Java tutorial
package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Random; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.ah.ha.HAMonitor; import com.ah.ha.HAStatus; import com.ah.ha.HAUtil; import com.ah.ui.actions.config.ImportTextFileAction; import com.ah.util.CasTool; import com.ah.util.EnumItem; import com.ah.util.MgrUtil; import com.ah.util.Tracer; import com.ah.util.coder.AhDecoder; import com.ah.util.devices.impl.Device; import com.ah.xml.deviceProperties.DeviceObj; import; /** * @author root */ public class NmsUtil { private static final Tracer log = new Tracer(NmsUtil.class.getSimpleName()); // the unit is minute public static int CAS_SERVER_SESSION_TIME_OUT = 60 * 2; private static final char[] AH_LEGAL_PASS_PHRASE_CHARS = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' }; // public static final String IPCONFIG_ETH0_FILE = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0"; // public static final String IPCONFIG_ETH1_FILE = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1"; public static final int DEFAULT_HM_WEB_SERVER_REDIRECT_PORT = 8443; public static final int DEFAULT_HMOL_WEB_SERVER_REDIRECT_PORT = 443; public static final String DEFAULT_WEB_SERVER_AUTH_METHOD = "basic"; private static final AtomicInteger debugGroupId = new AtomicInteger(1); private static String strPsd; private static final boolean isHHMApp; private static boolean isPlanner = false; private static final boolean isDemo; private static int webServerRedirectPort; private static String webServerLoginAuthMethod = DEFAULT_WEB_SERVER_AUTH_METHOD; private static OEMCustomer oemCustomer = null; private static final String OEM_RESOURCE_FILE_NAME = "oem-resource.txt"; public static boolean TEACHER_VIEW_GLOBAL_ENABLED = false; private static String authServiceURL; private static String myHiveServiceURL; private static String redirectorServiceURL; private static String gmAPIKey; private static String gmLicenseKey; public static final String PORTAL_URL_FOR_ONPREMISE_HM = ""; public static final String PORTAL_URL_FOR_ONPREMISE_HM_BETA = ""; private static boolean enableYUICDN; static { final String appType = ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(ConfigUtil.SECTION_APPLICATION, ConfigUtil.KEY_APPLICATION_TYPE, ConfigUtil.VALUE_APPLICATION_TYPE_HM); isHHMApp = ConfigUtil.VALUE_APPLICATION_TYPE_DEMO.equalsIgnoreCase(appType) || ConfigUtil.VALUE_APPLICATION_TYPE_HHM.equalsIgnoreCase(appType) || ConfigUtil.VALUE_APPLICATION_TYPE_PLANNER.equalsIgnoreCase(appType); isPlanner = ConfigUtil.VALUE_APPLICATION_TYPE_PLANNER.equalsIgnoreCase(appType); isDemo = ConfigUtil.VALUE_APPLICATION_TYPE_DEMO.equalsIgnoreCase(appType); gmAPIKey = ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(ConfigUtil.SECTION_GOOGLE_MAPS, ConfigUtil.KEY_GM_API_KEY, ""); gmLicenseKey = ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(ConfigUtil.SECTION_GOOGLE_MAPS, ConfigUtil.KEY_GM_LICENSE_KEY, ""); enableYUICDN = Boolean.parseBoolean( ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(ConfigUtil.SECTION_APPLICATION, ConfigUtil.ENABLE_YUI_CDN, "true")); // Read web server redirect port. if (webServerRedirectPort <= 0) { String catalinaHome = System.getenv("CATALINA_HOME"); if (catalinaHome != null) { if (!catalinaHome.endsWith(File.separator)) { catalinaHome += File.separator; } String catalinaPropPath = catalinaHome + "conf" + File.separator + ""; // Read port number from try { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(catalinaPropPath); Properties catalinaProp = new Properties(); catalinaProp.load(in); String httpsPort = catalinaProp.getProperty("https.port"); if (httpsPort != null) { try { webServerRedirectPort = Integer.parseInt(httpsPort.trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { log.error("init", "The evaluation [" + httpsPort + "] to 'https.port' is not a numeric.", nfe); } } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("init", "Failed to load " + catalinaPropPath, e); } } } // Use default port if the port number could not be read out from the specified properties. if (webServerRedirectPort <= 0) { webServerRedirectPort = isHostedHMApplication() ? DEFAULT_HMOL_WEB_SERVER_REDIRECT_PORT : DEFAULT_HM_WEB_SERVER_REDIRECT_PORT; } // Read login authentication method from web.xml. String hmRoot = AhDirTools.getHmRoot(); String webXmlPath = hmRoot + "WEB-INF" + File.separator + "web.xml"; SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); try { Document webXmlDoc =; Element root = webXmlDoc.getRootElement(); String xPath = root.getPath() + "/*[name()='login-config']/*[name()='auth-method']"; Node node = root.selectSingleNode(xPath); if (node != null) { webServerLoginAuthMethod = node.getText(); if (webServerLoginAuthMethod != null && !webServerLoginAuthMethod.trim().isEmpty()) { webServerLoginAuthMethod = webServerLoginAuthMethod.trim().toLowerCase(); } else { webServerLoginAuthMethod = DEFAULT_WEB_SERVER_AUTH_METHOD; } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("init", "Failed to read " + webXmlPath + ", using default authentication method '" + webServerLoginAuthMethod + "' instead."); } } // private static final String PORTAL_DNS_NAME = ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(ConfigUtil.SECTION_PORTAL, ConfigUtil.KEY_DNS_NAME); private static final String SUPPORT_MAIL_ADDRESS = ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(ConfigUtil.SECTION_PORTAL, ConfigUtil.SUPPORT_MAIL_ADDRESS); private static final boolean useHttpProxy = isHttpProxy(); private static final boolean httpEnable = "1".equals( ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(ConfigUtil.SECTION_APPLICATION, ConfigUtil.KEY_APPLICATION_HTTPENABLE, "0")); private static final String ADMIN_THREADS_NUM = ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(ConfigUtil.SECTION_ADMIN, ConfigUtil.KEY_THREAD_NUM, "5"); //private static String CAS_SERVER = ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(ConfigUtil.SECTION_COMMUNICATION, ConfigUtil.KEY_CASSERVER); private static final String SUPPORT_PAGE_URL = ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(ConfigUtil.SECTION_SUPPORT, ConfigUtil.SUPPORT_PAGE_URL); public static String getSupportPageUrl() { return SUPPORT_PAGE_URL; } public static String getHMScpUser() { return System.getProperty("hm.scp.username"); } public static String getHMScpPsd() { if (null != strPsd) { return strPsd; } strPsd = System.getProperty("hm.scp.password"); String strPsdExec = "/HiveManager/encryptscpuser/"; File fExecFile = new File(strPsdExec); if (!fExecFile.exists() || !fExecFile.isFile()) { DebugUtil.adminDebugWarn("NmsUtil.getHMScpPsd() no find /HiveManager/encryptscpuser/"); return strPsd; } // call script to verify the certificate String strCmd = "sh " + strPsdExec; List<String> strRsltList = BeAdminCentOSTools.getOutStreamsExecCmd(strCmd); if (null == strRsltList || 0 == strRsltList.size()) { DebugUtil.adminDebugWarn("NmsUtil.getHMScpPsd() no return could not charge"); return strPsd; } strPsd = strRsltList.get(0); return strPsd; } /** * Get the inner version of HiveManager * *@return null if there is something wrong */ public static String getInnerVersion() { FileManager fileM = FileManager.getInstance(); try { String[] version = fileM.readFile(AhDirTools.getHmRoot() + "WEB-INF/hmconf/.inner.ver"); if (null != version && version.length == 1) { return version[0]; } } catch (Exception ex) { DebugUtil.commonDebugWarn("NmsUtil.getInnerVersion() catch exception", ex); } return null; } public static BeVersionInfo getVersionInfo() { return getVersionInfo(System.getenv("HM_ROOT") + "/WEB-INF/hmconf/hivemanager.ver"); } public static String getHMCurrentVersion() { BeVersionInfo verInfo = getVersionInfo(); String strMainVersion = verInfo.getMainVersion(); String strSubVersion = verInfo.getSubVersion(); return strMainVersion + "." + strSubVersion + ".0"; } /** * If this system is a hosted hm application * *@return boolean */ public static boolean isHostedHMApplication() { return isHHMApp; } public static boolean isPlanner() { return isPlanner; } public static boolean isDemoHHM() { return isDemo; } public static String getGmAPIKey() { return gmAPIKey; } public static String getGmLicenseKey() { return gmLicenseKey; } public static boolean isEnableYUICDN() { return enableYUICDN; } /** * check whether support http connection. * * @return - */ public static boolean isHTTPEnable() { return httpEnable; } public static BeVersionInfo getVersionInfo(String strFile) { BeVersionInfo oVerInfo = new BeVersionInfo(); File file = new File(strFile); if (!file.exists()) { oVerInfo.setMainVersion(""); oVerInfo.setSubVersion(""); oVerInfo.setStatus(""); oVerInfo.setBuildTime(""); oVerInfo.setImageUid(0); oVerInfo.setTvMainVer(""); oVerInfo.setTvSubVer(""); } else { try { String strMainVersion = FileManager.getInstance().readFile(strFile, "MAINVERSION"); oVerInfo.setMainVersion(strMainVersion == null ? "" : strMainVersion); String strSubVersion = FileManager.getInstance().readFile(strFile, "SUBVERSION"); oVerInfo.setSubVersion(strSubVersion == null ? "" : strSubVersion); String strStatus = FileManager.getInstance().readFile(strFile, "STATUS"); oVerInfo.setStatus(strStatus == null ? "" : strStatus); String strBuildTime = FileManager.getInstance().readFile(strFile, "BUILDTIME"); oVerInfo.setBuildTime(strBuildTime == null ? "" : strBuildTime); String strUid = FileManager.getInstance().readFile(strFile, "UID"); oVerInfo.setImageUid(strUid == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(strUid)); String strTvMainVer = FileManager.getInstance().readFile(strFile, "TVMAINVER"); oVerInfo.setTvMainVer(strTvMainVer == null ? "" : strTvMainVer); String strTvSubVer = FileManager.getInstance().readFile(strFile, "TVSUBVER"); oVerInfo.setTvSubVer(strTvSubVer == null ? "" : strTvSubVer); } catch (Exception e) { DebugUtil.commonDebugWarn("NmsUtil.getVersionInfo() catch exception", e); } } return oVerInfo; } public static String getHiveOSVersion(BeVersionInfo hmVersion) { if (null != hmVersion) { String ver = hmVersion.getMainVersion(); String reVer = hmVersion.getSubVersion(); String end = ".0"; return ver + "." + reVer + end; } return null; } public static String getUserMessage(String code) { return MgrUtil.getUserMessage(code); } public static String getUserMessage(String code, String[] params) { return MgrUtil.getUserMessage(code, params); } public static String getHiveosErrorMessage(int errorCode) { String str_code = AhDecoder.bytes2hex(AhDecoder.toByteArray(errorCode, 4), true).toLowerCase(); return getUserMessage("hm.hiveos.code." + str_code); } /** * This function is used to get the IP address prefix, just like * '', returned value is '' * * @param ipAddress * - * @return - */ public static String getIpPrefix(String ipAddress) { if (null == ipAddress || ipAddress.isEmpty()) { return ipAddress; } int index = ipAddress.indexOf('.'); if (index > 0) { String first = ipAddress.substring(0, index); int second_index = ipAddress.indexOf('.', index + 1); if (second_index > 0) { String second = ipAddress.substring(index + 1, second_index); return first + "." + second + ".0.0"; } } return ipAddress; } /** * This function is used to get the net mask string, just like * '16', returned value is '' * * @param masknum * - * @return - */ public static String getNetmask(int masknum) { int mask = 0; for (int i = 0; i < masknum; i++) { mask = mask | (1 << (31 - i)); } StringBuilder stringBuffer = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int value = 0XFF & (mask >> (24 - 8 * i)); if (0 != i) { stringBuffer.append("."); } stringBuffer.append(value); } return stringBuffer.toString(); } private static final int YEAR_VALUE_IN_SECOND = 3600 * 24 * 365; private static final int DAY_VALUE_IN_SECOND = 3600 * 24; private static final int HOUR_VALUE_IN_SECOND = 3600; private static final int MINUTE_VALUE_IN_SECOND = 60; /** * This Method is transform time int value to String value to display * * @param second * - * @return - */ public static String transformTime(int second) { second = second < 0 ? 0 : second; String str_time; int int_year = second / YEAR_VALUE_IN_SECOND; int remain_days = second % YEAR_VALUE_IN_SECOND; int int_day = remain_days / DAY_VALUE_IN_SECOND; int remain_hours = remain_days % DAY_VALUE_IN_SECOND; int int_hour = remain_hours / HOUR_VALUE_IN_SECOND; int remain_minutes = remain_hours % HOUR_VALUE_IN_SECOND; int int_min = remain_minutes / MINUTE_VALUE_IN_SECOND; int int_sec = remain_minutes % MINUTE_VALUE_IN_SECOND; if (second >= YEAR_VALUE_IN_SECOND) { str_time = int_year + " Years " + int_day + " Days, " + int_hour + " Hrs " + int_min + " Mins " + int_sec + " Secs"; } else if (second >= DAY_VALUE_IN_SECOND && second < YEAR_VALUE_IN_SECOND) { str_time = int_day + " Days, " + int_hour + " Hrs " + int_min + " Mins " + int_sec + " Secs"; } else if (second >= HOUR_VALUE_IN_SECOND && second < DAY_VALUE_IN_SECOND) { str_time = int_hour + " Hrs " + int_min + " Mins " + int_sec + " Secs"; } else if (second >= MINUTE_VALUE_IN_SECOND && second < HOUR_VALUE_IN_SECOND) { str_time = int_min + " Mins " + int_sec + " Secs"; } else { str_time = int_sec + " Secs"; } return str_time; } /** * refactor transformTime(). <yizhou> * * @param second - * @return - */ public static String transformTime_(int second) { String _str = ""; int year = second / YEAR_VALUE_IN_SECOND; if (year > 0) { _str = year + " years"; } second = second % YEAR_VALUE_IN_SECOND; int day = second / DAY_VALUE_IN_SECOND; if (day > 0) { if (_str.length() > 0) { _str = _str + " "; } _str = _str + day + " days"; } second = second % DAY_VALUE_IN_SECOND; int hour = second / HOUR_VALUE_IN_SECOND; if (hour > 0) { if (_str.length() > 0) { _str = _str + " "; } _str = _str + hour + " hrs"; } second = second % HOUR_VALUE_IN_SECOND; int min = second / MINUTE_VALUE_IN_SECOND; if (min > 0) { if (_str.length() > 0) { _str = _str + " "; } _str = _str + min + " mins"; } second = second % MINUTE_VALUE_IN_SECOND; if (second > 0) { if (_str.length() > 0) { _str = _str + " "; } _str = _str + second + " secs"; } _str = _str.length() > 0 ? _str : "0 secs"; return _str; } public static String getCLIFormatString(int value_seconds) { if (value_seconds < 0) { return "00:00:00"; } int hour = value_seconds / 3600; int minute = value_seconds % 3600 / 60; int second = value_seconds % 3600 % 60; String str_hour; String str_min; String str_sec; if (hour < 10) { str_hour = "0" + hour; } else { str_hour = String.valueOf(hour); } if (minute < 10) { str_min = "0" + minute; } else { str_min = String.valueOf(minute); } if (second < 10) { str_sec = "0" + second; } else { str_sec = String.valueOf(second); } return str_hour + ":" + str_min + ":" + str_sec; } public static String generatePassphrase() { Random random = new Random(); StringBuilder passphrase = new StringBuilder(); int range = AH_LEGAL_PASS_PHRASE_CHARS.length; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int randomIndex = random.nextInt(range); passphrase.append(AH_LEGAL_PASS_PHRASE_CHARS[randomIndex]); } return passphrase.toString(); } public static int getNewDtlsKeyId(int currentId) { int newId = currentId + 1; if (newId > 255) { newId = 1; } return newId; } /*- public static String getHostAddress(String domainName) { String hostAddress = domainName; if (domainName != null) { try {"getHostAddress", "# domain name " + domainName); InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getByName(domainName.trim()); hostAddress = ia.getHostAddress();"getHostAddress", "# parsed host address " + hostAddress); } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { log.error("getHostAddress", "Parsing domain failed.", uhe); } } return hostAddress; }*/ /** * * get the Configured CAPWAP Server of the given HiveAP. * * @param hiveAp * Object. it must be loaded of capwapIpBind item. * @param isPrimary - * @return - */ public static String getCapwapServer(HiveAp hiveAp, boolean isPrimary) { if (null == hiveAp) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid hiveAp object."); } if (isPrimary) { //HM online get from HMServicesSettings if (NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication()) { HMServicesSettings hmSet = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(HMServicesSettings.class, "owner.domainName", HmDomain.HOME_DOMAIN); if (null != hmSet && hmSet.getVirtualHostName() != null && !"".equals(hmSet.getVirtualHostName())) { return hmSet.getVirtualHostName(); } } IpAddress capwapIp = hiveAp.getCapwapIpBind(); // get from configured IP; if (null != capwapIp) { try { SingleTableItem item = CLICommonFunc.getIpAddress(capwapIp, hiveAp); return item.getIpAddress(); } catch (CreateXMLException e) { log.debug("getCapwapServer", "no matched item exist in IP Address object."); } } // get from CAPWAP Settings List<CapwapSettings> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(CapwapSettings.class, null, null); if (!list.isEmpty()) { CapwapSettings setting = list.get(0); String ip1 = setting.getPrimaryCapwapIP();"getCapwapServer", "CAPWAP Settings, primary ip:" + ip1); if (null != ip1 && !"".equals(ip1.trim()) && !"".equals(ip1.trim())) { return ip1; } } String bindIp = hiveAp.getCapwapLinkIp(); // get from bind CAPWAP IP; if (null != bindIp && !"".equals(bindIp.trim()) && !"".equals(bindIp.trim())) { return bindIp; } // get from default HiveManager IP; return