Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2010 The European Bioinformatics Institute, and others. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.annotation.URLAction; import com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.annotation.URLMapping; import com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.annotation.URLMappings; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.myfaces.orchestra.conversation.annotations.ConversationName; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.primefaces.context.RequestContext; import org.primefaces.event.TabChangeEvent; import org.primefaces.model.LazyDataModel; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import psidev.psi.mi.jami.bridges.europubmedcentral.EuroPubmedCentralFetcher; import psidev.psi.mi.jami.bridges.exception.BridgeFailedException; import psidev.psi.mi.jami.bridges.imex.ImexCentralClient; import psidev.psi.mi.jami.enricher.exception.EnricherException; import psidev.psi.mi.jami.model.*; import psidev.psi.mi.jami.utils.AnnotationUtils; import psidev.psi.mi.jami.utils.XrefUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent; import javax.faces.event.ComponentSystemEvent; import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent; import javax.faces.model.SelectItem; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * @author Bruno Aranda ( * @version $Id$ */ @Controller @Scope("conversation.access") @ConversationName("general") @URLMappings(mappings = { @URLMapping(id = "newAutocomplete", pattern = "/pubnew/#{ newAutocomplete : publicationController.identifierToImport}", // URL mapped to jsf file viewId = "/publication.xhtml"), // jsf file }) public class PublicationController extends AnnotatedObjectController { public static final String SUBMITTED = "MI:0878"; public static final String CURATION_REQUEST = "MI:0873"; public static final String DATASET = "dataset"; public static final String DATASET_MI_REF = "MI:0875"; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PublicationController.class); private static final String CURATION_DEPTH = "MI:0955"; private IntactPublication publication; private String ac; private String identifier; private String identifierToOpen; private String identifierToImport; private boolean assignToMe = true; private String datasetToAdd; private String[] datasetsToRemove; private String reasonForReadyForChecking; private String reasonForOnHoldFromDialog; private boolean isCitexploreActive; private boolean isLifeCycleDisabled; private LazyDataModel<InteractionSummary> interactionDataModel; @Autowired private UserSessionController userSessionController; @Resource(name = "publicationService") private transient PublicationService publicationService; @Resource(name = "publicationEditorService") private transient PublicationEditorService publicationEditorService; @Resource(name = "experimentSummaryService") private transient ExperimentSummaryService experimentSummaryService; @Resource(name = "interactionSummaryService") private transient InteractionSummaryService interactionSummaryService; @Resource(name = "imexCentralManager") private transient ImexCentralManager imexCentralManager; @Resource(name = "datasetPopulator") private transient DatasetPopulator datasetPopulator; @Resource(name = "jamiLifeCycleManager") private transient LifeCycleManager lifecycleManager; private String curationDepth; private String newDatasetDescriptionToCreate; private String newDatasetNameToCreate; private boolean isExperimentTabDisabled = false; private boolean isInteractionTabDisabled = true; private String journal; private String contactEmail; private Short year; private String authors; private String onHold; private String accepted; private String toBeReviewed = null; private String imexId = null; private String newValue; private List<ExperimentSummary> experiments = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; private List<SelectItem> datasetsSelectItems; public PublicationController() { experiments = new ArrayList<ExperimentSummary>(); } @Override protected void loadCautionMessages() { if (this.publication != null) { Annotation caution = AnnotationUtils.collectFirstAnnotationWithTopic(this.publication.getAnnotations(), Annotation.CAUTION_MI, Annotation.CAUTION); setCautionMessage(caution != null ? caution.getValue() : null); Annotation internal = AnnotationUtils.collectFirstAnnotationWithTopic(this.publication.getAnnotations(), null, "remark-internal"); setInternalRemark(internal != null ? internal.getValue() : null); this.toBeReviewed = this.publication.getToBeReviewedComment(); this.accepted = this.publication.getAcceptedComment(); this.onHold = this.publication.getOnHoldComment(); this.imexId = this.publication.getImexId(); this.journal = this.publication.getJournal(); this.identifier = this.publication.getPubmedId(); this.curationDepth = this.publication.getCurationDepth().toString(); this.authors = !this.publication.getAuthors().isEmpty() ? StringUtils.join(this.publication.getAuthors(), ", ") : null; Annotation contactEmail = AnnotationUtils.collectFirstAnnotationWithTopic( this.publication.getAnnotations(), Annotation.CONTACT_EMAIL_MI, Annotation.CONTACT_EMAIL); this.contactEmail = contactEmail != null ? contactEmail.getValue() : null; if (publication.getPublicationDate() == null) { this.year = null; } else { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(publication.getPublicationDate()); int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); this.year = (short) year; } } } @Override public IntactPrimaryObject getAnnotatedObject() { return getPublication(); } @Override public void setAnnotatedObject(IntactPrimaryObject annotatedObject) { setPublication((IntactPublication) annotatedObject); } public void loadData(ComponentSystemEvent event) { if (!FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().isPostback()) { loadByAc(); refreshTabs(); } generalLoadChecks(); } @Override protected void generalLoadChecks() { super.generalLoadChecks(); generalPublicationLoadChecks(); if (!getDatasetPopulator().isInitialised()) { getDatasetPopulator().loadData(); } } private void loadByAc() { if (ac != null) { if (publication == null || !ac.equals(publication.getAc())) { setPublication(getPublicationEditorService().loadPublicationByAcOrPubmedId(ac)); } } else if (publication != null) { ac = publication.getAc(); } if (publication == null) { addErrorMessage("No Publication with this AC", ac); return; } } public void refreshDataModels() { interactionDataModel = getInteractionSummaryService().refreshDataModels(this.publication, getInteractionSummaryService()); } private void loadFormFields() { // reset previous dataset actions in the form this.datasetsToRemove = null; this.datasetToAdd = null; this.datasetsSelectItems = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); Collection<Annotation> datasets = AnnotationUtils .collectAllAnnotationsHavingTopic(this.publication.getAnnotations(), DATASET_MI_REF, DATASET); for (Annotation annot : datasets) { if (annot.getValue() != null) { SelectItem item = getDatasetPopulator().createSelectItem(annot.getValue()); if (item != null) { this.datasetsSelectItems.add(item); } } } // load curationDepth this.curationDepth = this.publication.getCurationDepth().toString(); } public boolean isCitexploreOnline() { if (isCitexploreActive) { return true; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Checking Europe Pubmed Central status"); try { URL url = new URL(""); final URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(); urlConnection.setConnectTimeout(1000); urlConnection.setReadTimeout(1000); urlConnection.connect(); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("\tEurope