Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * PreBot
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Sh1fT
 * This file is part of PreBot.
 * PreBot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
 * or (at your option) any later version.
 * PreBot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with PreBot; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
 * USA

package org.mind.prebot.robot;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.jibble.pircbot.Colors;
import org.jibble.pircbot.IrcException;
import org.jibble.pircbot.PircBot;
import org.jibble.pircbot.TrustingSSLSocketFactory;
import org.mind.prebot.database.Group;
import org.mind.prebot.database.MySQLManager;
import org.mind.prebot.database.Release;
import org.mind.prebot.database.Request;
import org.mind.prebot.main.Main;
import org.mind.prebot.utils.Utils;

import fr.k2r.blowfish.BlowfishCBC;

 * Manage a {@link PreBot}
 * @author Sh1fT
public class PreBot extends PircBot {
    private Main parent;
    private MySQLManager mySQLManager;
    private Integer slaps;
    private Integer slapsRandom;
    private BlowfishCBC fish;
    private List<String> ignoredList;
    private List<String> nukerList;

     * Create a new {@link PreBot} instance
     * @param parent
    public PreBot(Main parent) {
        this.setSlapsRandom(new Random().nextInt(26));
        this.setFish(new BlowfishCBC(this.getParent().getIRCFishKey()));
        this.setIgnoredList(new LinkedList<String>());
        this.setNukerList(new LinkedList<String>());

    public Main getParent() {
        return parent;

    public void setParent(Main parent) {
        this.parent = parent;

    public MySQLManager getMySQLManager() {
        return mySQLManager;

    public void setMySQLManager(MySQLManager mySQLManager) {
        this.mySQLManager = mySQLManager;

    public Integer getSlaps() {
        return slaps;

    public void setSlaps(Integer slaps) {
        this.slaps = slaps;

    public Integer getSlapsRandom() {
        return slapsRandom;

    public void setSlapsRandom(Integer slapsRandom) {
        this.slapsRandom = slapsRandom;

    public BlowfishCBC getFish() {
        return fish;

    public void setFish(BlowfishCBC fish) { = fish;

    public List<String> getIgnoredList() {
        return ignoredList;

    public void setIgnoredList(List<String> ignoredList) {
        this.ignoredList = ignoredList;

    public List<String> getNukerList() {
        return nukerList;

    public void setNukerList(List<String> nukerList) {
        this.nukerList = nukerList;

     * Encrypt data using Blowfish algorithm
     * @param data
     * @return
    public String encryptData(String data) {
        return Utils.encryptData(this.getFish(), data);

     * Decrypt data using Blowfish algorithm
     * @param data
     * @param forceEncryption
     * @return
    public String decryptData(String data, Boolean forceEncryption) {
        return Utils.decryptData(this.getFish(), data, forceEncryption);

     * Initialize the {@link PreBot}
    public void init() {
        try {
            this.connect(this.getParent().getIRCHost(), this.getParent().getIRCPort(),
                    this.getParent().getIRCPaswword(), new TrustingSSLSocketFactory());
            this.sendMessage("Nickserv", "identify " + this.getParent().getIRCBotPassword());
            this.sendMessage("ChanServ", "invite " + this.getParent().getIRCMindChannel());
        } catch (IOException | IrcException | InterruptedException ex) {
            System.out.printf("Error: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage());

