElement(N_STATICEXPORT_EXPORTHEADERS);
        while (exportHandlers.hasNext()) {
            String header = exportHandlers.next();
    // <requestheaders> node and the <acceptlanguage> and <acceptcharset> node
    String acceptlanguage = m_staticExportManager.getAcceptLanguageHeader();
    String acceptcharset = m_staticExportManager.getAcceptCharsetHeader();
    String remoteaddr = m_staticExportManager.getRemoteAddr();
    if ((acceptlanguage != null) || (acceptcharset != null) || (remoteaddr != null)) {
        Element requestheadersElement = staticexportElement.addElement(N_STATICEXPORT_REQUESTHEADERS);
        if (acceptlanguage != null) {
        if (acceptcharset != null) {
        if (remoteaddr != null) {

    // <rendersettings> node
    Element rendersettingsElement = staticexportElement.addElement(N_STATICEXPORT_RENDERSETTINGS);

    // <rfsPrefix> node

    // <vfsPrefix> node

    // <userelativelinks> node

    // <exporturl> node

    // <plainoptimization> node

    // <testresource> node
    Element testresourceElement = rendersettingsElement.addElement(N_STATICEXPORT_TESTRESOURCE);
    testresourceElement.addAttribute(A_URI, m_staticExportManager.getTestResource());

    // <resourcestorender> node and <regx> subnodes
    Element resourcetorenderElement = rendersettingsElement.addElement(N_STATICEXPORT_RESOURCESTORENDER);

    Iterator<String> exportFolderPatterns = m_staticExportManager.getExportFolderPatterns().iterator();
    while (exportFolderPatterns.hasNext()) {
        String pattern = exportFolderPatterns.next();

    if (!m_staticExportManager.getExportRules().isEmpty()) {
        // <export-rules> node
        Element exportRulesElement = resourcetorenderElement.addElement(N_STATICEXPORT_EXPORTRULES);

        Iterator<CmsStaticExportExportRule> exportRules = m_staticExportManager.getExportRules().iterator();
        while (exportRules.hasNext()) {
            CmsStaticExportExportRule rule = exportRules.next();
            // <export-rule> node
            Element exportRuleElement = exportRulesElement.addElement(N_STATICEXPORT_EXPORTRULE);
            // <modified-resources> node and <regex> subnodes
            Element modifiedElement = exportRuleElement.addElement(N_STATICEXPORT_MODIFIED);
            Iterator<Pattern> itMods = rule.getModifiedResources().iterator();
            while (itMods.hasNext()) {
                Pattern regex = itMods.next();
            // <export-resources> node and <uri> subnodes
            Element exportElement = exportRuleElement.addElement(N_STATICEXPORT_EXPORT);
            Iterator<String> itExps = rule.getExportResourcePatterns().iterator();
            while (itExps.hasNext()) {
                String uri = itExps.next();

    if (!m_staticExportManager.getRfsRules().isEmpty()) {
        // <rfs-rules> node
        Element rfsRulesElement = rendersettingsElement.addElement(N_STATICEXPORT_RFS_RULES);

        Iterator<CmsStaticExportRfsRule> rfsRules = m_staticExportManager.getRfsRules().iterator();
        while (rfsRules.hasNext()) {
            CmsStaticExportRfsRule rule = rfsRules.next();
            // <rfs-rule> node and subnodes
            Element rfsRuleElement = rfsRulesElement.addElement(N_STATICEXPORT_RFS_RULE);
            if (rule.getExportWorkPathConfigured() != null) {
            if (rule.getExportBackups() != null) {
            if (rule.getUseRelativeLinks() != null) {
            Element relatedSystemRes = rfsRuleElement.addElement(N_STATICEXPORT_RELATED_SYSTEM_RES);
            Iterator<Pattern> itSystemRes = rule.getRelatedSystemResources().iterator();
            while (itSystemRes.hasNext()) {
                Pattern sysRes = itSystemRes.next();


    if (m_importExportManager.getUserExportSettings() != null) {
        // <usercsvexport>
        Element userExportElement = parent.addElement(N_USERCSVEXPORT);