Pubmed Central is not reachable"); isCitexploreActive = false; return false; } isCitexploreActive = true; return true; } @URLAction(mappingId = "newAutocomplete") public String newAutocomplete() { identifier = identifierToImport; if (identifier == null) { addErrorMessage("Cannot auto-complete", "ID is empty"); RequestContext requestContext = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance(); requestContext.execute("newPublicationDlg.hide()"); return null; } // check if already exists IntactPublication existingPublication = getPublicationEditorService() .loadPublicationByAcOrPubmedId(identifier); if (existingPublication != null) { setPublication(existingPublication); addWarningMessage("Publication already exists", "Loaded from the database"); return "/curate/publication?faces-redirect=true&includeViewParams=true"; } else { // check if it already exists in IMEx central try { if (getImexCentralManager().isPublicationAlreadyRegisteredInImexCentral(identifier, Xref.PUBMED)) { RequestContext requestContext = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance(); requestContext.execute("newPublicationDlg.hide()"); requestContext.execute(""); return null; } else { createNewPublication(null); return "/curate/publication?faces-redirect=true"; } } // cannot check IMEx central, add warning and create publication catch (BridgeFailedException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); addWarningMessage("Impossible to check with IMExcentral if " + identifier + " is already curated", e.getMessage()); createNewPublication(null); return "/curate/publication?faces-redirect=true"; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); addWarningMessage("Impossible to check with IMExcentral if " + identifier + " is already curated", e.getMessage()); createNewPublication(null); return "/curate/publication?faces-redirect=true"; } } } public void createNewPublication(ActionEvent evt) { if (identifier == null) { addErrorMessage("Cannot create publication", "ID is empty"); return; } newEmpty(); autocomplete(publication, identifier); identifier = null; identifierToImport = null; } public void createNewEmptyPublication(ActionEvent evt) { if (identifier == null) { addErrorMessage("Cannot create publication", "ID is empty"); return; } newEmpty(); identifier = null; identifierToImport = null; } public void doFormAutocomplete(ActionEvent evt) { if (publication.getPubmedId() != null) { autocomplete(publication, publication.getPubmedId()); } } public void autocomplete(IntactPublication publication, String id) { EuroPubmedCentralFetcher citexploreClient = null; try { citexploreClient = new EuroPubmedCentralFetcher(); } catch (Exception e) { addErrorMessage("Cannot auto-complete", "PubMed Central service is down at the moment"); return; } try { final Publication citation = citexploreClient.fetchByIdentifier(id, Xref.PUBMED); // new publication. No autocompletion available and this publication can be created under unassigned if (citation == null && publication.getAc() == null) { addErrorMessage("No citation was found, the auto completion has been aborted", "PMID: " + id); setPublication(null); return; } else if (citation == null && publication.getAc() != null) { addErrorMessage("This pubmed id does not exist and the autocompletion has been aborted", "PMID: " + id); return; } setPrimaryReference(id); publication.setTitle(citation.getTitle()); publication.setJournal(citation.getJournal()); publication.setPublicationDate(citation.getPublicationDate()); publication.getAuthors().addAll(citation.getAuthors()); setUnsavedChanges(true); addInfoMessage("Auto-complete successful", "Fetched details for: " + id); } catch (Throwable e) { addErrorMessage("Problem auto-completing publication", e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public String newEmptyUnassigned() { SequenceManager sequenceManager = (SequenceManager) getSpringContext().getBean("jamiSequenceManager"); try { sequenceManager.createSequenceIfNotExists("unassigned_seq"); String nextIntegerAsString = String .valueOf(sequenceManager.getNextValueForSequence(IntactUtils.UNASSIGNED_SEQ)); identifier = "unassigned" + nextIntegerAsString; } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } // check if already exists, so we skip this unassigned IntactPublication existingPublication = getPublicationEditorService() .loadPublicationByAcOrPubmedId(identifier); if (existingPublication != null) { setPublication(existingPublication); addWarningMessage("Publication already exists", "Loaded from the database"); return "/curate/publication?faces-redirect=true&includeViewParams=true"; } else { // check if it already exists in IMEx central try { if (getImexCentralManager().isPublicationAlreadyRegisteredInImexCentral(identifier, Xref.PUBMED)) { RequestContext requestContext = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance(); requestContext.execute("newPublicationDlg.hide()"); requestContext.execute(""); return null; } else { newEmpty(); identifier = null; identifierToImport = null; return "/curate/publication?faces-redirect=true"; } } // cannot check IMEx central, add warning and create publication catch (BridgeFailedException e) { addWarningMessage("Impossible to check with IMExcentral if " + identifier + " is already curated", e.getMessage()); newEmpty(); identifier = null; identifierToImport = null; return "/curate/publication?faces-redirect=true"; } catch (Exception e) { addWarningMessage("Impossible to check with IMExcentral if " + identifier + " is already curated", e.getMessage()); newEmpty(); identifier = null; identifierToImport = null; return "/curate/publication?faces-redirect=true"; } } } public void newEmpty() { IntactPublication publication = new IntactPublication(identifier); publication.setSource(userSessionController.getUserInstitution()); setPublication(publication); // add the primary reference xref setPrimaryReference(identifier); interactionDataModel = LazyDataModelFactory.createEmptyDataModel(); String defaultCurationDepth; final Preference curDepthPref = getCurrentUser().getPreference("curation.depth"); if (curDepthPref != null) { defaultCurationDepth = curDepthPref.getValue(); } else { defaultCurationDepth = getEditorConfig().getDefaultCurationDepth(); } setCurationDepth(defaultCurationDepth); if (curationDepth != null && curationDepth.equals("IMEx")) { publication.setCurationDepth(CurationDepth.IMEx); } else if (curationDepth != null && curationDepth.equals("MIMIx")) { publication.setCurationDepth(CurationDepth.MIMIx); } else if (curationDepth != null && curationDepth.equals("rapid curation")) { publication.setCurationDepth(CurationDepth.rapid_curation); } try { getLifecycleManager().getStartStatus().create(publication, "Created in Editor", userSessionController.getCurrentUser()); if (assignToMe) { getLifecycleManager().getNewStatus().claimOwnership(publication, userSessionController.getCurrentUser()); getLifecycleManager().getAssignedStatus().startCuration(publication, userSessionController.getCurrentUser()); } setPublication(publication); setUnsavedChanges(true); } catch (IllegalTransitionException e) { addErrorMessage("Cannot create publication: " + e.getMessage(), ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); } } public void openByPmid(ActionEvent evt) { identifier = identifierToOpen; if (identifier == null || identifier.trim().length() == 0) { addErrorMessage("PMID is empty", "No PMID was supplied"); } else { IntactPublication publicationToOpen = getPublicationEditorService() .loadPublicationByAcOrPubmedId(identifier); if (publicationToOpen == null) { addErrorMessage("PMID not found", "There is no publication with PMID '" + identifier + "'"); } else { setPublication(publicationToOpen); } identifierToOpen = null; } } public boolean isNewPublication() { return publication.getStatus() == LifeCycleStatus.NEW; } public boolean isAssigned() { return publication.getStatus() == LifeCycleStatus.ASSIGNED; } public boolean isCurationInProgress() { return publication.getStatus() == LifeCycleStatus.CURATION_IN_PROGRESS; } public boolean isReadyForChecking() { return publication.getStatus() == LifeCycleStatus.READY_FOR_CHECKING; } public boolean isReadyForRelease() { return publication.getStatus() == LifeCycleStatus.READY_FOR_RELEASE; } public boolean isAcceptedOnHold() { return publication.getStatus() == LifeCycleStatus.ACCEPTED_ON_HOLD; } public boolean isReleased() { return publication.getStatus() == LifeCycleStatus.RELEASED; } public void claimOwnership(ActionEvent evt) { try { getEditorService().claimOwnership(publication, getCurrentUser(), isAssigned()); // automatically set as curation in progress if no one was assigned before if (isAssigned()) { addInfoMessage("Curation started", "Curation is now in progress"); // try to register/update record in IMEx central if they don't have IMEx. IMEx records are updated automatically with a cronjob if (publication.getAc() != null && getImexId() == null) { try { getImexCentralManager().registerAndUpdatePublication(publication.getAc()); } catch (EnricherException e) { addWarningMessage( "Impossible to register/update status of " + identifier + " in IMEx central", e.getMessage()); } } } addInfoMessage("Claimed publication ownership", "You are now the owner of this publication"); } catch (IllegalTransitionException e) { addErrorMessage("Cannot claim ownership of publication: " + e.getMessage(), ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); } } public void markAsAssignedToMe(ActionEvent evt) { try { getEditorService().markAsAssignedToMe(publication, getCurrentUser()); addInfoMessage("Ownership claimed", "The publication has been assigned to you"); addInfoMessage("Curation started", "Curation is now in progress"); // try to register/update record in IMEx central if they don't have IMEx. IMEx records are updated automatically with a cronjob if (publication.getAc() != null && getImexId() == null) { try { getImexCentralManager().registerAndUpdatePublication(publication.getAc()); } catch (EnricherException e) { addWarningMessage("Impossible to register/update status of " + identifier + " in IMEx central", e.getMessage()); } } } catch (IllegalTransitionException e) { addErrorMessage("Cannot assign publication: " + e.getMessage(), ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); } } public void markAsCurationInProgress(ActionEvent evt) { if (!userSessionController.isItMe(publication.getCurrentOwner())) { addErrorMessage("Cannot mark as curation in progress", "You are not the owner of this publication"); return; } try { getEditorService().markAsCurationInProgress(publication, getCurrentUser()); addInfoMessage("Curation started", "Curation is now in progress"); // try to register/update record in IMEx central if they don't have IMEx. IMEx records are updated automatically with a cronjob if (publication.getAc() != null && getImexId() == null) { try { getImexCentralManager().registerAndUpdatePublication(publication.getAc()); } catch (EnricherException e) { addWarningMessage("Impossible to register/update status of " + identifier + " in IMEx central", e.getMessage()); } } } catch (IllegalTransitionException e) { addErrorMessage("Cannot mark as curation in progress: " + e.getMessage(), ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); } } public void markAsReadyForChecking(ActionEvent evt) { if (!userSessionController.isItMe(publication.getCurrentOwner())) { addErrorMessage("Cannot mark as Ready for checking", "You are not the owner of this publication"); return; } if (isBeenRejectedBefore()) { List<String> correctionComments = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Experiment exp : publication.getExperiments()) { Annotation correctionCommentAnnot = AnnotationUtils .collectFirstAnnotationWithTopic(exp.getAnnotations(), null, Releasable.CORRECTION_COMMENT); if (correctionCommentAnnot != null) { correctionComments.add(correctionCommentAnnot.getValue()); } reasonForReadyForChecking = StringUtils.join(correctionComments, "; "); } } try { getEditorService().markAsReadyForChecking(publication, getCurrentUser(), reasonForReadyForChecking); reasonForReadyForChecking = null; addInfoMessage("Publication ready for checking", "Assigned to reviewer: " + publication.getCurrentReviewer().getLogin()); // try to register/update record in IMEx central. IMEx records are updated automatically with a cron job so if it has an IMEx id we do nothing if (publication.getAc() != null && getImexId() == null) { try { getImexCentralManager().registerAndUpdatePublication(publication.getAc()); } catch (EnricherException e) { addWarningMessage("Impossible to register/update status of " + identifier + " in IMEx central", e.getMessage()); } } } catch (IllegalTransitionException e) { addErrorMessage("Cannot mark as ready for checking: " + e.getMessage(), ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); } } public void revertReadyForChecking(ActionEvent evt) { try { getEditorService().revertReadyForChecking(this.publication, getCurrentUser()); // try to register/update record in IMEx central. IMEx records are updated automatically with a cron job so if it has an IMEx id we do nothing if (publication.getAc() != null && getImexId() == null) { try { getImexCentralManager().registerAndUpdatePublication(publication.getAc()); } catch (EnricherException e) { addWarningMessage("Impossible to register/update status of " + identifier + " in IMEx central", e.getMessage()); } } } catch (IllegalTransitionException e) { addErrorMessage("Cannot revert ready for checking: " + e.getMessage(), ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); } } public void revertAccepted(ActionEvent evt) { try { getEditorService().revertAccepted(this.publication, getCurrentUser(), isReadyForRelease()); // try to register/update record in IMEx central. IMEx records are updated automatically with a cron job so if it has an IMEx id we do nothing if (publication.getAc() != null && getImexId() == null) { try { getImexCentralManager().registerAndUpdatePublication(publication.getAc()); } catch (EnricherException e) { addWarningMessage("Impossible to register/update status of " + identifier + " in IMEx central", e.getMessage()); } } } catch (IllegalTransitionException e) { addErrorMessage("Cannot revert accepted: " + e.getMessage(), ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); } } public void putOnHold(ActionEvent evt) { try { getEditorService().putOnHold(publication, getCurrentUser(), onHold, isReadyForRelease(), isReleased()); if (isReadyForRelease()) { addInfoMessage("On-hold added to publication", "Publication won't be released until the 'on hold' is removed"); } else if (isReleased()) { addInfoMessage("On-hold added to released publication", "Data will be publicly visible until the next release"); } //reasonForOnHoldFromDialog = null; // try to register/update record in IMEx central. IMEx records are updated automatically with a cron job so if it has an IMEx id we do nothing if (publication.getAc() != null && getImexId() == null) { try { getImexCentralManager().registerAndUpdatePublication(publication.getAc()); } catch (EnricherException e) { addWarningMessage("Impossible to register/update status of " + identifier + " in IMEx