Example usage for java.util.regex Matcher replaceFirst

List of usage examples for java.util.regex Matcher replaceFirst


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.regex Matcher replaceFirst.


public String replaceFirst(Function<MatchResult, String> replacer) 

Source Link


Replaces the first subsequence of the input sequence that matches the pattern with the result of applying the given replacer function to the match result of this matcher corresponding to that subsequence.


From source file:org.lockss.extractor.SimpleHtmlMetaTagMetadataExtractor.java

public ArticleMetadata extract(MetadataTarget target, CachedUrl cu) throws IOException {
    if (cu == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("extract() called with null CachedUrl");
    }/*from   w  w w . ja  v  a2s. c o m*/
    ArticleMetadata ret = new ArticleMetadata();
    BufferedReader bReader = null;
    try {
        bReader = new BufferedReader(cu.openForReading());
        for (String line = bReader.readLine(); line != null; line = bReader.readLine()) {
            int i = StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(line, "<meta ");
            while (i >= 0) {
                // recognize end of tag character preceded by optional '/', 
                // preceded by a double-quote that is separated by zero or more 
                // whitespace characters
                int j = i + 1;
                while (true) {
                    j = StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(line, ">", j);
                    if (j < 0)
                    String s = line.substring(i, j);
                    if (s.endsWith("/")) {
                        s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1);
                    if (s.trim().endsWith("\"")) {
                if (j < 0) {
                    // join next line with tag end
                    String nextLine = bReader.readLine();
                    if (nextLine == null) {
                    if (line.endsWith("=") && nextLine.startsWith(" ")) {
                        // here we trim leading spaces from nextLine
                        Matcher m = whiteSpacePat.matcher(nextLine);
                        nextLine = m.replaceFirst("");
                    line += nextLine;
                String meta = line.substring(i, j + 1);
                if (log.isDebug3())
                    log.debug3("meta: " + meta);
                addTag(meta, ret);
                i = StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(line, "<meta ", j + 1);
    } finally {
    return ret;

From source file:de.uzk.hki.da.format.CLIConversionStrategy.java

 * Tokenizes commandLine and replaces certain strings.
 * "input" and "output" get replaced by paths of source and destination file.
 * strings beginning with "{" and ending with "}" get replaced by the contents of additionalParams of the ConversionInstruction.
 * Each of the {}-surrounded string gets replaced by exactly one token of additional params.
 * @param ci the ci// ww w .  j av  a 2 s  .  c  o  m
 * @param repName the rep name
 * @return The processed command as list of tokens. The tokenized string has the right format
 * for a call in Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandToExecute). This holds especially true
 * for filenames (which replace the input/output parameters) that are separated by
 * whitespaces. "file 2.jpg" is represented as one token only.
protected String[] assemble(ConversionInstruction ci, String repName) {

    String commandLine_ = commandLine;

    // replace additional params
    List<String> ap = tokenize(ci.getAdditional_params(), ",");
    for (String s : ap) {

        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\{.*?\\}");
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(commandLine_);
        commandLine_ = matcher.replaceFirst(s);

    // tokenize before replacement to group original tokens together
    // (to prevent wrong tokenization like two tokens for "file" "2.jpg"
    //  which can result from replacement)
    String[] tokenizedCmd = tokenize(commandLine_);

    String targetSuffix = ci.getConversion_routine().getTarget_suffix();
    if (targetSuffix.equals("*"))
        targetSuffix = FilenameUtils.getExtension(ci.getSource_file().toRegularFile().getAbsolutePath());
    Utilities.replace(tokenizedCmd, "input", ci.getSource_file().toRegularFile().getAbsolutePath());
    Utilities.replace(tokenizedCmd, "output",
            object.getDataPath() + "/" + repName + "/" + Utilities.slashize(ci.getTarget_folder())
                    + FilenameUtils.removeExtension(Matcher.quoteReplacement(
                    + "." + targetSuffix);

    return tokenizedCmd;

From source file:org.talend.dq.dbms.MSSqlDbmsLanguage.java

public String getTopNQuery(String query, int n) {
    Matcher m = SELECT_PATTERN.matcher(query);
    return m.replaceFirst("SELECT TOP " + n + PluginConstant.SPACE_STRING); //$NON-NLS-1$ 