        Element exportColumns = userExportElement.addElement(N_COLUMNS);
        List<String> exportColumnList = m_importExportManager.getUserExportSettings().getColumns();
        Iterator<String> itExportColumnList = exportColumnList.iterator();
        while (itExportColumnList.hasNext()) {
        // </usercsvexport>

    if (m_repositoryManager.isConfigured()) {
        List<A_CmsRepository> repositories = m_repositoryManager.getRepositories();
        if (repositories != null) {

            // <repositories> node
            Element repositoriesElement = parent.addElement(N_REPOSITORIES);

            Iterator<A_CmsRepository> repositoriesIt = repositories.iterator();
            while (repositoriesIt.hasNext()) {

                // <repository> node
                A_CmsRepository repository = repositoriesIt.next();
                Element repositoryElement = repositoriesElement.addElement(N_REPOSITORY);
                repositoryElement.addAttribute(A_NAME, repository.getName());
                repositoryElement.addAttribute(A_CLASS, repository.getClass().getName());

                // <params> node
                CmsParameterConfiguration config = repository.getConfiguration();
                if ((config != null) && (config.size() > 0)) {
                    Element paramsElement = repositoryElement.addElement(N_PARAMS);

                // <filter> node
                CmsRepositoryFilter filter = repository.getFilter();
                if (filter != null) {
                    List<Pattern> rules = filter.getFilterRules();
                    if (rules.size() > 0) {
                        Element filterElement = repositoryElement.addElement(N_FILTER);
                        filterElement.addAttribute(A_TYPE, filter.getType());

                        // <regex> nodes
                        Iterator<Pattern> it = rules.iterator();
                        while (it.hasNext()) {
                            Pattern rule = it.next();
    CmsExtendedHtmlImportDefault htmlimport = m_importExportManager.getExtendedHtmlImportDefault(true);
    if (htmlimport != null) {
        // <extendedhtmlimport>
        Element htmlImportElement = parent.addElement(N_EXTHTMLIMPORT);
        // <destination> node
        if (!CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(htmlimport.getDestinationDir())) {
        // <input> node   
        if (!CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(htmlimport.getInputDir())) {

        // <galleries> node              
        Element galleryElement = htmlImportElement.addElement(N_EXTHTMLIMPORT_GALLERIES);
        // <download> node    
        if (!CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(htmlimport.getDownloadGallery())) {
        // <image> node  
        if (!CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(htmlimport.getImageGallery())) {
        // <externallink> node  
        if (!CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(htmlimport.getLinkGallery())) {

        // <settings> node              
        Element settingElement = htmlImportElement.addElement(N_EXTHTMLIMPORT_SETTINGS);
        // <template> node  
        // <element> node  
        // <locale> node  
        // <encoding> node  

        // <pattern> node              
        Element patternElement = settingElement.addElement(N_EXTHTMLIMPORT_PATTERN);
        // <start> node  
        if (!CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(htmlimport.getStartPattern())) {
        // <end> node  
        if (!CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(htmlimport.getEndPattern())) {

        // <overwrite> node  
        // <keepbrokenlinks> node  
        // </extendedhtmlimport>

    // return the configured node
    return importexportElement;

From source file:gtu._work.ui.JSFMakerUI.java

void resetPasteClipboardHtmlToJtable() {
    String content = ClipboardUtil.getInstance().getContents();
    Pattern tdStartPattern = Pattern.compile("<[tT][dDhH][^>]*>");
    Pattern tdEndPattern = Pattern.compile("</[tT][dDhH]>");
    Pattern innerPattern_HasTag = Pattern.compile("<[\\w:]+\\s[^>]*value=\"([^\"]*)\"[^>]*>",
            Pattern.MULTILINE);/*  www  .  j  a va 2s  . co m*/
    Matcher innerMatcher = null;
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(content);
    Scanner tdScan = null;
    String currentContent = null;
    String tdContent = null;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (; scan.hasNext();) {
        boolean anyMatcher = false;

        tdScan = new Scanner(scan.next());
        while (tdScan.hasNext()) {
            if (tdScan.hasNext()) {
                tdContent = tdScan.next().replaceAll(tdStartPattern.pattern(), "");
                    innerMatcher = innerPattern_HasTag.matcher(tdContent.toString());
                    if (innerMatcher.find()) {
                        currentContent = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(innerMatcher.group(1), "&nbsp;");
                        //                            System.out.format("1[%s]\n", currentContent);
                        sb.append(currentContent + "\t");
                    currentContent = tdContent.toString().replaceAll("<[\\w:=,.#;/'?\"\\s\\{\\}\\(\\)\\[\\]]+>",
                    currentContent = currentContent.replaceAll("[\\s\t\n]", "");
                    currentContent = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(currentContent, "&nbsp;");
                    //                        System.out.format("2[%s]\n", currentContent);
                    sb.append(currentContent + "\t");
                    anyMatcher = true;
        if (anyMatcher) {