central", e.getMessage()); } } } catch (IllegalTransitionException e) { addErrorMessage("Cannot put on hold: " + e.getMessage(), ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); } } public void readyForReleaseFromOnHold(ActionEvent evt) { setOnHold(null); try { getEditorService().readyForReleaseFromOnHold(publication, getCurrentUser()); // try to register/update record in IMEx central. IMEx records are updated automatically with a cron job so if it has an IMEx id we do nothing if (publication.getAc() != null && getImexId() == null) { try { getImexCentralManager().registerAndUpdatePublication(publication.getAc()); } catch (EnricherException e) { addWarningMessage("Impossible to register/update status of " + identifier + " in IMEx central", e.getMessage()); } } } catch (IllegalTransitionException e) { addErrorMessage("Cannot mark as ready for release: " + e.getMessage(), ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); } } public boolean isAllExperimentsAccepted() { final Collection<Experiment> experiments = publication.getExperiments(); return isAllExperimentsAccepted(experiments); } public boolean isAllExperimentsAccepted(Collection<Experiment> experiments) { if (experiments.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (Experiment exp : experiments) { if (AnnotationUtils.collectFirstAnnotationWithTopic(exp.getAnnotations(), null, Releasable.ACCEPTED) == null) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean hasExperimentToBeReviewed(Collection<Experiment> experiments) { if (experiments.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (Experiment exp : experiments) { if (AnnotationUtils.collectFirstAnnotationWithTopic(exp.getAnnotations(), null, Releasable.TO_BE_REVIEWED) != null) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isBackToCurationButtonRendered() { return isButtonRendered(LifeCycleEventType.READY_FOR_CHECKING); } public boolean isBackToCheckingButtonRendered() { boolean render = isButtonRendered(LifeCycleEventType.READY_FOR_RELEASE); if (!render) { render = isButtonRendered(LifeCycleEventType.ACCEPTED); } return render; } private boolean isButtonRendered(LifeCycleEventType eventType) { LifeCycleEvent event = ReleasableUtils.getLastEventOfType(publication, eventType); if (event == null) { return false; } DateTime eventTime = new DateTime(event.getWhen()); return new DateTime().isBefore(eventTime.plusMinutes(getEditorConfig().getRevertDecisionTime())); } @Override public void doSave(boolean refreshCurrentView) { boolean registerPublication = (publication != null && publication.getAc() == null); super.doSave(refreshCurrentView); // try to register/update record in IMEx central. IMEx records are updated automatically with a cron job so if it has an IMEx id we do nothing if (registerPublication && getImexId() == null) { try { getImexCentralManager().registerAndUpdatePublication(publication.getAc()); } // cannot check IMEx central, add warning and create publication catch (EnricherException e) { addWarningMessage("Impossible to register " + identifier + " in IMEx central", e.getMessage()); } } } @Override protected void initialiseDefaultProperties(IntactPrimaryObject annotatedObject) { IntactPublication publication = (IntactPublication) annotatedObject; if (!getPublicationEditorService().isPublicationFullyLoaded(publication)) { this.publication = getPublicationEditorService().reloadFullyInitialisedPublication(publication); } refreshDataModels(); loadFormFields(); refreshExperiments(); setDescription("Publication: " + (this.publication.getPubmedId() != null ? this.publication.getPubmedId() : this.publication.getShortLabel())); } @Override public String doDelete() { if (publication.getAc() != null) { try { getImexCentralManager().discardPublication(publication.getAc()); } // cannot check IMEx central, add warning and create publication catch (BridgeFailedException e) { addWarningMessage( "Impossible to discard " + identifier + " in IMEx central. Please do it manually.", e.getMessage()); } } return super.doDelete(); } @Override protected void addNewXref(AbstractIntactXref newRef) { if (XrefUtils.isXrefAnIdentifier(newRef) || XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(newRef, null, "intact-secondary") || XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(newRef, Xref.PRIMARY_MI, Xref.PRIMARY)) { this.publication.getIdentifiers().add(newRef); this.identifier = this.publication.getPubmedId(); } else { this.publication.getXrefs().add(newRef); this.imexId = this.publication.getImexId(); } } @Override protected PublicationXref newXref(CvTerm db, String id, String secondaryId, String version, CvTerm qualifier) { PublicationXref ref = new PublicationXref(db, id, version, qualifier); ref.setSecondaryId(secondaryId); return ref; } @Override public PublicationXref newXref(String db, String dbMI, String id, String version, String qualifier, String qualifierMI) { return new PublicationXref( getCvService().findCvObject(IntactUtils.DATABASE_OBJCLASS, dbMI != null ? dbMI : db), id, version, getCvService().findCvObject(IntactUtils.QUALIFIER_OBJCLASS, qualifierMI != null ? qualifierMI : qualifier)); } public void addDataset(ActionEvent evt) { if (datasetToAdd != null) { addAnnotation(DATASET, DATASET_MI_REF, datasetToAdd, publication.getAnnotations()); Collection<Experiment> experiments = publication.getExperiments(); if (!experiments.isEmpty()) { Collection<String> parentAcs = new ArrayList<String>(); if (publication.getAc() != null) { parentAcs.add(publication.getAc()); } for (Experiment experiment : experiments) { experiment.getAnnotations().add(new ExperimentAnnotation( IntactUtils.createMITopic(DATASET, DATASET_MI_REF), datasetToAdd)); getChangesController().markAsUnsaved((IntactExperiment) experiment, getEditorService().getIntactDao().getSynchronizerContext().getExperimentSynchronizer(), "Experiment: " + ((IntactExperiment) experiment).getShortLabel(), parentAcs); } } // register new dataset in list of existing datasets SelectItem item = getDatasetPopulator().createSelectItem(datasetToAdd); if (item != null) { this.datasetsSelectItems.add(item); } // reset the dataset to add as it has already been added datasetToAdd = null; setUnsavedChanges(true); } } public void createAndAddNewDataset(ActionEvent evt) { if (newDatasetDescriptionToCreate == null) { addErrorMessage("A short sentence describing the dataset is required", "dataset description required"); } if (newDatasetNameToCreate == null) { addErrorMessage("A short dataset name is required", "dataset name required"); } if (newDatasetDescriptionToCreate != null && newDatasetNameToCreate != null) { String newDataset = newDatasetNameToCreate + " - " + newDatasetDescriptionToCreate; if (getPublicationEditorService().doesDatasetAlreadyExist(newDatasetNameToCreate)) { addErrorMessage( "A dataset with this name already exists. Cannot create two datasets with same name", "dataset name already exists"); } else { addAnnotation(DATASET, DATASET_MI_REF, newDataset, publication.getAnnotations()); Collection<Experiment> experiments = publication.getExperiments(); if (!experiments.isEmpty()) { Collection<String> parentAcs = new ArrayList<String>(); if (publication.getAc() != null) { parentAcs.add(publication.getAc()); } for (Experiment experiment : experiments) { experiment.getAnnotations().add(new ExperimentAnnotation( IntactUtils.createMITopic(DATASET, DATASET_MI_REF), newDataset)); getChangesController().markAsUnsaved((IntactExperiment) experiment, getEditorService().getIntactDao().getSynchronizerContext() .getExperimentSynchronizer(), "Experiment: " + ((IntactExperiment) experiment).getShortLabel(), parentAcs); } } // register