List of usage examples for java.util.regex Matcher replaceFirst
public String replaceFirst(Function<MatchResult, String> replacer)
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/** * Creates a count projected query from the given orginal query. * /*www.j a v a2 m*/ * @param originalQuery must not be {@literal null} or empty * @return */ public static String createCountQueryFor(String originalQuery) { Assert.hasText(originalQuery); Matcher matcher = COUNT_MATCH.matcher(originalQuery); return matcher.replaceFirst(COUNT_REPLACEMENT); }
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/** * A utility method for masking the password in a file URI * * @param url URL to be masked//from w w w . j a va2 s . c o m * @return The masked URL */ public static String maskURLPassword(String url) { Matcher urlMatcher = URL_PATTERN.matcher(url); if (urlMatcher.find()) { Matcher pwdMatcher = PASSWORD_PATTERN.matcher(url); String maskUrl = pwdMatcher.replaceFirst("\":***@\""); return maskUrl; } else { return url; } }
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private static String replaceSchemaUrl(String str) { String replaceString = "\"schemas/schema/schema.xsd\""; final Pattern myPattern = Pattern.compile("\"schemas/url_.*.xsd\""); Matcher m = myPattern.matcher(str); if (m.find()) { str = m.replaceFirst(replaceString); }/*from ww w .ja va2s .co m*/ return str; }
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/** * Mask the password of the connection url with *** * @param url the actual url/* w ww. ja v a2 s .co m*/ * @return the masked url */ public static String maskURLPassword(String url) { final Matcher urlMatcher = URL_PATTERN.matcher(url); String maskUrl; if (urlMatcher.find()) { final Matcher pwdMatcher = PASSWORD_PATTERN.matcher(url); maskUrl = pwdMatcher.replaceFirst("\":***@\""); return maskUrl; } return url; }
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private static String replaceElementId(String str) { String replaceString = "<element id=\"%ELEMENT_ID%\""; String tmpReplace = "%TEMP_ELEMENT_ID%"; final Pattern myPattern = Pattern.compile("<element id=\"\\d+\""); Matcher m = myPattern.matcher(str); while (m.find()) { str = m.replaceFirst(tmpReplace); m = myPattern.matcher(str);/*from w w w. j a v a2 s . c om*/ } str = str.replaceAll(tmpReplace, replaceString); return str; }
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/** * Utility method using a precompiled pattern instead of using the * replaceFirst method of the String class. This method will also be reusing * Matcher objects.// www. ja v a 2s. c o m * * @see java.util.regex.Pattern * @param pattern precompiled Pattern to match against * @param input the character sequence to check * @param replacement the String to substitute the first match with * @return the String with the first match substituted */ public static String replaceFirst(String pattern, CharSequence input, String replacement) { input = new InterruptibleCharSequence(input); Matcher m = getMatcher(pattern, input); String res = m.replaceFirst(replacement); recycleMatcher(m); return res; }
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private static String ensureNiceBeginningAndEnding(String prettifiedName) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(prettifiedName)) { return ""; }/*from www. ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ Matcher m = STRIP_BEGINNING_PATTERN.matcher(prettifiedName); if (m.matches()) { prettifiedName = m.replaceFirst(; } m = STRIP_ENDING_PATTERN.matcher(prettifiedName); if (m.matches()) { prettifiedName = m.replaceFirst(; } return prettifiedName; }
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public static String determineAlternateEndpoint(ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration) { String alternateEndpointUrl = null; List<AlternateEndpointLocation> alternateEndpointLocations = (List<AlternateEndpointLocation>) ConfigContext .getCurrentContextConfig().getObject(KSBConstants.Config.KSB_ALTERNATE_ENDPOINT_LOCATIONS); if (alternateEndpointLocations != null) { for (AlternateEndpointLocation alternateEndpointLocation : alternateEndpointLocations) { if (Pattern.matches(".*" + alternateEndpointLocation.getEndpointHostReplacementPattern() + ".*", serviceConfiguration.getEndpointUrl().toExternalForm())) { Pattern myPattern = Pattern .compile(alternateEndpointLocation.getEndpointHostReplacementPattern()); Matcher myMatcher = myPattern.matcher(serviceConfiguration.getEndpointUrl().toExternalForm()); String alternateEndpoint = myMatcher .replaceFirst(alternateEndpointLocation.getEndpointHostReplacementValue()); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Found an alternate url host value (" + alternateEndpointLocation.getEndpointHostReplacementValue() + ") for endpoint: " + serviceConfiguration.getEndpointUrl() + " -> instead using: " + alternateEndpoint); }/*from www .jav a 2 m*/ alternateEndpointUrl = alternateEndpoint; break; } } } List<AlternateEndpoint> alternateEndpoints = (List<AlternateEndpoint>) ConfigContext .getCurrentContextConfig().getObject(KSBConstants.Config.KSB_ALTERNATE_ENDPOINTS); if (alternateEndpoints != null) { for (AlternateEndpoint alternateEndpoint : alternateEndpoints) { if (Pattern.matches(alternateEndpoint.getEndpointUrlPattern(), serviceConfiguration.getEndpointUrl().toExternalForm())) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Found an alternate url for endpoint: " + serviceConfiguration.getEndpointUrl() + " -> instead using: " + alternateEndpoint.getActualEndpoint()); } alternateEndpointUrl = alternateEndpoint.getActualEndpoint(); break; } } } return alternateEndpointUrl; }
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/** * Parses a URL from a String. This method supports file-system paths * (e.g. /foo/bar).//from www . j a v a 2 s . co m * @param str - String representation of an URL * @return an URL. * @throws IOException If an input/output error occurs. */ public static @Nullable URL parseURL(final String str) throws MalformedURLException { URL url = null; if (isNotBlank(str)) { try { url = new URL(str); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { url = null; if (!str.matches("^[a-zA-Z]+[/]*:[^\\\\]")) { // convert path to UNIX path String path = separatorsToUnix(str.trim()); final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^([a-zA-Z]:/)"); final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(path); path = matcher.replaceFirst("/"); // convert relative paths to absolute paths if (!path.startsWith("/")) { path = path.startsWith("~") ? path.replaceFirst("~", System.getProperty("user.home")) : concat(System.getProperty("user.dir"), path); } // normalize path path = normalize(path, true); if (isNotBlank(path)) { url = new File(path).toURI().toURL(); } else { throw new MalformedURLException("Invalid path: " + path); } } else { throw e; } } } return url; }
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/** * Edit a "Content-Disposition" header value by changing a ".PNG_*" file extension to ".png". (The ".PNG_*" file * extensions are an ugly system quirk that we don't want to expose to the user.) * * @param contentDispositionValue a "Content-Disposition" header value * @return an edited value if it's bad; else the same value *//* w w w . j a va 2 s . co m*/ private static String sanitizeAssetFilename(String contentDispositionValue) { Matcher matcher = BAD_THUMBNAIL_EXTENSION.matcher(contentDispositionValue); if (matcher.find()) { return matcher.replaceFirst(".png"); } return contentDispositionValue; }