Java tutorial
package UI; import analysis.GraphAnalysis; import analysis.SampleComparison; import graph.MyEdge; import graph.MyGraph; import graph.MyVertex; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener; import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings; import; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader; import javafx.fxml.Initializable; import javafx.geometry.Insets; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.Parent; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.chart.*; import javafx.scene.control.*; import javafx.scene.layout.*; import javafx.scene.text.Text; import javafx.scene.text.TextFlow; import javafx.stage.FileChooser; import javafx.stage.Modality; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.stage.WindowEvent; import javafx.util.StringConverter; import javafx.util.converter.NumberStringConverter; import main.GlobalConstants; import main.Main; import main.UserSettings; import model.AnalysisData; import model.LoadedData; import model.Sample; import model.TaxonNode; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix; import org.controlsfx.control.RangeSlider; import org.controlsfx.glyphfont.FontAwesome; import org.controlsfx.glyphfont.GlyphFontRegistry; import sampleParser.BiomV1Parser; import sampleParser.BiomV2Parser; import sampleParser.ReadName2TaxIdCSVParser; import sampleParser.TaxonId2CountCSVParser; import util.SaveAndLoadOptions; import view.*; import*; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Function; import; import static main.Main.getPrimaryStage; import static model.AnalysisData.*; /** * <h1>This is the main GUI class. It implements most methods for the main stage.</h1> * <p> * Most of the functionality is channeled in this class. This is the class where all of the functionality comes * together. It contains the method for initializing all required Services and it implements all buttons in the main * stage. * </p> * * @version This class should be divided into more classes which separate behaviour. * @see SpringAnimationService * @see ViewPane * @see MySpringLayout * @see MyColours * @see Palette */ public class MainStageController implements Initializable { //Default constants for the analysis sliders public static final double DEFAULT_POSITIVE_CORRELATION_LOW = 0.5; public static final int DEFAULT_POSITIVE_CORRELATION_HIGH = 1; public static final int DEFAULT_NEGATIVE_CORRELATION_LOW = -1; public static final double DEFAULT_NEGATIVE_CORRELATION_HIGH = -0.5; public static final double DEFAULT_MAX_P_VALUE_SLIDER = 0.05; public static final int DEFAULT_FREQUENCY_RANGE_SLIDER_LOW = 0; public static final int DEFAULT_FREQUENCY_RANGE_SLIDER_HIGH = 1; //Default constants for the Graph settings public static final int DEFAULT_ANIMATION_SPEED = 25; public static final double DEFAULT_SLIDER_EDGE_FORCE = 1.5; public static final int DEFAULT_NODE_REPULSION = 30; public static final double DEFAULT_SLIDER_STRECH_PARAMETER = 0.9; public static final int DEFAULT_SLIDER_NODE_RADIUS = 15; public static final int DEFAULT_SLIDER_EDGE_WIDTH = 5; public static final int DEFAULT_SLIDER_EDGE_LENGTH_LOW = 50; public static final int DEFAULT_SLIDER_EDGE_LENGTH_HIGH = 500; private static Stage optionsStage; private static Stage exportImagesStage; private ViewPane viewPane; private static final int MAX_WIDTH_OF_SIDEPANES = 220; public MainStageController() { } private enum FileType { taxonId2Count, readName2TaxonId, biomV1, biomV2, qiime } public static boolean isMainViewMaximized = false; // alerts private Alert fileNotFoundAlert, confirmQuitAlert, aboutAlert, fileAlreadyLoadedAlert, wrongFileAlert, insufficientDataAlert; // FXML elements @FXML private AnchorPane leftPane, rightPane; @FXML private Tab mainViewTab; @FXML private Label leftLabel; @FXML private TreeView<String> treeViewFiles; @FXML private Accordion preferencesAccordion; /** * BUTTON ELEMENTS */ @FXML private RadioButton collapseAllButton; /** * FILTER OPTION ELEMENTS **/ @FXML private ChoiceBox<String> rankChoiceBox; //List of possible choices of the choice box ObservableList<String> ranksList = FXCollections.observableArrayList("Domain", "Kingdom", "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "Family", "Genus", "Species"); @FXML private RadioButton compareSelectedSamplesButton; @FXML private RadioButton pearsonCorrelationButton, spearmanCorrelationButton, kendallCorrelationButton; @FXML private TextField minPosCorrelationText, maxPosCorrelationText, minNegCorrelationText, maxNegCorrelationText; @FXML private Slider maxPValueSlider; @FXML private TextField maxPValueText; @FXML private TextField minFrequencyText; @FXML private TextField maxFrequencyText; @FXML private RangeSlider posCorrelationRangeSlider, negCorrelationRangeSlider, frequencyRangeSlider; /** * STARTUP PANE ELEMENTS **/ @FXML private Label startupLabel; @FXML private ProgressIndicator startupSpinner; /** * STATUS FOOTER ELEMENTS **/ @FXML private Label statusRightLabel; /** * GRAPH VIEW SETTING ELEMENTS **/ @FXML private Slider sliderNodeRadius; @FXML private Slider sliderEdgeWidth; @FXML private RangeSlider sliderEdgeLength; @FXML private ToggleButton buttonPauseAnimation; @FXML private CheckBox checkAdvancedGraphSettings; @FXML private Label labelNodeRepulsion; @FXML private Slider sliderNodeRepulsion; @FXML private Label labelStretchParameter; @FXML private Slider sliderStretchParameter; @FXML private Label labelAnimationSpeed; @FXML private Slider sliderAnimationSpeed; @FXML private Label labelEdgeForce; @FXML private Slider sliderEdgeForce; @FXML private Button buttonResetGraphDefaults; @FXML private CheckBox showLabelsCheckBox; /** * COLOUR SETTINGS ELEMENTS */ @FXML private RadioButton colourRadioNodeFix; @FXML private RadioButton colourRadioNodeParent; @FXML private RadioButton colourRadioNodeAlpha; @FXML private RadioButton colourRadioNodeFrequency; @FXML private ToggleGroup colourToggleNodes; @FXML private StackPane colourNodeComboContainer; ComboBox<Palette> nodeColourCombo = new ComboBox<>(); @FXML private RadioButton colourRadioEdgeCorrelation; @FXML private RadioButton colourRadioEdgeDistance; @FXML private RadioButton colourRadioEdgePvalue; @FXML private ToggleGroup colourToggleEdges; @FXML private StackPane colourEdgeComboContainer; ComboBox<Palette> edgeColourCombo = new ComboBox<>(); @FXML private Slider excludeFrequencySlider; @FXML private TextField excludeFrequencyText; /** * ANALYSIS PANE ELEMENTS */ @FXML private AnchorPane analysisPane; @FXML private