List of usage examples for java.util.regex Pattern matches
public static boolean matches(String regex, CharSequence input)
From source
/** * Process the Event modifications// w ww. j av a 2s . c o m * * @param request The Http request * @return Html form */ public String doModifyEvent(HttpServletRequest request) { //Retrieving the event object to update SimpleEvent event = CalendarHome .findEvent(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_ID)), getPlugin()); //Retrieving parameters from form int nCalendarId = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_CALENDAR_ID)); String strEventTitle = (String) _mapParameters.get(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_TITLE); String strTopEvent = (String) _mapParameters.get(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_TOP_EVENT); String strEventDate = (String) _mapParameters.get(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_DATE); boolean bPeriociteModify = false; // Mandatory field: the date, the title and the description fields if (strEventDate.equals("") || strEventTitle.equals("") || _EventDescription.equals("")) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, Messages.MANDATORY_FIELDS, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } //Convert the date in form to a java.util.Date object Date dateEvent = DateUtil.formatDate(strEventDate, getLocale()); Date dateEventOld = event.getDate(); //If event date is different, periodicity is re-initialized if (dateEvent.getTime() != dateEventOld.getTime()) { bPeriociteModify = true; } if (!Utils.isValidDate(dateEvent)) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, Constants.PROPERTY_MESSAGE_DATEFORMAT, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } //Fields to Update event.setDate(dateEvent); event.setTitle(strEventTitle); event.setTopEvent(Integer.parseInt(strTopEvent)); event.setDescription(_EventDescription); //String strOccurrence = request.getParameter( Constants.PARAMETER_OCCURRENCE ); String strEventDateEnd = (String) _mapParameters.get(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_DATE_END); int nPeriodicity = event.getPeriodicity(); Date dateEndEvent = null; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(strEventDateEnd)) { dateEndEvent = DateUtil.formatDate(strEventDateEnd, getLocale()); if ((dateEndEvent == null) || !Utils.isValidDate(dateEndEvent)) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, Constants.PROPERTY_MESSAGE_DATEFORMAT, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } } //the number of occurrence is -1 by default int nOccurrence = -1; String[] arrayExcludedDays = (String[]) _mapParameters.get(Constants.PARAMETER_EXCLUDED_DAYS); boolean bExcludedDaysModified = false; if (arrayExcludedDays == null && event.getExcludedDays() != null && event.getExcludedDays().length != 0) { bExcludedDaysModified = true; } else if (arrayExcludedDays != null && (event.getExcludedDays() == null || (event.getExcludedDays() != null && event.getExcludedDays().length == 0))) { bExcludedDaysModified = true; } else if (arrayExcludedDays != null && event.getExcludedDays() != null && arrayExcludedDays.length != event.getExcludedDays().length) { bExcludedDaysModified = true; } else if (arrayExcludedDays != null && event.getExcludedDays() != null && event.getExcludedDays().length != 0 && arrayExcludedDays.length == event.getExcludedDays().length) { for (int i = 0; i < arrayExcludedDays.length; i++) { if (!arrayExcludedDays[i].equals(event.getExcludedDays()[i])) { bExcludedDaysModified = true; break; } } } //compute the occurrence number depending on the date end chosen //If a date end is chosen if (dateEndEvent != null && (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(strEventDateEnd) && (event.getDateEnd().getTime() != dateEndEvent.getTime()) || bExcludedDaysModified)) { if (dateEndEvent.before(dateEvent)) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, Constants.PROPERTY_MESSAGE_DATE_END_BEFORE, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } nPeriodicity = 0; nOccurrence = Utils.getOccurrenceWithinTwoDates(dateEvent, dateEndEvent, arrayExcludedDays); bPeriociteModify = true; } else if (StringUtils.isEmpty(strEventDateEnd)) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, Constants.PROPERTY_MESSAGE_DATEFORMAT, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } // Fields to Update if (nOccurrence > 0) { event.setOccurrence(nOccurrence); } event.setDateEnd(dateEndEvent); event.setPeriodicity(nPeriodicity); String strTimeStart = (String) _mapParameters.get(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_TIME_START); String strTimeEnd = (String) _mapParameters.get(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_TIME_END); String strEventTags = ((String) _mapParameters.get(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_TAGS)).trim(); String strLocationAddress = ((String) _mapParameters.get(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_LOCATION_ADDRESS)) .trim(); String strLocation = ((String) _mapParameters.get(Constants.PARAMETER_LOCATION)).trim(); String strLocationTown = ((String) _mapParameters.get(Constants.PARAMETER_LOCATION_TOWN)).trim(); String strLocationZip = ((String) _mapParameters.get(Constants.PARAMETER_LOCATION_ZIP)).trim(); String strLinkUrl = ((String) _mapParameters.get(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_LINK_URL)).trim(); String strDocumentId = ((String) _mapParameters.get(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_DOCUMENT_ID)).trim(); String strPageUrl = ((String) _mapParameters.get(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_PAGE_URL)).trim(); String strMapUrl = ((String) _mapParameters.get(Constants.PARAMETER_EVENT_MAP_URL)).trim(); //Tags String[] strTabEventTags = null; if ((strEventTags.length() > 0) && !strEventTags.equals("")) { //Test if there aren't special characters in strEventTags boolean isAllowedExp = Pattern.matches(PROPERTY_TAGS_REGEXP, strEventTags); if (!isAllowedExp) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, MESSAGE_INVALID_TAG, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } strTabEventTags = strEventTags.split("\\s"); } //Categories List<Category> listCategories = new ArrayList<Category>(); if (_EventCategories != null) { for (String strIdCategory : _EventCategories) { Category category = CategoryHome.find(Integer.parseInt(strIdCategory), getPlugin()); if (category != null) { listCategories.add(category); } } } // Hours if (!Utils.checkTime(strTimeStart) || !Utils.checkTime(strTimeEnd)) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, Constants.PROPERTY_MESSAGE_TIMEFORMAT, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } // Document int nDocumentId = -1; if ((strDocumentId.length() > 0) && !strDocumentId.equals("")) { try { nDocumentId = Integer.parseInt(strDocumentId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return AdminMessageService.getMessageUrl(request, MESSAGE_INVALID_OCCURRENCE_NUMBER, AdminMessage.TYPE_STOP); } } event.setTags(strTabEventTags); event.setDocumentId(nDocumentId); event.setListCategories(listCategories); event.setDateTimeStart(strTimeStart); event.setDateTimeEnd(strTimeEnd); event.setLocation(strLocation); event.setLocationAddress(strLocationAddress); event.setLocationTown(strLocationTown); event.setLocationZip(strLocationZip); event.setLinkUrl(strLinkUrl); event.setPageUrl(strPageUrl); event.setMapUrl(strMapUrl); event.setExcludedDays(arrayExcludedDays); if (_EventItem.getSize() >= 1) { ImageResource imageResource = new ImageResource(); imageResource.setImage(_EventItem.get()); imageResource.setMimeType(_EventItem.getContentType()); event.setImageResource(imageResource); } _eventListService.doModifySimpleEvent(event, bPeriociteModify, null, getPlugin()); List<OccurrenceEvent> listOccurencesEvent = _eventListService.getOccurrenceEvents(nCalendarId, event.getId(), Constants.SORT_ASC, getPlugin()); for (OccurrenceEvent occ : listOccurencesEvent) { //Update occurence if (StringUtils.isBlank(occ.getDateTimeStart())) { occ.setDateTimeStart(event.getDateTimeStart()); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(occ.getDateTimeEnd())) { occ.setDateTimeEnd(event.getDateTimeEnd()); } // FIXME : Usefull ? //CalendarHome.updateOccurrence( occ, nCalendarId, getPlugin( ) ); // Index Occurrence IndexationService.addIndexerAction(Integer.toString(occ.getId()), AppPropertiesService.getProperty(CalendarIndexer.PROPERTY_INDEXER_NAME), IndexerAction.TASK_MODIFY); CalendarIndexerUtils.addIndexerAction(occ.getId(), IndexerAction.TASK_MODIFY); } _mapParameters = null; return JSP_EVENT_LIST + nCalendarId + "&" + Constants.PARAMETER_SORT_EVENTS + "=" + request.getParameter(Constants.PARAMETER_SORT_EVENTS); }
From source
protected static boolean matchWithDatePatterns(String text) { boolean pattern1 = Pattern.matches("\\d{4}", text); //yyyy boolean pattern2 = Pattern.matches("\\d{4}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{2}", text); //yyyy-MM boolean pattern3 = Pattern.matches("\\d{4}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{2}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{2}", text); //yyyy-MM-dd boolean pattern4 = Pattern.matches("\\d{2}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{2}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{4}", text); //dd-MM-yyyy boolean pattern5 = Pattern.matches("\\d{1}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{1}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{4}", text); //d-M-yyyy boolean pattern6 = Pattern.matches("\\d{1}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{2}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{4}", text); //d-MM-yyyy boolean pattern7 = Pattern.matches("\\d{2}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{1}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{4}", text); //dd-M-yyyy boolean pattern8 = Pattern.matches("\\d{4}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{1}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{2}", text); //yyyy-M-dd boolean pattern9 = Pattern.matches("\\d{4}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{2}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{1}", text); //yyyy-MM-d boolean pattern0 = Pattern.matches("\\d{4}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{1}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{1}", text); //yyyy-M-d return pattern0 || pattern1 || pattern2 || pattern3 || pattern4 || pattern5 || pattern6 || pattern7 || pattern8 || pattern9;/*from w ww . ja va 2 s .c o m*/ }
