List of usage examples for java.util HashSet isEmpty
public boolean isEmpty()
From source
@Override public FeatureInputStream query(Query query) throws FilterEvaluationException, FeatureStoreException { if (query.getTypeNames() == null || query.getTypeNames().length > 1) { String msg = "Only queries with exactly one or zero type name(s) are supported."; throw new UnsupportedOperationException(msg); }/*from ww w. j av a2s. c o m*/ HashSet<Integer> idFilterNums = null; if (query.getFilter() instanceof IdFilter) { idFilterNums = new HashSet<Integer>(); IdFilter f = (IdFilter) query.getFilter(); List<ResourceId> ids = f.getSelectedIds(); for (ResourceId id : ids) { if (id.getRid().startsWith(fidPrefix)) { String[] ss = id.getRid().split("_"); idFilterNums.add(Integer.valueOf(ss[1])); } } } if (query.getTypeNames().length == 0 && !(query.getFilter() instanceof IdFilter) || idFilterNums != null && idFilterNums.isEmpty()) { return new MemoryFeatureInputStream(new GenericFeatureCollection()); } if (query.getTypeNames().length > 0) { QName featureType = query.getTypeNames()[0].getFeatureTypeName(); if (featureType != null && !featureType.equals(ft.getName())) { // or null? return new MemoryFeatureInputStream(new GenericFeatureCollection()); } } checkForUpdate(); if (!available) { return null; } Filter filter = query.getFilter(); Pair<Filter, Envelope> filterPair = splitOffBBoxConstraint(filter); List<Pair<Integer, Long>> recNumsAndPos = new LinkedList<Pair<Integer, Long>>(); Envelope bbox = getTransformedEnvelope(query.getPrefilterBBoxEnvelope()); if (bbox == null) { getEnvelope(null); } boolean queryIndex = filterPair.first == null || !generateAlphanumericIndexes; Pair<Filter, SortProperty[]> p = queryIndex ? null : dbfIndex.query(recNumsAndPos, filterPair.first, query.getSortProperties()); HashSet<Integer> recNums = new HashSet<Integer>(unzipPair(recNumsAndPos).first); if (idFilterNums != null) { recNums.addAll(idFilterNums); } recNumsAndPos = shp.query(bbox, filter == null || p == null ? null : recNums); LOG.debug("{} records matching after BBOX filtering", recNumsAndPos.size()); // don't forget about filters if dbf index could not be queried if (p == null) { p = new Pair<Filter, SortProperty[]>(filterPair.first, query.getSortProperties()); } FeatureInputStream rs = new IteratorFeatureInputStream(new FeatureIterator(recNumsAndPos.iterator())); if (p.first != null) { LOG.debug("Applying in-memory filtering."); rs = new FilteredFeatureInputStream(rs, p.first); } if (p.second != null && p.second.length > 0) { LOG.debug("Applying in-memory sorting."); rs = new MemoryFeatureInputStream(Features.sortFc(rs.toCollection(), p.second)); } return rs; }
From source
@Override public void init() { super.init(); setValidator(CompositeValidator.of((component, notifiable) -> validateSupporters(notifiable), (component, notifiable) -> { if (_requiredMembershipTypes.isEmpty()) return true; final HashSet<MembershipType> toCheck = new HashSet<>(_requiredMembershipTypes); getProfile().getMembershipSet() .forEach(membership -> toCheck.remove(membership.getMembershipType())); toCheck.forEach(mt -> { NotificationImpl notification = new NotificationImpl(NotificationType.ERROR, createText(CommonValidationText.ARG0_IS_REQUIRED, mt.getName())); notification.setSource(this); notifiable.sendNotification(notification); });/*w ww.j a v a2s. c o m*/ return toCheck.isEmpty(); })); User currentUser = _userDAO.getAssertedCurrentUser(); Hibernate.initialize(currentUser); Hibernate.initialize(currentUser.getPrincipal()); Hibernate.initialize(currentUser.getPrincipal().getContact()); final Profile adminProfile = getProfile(); final TimeZone timeZone = getSession().getTimeZone(); boolean isAdminish = _profileDAO.canOperate(currentUser, adminProfile, timeZone, _mop.modifyCompany()); if (!_profileDAO.canOperate(currentUser, adminProfile, timeZone, _mop.modifyUserRoles())) { Label label = new Label(INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS(MEMBERSHIP())).withHTMLElement(HTMLElement.h3); setDefaultComponent(label); return; } final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = getDateFormat(getLocaleContext().getLocale()); dateFormat.setTimeZone(getSession().getTimeZone()); final DateFormatLabel dateRenderer = new DateFormatLabel(dateFormat) { @Override public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(Table table, Object cellValue, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { Date value = (Date) cellValue; value = toDate(convertFromPersisted(value, getSession().getTimeZone())); return super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column); } }; final NamedObjectComparator nocComparator = new NamedObjectComparator(getLocaleContext()); FixedValueColumn actionColumn = new FixedValueColumn(); actionColumn.setColumnName(CommonColumnText.ACTIONS); PropertyColumn