List of usage examples for java.util LinkedList get
public E get(int index)
From source
@SuppressWarnings("all") private static HashMap<Integer, Long> writeResults(String dirname) throws IOException, DMLRuntimeException { HashMap<Integer, Long> map = new HashMap<Integer, Long>(); int count = 1; int offset = (MODEL_INTERCEPT ? 1 : 0); int cols = MODEL_MAX_ORDER + offset; for (Entry<Integer, HashMap<Integer, LinkedList<Double>>> inst : _results.entrySet()) { int instID = inst.getKey(); HashMap<Integer, LinkedList<Double>> instCF = inst.getValue(); for (Entry<Integer, LinkedList<Double>> cfun : instCF.entrySet()) { int tDefID = cfun.getKey(); long ID = IDHandler.concatIntIDsToLong(instID, tDefID); LinkedList<Double> dmeasure = cfun.getValue(); PerfTestDef def = _regTestDef.get(tDefID); LinkedList<Double> dvariable = generateSequence(def.getMin(), def.getMax(), NUM_SAMPLES_PER_TEST); int dlen = dvariable.size(); int plen = def.getInternalVariables().length; //write variable data set CSVWriter writer1 = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(dirname + count + "_in1.csv"), ',', CSVWriter.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER); if (plen == 1) //one dimensional function {//w w w. j a v a2s. c o m //write 1, x, x^2, x^3, ... String[] sbuff = new String[cols]; for (Double val : dvariable) { for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) sbuff[j] = String.valueOf(Math.pow(val, j + 1 - offset)); writer1.writeNext(sbuff); } } else // multi-dimensional function { //write 1, x,y,z,x^2,y^2,z^2, xy, xz, yz, xyz String[] sbuff = new String[(int) Math.pow(2, plen) - 1 + plen + offset - 1]; //String[] sbuff = new String[plen+offset]; if (offset == 1) sbuff[0] = "1"; //init index stack int[] index = new int[plen]; for (int i = 0; i < plen; i++) index[i] = 0; //execute test double[] buff = new double[plen]; while (index[0] < dlen) { //set buffer values for (int i = 0; i < plen; i++) buff[i] = dvariable.get(index[i]); //core writing for (int i = 1; i <= plen; i++) { if (i == 1) { for (int j = 0; j < plen; j++) sbuff[offset + j] = String.valueOf(buff[j]); for (int j = 0; j < plen; j++) sbuff[offset + plen + j] = String.valueOf(Math.pow(buff[j], 2)); } else if (i == 2) { int ix = 0; for (int j = 0; j < plen - 1; j++) for (int k = j + 1; k < plen; k++, ix++) sbuff[offset + 2 * plen + ix] = String.valueOf(buff[j] * buff[k]); } else if (i == plen) { //double tmp=1; //for( int j=0; j<plen; j++ ) // tmp *= buff[j]; //sbuff[offset+2*plen+plen*(plen-1)/2] = String.valueOf(tmp); } else throw new DMLRuntimeException("More than 3 dims currently not supported."); } //for( int i=0; i<plen; i++ ) // sbuff[offset+i] = String.valueOf( buff[i] ); writer1.writeNext(sbuff); //increment indexes for (int i = plen - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i == plen - 1) index[i]++; else if (index[i + 1] >= dlen) { index[i]++; index[i + 1] = 0; } } } } writer1.close(); //write measure data set CSVWriter writer2 = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(dirname + count + "_in2.csv"), ',', CSVWriter.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER); String[] buff2 = new String[1]; for (Double val : dmeasure) { buff2[0] = String.valueOf(val); writer2.writeNext(buff2); } writer2.close(); map.put(count, ID); count++; } } return map; }
From source
/** * Retrieve a number of lines from the file around the given * position, as when paging forward or backward through a file. * /* w w w . ja v a2 s. c o m*/ * @param file File to retrieve lines * @param position offset to anchor lines * @param signedDesiredLineCount lines requested; if negative, * want this number of lines ending with a line containing * the position; if positive, want this number of lines, * all starting at or after position. * @param lines List<String> to insert found lines * @param lineEstimate int estimate of line size, 0 means use default * of 128 * @return LongRange indicating the file offsets corresponding to * the beginning of the first line returned, and the point * after the end of the last line returned * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static LongRange pagedLines(File file, long position, int signedDesiredLineCount, List<String> lines, int lineEstimate) throws IOException { // consider negative positions as from end of file; -1 = last byte if (position < 0) { position = file.length() + position; } // calculate a reasonably sized chunk likely to have all desired lines if (lineEstimate == 0) { lineEstimate = 128; } int desiredLineCount = Math.abs(signedDesiredLineCount); long startPosition; long fileEnd = file.length(); int bufferSize = (desiredLineCount + 5) * lineEstimate; if (signedDesiredLineCount > 0) { // reading forward; include previous char in case line-end startPosition = position - 1; } else { // reading backward startPosition = position - bufferSize + (2 * lineEstimate); } if (startPosition < 0) { startPosition = 0; } if (startPosition + bufferSize > fileEnd) { bufferSize = (int) (fileEnd - startPosition); } // read that reasonable chunk FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); fis.getChannel().position(startPosition); byte[] buf = new byte[bufferSize]; IOUtils.closeQuietly(fis); // find all line starts fully in buffer // (positions after a line-end, per line-end definition in // BufferedReader.readLine) LinkedList<Integer> lineStarts = new LinkedList<Integer>(); if (startPosition == 0) { lineStarts.add(0); } boolean atLineEnd = false; boolean eatLF = false; int i; for (i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) { if ((char) buf[i] == '\n' && eatLF) { eatLF = false; continue; } if (atLineEnd) { atLineEnd = false; lineStarts.add(i); if (signedDesiredLineCount < 0 && startPosition + i > position) { // reached next line past position, read no more break; } } if ((char) buf[i] == '\r') { atLineEnd = true; eatLF = true; continue; } if ((char) buf[i] == '\n') { atLineEnd = true; } } if (startPosition + i == fileEnd) { // add phantom lineStart after end lineStarts.add(bufferSize); } int foundFullLines = lineStarts.size() - 1; // if found no lines if (foundFullLines < 1) { if (signedDesiredLineCount > 0) { if (startPosition + bufferSize == fileEnd) { // nothing more to read: return nothing return new LongRange(fileEnd, fileEnd); } else { // retry with larger lineEstimate return pagedLines(file, position, signedDesiredLineCount, lines, Math.max(bufferSize, lineEstimate)); } } else { // try again with much larger line estimate // TODO: fail gracefully before growing to multi-MB buffers return pagedLines(file, position, signedDesiredLineCount, lines, bufferSize); } } // trim unneeded lines while (signedDesiredLineCount > 0 && startPosition + lineStarts.getFirst() < position) { // discard lines starting before desired position lineStarts.removeFirst(); } while (lineStarts.size() > desiredLineCount + 1) { if (signedDesiredLineCount < 0 && (startPosition + lineStarts.get(1) <= position)) { // discard from front until reach line containing target position lineStarts.removeFirst(); } else { lineStarts.removeLast(); } } int firstLine = lineStarts.getFirst(); int partialLine = lineStarts.getLast(); LongRange range = new LongRange(startPosition + firstLine, startPosition + partialLine); List<String> foundLines = IOUtils .readLines(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, firstLine, partialLine - firstLine)); if (foundFullLines < desiredLineCount && signedDesiredLineCount < 0 && startPosition > 0) { // if needed and reading backward, read more lines from earlier range = expandRange(range, pagedLines(file, range.getMinimumLong() - 1, signedDesiredLineCount + foundFullLines, lines, bufferSize / foundFullLines)); } lines.addAll(foundLines); if (signedDesiredLineCount < 0 && range.getMaximumLong() < position) { // did not get line containining start position range = expandRange(range, pagedLines(file, partialLine, 1, lines, bufferSize / foundFullLines)); } if (signedDesiredLineCount > 0 && foundFullLines < desiredLineCount && range.getMaximumLong() < fileEnd) { // need more forward lines range = expandRange(range, pagedLines(file, range.getMaximumLong(), desiredLineCount - foundFullLines, lines, bufferSize / foundFullLines)); } return range; }
From source
/** * @param editor// www .j ava 2s. c o m * the {@link AstEditor} in context of which we work now. * @param key * the {@link ComponentDescriptionKey} of requested {@link ComponentDescription}. * @param additionalDescriptionInfos * additional {@link ClassResourceInfo}'s to parse after {@link ClassResourceInfo}'s * collected for component {@link Class}. May be empty, but not <code>null</code>. * * @return the {@link ComponentDescription} of component with given {@link Class}. * @throws Exception * if no {@link ComponentDescription} can be found. */ private static ComponentDescription getDescription0(AstEditor editor, ComponentDescriptionKey key, List<ClassResourceInfo> additionalDescriptionInfos) throws Exception { EditorState state = EditorState.get(editor); ILoadingContext context = EditorStateLoadingContext.get(state); Class<?> componentClass = key.getComponentClass(); // try { // prepare result description ComponentDescription componentDescription = new ComponentDescription(key); addConstructors(editor.getJavaProject(), componentDescription); componentDescription.setBeanInfo(ReflectionUtils.getBeanInfo(componentClass)); componentDescription.setBeanDescriptor(new IntrospectionHelper(componentClass).getBeanDescriptor()); // prepare list of description resources, from generic to specific LinkedList<ClassResourceInfo> descriptionInfos; { descriptionInfos = Lists.newLinkedList(); DescriptionHelper.addDescriptionResources(descriptionInfos, context, componentClass); Assert.isTrueException(!descriptionInfos.isEmpty(), ICoreExceptionConstants.DESCRIPTION_NO_DESCRIPTIONS, componentClass.getName()); // at last append additional description resource descriptionInfos.addAll(additionalDescriptionInfos); } // prepare Digester Digester digester; { digester = new Digester(); digester.setLogger(new NoOpLog()); addRules(digester, editor, componentClass); } // read descriptions from generic to specific for (ClassResourceInfo descriptionInfo : descriptionInfos) { ResourceInfo resourceInfo = descriptionInfo.resource; // read next description { componentDescription.setCurrentClass(descriptionInfo.clazz); digester.push(componentDescription); // do parse InputStream is = resourceInfo.getURL().openStream(); try { digester.parse(is); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } } // clear parts that can not be inherited if (descriptionInfo.clazz == componentClass) { setDescriptionWithInnerTags(componentDescription, resourceInfo); } else { componentDescription.clearCreations(); componentDescription.setDescription(null); } } // set toolkit if (componentDescription.getToolkit() == null) { for (int i = descriptionInfos.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ClassResourceInfo descriptionInfo = descriptionInfos.get(i); ToolkitDescription toolkit = descriptionInfo.resource.getToolkit(); if (toolkit != null) { componentDescription.setToolkit(toolkit); break; } } Assert.isTrueException(componentDescription.getToolkit() != null, ICoreExceptionConstants.DESCRIPTION_NO_TOOLKIT, componentClass.getName()); } // icon, default creation setIcon(context, componentDescription, componentClass); configureDefaultCreation(componentDescription); // final operations { Assert.isNotNull(componentDescription.getModelClass()); componentDescription.joinProperties(); } // add to caches if (key.isPureComponent() && !"true".equals(componentDescription.getParameter("dontCacheDescription")) && shouldCacheDescriptions_inPackage(descriptionInfos.getLast(), componentClass)) { componentDescription.setCached(true); } // mark for caching presentation if (shouldCachePresentation(descriptionInfos.getLast(), componentClass)) { componentDescription.setPresentationCached(true); } // use processors for (IDescriptionProcessor processor : getDescriptionProcessors()) { processor.process(editor, componentDescription); } // well, we have result return componentDescription; } catch (SAXParseException e) { throw new DesignerException(ICoreExceptionConstants.DESCRIPTION_LOAD_ERROR, e.getException(), componentClass.getName()); } }
From source
/** * Retrieve a number of lines from the file around the given * position, as when paging forward or backward through a file. * // w ww . ja v a 2 s . c o m * @param file File to retrieve lines * @param position offset to anchor lines * @param signedDesiredLineCount lines requested; if negative, * want this number of lines ending with a line containing * the position; if positive, want this number of lines, * all starting at or after position. * @param lines List<String> to insert found lines * @param lineEstimate int estimate of line size, 0 means use default * of 128 * @return LongRange indicating the file offsets corresponding to * the beginning of the first line returned, and the point * after the end of the last line returned * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static LongRange pagedLines(File file, long position, int signedDesiredLineCount, List<String> lines, int lineEstimate) throws IOException { // consider negative positions as from end of file; -1 = last byte if (position < 0) { position = file.length() + position; } // calculate a reasonably sized chunk likely to have all desired lines if (lineEstimate == 0) { lineEstimate = 128; } int desiredLineCount = Math.abs(signedDesiredLineCount); long startPosition; long fileEnd = file.length(); int bufferSize = (desiredLineCount + 5) * lineEstimate; if (signedDesiredLineCount > 0) { // reading forward; include previous char in case line-end startPosition = position - 1; } else { // reading backward startPosition = position - bufferSize + (2 * lineEstimate); } if (startPosition < 0) { startPosition = 0; } if (startPosition + bufferSize > fileEnd) { bufferSize = (int) (fileEnd - startPosition); } // read that reasonable chunk FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); fis.getChannel().position(startPosition); byte[] buf = new byte[bufferSize]; ArchiveUtils.readFully(fis, buf); IOUtils.closeQuietly(fis); // find all line starts fully in buffer // (positions after a line-end, per line-end definition in // BufferedReader.readLine) LinkedList<Integer> lineStarts = new LinkedList<Integer>(); if (startPosition == 0) { lineStarts.add(0); } boolean atLineEnd = false; boolean eatLF = false; int i; for (i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) { if ((char) buf[i] == '\n' && eatLF) { eatLF = false; continue; } if (atLineEnd) { atLineEnd = false; lineStarts.add(i); if (signedDesiredLineCount < 0 && startPosition + i > position) { // reached next line past position, read no more break; } } if ((char) buf[i] == '\r') { atLineEnd = true; eatLF = true; continue; } if ((char) buf[i] == '\n') { atLineEnd = true; } } if (startPosition + i == fileEnd) { // add phantom lineStart after end lineStarts.add(bufferSize); } int foundFullLines = lineStarts.size() - 1; // if found no lines if (foundFullLines < 1) { if (signedDesiredLineCount > 0) { if (startPosition + bufferSize == fileEnd) { // nothing more to read: return nothing return new LongRange(fileEnd, fileEnd); } else { // retry with larger lineEstimate return pagedLines(file, position, signedDesiredLineCount, lines, Math.max(bufferSize, lineEstimate)); } } else { // try again with much larger line estimate // TODO: fail gracefully before growing to multi-MB buffers return pagedLines(file, position, signedDesiredLineCount, lines, bufferSize); } } // trim unneeded lines while (signedDesiredLineCount > 0 && startPosition + lineStarts.getFirst() < position) { // discard lines starting before desired position lineStarts.removeFirst(); } while (lineStarts.size() > desiredLineCount + 1) { if (signedDesiredLineCount < 0 && (startPosition + lineStarts.get(1) <= position)) { // discard from front until reach line containing target position lineStarts.removeFirst(); } else { lineStarts.removeLast(); } } int firstLine = lineStarts.getFirst(); int partialLine = lineStarts.getLast(); LongRange range = new LongRange(startPosition + firstLine, startPosition + partialLine); List<String> foundLines = IOUtils .readLines(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, firstLine, partialLine - firstLine)); if (foundFullLines < desiredLineCount && signedDesiredLineCount < 0 && startPosition > 0) { // if needed and reading backward, read more lines from earlier range = expandRange(range, pagedLines(file, range.getMinimumLong() - 1, signedDesiredLineCount + foundFullLines, lines, bufferSize / foundFullLines)); } lines.addAll(foundLines); if (signedDesiredLineCount < 0 && range.getMaximumLong() < position) { // did not get line containining start position range = expandRange(range, pagedLines(file, partialLine, 1, lines, bufferSize / foundFullLines)); } if (signedDesiredLineCount > 0 && foundFullLines < desiredLineCount && range.getMaximumLong() < fileEnd) { // need more forward lines range = expandRange(range, pagedLines(file, range.getMaximumLong(), desiredLineCount - foundFullLines, lines, bufferSize / foundFullLines)); } return range; }
From source
@Override public void onMessage(String channel, String sender, String login, String hostname, String message) { if (!this.getIgnoredList().contains(sender)) { String years_str = "", months_str = "", days_str = "", hours_str = "", minutes_str = "", seconds_str = ""; String[] tab = this.decryptData(message, true).trim().split(" "); if (tab.length > 0) { if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel()) && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!pre") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!p"))) { if (tab.length > 1) { String names = ""; for (Integer i = 1; i < tab.length; i++) names += tab[i] + " "; Release release = this.getMySQLManager().pre(names.trim()); if (release.getResults().equals(0)) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("Nothing found for your search: " + names.trim())); else { if (release.getResults() > 1) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[ " + Colors.RED + release.getResults() + " results found! " + Colors.TEAL + "]")); else this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[ " + Colors.RED + release.getResults() + " result found! " + Colors.TEAL + "]")); Integer years = release.getDiffDate() / 31536000; Integer yearsMod = release.getDiffDate() % 31536000; if (years == 1) years_str = years + " year "; else if (years > 1) years_str = years + " years "; Integer months = yearsMod / 2592000; Integer monthsMod = yearsMod % 2592000; if (months == 1) months_str = months + " month "; else if (months > 1) months_str = months + " months "; Integer days = monthsMod / 86400; Integer daysMod = monthsMod % 86400; if (days == 1) days_str = days + " day "; else if (days > 1) days_str = days + " days "; Integer hours = daysMod / 3600; Integer hoursMod = daysMod % 3600; if (hours == 1) hours_str = hours + " hour "; else if (hours > 1) hours_str = hours + " hours "; Integer minutes = hoursMod / 60; if (minutes == 1) minutes_str = minutes + " minute "; else if (minutes > 1) minutes_str = minutes + " minutes "; Integer seconds = hoursMod % 60; if (seconds == 1) seconds_str = seconds + " second "; else seconds_str = seconds + " seconds "; if (release.getChecked().equals("1") || release.getNuked().equals("0")) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[" + Colors.YELLOW + " PRED " + Colors.TEAL + "][ " + Utils.getCategoryCode(release.getCategory()) + release.getCategory() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + release.getName() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + years_str + months_str + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str + seconds_str + "ago (" + release.getDate() + ") " + Colors.TEAL + "][ " + Colors.OLIVE + release.getSize() + Colors.TEAL + " ]" + (release.getChecked().equals("1") ? "" : "[ " + Colors.RED + "UNCHECKED" + Colors.TEAL + " ]"))); else this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[" + Colors.RED + " NUKED " + Colors.TEAL + "][ " + Utils.getCategoryCode(release.getCategory()) + release.getCategory() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + release.getName() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + years_str + months_str + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str + seconds_str + "ago (" + release.getDate() + ") " + Colors.TEAL + "][ " + Colors.RED + release.getReason() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.OLIVE + release.getSize() + Colors.TEAL + " ]")); }/*from ww w . j a v a 2s .co m*/ } } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel()) && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!dupenuke") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!dnu"))) { String names = ""; String limit = "10"; for (Integer i = 1; i < tab.length; i++) { if (tab[i].contains("limit")) limit = tab[i].substring(tab[i].indexOf("limit:") + 6, tab[i].length()); else names += tab[i] + " "; } LinkedList<Release> releases = null; if (tab.length > 1) releases = this.getMySQLManager().dupenuke(names.trim(), limit); else releases = this.getMySQLManager().dupenuke("", limit); if (releases.isEmpty()) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData( "Nothing found for your search: " + (tab.length > 1 ? names.trim() : ""))); else { if (releases.get(0).getResults() > 1) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("Sending " + Colors.OLIVE + sender + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + " last " + Colors.OLIVE + releases.get(0).getResults() + Colors.RED + " nuked " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "results.")); else this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("Sending " + Colors.OLIVE + sender + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + " last " + Colors.OLIVE + releases.get(0).getResults() + Colors.RED + " nuked " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "results")); for (Release release : releases) { Integer years = release.getDiffDate() / 31536000; Integer yearsMod = release.getDiffDate() % 31536000; if (years == 1) years_str = years + " year "; else if (years > 1) years_str = years + " years "; Integer months = yearsMod / 2592000; Integer monthsMod = yearsMod % 2592000; if (months == 1) months_str = months + " month "; else if (months > 1) months_str = months + " months "; Integer days = monthsMod / 86400; Integer daysMod = monthsMod % 86400; if (days == 1) days_str = days + " day "; else if (days > 1) days_str = days + " days "; Integer hours = daysMod / 3600; Integer hoursMod = daysMod % 3600; if (hours == 1) hours_str = hours + " hour "; else if (hours > 1) hours_str = hours + " hours "; Integer minutes = hoursMod / 60; if (minutes == 1) minutes_str = minutes + " minute "; else if (minutes > 1) minutes_str = minutes + " minutes "; Integer seconds = hoursMod % 60; if (seconds == 1) seconds_str = seconds + " second "; else seconds_str = seconds + " seconds "; this.sendMessage(sender, this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[" + Colors.RED + " NUKED " + Colors.TEAL + "][ " + Utils.getCategoryCode(release.getCategory()) + release.getCategory() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + release.getName() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + years_str + months_str + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str + seconds_str + "ago (" + release.getDate() + ") " + Colors.TEAL + "][ " + Colors.RED + release.getReason() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.OLIVE + release.getSize() + Colors.TEAL + " ]")); } } } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel()) && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!dupe") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!d"))) { String names = ""; String limit = "10"; for (Integer i = 1; i < tab.length; i++) { if (tab[i].contains("limit")) limit = tab[i].substring(tab[i].indexOf("limit:") + 6, tab[i].length()); else names += tab[i] + " "; } LinkedList<Release> releases = null; if (tab.length > 1) releases = this.getMySQLManager().dupe(names.trim(), limit); else releases = this.getMySQLManager().dupe("", limit); if (releases.isEmpty()) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData( "Nothing found for your search: " + (tab.length > 1 ? names.trim() : ""))); else { if (releases.get(0).getResults() > 1) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("Sending " + Colors.OLIVE + sender + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + " last " + Colors.OLIVE + releases.get(0).getResults() + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + " results.")); else this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("Sending " + Colors.OLIVE + sender + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + " last " + Colors.OLIVE + releases.get(0).getResults() + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + " result.")); for (Release release : releases) { Integer years = release.getDiffDate() / 31536000; Integer yearsMod = release.getDiffDate() % 31536000; if (years == 1) years_str = years + " year "; else if (years > 1) years_str = years + " years "; Integer months = yearsMod / 2592000; Integer monthsMod = yearsMod % 2592000; if (months == 1) months_str = months + " month "; else if (months > 1) months_str = months + " months "; Integer days = monthsMod / 86400; Integer daysMod = monthsMod % 86400; if (days == 1) days_str = days + " day "; else if (days > 1) days_str = days + " days "; Integer hours = daysMod / 3600; Integer hoursMod = daysMod % 3600; if (hours == 1) hours_str = hours + " hour "; else if (hours > 1) hours_str = hours + " hours "; Integer minutes = hoursMod / 60; if (minutes == 1) minutes_str = minutes + " minute "; else if (minutes > 1) minutes_str = minutes + " minutes "; Integer seconds = hoursMod % 60; if (seconds == 1) seconds_str = seconds + " second "; else seconds_str = seconds + " seconds "; if (release.getChecked().equals("1") || release.getNuked().equals("0")) this.sendMessage(sender, this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[" + Colors.YELLOW + " PRED " + Colors.TEAL + "][ " + Utils.getCategoryCode(release.getCategory()) + release.getCategory() + Colors.TEAL + "][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + release.getName() + Colors.TEAL + "][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + years_str + months_str + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str + seconds_str + "ago (" + release.getDate() + ") " + Colors.TEAL + "][ " + Colors.OLIVE + release.getSize() + Colors.TEAL + " ]" + (release.getChecked().equals("1") ? "" : "[ " + Colors.RED + "UNCHECKED" + Colors.TEAL + " ]"))); else this.sendMessage(sender, this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[" + Colors.RED + " NUKED " + Colors.TEAL + "][ " + Utils.getCategoryCode(release.getCategory()) + release.getCategory() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + release.getName() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + years_str + months_str + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str + seconds_str + "ago (" + release.getDate() + ") " + Colors.TEAL + "][ " + Colors.RED + release.getReason() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.OLIVE + release.getSize() + Colors.TEAL + " ]")); } } } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel()) && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!nuke") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!nk"))) { if (this.getNukerList().contains(sender)) { String names = ""; for (Integer i = 2; i < tab.length; i++) names += tab[i] + " "; if (tab.length > 2) { Integer ret = this.getMySQLManager().nuke(tab[1], names.trim()); if (ret > 0) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.OLIVE + tab[1] + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + " has been successfully " + Colors.RED + "nuked" + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "!")); else this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.OLIVE + tab[1] + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + " has not been successfully " + Colors.RED + "nuked" + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "!")); } } else this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(sender + ": You've to be a nuker to do this.")); } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel()) && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!unnuke") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!un"))) { if (this.getNukerList().contains(sender)) { String names = ""; for (Integer i = 2; i < tab.length; i++) names += tab[i] + " "; if (tab.length > 2) { Integer ret = this.getMySQLManager().unnuke(tab[1], names.trim()); if (ret > 0) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.OLIVE + tab[1] + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + " has been successfully " + Colors.DARK_GREEN + "unnuked" + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "!")); else this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.OLIVE + tab[1] + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + " has not been successfully " + Colors.DARK_GREEN + "unnuked" + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "!")); } } else this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(sender + ": You've to be a nuker to do this.")); } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel()) && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!addpre") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!ap"))) { if (this.getNukerList().contains(sender)) { String names = ""; for (Integer i = 3; i < tab.length; i++) names += tab[i] + " "; if (tab.length > 3) { Integer ret = this.getMySQLManager().addpre(tab[1], tab[2], names.trim()); if (ret > 0) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.OLIVE + tab[1] + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + " has been successfully " + Colors.DARK_GREEN + "addpred" + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "!")); else this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.OLIVE + tab[1] + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + " has not been successfully " + Colors.DARK_GREEN + "addpred" + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "!")); } } else this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(sender + ": You've to be a nuker to do this.")); } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel()) && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!delpre") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!dp"))) { if (this.getNukerList().contains(sender)) { if (tab.length > 1) { Integer ret = this.getMySQLManager().delpre(tab[1]); if (ret > 0) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.OLIVE + tab[1] + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + " has been successfully " + Colors.DARK_GREEN + "delpred" + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "!")); else this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.OLIVE + tab[1] + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + " has not been successfully " + Colors.DARK_GREEN + "delpred" + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "!")); } } else this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(sender + ": You've to be a nuker to do this.")); } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindChannel()) && tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!vdm")) { List<String> vdms = Utils.getMatcher(Utils.VDMRegex, Utils.getCode(Utils.VDMFeed), Pattern.MULTILINE); if (!vdms.isEmpty()) { String vdm = vdms.get(new Random().nextInt(vdms.size())); vdm = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(vdm); vdm = vdm.substring(30).replaceAll("[\r\n]+", "").replaceAll(" {2,}", " ").trim(); this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[" + Colors.BROWN + " VDM " + Colors.TEAL + "] :: [ " + Colors.DARK_GREEN + vdm + Colors.TEAL + " ]")); } } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindChannel()) && tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!cnf")) { List<String> cnfs = Utils.getMatcher(Utils.CNFRegex, Utils.getCode(Utils.CNFPage), Pattern.MULTILINE); if (!cnfs.isEmpty()) { String cnf = cnfs.get(new Random().nextInt(cnfs.size())); cnf = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(cnf); cnf = cnf.substring(cnf.indexOf(">") + 1, cnf.indexOf("</div>")).replaceAll("[\r\n]+", "") .replaceAll(" {2,}", " ").trim(); this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[" + Colors.RED + " CNF " + Colors.TEAL + "] :: [ " + Colors.DARK_GREEN + cnf + Colors.TEAL + " ]")); } } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindChannel()) && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!slap") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!s"))) { if (this.getSlaps() < this.getSlapsRandom()) this.setSlaps(this.getSlaps() + 1); else { this.kick(channel, sender, this.encryptData("Sorry, you loose this time ^^")); this.setSlaps(0); this.setSlapsRandom(new Random().nextInt(26)); } } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!kick") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!k")) { if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) { if (tab.length > 2) { String names = ""; for (Integer i = 2; i < tab.length; i++) names += tab[i] + " "; this.kick(channel, tab[1], this.encryptData(names.trim())); } else this.kick(channel, tab[1]); } } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!ban") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!b")) { if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) { if (tab.length > 1) this.ban(channel, tab[1]); } } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!mode") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!m")) { if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) { if (tab.length > 2) this.setMode(channel, tab[1] + " " + tab[2]); } } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!message") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!msg")) { if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) { if (tab.length > 2) { String names = ""; for (Integer i = 2; i < tab.length; i++) names += tab[i] + " "; this.sendMessage(tab[1], this.encryptData(names.trim())); } } } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!action") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!a")) { if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) { if (tab.length > 2) { String names = ""; for (Integer i = 2; i < tab.length; i++) names += tab[i] + " "; this.sendAction(tab[1], this.encryptData(names.trim())); } } } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!notice") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!n")) { if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) { if (tab.length > 2) { String names = ""; for (Integer i = 2; i < tab.length; i++) names += tab[i] + " "; this.sendNotice(tab[1], this.encryptData(names.trim())); } } } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!ignore") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!i")) { if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) { if (tab.length > 1) { if (!this.getIgnoredList().contains(tab[1])) this.getIgnoredList().add(tab[1]); } } } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!unignore") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!ui")) { if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) { if (tab.length > 1) { if (this.getIgnoredList().contains(tab[1])) this.getIgnoredList().remove(tab[1]); } } } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!addnuker") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!an")) { if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) { if (tab.length > 1) { if (!this.getNukerList().contains(tab[1])) this.getNukerList().add(tab[1]); } } } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!delnuker") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!dn")) { if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) { if (tab.length > 1) { if (this.getNukerList().contains(tab[1])) this.getNukerList().remove(tab[1]); } } } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel()) && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!showrequest") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!sr"))) { if (tab.length > 1) { String names = ""; for (Integer i = 1; i < tab.length; i++) names += tab[i] + " "; Request request = this.getMySQLManager().showrequest(names.trim()); if (request.getResults().equals(0)) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("Nothing found for your search: " + names.trim())); else { if (request.getResults() > 1) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData( "\00310[\00304 " + request.getResults() + " results found! \00310]")); else this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData( "\00310[\00304 " + request.getResults() + " result found! \00310]")); Integer years = request.getDiffDate() / 31536000; Integer yearsMod = request.getDiffDate() % 31536000; if (years == 1) years_str = years + " year "; else if (years > 1) years_str = years + " years "; Integer months = yearsMod / 2592000; Integer monthsMod = yearsMod % 2592000; if (months == 1) months_str = months + " month "; else if (months > 1) months_str = months + " months "; Integer days = monthsMod / 86400; Integer daysMod = monthsMod % 86400; if (days == 1) days_str = days + " day "; else if (days > 1) days_str = days + " days "; Integer hours = daysMod / 3600; Integer hoursMod = daysMod % 3600; if (hours == 1) hours_str = hours + " hour "; else if (hours > 1) hours_str = hours + " hours "; Integer minutes = hoursMod / 60; if (minutes == 1) minutes_str = minutes + " minute "; else if (minutes > 1) minutes_str = minutes + " minutes "; Integer seconds = hoursMod % 60; if (seconds == 1) seconds_str = seconds + " second "; else seconds_str = seconds + " seconds "; if (request.getFilled()) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("\00310[\00308 REQ \00310] [\00315 " + request.getRequest() + " \00310] [\00315 " + years_str + months_str + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str + seconds_str + "ago (" + (request.getRequestDate()) + ") \00310] [ \00307Requested by: \00315" + request.getRequestBy() + " \00310] [ \00307Filled by: \00315" + request.getFilledBy() + " \00310]")); else this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("\00310[\00308 REQ \00310] [\00315 " + request.getRequest() + " \00310] [\00315 " + years_str + months_str + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str + seconds_str + "ago (" + request.getRequestDate() + ") \00310] [ \00307Requested by: \00315" + request.getRequestBy() + " \00310]")); } } } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel()) && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!addrequest") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!ar"))) { String names = ""; for (Integer i = 1; i < tab.length; i++) names += tab[i] + " "; if (tab.length > 1) { Request request = new Request(); request.setRequest(names.trim()); request.setRequestBy(sender); request.setRequestDate(null); request.setFilled(false); request.setFilledBy(""); Integer ret = this.getMySQLManager().addrequest(request); if (ret > 0) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("\00307" + names.trim() + "\00315 has been successfully \00304requested\00315!")); else this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("\00307" + names.trim() + "\00315 has not been successfully \00304requested\00315!")); } } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel()) && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!fillrequest") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!fr"))) { String names = ""; for (Integer i = 1; i < tab.length; i++) names += tab[i] + " "; if (tab.length > 1) { Integer ret = this.getMySQLManager().fillrequest(names.trim(), sender); if (ret > 0) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData( "\00307" + names.trim() + "\00315 has been successfully \00304filled\00315!")); else this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("\00307" + names.trim() + "\00315 has not been successfully \0030filled\00315!")); } } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel()) && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!duperequest") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!dr"))) { String names = ""; String limit = "10"; for (Integer i = 1; i < tab.length; i++) { if (tab[i].contains("limit")) limit = tab[i].substring(tab[i].indexOf("limit:") + 6, tab[i].length()); else names += tab[i] + " "; } LinkedList<Request> requests = null; if (tab.length > 1) requests = this.getMySQLManager().duperequest(names.trim(), limit); else requests = this.getMySQLManager().duperequest("", limit); if (requests.isEmpty()) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData( "Nothing found for your search: " + (tab.length > 1 ? names.trim() : ""))); else { if (requests.get(0).getResults() > 1) this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("Sending \00307" + sender + "\00315 last \00307" + requests.get(0).getResults() + "\00315 results.")); else this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("Sending \00307" + sender + "\00315 last \00307" + requests.get(0).getResults() + "\00315 result.")); for (Request request : requests) { Integer years = request.getDiffDate() / 31536000; Integer yearsMod = request.getDiffDate() % 31536000; if (years == 1) years_str = years + " year "; else if (years > 1) years_str = years + " years "; Integer months = yearsMod / 2592000; Integer monthsMod = yearsMod % 2592000; if (months == 1) months_str = months + " month "; else if (months > 1) months_str = months + " months "; Integer days = monthsMod / 86400; Integer daysMod = monthsMod % 86400; if (days == 1) days_str = days + " day "; else if (days > 1) days_str = days + " days "; Integer hours = daysMod / 3600; Integer hoursMod = daysMod % 3600; if (hours == 1) hours_str = hours + " hour "; else if (hours > 1) hours_str = hours + " hours "; Integer minutes = hoursMod / 60; if (minutes == 1) minutes_str = minutes + " minute "; else if (minutes > 1) minutes_str = minutes + " minutes "; Integer seconds = hoursMod % 60; if (seconds == 1) seconds_str = seconds + " second "; else seconds_str = seconds + " seconds "; if (request.getFilled()) this.sendMessage(sender, this.encryptData("\00310[\00308 REQ \00310] [\00315 " + request.getRequest() + " \00310] [\00315 " + years_str + months_str + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str + seconds_str + "ago (" + request.getRequestDate() + ") \00310] [ \00307Requested by: \00315" + request.getRequestBy() + " \00310] [ \00307Filled by: \00315" + request.getFilledBy() + " \00310]")); else this.sendMessage(sender, this.encryptData("\00310[\00308 REQ \00310] [\00315 " + request.getRequest() + " \00310] [\00315 " + years_str + months_str + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str + seconds_str + "ago (" + request.getRequestDate() + ") \00310] [ \00307Requested by: \00315" + request.getRequestBy() + " \00310]")); } } } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel()) && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!group") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!g"))) { Group group = this.getMySQLManager().group(); this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.DARK_GRAY + "Total Releases: " + Colors.GREEN + group.getTotalReleases() + Colors.DARK_GRAY + " Total Nuked: " + Colors.RED + group.getTotalNukes() + Colors.DARK_GRAY + " Total Unuked: " + Colors.OLIVE + group.getTotalUnnukes())); this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.DARK_GRAY + "First Pre: " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "[" + Utils.getCategoryCode(group.getCategoryFirstPre()) + group.getCategoryFirstPre() + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "] " + group.getFirstPre() + " [" + group.getDateFirstPre() + "]")); this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.DARK_GRAY + "Last Pre: " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "[" + Utils.getCategoryCode(group.getCategoryLastPre()) + group.getCategoryLastPre() + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "] " + group.getLastPre() + " [" + group.getDateLastPre() + "]")); } else { for (String t : tab) { if (!Utils.getMatcher(Utils.URLRegex, t, Pattern.DOTALL).isEmpty()) { String title = Utils.getTitleMatcher(Utils.getCode(t)); if (title != null) { title = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(title); title = title.substring(7, title.length() - 8).replaceAll("[\r\n]+", "") .replaceAll(" {2,}", " ").trim(); this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("\00310[\00303 Title:\00307 " + title + " \00310]")); } } } } } } }
From source
/** * shows the correlation table in the analysis view *///from w w w. j av a 2 s .co m @FXML private void displayCorrelationTable() { //Delete whatever's been in the table before TableView<String[]> analysisTable = new TableView<>(); //We want to display correlations and p-Values of every node combination double[][] correlationMatrix = AnalysisData.getCorrelationMatrix().getData(); double[][] pValueMatrix = AnalysisData.getPValueMatrix().getData(); LinkedList<TaxonNode> taxonList = SampleComparison.getUnifiedTaxonList(LoadedData.getSamplesToAnalyze(), AnalysisData.getLevelOfAnalysis()); //Table will consist of strings String[][] tableValues = new String[correlationMatrix.length][correlationMatrix[0].length + 1]; //Add the values as formatted strings for (int i = 0; i < tableValues.length; i++) { tableValues[i][0] = taxonList.get(i).getName(); for (int j = 1; j < tableValues[0].length; j++) { tableValues[i][j] = String.format("%.3f", correlationMatrix[i][j - 1]).replace(",", ".") + "\n(" + String.format("%.2f", pValueMatrix[i][j - 1]).replace(",", ".") + ")"; } } for (int i = 0; i < tableValues[0].length; i++) { String columnTitle; if (i > 0) { columnTitle = taxonList.get(i - 1).getName(); } else { columnTitle = ""; } TableColumn<String[], String> column = new TableColumn<>(columnTitle); final int columnIndex = i; column.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> { String[] row = cellData.getValue(); return new SimpleStringProperty(row[columnIndex]); }); analysisTable.getColumns().add(column); //First column contains taxon names and should be italic if (i == 0) column.setStyle("-fx-font-style:italic;"); } for (int i = 0; i < tableValues.length; i++) { analysisTable.getItems().add(tableValues[i]); } //Display table on a new stage Stage tableStage = new Stage(); tableStage.setTitle("Correlation Table"); BorderPane tablePane = new BorderPane(); Button exportCorrelationsButton = new Button("Save correlation table to CSV"); Button exportPValuesButton = new Button("Save p-value table to CSV"); exportCorrelationsButton.setOnAction(e -> exportTableToCSV(tableValues, false)); exportPValuesButton.setOnAction(e -> exportTableToCSV(tableValues, true)); HBox exportBox = new HBox(exportCorrelationsButton, exportPValuesButton); exportBox.setPadding(new Insets(10)); exportBox.setSpacing(10); tablePane.setTop(exportBox); tablePane.setCenter(analysisTable); Scene tableScene = new Scene(tablePane); tableStage.setScene(tableScene);; }
From source