new dataset in list of existing datasets SelectItem item = getDatasetPopulator().createSelectItem(newDataset); if (item != null) { this.datasetsSelectItems.add(item); } // reset the dataset to add as it has already been added newDatasetDescriptionToCreate = null; newDatasetNameToCreate = null; getDatasetPopulator().loadData(); // save publication and refresh datasetPopulator doSave(); } } } public void removeDatasets(ActionEvent evt) { if (datasetsToRemove != null) { for (String datasetToRemove : datasetsToRemove) { removeAnnotation(DATASET, DATASET_MI_REF, datasetToRemove, publication.getAnnotations()); Collection<Experiment> experiments = publication.getExperiments(); if (!experiments.isEmpty()) { Collection<String> parentAcs = new ArrayList<String>(); if (publication.getAc() != null) { parentAcs.add(publication.getAc()); } for (Experiment experiment : experiments) { experiment.getAnnotations().remove(new ExperimentAnnotation( IntactUtils.createMITopic(DATASET, DATASET_MI_REF), datasetToRemove)); getChangesController().markAsUnsaved((IntactExperiment) experiment, getEditorService().getIntactDao().getSynchronizerContext() .getExperimentSynchronizer(), "Experiment: " + ((IntactExperiment) experiment).getShortLabel(), parentAcs); } } } setUnsavedChanges(true); getDatasetPopulator().loadData(); } } public boolean isUnassigned() { return publication.getPubmedId() != null && publication.getPubmedId().startsWith("unassigned"); } public String getAc() { return ac; } public void setAc(String ac) { = ac; } @Override public int getXrefsSize() { if (publication == null) { return 0; } else { return publication.getDbXrefs().size(); } } @Override public int getAliasesSize() { return 0; } @Override public int getAnnotationsSize() { if (publication == null) { return 0; } else { return publication.getAnnotations().size(); } } public int getInteractionsSize() { if (publication == null) { return 0; } else { return interactionDataModel.getRowCount(); } } public IntactPublication getPublication() { return publication; } public void setPublication(IntactPublication publication) { this.publication = publication; if (publication != null) { = publication.getAc(); initialiseDefaultProperties(this.publication); } else { = null; } } @Override public void refreshTabsAndFocusXref() { refreshTabs(); } @Override public void onTabChanged(TabChangeEvent e) { // the xref tab is active super.onTabChanged(e); // all the tabs selectOneMenu are disabled, we can process the tabs specific to experiment if (isAliasDisabled() && isXrefDisabled() && isAnnotationTopicDisabled()) { if (e.getTab().getId().equals("experimentTab")) { isExperimentTabDisabled = false; isInteractionTabDisabled = true; isLifeCycleDisabled = true; } else if (e.getTab().getId().equals("interactionTab")) { isExperimentTabDisabled = true; isInteractionTabDisabled = false; isLifeCycleDisabled = true; } else if (e.getTab().getId().equals("lifeCycleTab")) { isExperimentTabDisabled = true; isInteractionTabDisabled = true; isLifeCycleDisabled = false; } else { isExperimentTabDisabled = true; isInteractionTabDisabled = true; isLifeCycleDisabled = true; } } else { isExperimentTabDisabled = true; isInteractionTabDisabled = true; isLifeCycleDisabled = true; } } public String getJournal() { return journal; } public void setJournal(String journal) { this.journal = journal; } public void onJournalChanged(ValueChangeEvent evt) { setUnsavedChanges(true); String newValue = (String) evt.getNewValue(); this.publication.setJournal(newValue); this.journal = newValue; } public String getContactEmail() { return contactEmail; } public void setContactEmail(String contactEmail) { this.contactEmail = contactEmail; } public Short getYear() { return year; } public void setYear(Short year) { this.year = year; } public String getIdentifier() { return identifier; } public void setIdentifier(String identifier) { this.identifier = identifier; } public void setPrimaryReference(String id) { publication.setPubmedId(id); } public String getAuthors() { return authors; } public void setAuthors(String authors) { this.authors = authors; } public void onAuthorsChanged(ValueChangeEvent evt) { String newValue = (String) evt.getNewValue(); if (newValue != null && newValue.length() > 0) { publication.getAuthors().clear(); if (newValue.contains(", ")) { publication.getAuthors().addAll(Arrays.asList(newValue.split(", "))); } else { publication.getAuthors().add(newValue); } this.authors = newValue; setUnsavedChanges(true); } else { this.authors = null; this.publication.getAuthors().clear(); setUnsavedChanges(true); } } public String getOnHold() { return this.onHold; } public void setOnHold(String reason) { this.onHold = reason; } public void onHoldChanged(ValueChangeEvent evt) { setUnsavedChanges(true); String newValue = (String) evt.getNewValue(); this.publication.onHold(newValue); this.onHold = newValue; setExperimentAnnotation(Releasable.ON_HOLD, null, newValue); } public void setExperimentAnnotation(String topic, String topicMI, String text) { Collection<Experiment> experiments = publication.getExperiments(); if (!experiments.isEmpty()) { Collection<String> parentAcs = new ArrayList<String>(); if (publication.getAc() != null) { parentAcs.add(publication.getAc()); } for (Experiment experiment : experiments) { experiment.getAnnotations() .add(new ExperimentAnnotation(IntactUtils.createMITopic(topic, topicMI), text)); getChangesController().markAsUnsaved((IntactExperiment) experiment, getEditorService().getIntactDao().getSynchronizerContext().getExperimentSynchronizer(), "Experiment: " + ((IntactExperiment) experiment).getShortLabel(), parentAcs); } } } public void curationDepthChanged() { setUnsavedChanges(true); setCurationDepthAnnot(curationDepth); setExperimentAnnotation(Annotation.CURATION_DEPTH, Annotation.CURATION_DEPTH_MI, curationDepth); } public void contactEmailChanged(ValueChangeEvent evt) { setUnsavedChanges(true); String newValue = (String) evt.getNewValue(); if (newValue != null && newValue.length() > 0) { updateAnnotation(Annotation.CONTACT_EMAIL, Annotation.CONTACT_EMAIL_MI, newValue, publication.getAnnotations()); setExperimentAnnotation(Annotation.CONTACT_EMAIL, Annotation.CONTACT_EMAIL_MI, newValue); } else { removeAnnotation(Annotation.CONTACT_EMAIL, Annotation.CONTACT_EMAIL_MI, publication.getAnnotations()); } this.contactEmail = newValue; } public void publicationYearChanged(ValueChangeEvent evt) { setUnsavedChanges(true); Short newValue = (Short) evt.getNewValue(); if (newValue != null && newValue > 0) { SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"); try { this.publication.setPublicationDate(formatter.parse(Short.toString(newValue))); this.year = newValue; setExperimentAnnotation(Annotation.PUBLICATION_YEAR, Annotation.PUBLICATION_YEAR_MI, Short.toString(newValue)); } catch (ParseException e) { this.year = null; addErrorMessage("The publication year is not a valid year " + newValue, e.getCause() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } else { this.publication.setPublicationDate(null); this.year = null; } } public void publicationTitleChanged(ValueChangeEvent evt) { setUnsavedChanges(true); } public void publicationIdentifierChanged(ValueChangeEvent evt) { setUnsavedChanges(true); String newValue = (String) evt.getNewValue(); if (newValue != null && newValue.length() > 0) { setPrimaryReference(newValue); Collection<Experiment> experiments = publication.getExperiments(); if (!experiments.isEmpty()) { Collection<String> parentAcs = new ArrayList<String>(); if (publication.getAc() != null) { parentAcs.add(publication.getAc()); } for (Experiment experiment : experiments) { experiment.getXrefs() .add(new ExperimentXref(IntactUtils.createMIDatabase(Xref.PUBMED, Xref.PUBMED_MI), newValue, IntactUtils.createMIQualifier(Xref.PRIMARY, Xref.PRIMARY_MI))); getChangesController().markAsUnsaved((IntactExperiment) experiment, getEditorService().getIntactDao().getSynchronizerContext().getExperimentSynchronizer(), "Experiment: " + ((IntactExperiment) experiment).getShortLabel(), parentAcs); } } this.identifier = newValue; } else { setPrimaryReference(null); this.identifier = null; } } public String getAcceptedMessage() { return accepted; } public void setAcceptedMessage(String message) { this.accepted = message; } public void onAcceptedChanged(ValueChangeEvent evt) { setUnsavedChanges(true); this.publication.onAccepted((String) evt.getNewValue()); setExperimentAnnotation(Releasable.ACCEPTED, null, (String) evt.getNewValue()); } public String getCurationDepth() { return this.curationDepth; } public void setCurationDepth(String curationDepth) { this.curationDepth = curationDepth; } public String getShowCurationDepth() { if (publication.getCurationDepth() == CurationDepth.undefined) { return "curation depth undefined"; } return publication.getCurationDepth().toString(); } public void setCurationDepthAnnot(String curationDepth) { if (curationDepth == null) { this.publication.setCurationDepth(CurationDepth.undefined); } else { this.publication.setCurationDepth(CurationDepth.valueOf(curationDepth)); } } public boolean isAccepted() { if (isAcceptedOrBeyond(publication)) return true; return isAllExperimentsAccepted(); } public boolean isAcceptedOrBeyond(IntactPublication pub) { if (pub == null || pub.getStatus() == null) { return false; } return pub.getStatus() == LifeCycleStatus.ACCEPTED || pub.getStatus() == LifeCycleStatus.ACCEPTED_ON_HOLD || pub.getStatus() == LifeCycleStatus.READY_FOR_RELEASE || pub.getStatus() == LifeCycleStatus.RELEASED; } public boolean isToBeReviewed(IntactPublication pub) { if (pub.getExperiments().isEmpty()) { return false; } return hasExperimentToBeReviewed(pub.getExperiments()); } public String getImexId() { return imexId; } public String getPublicationTitle() { return publication.getTitle(); } public void setPublicationTitle(String publicationTitle) { publication.setTitle(publicationTitle); } public String getFirstAuthor() { if (!publication.getAuthors().isEmpty()) { return publication.getAuthors().get(0); } return null; } public boolean isPublicationOnHold() { return this.publication != null && this.publication.isOnHold(); } public boolean isPublicationToBeReviewed() { return this.publication != null && this.publication.isToBeReviewed(); } public void removeOnHold(ActionEvent evt) { publication.removeOnHold(); setOnHold(null); Collection<String> parentAcs = new ArrayList<String>(); getCurrentUser(); if (publication.getAc() != null) { parentAcs.add(publication.getAc()); } for (Experiment experiment : this.publication.getExperiments()) { AnnotationUtils.removeAllAnnotationsWithTopic(experiment.getAnnotations(), null, Releasable.ON_HOLD); getChangesController().markAsUnsaved((IntactExperiment) experiment, getEditorService().getIntactDao().getSynchronizerContext().getExperimentSynchronizer(), "Experiment: " + ((IntactExperiment) experiment).getShortLabel(), parentAcs); } } public void removeToBeReviewed(ActionEvent evt) { publication.removeToBeReviewed(); this.toBeReviewed = null; Collection<String> parentAcs = new ArrayList<String>(); if (publication.getAc() != null) { parentAcs.add(publication.getAc()); } for (Experiment experiment : this.publication.getExperiments()) { AnnotationUtils.removeAllAnnotationsWithTopic(experiment.getAnnotations(), null, Releasable.TO_BE_REVIEWED); getChangesController().markAsUnsaved((IntactExperiment) experiment, getEditorService().getIntactDao().getSynchronizerContext().getExperimentSynchronizer(), "Experiment: " + ((IntactExperiment) experiment).getShortLabel(), parentAcs); } } public void acceptPublication(ActionEvent evt) { String accepted = "Accepted " + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MMM-dd 'at' HH:mm z 'at' HH:mm z").format(new Date()).toUpperCase() + " by " + userSessionController.getCurrentUser().getLogin().toUpperCase(); setAcceptedMessage(accepted); addInfoMessage("Publication accepted", ""); try { getEditorService().accept(publication, userSessionController.getCurrentUser(), accepted); // refresh experiments with possible changes in publication title, annotations and publication identifier copyAnnotationsToExperiments(null); copyPrimaryIdentifierToExperiments(); } catch (IllegalTransitionException e) { addErrorMessage("Cannot accept publication: " + e.getMessage(), ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); } } public PublicationService getPublicationService() { if (this.publicationService == null) { this.publicationService = ApplicationContextProvider.getBean("publicationService"); } return publicationService; } public PublicationEditorService getPublicationEditorService() { if (this.publicationEditorService == null) { this.publicationEditorService = ApplicationContextProvider.getBean("publicationEditorService"); } return publicationEditorService; } public void assignNewImex(ActionEvent evt) { // save publication changes first doSave(false); registerEditorListenerIfNotDoneYet(); try { if (Pattern.matches(ImexCentralManager.PUBMED_REGEXP.toString(), publication.getPubmedId())) { getImexCentralManager().assignImexAndUpdatePublication(publication.getAc()); addInfoMessage("Successfully assigned new IMEx identifier to the publication " + publication.getShortLabel(), ""); } else { addErrorMessage( "Impossible to assign new IMEx id to unassigned publication. Must be assigned manually in IMEx central.", ""); } } catch (PublicationImexUpdaterException e) { addErrorMessage("Impossible to assign new IMEx id", e.getMessage()); } catch (EnricherException e) { IcentralFault f = null; if (e.getCause() instanceof IcentralFault) { f = (IcentralFault) e.getCause(); } else if (e.getCause().getCause() instanceof IcentralFault) { f = (IcentralFault) e.getCause().getCause(); } processImexCentralException(publication.getPubmedId(), e, f); } catch (Exception e) { addErrorMessage("Impossible to assign new IMEx id", e.getMessage()); } String ac = this.publication.getAc(); setPublication(null); setAc(ac); loadByAc(); getChangesController().removeFromUnsaved(publication, collectParentAcsOfCurrentAnnotatedObject()); imexId = this.publication.getImexId(); } private void processImexCentralException(String publication, Exception e, IcentralFault f) { if (f.getFaultInfo().getFaultCode() == ImexCentralClient.USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED) { addErrorMessage("User not authorized", e.getMessage()); } else if (f.getFaultInfo().getFaultCode() == ImexCentralClient.OPERATION_NOT_VALID) { addErrorMessage("Operation not valid", e.getMessage()); } else if (f.getFaultInfo().getFaultCode() == ImexCentralClient.IDENTIFIER_MISSING) { addErrorMessage("Publication identifier is missing", e.getMessage()); } else if (f.getFaultInfo().getFaultCode() == ImexCentralClient.IDENTIFIER_UNKNOWN) { addErrorMessage("Publication identifier is unknown (must be valid pubmed)", e.getMessage()); } else if (f.getFaultInfo().getFaultCode() == ImexCentralClient.NO_RECORD) { addErrorMessage("No IMEx record could be found for " + publication, e.getMessage()); } else if (f.getFaultInfo().getFaultCode() == ImexCentralClient.NO_RECORD_CREATED) { addErrorMessage("The publication could not be registered in IMEx central. Must be a valid pubmed Id", e.getMessage()); } else if (f.getFaultInfo().getFaultCode() == ImexCentralClient.STATUS_UNKNOWN) { addErrorMessage("The status of the publication is unknown is IMEx central", e.getMessage()); } else if (f.getFaultInfo().getFaultCode() == ImexCentralClient.NO_IMEX_ID) { addErrorMessage("No IMEx identifier could be found for this publication", e.getMessage()); } else if (f.getFaultInfo().getFaultCode() == ImexCentralClient.UNKNOWN_USER) { addErrorMessage("Unknown user in IMEx central", e.getMessage()); } else if (f.getFaultInfo().getFaultCode() == ImexCentralClient.UNKNOWN_GROUP) { addErrorMessage("Unknown group in IMEx central", e.getMessage()); } else if (f.getFaultInfo().getFaultCode() == ImexCentralClient.OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED) { addErrorMessage("Operation not supported in IMEx central", e.getMessage()); } else if (f.getFaultInfo().getFaultCode() == ImexCentralClient.