PieChart frequencyChart; @FXML private BarChart<String, Double> degreeDistributionChart; @FXML private TextArea graphStatText, dataStatText; @FXML private TextArea modularityText; /** * INFO PANE */ @FXML private TextFlow infoTextFlow; @FXML private TextArea infoTextArea; @FXML private Button abundancePlotButton; /** * Initializes every needed service * * @param location * @param resources */ @Override public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) { // Load FontAweSome GlyphFontRegistry .register(new FontAwesome(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf"))); startTreePreloadService(); initializeAccordion(); initializeRankChoiceBox(); initializeGraphSettings(); initializeAnalysisPane(); initializeGraphAnalysis(); initializeInfoPane(); initializeBindings(); initializeColorComboBox(); initializeButtonsOnLeftPane(); //preload settings SaveAndLoadOptions.loadSettings(); //Display the info text in the bottom left pane displayInfoText(); } @FXML /** * Should be called when the user clicks a button to analyze the loaded samples and display the graphview * Creates correlation data, creates the internal graph, applies default filter, displays the graph */ public void startAnalysis() { for (Sample sample : LoadedData.getSamplesToAnalyze()) { sample.filterTaxaPrimary(); } String correlationType = ""; if (pearsonCorrelationButton.isSelected()) correlationType = "pearson"; else if (spearmanCorrelationButton.isSelected()) correlationType = "spearman"; else if (kendallCorrelationButton.isSelected()) correlationType = "kendall"; boolean isAnalysisSuccessful = AnalysisData .performCorrelationAnalysis(new ArrayList<>(LoadedData.getSamplesToAnalyze()), correlationType); if (isAnalysisSuccessful) { LoadedData.createGraph(); LoadedData.getTaxonGraph().filterEdges(); LoadedData.getTaxonGraph().filterVertices(); displayGraph(LoadedData.getTaxonGraph()); displayAnalysisTextsAndGraphs(); performGraphAnalysis(); displayGraphAnalysis(); displayInfoText(); setHubsInView(); } else {//The analysis couldn't be done because of insufficient data showInsufficientDataAlert(); } } @FXML public void showAllSamples() { if (treeViewFiles.getRoot() != null && treeViewFiles.getRoot().getChildren().isEmpty()) { System.out.println("I will show every node."); } } @FXML public void showNoSamples() { if (treeViewFiles.getRoot() != null && !treeViewFiles.getRoot().getChildren().isEmpty()) { System.out.println("I will hide every node."); treeViewFiles.getRoot().getChildren().remove(0, treeViewFiles.getRoot().getChildren().size()); } } @FXML public void showReverseSamples() { } /** * chooses which text to display on the bottom left pane * TODO: This isn't called every time it should be, add some more listeners! */ public void displayInfoText() { String infoText = ""; if (LoadedData.getSamplesToAnalyze() == null || LoadedData.getSamples().size() < 3) { infoText = "Please import at least 3 samples \nto begin correlation analysis!"; } else if (compareSelectedSamplesButton.isSelected() && LoadedData.getSelectedSamples().size() < 3) { infoText = "If you want to analyse selected \nsamples only, please select \nat least 3 samples!"; } else if (rankChoiceBox.getValue() == null) { infoText = "Choose a rank to display the graph!"; } else if (LoadedData.getGraphView() != null && LoadedData.getGraphView().getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems().size() > 1) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Selected Taxa:\n"); ObservableList selectedItems = LoadedData.getGraphView().getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems(); for (Object selectedItem : selectedItems) { MyVertex vertex = (MyVertex) selectedItem; builder.append(vertex.getTaxonName()); builder.append("\n"); } infoText = builder.toString(); } else if (LoadedData.getGraphView() != null && LoadedData.getGraphView().getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems().size() == 1) { MyVertex selectedVertex = (MyVertex) LoadedData.getGraphView().getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems() .get(0); GraphAnalysis analysis = AnalysisData.getAnalysis(); infoText = "Selected Taxon:\n" + selectedVertex.getTaxonName() + "\nID: " + selectedVertex.getTaxonNode().getTaxonId() + "\nFrequency: " + String.format("%.3f", AnalysisData.getMaximumRelativeFrequencies().get(selectedVertex.getTaxonNode())) + "\nParent Taxon: " + selectedVertex.getAttributesMap().get("parentName") + "\nNo. of visible edges: " + analysis.getNodeDegrees().get(selectedVertex.getTaxonNode()); } else if (LoadedData.getGraphView() != null) { GraphAnalysis analysis = AnalysisData.getAnalysis(); infoText = "Network Overview: \nNo. of visible taxa: " + analysis.getFilteredGraph().getVertices().size() + "\nNo. of visible edges: " + analysis.getFilteredGraph().getEdges().size() + "\nAverage Degree: " + String.format("%.2f", analysis.getMeanDegree()); } infoTextArea.setText(infoText); } /** * Displays an abundance plot of the selected taxa */ @FXML private void displayAbundancePlot() { ObservableList selectedItems = LoadedData.getGraphView().getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems(); List<TaxonNode> nodesList = new LinkedList<>(); for (Object selectedItem : selectedItems) { nodesList.add(((MyVertex) selectedItem).getTaxonNode()); } HashMap<Sample, HashMap<TaxonNode, Integer>> abundancesMap = SampleComparison.calcAbundances(nodesList); final CategoryAxis xAxis = new CategoryAxis(); final NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis(); xAxis.setLabel("Taxa"); yAxis.setLabel("Abundance"); BarChart<String, Number> abundancePlot = new BarChart<>(xAxis, yAxis); for (Map.Entry<Sample, HashMap<TaxonNode, Integer>> entry : abundancesMap.entrySet()) { XYChart.Series<String, Number> sampleSeries = new XYChart.Series<>(); sampleSeries.setName(entry.getKey().getName()); for (Map.Entry<TaxonNode, Integer> innerMapEntry : entry.getValue().entrySet()) { sampleSeries.getData() .add(new XYChart.Data<>(innerMapEntry.getKey().getName(), innerMapEntry.getValue())); } abundancePlot.getData().add(sampleSeries); } //Display chart on a new pane Stage chartStage = new Stage(); chartStage.setTitle("Abundance Plot"); Scene chartScene = new Scene(abundancePlot); chartStage.setScene(chartScene);; } /** * shows the graph in the main view * * @param taxonGraph */ private void displayGraph(MyGraph<MyVertex, MyEdge> taxonGraph) { MyGraphView graphView = new MyGraphView(taxonGraph); LoadedData.setGraphView(graphView); ViewPane viewPane = new