List of usage examples for java.util HashSet isEmpty
public boolean isEmpty()
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public void testJavaFilesContainsLicense() throws IOException { File srcDir = new File(SRC_DIR); System.out.println(new File(".").getAbsolutePath()); HashSet<String> missing = new HashSet<String>(); checkForLicense(srcDir, missing);/*from w ww . j a v a2s .c o m*/ if (!missing.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException( "The following files are missing license information:\n" + missing.toString()); } }
From source
/** * Calculated Tanimoto score between to Wifi fingerprints * @param sig1 is a Wifi fingerprint//from ww w.jav a2 s. c o m * @param sig2 is a Wifi fingerprint * @param repAP1 * @param repAP2 * @param rrThreshold is used to filter low response rate APs * @param isDebugOn * @return */ public static double tanimotoScore(LociWifiFingerprint sig1, LociWifiFingerprint sig2, HashSet<String> repAP1, HashSet<String> repAP2, double rrThreshold, boolean isDebugOn) { if (repAP1 == null) MyLog.i(LociConfig.D.Classes.LOG_WIFI, TAG, "tanimotoScore: use all."); else MyLog.i(LociConfig.D.Classes.LOG_WIFI, TAG, "tanimotoScore: use rep."); // use every beacon when repAP is empty if (repAP1 == null || repAP1.isEmpty()) repAP1 = sig1.getBssids(); if (repAP2 == null || repAP2.isEmpty()) repAP2 = sig2.getBssids(); // use only the union of both representative set HashSet<String> union = new HashSet<String>(repAP1); union.addAll(repAP2); // two arrays to save RSS values double a[] = new double[union.size()]; double b[] = new double[union.size()]; // fill in the arrays with RSS values Iterator<String> iterator = union.iterator(); int cnt = 0; String debugSsids = " "; String debugRssA = "rss (a) : "; String debugRssB = "rss (b) : "; String debugNorA = "nor (a) : "; String debugNorB = "nor (b) : "; String debugCntA = "cnt (a) : "; String debugCntB = "cnt (b) : "; String debugRRA = "rr (a) : "; String debugRRB = "rr (b) : "; while (iterator.hasNext()) { String bssid =; int aIntVal = sig1.getAvgRss(bssid); int bIntVal = sig2.getAvgRss(bssid); double rr1 = sig1.getResponseRate(bssid); double rr2 = sig2.getResponseRate(bssid); if (rr1 >= rrThreshold) a[cnt] = raw2normal(aIntVal, pMinRss, pMaxRss); else a[cnt] = raw2normal(0, pMinRss, pMaxRss); if (rr2 >= rrThreshold) b[cnt] = raw2normal(bIntVal, pMinRss, pMaxRss); else b[cnt] = raw2normal(0, pMinRss, pMaxRss); cnt++; if (isDebugOn) { String ssid = sig1.getSsid(bssid); if (ssid == null) ssid = sig2.getSsid(bssid); if (ssid == null) ssid = "unknown"; int count1 = sig1.getCount(bssid); int count2 = sig2.getCount(bssid); debugSsids = debugSsids + String.format("%10s", ssid.substring(0, Math.min(ssid.length(), 9))); debugRssA = debugRssA + String.format("%10d", aIntVal); debugRssB = debugRssB + String.format("%10d", bIntVal); debugNorA = debugNorA + String.format("%10.2f", a[cnt - 1]); debugNorB = debugNorB + String.format("%10.2f", b[cnt - 1]); debugCntA = debugCntA + String.format("%10d", count1); debugCntB = debugCntB + String.format("%10d", count2); debugRRA = debugRRA + String.format("%10.2f", rr1); debugRRB = debugRRB + String.format("%10.2f", rr2); } } MyLog.d(isDebugOn, TAG, debugSsids); MyLog.d(isDebugOn, TAG, debugRssA); MyLog.d(isDebugOn, TAG, debugRssB); MyLog.d(isDebugOn, TAG, debugNorA); MyLog.d(isDebugOn, TAG, debugNorB); MyLog.d(isDebugOn, TAG, debugCntA); MyLog.d(isDebugOn, TAG, debugCntB); MyLog.d(isDebugOn, TAG, debugRRA); MyLog.d(isDebugOn, TAG, debugRRB); return tanimotoSimilarity(a, b); }
From source
private static final void registerTimeZones(String content, byte[] bytes) { try {/*from ww w. ja va2s .c o m*/ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(content, "\r\n"); HashSet timeZones = new HashSet(); String line, timeZone; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { line = st.nextToken(); if (!line.startsWith("TZID:")) { continue; } timeZone = line.substring(5); if (timeZone.length() == 0) { continue; } if (registeredTimeZones.contains(timeZone)) { continue; } timeZones.add(timeZone); } if (timeZones.isEmpty()) { return; } Calendar calendar = ICalUtilities.parseCalendar(bytes); VTimeZone[] zones = ICalUtilities.getTimeZones(calendar); if (zones.length == 0) { return; } Component seasonalTime; TzOffsetTo offsetTo; String id, offset; VTimeZone zone; for (int i = 0; i < zones.length; i++) { zone = zones[i]; seasonalTime = zone.getObservances().getComponent(Observance.STANDARD); if (seasonalTime == null) { seasonalTime = zone.getObservances().getComponent(Observance.DAYLIGHT); } id = zone.getTimeZoneId().getValue(); if (registeredTimeZones.contains(id)) { continue; } if (seasonalTime == null) { continue; } offsetTo = (TzOffsetTo) seasonalTime.getProperty(Property.TZOFFSETTO); if (offsetTo == null) { continue; } registeredTimeZones.add(id); offset = offsetTo.getValue(); log.debug("Set the offset of " + id + " to GMT" + offset + "."); if (!ICalUtilities.setTimeZone(id, offset)) { log.warn("Unknown time zone (" + id + ")!"); } } } catch (Exception ignored) { log.debug(ignored); } }