    public void onMessage(String channel, String sender, String login, String hostname, String message) {
        if (!this.getIgnoredList().contains(sender)) {
            String years_str = "", months_str = "", days_str = "", hours_str = "", minutes_str = "",
                    seconds_str = "";
            String[] tab = this.decryptData(message, true).trim().split(" ");
            if (tab.length > 0) {
                if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel())
                        && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!pre") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!p"))) {
                    if (tab.length > 1) {
                        String names = "";
                        for (Integer i = 1; i < tab.length; i++)
                            names += tab[i] + " ";
                        Release release = this.getMySQLManager().pre(names.trim());
                        if (release.getResults().equals(0))
                                    this.encryptData("Nothing found for your search: " + names.trim()));
                        else {
                            if (release.getResults() > 1)
                                this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[ " + Colors.RED
                                        + release.getResults() + " results found! " + Colors.TEAL + "]"));
                                this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[ " + Colors.RED
                                        + release.getResults() + " result found! " + Colors.TEAL + "]"));
                            Integer years = release.getDiffDate() / 31536000;
                            Integer yearsMod = release.getDiffDate() % 31536000;
                            if (years == 1)
                                years_str = years + " year ";
                            else if (years > 1)
                                years_str = years + " years ";
                            Integer months = yearsMod / 2592000;
                            Integer monthsMod = yearsMod % 2592000;
                            if (months == 1)
                                months_str = months + " month ";
                            else if (months > 1)
                                months_str = months + " months ";
                            Integer days = monthsMod / 86400;
                            Integer daysMod = monthsMod % 86400;
                            if (days == 1)
                                days_str = days + " day ";
                            else if (days > 1)
                                days_str = days + " days ";
                            Integer hours = daysMod / 3600;
                            Integer hoursMod = daysMod % 3600;
                            if (hours == 1)
                                hours_str = hours + " hour ";
                            else if (hours > 1)
                                hours_str = hours + " hours ";
                            Integer minutes = hoursMod / 60;
                            if (minutes == 1)
                                minutes_str = minutes + " minute ";
                            else if (minutes > 1)
                                minutes_str = minutes + " minutes ";
                            Integer seconds = hoursMod % 60;
                            if (seconds == 1)
                                seconds_str = seconds + " second ";
                                seconds_str = seconds + " seconds ";
                            if (release.getChecked().equals("1") || release.getNuked().equals("0"))
                                        this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[" + Colors.YELLOW + " PRED " + Colors.TEAL
                                                + "][ " + Utils.getCategoryCode(release.getCategory())
                                                + release.getCategory() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                                + release.getName() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                                + years_str + months_str + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str
                                                + seconds_str + "ago (" + release.getDate() + ") " + Colors.TEAL
                                                + "][ " + Colors.OLIVE + release.getSize() + Colors.TEAL + " ]"
                                                + (release.getChecked().equals("1") ? ""
                                                        : "[ " + Colors.RED + "UNCHECKED" + Colors.TEAL + " ]")));
                                        this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[" + Colors.RED + " NUKED " + Colors.TEAL
                                                + "][ " + Utils.getCategoryCode(release.getCategory())
                                                + release.getCategory() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                                + release.getName() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                                + years_str + months_str + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str
                                                + seconds_str + "ago (" + release.getDate() + ") " + Colors.TEAL
                                                + "][ " + Colors.RED + release.getReason() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ "
                                                + Colors.OLIVE + release.getSize() + Colors.TEAL + " ]"));
                } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel())
                        && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!dupenuke") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!dnu"))) {
                    String names = "";
                    String limit = "10";
                    for (Integer i = 1; i < tab.length; i++) {
                        if (tab[i].contains("limit"))
                            limit = tab[i].substring(tab[i].indexOf("limit:") + 6, tab[i].length());
                            names += tab[i] + " ";
                    LinkedList<Release> releases = null;
                    if (tab.length > 1)
                        releases = this.getMySQLManager().dupenuke(names.trim(), limit);
                        releases = this.getMySQLManager().dupenuke("", limit);
                    if (releases.isEmpty())
                        this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(
                                "Nothing found for your search: " + (tab.length > 1 ? names.trim() : "")));
                    else {
                        if (releases.get(0).getResults() > 1)
