List of usage examples for java.util.regex Matcher replaceFirst
public String replaceFirst(Function<MatchResult, String> replacer)
From source
private String completeHeader(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, Matcher htmlMatcher, String html) { // Try to place the css as the first link in the head tag Matcher startHeadMatcher = START_HEAD_PATTERN.matcher(html); if (startHeadMatcher.find()) { html = startHeadMatcher.replaceFirst("$1" + Matcher.quoteReplacement(headerStyles.toString())); } else {//from ww w. j a va 2s. c o m Head head = new Head(); head.addText(headerStyles); html = htmlMatcher.replaceFirst("$1" + Matcher.quoteReplacement(head.getHtml().toString())); } // Place the CSRF token as Meta tags String tokenName = (String) httpRequest.getAttribute(REQUEST_META_DATA_CSRF_TOKEN_NAME); if (tokenName != null) { String tokenValue = (String) httpRequest.getAttribute(REQUEST_META_DATA_CSRF_TOKEN_VALUE); startHeadMatcher = START_HEAD_PATTERN.matcher(html); Tag csrfName = new Meta().addAttribute("name", CSRF_TOKEN_NAME).addAttribute("content", tokenName); Tag csrfToken = new Meta().addAttribute("name", CSRF_TOKEN_VALUE).addAttribute("content", tokenValue); StringBuilder metaTags = csrfName.getHtml().append(csrfToken.getHtml()); html = startHeadMatcher.replaceFirst("$1" + Matcher.quoteReplacement(metaTags.toString())); } return html; }
From source
private String completeScripts(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, String html) { // Stand alone script with mapped exposed variables Script varScript = getExposeVarScripts(httpRequest); // Stand alone functions mapped via function tag Script funcScript = getFunctionScripts(httpRequest); // General page scripts executed when document is ready DocScript docScript = (DocScript) httpRequest.getAttribute(REQUEST_PAGE_DOC_SCRIPT_ATTR); StringBuilder scriptBuilder = new StringBuilder(headerScripts); if (varScript != null) { scriptBuilder.append(varScript.getHtml()); }/*from w w w .j a v a2 s .c o m*/ if (funcScript != null) { scriptBuilder.append(funcScript.getHtml()); } if (docScript != null) { scriptBuilder.append(docScript.getHtml()); } // Place the scripts before the last script tag inside body Matcher scriptMatcher = SCRIPT_BODY_PATTERN.matcher(html); if (scriptMatcher.find()) { return scriptMatcher.replaceFirst("$1" + Matcher.quoteReplacement(scriptBuilder.toString()) + "$2"); } // Place the scripts before the end body tag Matcher bodyMatcher = CLOSE_BODY_PATTERN.matcher(html); if (!bodyMatcher.find()) { throw new RuntimeException("HTML tag [body] could not be find. Please insert the body tag in your JSP"); } return bodyMatcher.replaceFirst(Matcher.quoteReplacement(scriptBuilder.toString()) + "$1"); }
From source
/** * This method takes a given document path and localizes - i.e. truncates - * it to the suffix left over when matching the given XPath expression * against the path.// w w w.j a v a 2s . c o m * * @param xpathExpression the XPath expression translated to a regular expression * @param path the path to localize * @return <code>null</code>, if the XPath expression does not match the * given path, the localized path suffix otherwise. Note that * <code>""</code> is returned as a suffix when the XPath expression * fully matches the path. */ private String localizePath(Pattern xpathExpression, String path) { String localizedPath = null; Matcher matcher = xpathExpression.matcher(path); if (matcher.find()) { String replacement = "/" +; localizedPath = matcher.replaceFirst(replacement); } return localizedPath; }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}// w w w.j av a 2 s . co m */ public String getValue(final Object rawValue, final ValueAdapter adapter, final ExportTuple tuple) { if (getValueConstant() != null) { return getValueConstant(); } else if (rawValue != null) { final String strValue = (String) adapter.fromRaw(rawValue, ImpExColumn.STRING, this, tuple); if (strValue != null) { if (getPattern() != null) { Matcher matcher = getPattern().matcher(strValue); if (StringUtils.isBlank(getValueRegExTemplate())) { if (matcher.find()) { return; } else { return null; } } else { if (matcher.matches()) { return matcher.replaceFirst(getValueRegExTemplate()).trim(); } else { return null; } } } return strValue; } } return null; }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}//from ww w .j a v a 2 s . c o m */ public Object getValue(final String rawValue, final ValueAdapter adapter) { if (getValueConstant() != null) { return adapter.fromRaw(getValueConstant(), getDataType()); } else if (rawValue != null) { if (getPattern() != null) { Matcher matcher = getPattern().matcher(rawValue); if (StringUtils.isBlank(getValueRegExTemplate())) { if (matcher.find()) { return adapter.fromRaw(, getDataType()); } else { return null; } } else { if (matcher.matches()) { return adapter.fromRaw(matcher.replaceFirst(getValueRegExTemplate()).trim(), getDataType()); } else { return null; } } } return adapter.fromRaw(rawValue, getDataType()); } return null; }