userColumn = new PropertyColumn(Membership.class, Membership.USER_PROP); userColumn.setColumnName(CommonColumnText.USER); userColumn.setComparator(nocComparator); PropertyColumn membershipTypeColumn = new PropertyColumn(Membership.class, Membership.MEMBERSHIP_TYPE_PROP); membershipTypeColumn.setColumnName(MEMBERSHIP_TYPE()); membershipTypeColumn.setComparator(nocComparator); PropertyColumn membershipDStartColumn = new PropertyColumn(Membership.class, Membership.START_DATE_PROP); membershipDStartColumn.setColumnName(START_DATE()); membershipDStartColumn.setComparator(ComparableComparator.getInstance()); PropertyColumn membershipDEndColumn = new PropertyColumn(Membership.class, Membership.END_DATE_PROP); membershipDEndColumn.setComparator(ComparableComparator.getInstance()); membershipDEndColumn.setColumnName(END_DATE()); _membershipTable = isAllowEditActive() ? new DataColumnTable<>(actionColumn, userColumn, membershipTypeColumn, membershipDStartColumn, membershipDEndColumn) : new DataColumnTable<>(actionColumn, userColumn, membershipTypeColumn); _membershipTable.setTableCellRenderer(dateRenderer, Date.class); _membershipTable.getDefaultModel().setAutoReattachEntities(false); _membershipTable.setRowModel(new RowModelImpl() { @Override public Row getRow(Table table, int row) { final Row r = super.getRow(table, row); final Membership membership = _membershipTable.getDefaultModel().getRow(row); if (membership.isActive()) { r.removeClassName("member-inactive"); r.addClassName("member-active"); } else { r.addClassName("member-inactive"); r.removeClassName("member-active"); } return r; } }); QLResolverOptions resolverOptions = new QLResolverOptions(); resolverOptions.setFetchSize(1); resolverOptions.setCacheRegion(ProjectCacheRegions.MEMBER_QUERY); PushButton editOperationsBtn = new PushButton(BUTTON_TEXT_MODIFY()) { @Override public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(Table table, @Nullable Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { Membership mem = (Membership) value; boolean hasOperations = false; if (mem != null) { final QLBuilderImpl qb = new QLBuilderImpl(ProfileType.class, "ptAlias"); qb.setQLResolverOptions(resolverOptions); qb.appendCriteria("id", PropertyConstraint.Operator.eq, mem.getProfile().getProfileType().getId()); final JoinedQLBuilder mtQB = qb.createInnerJoin(ProfileType.MEMBERSHIP_TYPES_PROP); final JoinedQLBuilder opQB = mtQB.createInnerJoin(MembershipType.DEFAULT_OPERATIONS_PROP); qb.setProjection("COUNT(DISTINCT %s)", opQB.getAlias()); try (CloseableIterator<?> it = qb.getQueryResolver().iterate()) { if (it.hasNext()) { final Number next = (Number); hasOperations = next.intValue() > 0; } } } setVisible(hasOperations && isAdminish); return super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column); } }; editOperationsBtn.addActionListener(eev -> doOperationEdit(_membershipTable.getLeadSelection())); PushButton editActivationDatesBtn = new PushButton(ACTION_EDIT_DATES()); editActivationDatesBtn.setTooltip(TOOLTIP_EDIT_DATES(MEMBERSHIP())); editActivationDatesBtn.addActionListener(eev -> doDatesEdit(_membershipTable.getLeadSelection())); PushButton deactivateBtn = new PushButton(ACTION_DEACTIVATE()) { @Override public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(Table table, @Nullable Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { Membership m = (Membership) value; assert m != null; setVisible(m.getEndDate() == null); return super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column); } }; deactivateBtn.setTooltip(TOOLTIP_DEACTIVATE()); deactivateBtn.addActionListener(ev -> { final Membership membership = _membershipTable.getLeadSelection(); assert membership != null; final Date now = convertForPersistence( getZonedDateTimeForComparison(timeZone).minus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS)); membership.setEndDate(now); showHideConstraints(); }); PushButton deleteBtn = CommonActions.DELETE.push(); deleteBtn.getButtonDisplay().setConfirmText(DELETE_CONFIRM_TEXT_FMT(MEMBERSHIP())); deleteBtn.addActionListener(dev -> { final Membership membership = _membershipTable.getLeadSelection(); assert membership != null; membership.getProfile().getMembershipSet().remove(membership); reloadTableData(); }); Container actions = of("actions", editOperationsBtn); if (isAllowEditActive()) { actions.add(editActivationDatesBtn); actions.add(deactivateBtn); } if (isAdminish) actions.add(deleteBtn); final Column uiColumn = _membershipTable.getUIColumn(actionColumn); assert uiColumn != null; uiColumn.setDisplayClass("action-column"); _membershipTable.setUICellRenderer(actionColumn, actions); Menu menu = new Menu(CommonButtonText.ADD); menu.setTooltip(ConcatTextSource.create(CommonButtonText.ADD, MEMBERSHIP_TYPE()).withSpaceSeparator()); enableTooltip(menu); menu.addClassName("entity-action"); LocaleContext lc = getLocaleContext(); getProfile().getProfileType().getMembershipTypeSet().stream() .filter(membershipType -> !