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}/*from ww w .jav a 2 s. c o m*/ */ @Override public void updateCloudstackLoadBalancer(Long loadBalancerNo, String loadBalancerName, String comment, Long componentNo, String algorithm, String pubricPort, String privatePort) { // ? if (loadBalancerNo == null) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000003", "loadBalancerNo"); } if (loadBalancerName == null || loadBalancerName.length() == 0) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000003", "loadBalancerName"); } if (componentNo == null) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000003", "componentNo"); } if (algorithm == null) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000003", "algorithm"); } if (pubricPort == null) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000003", "pubricPort"); } if (privatePort == null) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000003", "privatePort"); } // ?? if (!Pattern.matches("^[0-9a-z]|[0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]*[0-9a-z]$", loadBalancerName)) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000012", "loadBalancerName"); } // TODO: ?? // ??? LoadBalancer loadBalancer =; CloudstackLoadBalancer csloadBalancer =; if (loadBalancer == null) { // ?????? throw new AutoApplicationException("ESERVICE-000603", loadBalancerNo); } // ??????? if (LoadBalancerStatus.fromStatus(loadBalancer.getStatus()) != LoadBalancerStatus.STOPPED) { // ?????????????????? if (!StringUtils.equals(loadBalancer.getLoadBalancerName(), loadBalancerName) || !componentNo.equals(loadBalancer.getComponentNo())) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ESERVICE-000604", loadBalancer.getLoadBalancerName()); } if (!StringUtils.equals(csloadBalancer.getAlgorithm(), algorithm) || !StringUtils.equals(csloadBalancer.getPublicport(), pubricPort) || !StringUtils.equals(csloadBalancer.getPrivateport(), privatePort)) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ESERVICE-000604", loadBalancer.getLoadBalancerName()); } } // ????? if (!StringUtils.equals(loadBalancer.getLoadBalancerName(), loadBalancerName)) { // ?????? LoadBalancer checkLoadBalancer = loadBalancerDao .readByFarmNoAndLoadBalancerName(loadBalancer.getFarmNo(), loadBalancerName); if (checkLoadBalancer != null && !loadBalancerNo.equals(checkLoadBalancer.getLoadBalancerNo())) { // ???????? throw new AutoApplicationException("ESERVICE-000601", loadBalancerName); } // ???? Instance checkInstance = instanceDao.readByFarmNoAndInstanceName(loadBalancer.getFarmNo(), loadBalancerName); if (checkInstance != null) { // ??????? throw new AutoApplicationException("ESERVICE-000626", loadBalancerName); } } // ???? long countComponent = componentDao.countByComponentNo(componentNo); if (countComponent == 0) { // ??????? throw new AutoApplicationException("ESERVICE-000607", componentNo); } Farm farm =; // ?? loadBalancer.setLoadBalancerName(loadBalancerName); loadBalancer.setComment(comment); loadBalancer.setFqdn(loadBalancerName + "." + farm.getDomainName()); loadBalancer.setComponentNo(componentNo); loadBalancerDao.update(loadBalancer); // ?? csloadBalancer.setAlgorithm(algorithm); csloadBalancer.setPublicport(pubricPort); csloadBalancer.setPrivateport(privatePort); cloudstackLoadBalancerDao.update(csloadBalancer); // eventLogger.log(EventLogLevel.INFO, farm.getFarmNo(), farm.getFarmName(), null, null, null, null, "LoadBalancerUpdate", null, null, new Object[] { loadBalancerName }); }
From source
/** * Method to parse the value of the date to an ISO one if possible. * * @param text//from w w w . j av a 2 s .c om * @return the ISO date. */ protected static String parseStandardDate(String text) { String yearStandardDate = ""; String monthStandardDate = ""; String dateStandardDate = ""; String reverseString = ""; String type = "ymd"; boolean pattern1 = Pattern.matches("\\d{4}", text); //yyyy boolean pattern2 = Pattern.matches("\\d{4}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{2}", text); //yyyy-MM boolean pattern3 = Pattern.matches("\\d{4}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{2}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{2}", text); //yyyy-MM-dd boolean pattern4 = Pattern.matches("\\d{2}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{2}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{4}", text); //dd-MM-yyyy boolean pattern5 = Pattern.matches("\\d{1}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{1}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{4}", text); //d-M-yyyy boolean pattern6 = Pattern.matches("\\d{1}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{2}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{4}", text); //d-MM-yyyy boolean pattern7 = Pattern.matches("\\d{2}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{1}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{4}", text); //dd-M-yyyy boolean pattern8 = Pattern.matches("\\d{4}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{1}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{2}", text); //yyyy-M-dd boolean pattern9 = Pattern.matches("\\d{4}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{2}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{1}", text); //yyyy-MM-d boolean pattern0 = Pattern.matches("\\d{4}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{1}[\\-\\./:\\s]\\d{1}", text); //yyyy-M-d if (pattern4) { yearStandardDate = text.substring(6); monthStandardDate = text.substring(2, 6); dateStandardDate = text.substring(0, 2); reverseString = yearStandardDate + monthStandardDate + dateStandardDate; text = text.replaceAll(text, reverseString); } if (pattern1) { type = "y"; } else if (pattern2) { monthStandardDate = text.substring(5, 7); if (Integer.parseInt(monthStandardDate) <= 12) { text = text.replaceAll("[\\./:\\s]", "-"); } type = "ym"; } else if (pattern3 || pattern4) { text = text.replaceAll("[\\./:\\s]", "-"); } else if (pattern5) { //d-M-yyyy yearStandardDate = text.substring(4); monthStandardDate = "0" + text.substring(2, 3); dateStandardDate = "0" + text.substring(0, 1); } else if (pattern6) { //d-MM-yyyy yearStandardDate = text.substring(5); monthStandardDate = text.substring(2, 4); dateStandardDate = "0" + text.substring(0, 1); } else if (pattern7) { //dd-M-yyyy yearStandardDate = text.substring(5); monthStandardDate = "0" + text.substring(3, 4); dateStandardDate = text.substring(0, 2); } else if (pattern8) { //yyyy-M-dd yearStandardDate = text.substring(0, 4); monthStandardDate = "0" + text.substring(5, 6); dateStandardDate = text.substring(7); } else if (pattern9) { //yyyy-MM-d yearStandardDate = text.substring(0, 4); monthStandardDate = text.substring(5, 7); dateStandardDate = "0" + text.substring(8); } else if (pattern0) { //yyyy-M-d yearStandardDate = text.substring(0, 4); monthStandardDate = "0" + text.substring(5, 6); dateStandardDate = "0" + text.substring(7); } if (pattern5 || pattern6 || pattern7 || pattern8 || pattern9 || pattern0) { String strAux = yearStandardDate + "-" + monthStandardDate + "-" + dateStandardDate; text = strAux; } if (isValidDate(text, type)) return text; else return ""; }
From source
/** * Resource groups can be updated through a simple PATCH operation to a * group address. The format of the request is the same as that for * creating a resource groups, though if a field is unspecified current * value will be carried over./* www . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ * * @param resourceGroupName Required. The name of the resource group to be * created or updated. The name is case insensitive. * @param parameters Required. Parameters supplied to the update state * resource group service operation. * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has * occurred. This class is the general class of exceptions produced by * failed or interrupted I/O operations. * @throws ServiceException Thrown if an unexpected response is found. * @return Resource group information. */ @Override public ResourceGroupPatchResult patch(String resourceGroupName, ResourceGroup parameters) throws IOException, ServiceException { // Validate if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("resourceGroupName"); } if (resourceGroupName != null && resourceGroupName.length() > 1000) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("resourceGroupName"); } if (Pattern.matches("^[-\\w\\._]+$", resourceGroupName) == false) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("resourceGroupName"); } if (parameters == null) { throw new NullPointerException("parameters"); } if (parameters.getLocation() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("parameters.Location"); } // Tracing boolean shouldTrace = CloudTracing.getIsEnabled(); String invocationId = null; if (shouldTrace) { invocationId = Long.toString(CloudTracing.getNextInvocationId()); HashMap<String, Object> tracingParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); tracingParameters.put("resourceGroupName", resourceGroupName); tracingParameters.put("parameters", parameters); CloudTracing.enter(invocationId, this, "patchAsync", tracingParameters); } // Construct URL String url = ""; url = url + "/subscriptions/"; if (this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId() != null) { url = url + URLEncoder.encode(this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId(), "UTF-8"); } url = url + "/resourcegroups/"; url = url + URLEncoder.encode(resourceGroupName, "UTF-8"); ArrayList<String> queryParameters = new ArrayList<String>(); queryParameters.add("api-version=" + "2014-04-01-preview"); if (queryParameters.size() > 0) { url = url + "?" + CollectionStringBuilder.join(queryParameters, "&"); } String baseUrl = this.getClient().getBaseUri().toString(); // Trim '/' character from the end of baseUrl and beginning of url. if (baseUrl.charAt(baseUrl.length() - 1) == '/') { baseUrl = baseUrl.substring(0, (baseUrl.length() - 1) + 0); } if (url.charAt(0) == '/') { url = url.substring(1); } url = baseUrl + "/" + url; url = url.replace(" ", "%20"); // Create HTTP transport objects HttpPatch httpRequest = new HttpPatch(url); // Set Headers httpRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); // Serialize Request String requestContent = null; JsonNode requestDoc = null; ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectNode resourceGroupValue = objectMapper.createObjectNode(); requestDoc = resourceGroupValue; ((ObjectNode) resourceGroupValue).put("location", parameters.getLocation()); if (parameters.getProperties() != null) { ((ObjectNode) resourceGroupValue).put("properties", objectMapper.readTree(parameters.getProperties())); } if (parameters.getTags() != null) { if (parameters.getTags() instanceof LazyCollection == false || ((LazyCollection) parameters.getTags()).isInitialized()) { ObjectNode tagsDictionary = objectMapper.createObjectNode(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : parameters.getTags().entrySet()) { String tagsKey = entry.getKey(); String tagsValue = entry.getValue(); ((ObjectNode) tagsDictionary).put(tagsKey, tagsValue); } ((ObjectNode) resourceGroupValue).put("tags", tagsDictionary); } } if (parameters.getProvisioningState() != null) { ((ObjectNode) resourceGroupValue).put("provisioningState", parameters.getProvisioningState()); } StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); objectMapper.writeValue(stringWriter, requestDoc); requestContent = stringWriter.toString(); StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(requestContent); httpRequest.setEntity(entity); httpRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); // Send Request HttpResponse httpResponse = null; try { if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.sendRequest(invocationId, httpRequest); } httpResponse = this.getClient().getHttpClient().execute(httpRequest); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.receiveResponse(invocationId, httpResponse); } int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { ServiceException ex = ServiceException.createFromJson(httpRequest, requestContent, httpResponse, httpResponse.getEntity()); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.error(invocationId, ex); } throw ex; } // Create Result ResourceGroupPatchResult result = null; // Deserialize Response if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { InputStream responseContent = httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(); result = new ResourceGroupPatchResult(); JsonNode responseDoc = null; String responseDocContent = IOUtils.toString(responseContent); if (responseDocContent == null == false && responseDocContent.length() > 0) { responseDoc = objectMapper.readTree(responseDocContent); } if (responseDoc != null && responseDoc instanceof NullNode == false) { ResourceGroupExtended resourceGroupInstance = new ResourceGroupExtended(); result.setResourceGroup(resourceGroupInstance); JsonNode idValue = responseDoc.get("id"); if (idValue != null && idValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String idInstance; idInstance = idValue.getTextValue(); resourceGroupInstance.setId(idInstance); } JsonNode nameValue = responseDoc.get("name"); if (nameValue != null && nameValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String nameInstance; nameInstance = nameValue.getTextValue(); resourceGroupInstance.setName(nameInstance); } JsonNode propertiesValue = responseDoc.get("properties"); if (propertiesValue != null && propertiesValue instanceof NullNode == false) { JsonNode provisioningStateValue = propertiesValue.get("provisioningState"); if (provisioningStateValue != null && provisioningStateValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String provisioningStateInstance; provisioningStateInstance = provisioningStateValue.getTextValue(); resourceGroupInstance.setProvisioningState(provisioningStateInstance); } } JsonNode locationValue = responseDoc.get("location"); if (locationValue != null && locationValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String locationInstance; locationInstance = locationValue.getTextValue(); resourceGroupInstance.setLocation(locationInstance); } JsonNode propertiesValue2 = responseDoc.get("properties"); if (propertiesValue2 != null && propertiesValue2 instanceof NullNode == false) { String propertiesInstance; propertiesInstance = propertiesValue2.getTextValue(); resourceGroupInstance.setProperties(propertiesInstance); } JsonNode tagsSequenceElement = ((JsonNode) responseDoc.get("tags")); if (tagsSequenceElement != null && tagsSequenceElement instanceof NullNode == false) { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> itr = tagsSequenceElement.getFields(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> property =; String tagsKey2 = property.getKey(); String tagsValue2 = property.getValue().getTextValue(); resourceGroupInstance.getTags().put(tagsKey2, tagsValue2); } } JsonNode provisioningStateValue2 = responseDoc.get("provisioningState"); if (provisioningStateValue2 != null && provisioningStateValue2 instanceof NullNode == false) { String provisioningStateInstance2; provisioningStateInstance2 = provisioningStateValue2.getTextValue(); resourceGroupInstance.setProvisioningState(provisioningStateInstance2); } } } result.setStatusCode(statusCode); if (httpResponse.getHeaders("x-ms-request-id").length > 0) { result.setRequestId(httpResponse.getFirstHeader("x-ms-request-id").getValue()); } if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.exit(invocationId, result); } return result; } finally { if (httpResponse != null && httpResponse.getEntity() != null) { httpResponse.getEntity().getContent().close(); } } }
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}/*from ww w. ja v a2 s .c o m*/ */ @Override public void updateUltraMonkeyLoadBalancer(Long loadBalancerNo, String loadBalancerName, String comment, Long componentNo) { // ? if (loadBalancerNo == null) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000003", "loadBalancerNo"); } if (loadBalancerName == null || loadBalancerName.length() == 0) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000003", "loadBalancerName"); } if (componentNo == null) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000003", "componentNo"); } // ?? if (!Pattern.matches("^[0-9a-z]|[0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]*[0-9a-z]$", loadBalancerName)) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000012", "loadBalancerName"); } // TODO: ?? // ??? LoadBalancer loadBalancer =; if (loadBalancer == null) { // ?????? throw new AutoApplicationException("ESERVICE-000603", loadBalancerNo); } // ??????? if (LoadBalancerStatus.fromStatus(loadBalancer.getStatus()) != LoadBalancerStatus.STOPPED) { // ?????????????????? if (!StringUtils.equals(loadBalancer.getLoadBalancerName(), loadBalancerName) || !componentNo.equals(loadBalancer.getComponentNo())) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ESERVICE-000604", loadBalancer.getLoadBalancerName()); } } // ?????? LoadBalancer checkLoadBalancer = loadBalancerDao.readByFarmNoAndLoadBalancerName(loadBalancer.getFarmNo(), loadBalancerName); if (checkLoadBalancer != null && !loadBalancerNo.equals(checkLoadBalancer.getLoadBalancerNo())) { // ???????? throw new AutoApplicationException("ESERVICE-000601", loadBalancerName); } // ???? long countComponent = componentDao.countByComponentNo(componentNo); if (countComponent == 0) { // ??????? throw new AutoApplicationException("ESERVICE-000607", componentNo); } // ??????????? long countListener = loadBalancerListenerDao.countByLoadBalancerNo(loadBalancerNo); if (countListener > 0) { if (!loadBalancer.getComponentNo().equals(componentNo)) { // ???????? throw new AutoApplicationException("ESERVICE-000608"); } } Farm farm =; // ?? loadBalancer.setLoadBalancerName(loadBalancerName); loadBalancer.setComment(comment); loadBalancer.setFqdn(loadBalancerName + "." + farm.getDomainName()); loadBalancer.setComponentNo(componentNo); loadBalancerDao.update(loadBalancer); // eventLogger.log(EventLogLevel.INFO, farm.getFarmNo(), farm.getFarmName(), null, null, null, null, "LoadBalancerUpdate", null, null, new Object[] { loadBalancerName }); }
From source
/** * Replace quote chars in-quote characters by escapeChar+quotingChar * * Example: seperatorPatern = ',' , quotingChar = '"' , escapeCahr = '\\' * * line = '"Charles says://from w w w .j a va2 s . c o m * "Some people never go crazy, What truly horrible lives they must live"", 1968, " * US"' return = '"Charles says: * \"Some people never go crazy, What truly horrible lives they must live\"", "1968", "US"' */ public static String escapeQuoteCharsInQuotes(String line, Pattern separatorPattern, char quotingChar, char escapeChar, boolean showWarning) { // first remember quoteChar positions which should be escaped: char lastChar = '0'; boolean openedQuote = false; List<Integer> rememberQuotePosition = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) { if (lastChar == quotingChar) { if (openedQuote) { boolean matches = Pattern.matches(separatorPattern.pattern() + ".