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) { addErrorMessage("Internal server error (IMEx central not responding)", e.getMessage()); } else { addErrorMessage("Fatal error (IMEx central not responding)", e.getMessage()); } } private void registerEditorListenerIfNotDoneYet() { if (imexCentralManager.getListenerList().getListenerCount() == 0) { imexCentralManager.addListener(new EditorImexCentralListener()); } } public void rejectPublication(ActionEvent evt) { List<String> rejectionComments = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Experiment exp : publication.getExperiments()) { Annotation toBeReviewed = AnnotationUtils.collectFirstAnnotationWithTopic(exp.getAnnotations(), null, Releasable.TO_BE_REVIEWED); if (toBeReviewed != null) { rejectionComments .add("[" + ((IntactExperiment) exp).getShortLabel() + ": " + toBeReviewed.getValue() + "]"); } } if (newValue != null) { rejectionComments.add(newValue); } if (rejectionComments.isEmpty() && this.toBeReviewed == null) { addErrorMessage("Cannot reject publication without a correction comment", ""); } else { rejectPublication(" - " + StringUtils.join(rejectionComments, ", ")); } } public void rejectPublication(String reasonForRejection) { String date = "Rejected " + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MMM-dd 'at' HH:mm z").format(new Date()).toUpperCase() + " by " + userSessionController.getCurrentUser().getLogin().toUpperCase(); setToBeReviewed(this.toBeReviewed == null ? date + ". " + reasonForRejection : this.toBeReviewed + " " + date + ". " + reasonForRejection); try { getEditorService().reject(publication, getCurrentUser(), this.toBeReviewed); addInfoMessage("Publication rejected", ""); copyPrimaryIdentifierToExperiments(); } catch (IllegalTransitionException e) { addErrorMessage("Cannot reject publication: " + e.getMessage(), ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); } } public boolean isRejected(IntactPublication publication) { return ReleasableUtils.isRejected(publication); } public String getReasonForRejection(IntactPublication publication) { LifeCycleEvent event = ReleasableUtils.getLastEventOfType(publication, LifeCycleEventType.REJECTED); if (event != null) { return event.getNote(); } return null; } public boolean isBeenRejectedBefore() { for (LifeCycleEvent evt : publication.getLifecycleEvents()) { if (LifeCycleEventType.REJECTED == evt.getEvent()) { return true; } } return false; } public void onToBeReviewedChanged(ValueChangeEvent evt) { setUnsavedChanges(true); String newValue = (String) evt.getNewValue(); this.publication.onToBeReviewed(newValue); this.toBeReviewed = newValue; } public String getToBeReviewed() { return this.toBeReviewed; } public void setToBeReviewed(String toBeReviewed) { this.toBeReviewed = toBeReviewed; } public void copyAnnotationsToExperiments(ActionEvent evt) { for (Experiment exp : publication.getExperiments()) { for (Annotation annot : publication.getDbAnnotations()) { Annotation existingAnnot = AnnotationUtils.collectFirstAnnotationWithTopic(exp.getAnnotations(), annot.getTopic().getMIIdentifier(), annot.getTopic().getShortName()); if (existingAnnot != null) { existingAnnot.setValue(annot.getValue()); } else { exp.getAnnotations().add(new ExperimentAnnotation(annot.getTopic(), annot.getValue())); } } Collection<String> parent = new ArrayList<String>(); if (publication.getAc() != null) { parent.add(publication.getAc()); } getChangesController().markAsUnsaved((IntactExperiment) exp, getEditorService().getIntactDao().getSynchronizerContext().getExperimentSynchronizer(), "Experiment: " + ((IntactExperiment) exp).getShortLabel(), parent); } addInfoMessage("Annotations copied", publication.getExperiments().size() + " experiments were modified"); } public void copyPrimaryIdentifierToExperiments() { Collection<Experiment> experiments = publication.getExperiments(); if (publication.getPubmedId() != null) { if (!experiments.isEmpty()) { Collection<String> parentAcs = new ArrayList<String>(); if (publication.getAc() != null) { parentAcs.add(publication.getAc()); } for (Experiment experiment : experiments) { Collection<Xref> primaryRefs = XrefUtils.collectAllXrefsHavingDatabaseAndQualifier( experiment.getXrefs(), Xref.PUBMED_MI, Xref.PUBMED, Xref.PRIMARY_MI, Xref.PRIMARY); Xref existingPrimary = primaryRefs.isEmpty() ? null : primaryRefs.iterator().next(); if (existingPrimary instanceof AbstractIntactXref) { ((AbstractIntactXref) existingPrimary).setId(publication.getPubmedId()); } else { experiment.getXrefs().removeAll(primaryRefs); experiment.getXrefs() .add(new ExperimentXref(IntactUtils.createMIDatabase(Xref.PUBMED, Xref.PUBMED_MI), publication.getPubmedId(), IntactUtils.createMIQualifier(Xref.PRIMARY, Xref.PRIMARY_MI))); } getChangesController().markAsUnsaved((IntactExperiment) experiment, getEditorService().getIntactDao().getSynchronizerContext().getExperimentSynchronizer(), "Experiment: " + ((IntactExperiment) experiment).getShortLabel(), parentAcs); } } } } public String getDatasetToAdd() { return datasetToAdd; } public void setDatasetToAdd(String datasetToAdd) { this.datasetToAdd = datasetToAdd; } public String[] getDatasetsToRemove() { return datasetsToRemove; } public void setDatasetsToRemove(String[] datasetsToRemove) { this.datasetsToRemove = datasetsToRemove; } public DatasetPopulator getDatasetPopulator() { if (this.datasetPopulator == null) { this.datasetPopulator = ApplicationContextProvider.getBean("datasetPopulator"); } return datasetPopulator; } public LazyDataModel<InteractionSummary> getInteractionDataModel() { return interactionDataModel; } public String getIdentifierToOpen() { return identifierToOpen; } public void setIdentifierToOpen(String identifierToOpen) { this.identifierToOpen = identifierToOpen; } public String getIdentifierToImport() { return identifierToImport; } public void setIdentifierToImport(String identifierToImport) { this.identifierToImport = identifierToImport; } @Override protected AnnotatedObjectController getParentController() { return null; } @Override protected String getPageContext() { return "publication"; } @Override protected void postRevert() { loadFormFields(); } public boolean isAssignToMe() { return assignToMe; } public void setAssignToMe(boolean assignToMe) { this.assignToMe = assignToMe; } public String getReasonForReadyForChecking() { return reasonForReadyForChecking; } public void setReasonForReadyForChecking(String reasonForReadyForChecking) { this.reasonForReadyForChecking = reasonForReadyForChecking; } public String getReasonForOnHoldFromDialog() { return reasonForOnHoldFromDialog; } public void setReasonForOnHoldFromDialog(String reasonForOnHoldFromDialog) { this.reasonForOnHoldFromDialog = reasonForOnHoldFromDialog; } public boolean isLifeCycleDisabled() { return