From source file:com.almende.util.NamespaceUtil.java

 * _get.//  ww w .  j  av  a 2s  .  com
 * @param destination
 *            the destination
 * @param path
 *            the path
 * @return the call tuple
 * @throws IllegalAccessException
 *             the illegal access exception
 * @throws InvocationTargetException
 *             the invocation target exception
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException
 *             the no such method exception
private CallTuple _get(final Object destination, final String path)
        throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException {
    final CallTuple result = new CallTuple();
    String reducedPath = "";
    String reducedMethod = path;
    if (path.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
        reducedPath = destination.getClass().getName() + "." + path;
        final Matcher matcher = PATTERN.matcher(reducedPath);
        reducedPath = matcher.replaceFirst("");
        reducedMethod = matcher.group().substring(1);
    if (!cache.containsKey(reducedPath)) {
        final AnnotatedMethod[] methods = new AnnotatedMethod[1];
        final String newSteps = destination.getClass().getName();
        cache.put("", new AnnotatedMethod[0]);
        populateCache(destination, newSteps, methods);
    if (!cache.containsKey(reducedPath)) {
        try {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Non resolveable path given:'" + path + "' \n checked:"
                    + JOM.getInstance().writeValueAsString(cache));
        } catch (final JsonProcessingException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Non resolveable path given:'" + path + "' \n checked:" + cache);
    final AnnotatedMethod[] methodPath = cache.get(reducedPath);
    Object newDestination = destination;
    for (final AnnotatedMethod method : methodPath) {
        if (method != null) {
            newDestination = method.getActualMethod().invoke(destination, (Object[]) null);
    if (newDestination == null) {
        // Oops, namespace getter returned null pointer!
        return result;
    final AnnotatedClass newClazz = AnnotationUtil.get(newDestination.getClass());
    final List<AnnotatedMethod> methods = newClazz.getMethods(reducedMethod);
    if (!methods.isEmpty()) {
    return result;

From source file:org.goko.core.rs274ngcv3.parser.GCodeLexer.java

 * Recursive method used to split the stringCommand into a list of tokens
 * @param stringCommand the string command
 * @param tokens the list of token//from w w  w  . ja  v a 2 s  .c o  m
 * @throws GkException GkException
protected List<GCodeToken> createTokens(String stringCommand, List<GCodeToken> tokens) throws GkException {
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(stringCommand)) {
        return tokens;
    Matcher spaceMatcher = spacePattern.matcher(stringCommand);
    if (spaceMatcher.find()) {
        String remainingString = spaceMatcher.replaceFirst(StringUtils.EMPTY);
        return createTokens(remainingString, tokens);
    Matcher wordMatcher = wordPattern.matcher(stringCommand);
    if (wordMatcher.find()) {
        String remainingString = extractToken(wordMatcher, tokens, GCodeTokenType.WORD);
        return createTokens(remainingString, tokens);
    Matcher lineNumberMatcher = lineNumberPattern.matcher(stringCommand);
    if (lineNumberMatcher.find()) {
        String remainingString = extractToken(lineNumberMatcher, tokens, GCodeTokenType.LINE_NUMBER);
        return createTokens(remainingString, tokens);
    Matcher multilineCommentMatcher = multilineCommentPattern.matcher(stringCommand);
    if (multilineCommentMatcher.find()) {
        String remainingString = extractToken(multilineCommentMatcher, tokens,
        return createTokens(remainingString, tokens);
    Matcher simpleCommentMatcher = simpleCommentPattern.matcher(stringCommand);
    if (simpleCommentMatcher.find()) {
        String remainingString = extractToken(simpleCommentMatcher, tokens, GCodeTokenType.SIMPLE_COMMENT);
        return createTokens(remainingString, tokens);
    throw new GkFunctionalException("Unexpected character : " + stringCommand);

From source file:org.silverpeas.core.contribution.attachment.util.SharingContext.java

 * This method reads a text content in order to identify all attachment URIs and to transform
 * them into shared attachment URIs.//from  w ww .  ja v a2  s . c o  m
 * @param text the text content to modify
 * @return the text containing all attachment URI conversions.
public String applyOn(String text) {
    Matcher matcher;
    String newStr = text;
    while ((matcher = REGEXPR_SHARED_ATTACHMENT.matcher(newStr)).find()) {
        String currentURL = matcher.group(1);
        newStr = matcher.replaceFirst("src=\"" + convertURLToSharedOne(currentURL));
    return newStr;

From source file:de.uzk.hki.da.convert.CLIConversionStrategy.java

 * Tokenizes commandLine and replaces certain strings.
 * "input" and "output" get replaced by paths of source and destination file.
 * strings beginning with "{" and ending with "}" get replaced by the contents of additionalParams of the ConversionInstruction.
 * Each of the {}-surrounded string gets replaced by exactly one token of additional params.
 * @param ci the ci/*from www .  java 2 s.  com*/
 * @param repName the rep name
 * @return The processed command as list of tokens. The tokenized string has the right format
 * for a call in Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandToExecute). This holds especially true
 * for filenames (which replace the input/output parameters) that are separated by
 * whitespaces. "file 2.jpg" is represented as one token only.
protected String[] assemble(WorkArea wa, ConversionInstruction ci, String repName) {

    String commandLine_ = commandLine;

    // replace additional params
    List<String> ap = tokenize(ci.getAdditional_params(), ",");
    for (String s : ap) {