*", line.substring(i)); if (matches) { openedQuote = false; } else { rememberQuotePosition.add(i - 1); } } else { openedQuote = true; } } lastChar = line.charAt(i); } if (openedQuote && lastChar == quotingChar) { openedQuote = false; } // print warning if (showWarning && !rememberQuotePosition.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder positions = new StringBuilder(); int j = 1; for (int i = 0; i < rememberQuotePosition.size(); i++) { if (j % 10 == 0) { positions.append("\n"); } positions.append(rememberQuotePosition.get(i)); if (i + 1 < rememberQuotePosition.size()) { positions.append(", "); } j++; } String lineBeginning = line; if (line.length() > 20) { lineBeginning = line.substring(0, 20); } String warning = "While reading the line starting with \n\n\t" + lineBeginning + " ...\n\n" + ",an unescaped quote character was substituted by an escaped quote at the position(s) " + positions.toString() + ". " + "In particular der character '" + Character.toString(lastChar) + "' was replaced by '" + Character.toString(escapeChar) + Character.toString(lastChar) + "."; LogService.getRoot().log(Level.WARNING, warning); } // then build new line: if (!rememberQuotePosition.isEmpty()) { String newLine = ""; int pos = rememberQuotePosition.remove(0); int i = 0; for (Character c : line.toCharArray()) { if (i == pos) { newLine += Character.toString(escapeChar) + c; if (!rememberQuotePosition.isEmpty()) { pos = rememberQuotePosition.remove(0); } } else { newLine += c; } i++; } line = newLine; } return line; }
From source
/** * Gets all the management locks of a resource or any level below resource. * * @param resourceGroupName Required. The name of the resource group. The * name is case insensitive.// ww w .ja v a 2 s . c o m * @param identity Required. Resource identity. * @param parameters Optional. Query parameters. If empty is passed returns * all locks at or below the resource.If atScope() is passed returns all * locks at the resource level. * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has * occurred. This class is the general class of exceptions produced by * failed or interrupted I/O operations. * @throws ServiceException Thrown if an unexpected response is found. * @return List of management locks. */ @Override public ManagementLockListResult listAtResourceLevel(String resourceGroupName, ResourceIdentity identity, ManagementLockGetQueryParameter parameters) throws IOException, ServiceException { // Validate if (resourceGroupName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("resourceGroupName"); } if (resourceGroupName != null && resourceGroupName.length() > 1000) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("resourceGroupName"); } if (Pattern.matches("^[-\\w\\._]+$", resourceGroupName) == false) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("resourceGroupName"); } if (identity == null) { throw new NullPointerException("identity"); } if (identity.getResourceName() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("identity."); } if (identity.getResourceProviderApiVersion() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("identity."); } if (identity.getResourceProviderNamespace() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("identity."); } if (identity.getResourceType() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("identity."); } // Tracing boolean shouldTrace = CloudTracing.getIsEnabled(); String invocationId = null; if (shouldTrace) { invocationId = Long.toString(CloudTracing.getNextInvocationId()); HashMap<String, Object> tracingParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); tracingParameters.put("resourceGroupName", resourceGroupName); tracingParameters.put("identity", identity); tracingParameters.put("parameters", parameters); CloudTracing.enter(invocationId, this, "listAtResourceLevelAsync", tracingParameters); } // Construct URL String url = ""; url = url + "/subscriptions/"; if (this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId() != null) { url = url + URLEncoder.encode(this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId(), "UTF-8"); } url = url + "/resourcegroups/"; url = url + URLEncoder.encode(resourceGroupName, "UTF-8"); url = url + "/providers/"; url = url + URLEncoder.encode(identity.getResourceProviderNamespace(), "UTF-8"); url = url + "/"; if (identity.getParentResourcePath() != null) { url = url + identity.getParentResourcePath(); } url = url + "/"; url = url + identity.getResourceType(); url = url + "/"; url = url + URLEncoder.encode(identity.getResourceName(), "UTF-8"); url = url + "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/locks"; ArrayList<String> queryParameters = new ArrayList<String>(); queryParameters.add("api-version=" + "2015-01-01"); ArrayList<String> odataFilter = new ArrayList<String>(); if (parameters != null && parameters.getAtScope() != null) { odataFilter.add(URLEncoder.encode(parameters.getAtScope(), "UTF-8")); } if (odataFilter.size() > 0) { queryParameters.add("$filter=" + CollectionStringBuilder.join(odataFilter, null)); } if (queryParameters.size() > 0) { url = url + "?" + CollectionStringBuilder.join(queryParameters, "&"); } String baseUrl = this.getClient().getBaseUri().toString(); // Trim '/' character from the end of baseUrl and beginning of url. if (baseUrl.charAt(baseUrl.length() - 1) == '/') { baseUrl = baseUrl.substring(0, (baseUrl.length() - 1) + 0); } if (url.charAt(0) == '/') { url = url.substring(1); } url = baseUrl + "/" + url; url = url.replace(" ", "%20"); // Create HTTP transport objects HttpGet httpRequest = new HttpGet(url); // Set Headers httpRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); // Send Request HttpResponse httpResponse = null; try { if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.sendRequest(invocationId, httpRequest); } httpResponse = this.getClient().getHttpClient().execute(httpRequest); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.receiveResponse(invocationId, httpResponse); } int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { ServiceException ex = ServiceException.createFromJson(httpRequest, null, httpResponse, httpResponse.getEntity()); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.error(invocationId, ex); } throw ex; } // Create Result ManagementLockListResult result = null; // Deserialize Response if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { InputStream responseContent = httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(); result = new ManagementLockListResult(); ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode responseDoc = null; String responseDocContent = IOUtils.toString(responseContent); if (responseDocContent == null == false && responseDocContent.length() > 0) { responseDoc = objectMapper.readTree(responseDocContent); } if (responseDoc != null && responseDoc instanceof NullNode == false) { JsonNode valueArray = responseDoc.get("value"); if (valueArray != null && valueArray instanceof NullNode == false) { for (JsonNode valueValue : ((ArrayNode) valueArray)) { ManagementLockObject managementLockObjectInstance = new ManagementLockObject(); result.getLock().add(managementLockObjectInstance); JsonNode propertiesValue = valueValue.get("properties"); if (propertiesValue != null && propertiesValue instanceof NullNode == false) { ManagementLockProperties propertiesInstance = new ManagementLockProperties(); managementLockObjectInstance.setProperties(propertiesInstance); JsonNode levelValue = propertiesValue.get("level"); if (levelValue != null && levelValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String levelInstance; levelInstance = levelValue.getTextValue(); propertiesInstance.setLevel(levelInstance); } JsonNode notesValue = propertiesValue.get("notes"); if (notesValue != null && notesValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String notesInstance; notesInstance = notesValue.getTextValue(); propertiesInstance.setNotes(notesInstance); } } JsonNode idValue = valueValue.get("id"); if (idValue != null && idValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String idInstance; idInstance = idValue.getTextValue(); managementLockObjectInstance.setId(idInstance); } JsonNode typeValue = valueValue.get("type"); if (typeValue != null && typeValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String typeInstance; typeInstance = typeValue.getTextValue(); managementLockObjectInstance.setType(typeInstance); } JsonNode nameValue = valueValue.get("name"); if (nameValue != null && nameValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String nameInstance; nameInstance = nameValue.getTextValue(); managementLockObjectInstance.setName(nameInstance); } } } JsonNode nextLinkValue = responseDoc.get("nextLink"); if (nextLinkValue != null && nextLinkValue instanceof NullNode == false) { String nextLinkInstance; nextLinkInstance = nextLinkValue.getTextValue(); result.setNextLink(nextLinkInstance); } } } result.setStatusCode(statusCode); if (httpResponse.getHeaders("x-ms-request-id").length > 0) { result.setRequestId(httpResponse.getFirstHeader("x-ms-request-id").getValue()); } if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.exit(invocationId, result); } return result; } finally { if (httpResponse != null && httpResponse.getEntity() != null) { httpResponse.getEntity().getContent().close(); } } }
From source
public boolean isAssignableIMEx() { return getImexId() == null && curationDepth != null && "IMEx".equalsIgnoreCase(curationDepth) && Pattern.matches(ImexCentralManager.PUBMED_REGEXP.toString(), publication.getPubmedId()); }
From source
public static boolean isValidSerialNumber(String serialNumber) { if (serialNumber == null || serialNumber.trim().isEmpty()) { return false; }//from w ww . j a v a2 s. co m String regex = "\\d{14}"; return Pattern.matches(regex, serialNumber); }