HmBeOsUtil.getHiveManagerIPAddr(); } else { IpAddress capwapIp = hiveAp.getCapwapBackupIpBind(); // get from configured IP; if (null != capwapIp) { try { SingleTableItem item = CLICommonFunc.getIpAddress(capwapIp, hiveAp); return item.getIpAddress(); } catch (CreateXMLException e) { log.debug("getCapwapServer", "no matched backup item exist in IP Address object."); } } // get from CAPWAP Settings List<CapwapSettings> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(CapwapSettings.class, null, null); if (!list.isEmpty()) { CapwapSettings setting = list.get(0); String ip2 = setting.getBackupCapwapIP();"getCapwapServer", "CAPWAP Settings, backup ip:" + ip2); if (null != ip2 && !"".equals(ip2.trim()) && !"".equals(ip2.trim())) { return ip2; } } return null; } } /** * * get the Running CAPWAP server of the given HiveAP. * * @param hiveAp * - * @return - */ public static String getRunningCapwapServer(HiveAp hiveAp) { if (null == hiveAp) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid hiveAp object."); } String capwapIp = hiveAp.getCapwapLinkIp(); // get from bind CAPWAP IP; if (null != capwapIp && !"".equals(capwapIp.trim()) && !"".equals(capwapIp.trim())) { return capwapIp; } // get from CAPWAP Settings List<CapwapSettings> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(CapwapSettings.class, null, null); if (!list.isEmpty()) { CapwapSettings setting = list.get(0); String ip1 = setting.getPrimaryCapwapIP(); String ip2 = setting.getBackupCapwapIP();"getRunningCapwapServer", "CAPWAP Settings, primary ip:" + ip1 + ", backup ip:" + ip2); if (null != ip1 && !"".equals(ip1.trim()) && !"".equals(ip1.trim())) { return ip1; } if (null != ip2 && !"".equals(ip2.trim()) && !"".equals(ip2.trim())) { return ip2; } } // get from default HiveManager IP; return HmBeOsUtil.getHiveManagerIPAddr(); } /** * * get the Running CAPWAP server of the given SimpleHiveAP. * * @param hiveAp * - * @return - */ public static String getRunningCapwapServer(SimpleHiveAp hiveAp) { if (null == hiveAp) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid hiveAp object."); } String capwapIp = hiveAp.getCapwapLinkIp(); // get from bind CAPWAP IP; if (null != capwapIp && !"".equals(capwapIp.trim()) && !"".equals(capwapIp.trim())) { return capwapIp; } // get from CAPWAP Settings List<CapwapSettings> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(CapwapSettings.class, null, null); if (!list.isEmpty()) { CapwapSettings setting = list.get(0); String ip1 = setting.getPrimaryCapwapIP(); String ip2 = setting.getBackupCapwapIP();"getRunningCapwapServer", "CAPWAP Settings, primary ip:" + ip1 + ", backup ip:" + ip2); if (null != ip1 && !"".equals(ip1.trim()) && !"".equals(ip1.trim())) { return ip1; } if (null != ip2 && !"".equals(ip2.trim()) && !"".equals(ip2.trim())) { return ip2; } } // get from default HiveManager IP; return HmBeOsUtil.getHiveManagerIPAddr(); } /** * <p> * Check if the port specified is occupied by some certain process/socket in * the current system. * </p> * * @param port * the number of port to be checked for. * @return <tt>true</tt> if the port given is occupied by a certain * process/socket, <tt>false</tt> otherwise. * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs. * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted by another thread while it is waiting for the result. */ public static boolean checkPortOccupancy(int port) throws IOException, InterruptedException { boolean occupied = false; String cmdForWindows = "netstat -ano|findstr \":" + port + "\\>\""; String cmdForLinux = "netstat -anp|grep \":" + port + " \""; String os = System.getProperty(""); String[] cmdArray = os.toLowerCase().contains("windows") ? new String[] { "cmd.exe", "/C", cmdForWindows } : new String[] { "bash", "-c", cmdForLinux }; Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process proc = null; BufferedReader reader = null;"checkPortOccupancy", "Executing netstat cmd: " + cmdArray[0] + " " + cmdArray[1] + " " + cmdArray[2]); try { proc = runtime.exec(cmdArray); int exitValue = proc.waitFor();"checkPortOccupancy", "Netstat cmd was executed and exit value related to the process was " + exitValue); if (exitValue == 0) { InputStream input = proc.getInputStream(); if (input != null) { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input)); String readLine = reader.readLine(); occupied = readLine != null; } } } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("checkPortOccupancy", "I/O Error in closing BufferedReader", ioe); } } if (proc != null) { proc.destroy(); } } return occupied; } public static List<Integer> checkUsingPorts() throws IOException { String cmdForWindows = "netstat -ano"; String cmdForLinux = "netstat -anp"; String os = System.getProperty(""); String[] cmdArray = os.toLowerCase().contains("windows") ? new String[] { "cmd.exe", "/C", cmdForWindows } : new String[] { "bash", "-c", cmdForLinux }; Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process proc = null; BufferedReader reader = null;"checkUsingPorts", "Executing netstat cmd: " + cmdArray[0] + " " + cmdArray[1] + " " + cmdArray[2]); try { proc = runtime.exec(cmdArray); InputStream in = proc.getInputStream(); if (in == null) { throw new IOException("Could not get the input stream from Process when executing " + cmdArray[0] + " " + cmdArray[1] + " " + cmdArray[2]); } reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); List<Integer> usingPorts = new ArrayList<Integer>(); String rawLine; while ((rawLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { rawLine = rawLine.trim().toUpperCase(); if (rawLine.startsWith("TCP") || rawLine.startsWith("UDP")) { for (StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(rawLine, " "); token.hasMoreTokens();) { String field = token.nextToken(); // The string token firstly containing the character of ":" is the "Local Address" // field and the sub-string behind the last ":" is the port number being used. int lastColonIndex = field.lastIndexOf(":"); if (lastColonIndex != -1) { String strPort = null; try { strPort = field.substring(lastColonIndex + 1); int usingPort = Integer.parseInt(strPort); if (!usingPorts.contains(usingPort)) { usingPorts.add(usingPort); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { log.error("checkUsingPorts", strPort + " is not a numeric.", nfe); } break; } } } } Collections.sort(usingPorts); return usingPorts; } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("checkUsingPorts", "I/O Error in closing BufferedReader", ioe); } } if (proc != null) { proc.destroy(); } } } /* * @description: check if need show the info about restore data * * @author Lanbao * * @Input: null * * @return: boolean yes: means need; false:do not need; */ public static boolean isShowUpdateLog(HmDomain oDomain) { String strFile = "/HiveManager/downloads/" + oDomain.getDomainName() + "/.need_show_logs"; File oFile = new File(strFile); if (!oFile.exists() || !oFile.isFile()) { return false; } // check the database if have the data for updatelog. List<HmUpgradeLog> listData = QueryUtil.executeQuery(HmUpgradeLog.class, null, null, oDomain.getId()); return !listData.isEmpty(); } /* * @description: clean the flag file * * @author Lanbao * * @Input: null * * @return: null */ public static void clearShowUpdateLogFlag(HmDomain oDomain) { String strFile = "/HiveManager/downloads/" + oDomain.getDomainName() + "/.need_show_logs"; File oFile = new File(strFile); if (oFile.exists() && oFile.isFile()) { if (!oFile.delete()) { oFile.delete(); } } } public synchronized static int getDebugGroupId() { int value = debugGroupId.getAndIncrement(); if (value == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { debugGroupId.set(1); } return value; } public static int compareSoftwareVersion(String ver1, String ver2) { if (ver1 == null || ver2 == null) { return 0; } int diffValue = 0; for (StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(ver1, "."), st2 = new StringTokenizer(ver2, "."); st1 .hasMoreTokens() && st2.hasMoreTokens();) { diffValue = Integer.valueOf(st1.nextToken()) - Integer.valueOf(st2.nextToken()); if (diffValue != 0) { break; } } return diffValue; } static final char[] str = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }; static final char[] strUpper = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z' }; static final char[] strNumber = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }; /** * generate random string base on given string length * * @param len - * @return - */ public static String genRandomString(int len) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(""); Random r = new Random(); int count = 0; while (count < len) { int i = Math.abs(r.nextInt(str.length - 1)); if (i >= 0 && i < str.length) { result.append(str[i]); count++; } } return result.toString(); } /** * generate random string base on given string length * * @param len - * @return - */ public static String genRandomStringAdvanced(int len) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(""); Random r = new Random(); boolean hasUpCase = false; boolean hasNumber = false; // must include at least one number and one uppercase character while (!hasUpCase || !hasNumber) { result = new StringBuilder(""); int count = 0; while (count < len) { int i = Math.abs(r.nextInt(str.length - 1)); if (i >= 0 && i < str.length) { if (!hasUpCase) { hasUpCase = strUpper.toString().contains(String.valueOf(str[i])); } if (!hasNumber) { hasNumber = strNumber.toString().contains(String.valueOf(str[i])); } result.append(str[i]); count++; } } } return result.toString(); } public static boolean isHmInService() { HAMonitor haMonitor = HAUtil.getHAMonitor(); HAStatus haStatus = haMonitor.getCurrentStatus(); int status = haStatus.getStatus(); return status == HAStatus.STATUS_STAND_ALONG || status == HAStatus.STATUS_HA_MASTER; } /** * check is the IP address is local * * @param ip the given IpAddress object * @return true if the IP address is local, false if not * @author Joseph Chen */ public static boolean isLocalAddress(IpAddress ip) { if (ip == null) { return false; } /* * get local ip address */ Set<String> localIps = getHMAddress(); if (localIps == null) { return false; } /* * compare */ for (SingleTableItem item : ip.getItems()) { if (item == null) { continue; } if (localIps.contains(item.getIpAddress())) { return true; } } return false; } private static Set<String> getHMAddress() { Set<String> ipSet = new HashSet<String>(); /* * get IP address from eth0/eth1 */ NetConfigImplInterface networkService; if (AhAppContainer.HmBe == null) { String os = System.getProperty(""); networkService = os.toLowerCase().contains("windows") ? new WindowsNetConfigImpl() : new LinuxNetConfigImpl(); } else { networkService = AhAppContainer.HmBe.getOsModule().getNetworkService(); } String eth0 = networkService.getIP_eth0(); if (eth0 != null && !eth0.equals("")) { ipSet.add(eth0); } String eth1 = networkService.getIP_eth1(); if (eth1 != null && !eth1.equals("")) { ipSet.add(eth1); } /* * get IP address from CAPWAP setting */ List<?> capwaps = QueryUtil.executeQuery( "select bo.primaryCapwapIP, bo.backupCapwapIP from " + CapwapSettings.class.getSimpleName() + " bo", null, null); if (capwaps != null) { for (Object obj : capwaps) { if (obj == null) { continue; } Object[] list = (Object[]) obj; if (list[0] != null) { if (!"".equals(list[0])) ipSet.add((String) list[0]); } if (list[1] != null) { if (!"".equals(list[1])) ipSet.add((String) list[1]); } } } /* * get IP address from HiveAP table */ List<?> hiveaps = QueryUtil.executeQuery( "select bo.capwapLinkIp from " + HiveAp.class.getSimpleName() + " bo", null, new FilterParams("connected", true)); if (hiveaps != null) { for (Object obj : hiveaps) { if (obj == null) { continue; } if (!"".equals(obj)) ipSet.add((String) obj); } } return ipSet; } // /** // * get the DNS name of Portal // * // * @return - // * @author Joseph Chen // */ // public static String getPortalDNSName() { // return PORTAL_DNS_NAME; // } /** * get the e-mail address of Aerohive Support Center * * @return - * @author Joseph Chen */ public static String getSupportMail() { return SUPPORT_MAIL_ADDRESS; } /** * Check software updates exist in license server * *@return boolean */ public static boolean existSoftUpdate() { LicenseServerSetting lsSet = HmBeActivationUtil.getLicenseServerInfo(); // get new version flag ActivationKeyOperation.getNewVersionFlag(lsSet); try { QueryUtil.updateBo(lsSet); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("existSoftUpdate", "Update license server setting Error.", ex); } return lsSet.isAvailableSoftToUpdate(); } /** * charge the proxy for http * * @return boolean true * @author Lanbao xiao */ public static boolean isHttpProxy() { // String strGmDir = "/var/www/html/gm"; // String strHttpdConf = "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"; // File fGmDir = new File(strGmDir); // File fHttpdConf = new File(strHttpdConf); // return fGmDir.exists() && fGmDir.isDirectory() && fHttpdConf.exists() && fHttpdConf.isFile(); // return fHttpdConf.exists() && fHttpdConf.isFile(); return false; } /** * The function will return the web application url String with http (not https) * * @param request - * @return - */ public static String getWebAppHttpUrl(HttpServletRequest request) { String httpUrl; if (useHttpProxy) { // with proxy setting, the url will be hard coded httpUrl = "http://" + request.getServerName() + ":8080" + request.getContextPath() + "/"; } else { // rewrite by the request information if ("https".equals(request.getScheme())) { if (request.getServerPort() == 8443) { httpUrl = "http://" + request.getServerName() + ":8080" + request.getContextPath() + "/"; } else { httpUrl = "http://" + request.getServerName() + request.getContextPath() + "/"; } } else { httpUrl = request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort() + request.getContextPath() + "/"; } }"getWebAppHttpUrl", httpUrl); return httpUrl; } /** *The function will return the number of admin therads *@return the num for threads */ public static int getAdminThreadsNum() { try { return Integer.parseInt(ADMIN_THREADS_NUM); } catch (Exception ex) {; return 5; } } /** * is debug model * * @return - */ public static boolean isDebugModel() { return ConfigUtil .getConfigInfo(ConfigUtil.SECTION_APPLICATION, ConfigUtil.KEY_APPLICATION_SOFTWARE_MODEL, ConfigUtil.VALUE_SOFTWARE_MODEL_RELEASE) .equalsIgnoreCase(ConfigUtil.VALUE_SOFTWARE_MODEL_DEBUG); } /** * Get the url of CAS Client (local machine) * *@return String */ public static String getCasClient() { String casClient = CasTool.getCasClient(); /* * if casClient is null, return the IP address of HM */ return casClient != null ? casClient : "https://" + HmBeOsUtil.getHiveManagerIPAddr(); } /** * Get the URL of Auth Server. * * @return the URL of Auth Server. */ public static String getAuthServiceURL() { if (authServiceURL == null) { authServiceURL = CasTool.getCasServer(); } return authServiceURL + "/cas"; } /** * Get the URL of MyHive. * * @return the URL of MyHive. */ public static String getMyHiveServiceURL() { if (myHiveServiceURL == null) { myHiveServiceURL = ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(ConfigUtil.SECTION_SUPPORT, ConfigUtil.KEY_MYHIVE_URL, ""); } return myHiveServiceURL; } /** * Get the URL of Portal. * *@return the URL of Portal. */ public static String getPortalServiceURL() { // get the value from database List<?> portalUrls = QueryUtil.executeQuery( "SELECT primaryCapwapIP FROM " + CapwapClient.class.getSimpleName(), null, new FilterParams("serverType", CapwapClient.SERVERTYPE_PORTAL), (Long) null, 1); // HMOL use the value in database if (isHostedHMApplication()) { // On-Premise HM } else { // check beta flag List<?> betaFlags = QueryUtil.executeQuery( "SELECT enabledBetaIDM FROM " + HMServicesSettings.class.getSimpleName(), null, new FilterParams("owner.domainName", HmDomain.HOME_DOMAIN), (Long) null, 1); boolean useBeta = false; if (!betaFlags.isEmpty()) { useBeta = (Boolean) betaFlags.get(0); } if (useBeta) { return "https://" + PORTAL_URL_FOR_ONPREMISE_HM_BETA + ":443"; } } String portalStr = PORTAL_URL_FOR_ONPREMISE_HM; // the value exists in database if (!portalUrls.isEmpty()) { // the value is not '' or null if (!StringUtils.isBlank((String) portalUrls.get(0))) { portalStr = (String) portalUrls.get(0); } } return "https://" + portalStr + ":443"; } /** * Get the URL of Redirector. * * @return the URL of Redirector */ public static String getRedirectorServiceURL() { if (redirectorServiceURL == null) { redirectorServiceURL = ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(ConfigUtil.SECTION_SUPPORT, ConfigUtil.KEY_REDIRECTOR_URL, ""); } return redirectorServiceURL; } /** * check if it is default ECWP server * * @return - * @author Joseph Chen */ public static boolean isEcwpDefault() { return ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(ConfigUtil.SECTION_APPLICATION, ConfigUtil.KEY_ECWPSERVER, ConfigUtil.VALUE_ECWP_DEFAULT).equalsIgnoreCase(ConfigUtil.VALUE_ECWP_DEFAULT); } /** * check if it is DePaul ECWP server * * @return - * @author Joseph Chen */ public static boolean isEcwpDepaul() { return ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(ConfigUtil.SECTION_APPLICATION, ConfigUtil.KEY_ECWPSERVER, ConfigUtil.VALUE_ECWP_DEFAULT).equalsIgnoreCase(ConfigUtil.VALUE_ECWP_DEPAUL); } /** * check