_excludedMembershipTypes.contains(membershipType)) .sorted(new NamedObjectComparator(lc)).forEach(mt -> { TextSource menuItemText = mt.getName(); MenuItem mi = new MenuItem(menuItemText); mi.addActionListener(ev -> doSelectUserAndCreateMembership(mt)); menu.add(mi); }); _activeConstraint.setSelectedObject(ACTIVE()); _activeConstraint.addActionListener(this::reloadTableData); setDefaultComponent(of("search-wrapper profile-role-search", of("entity-actions actions", menu), of("search-bar", _activeConstraint), new Pager(_membershipTable.addClassName("search-results")))); reloadTableData(); }
From source
@Override public void putAll(Map<String, Object> map) { if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) { HashSet<Element> elements = new HashSet<Element>(map.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() != null) { elements.add(new Element(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); }/*w w w .j ava2s . c o m*/ } if (!elements.isEmpty()) { cache.putAll(elements); } } }
From source
/** * Read attributes from the items file/*from ww w . j a v a 2s . c o m*/ * * @param itemFileHeader * item file header * @param itemBinFile * item file data * @param c * character that we want attributes for * @param taxa * taxa that we want attributes for * @return a list of attributes for the supplied character and taxa. */ private static List<Attribute> readAttributes(ItemsFileHeader itemFileHeader, BinFile itemBinFile, Character c, List<Item> taxa) { List<Attribute> retList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); int totalNumChars = itemFileHeader.getNChar(); int totalNumTaxa = itemFileHeader.getNItem(); seekToRecord(itemBinFile, itemFileHeader.getRpCdat()); List<Integer> charAttributeDataRecordIndicies = readIntegerList(itemBinFile, totalNumChars); // Subtract 1 from the charNo because characters are zero indexed in // intkey API int charNo = c.getCharacterId(); int charTaxonDataRecordIndex = charAttributeDataRecordIndicies.get(charNo - 1); seekToRecord(itemBinFile, charTaxonDataRecordIndex); if (c instanceof MultiStateCharacter) { MultiStateCharacter multiStateChar = (MultiStateCharacter) c; int bitsPerTaxon = multiStateChar.getStates().length + 1; int totalBitsNeeded = bitsPerTaxon * totalNumTaxa; int bytesToRead = Double.valueOf(Math.ceil(Double.valueOf(totalBitsNeeded) / Double.valueOf(Byte.SIZE))) .intValue(); byte[] bytes = new byte[bytesToRead]; itemBinFile.readBytes(bytes); boolean[] taxaData = Utils.byteArrayToBooleanArray(bytes); for (Item t : taxa) { int startIndex = (t.getItemNumber() - 1) * bitsPerTaxon; // Taxa // numbers // are // 1 // indexed // instead // of 0 // indexed int endIndex = startIndex + bitsPerTaxon; boolean[] taxonData = Arrays.copyOfRange(taxaData, startIndex, endIndex); // Taxon data consists of a bit for each state, indicating // the states presence, followed by // a final bit signifying whether or not the character is // inapplicable for the taxon. boolean inapplicable = taxonData[taxonData.length - 1]; HashSet<Integer> presentStates = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (int k = 0; k < taxonData.length - 1; k++) { boolean statePresent = taxonData[k]; if (statePresent) { presentStates.add(k + 1); } } SimpleAttributeData attrData = new SimpleAttributeData(presentStates.isEmpty(), inapplicable); MultiStateAttribute msAttr = new MultiStateAttribute(multiStateChar, attrData); msAttr.setItem(t); msAttr.setPresentStates(presentStates); retList.add(msAttr); } } else if (c instanceof IntegerCharacter) { IntegerCharacter intChar = (IntegerCharacter) c; int charMinValue = intChar.getMinimumValue(); int charMaxValue = intChar.getMaximumValue(); // 1 bit for all values below minimum, 1 bit for each value between // minimum and maximum (inclusive), // 1 bit for all values above maximum, 1 inapplicability bit. int bitsPerTaxon = charMaxValue - charMinValue + 4; int totalBitsNeeded = bitsPerTaxon * totalNumTaxa; int bytesToRead = Double.valueOf(Math.ceil(Double.valueOf(totalBitsNeeded) / Double.valueOf(Byte.SIZE))) .intValue(); byte[] bytes = new byte[bytesToRead]; itemBinFile.readBytes(bytes); boolean[] taxaData = Utils.byteArrayToBooleanArray(bytes); for (Item t : taxa) { int startIndex = (t.getItemNumber() - 1) * bitsPerTaxon; // Taxa // numbers // are // 1 // indexed // instead // of 0 // indexed int endIndex = startIndex + bitsPerTaxon; boolean[] taxonData = Arrays.copyOfRange(taxaData, startIndex, endIndex); boolean inapplicable = taxonData[taxonData.length - 1]; Set<Integer> presentValues = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (int k = 0; k < taxonData.length - 1; k++) { boolean present = taxonData[k]; if (present) { presentValues.add(k + charMinValue - 1); } } IntegerAttribute intAttr = new IntegerAttribute(intChar, new SimpleAttributeData(presentValues.isEmpty(), inapplicable)); intAttr.setItem(t); intAttr.setPresentValues(presentValues); retList.add(intAttr); } } else if (c instanceof RealCharacter) { // Read NI inapplicability bits int bytesToRead = Double.valueOf(Math.ceil(Double.valueOf(totalNumTaxa) / Double.valueOf(Byte.SIZE))) .intValue(); byte[] bytes = new byte[bytesToRead]; itemBinFile.readBytes(bytes); boolean[] taxaInapplicabilityData = Utils.byteArrayToBooleanArray(bytes); int recordsSpannedByInapplicabilityData = recordsSpannedByBytes(bytesToRead); seekToRecord(itemBinFile, charTaxonDataRecordIndex + recordsSpannedByInapplicabilityData); // Read two float values per taxon List<Float> taxonData = readFloatList(itemBinFile, totalNumTaxa * 2); for (Item t : taxa) { int taxonNumber = t.getItemNumber(); float lowerFloat = taxonData.get((taxonNumber - 1) * 2); float upperFloat = taxonData.get(((taxonNumber - 1) * 2) + 1); boolean inapplicable = taxaInapplicabilityData[taxonNumber - 1]; // Character is unknown for the corresponding taxon if // lowerfloat > upperfloat boolean unknown = lowerFloat > upperFloat; RealAttribute realAttr = new RealAttribute((RealCharacter) c, new SimpleAttributeData(unknown, inapplicable)); if (!unknown) { FloatRange range = new FloatRange(lowerFloat, upperFloat); realAttr.setPresentRange(range); } realAttr.setItem(t); retList.add(realAttr); } } else if (c instanceof TextCharacter) { TextCharacter textChar = (TextCharacter) c; // Read NI inapplicability bits int bytesToRead = Double.valueOf(Math.ceil(Double.valueOf(totalNumTaxa) / Double.valueOf(Byte.SIZE))) .intValue(); byte[] bytes = new byte[bytesToRead]; itemBinFile.readBytes(bytes); boolean[] taxaInapplicabilityData = Utils.byteArrayToBooleanArray(bytes); int recordsSpannedByInapplicabilityData = recordsSpannedByBytes(bytesToRead); seekToRecord(itemBinFile, charTaxonDataRecordIndex + recordsSpannedByInapplicabilityData); List<Integer> taxonTextDataOffsets = readIntegerList(itemBinFile, totalNumTaxa + 1); int recordsSpannedByOffsets = recordsSpannedByBytes((totalNumTaxa + 1) * Constants.SIZE_INT_IN_BYTES); seekToRecord(itemBinFile, charTaxonDataRecordIndex + recordsSpannedByInapplicabilityData + recordsSpannedByOffsets); ByteBuffer taxonTextData = itemBinFile.readByteBuffer( taxonTextDataOffsets.get(taxonTextDataOffsets.size() - taxonTextDataOffsets.get(0))); for (Item t : taxa) { int taxonNumber = t.getItemNumber(); int lowerOffset = taxonTextDataOffsets.get(taxonNumber - 1); int upperOffset = taxonTextDataOffsets.get((taxonNumber - 1) + 1); int textLength = upperOffset - lowerOffset; String txt = ""; if (textLength > 0) { byte[] textBytes = new byte[textLength]; taxonTextData.position(lowerOffset - 1); taxonTextData.get(textBytes); txt = BinFileEncoding.decode(textBytes); } boolean inapplicable = taxaInapplicabilityData[taxonNumber - 1]; boolean unknown = StringUtils.isEmpty(txt); TextAttribute txtAttr = new TextAttribute(textChar, new SimpleAttributeData(unknown, inapplicable)); try { txtAttr.setText(txt); } catch (DirectiveException e) { // The SimpleAttributeData implementation won't throw this // Exception. } txtAttr.setItem(t); retList.add(txtAttr); } } return retList; }
From source
public HashSet<String> FindRelations(ArrayList<String> tri, int difficulty, String category) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, Exception { HashSet<String> relations = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<String> TempRelations = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<String> newConcepts = new HashSet<String>(); ArrayList<String> triple = new ArrayList<String>(); ///---------translate for (String s : tri) { String h = Translator.bingTranslate(s, this.language, "en", "general"); if (wn.getCommonPos(h) == null) { // System.out.println(s + " out " + h); return newConcepts; //if any element of the triple cannot be translated, relations cannot be found }//from www. j a v a 2 s . co m triple.add(h); } // System.out.println(triple); //run abstraction for relation to find new relations and work with them String relation = triple.get(2); for (int i = 0; i < difficulty; i++) { TempRelations = ConceptGraphAbstractionEngine(relation); if (TempRelations.isEmpty()) { break; } relations = TempRelations; int pointer = new Random().nextInt(relations.size()); int c = 0; for (String k : relations) { if (c == pointer) { relation = k; } c = c + 1; } } //take the similar concepts to the subject and the object of the triple if (category.equalsIgnoreCase("subsumption")) { newConcepts = ConceptGraphPolymerismEngine(triple.get(0));//wn.getMeronyms(triple.get(0)); newConcepts.addAll(ConceptGraphPolymerismEngine(triple.get(1)));//wn.getMeronyms(triple.get(1)); } else