From source file:org.jets3t.service.utils.FileComparer.java

 * Determines whether a file should be ignored when building a file map. A file may be ignored
 * in two situations: 1) if it matches a regular expression pattern in the given list of
 * ignore patterns, or 2) if it is a symlink/alias and the JetS3tProperties setting
 * "filecomparer.skip-symlinks" is true.
 * @param ignorePatternList//from   w w  w  .j  a v  a  2s .  co m
 * a list of Pattern objects representing the file names to ignore.
 * @param file
 * a file that will either be ignored or not, depending on whether it matches an ignore Pattern
 * or is a symlink/alias.
 * @return
 * true if the file should be ignored, false otherwise.
protected boolean isIgnored(List<Pattern> ignorePatternList, File file) {
    if (isSkipSymlinks()) {
         * Check whether this file is actually a symlink/alias, and skip it if so.
         * Since Java IO libraries do not provide an official way to determine whether
         * a file is a symlink, we rely on a property of symlinks where the absolute
         * path to the symlink differs from the canonical path. This is hacky, but
         * mostly seems to work...
        try {
            if (!file.getAbsolutePath().equals(file.getCanonicalPath())) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Ignoring symlink " + (file.isDirectory() ? "directory" : "file") + ": "
                            + file.getPath());
                // Skip symlink.
                return true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.warn("Unable to determine whether " + (file.isDirectory() ? "directory" : "file") + " '"
                    + file.getAbsolutePath() + "' is a symlink", e);

    // Skip 'special' files that are neither files nor directories
    if (!file.isFile() && !file.isDirectory()) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Ignoring special file: " + file.getPath());
        return true;

    Iterator<Pattern> patternIter = ignorePatternList.iterator();
    while (patternIter.hasNext()) {
        Pattern pattern = patternIter.next();

        if (pattern.matcher(file.getName()).matches()) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Ignoring " + (file.isDirectory() ? "directory" : "file") + " matching pattern '"
                        + pattern.pattern() + "': " + file.getPath());
            return true;

    return false;

From source file:org.jahia.modules.gateway.mail.MailToJSONImpl.java

public void handleExchange(Exchange exchange) {
    assert exchange.getIn() instanceof MailMessage;
    long timer = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final Message mailMessage = ((MailMessage) exchange.getIn()).getMessage();
    try {/*  ww w  . j a v a  2s.  c om*/
        String subject = mailMessage.getSubject();

        Address[] from = mailMessage.getFrom();
        Address sender = from != null && from.length > 0 ? from[0] : null;

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Got message from {} with the subject: {}", sender, subject);

        // Parse content and multipart
        MailContent mailContent = new MailContent();
        parseMailMessage(mailMessage, mailContent);

        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("Parsed message body:\n{} \n\nFiles:\n{}", mailContent.getBody(),

        Pattern matchingPattern = null;
        MailDecoder decoder = decoders.get("<default>"); // get the default decoder if any

        decodersLoop: for (MailDecoder examinee : decoders.values()) {
            List<Pattern> patterns = examinee.getPatterns();
            if (patterns != null) {
                for (Pattern regexp : patterns) {
                    if (matches(mailContent, regexp)) {
                        decoder = examinee;
                        matchingPattern = regexp;
                        break decodersLoop;

        if (decoder != null) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                if (matchingPattern == null) {
                    logger.debug("Using default decoder '{}' ({}) for the e-mail",
                            new String[] { decoder.getKey(), decoder.getClass().getName() });
                } else {
                    logger.debug("Using decoder '{}' ({}) for the e-mail matching pattern \"{}\"",
                            new String[] { decoder.getKey(), decoder.getClass().getName(),
                                    matchingPattern.pattern() });

            boolean deleteFiles = false;