if it is DePaul ECWP server * * @return - * @author Joseph Chen */ public static boolean isEcwpNnu() { return ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(ConfigUtil.SECTION_APPLICATION, ConfigUtil.KEY_ECWPSERVER, ConfigUtil.VALUE_ECWP_DEFAULT).equalsIgnoreCase(ConfigUtil.VALUE_ECWP_NNU); } public static String getHiveApMacOuis() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); String[] macs = getHiveApMacOui(); if (macs.length > 0) { result.append(macs[0]); for (int i = 1; i < macs.length; i++) { result.append(","); result.append(macs[i]); } } return result.toString(); } public static String[] getHiveApMacOui() { return getOEMCustomer().getMACOUI(); } public static boolean isAhMacOui(String mac) { if (mac == null || mac.length() < 6) return false; for (String str : getOEMCustomer().getMACOUI()) { if (mac.toUpperCase().startsWith(str.toUpperCase())) return true; } return false; } /* * get simulate flag by ap name */ public static boolean isSimulatedHiveAPByApName(String apName) { if (null == apName) return false; int index = apName.indexOf("SIMU-"); return index == 0; } /* * get simulate flag by ap mac */ public static boolean isSimulatedHiveAPByApMac(String apMac) { if (null == apMac) return false; if (apMac.length() != 12) return false; try { int macNumber = Integer.parseInt(apMac.substring(6), 16); return macNumber < 80000; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * @return the redirect port of the web server. */ public static int getWebServerRedirectPort() { return webServerRedirectPort; } /** * @return the authentication method used for logging in the web server. */ public static String getWebServerLoginAuthMethod() { return webServerLoginAuthMethod; } public static boolean isGlobalTeacherViewEnabled() { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("SELECT enableteacher FROM hmservicessettings s, hm_domain d "); sql.append("WHERE AND d.domainname=\'").append(HmDomain.HOME_DOMAIN).append("\'"); List<?> results = QueryUtil.executeNativeQuery(sql.toString()); return !results.isEmpty() && (Boolean) results.get(0); } public static boolean isTeacherViewEnabled(HmUser userContext) { if (!isGlobalTeacherViewEnabled()) { return false; } HMServicesSettings settings = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(HMServicesSettings.class, "owner", userContext.getOwner()); return settings.isEnableTeacher() && NmsUtil.TEACHER_VIEW_GLOBAL_ENABLED; } public static boolean isOpenDNSEnabled(HmDomain domain) { HMServicesSettings settings = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(HMServicesSettings.class, "owner", domain); return settings.isEnableOpenDNS(); } public static boolean isProduction() { return isHHMApp && !isPlanner && !isDemo; } public static OEMCustomer getOEMCustomer() { if (oemCustomer != null) { return oemCustomer; } oemCustomer = new OEMCustomer(); String path = AhDirTools.getHmRoot() + "resources" + File.separator + OEM_RESOURCE_FILE_NAME; InputStream in; try { in = new FileInputStream(path); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { setDefaultOEM(); return oemCustomer; } Properties properties = new Properties(); try { properties.load(in); } catch (IOException e) { setDefaultOEM(); log.error("Failed to load the OEM customer from properties file.", e); return oemCustomer; } oemCustomer.setBlackboxFlag(properties.getProperty("blackbox", "false")); /* * company name */ oemCustomer.setCompanyName(properties.getProperty("company_name", "Aerohive")); /* * company full name */ oemCustomer.setCompanyFullName(properties.getProperty("company_full_name", "Aerohive Networks, Inc.")); /* * abbreviation of company name */ oemCustomer.setCompanyAbbreviation(properties.getProperty("company_name_abbreviation", "AH")); /* * home page */ oemCustomer.setHomePage(properties.getProperty("home_page", "")); /* * access point name */ oemCustomer.setAccessPonitName(properties.getProperty("access_point_name", "Device")); /* * access point name HiveBR */ oemCustomer.setAccessPonitNameBR(properties.getProperty("access_point_name_br", "Routers")); /* * access point name CVG */ oemCustomer .setAccessPonitNameCVG(properties.getProperty("access_point_name_cvg", "HiveOS Virtual Appliance")); /* * NMS Name */ oemCustomer.setNmsName(properties.getProperty("nms_name", "HiveManager")); /* * NMS Name abbreviation */ oemCustomer.setNmsNameAbbreviation(properties.getProperty("nms_name_abbreviation", "HM")); /* * access point OS */ oemCustomer.setAccessPointOS(properties.getProperty("access_point_os", "HiveOS")); /* * wireless network unit */ oemCustomer.setWirelessUnitName(properties.getProperty("wireless_unit_name", "Hive")); /* * password for HM super user */ oemCustomer.setDefaultHMPassword(properties.getProperty("hm_root_password", "aerohive")); /* * password for AP super user */ oemCustomer.setDefaultAPPassword(properties.getProperty("ap_root_password", "aerohive")); /* * password for AP access console */ oemCustomer.setDefaultAccessConsolePassword(properties.getProperty("access_console_password", "aerohive")); /* * SNMP contact */ oemCustomer.setSNMPContact(properties.getProperty("snmp_contact", "")); /* * MAC OUI */ oemCustomer.setMACOUI(properties.getProperty("mac_oui", "001977").split(",")); /* * support mail address */ oemCustomer.setSupportMail(properties.getProperty("support_mail_address", "")); /* * sales mail address */ oemCustomer.setSalesMail(properties.getProperty("sales_mail_address", "")); /* * orders mail address */ oemCustomer.setOrdersMail(properties.getProperty("orders_mail_address", "")); /* * help link */ oemCustomer.setHelpLink( properties.getProperty("help_link", "")); /* * company address */ oemCustomer.setCompanyAddress( properties.getProperty("company_address", "330 Gibraltar Drive, Sunnyvale CA 94089")); /* * register URL */ oemCustomer.setRegisterUrl(properties.getProperty("register_url", "")); /* * copyright */ oemCustomer.setNmsCopyright(properties.getProperty("nms_copyright", getCopyrightDate())); /* * express mode enable */ oemCustomer .setExpressModeEnable(Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty("express_mode_enable", "true"))); /* * ap series */ String apSeriesString = properties.getProperty("ap_series", ""); setApSeries(apSeriesString); /* * hm model number */ String hmModelNumber = properties.getProperty("hm_model_number", ""); setHMModelNumber(hmModelNumber); /* * lowest ap version */ oemCustomer.setApLowestVersion(properties.getProperty("ap_lowest_version", "3.5r3")); /* * default license server url */ oemCustomer.setDefaultLsUrl( properties.getProperty("default_license_server", LicenseServerSetting.DEFAULT_LICENSE_SERVER_URL)); oemCustomer.setDnsSuffix(properties.getProperty("dns_suffix", "")); oemCustomer.setTellMeMoreIDM(properties.getProperty("tell_me_more")); /* * support phone numbers */ oemCustomer.setSupportPhoneNumber(properties.getProperty("support_phone_number", "+1-408-510-6100")); oemCustomer.setSupportPhoneNumberUS(properties.getProperty("support_phone_number_us", "1-866-365-9918")); return oemCustomer; } private static void setApSeries(String apSeriesString) { if (apSeriesString == null || apSeriesString.trim().length() == 0) { return; } /* * format: HiveAP120<->LWN602A series, HiveAP340<->LWN602HA series */ String[] segments = apSeriesString.split(","); if (segments == null || segments.length == 0) { return; } for (String segment : segments) { String[] apSegs = segment.split("<->"); if (apSegs == null || apSegs.length != 2) { continue; } oemCustomer.addApSeries(apSegs[0].trim(), apSegs[1].trim()); } } private static void setHMModelNumber(String modelString) { if (modelString == null || modelString.trim().length() == 0) { return; } /* * format: APP_1U<->LWN600MA, APP_2U<->LWN601MA */ String[] segments = modelString.split(","); if (segments == null || segments.length == 0) { return; } for (String segment : segments) { String[] apSegs = segment.split("<->"); if (apSegs == null || apSegs.length != 2) { continue; } oemCustomer.addHMModelNumber(apSegs[0].trim(), apSegs[1].trim()); } } private static void setDefaultOEM() { /* * company name */ oemCustomer.setCompanyName("Aerohive"); /* * company name */ oemCustomer.setCompanyFullName("Aerohive Networks Inc."); /* * abbreviation of company name */ oemCustomer.setCompanyAbbreviation("AH"); /* * home page */ oemCustomer.setHomePage(""); /* * access point name */ oemCustomer.setAccessPonitName("Device"); /* * NMS Name */ oemCustomer.setNmsName("HiveManager"); /* * NMS Name abbreviation */ oemCustomer.setNmsNameAbbreviation("HM"); /* * access point OS */ oemCustomer.setAccessPointOS("HiveOS"); /* * wireless network unit */ oemCustomer.setWirelessUnitName("Hive"); /* * password for HM super user */ oemCustomer.setDefaultHMPassword("aerohive"); /* * password for AP super user */ oemCustomer.setDefaultAPPassword("aerohive"); /* * password for AP access console */ oemCustomer.setDefaultAccessConsolePassword("aerohive"); /* * SNMP contact */ oemCustomer.setSNMPContact(""); /* * MAC OUI */ oemCustomer.setMACOUI(new String[] { "001977", "4018B1", "E01C41", "08EA44" }); /* * support mail address */ oemCustomer.setSupportMail(""); /* * sales mail address */ oemCustomer.setSalesMail(""); /* * orders mail address */ oemCustomer.setOrdersMail(""); /* * help link */ oemCustomer.setHelpLink(""); /* * company address */ oemCustomer.setCompanyAddress("330 Gibraltar Drive, Sunnyvale CA 94089"); /* * register URL */ oemCustomer.setRegisterUrl(""); /* * copyright */ oemCustomer.setNmsCopyright(getCopyrightDate()); oemCustomer.setExpressModeEnable(true); /* * license server */ oemCustomer.setDefaultLsUrl(LicenseServerSetting.DEFAULT_LICENSE_SERVER_URL); oemCustomer.setDnsSuffix(""); } /** * To check if the current NMS is of OEM version * * @return - * @author Joseph Chen */ public static boolean isHMForOEM() { // return !(NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getCompanyName().toLowerCase().contains("aerohive") // && NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getHomePage().toLowerCase().contains("aerohive")); return NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getBlackboxFlag().equalsIgnoreCase("true"); } public static EnumItem[] filterHiveAPModel(EnumItem[] enumModel, boolean isEasyMode) { EnumItem[] modeEnum = enumModel; modeEnum = filterHiveAPModelForEasyMode(modeEnum, isEasyMode); modeEnum = filterHiveAPModelForOEM(modeEnum); Arrays.sort(modeEnum, new Comparator<EnumItem>() { @Override public int compare(EnumItem o1, EnumItem o2) { String value1 = o1.getValue() == null ? "" : o1.getValue(); String value2 = o2.getValue() == null ? "" : o2.getValue(); return value1.compareTo(value2); } }); return modeEnum; } public static String filterHiveAPModelString(EnumItem[] enumModel, boolean isEasyMode) { StringBuffer bf = new StringBuffer(); EnumItem[] modeEnum = enumModel; modeEnum = filterHiveAPModelForEasyMode(modeEnum, isEasyMode); modeEnum = filterHiveAPModelForOEM(modeEnum); Arrays.sort(modeEnum, new Comparator<EnumItem>() { @Override public int compare(EnumItem o1, EnumItem o2) { String value1 = o1.getValue() == null ? "" : o1.getValue(); String value2 = o2.getValue() == null ? "" : o2.getValue(); return value1.compareTo(value2); } }); for (EnumItem item : modeEnum) { if (HiveAp.isCVGAppliance((short) item.getKey())) { continue; } if (bf.length() > 0) { bf.append(", "); } bf.append(item.getValue()); } return bf.toString(); } public static EnumItem[] filterHiveAPModelPlanning(EnumItem[] enumModel, boolean isEasyMode) { EnumItem[] modeEnum = enumModel; modeEnum = filterHiveAPModelForEasyMode(modeEnum, isEasyMode); modeEnum = filterHiveAPModelForOEM(modeEnum); return modeEnum; } public static EnumItem[] filterHiveAPModelForEasyMode(EnumItem[] enumModel, boolean isEasyMode) { if (isEasyMode) { List<EnumItem> enumList = new ArrayList<EnumItem>(); for (EnumItem model : enumModel) { if (AhConstantUtil.isTrueAll(Device.SUPPORTED_HM_EXPRESS, (short) model.getKey())) { enumList.add(model); } } EnumItem[] resEnums = new EnumItem[enumList.size()]; int index = 0; for (EnumItem enumIte : enumList) { resEnums[index] = enumIte; index++; } return resEnums; } else { return enumModel; } } public static EnumItem[] filterHiveAPModelForOEM(EnumItem[] enumModel) { if (!NmsUtil.isHMForOEM()) { return enumModel; } Set<Integer> filterSet = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (EnumItem model : enumModel) { filterSet.add(model.getKey()); } Map<String, String> apModelMap = NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getApSeries(); if (apModelMap == null || apModelMap.isEmpty()) { return enumModel; } for (String keyStr : apModelMap.keySet()) { short modelKey = -1; if ("HiveAP28".equalsIgnoreCase(keyStr)) { modelKey = HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_28; } else if ("HiveAP20".equalsIgnoreCase(keyStr)) { modelKey = HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_20; } else if ("HiveAP320".equalsIgnoreCase(keyStr)) { modelKey = HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_320; } else if ("HiveAP340".equalsIgnoreCase(keyStr)) { modelKey = HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_340; } else if ("HiveAP380".equalsIgnoreCase(keyStr)) { modelKey = HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_380; } else if ("HiveAP330".equalsIgnoreCase(keyStr)) { modelKey = HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_330; } else if ("HiveAP350".equalsIgnoreCase(keyStr)) { modelKey = HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_350; } else if ("HiveAP370".equalsIgnoreCase(keyStr)) { modelKey = HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_370; } else if ("HiveAP390".equalsIgnoreCase(keyStr)) { modelKey = HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_390; } else if ("HiveAP120".equalsIgnoreCase(keyStr)) { modelKey = HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_120; } else if ("HiveAP110".equalsIgnoreCase(keyStr)) { modelKey = HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_110; } else if ("HiveAP121".equalsIgnoreCase(keyStr)) { modelKey = HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_121; } else if ("HiveAP141".equalsIgnoreCase(keyStr)) { modelKey = HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_141; } filterSet.remove((int) modelKey); } List<EnumItem> enumList = new ArrayList<EnumItem>(); for (EnumItem model : enumModel) { if (!filterSet.contains(model.getKey())) { enumList.add(model); } } EnumItem[] resEnums = new EnumItem[enumList.size()]; int index = 0; for (EnumItem enumIte : enumList) { resEnums[index] = enumIte; index++; } return resEnums; } public static boolean isHiveApADServer(HiveAp hiveAp) throws AhConfigRetrievedException { if (hiveAp == null) { throw new AhConfigRetrievedException(NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getAccessPonitName() + " is null"); } if (hiveAp.getIpAddress() == null || "".equals(hiveAp.getIpAddress())) { throw new AhConfigRetrievedException(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveApNoIp", hiveAp.getHostName())); } if (hiveAp.isSimulated()) { throw new AhConfigRetrievedException( MgrUtil.getUserMessage("warn.simulated.ap.config.fetch.nonsupport", "show running config")); } String cliResult; String showCfgCmd = AhCliFactory.showRunningConfig(hiveAp.getSoftVer(), true); BeCliEvent fetchCfgReq = new BeCliEvent(); int sequenceNum = AhAppContainer.getBeCommunicationModule().getSequenceNumber(); fetchCfgReq.setAp(hiveAp); fetchCfgReq.setClis(new String[] { showCfgCmd }); fetchCfgReq.setSequenceNum(sequenceNum); try { fetchCfgReq.buildPacket(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("fetchConfig", "Failed to build request to fetch running config from " + NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getAccessPonitName() + " " + hiveAp, e); throw new AhConfigRetrievedException( MgrUtil.getUserMessage("Failed to build request to fetch running config from " + NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getAccessPonitName())); } BeCommunicationEvent fetchConfigResp = AhAppContainer.getBeCommunicationModule() .sendSyncRequest(fetchCfgReq, 105); if (fetchConfigResp == null) { throw new AhConfigRetrievedException(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.config.fetch.failed")); } int respMsgType = fetchConfigResp.getMsgType(); switch (respMsgType) { case BeCommunicationConstant.MESSAGEELEMENTTYPE_CLIRESULT: try { fetchConfigResp.parsePacket(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AhConfigRetrievedException("Failed to parse the response of running config retrieval for " + NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getAccessPonitName() + " " + hiveAp); } BeCapwapCliResultEvent cliRetEvent = (BeCapwapCliResultEvent) fetchConfigResp; if (!cliRetEvent.isCliSuccessful()) { String errorCli = cliRetEvent.getErrorCli(); log.error("fetchConfig", "Failed to fetch running config from HiveAP " + hiveAp + " using CLI: " + errorCli); throw new AhConfigRetrievedException("Failed to fetch running config from " + NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getAccessPonitName() + " " + hiveAp + " using CLI: " + errorCli); } cliResult = cliRetEvent.getCliSucceedMessage(); break; case BeCommunicationConstant.MESSAGETYPE_CLIRSP: default: throw new AhConfigRetrievedException("Failed to fetch running config from " + NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getAccessPonitName() + " " + hiveAp); } if (cliResult == null || "".equals(cliResult)) { throw new AhConfigRetrievedException("Failed to fetch running config from " + NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getAccessPonitName() + " " + hiveAp); } String regex = "aaa radius-server local db-type active-directory (primary|backup1|backup2|backup3)"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(cliResult); return matcher.matches(); } public static void test() { /* * test all fields of OEMCustomer which should be read from the properties file. */ OEMCustomer oem = NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer(); Field[] fields = OEMCustomer.class.getDeclaredFields(); try { for (Field field : fields) { field.setAccessible(true); String value = (String) field.get(oem); System.out.println(field.getName() + ": \t" + value); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * send an email to the HA email user, default email address is <b>''</b> * * @author Yunzhi Lin * - Time: Jan 13, 2011 5:03:47 PM * @param subject - * @param mailContent - */ public static void sendMailToAdminUser(String subject, String mailContent) { // if (!NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication()){ // log.warn("it isn't an online HM, no need to send mail!"); // return; // }"---------start send email to admin user---------------"); //get the home domain of the MailNotification List<MailNotification> mailNotification = QueryUtil.executeQuery(MailNotification.class, null, null, BoMgmt.getDomainMgmt().getHomeDomain().getId()); if (null == mailNotification || mailNotification.isEmpty()) { log.error("sendMailToAdminUser", "Unable to get the mail server setting. Please configure it."); } else { MailNotification notification = mailNotification.get(0); String serverName = notification.getServerName(); String mailFrom = notification.getMailFrom(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(serverName) || StringUtils.isBlank(mailFrom)) { log.error("sendMailToAdminUser", "The mail server setting is incorrect. Please check settings - serverName:" + serverName + " mailFrom:" + mailFrom); return; } String superUserEmail; if (NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication()) { // get the HA Notify Email List<?> nativeQueryResult = QueryUtil.executeNativeQuery("select hanotifyemail from ha_settings"); if (null == nativeQueryResult || nativeQueryResult.isEmpty()) { log.error("sendMailToAdminUser", "Unable to get the HA Notify email address."); return; } superUserEmail = nativeQueryResult.get(0).toString(); } else { if (StringUtils.isBlank(notification.getMailTo())) { log.error("sendMailToAdminUser", "The mail server setting is incorrect. Please check settings - mailTo:" + notification.getMailTo()); return; } superUserEmail = notification.getMailTo(); } SendMailUtil mailUtil = new SendMailUtil(notification); mailUtil.setMailTo(superUserEmail); mailUtil.setSubject(subject); mailUtil.setMailContentType("text/html"); mailUtil.setText(SendMailUtil.addHeadAndFoot(mailContent)); mailUtil.addShowfile(AhDirTools.getHmRoot() + "images" + File.separator + "company_logo.png"); try {"will send email to " + superUserEmail + " subject:" + subject + " mailContent:" + mailContent); mailUtil.startSend();"---------end send email to admin user---------------"); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("sendMailToAdminUser", "Unable to send main to " + superUserEmail, e); } } } // get numbers from number range string (1,4-8,7-10 => 1,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) public static Short[] getNumbersFromRange(String range) { List<Short> numbers = new ArrayList<Short>(); if (range == null || range.trim().length() == 0) return null; String[] strs = range.split(","); for (String str : strs) { if (str.trim().length() == 0) { return null; } String[] nums = str.split("-"); short min; short max = 0; if (nums.length == 1) { if (nums[0].trim().length() == 0 || !nums[0].equals(str)) return null; } else if (nums.length != 2 || nums[0].trim().length() == 0 || nums[1].trim().length() == 0) { return null; } try { min = Short.valueOf(nums[0].trim()); if (nums.length > 1) max = Short.valueOf(nums[1].trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error("string does not have the appropriate format", e); return null; } if (nums.length == 1) max = min; if (min > max || min == 0 || max == 0) return null; for (short i = 0; min + i <= max; i++) { if (!numbers.contains(Short.valueOf((short) (min + i)))) { numbers.add((short) (min + i)); } } } return numbers.toArray(new Short[numbers.size()]); } /** * add quote marks around the source string if the string contains blank space * @param source - * @return if the given string contains black spaces, return "source"; else, * return source itself */ public static String handleBlank(String source) { return source.indexOf(' ') == -1 ? source : "\"" + source + "\""; } public static boolean isValidSerialNumber(String serialNumber) { if (serialNumber == null || serialNumber.trim().isEmpty()) { return false; } String regex = "\\d{14}"; return Pattern.matches(regex, serialNumber); } /** * <p>Checks if a String is not empty (""), not null , not "null"(ignore case), not "12 3", and not whitespace only.</p> * * <pre> * NmsUtil.isNotBlankId("123") = true<br> * NmsUtil.isNotBlankId(null) = false * NmsUtil.isNotBlankId("null") = false * NmsUtil.isNotBlankId("NULL") = false * NmsUtil.isNotBlankId("NuLL") = false * NmsUtil.isNotBlankId("") = false * NmsUtil.isNotBlankId(" ") = false * NmsUtil.isNotBlankId("bob") = false * NmsUtil.isNotBlankId(" bob ") = false * NmsUtil.isNotBlankId(" bob ") = false * NmsUtil.isNotBlankId("12 3") = false * NmsUtil.isNotBlankId("ab2c") = false * NmsUtil.isNotBlankId("12-3") = false * NmsUtil.isNotBlankId("12.3") = false * </pre> * @author Yunzhi Lin * - Time: Aug 31, 2011 3:05:00 PM * @param idStr The string to check * @return <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> */ public static boolean isNotBlankId(String idStr) { return !(StringUtils.isBlank(idStr) || idStr.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) && StringUtils.isNumeric(idStr); } /** * @param path: resource file path * @param key: the key of resource * @author wpliang * * @return the value of key in resource */ public static String getText(String path, String key) { Locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); ResourceBundle localResource = ResourceBundle.getBundle(path, locale); //ResourceBundle localResource = ResourceBundle.getBundle("/resources/hmResources", locale); return localResource.getString(key); } /** * Check if function HM Search is enabled or not * @return - */ public static boolean isSearchEnabled() { return !NmsUtil.isHostedHMApplication(); } public static boolean isTempReadAccessPermission(short accessMode, Long authorizationEndDate) { if (HmDomain.ACCESS_MODE_TECH_OP_PARTNER_24H_R == accessMode || HmDomain.ACCESS_MODE_TECH_OP_PARTNER_24H_RW == accessMode) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() < authorizationEndDate) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean hasReadAccessPermission(short accessMode, Long authorizationEndDate) { if (HmDomain.ACCESS_MODE_TECH_OP_PARTNER_24H_R == accessMode || HmDomain.ACCESS_MODE_TECH_OP_PARTNER_24H_RW == accessMode) { // Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); if (System.currentTimeMillis() < authorizationEndDate) { return true; } } else if (HmDomain.ACCESS_MODE_TECH_OP_PARTNER_R == accessMode || HmDomain.ACCESS_MODE_TECH_OP_PARTNER_RW == accessMode) { return true; } return false; } public static boolean hasRwAccessPermission(short accessMode, Long authorizationEndDate) { if (HmDomain.ACCESS_MODE_TECH_OP_PARTNER_24H_RW == accessMode) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() < authorizationEndDate) { return true; } } else if (HmDomain.ACCESS_MODE_TECH_OP_PARTNER_RW == accessMode) { return true; } return false; } /** * read File by line * if File is not exist,return null * * @param filePath - * @return List<String> * @throws IOException */ public static List<String> readFileByLines(String filePath) throws IOException { List<String> result = null; File file = new File(filePath); if (!file.exists()) { return result; } FileReader fr = null; BufferedReader reader = null; try { fr = new FileReader(file); reader = new BufferedReader(fr); String tempString; result = new ArrayList<String>(); while ((tempString = reader.readLine()) != null) { result.add(tempString); } } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("readFileByLines", "IO Close Error.", e); } } if (fr != null) { try { fr.