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/** * If the referer points to /bedit{bib,url}/abc, we redirect to /abc, otherwise * to /user/loginUserName//from w w w . j ava 2s. co m * * @param referer * @param loginUserName * @return */ private View getFinalRedirect(final String referer, final String loginUserName) { String redirectUrl = referer; if (present(referer)) { /* * if we come from bedit{bib, burl}/{group, user}/{groupname, username}, * we remove this prefix to get back to the simple resource view in the group or user section */ final Matcher prefixMatcher = BATCH_EDIT_URL_PATTERN.matcher(referer); if (prefixMatcher.find()) { redirectUrl = prefixMatcher.replaceFirst(""); } } /* * if no URL is given, we redirect to the user's page */ if (!present(redirectUrl)) { redirectUrl = UrlUtils.safeURIEncode("/user" + loginUserName); // TODO: should be done by the URLGenerator } return new ExtendedRedirectView(redirectUrl); }
From source
private void extractFacetInfo(NamedList<Object> info, SolrParams solrParams) { // Parse the queries _facetQuery = new LinkedHashMap<String, Long>(); NamedList<Long> fq = (NamedList<Long>) info.get("facet_queries"); if (fq != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : fq) { _facetQuery.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); }/*from w w w. j av a 2s.c o m*/ } // Parse the facet info into fields // TODO?? The list could be <int> or <long>? If always <long> then we can switch to <Long> NamedList<NamedList<Number>> ff = (NamedList<NamedList<Number>>) info.get("facet_fields"); Map<String, FieldType> fieldTypeMap = new HashMap<>(); if (ff != null) { _facetFields = new ArrayList<FacetField>(ff.size()); _limitingFacets = new ArrayList<FacetField>(ff.size()); long minsize = totalSize; for (Map.Entry<String, NamedList<Number>> facet : ff) { String key = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(facet.getKey(), SimpleJahiaJcrFacets.PROPNAME_INDEX_SEPARATOR); String fieldInIndex = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(facet.getKey(), SimpleJahiaJcrFacets.PROPNAME_INDEX_SEPARATOR); FacetField f = new FacetField(key); if (!fieldTypeMap.containsKey(key)) { try { //Find a key like f.field_name#unknownumber.facet.nodetype Pattern facetNodetype = Pattern.compile("f\\." + key + "#[0-9]+\\.facet\\.nodetype"); String nodetypeName = null; Iterator<String> parameterNamesIterator = solrParams.getParameterNamesIterator(); while (parameterNamesIterator.hasNext()) { String next =; if (facetNodetype.matcher(next).matches()) { nodetypeName = solrParams.get(next); break; } } ExtendedPropertyDefinition epd = NodeTypeRegistry.getInstance().getNodeType(nodetypeName) .getPropertyDefinition(key); fieldTypeMap.put(key, getType(epd)); } catch (NoSuchNodeTypeException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } for (Map.Entry<String, Number> entry : facet.getValue()) { String facetValue = entry.getKey(); String query = fieldTypeMap.get(key).toInternal(entry.getKey()); Matcher matcher = valueWithQuery.matcher(facetValue); if (matcher.matches()) { query =; facetValue = matcher.replaceFirst("$1"); } f.add(facetValue, entry.getValue().longValue()); f.getValues().get(f.getValueCount() - 1).setFilterQuery( ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(fieldInIndex) + ":" + ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(query)); } _facetFields.add(f); FacetField nl = f.getLimitingFields(minsize); if (nl.getValueCount() > 0) { _limitingFacets.add(nl); } } } // Parse date facets NamedList<NamedList<Object>> df = (NamedList<NamedList<Object>>) info.get("facet_dates"); if (df != null) { // System.out.println(df); _facetDates = new ArrayList<FacetField>(df.