                                    this.encryptData("Sending " + Colors.OLIVE + sender + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                            + " last " + Colors.OLIVE + releases.get(0).getResults() + Colors.RED
                                            + " nuked " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "results."));
                                    this.encryptData("Sending " + Colors.OLIVE + sender + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                            + " last " + Colors.OLIVE + releases.get(0).getResults() + Colors.RED
                                            + " nuked " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "results"));
                        for (Release release : releases) {
                            Integer years = release.getDiffDate() / 31536000;
                            Integer yearsMod = release.getDiffDate() % 31536000;
                            if (years == 1)
                                years_str = years + " year ";
                            else if (years > 1)
                                years_str = years + " years ";
                            Integer months = yearsMod / 2592000;
                            Integer monthsMod = yearsMod % 2592000;
                            if (months == 1)
                                months_str = months + " month ";
                            else if (months > 1)
                                months_str = months + " months ";
                            Integer days = monthsMod / 86400;
                            Integer daysMod = monthsMod % 86400;
                            if (days == 1)
                                days_str = days + " day ";
                            else if (days > 1)
                                days_str = days + " days ";
                            Integer hours = daysMod / 3600;
                            Integer hoursMod = daysMod % 3600;
                            if (hours == 1)
                                hours_str = hours + " hour ";
                            else if (hours > 1)
                                hours_str = hours + " hours ";
                            Integer minutes = hoursMod / 60;
                            if (minutes == 1)
                                minutes_str = minutes + " minute ";
                            else if (minutes > 1)
                                minutes_str = minutes + " minutes ";
                            Integer seconds = hoursMod % 60;
                            if (seconds == 1)
                                seconds_str = seconds + " second ";
                                seconds_str = seconds + " seconds ";
                                    this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[" + Colors.RED + " NUKED " + Colors.TEAL
                                            + "][ " + Utils.getCategoryCode(release.getCategory())
                                            + release.getCategory() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                            + release.getName() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                            + years_str + months_str + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str
                                            + seconds_str + "ago (" + release.getDate() + ") " + Colors.TEAL + "][ "
                                            + Colors.RED + release.getReason() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.OLIVE
                                            + release.getSize() + Colors.TEAL + " ]"));
                } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel())
                        && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!dupe") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!d"))) {
                    String names = "";
                    String limit = "10";
                    for (Integer i = 1; i < tab.length; i++) {
                        if (tab[i].contains("limit"))
                            limit = tab[i].substring(tab[i].indexOf("limit:") + 6, tab[i].length());
                            names += tab[i] + " ";
                    LinkedList<Release> releases = null;
                    if (tab.length > 1)
                        releases = this.getMySQLManager().dupe(names.trim(), limit);
                        releases = this.getMySQLManager().dupe("", limit);
                    if (releases.isEmpty())
                        this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(
                                "Nothing found for your search: " + (tab.length > 1 ? names.trim() : "")));
                    else {
                        if (releases.get(0).getResults() > 1)
                                    this.encryptData("Sending " + Colors.OLIVE + sender + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                            + " last " + Colors.OLIVE + releases.get(0).getResults()
                                            + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + " results."));
                                    this.encryptData("Sending " + Colors.OLIVE + sender + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                            + " last " + Colors.OLIVE + releases.get(0).getResults()
                                            + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + " result."));
                        for (Release release : releases) {
                            Integer years = release.getDiffDate() / 31536000;
                            Integer yearsMod = release.getDiffDate() % 31536000;
                            if (years == 1)
                                years_str = years + " year ";
                            else if (years > 1)
                                years_str = years + " years ";
                            Integer months = yearsMod / 2592000;
                            Integer monthsMod = yearsMod % 2592000;
                            if (months == 1)
                                months_str = months + " month ";
                            else if (months > 1)
                                months_str = months + " months ";
                            Integer days = monthsMod / 86400;
                            Integer daysMod = monthsMod % 86400;
                            if (days == 1)
                                days_str = days + " day ";
                            else if (days > 1)
                                days_str = days + " days ";
                            Integer hours = daysMod / 3600;
                            Integer hoursMod = daysMod % 3600;
                            if (hours == 1)
                                hours_str = hours + " hour ";
                            else if (hours > 1)
                                hours_str = hours + " hours ";