if (category.equalsIgnoreCase("supersumption")) { newConcepts = ConceptGraphAbstractionEngine(triple.get(0));// wn.getHyponymsAndHypernyms(triple.get(0)); newConcepts.addAll(ConceptGraphAbstractionEngine(triple.get(1)));//wn.getHyponymsAndHypernyms(triple.get(1))); } System.out.println("new concepts " + newConcepts); //take concepts that have the relations found // System.out.println("newConc " + newConcepts); for (String r : relations) { System.out.println(r); //System.out.println("relations " + r); HashSet<String> temp = FactRetriever(r, "relation"); for (String g : temp) { //keep the subject and the object of the triples newConcepts.add(g.split("---")[0]); newConcepts.add(g.split("---")[1]);///////////////!!!!!!check if subj/obj='' } } //find relations based on the new concepts HashSet<String> newRelations = new HashSet<String>(); for (String s : newConcepts) { // System.out.println("concepts " + s); newRelations.addAll(FactRetriever(s, "object")); newRelations.addAll(FactRetriever(s, "subject")); } // System.out.println("newRels " + newRelations); /* HashSet<String> rels = new HashSet<String>(); ///---------translate if (!this.language.equalsIgnoreCase("en")) { for (String s : newRelations) { System.out.println(s); String n = Translator.bingTranslate(s, "en", this.language, "general"); if (wn.getCommonPos(n) == null) {//if the word is not english rels.add(n); } } } else { rels.addAll(newRelations); }*/ return newRelations; }
From source
@Override public Tuple2<String, List<BasicMessageBean>> validateSchema(final SearchIndexSchemaBean schema, final DataBucketBean bucket) { final LinkedList<BasicMessageBean> errors = new LinkedList<BasicMessageBean>(); // (Warning mutable code) try {//from w w w . j a va 2 s .c o m Map<String, DataSchemaBean.ColumnarSchemaBean> tokenization_overrides = Optionals .of(() -> schema.tokenization_override()).orElse(Collections.emptyMap()); final HashSet<String> unsupported_tokenization_overrides = new HashSet<String>( tokenization_overrides.keySet()); unsupported_tokenization_overrides .removeAll(Arrays.asList(ElasticsearchIndexUtils.DEFAULT_TOKENIZATION_TYPE, ElasticsearchIndexUtils.NO_TOKENIZATION_TYPE)); if (!unsupported_tokenization_overrides.isEmpty()) { errors.add(ErrorUtils.buildErrorMessage(bucket.full_name(), "validateSchema", SearchIndexErrorUtils.NOT_YET_SUPPORTED, "tokenization_overrides: " + unsupported_tokenization_overrides.toString())); } Map<String, DataSchemaBean.ColumnarSchemaBean> type_overrides = Optionals .of(() -> schema.type_override()).orElse(Collections.emptyMap()); type_overrides.keySet().stream().filter(type -> !_supported_types.contains(type)) .forEach(type -> errors.add(ErrorUtils.buildErrorMessage(bucket.full_name(), "validateSchema", SearchIndexErrorUtils.NOT_YET_SUPPORTED, "type: " + type))); // If the user is trying to override the index name then they have to be admin: final Optional<String> manual_index_name = Optionals .<String>of(() -> ((String) bucket.data_schema().search_index_schema() .technology_override_schema().get(SearchIndexSchemaDefaultBean.index_name_override_))); if (manual_index_name.isPresent()) { // (then must be admin) if (!_service_context.getSecurityService().hasUserRole(bucket.owner_id(), ISecurityService.ROLE_ADMIN)) { errors.add(ErrorUtils.buildErrorMessage(bucket.full_name(), "validateSchema", SearchIndexErrorUtils.NON_ADMIN_BUCKET_NAME_OVERRIDE)); } } final String index_name = ElasticsearchIndexUtils.getBaseIndexName(bucket, Optional.empty()); boolean error = false; // (Warning mutable code) final boolean is_verbose = is_verbose(schema); final ElasticsearchIndexServiceConfigBean schema_config = ElasticsearchIndexConfigUtils .buildConfigBeanFromSchema(bucket, _config, _mapper); // 1) Check the schema: try { final Optional<String> type = Optional.ofNullable(schema_config.search_technology_override()) .map(t -> t.type_name_or_prefix()); final String index_type = CollidePolicy.new_type == Optional .ofNullable(schema_config.search_technology_override()).map(t -> t.collide_policy()) .orElse(CollidePolicy.new_type) ? "_default_" : type.orElse(ElasticsearchIndexServiceConfigBean.DEFAULT_FIXED_TYPE_NAME); final XContentBuilder mapping = ElasticsearchIndexUtils.createIndexMapping(bucket, Optional.empty(), true, schema_config, _mapper, index_type); if (is_verbose) { errors.add(ErrorUtils.buildSuccessMessage(bucket.full_name(), "validateSchema", mapping.bytes().toUtf8())); } } catch (Throwable e) { errors.add(ErrorUtils.buildErrorMessage(bucket.full_name(), "validateSchema", ErrorUtils.getLongForm("{0}", e))); error = true; } // 2) Sanity check the max size final Optional<Long> index_max_size = Optional .ofNullable(schema_config.search_technology_override().target_index_size_mb()); if (index_max_size.isPresent()) { final long max = index_max_size.get(); if ((max > 0) && (max < 25)) { errors.add(ErrorUtils.buildErrorMessage(bucket.full_name(), "validateSchema", SearchIndexErrorUtils.INVALID_MAX_INDEX_SIZE, max)); error = true; } else if (is_verbose) { errors.add(ErrorUtils.buildSuccessMessage(bucket.full_name(), "validateSchema", "Max index size = {0} MB", max)); } } return Tuples._2T(error ? "" : index_name, errors); } catch (Exception e) { // Very early error has occurred, just report that: return Tuples._2T("", Arrays.asList(ErrorUtils.buildErrorMessage(bucket.full_name(), "validateSchema", ErrorUtils.getLongForm("{0}", e)))); } }