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, NamedList<Object>> facet : df) { // System.out.println("Key: " + facet.getKey() + " Value: " + facet.getValue()); NamedList<Object> values = facet.getValue(); String gap = (String) values.get("gap"); Date end = (Date) values.get("end"); FacetField f = new FacetField(StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(facet.getKey(), SimpleJahiaJcrFacets.PROPNAME_INDEX_SEPARATOR), gap, end); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : values) { try { String key = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(entry.getKey(), SimpleJahiaJcrFacets.PROPNAME_INDEX_SEPARATOR); String query = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(entry.getKey(), SimpleJahiaJcrFacets.PROPNAME_INDEX_SEPARATOR); f.add(key, Long.parseLong(entry.getValue().toString())); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(query)) { String rangePrefix = null; if (query.contains(RANGEFROM_EXCLUSIVE_PREFIX)) { rangePrefix = RANGEFROM_EXCLUSIVE_PREFIX; } else if (query.contains(RANGEFROM_INCLUSIVE_PREFIX)) { rangePrefix = RANGEFROM_INCLUSIVE_PREFIX; } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(rangePrefix)) { f.getValues().get(f.getValueCount() - 1) .setFilterQuery(ClientUtils .escapeQueryChars(StringUtils.substringBefore(query, rangePrefix)) + rangePrefix + StringUtils.substringAfter(query, rangePrefix)); } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Ignore for non-number responses which are already handled above } } _facetDates.add(f); } } // Parse range facets NamedList<NamedList<Object>> rf = (NamedList<NamedList<Object>>) info.get("facet_ranges"); if (rf != null) { // System.out.println(df); _facetRanges = new ArrayList<RangeFacet>(rf.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, NamedList<Object>> facet : rf) { NamedList<Object> values = facet.getValue(); Object rawGap = values.get("gap"); RangeFacet rangeFacet; if (rawGap instanceof Number) { Number gap = (Number) rawGap; Number start = (Number) values.get("start"); Number end = (Number) values.get("end"); Number before = (Number) values.get("before"); Number after = (Number) values.get("after"); rangeFacet = new RangeFacet.Numeric(StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(facet.getKey(), SimpleJahiaJcrFacets.PROPNAME_INDEX_SEPARATOR), start, end, gap, before, after); } else { String gap = (String) rawGap; Date start = (Date) values.get("start"); Date end = (Date) values.get("end"); Number before = (Number) values.get("before"); Number after = (Number) values.get("after"); rangeFacet = new RangeFacet.Date(StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(facet.getKey(), SimpleJahiaJcrFacets.PROPNAME_INDEX_SEPARATOR), start, end, gap, before, after); } NamedList<Integer> counts = (NamedList<Integer>) values.get("counts"); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : counts) { try { String key = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(entry.getKey(), SimpleJahiaJcrFacets.PROPNAME_INDEX_SEPARATOR); String query = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(entry.getKey(), SimpleJahiaJcrFacets.PROPNAME_INDEX_SEPARATOR); rangeFacet.addCount(key, entry.getValue()); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(query)) { String rangePrefix = null; if (query.contains(RANGEFROM_EXCLUSIVE_PREFIX)) { rangePrefix = RANGEFROM_EXCLUSIVE_PREFIX; } else if (query.contains(RANGEFROM_INCLUSIVE_PREFIX)) { rangePrefix = RANGEFROM_INCLUSIVE_PREFIX; } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(rangePrefix)) { ((RangeFacet.Count) rangeFacet.getCounts().get(rangeFacet.getCounts().size() - 1)) .setFilterQuery(ClientUtils .escapeQueryChars(StringUtils.substringBefore(query, rangePrefix)) + rangePrefix + StringUtils.substringAfter(query, rangePrefix)); } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Ignore for non-number responses which are already handled above } } _facetRanges.add(rangeFacet); } } }
From source
@ExposeToClient public Hashtable<String, Object> getLogUpdate(String filename, String lastStamp) throws IOException { logFolder = new"catalina.home") + "/logs/ProjectLogs", this.projectManager.getCurrentProject().getProjectName()); logFile = new, filename); if (!logFile.exists()) { Hashtable<String, Object> PEmpty = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); PEmpty.put(LOG_UPDATE_LOGS, ""); PEmpty.put(LOG_UPDATE_LAST_STAMP, 0); return PEmpty; }/*from w w w. j a v a2 s . c om*/ InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(logFile); try { String logFileContent = IOUtils.toString(inputStream); if (lastStamp.length() > 0) { // remove everything up to START_WM_LOG_LINE lastStamp Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^.*START_WM_LOG_LINE\\s+" + lastStamp + "\\s+", Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(logFileContent); logFileContent = matcher.replaceFirst(""); // Replace everything from the start of whats left of this line to END_WM_LOG_LINE logFileContent = logFileContent.replaceFirst("^.