                            Integer minutes = hoursMod / 60;
                            if (minutes == 1)
                                minutes_str = minutes + " minute ";
                            else if (minutes > 1)
                                minutes_str = minutes + " minutes ";
                            Integer seconds = hoursMod % 60;
                            if (seconds == 1)
                                seconds_str = seconds + " second ";
                                seconds_str = seconds + " seconds ";
                            if (release.getChecked().equals("1") || release.getNuked().equals("0"))
                                        this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[" + Colors.YELLOW + " PRED " + Colors.TEAL
                                                + "][ " + Utils.getCategoryCode(release.getCategory())
                                                + release.getCategory() + Colors.TEAL + "][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                                + release.getName() + Colors.TEAL + "][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                                + years_str + months_str + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str
                                                + seconds_str + "ago (" + release.getDate() + ") " + Colors.TEAL
                                                + "][ " + Colors.OLIVE + release.getSize() + Colors.TEAL + " ]"
                                                + (release.getChecked().equals("1") ? ""
                                                        : "[ " + Colors.RED + "UNCHECKED" + Colors.TEAL + " ]")));
                                        this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[" + Colors.RED + " NUKED " + Colors.TEAL
                                                + "][ " + Utils.getCategoryCode(release.getCategory())
                                                + release.getCategory() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                                + release.getName() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                                + years_str + months_str + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str
                                                + seconds_str + "ago (" + release.getDate() + ") " + Colors.TEAL
                                                + "][ " + Colors.RED + release.getReason() + Colors.TEAL + " ][ "
                                                + Colors.OLIVE + release.getSize() + Colors.TEAL + " ]"));
                } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel())
                        && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!nuke") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!nk"))) {
                    if (this.getNukerList().contains(sender)) {
                        String names = "";
                        for (Integer i = 2; i < tab.length; i++)
                            names += tab[i] + " ";
                        if (tab.length > 2) {
                            Integer ret = this.getMySQLManager().nuke(tab[1], names.trim());
                            if (ret > 0)
                                        this.encryptData(Colors.OLIVE + tab[1] + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                                + " has been successfully " + Colors.RED + "nuked"
                                                + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "!"));
                                        this.encryptData(Colors.OLIVE + tab[1] + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                                + " has not been successfully " + Colors.RED + "nuked"
                                                + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "!"));
                    } else
                        this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(sender + ": You've to be a nuker to do this."));
                } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel())
                        && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!unnuke") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!un"))) {
                    if (this.getNukerList().contains(sender)) {
                        String names = "";
                        for (Integer i = 2; i < tab.length; i++)
                            names += tab[i] + " ";
                        if (tab.length > 2) {
                            Integer ret = this.getMySQLManager().unnuke(tab[1], names.trim());
                            if (ret > 0)
                                        this.encryptData(Colors.OLIVE + tab[1] + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                                + " has been successfully " + Colors.DARK_GREEN + "unnuked"
                                                + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "!"));
                                        this.encryptData(Colors.OLIVE + tab[1] + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                                + " has not been successfully " + Colors.DARK_GREEN + "unnuked"
                                                + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "!"));
                    } else
                        this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(sender + ": You've to be a nuker to do this."));
                } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel())
                        && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!addpre") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!ap"))) {
                    if (this.getNukerList().contains(sender)) {
                        String names = "";
                        for (Integer i = 3; i < tab.length; i++)
                            names += tab[i] + " ";
                        if (tab.length > 3) {
                            Integer ret = this.getMySQLManager().addpre(tab[1], tab[2], names.trim());
                            if (ret > 0)
                                        this.encryptData(Colors.OLIVE + tab[1] + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                                + " has been successfully " + Colors.DARK_GREEN + "addpred"
                                                + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "!"));
                                        this.encryptData(Colors.OLIVE + tab[1] + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                                + " has not been successfully " + Colors.DARK_GREEN + "addpred"
                                                + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "!"));
                    } else