From source
@Test public void testMetaFileCloseMult() throws Exception { int maxEventBufferSize = 1144; int maxIndividualBufferSize = 500; int bufNum = maxEventBufferSize / maxIndividualBufferSize; if (maxEventBufferSize % maxIndividualBufferSize > 0) bufNum++;//from w ww . ja va2 s . co m DbusEventBuffer.StaticConfig config = getConfig(maxEventBufferSize, maxIndividualBufferSize, 100, 500, AllocationPolicy.MMAPPED_MEMORY, _mmapDirStr, true); // create buffer mult DbusEventBufferMult bufMult = createBufferMult(config); // Save all the files and validate the meta files. bufMult.close(); for (DbusEventBuffer dbusBuf : bufMult.bufIterable()) { File metaFile = new File(_mmapDir, dbusBuf.metaFileName()); // check that we don't have the files Assert.assertTrue(metaFile.exists()); validateFiles(metaFile, bufNum); } File[] entries = _mmapDir.listFiles(); // When we create a new multi-buffer, we should get renamed files as well as new files. bufMult = createBufferMult(config); entries = _mmapDir.listFiles(); // Has session dirs and renamed meta files. // Create an info file for one buffer. DbusEventBuffer buf = bufMult.bufIterable().iterator().next(); buf.saveBufferMetaInfo(true); File infoFile = new File(_mmapDir, buf.metaFileName() + ".info"); Assert.assertTrue(infoFile.exists()); // Create a session directory that has one file in it. File badSes1 = new File(_mmapDir, DbusEventBuffer.getSessionPrefix() + "m"); badSes1.mkdir(); badSes1.deleteOnExit(); File junkFile = new File(badSes1.getAbsolutePath() + "/junkFile"); junkFile.createNewFile(); junkFile.deleteOnExit(); // Create a directory that is empty File badSes2 = new File(_mmapDir, DbusEventBuffer.getSessionPrefix() + "n"); badSes2.mkdir(); badSes2.deleteOnExit(); // Create a good file under mmap directory that we don't want to see removed. final String goodFile = "GoodFile"; File gf = new File(_mmapDir, goodFile); gf.createNewFile(); // Now close the multibuf, and see that the new files are still there. // We should have deleted the unused sessions and info files. bufMult.close(); HashSet<String> validEntries = new HashSet<String>(bufNum); for (DbusEventBuffer dbusBuf : bufMult.bufIterable()) { File metaFile = new File(_mmapDir, dbusBuf.metaFileName()); // check that we don't have the files Assert.assertTrue(metaFile.exists()); validateFiles(metaFile, bufNum); validEntries.add(metaFile.getName()); DbusEventBufferMetaInfo mi = new DbusEventBufferMetaInfo(metaFile); mi.loadMetaInfo(); validEntries.add(mi.getSessionId()); } validEntries.add(goodFile); // Now we should be left with meta files, and session dirs and nothing else. entries = _mmapDir.listFiles(); for (File f : entries) { Assert.assertTrue(validEntries.contains(f.getName())); validEntries.remove(f.getName()); } Assert.assertTrue(validEntries.isEmpty()); // And everything else should have moved to the .BAK directory entries = _mmapBakDir.listFiles(); HashMap<String, File> fileHashMap = new HashMap<String, File>(entries.length); for (File f : entries) { fileHashMap.put(f.getName(), f); } Assert.assertTrue(fileHashMap.containsKey(badSes1.getName())); Assert.assertTrue(fileHashMap.get(badSes1.getName()).isDirectory()); Assert.assertEquals(fileHashMap.get(badSes1.getName()).listFiles().length, 1); Assert.assertEquals(fileHashMap.get(badSes1.getName()).listFiles()[0].getName(), junkFile.getName()); fileHashMap.remove(badSes1.getName()); Assert.assertTrue(fileHashMap.containsKey(badSes2.getName())); Assert.assertTrue(fileHashMap.get(badSes2.getName()).isDirectory()); Assert.assertEquals(fileHashMap.get(badSes2.getName()).listFiles().length, 0); fileHashMap.remove(badSes2.getName()); // We should have the renamed meta files in the hash now. for (File f : entries) { if (f.getName().startsWith(DbusEventBuffer.getMmapMetaInfoFileNamePrefix())) { Assert.assertTrue(fileHashMap.containsKey(f.getName())); Assert.assertTrue(f.isFile()); fileHashMap.remove(f.getName()); } } Assert.assertTrue(fileHashMap.isEmpty()); // One more test to make sure we create the BAK directory dynamically if it does not exist. FileUtils.deleteDirectory(_mmapBakDir); bufMult = createBufferMult(config); entries = _mmapDir.listFiles(); // Create an info file for one buffer. buf = bufMult.bufIterable().iterator().next(); buf.saveBufferMetaInfo(true); infoFile = new File(_mmapDir, buf.metaFileName() + ".info"); Assert.assertTrue(infoFile.exists()); bufMult.close(); entries = _mmapBakDir.listFiles(); fileHashMap = new HashMap<String, File>(entries.length); for (File f : entries) { fileHashMap.put(f.getName(), f); } Assert.assertTrue(fileHashMap.containsKey(infoFile.getName())); Assert.assertTrue(fileHashMap.get(infoFile.getName()).isFile()); }