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/** * Extracts the weak components from a graph. * @param graph the graph whose weak components are to be extracted * @return the list of weak components// w w w .j ava2 s .com */ public Set<Set<V>> transform(Graph<V, E> graph) { Set<Set<V>> clusterSet = new HashSet<Set<V>>(); HashSet<V> unvisitedVertices = new HashSet<V>(graph.getVertices()); while (!unvisitedVertices.isEmpty()) { Set<V> cluster = new HashSet<V>(); V root = unvisitedVertices.iterator().next(); unvisitedVertices.remove(root); cluster.add(root); Buffer<V> queue = new UnboundedFifoBuffer<V>(); queue.add(root); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { V currentVertex = queue.remove(); Collection<V> neighbors = graph.getNeighbors(currentVertex); for (V neighbor : neighbors) { if (unvisitedVertices.contains(neighbor)) { queue.add(neighbor); unvisitedVertices.remove(neighbor); cluster.add(neighbor); } } } clusterSet.add(cluster); } return clusterSet; }
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private static Collection<HashSet<Long>> getConnectedSubGraphs(CPlanMemoTable memo, ArrayList<Hop> roots) { //build inverted index for 'referenced by' relationship HashMap<Long, HashSet<Long>> refBy = new HashMap<Long, HashSet<Long>>(); for (Entry<Long, List<MemoTableEntry>> e : memo._plans.entrySet()) for (MemoTableEntry me : e.getValue()) for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (me.isPlanRef(i)) { if (!refBy.containsKey(me.input(i))) refBy.put(me.input(i), new HashSet<Long>()); refBy.get(me.input(i)).add(e.getKey()); }/*from ww w .j a v a 2s .co m*/ //create a single partition per root node, if reachable over refBy of //other root node the resulting partition is empty and can be discarded ArrayList<HashSet<Long>> parts = new ArrayList<HashSet<Long>>(); HashSet<Long> visited = new HashSet<Long>(); for (Entry<Long, List<MemoTableEntry>> e : memo._plans.entrySet()) if (!refBy.containsKey(e.getKey())) { //root node HashSet<Long> part = rGetConnectedSubGraphs(e.getKey(), memo, refBy, visited, new HashSet<Long>()); if (!part.isEmpty()) parts.add(part); } return parts; }
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@Test public void testBosEntities() { HashSet<EntityType> entityTypes = new HashSet<EntityType>(); entityTypes.addAll(Arrays.asList(EntityType.values())); entityTypes.removeAll(EntityNBT.getValidEntityTypes()); if (!entityTypes.isEmpty()) { System.out.print("Missing BoS entities: "); System.out.print(StringUtils.join(entityTypes, ", ")); System.out.println("."); }/* w w w. j av a2 s . c o m*/ }
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public void validate() { HashSet<String> reasons = new HashSet<>(); generateValidationErrorList(reasons); if (!reasons.isEmpty()) { throw new BuilderValidationException("Can't build country information!", reasons); }/* w w w.j a va 2s . c o m*/ }
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public void validate() { HashSet<String> reasons = new HashSet<>(); generateValidationErrorList(reasons); if (!reasons.isEmpty()) { throw new BuilderValidationException("Can't build street address!", reasons); }/*from w w w. j a v a2s .c om*/ }
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public void validate() { HashSet<String> reasons = new HashSet<>(); generateValidationErrorList(reasons); if (!reasons.isEmpty()) { throw new BuilderValidationException("Can't build city information!", reasons); }/*from w ww . ja va 2 s . co m*/ }
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/** * SemanticConcepts are similar if they share a synset or a concept *///from w w w . j av a2 s. c om public boolean similarTo(Object o) { if (o == null) { return false; } if (!(o instanceof SemanticConcept)) { return false; } SemanticConcept otherConcept = (SemanticConcept) o; HashSet<Integer> synset_intersection = new HashSet<Integer>(this.synsets); synset_intersection.retainAll(otherConcept.synsets); if (!synset_intersection.isEmpty()) { return true; } HashSet<String> concept_intersection = new HashSet<String>(this.concepts); concept_intersection.retainAll(otherConcept.concepts); return !concept_intersection.isEmpty(); }