                        this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(sender + ": You've to be a nuker to do this."));
                } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel())
                        && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!delpre") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!dp"))) {
                    if (this.getNukerList().contains(sender)) {
                        if (tab.length > 1) {
                            Integer ret = this.getMySQLManager().delpre(tab[1]);
                            if (ret > 0)
                                        this.encryptData(Colors.OLIVE + tab[1] + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                                + " has been successfully " + Colors.DARK_GREEN + "delpred"
                                                + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "!"));
                                        this.encryptData(Colors.OLIVE + tab[1] + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                                                + " has not been successfully " + Colors.DARK_GREEN + "delpred"
                                                + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "!"));
                    } else
                        this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(sender + ": You've to be a nuker to do this."));
                } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindChannel())
                        && tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!vdm")) {
                    List<String> vdms = Utils.getMatcher(Utils.VDMRegex, Utils.getCode(Utils.VDMFeed),
                    if (!vdms.isEmpty()) {
                        String vdm = vdms.get(new Random().nextInt(vdms.size()));
                        vdm = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(vdm);
                        vdm = vdm.substring(30).replaceAll("[\r\n]+", "").replaceAll(" {2,}", " ").trim();
                        this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[" + Colors.BROWN + " VDM "
                                + Colors.TEAL + "] :: [ " + Colors.DARK_GREEN + vdm + Colors.TEAL + " ]"));
                } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindChannel())
                        && tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!cnf")) {
                    List<String> cnfs = Utils.getMatcher(Utils.CNFRegex, Utils.getCode(Utils.CNFPage),
                    if (!cnfs.isEmpty()) {
                        String cnf = cnfs.get(new Random().nextInt(cnfs.size()));
                        cnf = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(cnf);
                        cnf = cnf.substring(cnf.indexOf(">") + 1, cnf.indexOf("</div>")).replaceAll("[\r\n]+", "")
                                .replaceAll(" {2,}", " ").trim();
                        this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.TEAL + "[" + Colors.RED + " CNF "
                                + Colors.TEAL + "] :: [ " + Colors.DARK_GREEN + cnf + Colors.TEAL + " ]"));
                } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindChannel())
                        && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!slap") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!s"))) {
                    if (this.getSlaps() < this.getSlapsRandom())
                        this.setSlaps(this.getSlaps() + 1);
                    else {
                        this.kick(channel, sender, this.encryptData("Sorry, you loose this time ^^"));
                        this.setSlapsRandom(new Random().nextInt(26));
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!kick") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!k")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (tab.length > 2) {
                            String names = "";
                            for (Integer i = 2; i < tab.length; i++)
                                names += tab[i] + " ";
                            this.kick(channel, tab[1], this.encryptData(names.trim()));
                        } else
                            this.kick(channel, tab[1]);
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!ban") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!b")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (tab.length > 1)
                            this.ban(channel, tab[1]);
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!mode") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!m")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (tab.length > 2)
                            this.setMode(channel, tab[1] + " " + tab[2]);
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!message") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!msg")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (tab.length > 2) {
                            String names = "";
                            for (Integer i = 2; i < tab.length; i++)
                                names += tab[i] + " ";
                            this.sendMessage(tab[1], this.encryptData(names.trim()));
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!action") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!a")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (tab.length > 2) {
                            String names = "";
                            for (Integer i = 2; i < tab.length; i++)
                                names += tab[i] + " ";
                            this.sendAction(tab[1], this.encryptData(names.trim()));
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!notice") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!n")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (tab.length > 2) {
                            String names = "";
                            for (Integer i = 2; i < tab.length; i++)
                                names += tab[i] + " ";
                            this.sendNotice(tab[1], this.encryptData(names.trim()));
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!ignore") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!i")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (tab.length > 1) {
                            if (!this.getIgnoredList().contains(tab[1]))
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!unignore") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!ui")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (tab.length > 1) {
                            if (this.getIgnoredList().contains(tab[1]))
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!addnuker") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!an")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (tab.length > 1) {
                            if (!this.getNukerList().contains(tab[1]))