private String getLastLongestPath(String path) { if (path.indexOf(File.separator) < 0) return path; LinkedList<String> list = historyManager.getFullHistory(); if (list.size() < 0) return path; if (!path.endsWith(File.separator)) path = path + File.separator; String longestPath = path;/* w ww. j a va 2s .c o m*/ int lastMatchIndex = -1; for (int i = list.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { String his = (String) list.get(i); if (his.startsWith(path)) { lastMatchIndex = i; longestPath = his; break; } } while (true) { if (lastMatchIndex < 1) break; String tmp = (String) list.get(lastMatchIndex--); if (!tmp.startsWith(longestPath)) break; longestPath = tmp; } if (longestPath.endsWith(File.separator)) longestPath = longestPath.substring(0, longestPath.length() - 1); return longestPath; }
From source
@Test public void shouldReturnObjectsForGivenIdsUsingMultiGet() { // given//w ww . ja v a 2 s. co m List<IndexQuery> indexQueries; // first document String documentId = randomNumeric(5); SampleEntity sampleEntity1 = SampleEntity.builder().id(documentId).message("some message") .version(System.currentTimeMillis()).build(); // second document String documentId2 = randomNumeric(5); SampleEntity sampleEntity2 = SampleEntity.builder().id(documentId2).message("some message") .version(System.currentTimeMillis()).build(); indexQueries = getIndexQueries(Arrays.asList(sampleEntity1, sampleEntity2)); elasticsearchTemplate.bulkIndex(indexQueries); elasticsearchTemplate.refresh(SampleEntity.class); // when SearchQuery query = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder().withIds(Arrays.asList(documentId, documentId2)).build(); LinkedList<SampleEntity> sampleEntities = elasticsearchTemplate.multiGet(query, SampleEntity.class); // then assertThat(sampleEntities.size(), is(equalTo(2))); assertEquals(sampleEntities.get(0), sampleEntity1); assertEquals(sampleEntities.get(1), sampleEntity2); }
From source
@Override protected void repopulateCombos(String oldName, String newName) { if (combos == null) return;/*from w w w.j a va 2s . c om*/ if (daxes != null && daxes.size() != 1) { super.repopulateCombos(oldName, newName); return; } // cascade through plot axes strings and indices // reduce choice each time int cSize = combos.size() - comboOffset; LinkedList<String> sAxes = getAllAxisNames(); int jmax = daxes.size(); if (jmax == 0) return; boolean fromAxisSelection = oldName != null && newName != null; String a = null; for (int i = 0; i < cSize; i++) { Combo c = combos.get(i + comboOffset); a = (fromAxisSelection && i < jmax) ? daxes.get(i).getSelectedName() : c.getItem(c.getSelectionIndex()); c.removeAll(); if (!sAxes.contains(a)) { a = sAxes.get(0); } if (!fromAxisSelection) { if (i < jmax) daxes.get(i).selectAxis(a, false); } for (String p : sAxes) c.add(p); c.setText(a); sAxes.remove(a); if (paxes != null) { PlotAxisProperty p = paxes.get(i + comboOffset); if (p.isInSet()) { p.setName(a, false); } } } if (a != null && paxes != null) { if (paxes.get(cSize - 1 + comboOffset).isInSet()) { paxes.get(cSize - 1 + comboOffset).setName(a); } } }
From source
public static LinkedList<VM> readClientFileAndGenerateVMList(String fileName) throws IOException, ParseException { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); LinkedList<VM> VMList = new LinkedList<VM>(); /*Read file and store in file related format*/ Object obj = parser.parse(new FileReader(fileName)); JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) obj; HashMap serviceRequirement = (HashMap) jsonObject.get("serviceRequirement"); HashMap serviceDescription = (HashMap) jsonObject.get("serviceDescription"); //method.printHashMap(serviceDescription); HashMap gauranteeTerm = (HashMap) jsonObject.get("gauranteeTerm"); // method.printHashMap(gauranteeTerm); //ArrayList creationConstraint=(ArrayList) jsonObject.get("creationConstraint"); //method.printArrayList(creationConstraint); /*Extract information and put it into VMlist*/ /*0. Servcie Requirement*/ Iterator iter0 = serviceRequirement.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter0.hasNext()) { HashMap.Entry entry = (HashMap.Entry); Object key = entry.getKey(); String value = (String) entry.getValue(); String[] keys = getSplitResult((String) key); String ID = keys[0];//from w ww. ja v a 2 s . c o m String term = keys[1]; if (VMList.size() == 0) { VM newVM = new VM(ID, new HashMap(), new HashMap(), new HashMap()); newVM.addServiceRequirement(term, value); VMList.add(newVM); } boolean find = false; for (int i = 0; i < VMList.size(); i++) { VM currentVM = VMList.get(i); if (currentVM.getID().equals(ID)) { currentVM.addServiceRequirement(term, value); find = true; } } if (find == false) { VM newVM = new VM(ID, new HashMap(), new HashMap(), new HashMap()); newVM.addServiceRequirement(term, value); VMList.add(newVM); } } /*1. Servcie Description*/ Iterator iter1 = serviceDescription.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter1.hasNext()) { HashMap.Entry entry = (HashMap.Entry); Object key = entry.getKey(); try { float value = Float.parseFloat((String) entry.getValue()); String[] keys = getSplitResult((String) key); String ID = keys[0]; String term = keys[1]; if (VMList.size() == 0) { VM newVM = new VM(ID, new HashMap(), new HashMap(), new HashMap()); newVM.addServiceDescription(term, value); VMList.add(newVM); } boolean find = false; for (int i = 0; i < VMList.size(); i++) { VM currentVM = VMList.get(i); if (currentVM.getID().equals(ID)) { currentVM.addServiceDescription(term, value); find = true; } } if (find == false) { VM newVM = new VM(ID, new HashMap(), new HashMap(), new HashMap()); newVM.addServiceDescription(term, value); VMList.add(newVM); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { String value = (String) entry.getValue(); String[] keys = getSplitResult((String) key); String ID = keys[0]; String term = keys[1]; if (VMList.size() == 0) { VM newVM = new VM(ID, new HashMap(), new HashMap(), new HashMap()); newVM.addServiceDescription(term, value); VMList.add(newVM); } boolean find = false; for (int i = 0; i < VMList.size(); i++) { VM currentVM = VMList.get(i); if (currentVM.getID().equals(ID)) { currentVM.addServiceDescription(term, value); find = true; } } if (find == false) { VM newVM = new VM(ID, new HashMap(), new HashMap(), new HashMap()); newVM.addServiceDescription(term, value); VMList.add(newVM); } } } /*2 Gaurantee term*/ Iterator iter2 = gauranteeTerm.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { HashMap.Entry entry2 = (HashMap.Entry); Object key2 = entry2.getKey(); Object value2 = entry2.getValue(); String[] keys2 = getSplitResult((String) key2); String ID2 = keys2[0]; String term2 = keys2[1]; if (VMList.size() == 0) { VM newVM = new VM(ID2, new HashMap(), new HashMap(), new HashMap()); newVM.addGauranteeTerm(term2, (String) value2); } boolean find2 = false; for (int i = 0; i < VMList.size(); i++) { VM currentVM = VMList.get(i); if (currentVM.getID().equals(ID2)) currentVM.addGauranteeTerm(term2, (String) value2); find2 = true; } if (find2 == false) { VM newVM = new VM(ID2, new HashMap(), new HashMap(), new HashMap()); newVM.addGauranteeTerm(term2, (String) value2); } } return VMList; }