From source
/** * This method adds a pending friend as a friend. * @param guestLogin - the guest login that is added as a pending friend * @param memberId - the memberId to whom the pending friend is added. * @param memberLoginInfo - the members login information bean * @throws BaseDaoException//from w w w . j ava 2s . co m **/ public void addPendingFriend(String guestLogin, String memberId, Hdlogin memberLoginInfo) throws BaseDaoException { /** * (loginId = memberId) (sending person) * (destloginId=guestLogin) (Receiving person, receives the request as a friend) */ if (RegexStrUtil.isNull(guestLogin) || RegexStrUtil.isNull(memberId)) { throw new BaseDaoException("params are null"); } /** * Get the guest's login information from guestLogin * the person sending the request, the order is important, do not remove this */ Hdlogin hdlogin = getLoginid(guestLogin); if (hdlogin == null) { throw new BaseDaoException("hdlogin is null for guestLogin " + guestLogin); } String guestId = hdlogin.getValue(DbConstants.LOGIN_ID); if (RegexStrUtil.isNull(guestId)) { throw new BaseDaoException("guestId is null for guestLogin " + guestLogin); } String gfname = hdlogin.getValue("fname"); String glname = hdlogin.getValue("lname"); String to = hdlogin.getValue("email"); /** * if already a friend, ignore it */ List prefResult = null; Object[] myParams = { (Object) guestId, (Object) memberId }; /** * Get scalability datasource for pendingfriends - not partitioned */ String sourceName = scalabilityManager.getWriteZeroScalability(); ds = scalabilityManager.getSource(sourceName); if (ds == null) { throw new BaseDaoException("ds null, addPendingfriend() " + sourceName); } String from = webconstants.getMailfrom(); /** * check if this entry exists for this user, do read_uncommitted also */ HashSet pendingSet = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = ds.getConnection(); if (conn != null) { conn.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED); pendingSet =, memberId, guestId); conn.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { try { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (Exception e1) { throw new BaseDaoException("connection close exception ", e1); } throw new BaseDaoException("error occured in db query", e); } /** * this entry already exists in the pendinglist, return */ if (!pendingSet.isEmpty()) { Iterator it1 = pendingSet.iterator(); Integer count = new Integer(((Pendingfriend)"count(*)")); if (count > 0) { return; } } /** * add this friend */ try {, memberId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BaseDaoException("error occured while adding a PendingfriendAddQuery()" + addQuery.getSql() + ", guestId = " + guestId + ", memberId = " + memberId, e); } /** * If the Email "to" field is missing, don't send email, just return */ if (!RegexStrUtil.isNull(to)) { /** * Get scalability datasource for hdprofile - partitioned on loginId */ sourceName = scalabilityManager.getReadScalability(guestId); ds = scalabilityManager.getSource(sourceName); if (ds == null) { throw new BaseDaoException("ds null, addPendingfriend() " + sourceName); } /** * check if the guest needs to be notified */ Object[] params = { (Object) guestId }; //params[0] = guestId; prefResult = null; try { prefResult = myprofileQuery.execute(params); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BaseDaoException("error occured while executing HdprofileQuery()" + myprofileQuery.getSql() + " guestId = " + params[0], e); } if (prefResult.size() == 1) { Hdprofile hdprofile = (Hdprofile) prefResult.get(0); if (hdprofile.getValue("informfd").equalsIgnoreCase("1")) { //memberId = memberLoginInfo.getValue(DbConstants.LOGIN_ID); String fname = memberLoginInfo.getValue(DbConstants.FIRST_NAME); String lname = memberLoginInfo.getValue(DbConstants.LAST_NAME); String subject = "Invitation for friendship with " + fname + " " + lname; String msg = "Hi, " + gfname + "\n" + fname + " " + lname + " has sent you " + "\n\n" + "Members webpage: " + webconstants.getHddomain() + "/userpage?member=" + memberLoginInfo.getValue(DbConstants.LOGIN) + webconstants.getMailfooter(); hdmail.sendEmail(to, subject, msg, from); } } } Fqn fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.USER_PAGE); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, guestLogin)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, guestLogin); } fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.USER_PAGE); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, memberLoginInfo.getValue(DbConstants.LOGIN))) { treeCache.remove(fqn, memberLoginInfo.getValue(DbConstants.LOGIN)); } }