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!delnuker") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!dn")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (tab.length > 1) {
                            if (this.getNukerList().contains(tab[1]))
                } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel())
                        && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!showrequest") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!sr"))) {
                    if (tab.length > 1) {
                        String names = "";
                        for (Integer i = 1; i < tab.length; i++)
                            names += tab[i] + " ";
                        Request request = this.getMySQLManager().showrequest(names.trim());
                        if (request.getResults().equals(0))
                                    this.encryptData("Nothing found for your search: " + names.trim()));
                        else {
                            if (request.getResults() > 1)
                                this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(
                                        "\00310[\00304 " + request.getResults() + " results found! \00310]"));
                                this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(
                                        "\00310[\00304 " + request.getResults() + " result found! \00310]"));
                            Integer years = request.getDiffDate() / 31536000;
                            Integer yearsMod = request.getDiffDate() % 31536000;
                            if (years == 1)
                                years_str = years + " year ";
                            else if (years > 1)
                                years_str = years + " years ";
                            Integer months = yearsMod / 2592000;
                            Integer monthsMod = yearsMod % 2592000;
                            if (months == 1)
                                months_str = months + " month ";
                            else if (months > 1)
                                months_str = months + " months ";
                            Integer days = monthsMod / 86400;
                            Integer daysMod = monthsMod % 86400;
                            if (days == 1)
                                days_str = days + " day ";
                            else if (days > 1)
                                days_str = days + " days ";
                            Integer hours = daysMod / 3600;
                            Integer hoursMod = daysMod % 3600;
                            if (hours == 1)
                                hours_str = hours + " hour ";
                            else if (hours > 1)
                                hours_str = hours + " hours ";
                            Integer minutes = hoursMod / 60;
                            if (minutes == 1)
                                minutes_str = minutes + " minute ";
                            else if (minutes > 1)
                                minutes_str = minutes + " minutes ";
                            Integer seconds = hoursMod % 60;
                            if (seconds == 1)
                                seconds_str = seconds + " second ";
                                seconds_str = seconds + " seconds ";
                            if (request.getFilled())
                                this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("\00310[\00308 REQ \00310] [\00315 "
                                        + request.getRequest() + " \00310] [\00315 " + years_str + months_str
                                        + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str + seconds_str + "ago ("
                                        + (request.getRequestDate()) + ") \00310] [ \00307Requested by: \00315"
                                        + request.getRequestBy() + " \00310] [ \00307Filled by: \00315"
                                        + request.getFilledBy() + " \00310]"));
                                this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("\00310[\00308 REQ \00310] [\00315 "
                                        + request.getRequest() + " \00310] [\00315 " + years_str + months_str
                                        + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str + seconds_str + "ago ("
                                        + request.getRequestDate() + ") \00310] [ \00307Requested by: \00315"
                                        + request.getRequestBy() + " \00310]"));
                } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel())
                        && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!addrequest") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!ar"))) {
                    String names = "";
                    for (Integer i = 1; i < tab.length; i++)
                        names += tab[i] + " ";
                    if (tab.length > 1) {
                        Request request = new Request();
                        Integer ret = this.getMySQLManager().addrequest(request);
                        if (ret > 0)
                            this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("\00307" + names.trim()
                                    + "\00315 has been successfully \00304requested\00315!"));
                            this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("\00307" + names.trim()
                                    + "\00315 has not been successfully \00304requested\00315!"));
                } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel())
                        && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!fillrequest") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!fr"))) {
                    String names = "";
                    for (Integer i = 1; i < tab.length; i++)
                        names += tab[i] + " ";
                    if (tab.length > 1) {
                        Integer ret = this.getMySQLManager().fillrequest(names.trim(), sender);
                        if (ret > 0)
                            this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(
                                    "\00307" + names.trim() + "\00315 has been successfully \00304filled\00315!"));
                            this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("\00307" + names.trim()
                                    + "\00315 has not been successfully \0030filled\00315!"));
                } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel())
                        && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!duperequest") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!dr"))) {