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("readFileByLines", "IO Close Error.", e); } } } return result; } /** * get file "os_dhcp_fingerprints.txt" version * In "os_dhcp_fingerprints.txt", the first line must be 'Version=0.1' * if "os_dhcp_fingerprints.txt" not exist return 0.1 * * @param filePath - * @return - * @throws IOException */ public static String getOSOptionFileVersion(String filePath) throws IOException { String result = "0.1"; List<String> lines = readFileByLines(filePath); if (lines != null && !lines.isEmpty()) { String line = lines.get(0); if (line != null && line.startsWith(ImportTextFileAction.VERSION_STR)) { result = line.substring( line.indexOf(ImportTextFileAction.VERSION_STR) + ImportTextFileAction.VERSION_STR.length()); } } return result; } /** * get the value which defined in the property file * @param the key of the property * @return the value */ public static String getConfigProperty(String key) { return System.getProperty(key); } public static boolean isVhmEnableIdm(Long domainId) { try { return new HmCloudAuthCertMgmtImpl().isIDManagerEnabled(domainId); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public static String changeNumberSequence2NumberSestion(String numberSeq) { final String regex_comma = ",", regex_oneSpace = " ", regex_catenation = "-"; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(numberSeq)) { String[] numberStrs = numberSeq.split(regex_comma); if (null != numberStrs) { List<Integer> numberSeqList = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> numberStrSectionList = new ArrayList<>(); for (String numberStr : numberStrs) { if (NumberUtils.isNumber(numberStr.trim())) { Integer number = Integer.valueOf(numberStr.trim()); if (!numberSeqList.contains(number)) { numberSeqList.add(number); } } } if (!numberSeqList.isEmpty()) { final int size = numberSeqList.size(); if (size == 1) { return numberSeqList.get(0).toString(); } else { Collections.sort(numberSeqList); int start = 0, end = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int cur = numberSeqList.get(i).intValue(); if (end == 0) { start = cur; } int next = i + 1 >= size ? 0 : numberSeqList.get(i + 1).intValue(); if (cur + 1 == next) { end = next; } else { numberStrSectionList.add(start + (end == 0 ? "" : (start + 1 == end ? regex_comma + regex_oneSpace : regex_catenation) + end)); end = 0; } } String[] numberSectionArray = numberStrSectionList.toArray(new String[0]); return StringUtils.join(numberSectionArray, regex_comma + regex_oneSpace); } } } } return null; } public static long getSysTotalMemory() { OperatingSystemMXBean osmb = (OperatingSystemMXBean) ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean(); return osmb.getTotalPhysicalMemorySize() / 1024 / 1024; } /** * @description convert the mcs to the new format, MCS12 - MCS4/2 for 11n( Interval is 8 ) * @param mcsRate,interval * @return * @huihe */ public static String mcsFormatConvert(int mcsRate, int interval) { if (interval <= 0 || mcsRate < 0) { return null; } int stream = mcsRate / interval; int rate = mcsRate - interval * stream; return "mcs" + rate + "/" + (stream + 1); } public static DeviceInfo getDeviceInfo(short hiveApModel) { DeviceInfo deviceInfo = new DeviceInfo(hiveApModel); DeviceObj property = DevicePropertyManage.getInstance().getDeviceProperty(hiveApModel); DevicePropertyManage.getInstance().clone(property, deviceInfo); deviceInfo.init(); return deviceInfo; } public static String convertSqlStr(String str) { if (str == null) { return ""; } return str.replace("\\", "\\\\\\\\").replace("'", "''"); } public static ImageInfo getImageInfoFromFile(String imageFile) { if (!(new File(imageFile).exists())) return null; String[] exeCmds = new String[] { "bash", "-c", "" }; exeCmds[2] = "od -S13 -N200 " + imageFile; InputStream inputStream = null; BufferedReader bufferedReader = null; ImageInfo imageInfo = null; Process process = null; try { process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(exeCmds); inputStream = process.getInputStream(); bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream), 2048); String line; while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { if (imageInfo == null) imageInfo = new ImageInfo(); if (line.contains("Type:")) { String type = line.substring(line.indexOf("Type:") + "Type:".length(), line.lastIndexOf("$")) .trim(); imageInfo.setType(type); } else if (line.contains("Reversion:")) { String reversion = line .substring(line.indexOf("Reversion:") + "Reversion:".length(), line.lastIndexOf("$")) .trim(); imageInfo.setReversion(reversion); } else if (line.contains("DATE:")) { String date = line.substring(line.indexOf("DATE:") + "DATE:".length(), line.lastIndexOf("$")) .trim(); imageInfo.setDate(date); } else if (line.contains("Size:")) { String size = line.substring(line.indexOf("Size:") + "Size:".length(), line.lastIndexOf("$")) .trim(); imageInfo.setSize(size); } } if (imageInfo != null) imageInfo.getTargetNameByTypeAndVersion(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("get the image info of file: " + imageFile + " failed.", e); } finally { if (bufferedReader != null) { try { bufferedReader.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("close buffered reader failed.", ioe); } } if (inputStream != null) { try { inputStream.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("close input stream failed.", ioe); } } if (process != null) { process.destroy(); } } return imageInfo; } /** * @description format a long number to a string split by comma * Example:1234567890 -> 1,234,567,890; 123456789->123,456,789 * @param number * @return String * @author Wpliang * */ public static String formatNumberByComma(long number) { String strNum = String.valueOf(number); String result = strNum; int n = strNum.length() % 3; if (n == 0) { result = strNum.replaceAll("(\\d{3})", ",$1").substring(1); } else { result = strNum.substring(0, n) + strNum.substring(n).replaceAll("(\\d{3})", ",$1"); } return result; } public static String convertIDs2IDStr(ArrayList<Long> ids) { StringBuffer idStr = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) { idStr.append(ids.get(i)); if (i != ids.size() - 1) { idStr.append(","); } } return idStr.toString(); } //get USB information from XML. public static List<USBModemProfile> getUSBModemInfo() { List<USBModemProfile> usbInfos = new ArrayList<>(); try { String cfgPath = AhDirTools.getConstantConfigDir() + "hiveos_usb_modem_config.xml"; Document usbDoc = CLICommonFunc.readXml(cfgPath); List<?> nodeList = usbDoc.selectNodes("/hiveos-modem-support-list/modems/modem"); if (nodeList != null) { for (Object node : nodeList) { Element eleObj = (Element) node; USBModemProfile usbProfile = new USBModemProfile(); usbProfile.setModemName(eleObj.attributeValue("id")); Node disNode = eleObj.selectSingleNode("display"); if (disNode != null) { usbProfile.setDisplayName(((Element) disNode).attributeValue("name")); } Node apnNode = eleObj.selectSingleNode("connect/apn"); if (apnNode != null) { usbProfile.setApn(((Element) apnNode).attributeValue("value")); } Node dialstringNode = eleObj.selectSingleNode("connect/dialstring"); if (dialstringNode != null) { usbProfile.setDialupNum(((Element) dialstringNode).attributeValue("value")); } Node usernameNode = eleObj.selectSingleNode("connect/user-auth/username"); if (usernameNode != null) { usbProfile.setUserId(((Element) usernameNode).attributeValue("value")); } Node passwordNode = eleObj.selectSingleNode("connect/user-auth/password"); if (passwordNode != null) { usbProfile.setPassword(((Element) passwordNode).attributeValue("value")); } Node versionNode = eleObj.selectSingleNode("hiveos-version"); if (versionNode != null) { usbProfile.setOsVersion(((Element) versionNode).attributeValue("min") + ".0"); } usbInfos.add(usbProfile); } //add for BR200_LTE USBModemProfile usb8 = new USBModemProfile(); usb8.setDisplayName("Verizon Embedded LTE"); usb8.setModemName("novatel_E362"); usb8.setOsVersion(""); usb8.setCellularMode(USBModemProfile.CELLULAR_MODE_AUTO); usbInfos.add(usb8); } } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("Init USB modem failed.", t); } return usbInfos; } public static String getCopyrightDate() { return "Copyright (C) 2006-" + HmBeOsUtil.getServerTime().get(Calendar.YEAR); } public static String convertNumToEnglish(int count, boolean firstFlag) { if (count > -1 && count < 10) { String[] numsAry = { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" }; if (firstFlag) { return numsAry[count].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + numsAry[count].substring(1); } else { return numsAry[count]; } } else { return String.valueOf(count); } } }