ViewPane(graphView); viewPane = new ViewPane(graphView); // Bind node hover status text statusRightLabel.textProperty().bind(viewPane.hoverInfo); // Settings need to be initialized with graphView bindGraphSettings(graphView); bindColourSettings(graphView); mainViewTab.setContent(viewPane); //Bind the showLabels-Checkbox to the visibility properties of the MyVertexView labels for (Node node : LoadedData.getGraphView().getMyVertexViewGroup().getChildren()) { MyVertexView vertexView = (MyVertexView) node; vertexView.getVertexLabel().visibleProperty().bind(showLabelsCheckBox.selectedProperty()); } //call displayInfoText whenever the selection changes + decide whether or not to enable the abundancePlotButton LoadedData.getGraphView().getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems().addListener((InvalidationListener) e -> { displayInfoText(); if (LoadedData.getGraphView().getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems().size() == 0) abundancePlotButton.setDisable(true); else abundancePlotButton.setDisable(false); }); } /** * shows the correlation table in the analysis view */ @FXML private void displayCorrelationTable() { //Delete whatever's been in the table before TableView<String[]> analysisTable = new TableView<>(); //We want to display correlations and p-Values of every node combination double[][] correlationMatrix = AnalysisData.getCorrelationMatrix().getData(); double[][] pValueMatrix = AnalysisData.getPValueMatrix().getData(); LinkedList<TaxonNode> taxonList = SampleComparison.getUnifiedTaxonList(LoadedData.getSamplesToAnalyze(), AnalysisData.getLevelOfAnalysis()); //Table will consist of strings String[][] tableValues = new String[correlationMatrix.length][correlationMatrix[0].length + 1]; //Add the values as formatted strings for (int i = 0; i < tableValues.length; i++) { tableValues[i][0] = taxonList.get(i).getName(); for (int j = 1; j < tableValues[0].length; j++) { tableValues[i][j] = String.format("%.3f", correlationMatrix[i][j - 1]).replace(",", ".") + "\n(" + String.format("%.2f", pValueMatrix[i][j - 1]).replace(",", ".") + ")"; } } for (int i = 0; i < tableValues[0].length; i++) { String columnTitle; if (i > 0) { columnTitle = taxonList.get(i - 1).getName(); } else { columnTitle = ""; } TableColumn<String[], String> column = new TableColumn<>(columnTitle); final int columnIndex = i; column.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> { String[] row = cellData.getValue(); return new SimpleStringProperty(row[columnIndex]); }); analysisTable.getColumns().add(column); //First column contains taxon names and should be italic if (i == 0) column.setStyle("-fx-font-style:italic;"); } for (int i = 0; i < tableValues.length; i++) { analysisTable.getItems().add(tableValues[i]); } //Display table on a new stage Stage tableStage = new Stage(); tableStage.setTitle("Correlation Table"); BorderPane tablePane = new BorderPane(); Button exportCorrelationsButton = new Button("Save correlation table to CSV"); Button exportPValuesButton = new Button("Save p-value table to CSV"); exportCorrelationsButton.setOnAction(e -> exportTableToCSV(tableValues, false)); exportPValuesButton.setOnAction(e -> exportTableToCSV(tableValues, true)); HBox exportBox = new HBox(exportCorrelationsButton, exportPValuesButton); exportBox.setPadding(new Insets(10)); exportBox.setSpacing(10); tablePane.setTop(exportBox); tablePane.setCenter(analysisTable); Scene tableScene = new Scene(tablePane); tableStage.setScene(tableScene);; } /** * exports the created table to a .csv file * uses a fileChooser to determine where to save the .csv file * * @param tableValues * @param isPValue */ private void exportTableToCSV(String[][] tableValues, boolean isPValue) { //We'll split up the table values into two parts - if we need correlations, we take the 0th one, // if we want p values, we take the 1st int splitNumber; splitNumber = isPValue ? 1 : 0; FileChooser chooser = new FileChooser(); chooser.setInitialDirectory(new File((String) UserSettings.userSettings.get("defaultFileChooserLocation"))); File outputFile = chooser.showSaveDialog(getPrimaryStage()); try { BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputFile)); //Write names into first row writer.write(","); for (int i = 0; i < tableValues.length; i++) { writer.write(tableValues[i][0] + ","); } writer.write("\n"); for (String[] tableRow : tableValues) { for (String s : tableRow) { String[] split = s.split("\n"); // System.out.println(s + split.length); // for (String s1 : split) { // System.out.println(s1); // } if (split.length > 1) writer.write(split[splitNumber] + ","); else writer.write(split[0] + ","); } writer.write("\n"); } writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * creates the data for the analysis pane and displays it * data created includes: * highest positive/negative correlations * average counts */ private void displayAnalysisTextsAndGraphs() { //Display node with highest frequency double highestFrequency = AnalysisData.getHighestFrequency(); TaxonNode nodeWithHighestFrequency = AnalysisData.getNodeWithHighestFrequency(); dataStatText.setText("Highest Frequency:\n" + nodeWithHighestFrequency.getName() + " (" + String.format("%.3f", highestFrequency) + ")\n"); //Display nodes with highest positive/negative correlation RealMatrix correlationMatrix = AnalysisData.getCorrelationMatrix(); int[] highestPositiveCorrelationCoordinates = AnalysisData.getHighestPositiveCorrelationCoordinates(); int[] highestNegativeCorrelationCoordinates = AnalysisData.getHighestNegativeCorrelationCoordinates(); LinkedList<TaxonNode> taxonList = SampleComparison.getUnifiedTaxonList(LoadedData.getSamplesToAnalyze(), AnalysisData.getLevelOfAnalysis()); TaxonNode hPCNode1 = taxonList.get(highestPositiveCorrelationCoordinates[0]); TaxonNode hPCNode2 = taxonList.get(highestPositiveCorrelationCoordinates[1]); TaxonNode hNCNode1 = taxonList.get(highestNegativeCorrelationCoordinates[0]); TaxonNode hNCNode2 = taxonList.get(highestNegativeCorrelationCoordinates[1]); dataStatText.setText(dataStatText.getText() + "\nHighest Positive Correlation:\n" + hPCNode1.getName() + " - " + hPCNode2.getName() + " (" + String.format("%.3f", correlationMatrix.getEntry(highestPositiveCorrelationCoordinates[0], highestPositiveCorrelationCoordinates[1])) + ")\n"); dataStatText.setText(dataStatText.getText() + "\nHighest Negative Correlation:\n" + hNCNode1.getName() + " - " + hNCNode2.getName() + " (" + String.format("%.3f", correlationMatrix.getEntry(highestNegativeCorrelationCoordinates[0], highestNegativeCorrelationCoordinates[1])) + ")"); //Generate