                    String names = "";
                    String limit = "10";
                    for (Integer i = 1; i < tab.length; i++) {
                        if (tab[i].contains("limit"))
                            limit = tab[i].substring(tab[i].indexOf("limit:") + 6, tab[i].length());
                            names += tab[i] + " ";
                    LinkedList<Request> requests = null;
                    if (tab.length > 1)
                        requests = this.getMySQLManager().duperequest(names.trim(), limit);
                        requests = this.getMySQLManager().duperequest("", limit);
                    if (requests.isEmpty())
                        this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(
                                "Nothing found for your search: " + (tab.length > 1 ? names.trim() : "")));
                    else {
                        if (requests.get(0).getResults() > 1)
                            this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("Sending \00307" + sender
                                    + "\00315 last \00307" + requests.get(0).getResults() + "\00315 results."));
                            this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData("Sending \00307" + sender
                                    + "\00315 last \00307" + requests.get(0).getResults() + "\00315 result."));
                        for (Request request : requests) {
                            Integer years = request.getDiffDate() / 31536000;
                            Integer yearsMod = request.getDiffDate() % 31536000;
                            if (years == 1)
                                years_str = years + " year ";
                            else if (years > 1)
                                years_str = years + " years ";
                            Integer months = yearsMod / 2592000;
                            Integer monthsMod = yearsMod % 2592000;
                            if (months == 1)
                                months_str = months + " month ";
                            else if (months > 1)
                                months_str = months + " months ";
                            Integer days = monthsMod / 86400;
                            Integer daysMod = monthsMod % 86400;
                            if (days == 1)
                                days_str = days + " day ";
                            else if (days > 1)
                                days_str = days + " days ";
                            Integer hours = daysMod / 3600;
                            Integer hoursMod = daysMod % 3600;
                            if (hours == 1)
                                hours_str = hours + " hour ";
                            else if (hours > 1)
                                hours_str = hours + " hours ";
                            Integer minutes = hoursMod / 60;
                            if (minutes == 1)
                                minutes_str = minutes + " minute ";
                            else if (minutes > 1)
                                minutes_str = minutes + " minutes ";
                            Integer seconds = hoursMod % 60;
                            if (seconds == 1)
                                seconds_str = seconds + " second ";
                                seconds_str = seconds + " seconds ";
                            if (request.getFilled())
                                this.sendMessage(sender, this.encryptData("\00310[\00308 REQ \00310] [\00315 "
                                        + request.getRequest() + " \00310] [\00315 " + years_str + months_str
                                        + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str + seconds_str + "ago ("
                                        + request.getRequestDate() + ") \00310] [ \00307Requested by: \00315"
                                        + request.getRequestBy() + " \00310] [ \00307Filled by: \00315"
                                        + request.getFilledBy() + " \00310]"));
                                this.sendMessage(sender, this.encryptData("\00310[\00308 REQ \00310] [\00315 "
                                        + request.getRequest() + " \00310] [\00315 " + years_str + months_str
                                        + days_str + hours_str + minutes_str + seconds_str + "ago ("
                                        + request.getRequestDate() + ") \00310] [ \00307Requested by: \00315"
                                        + request.getRequestBy() + " \00310]"));
                } else if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel())
                        && (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!group") || tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!g"))) {
                    Group group = this.getMySQLManager().group();
                            this.encryptData(Colors.DARK_GRAY + "Total Releases: " + Colors.GREEN
                                    + group.getTotalReleases() + Colors.DARK_GRAY + " Total Nuked: " + Colors.RED
                                    + group.getTotalNukes() + Colors.DARK_GRAY + " Total Unuked: " + Colors.OLIVE
                                    + group.getTotalUnnukes()));
                            this.encryptData(Colors.DARK_GRAY + "First Pre: " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "["
                                    + Utils.getCategoryCode(group.getCategoryFirstPre())
                                    + group.getCategoryFirstPre() + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "] " + group.getFirstPre()
                                    + " [" + group.getDateFirstPre() + "]"));
                    this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(Colors.DARK_GRAY + "Last Pre: " + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY
                            + "[" + Utils.getCategoryCode(group.getCategoryLastPre()) + group.getCategoryLastPre()
                            + Colors.LIGHT_GRAY + "] " + group.getLastPre() + " [" + group.getDateLastPre() + "]"));
                } else {
                    for (String t : tab) {
                        if (!Utils.getMatcher(Utils.URLRegex, t, Pattern.DOTALL).isEmpty()) {
                            String title = Utils.getTitleMatcher(Utils.getCode(t));
                            if (title != null) {
                                title = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(title);
                                title = title.substring(7, title.length() - 8).replaceAll("[\r\n]+", "")
                                        .replaceAll(" {2,}", " ").trim();
                                        this.encryptData("\00310[\00303 Title:\00307 " + title + " \00310]"));