        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\{.*?\\}");
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(commandLine_);
        commandLine_ = matcher.replaceFirst(s);

    // tokenize before replacement to group original tokens together
    // (to prevent wrong tokenization like two tokens for "file" "2.jpg"
    //  which can result from replacement)
    String[] tokenizedCmd = tokenize(commandLine_);

    String targetSuffix = ci.getConversion_routine().getTarget_suffix();
    if (targetSuffix.equals("*"))
        targetSuffix = FilenameUtils.getExtension(wa.toFile(ci.getSource_file()).getAbsolutePath());
    StringUtilities.replace(tokenizedCmd, "input", wa.toFile(ci.getSource_file()).getAbsolutePath());
    StringUtilities.replace(tokenizedCmd, "output",
            wa.dataPath() + "/" + repName + "/" + StringUtilities.slashize(ci.getTarget_folder())
                    + FilenameUtils.removeExtension(Matcher.quoteReplacement(
                    + "." + targetSuffix);

    return tokenizedCmd;

From source file:org.goko.core.gcode.rs274ngcv3.parser.GCodeLexer.java

 * Extract the first token from the given matcher
 * @param matcher the matcher/*from   w w w.  ja va 2  s  . co m*/
 * @param tokens the list of tokens
 * @param type the type of token to create
 * @return the remaining String after the token extraction
protected String extractToken(Matcher matcher, List<GCodeToken> tokens, GCodeTokenType type) {
    tokens.add(new GCodeToken(type, matcher.group()));
    return matcher.replaceFirst(StringUtils.EMPTY);

From source file:org.kuali.kfs.sys.document.validation.impl.BusinessObjectDataDictionaryValidation.java

 * @return determines the prefix from the "businessObjectForValidation" parameter property if possible
 *//*from w  w w . j a v a2 s  .c o  m*/
protected String determinePrefixIfPossible() {
    String prefix = null;
    ValidationFieldConvertible convertible = findParameterForBusinessObjectForValidation();
    if (convertible != null) {
        if (convertible.getSourceEventProperty().contains(KFSPropertyConstants.DOCUMENT)) {
            Matcher prefixCleanMatch = PREFIX_FINDER.matcher(convertible.getSourceEventProperty());
            if (prefixCleanMatch != null) {
                return prefixCleanMatch.replaceFirst(KFSPropertyConstants.DOCUMENT);
            } else {
                return convertible.getSourceEventProperty();
    return prefix;

From source file:ac.simons.tweetarchive.web.ArchiveHandlingController.java

 * As you can see, it get's nasty here...
 * <br>//  w  w  w.ja  va 2  s  . c  om
 * Twitter4j doesn't offer an official way to parse Twitters JSON, so I
 * brute force my way into the twitter4j.StatusJSONImpl implementation of
 * Status.
 * <br>
 * And even if there was an official way, the JSON files inside the
 * official(!) Twitter archive differ from the API, even if they are said to
 * be identical. By the way, I'm not the only one, who
 * <a href="https://twittercommunity.com/t/why-does-twitter-json-archive-have-a-different-format-than-the-rest-api-1-1/35530">noticed
 * that</a>.
 * <br>
 * Furthermore, I didn't even bother to add error handling or tests.
 * @param archive The uploaded archive
 * @return Redirect to the index
 * @throws java.io.IOException
 * @throws twitter4j.JSONException
public String store(@NotNull final MultipartFile archive, final RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes)
        throws IOException, JSONException {
    try (final ZipInputStream archiv = new ZipInputStream(archive.getInputStream())) {
        ZipEntry entry;
        while ((entry = archiv.getNextEntry()) != null) {
            if (!entry.getName().startsWith("data/js/tweets/") || entry.isDirectory()) {
            log.debug("Reading archive entry {}...", entry.getName());
            final BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(
                    new InputStreamReader(archiv, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

            final String content = buffer.lines().skip(1).map(l -> {
                Matcher m = PATTERN_CREATED_AT.matcher(l);
                String rv = l;
                if (m.find()) {
                    try {
                        rv = m.replaceFirst(
                                "$1\"" + DATE_FORMAT_OUT.format(DATE_FORMAT_IN.parse(m.group(2))) + "\"");
                    } catch (ParseException ex) {
                        log.warn("Unexpected date format in twitter archive", ex);
                return rv;
            }).collect(Collectors.joining("")).replaceAll("\"sizes\" : \\[.+?\\],", "\"sizes\" : {},");

            final JSONArray statuses = new JSONArray(content);
            for (int i = 0; i < statuses.length(); ++i) {
                final JSONObject rawJSON = statuses.getJSONObject(i);
                // https://twitter.com/lukaseder/status/772772372990586882 ;)
                final Status status = statusFactory.create(rawJSON).as(Status.class);
                this.tweetStorageService.store(status, rawJSON.toString());
    redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("message", "Done.");
    return "redirect:/upload";