Data for the pie chart frequencyChart.getData().clear(); HashMap<TaxonNode, Double> averageCounts = SampleComparison .calcAverageCounts(LoadedData.getSamplesToAnalyze(), AnalysisData.getLevelOfAnalysis()); for (TaxonNode taxonNode : averageCounts.keySet()) { PieChart.Data data = new PieChart.Data(taxonNode.getName(), averageCounts.get(taxonNode)); frequencyChart.getData().add(data); } analysisPane.setVisible(true); } /** * starts the Graph analysis */ public void performGraphAnalysis() { AnalysisData.setAnalysis(new GraphAnalysis(LoadedData.getTaxonGraph())); } /** * collects the data for the barChart * data includes: * degree distribution * hubs */ public void displayGraphAnalysis() { //Generate Data for the BarChart GraphAnalysis analysis = AnalysisData.getAnalysis(); HashMap<Integer, Double> degreeDistribution = analysis.getDegreeDistribution(); XYChart.Series<String, Double> degreeSeries = new XYChart.Series<>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : degreeDistribution.entrySet()) { degreeSeries.getData().add(new XYChart.Data<>(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue())); } degreeDistributionChart.getData().clear(); degreeDistributionChart.getData().add(degreeSeries); //Generate Graph Statistics to display in the TextArea HashMap<TaxonNode, Integer> hubs = analysis.getHubsList(); graphStatText.setText("List of Hubs:\n\n"); //Sort hubs by descending values Map<TaxonNode, Integer> hubsSorted = hubs.entrySet().stream() .sorted(Map.Entry.comparingByValue(Collections.reverseOrder())).collect(Collectors .toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue, (e1, e2) -> e1, LinkedHashMap::new)); for (Map.Entry<TaxonNode, Integer> entry : hubsSorted.entrySet()) { graphStatText .setText(graphStatText.getText() + entry.getKey().getName() + " (" + entry.getValue() + ")\n"); } } /** * displays the modularity */ public void displayMaximalModularity() { GraphAnalysis analysis = AnalysisData.getAnalysis(); double maxModularity = analysis.findGlobalMaximumModularity(); modularityText.setText("Maximal modularity for current graph:\n" + String.format("%.3f", maxModularity)); } @FXML /** * <p>Opens recent project files</p> * Opens a file chooser and give the user the option to open recently used project files * @version Not yet implemented */ public void openRecentFile() { /*openFileWindow();*/ } @FXML /**<h1>Closes the current project and empties the tree view</h1> * Empties every data structure that holds something sample related. */ public void closeProject() { if (treeViewFiles.getRoot() != null) { LoadedData.closeProject(treeViewFiles); if (mainViewTab.getContent() != null) { mainViewTab.setContent(null); } if (LoadedData.getGraphView() != null && LoadedData.getGraphView().animationService.isRunning()) { LoadedData.getGraphView().animationService.cancel(); } collapseAllButton.setDisable(true); } analysisPane.setVisible(false); rankChoiceBox.setValue(null); } @FXML public void openId2CountFiles() { openFiles(FileType.taxonId2Count); } @FXML public void openReadName2TaxonIdFiles() { openFiles(FileType.readName2TaxonId); } @FXML public void openBiomV1Files() { openFiles(FileType.biomV1); } @FXML public void openBiomV2Files() { openFiles(FileType.biomV1); } @FXML public void openQiimeFiles() { openFiles(FileType.qiime); } /** * Exits the program * quitButton */ @FXML public void quit() { confirmQuit(); } /** * sets the panes width to the passed value * * @param width */ private void setPanesWidth(int width) { leftPane.setMaxWidth(width); rightPane.setMaxWidth(width); leftPane.setMinWidth(width); rightPane.setMinWidth(width); } /** * <h1>Lets the user choose a file / files to load.</h1> * Distinguishes which filetype is about to be loaded by the user * and calls the associated methods. * * @param fileType Enum to differentiate which type of file is loaded by the user. */ private void openFiles(FileType fileType) { FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser(); String fileChooserTitle = "Load from "; if ((Boolean) UserSettings.userSettings.get("isDefaultFileChooserLocation")) { setDefaultOpenDirectory(fileChooser); } else { fileChooser.setInitialDirectory( new File((String) UserSettings.userSettings.get("defaultFileChooserLocation"))); } switch (fileType) { case taxonId2Count: fileChooser.setTitle(fileChooserTitle + "taxonId2Count file"); break; case readName2TaxonId: fileChooser.setTitle(fileChooserTitle + "readName2TaxonId file"); break; case biomV1: fileChooser.setTitle(fileChooserTitle + "biomV1 file"); break; case biomV2: fileChooser.setTitle(fileChooserTitle + "biomV2 file"); break; case qiime: fileChooser.setTitle(fileChooserTitle + "qiime file"); break; } //Choose the file / files List<File> selectedFiles = fileChooser.showOpenMultipleDialog(getPrimaryStage()); if (selectedFiles != null) { //Keeps every file that has been loaded before in a list to show only one alert //for multiple files ArrayList<String> namesOfAlreadyLoadedFiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (File file : selectedFiles) { String foundFilePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); if (LoadedData.getOpenFiles() != null && LoadedData.getOpenFiles().contains(foundFilePath)) { namesOfAlreadyLoadedFiles.add(file.getName()); } else { switch (fileType) { case taxonId2Count: addId2CountFileToTreeView(file); break; case readName2TaxonId: addReadName2TaxonIdFileToTreeView(file); break; case biomV1: addBiomV1FileToTreeView(file); break; case biomV2: addBiomV2FileToTreeView(file); break; case qiime: //TODO HANDLE METADATA PROVIDED BY QIIME break; } } } //Shows an alert if the user chose to load one or multiple files //that have already been loaded before. if (namesOfAlreadyLoadedFiles.size() != 0) { showFileAlreadyLoadedAlert(namesOfAlreadyLoadedFiles); } } } /** * sets the default directory for openings files * * @param fileChooser */ private void setDefaultOpenDirectory(FileChooser fileChooser) { //Set to user directory or go to default if cannot access //TODO: osx? String userDirectoryString = System.getProperty("user.home"); File userDirectory = new File(userDirectoryString); if (!userDirectory.canRead()) { userDirectory = new File("c:/"); userDirectoryString = "c:/"; } fileChooser.setInitialDirectory(userDirectory); UserSettings.userSettings.put("defaultFileChooserLocation", userDirectoryString); } /** * <h1>Parses a given readName2TaxId file</h1> * Passes the parsed