    protected void onKick(String channel, String kickerNick, String kickerLogin, String kickerHostname,
            String recipientNick, String reason) {
        if (recipientNick.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getNick())) {
            if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCMindChannel()))
                this.sendMessage("ChanServ", "invite " + this.getParent().getIRCMindChannel());
            this.sendMessage(channel, this.encryptData(kickerNick + ": Stop or i'll call the police!"));

    protected void onDisconnect() {
                this.encryptData("That's a crappy network that we have here :p"));
                this.encryptData("That's a crappy network that we have here :p"));

    protected void onJoin(String channel, String sender, String login, String hostname) {
        if (!this.getIgnoredList().contains(sender)) {
            if (!sender.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getParent().getIRCBotName()))
                        this.encryptData("Hi " + sender + " ! If you need me you know where to find me ;)"));

    protected void onPrivateMessage(String sender, String login, String hostname, String message) {
        if (!this.getIgnoredList().contains(sender)) {
            String[] tab = null;
            if (sender.equals("BaYbEE"))
                tab = this.decryptData(message, false).trim().split(" ");
                tab = this.decryptData(message, true).trim().split(" ");
            if (tab.length > 1) {
                if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("invite")) {
                    if (this.getMySQLManager().login(sender, tab[1])) {
                        this.sendInvite(sender, this.getParent().getIRCMindChannel());
                        this.sendInvite(sender, this.getParent().getIRCMindPreChannel());
                        this.sendInvite(sender, this.getParent().getIRCMindPreSearchChannel());
                        this.sendInvite(sender, this.getParent().getIRCMindSpamChannel());
                        this.sendInvite(sender, this.getParent().getIRCPreChannel());
                        this.sendInvite(sender, this.getParent().getIRCGksChannel());
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("kick")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (tab.length > 3)
                            this.kick(tab[2], tab[1], this.encryptData(tab[3]));
                            this.kick(tab[2], tab[1]);
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("ban")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (tab.length > 2)
                            this.ban(tab[2], tab[1]);
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("mode")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (tab.length > 3)
                            this.setMode(tab[3], tab[1] + " " + tab[2]);
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("message")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (tab.length > 2) {
                            String names = "";
                            for (Integer i = 2; i < tab.length; i++)
                                names += tab[i] + " ";
                            this.sendMessage(tab[1], this.encryptData(names.trim()));
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("action")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (tab.length > 2) {
                            String names = "";
                            for (Integer i = 2; i < tab.length; i++)
                                names += tab[i] + " ";
                            this.sendAction(tab[1], this.encryptData(names.trim()));
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("notice")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (tab.length > 2) {
                            String names = "";
                            for (Integer i = 2; i < tab.length; i++)
                                names += tab[i] + " ";
                            this.sendNotice(tab[1], this.encryptData(names.trim()));
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("pre")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        String names = "";
                        for (Integer i = 1; i < tab.length; i++)
                            names += tab[i] + " ";
                        this.sendMessage(this.getParent().getIRCPreChannel(), this.encryptData(names));
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("gks")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        String names = "";
                        for (Integer i = 1; i < tab.length; i++)
                            names += tab[i] + " ";
                        this.sendMessage(this.getParent().getIRCGksChannel(), this.encryptData(names));
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("ignore")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (!this.getIgnoredList().contains(tab[1]))
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("unignore")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (this.getIgnoredList().contains(tab[1]))
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("addnuker")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (!this.getNukerList().contains(tab[1]))
                } else if (tab[0].equalsIgnoreCase("delnuker")) {
                    if (sender.equals("BaYbEE")) {
                        if (this.getNukerList().contains(tab[1]))

    protected void onInvite(String targetNick, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname,
            String channel) {