            String jsonOutput = null;
            try {
                jsonOutput = decoder.decode(matchingPattern, mailContent, mailMessage);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Error processing e-mail message with subject \"" + subject + "\" using decoder "
                        + decoder.getKey() + " from " + sender + ", Cause: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                deleteFiles = true;
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(jsonOutput)) {
                if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    logger.trace("Decoder output is:\n{}", jsonOutput);
                DefaultMessage in = new DefaultMessage();
            } else {
                deleteFiles = true;

            if (deleteFiles && !mailContent.getFiles().isEmpty()) {
                for (FileItem file : mailContent.getFiles()) {
        } else {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Skipping e-mail as no decoder configured to match subject: {}\n", subject);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Message from {} with the subject '{}' processed in {} ms",
                    new Object[] { sender, subject, System.currentTimeMillis() - timer });
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);

From source file:com.palantir.opensource.sysmon.linux.LinuxDiskspaceJMXWrapper.java

 * Here's where the sausage gets made - run df in separate process and read its output into
 * {@link DfData} structures./*from   w  w w.  jav a 2  s.  co  m*/
 * @param cmd
 * @param headerPattern
 * @param dataPattern
 * @return parsed output of the df command
 * @throws LinuxMonitoringException
private Map<String, DfData> readDfData(String[] cmd, Pattern headerPattern, Pattern dataPattern)
        throws LinuxMonitoringException {
    Map<String, DfData> result = new HashMap<String, DfData>();
    BufferedReader stdout = null;
    InputStream stderr = null;
    OutputStream stdin = null;
    try {
        synchronized (this) {
            process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); // (authorized)
            stdout = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
            stderr = process.getErrorStream();
            stdin = process.getOutputStream();
        String line = stdout.readLine();
        if (line == null) {
            throw new LinuxMonitoringException("No data read from df process!");
        // Check header.
        Matcher m = headerPattern.matcher(line);
        if (!m.matches()) {
            throw new LinuxMonitoringException("Unexpected header from df process: " + line + ". "
                    + "Did not mach with regex: " + headerPattern.pattern());
        // Read data.
        do {
            line = stdout.readLine();
            if (line != null) {
                m = dataPattern.matcher(line);
                if (m.matches()) {
                    DfData dfData = new DfData(m.group(1), // device name
                            m.group(6), // mount point
                            parseLongIgnoreAlpha(m.group(2)), // total
                            parseLongIgnoreAlpha(m.group(3)), // used
                            parseLongIgnoreAlpha(m.group(4)), // available
                            parseByteIgnorePcnt(m.group(5))); // percentage used
                    result.put(dfData.getDeviceName(), dfData);
                } else {
                    String msg = "Df data line did not match: " + line + ". Pattern: " + dataPattern.pattern();
        } while (line != null);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new LinuxMonitoringException("Error while reading data from df process", e);
    } finally {
    return result;

From source file:de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.textnormalizer.frequency.ExpressiveLengtheningNormalizer.java

public String getBestReplacement(String token) throws IOException {
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z])\\1{1,}");
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(token);

    // In case there are no abnormalities
    if (!matcher.find())
        return token;

    // Collecting the start points of all abnormal parts
    List<Integer> abnormalities = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    matcher.reset();/*from  w w w.  j  a v  a 2s  .c  o  m*/
    while (matcher.find()) {

    // splitting in parts starting with first character abnormalities
    List<String> parts = new ArrayList<String>();

    for (int i = 0; i < abnormalities.size(); i++) {
        // in case the token has only one abnormality
        if (abnormalities.size() == 1) {

        // first abnormality
        if (i == 0) {
            parts.add(token.substring(0, abnormalities.get(i + 1)));

        // last abnormality
        if (i == abnormalities.size() - 1) {

        if (i < abnormalities.size() - 1) {
            parts.add(token.substring(abnormalities.get(i), abnormalities.get(i + 1)));

    // Fills big list of arrays with all parts and their versions
    List<String[]> bigList = new ArrayList<String[]>();
    for (String part : parts) {
        String v1 = part.replaceFirst(pattern.pattern(), "$1");
        String v2 = part.replaceFirst(pattern.pattern(), "$1$1");
        String v3 = part.replaceFirst(pattern.pattern(), "$1$1$1");

        bigList.add(new String[] { v1, v2, v3 });

    List<String> candidates = permute(bigList, 0, new ArrayList<String>(), "");

    return getMostFrequentCandidate(candidates);