samples to the LoadedData class. * * @param file The file the user choses to load */ private void addReadName2TaxonIdFileToTreeView(File file) { ReadName2TaxIdCSVParser readName2TaxIdCSVParser = new ReadName2TaxIdCSVParser(TreePreloadService.taxonTree); ArrayList<Sample> samples; try { samples = readName2TaxIdCSVParser.parse(file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { showWrongFileAlert(); return; //In case the user chose to load a file with a wrong file type } catch (NumberFormatException e) { showWrongFileAlert(); return; } LoadedData.addSamplesToDatabase(samples, treeViewFiles, file); activateButtons(); } /** * <h1>Parses a given biomV1 file</h1> * Passes the parsed samples to the LoadedData class. * * @param file The file the user choses to load */ private void addBiomV1FileToTreeView(File file) { BiomV1Parser biomV1Parser = new BiomV1Parser(TreePreloadService.taxonTree); ArrayList<Sample> samples; try { samples = biomV1Parser.parse(file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { showWrongFileAlert(); return; } catch (Exception e) { showWrongFileAlert(); return; //In case the user chose to load a file with a wrong file type } LoadedData.addSamplesToDatabase(samples, treeViewFiles, file); activateButtons(); } /** * <h1>Parses a given biomV2 file</h1> * Passes the parsed samples to the LoadedData class. * @param file The file the user choses to load */ private void addBiomV2FileToTreeView(File file) { BiomV2Parser biomV2Parser = new BiomV2Parser(TreePreloadService.taxonTree); ArrayList<Sample> samples; try { samples = biomV2Parser.parse(file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { showWrongFileAlert(); return; //In case the user chose to load a file with a wrong file type } catch (NumberFormatException e) { showWrongFileAlert(); return; } LoadedData.addSamplesToDatabase(samples, treeViewFiles, file); activateButtons(); } /** * <h1>Parses a given id2Count file</h1> * Passes the parsed samples to the LoadedData class. * * @param file The file the user choses to load */ private void addId2CountFileToTreeView(File file) { TaxonId2CountCSVParser taxonId2CountCSVParser = new TaxonId2CountCSVParser(TreePreloadService.taxonTree); ArrayList<Sample> samples; try { samples = taxonId2CountCSVParser.parse(file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { showWrongFileAlert(); return; //In case the user chose to load a file with a wrong file type } catch (NumberFormatException e) { showWrongFileAlert(); return; } LoadedData.addSamplesToDatabase(samples, treeViewFiles, file); activateButtons(); } /** * verifies the opened file * should be not null and possible to add to the taxonView * * @param selectedFile */ private void verifyOpenedFile(File selectedFile) { boolean isFileFound = selectedFile != null; if (!isFileFound) { fileNotFoundAlertBox(); } //leftLabel.setText(isFileFound ? selectedFile.getName() : "No such file found."); if (isFileFound) { //addFileToTreeView(selectedFile); } } /** * Helper method for setting up the buttons on the left pane */ public void initializeButtonsOnLeftPane() { collapseAllButton.setDisable(true); collapseAllButton.setTooltip(new Tooltip("collapse all")); } @FXML /** * <h1>Collapses all nodes in the treeview element</h1> * Does not effect the current extended state of the treeitems */ public void collapseAll() { //If no sample has been loaded yet if (treeViewFiles.getRoot() == null || treeViewFiles.getRoot().getChildren().isEmpty()) { collapseAllButton.disarm(); collapseAllButton.setSelected(false); } else { if (collapseAllButton.isSelected()) { for (TreeItem<String> treeItem : treeViewFiles.getRoot().getChildren()) { treeItem.setExpanded(false); } collapseAllButton.disarm(); collapseAllButton.setSelected(false); } else { for (TreeItem<String> treeItem : treeViewFiles.getRoot().getChildren()) { treeItem.setExpanded(true); } collapseAllButton.setSelected(true); collapseAllButton.arm(); } } } @FXML /** * Deselects all nodes in the treeview element */ public void deselectAll() { changeSelectionForSamples(true); } @FXML /** * Selects all nodes in the treeview element */ public void selectAll() { changeSelectionForSamples(false); } /** * <h1>Changes the selection of every treeitem representating a sample</h1> * <p> * <p>Note: </p>May not be used for selection by metadata because it changes every treeitem * independent of any characteristics of the represented samples * </p> * @param isDeselectAll Boolean whether every treeitem should be selected or deselected */ private void changeSelectionForSamples(boolean isDeselectAll) { if (treeViewFiles.getRoot() != null && !treeViewFiles.getRoot().getChildren().isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < treeViewFiles.getRoot().getChildren().size(); i++) { //Replaces the found tree item with a CheckBoxTreeItem -> Actually the found tree item //is already a CheckBoxTreeItem but the TreeView does not now anythin from its CellFactory //at this point. TreeItem<String> foundTreeItem = treeViewFiles.getRoot().getChildren().get(i); CheckBoxTreeItem<String> checkBoxTreeItemRepresentation = (CheckBoxTreeItem<String>) foundTreeItem; checkBoxTreeItemRepresentation.setSelected(!isDeselectAll); treeViewFiles.getRoot().getChildren().set(i, checkBoxTreeItemRepresentation); } } } /** * Starts the tree preload service */ private void startTreePreloadService() { TreePreloadService treePreloadService = new TreePreloadService(); treePreloadService.setOnSucceeded(e -> mainViewTab.setContent(null)); startupLabel.textProperty().bind(treePreloadService.messageProperty()); treePreloadService.start(); } /** * Initializes the accordion on the right pane */ private void initializeAccordion() { preferencesAccordion.setExpandedPane(preferencesAccordion.getPanes().get(0)); } /** * Activates the buttons on the right pane */ private void activateButtons() { rankChoiceBox.setDisable(false); collapseAllButton.setDisable(false); LoadedData.getSelectedSamples().addListener((InvalidationListener) e -> displayInfoText()); } /** * Initializes the rank selection toggle group and adds a listener to the rank selection */ private void initializeRankChoiceBox() { rankChoiceBox.setDisable(true); rankChoiceBox.setItems(ranksList); } /** * Hides all the components of the analysis pane, since they should only be displayed when data is loaded */ private void initializeAnalysisPane() { analysisPane.setVisible(false); } /** * Sets up listeners that update graph everytime the graph changes */ private void