*?END_WM_LOG_LINE", ""); } Pattern htmlTagPattern = Pattern .compile("(START_WM_LOG_LINE\\s+\\d+\\:\\d+\\:\\d+,\\d+\\s+)(\\S+) (\\(.*\\))"); Matcher htmlTagMatcher = htmlTagPattern.matcher(logFileContent); logFileContent = htmlTagMatcher .replaceAll("$1<span class='LogType$2'>$2</span> <span class='LogLocation'>$3</span>"); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("START_WM_LOG_LINE\\s+\\d+\\:\\d+\\:\\d+,\\d+"); Matcher m = p.matcher(logFileContent); String timestamp = ""; while (m.find()) { timestamp =; timestamp = timestamp.replaceFirst("START_WM_LOG_LINE\\s+.*?", ""); } Hashtable<String, Object> logUpdate = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); logFileContent = m.replaceAll(""); // remove all START_WM_LOG_LINE xxx:xxx:xxx,xxx logFileContent = logFileContent.replaceAll(" END_WM_LOG_LINE", ""); if (logFileContent.matches("^\\s+$")) { logFileContent = ""; } logFileContent = logFileContent.replaceAll("(\\S+)(\\n\\r|\\r\\n|\\n|\\r)", "$1<br/>"); Pattern trimPattern = Pattern.compile("^\\s*", Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher trimMatcher = trimPattern.matcher(logFileContent); logFileContent = trimMatcher.replaceAll(""); logUpdate.put(LOG_UPDATE_LOGS, logFileContent); logUpdate.put(LOG_UPDATE_LAST_STAMP, timestamp); return logUpdate; } finally { inputStream.close(); } }
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@Override public String sendPost(SendPostModel model, ProgressListener listener, CancellableTask task) throws Exception { updateSession(listener, task);/*from w w w .j ava 2 s. c o m*/ String url = null; String parent = null; String comment = model.comment; if (model.threadNumber != null) { Pattern referencePattern = Pattern.compile("^\\s*>>(\\d+)"); Matcher matcher = referencePattern.matcher(comment); if (matcher.find()) { parent =; JSONObject post = getPost(parent, listener, task); if (post.optString("threadId").equals(model.threadNumber)) { comment = matcher.replaceFirst(""); } else { parent = getOpPostID(model, listener, task); } } else { parent = getOpPostID(model, listener, task); } url = getUsingUrl() + "api/thread/reply?parent=" + parent + "&session=" + sessionId; } else { url = getUsingUrl() + "api/thread/create?board=" + model.boardName + "&session=" + sessionId; } JSONObject jsonPayload = new JSONObject(); jsonPayload.put("board", model.boardName); jsonPayload.put("thread", model.threadNumber != null ? model.threadNumber : JSONObject.NULL); jsonPayload.put("parent", parent != null ? parent : JSONObject.NULL); jsonPayload.put("message", comment); if (model.attachments != null && model.attachments.length > 0) { JSONArray images = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < model.attachments.length; ++i) { images.put(uploadFile(model.attachments[i], listener, task)); } jsonPayload.put("images", images); } String captchaId = null; try { captchaId = captchas.keySet().iterator().next(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } captchaId = validateCaptcha(captchaId, listener, task); jsonPayload.put("captcha", captchaId != null ? captchaId : JSONObject.NULL); JSONEntry payload = new JSONEntry(jsonPayload); HttpRequestModel request = HttpRequestModel.builder().setPOST(payload).setNoRedirect(true).build(); String response = null; JSONObject result = null; try { response = HttpStreamer.getInstance().getStringFromUrl(url, request, httpClient, null, task, true); } catch (HttpWrongStatusCodeException e1) { try { result = new JSONObject(e1.getHtmlString()); } catch (JSONException e2) { } if (result != null) { int errorCode = result.optInt("error", 0); if (errorCode == 403) { String require = result.getJSONObject("details").optString("require"); if (require.equals("captcha")) { throw new NewNullchanCaptchaException(); } else throw new Exception(result.optString("message")); } } checkCloudflareError(e1, url); throw e1; } result = new JSONObject(response); if (!result.optBoolean("ok", false)) { JSONArray errors = result.optJSONArray("errors"); if (errors != null && errors.length() > 0) { String errorMessage = errors.optString(0, ""); if (errorMessage.length() > 0) throw new Exception(errorMessage); } throw new Exception(response); } JSONObject post = result.getJSONObject("post"); UrlPageModel urlModel = new UrlPageModel(); urlModel.type = UrlPageModel.TYPE_THREADPAGE; urlModel.boardName = post.optString("boardDir", model.boardName); urlModel.chanName = getChanName(); urlModel.threadNumber = post.optString("threadId", model.threadNumber); urlModel.postNumber = post.optString("id", null); return this.buildUrl(urlModel); }