isLifeCycleDisabled; } public void setLifeCycleDisabled(boolean lifeCycleDisabled) { isLifeCycleDisabled = lifeCycleDisabled; } public boolean isAssignedIMEx() { return getImexId() != null; } public boolean isAssignableIMEx() { return getImexId() == null && curationDepth != null && "IMEx".equalsIgnoreCase(curationDepth) && Pattern.matches(ImexCentralManager.PUBMED_REGEXP.toString(), publication.getPubmedId()); } @Override public IntactDbSynchronizer getDbSynchronizer() { return getEditorService().getIntactDao().getSynchronizerContext().getPublicationSynchronizer(); } @Override public String getObjectName() { return publication != null ? publication.getPubmedId() : null; } public String getNewDatasetDescriptionToCreate() { return newDatasetDescriptionToCreate; } public void setNewDatasetDescriptionToCreate(String newDatasetDescriptionToCreate) { this.newDatasetDescriptionToCreate = newDatasetDescriptionToCreate; } public String getNewDatasetNameToCreate() { return newDatasetNameToCreate; } public void setNewDatasetNameToCreate(String newDatasetNameToCreate) { this.newDatasetNameToCreate = newDatasetNameToCreate; } @Override protected EditorCloner<Publication, IntactPublication> newClonerInstance() { return null; } @Override public Collection<String> collectParentAcsOfCurrentAnnotatedObject() { return new ArrayList<String>(); } @Override public Class<? extends IntactPrimaryObject> getAnnotatedObjectClass() { return IntactPublication.class; } @Override public boolean isAliasNotEditable(Alias alias) { return false; } @Override public boolean isAnnotationNotEditable(psidev.psi.mi.jami.model.Annotation annot) { if (AnnotationUtils.doesAnnotationHaveTopic(annot, null, Releasable.ON_HOLD)) { return true; } else if (AnnotationUtils.doesAnnotationHaveTopic(annot, null, Releasable.TO_BE_REVIEWED)) { return true; } else if (AnnotationUtils.doesAnnotationHaveTopic(annot, Annotation.CONTACT_EMAIL_MI, Annotation.CONTACT_EMAIL)) { return true; } else return AnnotationUtils.doesAnnotationHaveTopic(annot, null, Releasable.ACCEPTED); } @Override public boolean isXrefNotEditable(Xref ref) { return XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(ref, Xref.PUBMED_MI, Xref.PUBMED) && XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(ref, Xref.PRIMARY_MI, Xref.PRIMARY); } public List<Annotation> collectAnnotations() { List<Annotation> annotations = new ArrayList<Annotation>(publication.getAnnotations()); Collections.sort(annotations, new AuditableComparator()); // annotations are always initialised return annotations; } @Override public void newAlias(ActionEvent evt) { // nothing to do } @Override protected void addNewAlias(AbstractIntactAlias newAlias) { // nothing to do } @Override public <T extends AbstractIntactAlias> T newAlias(CvTerm aliasType, String name) { return null; } @Override public <T extends AbstractIntactAlias> T newAlias(String alias, String aliasMI, String name) { return null; } @Override public void removeAlias(Alias alias) { // nothing to do } public List<Alias> collectAliases() { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } public List<Xref> collectXrefs() { List<Xref> xrefs = new ArrayList<Xref>(publication.getDbXrefs()); Collections.sort(xrefs, new AuditableComparator()); // annotations are always initialised return xrefs; } public List<ExperimentSummary> collectExperiments() { return experiments; } public void refreshExperiments() { this.experiments = new ArrayList<ExperimentSummary>(publication.getExperiments().size()); for (Experiment exp : publication.getExperiments()) { ExperimentSummary summary = getExperimentSummaryService().createSummaryFrom((IntactExperiment) exp); experiments.add(summary); } } @Override public void removeXref(Xref xref) { if (!this.publication.getIdentifiers().remove(xref)) { this.publication.getXrefs().remove(xref); } this.identifier = this.publication.getPubmedId(); this.imexId = this.publication.getImexId(); } @Override protected void addNewAnnotation(AbstractIntactAnnotation newAnnot) { this.publication.getAnnotations().add(newAnnot); } @Override public PublicationAnnotation newAnnotation(CvTerm annotation, String text) { return new PublicationAnnotation(annotation, text); } @Override public PublicationAnnotation newAnnotation(String topic, String topicMI, String text) { return new PublicationAnnotation( getCvService().findCvObject(IntactUtils.TOPIC_OBJCLASS, topicMI != null ? topicMI : topic), text); } @Override public void removeAnnotation(psidev.psi.mi.jami.model.Annotation annotation) { publication.getAnnotations().remove(annotation); } public List<LifeCycleEvent> collectLifeCycleEvents() { return new ArrayList<LifeCycleEvent>(publication.getLifecycleEvents()); } public int getExperimentsSize() { if (publication == null) { return 0; } else { return publication.getExperiments().size(); } } public void reloadSingleExperiment(IntactExperiment exp) { Iterator<Experiment> evIterator = publication.getExperiments().iterator(); boolean add = true; while (evIterator.hasNext()) { IntactExperiment intactEv = (IntactExperiment); if (intactEv.getAc() == null && exp == intactEv) { add = false; } else if (intactEv.getAc() != null && intactEv.getAc().equals(exp.getAc())) { evIterator.remove(); } } if (add) { publication.getExperiments().add(exp); } refreshExperiments(); refreshDataModels(); } public void removeExperiment(IntactExperiment exp) { Iterator<Experiment> evIterator = publication.getExperiments().iterator(); while (evIterator.hasNext()) { IntactExperiment intactEv = (IntactExperiment); if (intactEv.getAc() == null && exp == intactEv) { evIterator.remove(); } else if (intactEv.getAc() != null && intactEv.getAc().equals(exp.getAc())) { evIterator.remove(); } } refreshExperiments(); refreshDataModels(); } public ImexCentralManager getImexCentralManager() { if (this.imexCentralManager == null) { this.imexCentralManager = ApplicationContextProvider.getBean("imexCentralManager"); } return imexCentralManager; } public LifeCycleManager getLifecycleManager() { if (this.lifecycleManager == null) { this.lifecycleManager = ApplicationContextProvider.getBean("jamiLifeCycleManager"); } return lifecycleManager; } public boolean isInteractionTabDisabled() { return isInteractionTabDisabled; } public void setInteractionTabDisabled(boolean isInteractionTabDisabled) { this.isInteractionTabDisabled = isInteractionTabDisabled; } public boolean isExperimentTabDisabled() { return isExperimentTabDisabled; } public void setExperimentTabDisabled(boolean isExperimentTabDisabled) { this.isExperimentTabDisabled = isExperimentTabDisabled; } public ExperimentSummaryService getExperimentSummaryService() { if (this.experimentSummaryService == null) { this.experimentSummaryService = ApplicationContextProvider.getBean("experimentSummaryService"); } return experimentSummaryService; } public InteractionSummaryService getInteractionSummaryService() { if (this.interactionSummaryService == null) { this.interactionSummaryService = ApplicationContextProvider.getBean("interactionSummaryService"); } return interactionSummaryService; } public List<SelectItem> getDatasetsSelectItems() { return datasetsSelectItems; } @Override protected void postProcessDeletedEvent(UnsavedChange unsaved) { super.postProcessDeletedEvent(unsaved); if (unsaved.getUnsavedObject() instanceof IntactExperiment) { removeExperiment((IntactExperiment) unsaved.getUnsavedObject()); } else if (unsaved.getUnsavedObject() instanceof IntactInteractionEvidence) { refreshExperiments(); refreshDataModels(); } } public String getNewValue() { return newValue; } public void setNewValue(String newValue) { this.newValue = newValue; } }