initializeGraphAnalysis() { degreeDistributionChart.getXAxis().setLabel("Degree"); degreeDistributionChart.getYAxis().setLabel("Node Fraction"); posCorrelationLowerFilterProperty().addListener(observable -> updateView()); posCorrelationUpperFilterProperty().addListener(observable -> updateView()); negCorrelationLowerFilterProperty().addListener(observable -> updateView()); negCorrelationUpperFilterProperty().addListener(observable -> updateView()); maxPValueProperty().addListener(observable -> updateView()); minFrequencyProperty().addListener(observable -> updateView()); maxFrequencyProperty().addListener(observable -> updateView()); } /** * updates the view of the whole analysis pane */ private void updateView() { if (LoadedData.getTaxonGraph() == null) { return; } LoadedData.getTaxonGraph().filterEdges(); LoadedData.getTaxonGraph().filterVertices(); performGraphAnalysis(); displayGraphAnalysis(); displayInfoText(); setHubsInView(); } /** * creates the view of the calculated hubs */ private void setHubsInView() { HashMap<TaxonNode, Integer> hubsList = AnalysisData.getAnalysis().getHubsList(); HashMap<TaxonNode, MyVertex> taxonNodeToVertexMap = LoadedData.getTaxonGraph().getTaxonNodeToVertexMap(); for (Map.Entry<TaxonNode, MyVertex> entry : taxonNodeToVertexMap.entrySet()) { if (hubsList.containsKey(entry.getKey())) entry.getValue().setIsHub(true); else entry.getValue().setIsHub(false); } } /** * Sets up listeners to call displayInfoText() whenever it is necessary */ private void initializeInfoPane() { rankChoiceBox.valueProperty().addListener(e -> displayInfoText()); compareSelectedSamplesButton.selectedProperty().addListener(e -> displayInfoText()); abundancePlotButton.setDisable(true); } /** * initializes the bindings of the sliders and the analysis pane */ private void initializeBindings() { //First, bind the LoadedData.analyzeAll boolean property to the radio buttons LoadedData.analyzeSelectedProperty().bind(compareSelectedSamplesButton.selectedProperty()); //Since the slider value property is double and the text field property is a string, we need to convert them //Defining own class to avoid exceptions class MyNumberStringConverter extends NumberStringConverter { @Override public Number fromString(String value) { try { return super.fromString(value); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { return 0; } } } StringConverter<Number> converter = new MyNumberStringConverter(); //Bind every slider to its corresponding text field and vice versa Bindings.bindBidirectional(minPosCorrelationText.textProperty(), posCorrelationRangeSlider.lowValueProperty(), converter); Bindings.bindBidirectional(maxPosCorrelationText.textProperty(), posCorrelationRangeSlider.highValueProperty(), converter); Bindings.bindBidirectional(minNegCorrelationText.textProperty(), negCorrelationRangeSlider.lowValueProperty(), converter); Bindings.bindBidirectional(maxNegCorrelationText.textProperty(), negCorrelationRangeSlider.highValueProperty(), converter); Bindings.bindBidirectional(maxPValueText.textProperty(), maxPValueSlider.valueProperty(), converter); Bindings.bindBidirectional(minFrequencyText.textProperty(), frequencyRangeSlider.lowValueProperty(), converter); Bindings.bindBidirectional(maxFrequencyText.textProperty(), frequencyRangeSlider.highValueProperty(), converter); Bindings.bindBidirectional(excludeFrequencyText.textProperty(), excludeFrequencySlider.valueProperty(), converter); //Bind the internal filter properties to the slider values AnalysisData.posCorrelationLowerFilterProperty().bind(posCorrelationRangeSlider.lowValueProperty()); AnalysisData.posCorrelationUpperFilterProperty().bind(posCorrelationRangeSlider.highValueProperty()); AnalysisData.negCorrelationLowerFilterProperty().bind(negCorrelationRangeSlider.lowValueProperty()); AnalysisData.negCorrelationUpperFilterProperty().bind(negCorrelationRangeSlider.highValueProperty()); AnalysisData.minFrequencyProperty().bind(frequencyRangeSlider.lowValueProperty()); AnalysisData.maxFrequencyProperty().bind(frequencyRangeSlider.highValueProperty()); AnalysisData.maxPValueProperty().bind(maxPValueSlider.valueProperty()); AnalysisData.excludeFrequencyThresholdProperty().bind(excludeFrequencySlider.valueProperty()); //The values of the negative slider can't be set to values below 0 via FXML for reasons beyond human understanding, // so we set them manually negCorrelationRangeSlider.setLowValue(-1); negCorrelationRangeSlider.setHighValue(-0.5); //We want the graph to be redone if one of the following occurs: //1. Radio button switches between "Analyze All" and "Analyze Selected" compareSelectedSamplesButton.selectedProperty().addListener(observable -> { if ((!compareSelectedSamplesButton.isSelected() || LoadedData.getSelectedSamples().size() >= 3) && rankChoiceBox.getValue() != null) startAnalysis(); }); //2. Rank selection changes rankChoiceBox.valueProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { if (newValue != null && LoadedData.getSamplesToAnalyze().size() >= 3) { AnalysisData.setLevel_of_analysis(newValue.toLowerCase()); startAnalysis(); } }); //3. Sample selection changes while "Analyze Selected" is selected AND at least three samples are selected LoadedData.getSelectedSamples().addListener((InvalidationListener) observable -> { if (compareSelectedSamplesButton.isSelected() && LoadedData.getSelectedSamples().size() >= 3) { startAnalysis(); } }); //4. Correlation radio button is changed pearsonCorrelationButton.selectedProperty().addListener(o -> startAnalysis()); spearmanCorrelationButton.selectedProperty().addListener(o -> startAnalysis()); kendallCorrelationButton.selectedProperty().addListener(o -> startAnalysis()); //5. Global frequency threshold is changed excludeFrequencySlider.valueProperty().addListener(o -> startAnalysis()); } /** * Initialize advanced setting elements to only be visible when checkbox is activated */ public void initializeGraphSettings() { labelAnimationSpeed.visibleProperty().bind(checkAdvancedGraphSettings.selectedProperty()); sliderAnimationSpeed.visibleProperty().bind(checkAdvancedGraphSettings.selectedProperty()); labelEdgeForce.visibleProperty().bind(checkAdvancedGraphSettings.selectedProperty()); sliderEdgeForce.visibleProperty().bind(checkAdvancedGraphSettings.selectedProperty()); labelNodeRepulsion.visibleProperty().bind(checkAdvancedGraphSettings.selectedProperty()); sliderNodeRepulsion.visibleProperty().bind(checkAdvancedGraphSettings.selectedProperty()); labelStretchParameter.visibleProperty().bind(checkAdvancedGraphSettings.selectedProperty()); sliderStretchParameter.visibleProperty().bind(checkAdvancedGraphSettings.selectedProperty()); buttonResetGraphDefaults.setOnAction(e -> setGraphSettingsDefault()); setGraphSettingsDefault(); } /** * Bind graph setting controls to MyGraphView instance. * * @param graphView instance to which controls are bound */ public void bindGraphSettings(MyGraphView graphView) { // Bind Node Radius Slider to all Nodes in Graph for (Node node : graphView.getMyVertexViewGroup().getChildren()) { ((MyVertexView) node).getRadiusProperty().bind(sliderNodeRadius.valueProperty()); } // Bind Edge Width Slider to all Edges in Graph for (Node node : graphView.getMyEdgeViewGroup().getChildren()) { ((MyEdgeView) node).getWidthProperty().bind(sliderEdgeWidth.valueProperty() .multiply(Math.abs(((MyEdgeView) node).getMyEdge().getCorrelation()) + 0.1)); } /**buttonPauseAnimation.setOnAction(e -> { boolean isRunning = graphView.animationService.isRunning(); if (isRunning) graphView.animationService.cancel(); if (!isRunning) graphView.animationService.restart(); }); **/ sliderEdgeLength.lowValueProperty().addListener((o, e, n) -> { graphView.animationService.setEdgeLengthLow(n.doubleValue()); }); sliderEdgeLength.highValueProperty().addListener((o, e, n) -> { graphView.animationService.setEdgeLengthHigh(n.doubleValue()); }); sliderNodeRepulsion.valueProperty().addListener((o, e, n) -> { graphView.animationService.setNodeRepulsion(n.intValue()); }); sliderStretchParameter.valueProperty().addListener((o, e, n) -> { graphView.animationService.setStretchForce(n.doubleValue()); }); sliderEdgeForce.valueProperty().addListener((o, e, n) -> { graphView.animationService.setForce(n.doubleValue()); }); sliderAnimationSpeed.valueProperty().addListener((o, e, n) -> { Double fr = sliderAnimationSpeed.getMax() - n.doubleValue(); graphView.animationService.setFrameRate(fr.intValue()); }); buttonPauseAnimation.selectedProperty().bindBidirectional(graphView.pausedProperty); } @FXML /** * resets the filter values to the default values */ public void resetFilterSettings() { posCorrelationRangeSlider.setLowValue(DEFAULT_POSITIVE_CORRELATION_LOW); posCorrelationRangeSlider.setHighValue(DEFAULT_POSITIVE_CORRELATION_HIGH); negCorrelationRangeSlider.setLowValue(DEFAULT_NEGATIVE_CORRELATION_LOW); negCorrelationRangeSlider.setHighValue(DEFAULT_NEGATIVE_CORRELATION_HIGH); maxPValueSlider.setValue(DEFAULT_MAX_P_VALUE_SLIDER); frequencyRangeSlider.setLowValue(DEFAULT_FREQUENCY_RANGE_SLIDER_LOW); frequencyRangeSlider.setHighValue(DEFAULT_FREQUENCY_RANGE_SLIDER_HIGH); } /** * Initializes the radio buttons for the colour selection */ private void bindColourSettings(MyGraphView graphView) { //Node settings colourRadioNodeFix.setOnAction(e -> { setPalette(nodeColourCombo, Palette.CATEGORICAL); graphView.setNodeAttribute("fix"); graphView.setNodeColour(nodeColourCombo.getValue()); }); colourRadioNodeParent.setOnAction(e -> { setPalette(nodeColourCombo, Palette.CATEGORICAL); graphView.setNodeAttribute("parentName"); graphView.setNodeColour(nodeColourCombo.getValue()); }); colourRadioNodeFrequency.setOnAction(e -> { setPalette(nodeColourCombo, Palette.SEQ); graphView.setNodeAttribute("frequency"); graphView.setNodeColour(nodeColourCombo.getValue()); }); nodeColourCombo.setOnAction(e -> { graphView.setNodeColour(nodeColourCombo.getValue()); }); // Edge settings colourRadioEdgeCorrelation.setOnAction(e -> { setPalette(edgeColourCombo, Palette.DIV); graphView.setEdgeAttribute("correlation"); graphView.setEdgeColour(edgeColourCombo.getValue()); }); /**colourRadioEdgeDistance.setOnAction( e-> { setPalette(edgeColourCombo, Palette.DIV); graphView.set }); **/ colourRadioEdgePvalue.setOnAction(e -> { setPalette(edgeColourCombo, Palette.SEQ); graphView.setEdgeAttribute("pValue"); graphView.setEdgeColour(edgeColourCombo.getValue()); }); edgeColourCombo.setOnAction(e -> { graphView.setEdgeColour(edgeColourCombo.getValue()); }); } /** * Helper function to set new Palette Spetrum in ComboBox * @param cb ComboBox which should be adapted * @param p EnumSet of Palette values to be displayed */ private void setPalette(ComboBox cb, EnumSet p) { cb.setItems(FXCollections.observableArrayList(p)); cb.getSelectionModel().selectFirst(); } /** * Initializes custom Combo selection Box for color gradient choosers */ private void initializeColorComboBox() { // Node Parameters nodeColourCombo.setPrefWidth(200); colourNodeComboContainer.getChildren().add(nodeColourCombo); // Edge parameters edgeColourCombo.setPrefWidth(200); colourEdgeComboContainer.getChildren().add(edgeColourCombo); } //ALERTS /** * creates the file not found alert box */ private void fileNotFoundAlertBox() { fileNotFoundAlert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR); fileNotFoundAlert.setTitle("File not found"); fileNotFoundAlert.setHeaderText("File not found"); fileNotFoundAlert.setContentText("Could not find the file you were looking for"); //style the alert DialogPane dialogPane = fileNotFoundAlert.getDialogPane(); dialogPane.getStylesheets().add("/UI/alertStyle.css"); Exception fileNotFoundException = new FileNotFoundException("Could not find your selected file"); //create expandable exception StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); fileNotFoundException.printStackTrace(pw); String exceptionText = sw.toString(); Label label = new Label("The exception stacktrace was: "); TextArea textArea = new TextArea(exceptionText); textArea.setEditable(false); textArea.setWrapText(true); textArea.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); textArea.setMaxHeight(Double.MAX_VALUE); GridPane.setVgrow(textArea, Priority.ALWAYS); GridPane.setHgrow(textArea, Priority.ALWAYS); GridPane expContent = new GridPane(); expContent.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); expContent.add(label, 0, 0); expContent.add(textArea, 0, 1); // Set expandable Exception into the dialog pane. fileNotFoundAlert.getDialogPane().setExpandableContent(expContent); fileNotFoundAlert.showAndWait(); } @FXML /** * * Shows information about the software. */ private void showAboutAlert() { Hyperlink hyperlink = new Hyperlink(); hyperlink.setText(""); Text text = new Text("Cornetto is a modern tool to visualize and calculate correlations between" + "samples.\nIt was created in 2017 by students of the group of Professor Huson in Tbingen.\nThe group" + "was supervised by Caner Bagci.\n\n" + "This project is licensed under the MIT License.