From source
/** * Sorts the given table according to their foreign key order. * /*from w ww .jav a2 s . c o m*/ * @param tables The tables * @return The sorted tables */ private List sortTables(Table[] tables) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); HashSet processed = new HashSet(); ListOrderedMap pending = new ListOrderedMap(); for (int idx = 0; idx < tables.length; idx++) { Table table = tables[idx]; if (table.getForeignKeyCount() == 0) { result.add(table); processed.add(table); } else { HashSet waitedFor = new HashSet(); for (int fkIdx = 0; fkIdx < table.getForeignKeyCount(); fkIdx++) { Table waitedForTable = table.getForeignKey(fkIdx).getForeignTable(); if (!table.equals(waitedForTable)) { waitedFor.add(waitedForTable); } } pending.put(table, waitedFor); } } HashSet newProcessed = new HashSet(); while (!processed.isEmpty() && !pending.isEmpty()) { newProcessed.clear(); for (Iterator it = pending.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); Table table = (Table) entry.getKey(); HashSet waitedFor = (HashSet) entry.getValue(); waitedFor.removeAll(processed); if (waitedFor.isEmpty()) { it.remove(); result.add(table); newProcessed.add(table); } } processed.clear(); HashSet tmp = processed; processed = newProcessed; newProcessed = tmp; } // the remaining are within circular dependencies for (Iterator it = pending.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { result.add(; } return result; }
From source
private synchronized ScspClient myClient(String mountedRoot) { if (_scspClient != null) { return _scspClient; }// w w w .ja va 2s .c o m // The castor cluster is specified either by listing the ip addresses of some nodes, or // by specifying "zeroconf=" and the cluster's mdns name -- this is "cluster" in castor's node.cfg. // The "domain" to store streams can be specified. If not specified, streams will be written // without a "domain" query arg, so they will go into the castor default domain. // The port is optional and must be at the end of the config string, defaults to 80. // Examples: "castor 80", "castor", // "castor 80" String[] cfg = mountedRoot.split(" "); int numIPs = cfg.length - 1; String possiblePort = cfg[cfg.length - 1]; int castorPort = DEFAULT_SCSP_PORT; try { castorPort = Integer.parseInt(possiblePort); --numIPs; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // okay, it's an ip address, not a port number } if (numIPs <= 0) { throw new ConfigurationException("No CAStor nodes specified in '" + mountedRoot + "'"); } HashSet<String> ips = new HashSet<String>(); String clusterName = null; for (int i = 0; i < numIPs; ++i) { String option = cfg[i + 1]; // ip address or or if (option.toLowerCase().startsWith("zeroconf=")) { String[] confStr = option.split("="); if (confStr.length != 2) { throw new ConfigurationException("Could not parse cluster name from '" + option + "'"); } clusterName = confStr[1]; } else if (option.toLowerCase().startsWith("domain=")) { String[] confStr = option.split("="); if (confStr.length != 2) { throw new ConfigurationException("Could not parse domain name from '" + option + "'"); } _domain = confStr[1]; } else { ips.add(option); } } if (clusterName == null && ips.isEmpty()) { throw new ConfigurationException("No CAStor nodes specified in '" + mountedRoot + "'"); } String[] castorNodes = ips.toArray(new String[0]); // list of configured nodes if (clusterName == null) { try { _locator = new StaticLocator(castorNodes, castorPort, LOCATOR_RETRY_TIMEOUT); _locator.start(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ConfigurationException( "Could not create CAStor static locator for '" + Arrays.toString(castorNodes) + "'"); } } else { try { clusterName = clusterName.replace(".", "_"); // workaround needed for CAStorSDK 1.3.1 _locator = new ZeroconfLocator(clusterName); _locator.start(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ConfigurationException( "Could not create CAStor zeroconf locator for '" + clusterName + "'"); } } try {"CAStor client starting: " + (_domain == null ? "default domain" : "domain " + _domain) + " " + (clusterName == null ? Arrays.toString(castorNodes) : clusterName) + " :" + castorPort); _scspClient = new ScspClient(_locator, castorPort, DEFAULT_MAX_POOL_SIZE, DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, CM_IDLE_TIMEOUT); _scspClient.start(); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("Unable to create CAStor client for '" + mountedRoot + "': " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to create CAStor client for '" + mountedRoot + "': " + e); } return _scspClient; }