\n\n" + "For more information go to: "); TextFlow textFlow = new TextFlow(text, hyperlink); text.setWrappingWidth(500); aboutAlert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION); aboutAlert.setTitle("About " + GlobalConstants.NAME_OF_PROGRAM); aboutAlert.setHeaderText("What is " + GlobalConstants.NAME_OF_PROGRAM); aboutAlert.getDialogPane().setContent(textFlow);; } /** * Prompts an alert if the user tries to load a file that does not match the requirements. */ //TODO: If multiple files are wrong, not every file should get its own alert. private void showWrongFileAlert() { wrongFileAlert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR); wrongFileAlert.setTitle("File not loaded"); wrongFileAlert.setHeaderText("Invalid file."); wrongFileAlert.setContentText("You tried to load a file with a wrong file type.");; } /** * Prompts an alert that the selected file is already part of the current project. */ private void showFileAlreadyLoadedAlert(ArrayList<String> fileNames) { if (fileNames.size() > 1) { fileNames = -> "'" + string + "'") .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); } String name = String.join(",\n", fileNames); String oneFileAlreadyLoaded = "The file \n'" + name + "'\nis already loaded in your project."; String multipleFilesAlreadyLoaded = "The files\n" + name + "\n are already loaded in your project."; fileAlreadyLoadedAlert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR); fileAlreadyLoadedAlert.setTitle("File not loaded."); fileAlreadyLoadedAlert .setContentText(fileNames.size() == 1 ? oneFileAlreadyLoaded : multipleFilesAlreadyLoaded);; } /** * Prompts an alert telling the user that the chosen data is not sufficient for an analysis */ private void showInsufficientDataAlert() { insufficientDataAlert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR); insufficientDataAlert.setTitle("Insufficient data for Analysis"); insufficientDataAlert.setHeaderText("Not enough data to perform the analysis."); insufficientDataAlert.setContentText("Try choosing a more specific rank!");; } /** * Opens new PopUp Window with Image Export options. */ @FXML private void exportImages() { try { FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("src/UI/exportImageGUI")); loader.setLocation( new URL("file:" + new File("").getCanonicalPath().concat("/src/UI/exportImageGUI.fxml"))); //Parent root = loader.load(); ExportImageController exportImageController = new ExportImageController(viewPane); //ExportImageController exportImageController = loader.getController(); //exportImageController.setViewPane(viewPane); loader.setController(exportImageController); Parent root = loader.load(); exportImagesStage = new Stage(); exportImagesStage.setTitle("Export Image"); Scene exportImageScene = new Scene(root, 300, 200); exportImagesStage.setScene(exportImageScene); exportImageScene.getStylesheets().add(GlobalConstants.DARKTHEME);; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * method for the quit button * opens an alert box * asks whether to save/quit/continue running the program */ private void confirmQuit() { confirmQuitAlert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.CONFIRMATION); confirmQuitAlert.setTitle("Remember to save your files!"); confirmQuitAlert.setHeaderText("Quit?"); confirmQuitAlert.setContentText("Do you really want to quit?"); ButtonType quitButton = new ButtonType("Quit"); ButtonType saveAndQuitButton = new ButtonType("Save and quit"); ButtonType cancelButton = new ButtonType("Cancel", ButtonBar.ButtonData.CANCEL_CLOSE); confirmQuitAlert.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); confirmQuitAlert.initOwner(getPrimaryStage()); confirmQuitAlert.getButtonTypes().setAll(quitButton, saveAndQuitButton, cancelButton); Optional<ButtonType> result = confirmQuitAlert.showAndWait(); if (result.get() == quitButton) { Platform.exit(); } else if (result.get() == saveAndQuitButton) { confirmQuitAlert.close(); } else { confirmQuitAlert.close(); } } @FXML /** * runs when the optionsButton is clicked * opens the Options stage * */ private void optionsButtonClicked() { FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader(); Parent root = null; try { fxmlLoader.setLocation(Main.class.getClassLoader().getResource("UI/optionsGui.fxml")); root = fxmlLoader.load(); } catch (Exception e) { try { fxmlLoader.setLocation( new URL("file:" + new File("").getCanonicalPath().concat("src/UI/optionsGui.fxml"))); root = fxmlLoader.load(); } catch (Exception e2) { System.err.println("ERROR: Couldn't find optionsGui.fxml!"); } } this.optionsStage = new Stage(); optionsStage.setTitle("Options"); Scene optionsScene = new Scene(root, 1000, 700); optionsStage.setScene(optionsScene); optionsScene.getStylesheets().add(GlobalConstants.LIGHTTHEME);; } /** * handler for Window Events * opens an alert which asks whether to quit or not * use when setting handlers of the X button */ public EventHandler<WindowEvent> confirmCloseEventHandler = (WindowEvent event) -> { confirmQuitAlert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.CONFIRMATION); confirmQuitAlert.setTitle("Remember to save your files!"); confirmQuitAlert.setHeaderText("Quit?"); confirmQuitAlert.setContentText("Do you really want to quit?"); ButtonType quitButton = new ButtonType("Quit"); ButtonType saveAndQuitButton = new ButtonType("Save and quit"); ButtonType cancelButton = new ButtonType("Cancel", ButtonBar.ButtonData.CANCEL_CLOSE); confirmQuitAlert.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); confirmQuitAlert.initOwner(getPrimaryStage()); confirmQuitAlert.getButtonTypes().setAll(quitButton, saveAndQuitButton, cancelButton); Optional<ButtonType> result = confirmQuitAlert.showAndWait(); if (result.get() == quitButton) { Platform.exit(); } else if (result.get() == saveAndQuitButton) { Platform.exit(); } else { event.consume(); } }; /** * Sets all slider elements in the graph settings menu to default values */ private void setGraphSettingsDefault() { sliderAnimationSpeed.setValue(DEFAULT_ANIMATION_SPEED); sliderEdgeForce.setValue(DEFAULT_SLIDER_EDGE_FORCE); sliderNodeRepulsion.setValue(DEFAULT_NODE_REPULSION); sliderStretchParameter.setValue(DEFAULT_SLIDER_STRECH_PARAMETER); sliderNodeRadius.setValue(DEFAULT_SLIDER_NODE_RADIUS); sliderEdgeWidth.setValue(DEFAULT_SLIDER_EDGE_WIDTH); sliderEdgeLength.setLowValue(DEFAULT_SLIDER_EDGE_LENGTH_LOW); sliderEdgeLength.setHighValue(DEFAULT_SLIDER_EDGE_LENGTH_HIGH); buttonPauseAnimation.setSelected(true); } public static Stage getOptionsStage() { return optionsStage; } }